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aPril 2013 www.yhcmagazine.com


JOE & CLARA PILATES INSPIRED HEALTH CLUB / Pain ManageMent injury relief Medical center / TAKING CARE OF YOU! / How to Prevent reinjury / GLUTEN SENSITIVITY – PART 2 / Beautiful sMile in 1 day! / YOGA & AUTISM / Monkey Bar gyM / THE MALE MIDLIFE CRISIS / yHc sPring into HealtH exPo + MORE!

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Contents 06/

PuBlisHer’s letter Body MoveMeNt 101





autisM eveNt / Joe & clara's + Weight Watchers / aha heart Walk


natural aPProacH gluteN aNd iNtestiNal PerMeaBility?


By Dr. Sharon Norling


sMiles NeW teeth iN oNe day —Fact or FictioN? By Saj Jivraj, DDS, MS Ed


HealtHy kids yoga BeNeFits For childreN With autisM


By Nicole Greenman


coMPassionate eating MoNkey Bar—a gyM With a coNscieNce By Bianca Rose Martinez

features 18/

Special Health Bulletin Appropriate Treatment Key to Avoid Reinjury By UCLA Health Systeml


connection 1 PMIR MEDICAL CENTER tackles the PaiN ePideMic iN aMerica


Health View 1 Women—It’s Time to Take Care of You!

By Alicia Doyle

By Michele the Trainer


Health View 2 Midlife Crisis: Is it a Phase or Significantly More? By Wayne M. Levine / Director, BetterMen Coaching


Beyond Green Living Earth Day/Birth Day—A Strong Commitment to Green By Jan Tucker


connection 2 JOE & CLARA Nurtures the MiNd, Body aNd soul By Alicia Doyle





Expo News Spotlight Sponsors



Body Movement


I LOVE TO DANCE. i grew up in a home that embraced many levels of the fine arts and ballet was my passion. the refined beauty and discipline in being classically trained was structure that i craved. Being in a home where music was embraced provided a wonderful place for creative expression. some of my friends used to call it the starr house of the Fine arts! i really didn’t have an easy start. i was born with a club foot and as a small child had to endure numerous surgeries and ugly corrective shoes, but it didn’t stop me from what i loved.


My parents were smart—they didn’t coddle me and they brushed away the doctor’s negativity regarding my chances of ever dancing or even walking normally. good for them and because of their encouragements, i managed to study en pointe for many years and was a semiprofessional dancer with a musical theatre group for two years. sadly, it ended abruptly with a knee injury, but that’s okay. i still can dance, just not en pointe. My knee has a new purpose these days—a barometer to predict weather change. and as i age, my body is rebelling a bit from the years of ballet, so it’s back to body movement 101. Nowadays yoga seems to work well for me. still, if i could turn back the clock, i wouldn’t change that part of my life. i loved every minute! in this issue, connect with two wonderful facilities in our community—Pain Management injury relief (PMir) and Joe & clara Pilates inspired health club. Michele the trainer will get you moving and feeling energized; ucla health provides tips to avoid reinjury, and learn about positive body movement for our children with autism. also don’t forget that april 22 is earth day—Jan will give you some tips to help you commit to a healthier Mother earth! Now get those fingers jogging through this issue – there’s so much more! Body movement is one of the key pillars to good health. even if you are starting a new fitness regiment, find what inspires you and get going! your body will thank you later. With Peace, love, Blessings and gratitude,




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alicia doyle; Nicole greeNMaN; saJ JivraJ, dds, Ms ed; WayNe M. leviNe, Ma; BiaNca MartiNez; sharoN NorliNg, Md, MBa; Michele the traiNer; JaN tucker, MBa coverage area includes

MoNthly to veNtura couNty, West saN FerNaNdo valley, MaliBu aNd the coNeJo valley; agoura hills, calaBasas, caMarillo, eNciNo, MoorPark, NeWBury Park, Northridge, oak Park, oxNard, siMi valley, tarzaNa, thousaNd oaks, veNtura, Westlake village, West hills, WoodlaNd hills

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WEIGHT WATCHER’S LAUNCHES IN WESTLAKE VILLAGE it's the only meeting in Westlake village and Joe & Clara Pilates Inspired Health Club is proud to be able to bring what USA Today calls the "best balanced diet" to its members and the community. Meetings are held every tuesday at 6:15pm. all are welcome to attend one meeting for free. 2282 townsgate rd, suite 1, Westlake village, 91361. call 805.496.2929

To find a Relay For Life near you in Ventura County visit: relayforlife.org or call 800.227.2345.

