Yukon Employees’ Union 2285-2nd Ave. Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C9
Yukon Employees’ Union November 2019
NOT your EFFICIENCY. Supply Services. Central Stores. Queen’s Printer Last December, Highways and Public Works Deputy Minister Jamie Pitfield called a surprise meeting and announced a review of Supply Services, looking for efficiencies within the branch. He said the announcement was being made to quell rumours, and that no-one should worry about job losses. Not surprisingly, we began to worry about job losses, and what this review might mean. Many of us had already noticed strange inconsistencies in the 2018/2019 budget for Queen’s Printer. There was a cut of almost a half a million dollars under the payroll column. When we asked about this drastic cut, we were ignored. We turned to the Union, and brought our concerns to the Respectful Workplaces Office. On Thursday October 17, DM Jamie Pitfield called another surprise meeting where he coldly announced that both Central Stores and Queen's Printer were to be closed down, dissolved. I was shocked to my core. My heart was racing and I was physically shaking. I could barely control my emotions to even think clearly. I tried hard to compose myself to remain professional, but I could not stop the tears. HR had scheduled meetings with each “affected worker’ for the very next day, Friday, to find out what would happen to our jobs, to our lives. Right after being told QP and Stores were being dismantled, we had to somehow pull ourselves together as we were told to walk down to the Warehouse to watch and listen as the same announcement was made to the rest of our co-workers. We were told of this move about ten minutes before a global message went out to everyone in YG. That felt like a slap like our employer doesn’t respect us at all. The Queen's Printer is a national institution; first formed in Canada as an Act of Parliament shortly after Confederation in 1886. QP’s existence is legislated, and governed by the Yukon’s Public Printing Act and Regulations.
The work of the QP has evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of government. In fact, we no longer have printing presses, but do much of our publishing on-line. The public is accustomed to accessing the products we create digitally, often through our government website. I would love to see the feasibility study that they say this will save the taxpayer $1.6 million; We were told the change is designed to save money; but how? How can money be saved if we are still being paid to do the same work, but less efficiently then we are doing it now? Many of the Queen’s Printer positions are funded in part through legislative appropriation - so won’t the employer lose that funding by dissolving Queen’s Printer? What savings can honestly be expected by eliminating Central Stores? Schools will have to negotiate their own supply contracts, and will have to store everything they need. That all means more money, more time wasted, and a much bigger carbon footprint. It just doesn’t make sense. The Yukon communities that rely on Central Stores for supplies will be hardest hit. They are isolated. Community Health Centre staff are too busy to be running around to find supplies. Richard Mostyn says this will help grow small business; the businesses we’ve heard from are in shock, and trying to figure out what will happen to their existing supply contracts. They’re also worried because they don’t have the space to store supplies for government, and they don’t have the trucks and delivery people to send trucks all over the territory filling orders. Closing us down won’t save money; it will add cost and needless complication to the business of the Yukon Government. We need your support. If your workplace will be affected negatively by this change, let YEU know so they can help us fight for these services and the jobs we love. Aggregate article composed of words and insights from workers in the Supply Services Branch.
Is the YEU Bulletin Board in your workplace up-to-date? Do you HAVE a union board in your workplace? If you can’t say yes for sure to either question, we have work to do! Most contracts for our YEU/PSAC members contain language that obligates the employer to provide space for a union bulletin board, and in a few CA’s, they agree to provide the board as well. But if your bulletin board is sporting the latest news from 2007, it’s not really doing much to keep the members informed and engaged! We are looking for a volunteer in each workplace willing to keep our union boards current and organized. It’s not a lot of work, but it can make an enormous difference in how connected you feel to other workers, to union issues and even to one another. YEU has launched a new series of posters, one each month, focusing on universal issues that affect workers in all Locals, and in every Yukon community. If you’d like a poster, or a selection of posters for your workplace, we’d be happy to accommodate. If you’d like to take on the task of updating the board once a month, please send us an email at If you’d like to see a specific topic addressed in an upcoming poster, that’s something we’d love to hear about. Please send an email, call us at 667-2331 ext. 1007 or message us on Facebook. Page 2
YEU NEWS November 2019
From the President’s Desk Steve Geick
inter seems to have caught up with us – we can’t fight it, so let the shovelling begin. With the return of winter weather, it’s time to focus on October 2020. We’ve now completed 2 years of this 3-year mandate, and the YEU’s 9th Triennial convention is only a year away.
