The nixie* in the pond Once upon a time, there was a miller who lived happily with his wife. They had money and land, and their wealth increased every year. But over time, their money started to decrease little by little, until they were only left with the mill where they lived. The miller was filled with worry and couldn't sleep at night. One day, the miller got up very early and went outside thinking that the fresh air would make him feel better. Suddenly, he heard something moving in the pond. He turned around and saw a beautiful woman rising slowly out of the water. He realized that she was a nixe and was so frightened that he did not know whether to run away or stay where he was. Then, the nixie called him by his name and asked him why he was sad. He told her how he had lived with good fortune and wealth, but that now he was so poor that he did not know what to do. "Relax," answered the nixie, "I will make you richer and happier than you have ever been. The only thing you have to do is promise to give me whatever has been born in your house today." What could that be?the miller thought. It must be a puppy or a kitten. And so be accepted the deal. The miller ran back home. He was very happy. But when he arrived, the maid told him that his wife had given birth to a boy. The miller felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He realized that the nixie knew about his baby and had cheated him. With his head lowered, he went to his wife's bedside. "Why are you not happy with our beautiful boy? she asked. The miller told her what had happened, and about the promise he had made. "What good are fortune and prosperity," he asked, "if I am to lose my child? What can I do?" In the following weeks, good fortune returned to the miller's home and before long, his wealth was greater than ever. He was unhappy, however, because the promise he had made the nixie tormented him. Whenever he passed the pond, he feared she might appear and demand payment.
Yetzi Abril Castro Mรกrquez
He never allowed the boy to go near the pond "Beware!" he told him. "If you touch the water, a hand will appear, grab you and pull you under." But years passed and the nixie never appeared. The miller began to relax. The boy grew up to be a handsome hunter. In the village he met a beautiful woman that he liked. They were married, lived peacefully and loved each other sincerely. One day, the hunter was chasing a deer. When the animal ran out of the woods and into the open, he followed it and killed it with a single shot. He was unaware that he was next to the same pond his father had warned him about. He went to the water to wash his hands and the nixie emerged. Laughing, she wrapped her wet arms around him, and pulled him under the water. In the evening, the hunter did not come home and his wife became frightened. She went out to look for him. She went to the pond and saw his hunting bag. She knew what had happened. She cried and called her husband's name, but nothing happened. She cursed the nixie with words, but there was no answer. The surface of the water remained calm. The poor woman did not leave the pond. She walked around it over and over, sometimes in silence, sometimes crying out loud, sometimes sobbing softly. Finally, she got tired and fell asleep. She had a dream. In her dream, she was climbing a rocky cliff. Rain was beating down upon her face. The wind ruffled her long hair, When she reached the top of the cliff, the sky was blue and a soft breeze was blowing. There was a small cottage in the distance. She walked to it and opened the door. Inside sat an old woman with white hair, who kindly asked her to come in. At that moment, the young woman woke up. It was morning, and she decided to do what she had done in her dream. She climbed the cliff with difficulty just as in her dream and entered the cottage, where the old woman welcomed her kindly. The young woman told her with tears what had happened. "Don't worry," said the old woman. "I will help you. Here is a golden comb. Wait until the moon is full; then go to the pond, sit down and comb your long black hair with it. When you are finished set it down, and you will see what happens."