The Autism Society of Ventura County presents the Aut2Run 10K / 5K Fun K including the Resource Fair and KidZone at the CSU Channel Islands in Camarillo, Saturday, April 6, 2013 at 8:00am. Go to www.aut2run.org and register your team today!





Bradley sPiegel, M.d. Pain Management Specialist Anesthesiologist

MaHyar okHovat, M.d. Neurologist

alexander P. Hersel, M.d. PMIR Medical Center Founder Pain Management Specialist Anesthesiologist

(not pictured)

Brandon nguyen, d.o.

Pain Management Specialist Anesthesiologist





Pain ManageMent injury relief Medical center

Providing pain relieving options to patients from 18 to over than 70 years old, PMir’s outpatient treatments are safe, effective, and minimally-invasive procedures that provide long-term relief. these procedures are Fda-approved and covered by your insurance. “PMir physicians and staff ensure an unparalleled standard of care, and you can’t find a better diagnostician than a pain management specialist at PMir.” dr. hersel said. While PMir does not perform corrective spinal surgeries or soft tissue repairs, “we can diagnose you properly and direct your care to the appropriate treatment option best suited to relieve your pain,” dr. hersel said. “Whether we manage your pain or another physician provides corrective surgery, or a combination of both, our physicians have been specially trained to direct your chronic pain management care.”

Pain ManageMent sPecialists PMir’s pain management specialists and neurologist are uclaor harvard-trained. “our physicians are trained at top-tier schools and programs,” dr. hersel said. “Further, our physicians have collectively practiced for more than 50 years, bringing a wide breadth of experience to your care.” dr. hersel and his colleagues work closely with a network of health care professionals to maximize the efficacy of each treatment. they employ some of today’s most cutting-edge proce-

dures in the management of chronic pain, including Botox for tension headaches, migraines, muscle spasms and back pain. they also perform interventional procedures including epidural steroid injections, facet blocks, nerve root blocks, morphine spinal pump implants and discography. “to me, there is nothing more rewarding than being able to change someone’s life for the better,” said dr. hersel, who is nationally recognized as one of the few highly trained physicians implanting spinal cord stimulators for treatment of failed back surgery syndrome, and is one of the most experienced doctors in southern california to use the technology. dr. Mahyar okhovat, Md, a neurologist who joined PMir Medical center in 2006, uses a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of his patients with peripheral neuropathy and neuromuscular disorders. he has specialized training in electromyogram and nerve conduction tests that aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the various conditions that affect nerves and muscles. “i am passionate about coming to work every day, knowing that i can impact my patients’ lives in a positive way,” dr. okhovat said.

continued >>

the Pain Epidemic in America BY A LIC IA DOYLE // PHOTO GRA PHY BY MA RY MY ERS

“chronic pain is an epidemic—more than 100 million in the u.s. suffer from it. Patients in chronic pain need to see doctors who they can trust—in experience and in the patient-physician relationship. they need to know there is help for pain, and that long-term and effective treatment options exist that are covered by insurance.”



| 11


Pain ManageMent injury relief Medical center

At PMir, the ultimate goal is to improve lives through pain relief. We want our patients to be able to return to the life they want and deserve, not disrupted by debilitating pain.

tive medicine techniques, medication management, and at times minimallyinvasive surgery.

dr. Bradley spiegel, Md, pain management specialist and anesthesiologist, has been setting high standards for patient care in southern california for more than 20 years. he uses a multidisciplinary approach to pain management, which he developed during the course of his professional life, including as chief of anesthesia at los robles regional Medical center in thousand oaks, california, and as associate clinical professor at ucla.

that’s where PMir’s expertise comes into play. “each of our physicians are highly-trained pain management specialists committed to helping all our patients achieve lasting pain relief,” dr. hersel said. “expert knowledge of pain symptoms and triggers, along with countless successful procedural hours, allows each one of our physicians to properly diagnose and tailor treatment plans specific to each individual patient.”