What has YEU been up to these last two years? After our 2017 Convention, the newly elected YEU Executive and leadership team met with representatives from all Locals to discuss the direction that YEU should take during this mandate. The Locals gave strong direction, and we’ve been working ever since on the plan that resulted from our strategic planning. They identified strong support during bargaining and competent, timely representation as priorities. They also stressed the need for more training both for Shop Stewards and for the membership at large. We all agreed on the need to play a role in establishing a proactive approach to mental wellness in the workplace. We are also committed to communications that are clear, accessible and sensitive to our membership’s diversity. To make sure we’re on the right track, and to be certain our work continues to reflect the needs of our members, we are meeting with leaders from every Local this fall for half-day strategic plan sessions. As an organization, we are responsive to social justice issues, and we advocate for an increasingly precarious work force in the Yukon – workers without unions, without collective agreement protection. We act on that commitment through the work of our very busy committees. Although the work will never be done, we’ve made significant strides in all these areas. Though we don’t achieve everything we fight for in every round of contract negotiations, we have made decent gains in all our collective bargaining. Most importantly, we did not cave in to any Employer concessions. In fact, we have successfully negotiated improvements to every single Collective Agreement.
at the City of Whitehorse, Whitehorse Transit and the Yukon Government that we were able to keep severance intact in their contracts. Will those employers come for it again? You can bet your severance on it! Will we stand strong again? Damn straight. On an infuriating note, we have lost one local since our 2017 Convention. You’ve all followed the story of Many Rivers Counselling & Support Services, Local Y031. A small but mighty group of workers began a long and bitter strike last fall. Though we were finally able to get the Employer back to the table and secure a collective agreement, the employees were laid off within weeks of returning to work. While most of us had suspicions about the corrupt leadership of the Executive director and his inept Board of Directors, I don’t think anyone expected the utter collapse of Many Rivers. The 50 year-old organization has crumbled, thanks to mismanagement, nepotism and corruption. We are still working to hold the negligent board and funders accountable, but hope of the organization’s resurrection appears all but gone. We have made progress on training, member communications, mental wellness and issues affecting precarious workers, but we aren’t done yet. We have plans to help foster increased capacity and activism within all locals as we work toward Convention 2020. And of course, we are currently harnessing our resources to combat Richard Mostyn’s sorry campaign of misinformation, and his ridiculous plan to shutter the Queen’s Printer, and dissolve Central Stores. This crazy plan will COST the taxpayer far more than any imaginary shell-game savings. So yes - we have a lot going on, but that’s why we are here. My goal as YEU President is to put the needs of our members front and centre. If you see gaps, or room for improvement, give me a call or drop in for a chat. In challenging times, we have to work together. In all our battles, we are so much stronger together.
We don’t achieve good contracts on our own. It is thanks to the fierce determination of the membership Yukon Employees’ Union Newsletter
November 2019 Page
Our Public Relations Committee Needs You! Yukon Employee’s Union supports our communities through exciting projects with many community groups and organizations large and small. This is work we are proud of, and that we think you should know more about. We’re also hoping two of our readers would like to join us in making it happen. In the last year, YEU’s Public Relations Committee has taken on poverty through our Community Laundry Project in partnership with the Whitehorse United Church. We’ve been doing our part to help combat hunger too. The Whitehorse Food Bank will soon take delivery of over 6000 tins of tuna and about 3500 jars of peanut butter, thanks to a collaboration with PSAC North, PIPSC, the Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Union Protein Project. We’ve delivered needed supplies to wildfire crews and supported young competitors in the Skills Yukon competition. In fact, we’ve been actively involved in supporting over a dozen groups, events and causes in the last year alone. Our community engagements do not happen without effort. Making sure we maximize our impact requires a team, each willing to take on key tasks and responsibilities. Our Public Relations Committee members find great satisfaction in this work and would like to invite you to consider joining this committee. If you are a YEU member in good standing with the energy and time to take on a rewarding new union role, please email YEU President Steve Geick (, or committee chair Charlene Smith ( We look forward to meeting you, and to working alongside others who share our vision of a stronger, more connected Yukon community.
