Yukon Employees’ Union 2285-2nd Ave. Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 1C9
Yukon Employees’ Union October 2018
An Open Letter to Many Rivers’ Board of Directors:
e speak on behalf of the workers of Many Rivers Counselling and Support Services, counsellors and administrative support staff. Thanks to the governance model under which the organization operates, Many Rivers’ workers have no means to speak directly with the Society’s Board of Directors. We hope you will take note of their issues through this very public forum. The workers of Many Rivers in Whitehorse, Haines Junction, Dawson and Watson Lake are on strike watch. These members voted overwhelmingly to take strike action if a reasonable contract cannot be achieved at the bargaining table. They have tried. Together, we’ve been at the table for over a year. Members have been working without a contract for over a year, with working conditions that seem to change from day to day, in violation of the freeze on terms and conditions under the Canada Labour Code. More than anything, they would like to get back to focusing on helping Yukoners – a vocation they have trained for and love, work we all know is important to the families and communities they serve. Negotiations have been lengthy and difficult, to the point that an Unfair Labour Practice complaint was filed with the Canada Industrial Relations Board, the federal body which administers the Canada Labour Code.
The employer has recently removed online access to the membership form allowing Yukoners to become voting members of the Society. We are concerned that this may have been done to limit public engagement and participation, and that this unilateral move may inhibit the democratic process at the overdue Annual General Meeting. The employees who work at Many Rivers don’t wish to bargain in the press, but they want you to know that patience with this long, drawn-out process has worn thin. The Union, in a last ditch effort to avoid a strike, has notified the Mediator that workers are willing to meet for one more conciliation session before taking action. Due to time constraints of all parties, this will happen in the last week of October. We urge you to direct the Society’s Executive Director to negotiate fairly with the workers. The outstanding issues include hours of work, wages, duration of work, and an increase to the EAP allowance. Workers would like their health and well-being to be as valuable to the employer as that of the people they serve. We all hope you will help move this organization quickly toward resolution and help us avoid a strike. There is so much at stake. Respectfully, Yukon Employees’ Union, on behalf of the members of YEU/PSAC Local Y031 Many Rivers Counselling and Support Services
Fact Sheet: The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Indigenous women and girls in Canada are disproportionately affected by violence and are over-represented in the rate of women that are murdered and go missing. This crisis is a result of the legacy of colonialism and the ongoing racism and sexism experienced by Indigenous Peoples. The trauma and intergenerational impact of the residential school system has also contributed to the social, political and economic marginalization of Indigenous Peoples.
The rate of homicide of Indigenous women is five times higher than non-Indigenous women. The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) began drawing attention to the issue of violence against Indigenous women in 2005. They assembled a database of 582 missing or murdered women and girls. In response to numerous calls for action from organizations such as NWAC and the Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA), the Government of Canada launched an independent National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) in September 2016. Its goal is to investigate and report on the systemic factors of all forms of violence against Indigenous women, girls and LGBTQ2+ individuals in Canada by looking at patterns and underlying factors.
MMIWG Inquiry Facts
“[…] we all have a responsibility to ensure the national inquiry’s success in uncovering the truth. In doing so, we will properly honour the memories of Indigenous women and girls who were taken from us.” Marion Buller, Chief Commissioner of the National Inquiry into MMIWG
In 2014, NWAC delivered 23,088 signatures to the House of Commons demanding a full public inquiry into the issue.
In 2015, the RCMP reported 1,815 Indigenous women were murdered between 1980 and 2014.
The federal government announced a national inquiry on December 8, 2015.
By the end of 2017, 5 executives of the Inquiry had resigned, stating concerns the Inquiry is ill-equipped to fulfill its mandate and is not culturally appropriate for Indigenous families.
In March 2018, the Chief Commissioner requested a two-year extension of the Inquiry to give it time to complete its work.