“My philosophy involves educating my patients about their pain process so they can be involved in their treatment process,” dr. spiegel said. dr. Brandon Nguyen, do, pain management specialist and anesthesiologist, remains at the forefront of advanced pain management, using the latest medical research and techniques for managing chronic pain. he creates customized care plans to alleviate pain and restore functionality that may include physical therapy, complementary alterna-

“it is important for me to establish personal goals with each patient when treating their pain so they feel empowered to take an active role in their recovery,” dr. Nguyen said.

treating different ailMents PMir treats patients suffering from many different acute and chronic pain conditions. dr. hersel explained, “our specialty is unique because many different diagnoses are associated with pain.”

Pain relief at PMir, the ultimate goal is to improve lives through pain relief. “We want our patients to be able to return to the life they want and deserve, not disrupted by debilitating pain,” dr. hersel said. “We also want to educate the public on chronic pain and its allencompassing disruptive nature to patients’ lives, families and friends.” “chronic pain is an epidemic—more than 100 million in the u.s. suffer

from it,” dr. hersel further emphasized. “Patients in chronic pain need to see doctors who they can trust—in experience and in the patient-physician relationship. they need to know there is help for pain, and that longterm and effective treatment options exist that are covered by insurance.” “We use state-of-the-art equipment and innovative procedures to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of your pain, in addition to associated conditions, and customize the most effective treatment plan for you. throughout the process, we encourage and empower you to be a collaborative partner in your recovery process.”

lasting freedoM froM Pain PMir Medical center is committed to helping patients achieve lasting freedom from pain. “We believe optimal pain relief is attained when patients take an active role in their pain management,” dr. hersel said. “using a team approach, our doctors and specialists collaborate with our patients throughout the treatment process, increasing their sense of control over their pain while helping to decrease the feelings of isolation that often accompany chronic pain.”

For more information visit

www.paininjuryrelief.com or call 855-PMIR-MED (855-764-7633). PMir offers multiple locations in southern california.

P M I R M e d i c a l C e n t e r T a c k l e s the Pain Epidemic in A m e r i c a






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all the instructors at joe & clara are comprehensively trained in classical Pilates and can trace their lineage back four generations to joseph himself.

stacey PHiliPsen Owner & Instructor

gaBrielle lawrence Owner

roMina laygo Owner & Instructor





joe & clara Pilates INSPIRED HEALTH CLUB


“the testimonials and transformation our clients go through are reason enough for us to do this,” Philipsen said. “We set out to create an intimate, spa-like facility focused on using the benefits of Pilates to nurture the mind, body and soul of a more discerning clientele. this is the driving force behind everything we do.”

Pilates insPired studio classical Pilates consists of more than 600 exercises and Joe & clara is the only studio offering classes across all of the five most popular Pilates apparatus designed by Joe Pilates himself. classes on the reformer, tower, Mat, Jump Board and chair are limited to a maximum of six participants in order to deliver an experience that feels like semi-private training. “in addition to classical Pilates, the club houses an entirely different space dedicated to a range of classes it refers to as Pilates inspired,” explained Philipsen, who is comprehensively trained in classical Pilates with more than 2,000 hours of teaching experience. the workouts in this Pilates inspired studio use props and equipment developed after Joe Pilates passed away in 1967. “the intention is to reinforce the principles of classical Pilates on equipment such as Jumpsport Fitness trampolines®, Bosu Balance trainers®, stability balls, and ballet barres,” Philipsen said. “additionally, the Pilatesstick® and Pilates arc® are ideal tools to help transition someone who may be new to Pilates as well as challenge one’s muscle memory. the maximum number of participants ranges from seven to 10 depending on the class.” Joe & clara is also the only Pilates studio with an extensive schedule offering several classes morning, midday and evenings for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners. “Because the club houses three different studios it can run up to three different classes simultaneously,” said laygo, Joe & clara’s athletic director who is certified by the Pilates Method alliance.