YEU Behind the Scenes
or: Important things you didn’t know your Union was working on. The work of our Labour Relations Advisors and Shop Stewards often takes place behind the screen of member confidentiality. In some cases though, we can share important wins that affect groups of workers, rather than a single individual. When addressing issues that impact a group of members, we can sometimes file a Policy Grievance. We’re happy to tell you that once again, our hard working Labour Relations Advisors have successfully argued a practice that needlessly complicated life for vulnerable workers. Workers on accommodations have not been treated fairly by the employer. That is set to change, thanks to an effort led by YEU LRA Dan Robinson. The Yukon Government has conceded that all time-sheet driven employees on Accommodation Agreements should be advanced their vacation credits at the beginning of the fiscal year like any other employee. The Public Service Commission has also updated their HR information sheet to reflect this change for accommodated workers. Members on accommodation should remember that although vacation leave is advanced, like everyone else, they earn as they go. If they slip below the required number of days needed to earn vacation in any given month, they could be subject to recovery action by the employer. Policy grievances are effective tools to correct employer practices that contradict the Collective Agreement. If you think our LRAs should examine a problem in your workplace, let us know. Visit, call 667-2331 or 1-888-YEU-2331
A Very Sticky Situation for the Whitehorse Food Bank! The Whitehorse Food Bank has a lot of peanut butter this week, thanks to the arrival of a massive food donation from its Labour partners. The Yukon Employees’ Union partnered with The Union Protein Project, PSAC North, the Public Service Alliance of Canada and PIPSC to provide two pallets worth of the creamy delicious protein! The Union Protein Project helps food banks and unions work together for local food security by negotiating high quality, ethically sourced, shelf-stable peanut butter, salmon and tuna at the lowest prices possible. We want to thank Overwaitea Foods and our local Save-On Grocery for shipping these pallets absolutely free. Special thanks to the YEU’s Public Relations Committee for their ongoing efforts on projects like this, designed to support important local initiatives and community events. We can’t wait to do this all again in a few weeks when the two pallets of tuna we ordered arrive in Whitehorse.
Mental Health
nvisible mental health disabilities are very real and cause just as much impact on lives as visible injuries. Yet people disclosing mental health disabilities are often ignored, disbelieved, or treated differently than those with visible injuries. We don’t judge people with cancer – we don’t get annoyed when they can’t come to work or can’t work as hard. When someone is dealing with a mental health disability like depression, the illness often annoys and frustrates their employer. Many employers are reluctant to accommodate someone with mental health restrictions, even questioning the doctor, as if the diagnosis, illness and restrictions are not real. Employers get frustrated because the medical restrictions may not be static or easy to fulfil, and the person isn’t able to attend work daily with a smile on their face and produce in the way they used to. But this lack of understanding, compassion, and accommodation has serious effects. An Ontario study found that people with mental health and addiction disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed than people with other disabilities (22.6% compared with 9%), and almost three times more likely to struggle to keep or find work than those without disabilities (7.7%). The Ontario Human Rights Commission also found that “many people with disabilities perceive they have been discriminated against in employment, regardless of disability type. A substantially high proportion of people with mental health and addiction disabilities (67.7%) report being disadvantaged at work due to their condition.” Why are people with mental disabilities treated so differently than people with physical disabilities? Historically, doctors didn’t understand mental illness, often blaming the patient. Mental illness was considered a sign of personal weakness, while others attributed it to evil spirits and possession. We know that’s nonsense, but because we can’t see the illness, we often don’t believe it. As a society, we’re finally approaching a greater acceptance of mental health disabilities and injuries, but we need our treatment of, and responses to people managing mental illness to reflect that.
