Yukon Employees' Union NEWSLETTER MARCH 2021

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Yukon Employees’ Union Feb/March 2021


Lifetime YEU/PSAC Members’ Contributions Remembered

support and flexibility for its workers and to keep them safe. The lockdown in the spring coincided with their hiring and training period and the start of the annual fire season. This made their spring training “bootcamp” their first big COVID challenge. In short order the company reconfigured its training to go online, no small feat in a matter of a few weeks.

These are stressful times. So many are hurting -struggling with financial and emotional stress -- supporting and caring for others while working and trying to manage their own health concerns all at the same time. During this pandemic, paid leave offered by employers is an absolute lifeline. But many workers are being left out in the cold with little or no support. Every day we hear of situations where workers are finding themselves financially indebted to their employers, having no sick time, no special leave time available. Nothing left in the bank to draw upon. We want to encourage more flexible and more supportive leave-time policies and provisions for all workers, unionized or not. Things need to change. Yukoners need and want more supportive leave policies and practices from their employers.

Another challenge was not having enough space in its operational base to adhere to protocols set out by the government. Management got creative and came up with their own protocols that aligned with YG, and implemented rigorous cleaning routines, spacing, and scheduling of squads to train in staggered locations and times. The company purchased laptops and additional software to give administrative staff the flexibility of working from home. Access to paid leave has been a critical piece of the puzzle. With a clear focus on health from the top down, the company ensured that staff would be able to take time off if they were feeling unwell, or if they needed to take care of people in their family/bubble with no concerns that their employment status would be negatively affected.

HOW CAN WE HELP? We want people to join the conversation and tell their story – whether they’re a worker or a creative employer. Visit our website www.TimeOutYukon.ca or social media channels using the hashtag #TimeOutYukon.

On the bright side, some Yukon employers ARE finding ways to provide real support and flexibility for their workers – making sure they’re safe and supported while keeping the wheels of the economy turning. Our campaign is designed to celebrate these “hero” employers as well – to highlight all they’re doing to go above and beyond for their workers during these challenging times.

YUKON FIRST NATIONS WILDFIRE YFNW is a wildfire fighting company based in Whitehorse. During peak season the company employs about 100 people including certified seasonal firefighters. From the beginning of the pandemic, and from the very top-down, the company felt it critical to provide

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YEU NEWS Feb/March 2021


From the President’s Desk Steve Geick


uman progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sac‐ rifice, suffering and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals Martin Luther King. As King said, progress does not happen without tireless exertion and passion by dedicated individuals. Often, espe­ cially during the current pandemic, we get so caught up in our individualism that we forget that we are very seldom alone in any struggle. Have you ever woken up and wondered why you get up every morning and bang your head into the same spot on the same wall every single day? I do ­ especially over the last year. I am not normally one who pays too much atten­ tion to quotes from others but this one struck a chord. So why do I bang my head against the same wall every day? Well, it has become more and more apparent that some­ body has to, and that’s what I was elected to do. This past year has been difficult for everyone, and we have had to find entirely new ways of doing what we do. Despite the adversity, Local Shop Stewards have stepped up to help. They work alongside the excellent staff of YEU who continue to advocate for members enabling us to adapt and continue to serve you even as their case loads balloon. The Yukon Government is the territory’s largest employer and throughout the pandemic, YG’s policy and HR stan­ dards have been a blueprint followed by many smaller employers. Unfortunately, it’s a blueprint for failure. Over the last year, YG’s hastily created and clumsily enact­ ed HR policies have done a dismal job of leading the way. While there have been individual managers and depart­ ments who have stepped up to do the right thing, it’s been hard to find the bright spots of creativity and compassion­ ate leadership in the public service. Even when policies are intended to do the “right thing” for groups of workers, inconsistencies in implementation have created some gen­ uinely dire circumstances. And since other employers’ practices are so often influenced by YG, the risk of a bad policy or bad practice being amplified is significant. A good idea can go wrong very quickly if the solid planning isn’t in place and while inconsistencies by this Government are nothing new, the effects have been magnified by COVID.