Because of the studio’s name, Joe & clara typically attracts Pilates aficionados; however clients come from all walks of life. Most range between the ages of 45 and 60. the oldest recently turned 77 and the youngest is a college student. “there are those who used to frequent the big box gym and are looking for something a little more intimate and others who have experienced Pilates as part of rehabilitation and want to continue with it as part of their overall wellness program,” laygo said. then there are those who simply want to make a change. “they realize their regular routine has become less effective as those little aches and pains that come with age set in and they turn to Pilates to help restore balance and flexibility while continuing to strengthen and tone,” laygo said. “that is the beauty of the method. it is not necessary to sacrifice one for the other.”

key Pillars “addressing the needs of this more sophisticated and discerning clientele guides our every step, from how we develop the program to the type of service we deliver,” Philipsen said. “they are paramount to our success and we strive to let each and every customer know how much we value his or her business.” continued >>




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it’s important to understand that classical Pilates is different from many other forms offered in the area, Philipsen further explained. “classical is as close to the way Joseph himself taught his method and it is focused on key principles by which the body is strengthened, toned and sculpted—even flexibility and balance are restored. the six key principals include centering. “Pilates does not work the core but rather from the core,” laygo said. concentration is about being present and aware of how your body is moving, while control is being in complete command of how your body is moving. Precision focuses on correct movement, which is far more effective than many inaccurate repetitions. Flow is about performing the exercises seamlessly one after another so the overall workout appears as one continuous motion. last but not least: breathe. “Breathe deeply! it will cleanse your blood and invigorate you with new energy,” laygo said. “Pilates is easy until it is done correctly,” Philipsen said, “and that can sometimes take a while for participants to discover and absorb into their being, so many facilities opt to alter the classical Pilates method by simulating a more traditional gym workout on the reformer or adapt



C l a ra

Pilates Chair




joe & clara is the only Pilates center in the area that has a studio dedicated solely to the Pilates Chair. This elegant, yet simple device is comprised of a seat with a spring-loaded pedal at its base.

“We do have younger clients as well as many men; we try to stand out by delivering a superior experience in terms of both style of service and fitness instruction to women over 45,” Philipsen said. “We want them to have a place where they feel nurtured and supported—where they can form new friendships not only with us but their fellow members and together feel inspired to live a healthier lifestyle.”

the mat work into a series of floor exercises that may not tap into the deeprooted principles that distinguish classical Pilates from calisthenics.” “however, with the right instruction, classical Pilates is the only method that remains authentic to how Joseph and clara Pilates themselves intended it to be—a complete body conditioning system that ultimately incorporates all of the six key principles mentioned [above],” Philipsen said.

coMPreHensively trained all the instructors at Joe & clara are comprehensively trained in classical Pilates and can trace their lineage back four generations to Joseph himself. “they do not work out alongside clients or lead from the front of the class—rather they circulate the room providing precise cues with the intent of empowering participants with a sense of both strength and balance to improve their function, better their sport and promote longevity,” laygo said. “Because of the extensive training, all instructors are

Nur tur es

well-prepared to assign modifications and substitutions for a variety of physical conditions.”

Most PoPular and unique offerings the reformer has become synonymous with Pilates so it’s no surprise that most clients want to start with it and there is a great fundamentals class that’s perfect for beginners. “classical Pilates is a journey and people are pleasantly surprised to see how many different types of exercises there are, from resistance training that tones and sculpts to the more technicallyadvanced exercises that challenge even the most elite athlete,” Philipsen said. “Joe & clara uses Peak Pilates® Mve + tower equipment which is ideal for group fitness.” Joe & clara is the only Pilates center in the area that has a studio dedicated solely to the Pilates chair. “this elegant, yet simple device is comprised of a seat with a spring-loaded pedal at its base,” laygo explained. it can be used for a variety of challenging exercises, many of which are considered some of the most advanced in the body of Pilates work because the chair is unforgiving. it challenges one’s core strength and balance. “ironically, very few exercises are actually performed in the seated position,” laygo said. “rather, Joe Pilates named it a chair because it was thoughtfully designed for smaller spaces that wouldn’t fit his reformer. therefore he designed it to double as an actual chair when positioned upside-down.” the Pilatesstick® is also exclusive to Joe & clara. “it simplifies the traditional



Front Reformer, (L-R) Ladder Barrel, Cadillac, Chair

joe & clara Pilates INSPIRED HEALTH CLUB

tower system into a single bar that is attached at both ends to a bungee,” Philipsen said. “the bungee is then anchored onto a wall mount and this unique form of resistance mimics the springs in the classical equipment. Many find it easier to maneuver through a more intense workout. clients yield impressive results in toning and strengthening the upper body.” the Pilates arc® is another unique class which allows one to build core strength while supporting and decompressing the spine. “it is made of high density foam and is the modern version of his original barrel system, a device with a curved surface that Joseph Pilates designed to mimic the curvature of the spine,” laygo said. Joe & clara is also home to an authentic tahitian cardio program. “Pumehana Peralta teaches traditional tahitian dance, guiding you through a series of melodic rhythms before hitting the drum beats that not only get the hips shimmying but also get the heart pumping,” laygo said. “it’s a natural fit with Pilates because of its extensive use of the core.”