The REDress Project Jaime Black, a Métis artist, launched The REDress Project in 2014 to bring awareness to the national issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada. PSAC’s National Indigenous People’s Circle and National Human Rights Council Indigenous Working Group developed the Red Dress Pin in solidarity with NWAC, FAFIA, Jaime Black and all Indigenous women who have been a victim or survivor of violence. For more information: Page 2
YEU NEWS October 2018
From the President’s Desk Steve Geick
“A Department in CRISIS, the Perfect Storm” Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” I’m going to use this analogy and talk a little about Yukon Government Group Homes. I think we are all pretty familiar with recent events that led to a series of high profile investigations into the treatment of Yukon’s youth in care. At a recent press conference, the Minister of Health and Social Services referred to an external investigation, stating “concerns brought forward date back to 2016”. She said “It was a time of chaos and short-term solutions. It has been described to me as the perfect storm”. Whether you know it as TSS or RYTS, this program - this entire department has been in crisis for a lot longer than two years. Since 2011, YEU has been raising alarm bells, dealing with issues brought forward by members who work in the group homes. These issues affect not only the employees, but more importantly the youth who are in the system. Overcrowded homes, chronic under-staffing, and a system wide lack of adequate training for workers are constant themes. Add to that list a lack of consistent support, no transparency from management, no meaningful consultation with the workers, and highly questionable Occupational Health and Safety practices and the term Perfect Storm really begins to make sense. While I applaud the present Government for what they are trying to accomplish and the promises that they have made, they need to understand that this is not a new issue, it’s just an issue that is no longer hidden away. We are still receiving complaints from members about working alone, being put in potentially unsafe environments. When people work alone in stressful environments they are unable to provide the level of support that the youth need and deserve. And scapegoating workers is unacceptable. The ultimate responsibility for a safe, healthy environment for residents and workers lies with the leadership. At the September press conference DM Samis promised to schedule a minimum of 2 staff at all times. We intend to hold their feet to the fire on the spirit of that promise, ensuring that there ARE two staff on duty in each home at all times, even if it means calling in a supervisor. Working Yukon Employees’ Union Newsletter
alone is never safe in this environment - not for staff, not for the youth in their care. While I was elated to learn the ADM responsible for this fiasco had resigned “for the sake of the department”, the problems allowed to grow and fester under her watch won’t fix themselves. There must be close attention paid to the recommendations of the consultant, and to the department’s own schedule of ongoing improvements. Perhaps further resignations are required amongst those officials responsible for creating the department’s culture of mistrust, or maybe it’s finally time to fire some bad apples up the ranks. I’m getting damned tired of high level bad eggs who “resign” and are rewarded for their ineptitude with comfy severance packages. Minister Frost and Deputy Minister Samis, your vision for youth in care is a good one. Please ensure that your capable, trustworthy staff are empowered to see your vision become reality. The union year has four seasons; bargaining, bargaining, bargaining and bargaining! We’re in Bargaining season! Negotiations continue with Many Rivers later in October with the help of a Federal mediator. The employer has been put on notice that there will be one day set aside and if a deal is not reached the members will be walking the picket line the next day. We encourage you to sign up for a membership in their society and attend the AGM (unscheduled, so far). Help guide the society’s mandate and operations as a voting member. What looked like another difficult round of bargaining with the Town of Watson Lake concluded successfuly in one day with a ratified collective agreement that both parties can live with. Bargaining will continue in October with Air North and Yukon Hospital Corporation. A very successful bargaining input meeting was held on September 6th and 7th with Yukon Government employees. We saw lots of new faces from all over the Territory, and young workers were strongly represented by a group of keen, dedicated future leaders.