Despite the recommendations of almost every political leader and CMOH in this country, YG has not uniformly encouraged the simple health and safety measure of encouraging work­from­home. I cannot count the number of times that we have had to intervene on behalf of people whose legitimate medical issues mean they should not remain in the workplace while COVID is a risk. In response to an avalanche of calls for help, YEU approached YG to offer some type of designated COVID leave to assist employees. Although we have been suc­ cessful in some isolated cases, the COVID leave option has been limited to specified employee groups, creating multi­ ple tiers of unequal employees. A plan that’s well inten­ tioned can turn discriminatory when it’s applied selective­ ly. We have grieved YG’s refusal to respect both Casual and Quarantine leave clauses already in the collective agree­ ment. Although we won those grievances, the Public Service Commissioner immediately instituted arbitrary and punitive new restrictions to regulate the use of the Casual leave provision, requiring workers to deplete all other leave banks before Casual leave can be claimed. In 2016, this Government ran in on an election platform highlighting “Public Service Excellence”, and recently intro­ duced its vague and underbaked “People Plan” praising their valued employees. Perhaps they should have made these documents mandatory reading for all management because somehow the rubber never really met the road. They are now gearing up for another election where they will almost certainly point to their “successful” manage­ ment of the COVID­19 crisis and their “excellence” as an employer. And that’s why we keep getting out of bed and banging our heads against the wall in hopes that something will improve for our members. And together, we’ll make sure to hold employers to account when their rhetoric and their actions simply don’t hold up to scrutiny. It’s the only way we will continue to make progress toward our shared goal of justice. Steve Geick, President

Yukon Employees’ Union Yukon Employees’ Union Newsletter

Feb/March 2021 Page 3

Unions and Climate Change We Are All in This Together OVID-19 quickly reminded everyone on the planet of how we are truly all connected. In response to the devasting impacts of the pandemic, governments around the world made swift decisions to protect the public and implemented unprecedented emergency measures.


As a result, we have proven it is entirely possible to pivot on a dime, to change how the world works in response to an immediate crisis. How can we muster a similarly urgent response to the incredibly high-stakes issue of climate change? As we say, “there is no Planet B”? The impacts of climate change – raging wildfires, milder winters, loss of wildlife and biodiversity- are well known and keenly experienced in the North. Led by the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, the Yukon Government and the City of Whitehorse passed Climate Emergency resolutions in 2019. Students walked out of their schools and organized “Climate Strikes” to demand concrete actions, attended by hundreds.

Unions have been making the case for a just transition to a green economy. In New York State, Hurricane Sandy sparked a coalition of unions to organize and educate themselves. They worked with scientists and academics to develop concrete action plans in the energy, transportation, and infrastructure sectors. Joined by environmentalists, the coalition helped lawmakers pass a bill committing the state to carbon-free electricity by 2040 and the establishment of a netzero carbon economy by the year 2050. Major state-wide investments are planned in transit improvements, off-shore wind turbines, school upgrades and retro-fits, and the installation of rooftop solar panels. These initiatives combined with community labour agreements will help create good unionized green jobs while lowering greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for the state. Both these goals align with the new US Administration’s Build Back Better, Green New Deal recovery plans. Unions everywhere are uniquely placed to use workers’ knowledge and power to scale up and create credible plans to make wins against inequality and climate change. How can we translate union energy to green power in the Yukon? There are many ways! Unions can bargain for Environment Committees and green job creation initiatives when we negotiate but we don’t need to wait for negotiations. We can develop concrete GHG reduction plans in every worksite. We can leverage Joint Labour Management meetings to advance our ideas. And we can offer the union’s support to Yukon First Nations as they announce their Climate Emergencies and climate action plans.