Meeting a deMand “the baby boomers were the initial trailblazers of a fitness craze that has influenced every generation since and they will continue to set the tone as they carve out a much needed, new and improved definition of what aging gracefully really means,” Philipsen said. “on one end of the spectrum you find high-intensity workouts and boot camps. on the other end there is a whole category of senior programs.” “Joe & clara is the place in between where they can come as often as they like and always feel welcome among a community of like-minded individuals,” Philipsen emphasized. “Now wiser and more sophisticated, they look forward to the future with passion and the intense workouts have been replaced with an intense need to remain active— to feel their best in addition to looking their best.”

For more information, visit www.joeandclara.com or call 805.496.2929 to schedule a complementary orientation.

Bo dy

a n d

So ul

Pilates Arc and Pilatesstick



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Appropriate Treatment Key to

Avoid Reinjury By UCLA Health System

MILLIONS OF AMERICANS OF ALL AGES SUSTAIN SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL INJURIES EVERY YEAR, BUT SOME SPORTS PRESENT A GREATER RISK FOR INJURIES THAN OTHERS. Men, for example, have higher rates of participation in contact sports like football, basketball and hockey, activities that involve contact or collisions. as a result, young male athletes are at greater risk for severe injuries than females. Without appropriate evaluation and treatment, these injuries may prevent young men from continuing to participate in sports and other beneficial physical activities or result in reinjury. “some patients are only advised to take anti-inflammatories and rest after an injury,” says ucla sportsmedicine specialist John di Fiori, M.d., president-elect of the american Medical society for sports Medicine and ucla team physician. “For many patients with sports-related injuries, that advice is generally not sufficient to return them to their previous level of activity and avoid reinjury.”

“... young male athletes are at greater risk for severe injuries than females.”




chronic injuries, such as patellofemoral pain (runner’s knee) or medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splint) most often result from overuse and may not resolve on their own without treatment. acute injuries, which happen suddenly during exercise or play, may be accompanied by abrupt and severe pain, swelling, tenderness, weakness, inability to support weight or a visibly dislocated bone or joint. these injuries, or others in which the diagnosis is unclear, may benefit from referral to a sportsmedicine specialist for evaluation, dr. di Fiori says.

Compared to palpation-guided injections, ultrasound can improve accuracy in shoulder- and knee-joint injections from 70 to over 90 percent and significantly reduce pain.”

A Proven Non-Drug Treatment for

Depression ...without medication side effects ...right in doctor’s office “We see patients of all ages, ranging from young athletes competing at all skill levels, including highly competitive club teams, to adult athletes participating in golf, tennis or triathlons,” he says. sports injuries are most common among children and adolescents and middle-aged athletes. “the patients in our clinic see the same physicians and receive the same level of care as ucla’s top athletes, and our goal is to help them maintain their strength, independence and passion for sports,” dr. di Fiori says. reaching an accurate diagnosis is critical to producing the best shortand long-term outcomes. utilizing high-tech noninvasive tools, such as portable ultrasound, in a comprehensive manner sometimes represents the best diagnostic approach when additional imaging beyond x-ray is required, according to dr. di Fiori. “in some cases, particularly when diagnosing soft-tissue injuries, ultrasound can be utilized in place of Mri,” he explains. “ultrasound is dynamic, which means we can ask the patient where it hurts during the exam, place the transducer there and then have them move the joint to assess the anatomic area of injury.” Beyond diagnosis, ultrasound can be employed to precisely guide corticosteroid injections for soft-tissue injuries, as well as for shoulder, knee, trigger finger and hip problems (such as bursitis around the hip). compared to palpation-guided