October 2018 Page 3
Yukon College’s Journey of Reconciliation Reconciliation is hard. Reconciliation is work. To have any chance of success each side must care about the other, must be willing to listen, must be willing to learn, must be rooting for the other side. Yukon College began its reconciliation journey before it was a buzzword; before it was cool. Twenty years ago, newly-formed Yukon First Nation governments recognized the capacity challenges they faced in implementing their self-government agreements. They asked the College to help by creating programming that would empower their citizens to develop the skills required. In response, the College discovered it had a lot of listening to do. Each First Nation had different needs, faced different realities. The College could not offer up a one-size-fits-all solution. It had to meet each First Nation where they were at. Indigenous students each face different challenges in entering and completing post-secondary education. The College needed to tailor supports to each student. It had to meet each student where they were at. And when the College got it wrong, as we have over the years, we had to listen all over again. The College also recognized it had a lot of learning to do. We had to trust and learn to partner with Yukon First Nations to meet their needs, rather than deliver what we think they asked us for. The First Nations Initiatives (FNI) department was created in 2003. It is a voice within the college dedicated to integrating an understanding and awareness of the culture, traditions, and history of Yukon First Nations into the fabric of the institution. The President’s Advisory Council on First Nations Initiatives (PACFNI) was created in 2009 to provide strategic direction to the College. Comprised of education representatives from each of the 14 Yukon First Nations, as well as several just outside Yukon, PACFNI provides guidance to increase the effectiveness of all programs and services offered for the benefit of all students.
Through listening deeply, learning from, and working in partnership with Yukon First Nations, the College has adjusted curricula to reflect Indigenous world views, and developed programs for justice, education, health care and government professionals in Residential Schools Awareness, FASD Support and Core Competencies, Mental Health First Aid for Northern Peoples, Vicarious Trauma Training, and Restorative Responses to Trauma and Adversity. This year, this same collaborative approach saw the College launch the first made-in-Yukon degree program—the Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Governance. All of this has served to broaden awareness, understanding, empathy and appreciation for Indigenous ways of knowing, doing and being amongst employees, students and Yukoners in general. This work has served to build capacity in Yukon First Nations governments and empower Yukon First Nations citizens to achieve their education and life goals. This work has improved relationships across the territory. It has been reconciliation in action. It is only possible because the College has been willing to listen, willing to learn, and has rooted for the success of Yukon First Nations governments, for Yukon First Nations students. Non-Indigenous people must shoulder the responsibility of listening and learning about the First Nations, Metis and Inuit people they share the land with, the history of Canada’s relationship with Indigenous people, the impact of Residential Schools, status and non-status, the struggle for land-claims. For this national project of reconciliation to succeed, you must do the work also. Tosh Southwick Tosh Southwick spoke at the PSAC reconciliation panel discussion in Whitehorse on September 27, 2018. Southwick is Associate Vice President Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation at Yukon College. She belongs to the wolf moiety, is a citizen of Kluane First Nation and chair of the Yukon First Nations Education Commission.
Recognizing that no matter a person's chosen career or line of work, every Yukoner can expect to interact with Yukon First Nation people or governments at some point, the College partnered with the 14 Yukon First Nations to develop a core competency for all employees and graduating credit students. This core competency in Yukon First Nations history and culture includes an overview of land claims, implementation of self-government agreements, residential school and its intergenerational impacts. It has been adapted into the one and two-day YFN 101 course which is delivered by FNI staff, or via online delivery, to industry and federal and Yukon government departments. Photo by Alistair Maitland