Yetzi Abril Castro Mรกrquez
The woman went home and waited for the full moon. Then she went to the pond to sat down, and combed her long black hair with the golden comb. When she was finished she set it down at the water's edge. Before long, the water started to move. A big wave carried the comb away. Then, through the surface of the water, the hunter's head emerged. He said nothing. He looked at his wife with sad eyes. That same instant, a second wave covered her husband's head. The pond was calm and peaceful as before, and all that the reflection of the moon upon it. The next morning, she again went to the old woman's cottage. The old woman gave her a golden flute and said, "Wait until the full moon comes again, then take this flute to the pond. Sit and play a beautiful tune on it. When you are finished set it down, and you will see what happens.� The woman did what she was told and again the water in the pond started to move. A big wave came and carried the flute away. Immediately afterwards, the waters parted. This time both her husband's head and half of his body emerged. He stretched out his arms towards her, but a second wave covered him and pulled him back down again, "Oh, how does it help," said the unhappy woman, "for me only to see my beloved and then to lose him again?" She went to the old woman's cottage once more, The old woman gave her a golden spinning wheel, and said, "Wait until the full moon comes, then take the spinning wheel, sit and spin until the spool is full. Then place the spinning wheel at the water's edge, and you will see what happens." As soon as the full moon appeared, the woman carried the golden spinning wheel to the pond and spun diligently until the spool was completely filled with thread. She placed the wheel on the shore and this time, a violent motion began to stir from the water's depths. A powerful wave came up and carried the wheel away. Immediately the head and whole body of her husband emerged in a tornado. He quickly jumped to the edge, caught his wife by the hand, and escaped. Then, the entire pond rose with a terrible roar, and with terrible force, flooded the countryside. The man and the woman thought they would die. The wife called out for the old woman to help, and in that instant they were instantly transformed, she into a toad, he into a frog. Yetzi Abril Castro Mårquez
The flood separated them and carried them far away. When they both reached dry land, they returned to their human form, but neither knew where the other was. In order to earn a living, they both had to herd sheep. For many years they drove their flocks through the fields, and were very sad. One day, they both went out with their flocks, and by chance, they headed in the same direction. The man saw a herd on a distant mountainside and took his sheep toward it. In a valley, he came across the woman but did not recognize her. They were happy, however, because they were no longer so alone. One evening when the full moon was shining and the sheep were resting, the shepherd took out his flute and played a beautiful tune. The woman began to cry. “Why are you crying?" he asked. “The full moon was shining like this when I played that tune for the last time, and my husband's head emerged out of the water," she replied. He looked at her, and it was then that he recognized his wife, and when she looked at him, she recognized him as well. They embraced one another, and were happy ever after.
Miller (n) – molinero, Pond (n) – estanque, Deal (n) – trato, struck by lightning (v) golpeado por un rayo, cheat (v) – hacer trampa, fear (v)- tener miedo, hunter (n) – cazador, wrap (v) – envolver, curse (v)- maldecir, sob (v) – sollozar, Cliff (n) – acantilado, cottagge (n) – cabaña, tear (n) – lagrimas, edge (n) – orilla, wave (n) – ola, tune (n) – tonada, stretch (v) – estirar, spinning Wheel (n) – rueca, spool (n) – carrete, thread (n) – hilo, roar (n) – rugido, flood (v) – inundar, toad (n) – sapo, head (v) – arrear, flock (n) – rebaño, shepherd (n) – pastor.
Yetzi Abril Castro Márquez
Questions 1. Who are the main characters of the story? Describe them.
-The Miller and his wife had lived happily and money -The Nixie: a beautiful woman -The child: a handsome hunter --The old woman 2. Where does the story take place?
In the pond 3. Why did the miller accept the nixie´s demand?
Miller because he thought that might be a puppy or cat 4. Why didn´t the miller pay his debt?
Because the miller thought "What are good fortune and prosperity," "if I am to lose my child? 5. Why did the hunter go near the pond?
The hunter was chasing a deer. 6. How did the woman find the old woman´s cottage?
Because she decided to do what she had done in her dream. 7. What objects did the old woman give her? What was their
purpose? A golden comb A golden flute A golden spinning wheel
Yetzi Abril Castro Márquez
Help at she 8. How did the husband and the wife escape?
A violent motion began to stir from the water's depths. Immediately the head and whole body of her husband emerged in a tornado. He quickly jumped to the edge, caught his wife by the hand, and they escaped 9. Where did they finally meet?
One day, they both went out with their flocks, and by chance, they headed in the same direction. The man saw a herd on a distant mountainside and took his sheep toward it. In a valley, he came across the woman but did not recognize her. 10. When did they finally recognize each other?
One evening when the full moon was shining and the sheep were resting, the shepherd took out his flute and played a beautiful tune. The woman began to cry. “Why are you crying?" he asked. “The full moon was shining like this when I played that tune for the last time, and my husband's head emerged out of the water,” she replied. He looked at her, and it was then that he recognized his wife, and when she looked at him, she recognized him as well. They embraced one another, and were happy ever after.
Yetzi Abril Castro Márquez