injections, ultrasound can improve accuracy in shoulder- and knee-joint injections from 70 to over 90 percent and significantly reduce pain. in addition, ultrasound-guided office procedures may help patients avoid surgery for certain conditions, such as calcific tendinopathy of the shoulder, chronic achilles tendinopathy or lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow). “in many cases we jointly develop a treatment plan because the problems that we see and treat are not always isolated to a single medical or surgical problem,” says david Mcallister, M.d., chief of the sports-medicine service in the ucla department of orthopaedic surgery. ucla orthopaedic surgeons often see patients who were initially misdiagnosed or who were diagnosed appropriately but the first line of treatment failed, dr. Mcallister says. anterior cruciate ligament (acl) injuries, for example, which are common in high school and young adult football and basketball players, sometimes fail to heal properly after an operation. ucla surgeons frequently perform redo surgeries to address problems not resolved by previous operations. these problems include revision or complex cases involving the knee, shoulder and hip. Most procedures are performed using minimally invasive techniques, which result in smaller incisions, less postoperative pain and faster overall recovery. “there really isn’t any athletic injury or medical problem that we can’t handle either medically or surgically,” dr. Mcallister says. “We have a dedicated, multidisciplinary team of experts at ucla whose careers are committed to helping get injured athletes back to what they want to do.”

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Arjun Reyes M.D. 893 Patriot Dr. Unit A Moorpark CA 93021

805.531.1000 arjun.reyes@yahoo.com APRIL2013


| 19




—It’s Time to Take Care of You! By Michele the Trainer

THE HEART AND HEARTH OF the modern family is the health of the mother, so why do mothers always put themselves last? Welcome to being a mom in the city. you put gas in the car, you get home, you unload the groceries you bought at lunchtime, you make dinner, you clean up after dinner, and you rally the troops to get ready for bed. you repeat yourself a thousand times to get all this done, and this is only Friday evening. saturday comes and its soccer or softball and both kids have games in two different areas. you’re not hydrating because you don’t want to use the little league bathroom. Now you’re

It’s important to identify when your mission is impossible and move forward with a plan that works!




sitting while driving and driving, and then cheering them on with more sitting and sitting. Now you have birthday parties to attend and “goodness—did i forget a gift?”—so there’s more driving and you’re exhausted. so you have a piece of that crummy pizza or franchise grocery-quality cake. Now the negative selftalk/guilt-confidence slayer starts bringing you down, “Why did i eat that?” Now it’s saturday evening and sunday you have to get everyone to hebrew school or bible school or sunday school, or— “you better make sure everyone has clean clothes for Monday!”— “goodness, is there still gas in the car?”

• set expectations and announce your agenda: you can gain friend and family support if you let everyone who depends on you know you might have to say no to them sometimes to say yes to you. this is okay! • Prioritize your life: review your monthly schedule and eliminate what doesn’t serve you or contribute to the well being of you and yours. some activities may not be relevant anymore. you have to stop, regain control and review so you can make the best decisions.

Hire Help

Now it’s Monday. they have to go to school and you have to go to work.

do i need a nanny? i have a nanny for the kids, a gardener for the lawn, and a sitter for the dog. People who are most aware understand there are many reasons to hire a trainer, such as efficient use of time.

What about you?

Here are some other reasons to hire a trainer:

Breathe and ask yourself:

1 initial Motivation—Just to get off the couch.

• Did you work out? Did you exercise? • Did you make yourself a healthy lunch? • Did you hydrate while you were driving everyone around? • Did you get any exercise while watching your kids exercise? Women must schedule time to take care of themselves. start with 10 minutes a day and be serious—protect and defend that time. as Joseph campbell said, “it takes courage to do what you want. other people have a lot of plans for you.” i encourage women to care for themselves with the same fierceness they use to protect their children—with that same mother bear warm nurturing, yet no-nonsense, protective quality. if you are taking care of everyone, that makes you the keystone. you simply have to take care of you. Protect yourself in the same way you care for others.

Why do we guilt about self-care? self-care is not narcissism—it’s as mandatory as changing the oil in the car. our bodies require maintenance and if we are not moving ahead we are falling behind. Here are some tips to help mothers create priority and balance: • Make and defend some “me time”: try 10 minutes to start and then increase this over time to include some yoga or a nap. then move up to a walk and a workout, or both, and some reflective time to review the next day’s agenda.