Employers must fulfill their BASIC legal obligations – to inquire in a supportive way and to accommodate the worker, following the doctor’s orders and recommendations. A critical piece of the accommodation, and one that can profoundly impact a worker’s ability to heal and return to full strength requires employers to BELIEVE that their illness is as genuine as any other. Co-workers, friends and family share the responsibility. When someone in your workplace discloses a mental health disability or a need for accommodation related to a mental health disability, check your reaction. If you find yourself responding differently than you might if they told you they had received a cancer diagnosis or required hip surgery, consider that you may be compounding the problem. Mental health affects everyone, every day. Let’s start supporting our injured and ill employees, co-workers, and fellow human beings, whether we can see the injury or not. 1. 2. Ibid
She/Ze Leads the World - Yukon’s first ever Women’s Leadership Summit may be the next step in your leadership journey: a leadership summit for northern women November 19-21 in Whitehorse. How would your life change if; • you knew what you were really good at and focused on excelling at those things? • you had the tools and the courage to know your needs and speak up in your workplace? • you could say no to the things that don’t serve you? • you became a pro at turning your big ideas and big dreams into reality?
female leaders from across Canada who have used their passion and determination to drive their success. With off-site events and our Mentor One-2-One Hour, you’ll have the opportunity to meet like-minded peers and work through your challenges with strong senior leaders. Keynote speakers include Vicki Saunders, founder of #radicalgenerosity and SheEO, and Paulette Senior, CEO and President of the Canadian Women's Foundation. Other speakers, workshop leaders, and panelists include: Kluane Adamek, Tara Larkin, Maureen Johnstone, Lana Welchman, Kelly Diels, Tracy Theemes, Ruth Unrau, Erin Pauls, and more...!
Learn to use these skills to lead in your workplace, your community, and your family. A leader isn’t only someone at the top of the organization or the boss. A leader is someone who knows how to achieve their goals – whatever those goals might be.
Get ready to be inspired, to cultivate your strengths, and to create lasting connections.
At the She/Ze Leads the World – Yukon’s first ever Women’s Leadership Summit, you’ll be inspired, and you’ll learn practical skills you can implement in your life from women who have charted their own course
Women have always been a powerful force in Canada’s labour movement, holding leadership positions at the Local, Regional and National levels. Yukon Employees’ Union is proud to join the PSAC Regional Women’s Committee, PSAC Area Council and PSAC North as major funders of this important event.
She/Ze will empower women across the north to be changemakers, to turn big ideas into reality, and to have a greater impact on their industry, organization, and community.
More information, speakers, and registration:
With two jam-packed days of panels, inspiring keynote speakers and breakout sessions, you’ll learn from Reduced and Subsidized tuition is available for PSAC members: visit 1. Click “Save Your Spot” from the home page. 2. Click on Tickets, choose regular ticket, and enter promo code PSAC199. Follow the Checkout process online to secure your spot. Your cost will be $199. A credit card is required for online payment. OR Click on “Financial Support” from the home page to apply for funding. In addition to the She/Ze sponsorship fund, the PSAC Whitehorse Regional Women’s Committee will offer 3 full registration fee credits and 5 partial registration fee credits to YEU & PSAC members. To apply, submit the application form online, and in the field “Do you have any questions or comments”, enter “I am a PSAC Member with your ID #, and someone will contact you.
Page 7
YEU NEWS November 2019
PSAC Nor th Fall 2019 Train ing INT
RODUCTIO N TO LOCAL OF FICERS TRAINING How to be an effective Loca l Representativ e November 15 th & 9:00 am – 5:00 16th, pm BARGAININ G FROM STRENGT H November 23rd & 24th 9:00 am – 5:00 pm dalleys@p
sac-afpc.c om to register
Shop Steward Round Table: 3rd Wed, 9am - noon, YEU YEU Monthly Exec Meeting: 2nd Thurs., 5:15 - 7pm, YEU Y010 Monthly Meeting: 2nd Tues., 5:30-7:30 p.m., YEU Y017 Monthly Meeting: 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m., YEU All Member Open House Every Wednesday, 4-6pm, YEU (Main floor, Local Workshop)
Susan Koser, Labour Relations Advisor; Dan Robinson, Labour Relations Advisor; David Anderson, Labour Relations Advisor; Jessica Kish, Labour Relations Advisor; Lynne Pajot, Education Officer; Beckie Huston, Intake Officer; Tammy Olsen, Financial Officer; Roseanne Elias, Membership Services Officer; Deborah Turner-Davis, Communications; Christie Harper, Executive Director;
Yukon Employees’ Union, 2285 2nd Ave. Whitehorse YT Y1A 1C9 PH: 867-667-2331 Fax: 867-667-6521 1-888-YEU-2331 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Page 8
YEU NEWS November 2019