A Note from Jack Bourassa PSAC REVP North September was a very busy month for the Yukon’s Labour movement. After a fun and successful Labour Day bbq, YEU/PSAC members took part in bargaining events, community activities and training. Jack Bourassa, PSAC’s Regional Executive Vice President for the North has been on hand in the Yukon a couple of times this month, chairing both the YG Bargaining Conference and a three day Union School. He provided the following thoughts on some of the month’s events. The number of first-time participants in the recent Yukon Government Bargaining Conference was very encouraging. I was particularly impressed by the group’s diversity, and the number of young workers present. They came well prepared and ready to take part in the process on behalf of those who elected them to speak for their Locals. Their work discussing and debating proposals will ensure a representative round of bargaining, sure to set the tone for other bargaining units in their future negotiations. I’m confident those efforts will result in a collective agreement they can take pride in. The final week of September marked the first PSAC North Pan-Territorial Union School in almost nine years. Members from all three territories met at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre in Whitehorse to take part in the
most comprehensive union school to date. With four advanced courses offered, special guest speakers and extra curricular activities, there was definitely something for everyone. The 48 participants will benefit from their training, taking their enhanced knowledge and confidence back to their home communities and co-workers. These unique opportunities to meet and build our union generally occur only during our triennial conventions. Valuable training and meetings like this helps build a strong, united network of northern labour activists. Our future is in good hands. Jack Bourassa, Regional Executive Vice President, North Public Service Alliance of Canada
Autumn Bargaining Calendar Town of Watson Lake Local Y029: RATIFIED Many Rivers Local Y031 Final Conciliation - October 30 Yukon Hospital Corporation Local Y025: Oct.31 - Nov. 2 Teegatha’Oh Zheh, Local Y040: Nov 6 Yukon Arts Centre, Local Y021: Tentative Agreement Reached Ratification mid-October Yukon Government, All YG Locals October 9-11 Non-monetary Main table Nov. 7-8 Initial Exchange Nov 20-22 Main Table
available online. Everything we've published on our blog The Union Billboard is now available on our site under the News heading. Have a look! Interested in getting more involved as a volunteer? Tick the Volunteer box when you sign up, and we'll contact you when we need extra hands to complete a community project like our annual Labour Day Barbeque or Free Family Skate. Want to access union training? Watch for our Training & Education Page, coming online soon!
fter many months of work, the new YEU website is live. We plan to take our time over the next several weeks to ensure potential kinks are ironed out before we take any giant leaps forward. We hope you will take the time to register (subscribe) and test out the links and pages. We really like it, and hope you find it easy to navigate and use.
If you find anything that isn't quite perfect, please let us know. There was a gap of a couple of weeks between migration of data from the old site, and this launch - as a result, some information may have missed the migration. We're working to find those gaps and fix them over the next week or so.
What's new with the site? The new is built on the NationBuilder platform, a system that allows greater integration between our website, database, email, social media blog, and events planning software. Your Local activities will be easier to find, and we hope you'll take advantage of the RSVP feature to save your spot at upcoming training events. Shop Stewards - RSVP online today for the October 17 Round Table on Taking Good Notes.
We are very excited about the functionality of NationBuilder, and the benefits it promises our organization and our members. We hope you like the site, and ask for your patience as we ensure everything works as it should.
To learn what’s happening in your Local, or to find your Collective Agreement, visit the Locals page . Each contract is
If you did NOT receive a welcome email, it means we dont’ have a way to contact you. Please visit the site and subscribe today.
Thank you! Our 24th Annual Labour Day Barbeque was a HUGE success - we fed almost 1500 people over four hours. Thanks to Superstore for your help & support, and to our volunteers who work so hard to pull this off, year after year. To those who donated food to the Whitehorse Food Bank, THANK YOU! Page 7
YEU NEWS October 2018
I am wearing this pin in support of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada. They and their families deserve justice.
Subscribe to our e-digests & you could win great YEU swag!
MEETINGS & EVENTS Shop Steward Round Table: 3rd Wed, 9am - noon, YEU YEU Monthly Exec Meeting: 2nd Thurs., 5:15 - 7pm, YEU Y010 Monthly Meeting: 2nd Tues., 5:30-7:30 p.m., YEU Y017 Monthly Meeting: 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m., YEU
YEU STAFF CONTACTS Susan Koser, Labour Relations Advisor; Dan Robinson, Labour Relations Advisor; David Anderson, Labour Relations Advisor; Jessica Kish, Labour Relations Advisor; Lynne Pajot, Education Officer; Beckie Huston, Intake Advisor; Tammy Olsen, Financial Officer; Roseanne Elias, Membership Services Officer; Deborah Turner-Davis, Communications; Christie Harper, Executive Director;
Yukon Employees’ Union Office, 2285 2nd Avenue Whitehorse YT Y1A 1C9 PH: 867-667-2331 Fax: 867-667-6521 Toll Free: 1-888-YEU-2331 Email Visit, follow us on Facebook & Twitter & visit our blog; Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
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YEU NEWS October 2018