2 Proper form, alignment and spotting— this is the most critical yet most overlooked reason. 3 friendship and moving meditation— Work out the issues of life while working out. 4 accountability—Block that time for yourself with fierceness—block it like a mama bear protecting her cubs. a buddy may not show up but a quality trainer will. 5 commitment—When we make the appointment we become committed to the task. regarding proper form and alignment, reason 2—this is so important to your spinal health, yet it’s constantly overlooked. We only get one spine and one cervical spine, and those joints and bones protect the highway of our nervous system. the correction and protection of that system is critical. anyone can see that a lot of movements, both in and out of the gym, are performed and repeated in misalignment. often these movements can exacerbate or prolong any continued >>



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...hire a trainer who can understand, is comfortable with and has experience working with your medical team.�

bad posture or pain that might be present. Note that anyone in pain should not be lifting any weights. it’s also important to hire a trainer who can understand, is comfortable with and has experience working with your medical team.

With copayments and premiums going up, and insurance-covered services going down — there’s never been a greater need for for o Aflac. Aflac pays cash benefits to help cover things that major of-pock -pocket medical costs medical doesn’t — like out-of and everyday living expenses. Call Julie today!


it’s almost impossible to align with another working adult’s schedule, so reason 4 is very logical. are you waiting for your other working parent friends in los angeles to work out with? Maybe they are busy care-giving too? it’s important to identify when your mission is impossible and move forward with a plan that works! hire someone who can be there for you when you need a set of eyes on your alignment or a cheerleader to keep you motivated. Block and dedicate the time for movement so you can work out the issues of your day while you’re working out and taking care of you simultaneously. you can efficiently take care of all these things and you, too! remember, when mama’s happy, everyone is happy! this is all about you so you can take care of everyone else!

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Midlife Crisis: Is it a Phase or Significantly More? By Wayne M. Levine

I COACH A NUMBER OF MEN WHO, like me, are at or approaching the five-decade mark. Midlife crisis time. harry just signed the lease on a very expensive and flashy convertible. randy has a renewed interest in recreational drugs. Matt has suddenly become obsessive about fitness and nutrition. alan is having a great time with his new young buddies at electronic music festivals. tony received yet another shipment of books on spiritual awakening, letting go and discovering his passion. Bobby’s talking about going to Burning Man. Paul’s relentlessly pushing his wife to visit a swingers’ club. What do you make of all this? are these guys just your typical middle-aged dudes who are having a midlife crisis and just need to be humored until the phase passes? or is there more to it than that?

“One reason men can lose themselves in some of these new behaviors is that they’ve been disconnected from their own emotions for years.”




One reason men can lose themselves in some of these new behaviors is that they’ve been disconnected from their own emotions for years. They’re simply not clear about what they’re feeling.

in my experience, there’s always more to it. after raising a family and building a business or career, men begin to reevaluate and search for greater joy and purpose for their second half of life. as a culture we tend to classify, generalize, categorize and otherwise minimize people and their actions for expediency’s sake. it makes for clever tv and radio sound bites and lively cocktail banter. But it does us all a disservice. as you can see from the examples above, the range of potential new activities are as diverse as the men’s personal challenges. these men are not clichés. they’re trying to work things out, find answers, be less sad and angry, discover greater satisfaction and joy, and heal. the problem is that most men don’t have a clear understanding of what they’re actually experiencing. Meanwhile, they’re getting little to no valuable guidance along the way. that’s why many men sometimes act out in destructive ways— often in secret—like abusing substances, engaging in physically dangerous activities or crossing boundaries of infidelity.

It Can Be Terrifying it can be a terrifying experience for women. “What happened to the man i married?” many women have been known to say. he’s still there, but he isn’t as arrogantly self-assured as he used to be. doubt, fear and life’s blows have weakened him, causing him to focus on his failures and regrets. or maybe he’s been unhappy for so long, for whatever reason, he’s only now managing to take some action, albeit desperately, to make a change or at least call attention to his struggle. it can also be terrifying for him, though he may not be conscious of it. Fear motivates men to behave in myriad ways. What you see may not have any clear relationship to how he actually feels. For instance, he may appear to be having a fantastic time with his new and perhaps reckless behavior. But beneath that façade may be a man who is very confused, lonely, full of regret or shame, and simply trying to rediscover who he is and what meaning there is to his life.

continued >>



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Many of us want a more passionate and intimate relationship but have no idea how to communicate that desire or overcome the years of frustration and resentment to make it happen. so we may unconsciously—and foolishly—risk losing what means most to us in the long term for a moment of immediate gratification. i’m fond of telling men it’s generally not what we do that’s the problem, it’s where we’re coming from that’s more important. the new behavior may not be patently offensive, socially immoral or physically and emotionally dangerous. But it’s the change in our behavior and the way our loved ones experience us that can create problems or highlight the existence of our own more critical issues.