What Role will YEU Play? Yukon Employees’ Union and the PSAC have initiated a Yukon based research project that will provide data and insights to help us develop our own climate change action plan. Since 2008, the PSAC has supported Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces to Respond to Climate Change (ACW), a national network of labour activists and academics. The ACW funds and disseminates research to enable unions to develop tools for greening our workplaces. Using ACW funds, YEU has hired independent Yukon researcher Jen Eakins to assist us achieve this goal. She has considerable experience in environment and climate change mitigation and has worked extensively with Yukon First Nations. Through discussion with representatives of Yukon’s First Nation governments and interviews with our members, YEU will develop a deeper understanding of the ways in which climate change is affecting our work. Armed with good research and a clear understanding of those impacts, we can organize with our members and allies to combat and mitigate the effects of climate change on our workplaces and communities. To learn more, to speak with our researcher, or to get involved and help YEU transition toward a greener future, contact Lynne Pajot lpajot@yeu.ca

A Green New Deal Rests on Two Fundamental Principles:: 1. Plans must be based on Indigenous knowledge and science, and must cut Canada’s emissions in half in 11 years. 2. A Green New Deal must leave no one behind and must create a better present and future for all of us.

LRA David Anderson Leaving YEU

From large locals to small locals I am happy to report we are getting stronger. We have a stronger workplace presence. In the last three months we have voted in five new local presidents with full executive committees! Those locals are: Yukon Hospital Corporation, Child Development Centre, Teegatha’Oh Zheh, Health and Human Services and Yukon Government. The City of Whitehorse and City Transit are now one local. Within these locals the members are building capacity and solidarity by having active Health and Safety Committees and Joint Labour Management Committees.

avid Anderson has worked very hard for the members of Yukon Employees’ Union since he started with us in February of 2016. His first two years with YEU were spent helping support our Shop Steward Network as Steward Coordinator. His transition to Labour Relations Advisor was smooth and successful, and he has been a key player in more satisfying outcomes for workers than we can easily list here.


A philosopher by nature and education, David’s greatest gift seems to be his ability to see the possibility for positive change in even the most disappointing and difficult circumstances. His unflappable personality has made him a calm and guiding force, helping employers improve their practices to greater serve the membership of YEU. We will miss him in the YEU Hall, and we know many of our members will be equally sad to see him go. Our loss is the Government of Yukon’s gain as he moves to the Public Service Commission in the role of Labour Relations Advisor for the employer. While he will be on the opposite side of the table, we know David’s union background and innate sense of right will migrate along with him. All of us at YEU wish David the very best in his new role.

We are getting close to having full and competent workplace safety committees. Recently PSAC and YEU provided safety training to members who sit on Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees. As well we have more shop stewards and are building strong stewards through training and good mentoring. We were also able to reinstate extra essential worker pay for our members at the Women’s Transition Home Society. This is very good timing to be building as strongly as we are. We are heading into a Territorial Election and bargaining for most of our membership and having strong locals will be important so that we gain the most for our membership. Way to go. In solidarity Paul Johnston, Vice President Yukon Employees’ Union

o-Anne Smith and Percy Andrews were, for a long time, at the very heart of Yukon Employees’ Union’s efforts to build better workplaces. Both active on committees within PSAC and YEU, they contributed enormously to our work, our workplaces, and our communities both as a team and as individuals.


To honour their ongoing contributions, Yukon Employees’ Union will award the Percy Andrews Education Bursary and the Jo-Anne Smith Education Bursary starting in the fall of 2021. By naming these awards in their honour, YEU will help ensure their names are known and spoken for years to come by aspiring labour activists and Yukoners entering the worlds of study and work.


ercy Andrews & Joanne Smith were true hard core activists. They fought injustices because it was in their blood. They couldn’t bear someone being abused by their employer. They had to make it right! Their activism started with representation of coworkers and they branched out & helped in the union wherever they could. They spoke from their heart. Both Percy and Joanne were also involved in their Local, Component, region and even at the PSAC National level. They’ve walked the line to support striking workers. Percy travelled to Yellowknife to help with a strike there – he was there for months walking the line and doing anything that needed doing. I was pretty shy when I met Joanne but she mentored me and taught me about Conventions and union protocols. She took me under her arm and showed me the ropes. I became involved in my Local and took on many other union roles. We spent a lot of time together and I’ll always treasure that. She had a certain way of saying things; often not politically correct but it was from the heart – she meant well. She always had a funny story or commented in a way that I had never heard before. She said it was from her Saskatchewan farm heritage. She taught me well; I am no longer shy as she helped me find my passion – activism. I was lucky enough to spend a week with Percy taking facilitator training and we got to know each other. I have facilitated many times with Percy and he always made it fun.

Together they attended many union Conventions both regional and national, befriended politicians and rank and file members alike, and they stepped up as volunteers and organizers whenever there was a need. Looking through old minutes of YEU Triennial Conventions, Yukon Federation of Labour meetings and YEU Component Executive meetings, it’s easy to trace the impact their activism has had on the way we support our members to this day. Following their retirement, both Percy and Jo-Anne were awarded Lifetime Honorary Memberships with the Yukon Employees’ Union, and they continued to attend our conventions as observers. Everyone in the Yukon labour community was devastated to hear news of their passing, and labour leaders across the country have echoed the sentiment. Their loss will be keenly felt, with great memories and laughs aplenty whenever they are mentioned. Thank you for your many years of solidarity and dedicated service to the workers of the Yukon and Canada, Percy and Jo-Anne. Your work, energy, passion and commitment will never be forgotten. You will be missed. You always knew when Percy was there because his laugh always gave him away. He was also a great cabinet maker – he could build anything and it was absolutely beautiful! Joanne & Percy loved to have friends over to their place at Marsh Lake. Joanne was an excellent cook and there was always lots of delicious food! After dinner Percy the guys would disappear out to his garage and drink beer while Joanne and her friends talked in the house. I could write so much more as they had very full lives! They were so vibrant all the time – it’s so hard to believe that they’re no longer with us. I’ll miss them both very much, especially Percy’s laugh and Joanne’s stories. Sue Christianson, YEU Past Vice-President

YEU Component Leadership

Visiting the YEU Hall for an AGM, to sign a form, or to attend training? Please be sure to sign in at the rear door. We are doing everything possible to keep our staff and members safe in our space. All meet­ ings with Labour Relations Advisors and members are being conducted downstairs, and we encourage you to call or text your LRA when you arrive. Someone will come down & let you in.

Coming Events & Training Know Your Rights at Work March 4: 5:30 ­ 6:30 pm. Zoom session; RSVP at yeu.ca/events

Steve Geick, President

Virtual Shop Steward Round Table: Talking Union March 17: 9am ­ 10:30 am, Zoom session. RSVP at yeu.ca/events How Do We Make Improvements to Our Contract? ­ March 25: 5:30 pm ­ 6 pm. Zoom discussion. RSVP at yeu.ca/events Climate Change and Your Union April 20: 5:30 pm ­ 6:30 pm. Zoom event. RSVP @ yeu.ca/events Virtual Shop Steward Round Table: Is This Discipline? April 21: 9am ­ 10:30 am, Zoom session. RSVP at yeu.ca/events

Shop Stewards are especially needed in the following workplaces: YG: Economic Development, Finance, Environment, Tourism & Culture, Justice, Continuing Care (CRP). The City of Whitehorse; Women’s Transition Home, Child Development Centre

Tony Thomas, Vice President Communities

YEU Shop Stewards help build solidarity and promote fairness at work. Talk with your co­workers to decide who would make a great representative, then contact your Local’s Chief Shop Steward or President. Visit yeu.ca/locals


Paul Johnston, Vice President

Jim Crowell, Labour Relations Advisor; jcrowell@yeu.ca Roseanne Elias, Membership Services Officer; relias@yeu.ca Beckie Huston, Intake Advisor; bhuston@yeu.ca Jessica Kish Labour Relations Advisor; jkish@yeu.ca Susan Koser, Labour Relations Advisor; skoser@yeu.ca Tammy Olsen, Financial Officer; tolsen@yeu.ca Lynne Pajot, Education Officer; lpajot@yeu.ca Haley Philipsen, Executive Assistant; hphilipsen@yeu.ca Dan Robinson, Labour Relations Advisor; drobinson@yeu.ca Deborah Turner-Davis, Communications; dturner-davis@yeu.ca Michelle Parsons, Executive Director; mparsons@yeu.ca

Yukon Employees’ Union, 2285 2nd Ave. Whitehorse YT Y1A 1C9 PH: 867-667-2331 Fax: 867-667-6521 1-888-YEU-2331 contact@yeu.ca www.yeu.ca Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm; YEU Office is not yet open to the public. Page 8

YEU NEWS December 2020

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