Ladies, don’t dismiss, shame or ridicule your man. This is a difficult situation for a spouse who cares about her husband and may be dependent upon him emotionally or financially. Tell him how you feel.




Hilda Maldonado, M.D. Regenerative & Anti Aging Medicine one reason men can lose themselves in some of these new behaviors is that they’ve been disconnected from their own emotions for years. they’re simply not clear about what they’re feeling. shame and fear of embarrassment can further compound their isolation and their commitment to stay the course regardless of the potential negative consequences.

What Do the Men Need? What men need is to stop doing this all alone. trying to steer a ship in the fog can have devastating consequences. careers are ruined, businesses crumble, families are destroyed, relationships are poisoned and even lives are lost when men insist on rejecting all support and moving full steam ahead into the unknown. this may sound a bit dramatic but some of you have seen it happen to friends and family or lived it in your own homes. Men, don’t let your ego (shame or false confidence) prevent you from seeking a sounding board of some kind. other men have gone through what you’re going through and can offer perspectives that just might allow you to keep what’s dear to you while you seek your answers and learn your lessons.

• Over ten years of experience using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy • Specialized testing for metabolic factors • Hormone balancing • Nutritional supplementation • Lifestyle changes (individualized diet and exercise) • Stress management • Education • Judicious use of medications as required Dr. Hilda Maldonado is board certified in Internal Medicine and additionally she is a diplomate of the American Academy of Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine.

ladies, don’t dismiss, shame or ridicule your man. this is a difficult situation for a spouse who cares about her husband and may be dependent upon him emotionally or financially. tell him how you feel. encourage him to ask for help. But remember, there’s often much more at play than what appears on the surface.


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so is he going through a phase? Probably. is it a problem? Well, sometimes a car is just a car. But if there is more to it, what’s this phase all about, and is he getting the wisdom and support he needs to make sense of it all?

wayne M. levine is the director of BetterMen Coaching in Agoura Hills. He teaches men to be the best men, fathers, and husbands they can be through individual, couples and group coaching, both in the office and via phone. Wayne is also author of the best-selling book, Hold On to Your N.U.T.s—The Relationship Manual for Men. Find out more and get a copy of Wayne’s book at www.BetterMenCoaching.com.

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Earth Day/Birth Day —A Strong Commitment to Green By Jan Tucker

Today Earth Day is celebrated in 192 countries by more than a billion people to encourage political and individual behavioral change to support the environment.




ALTHOUGH EARTH DAY IS AN INTERNATIONAL EVENT THAT’S BEEN HELD ON APRIL 22ND EVERY YEAR SINCE 1970, ITS TRUE INTENT IS TO REMIND US TO CELEBRATE OUR EARTH EVERY DAY. the idea is to genuinely care about our natural environment and its health and survival and commit to actions to preserve it. the event was originally conceived by John Mcconnell in san Francisco and held symbolically on March 21, the first day of spring, in 1970. But on april 22 of that year, following the 1969 oil spill in santa Barbara, Wisconsin senator gaylord Nelson staged an environmental teach-in attended by more than 20 million people. Nelson’s idea was to gain grass roots support from the younger generation to “stem the tide of environmental disaster [by presenting] the facts clearly and dramatically.” earth day has been credited with launching the environmental movement. the publicity and success of this early celebration led to the decision to continue with the april date. today earth day is celebrated in 192 countries by more than a billion people to encourage political and individual behavioral change to support the environment. Many cities today celebrate earth Week starting on april 16.

Earth Day is Organized earth day Network is the organization that works to mobilize the billion participants each year and grow the movement. their website, www.earthday.org, describes three core programs to focus their efforts.

• Greening schools through the Green Schools Campaign covering all K through 12 schools in the U.S. and promoting environmental education in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council and The Clinton Foundation. • Accelerating the global green economy to transition from a traditional, fossil fuel-based economy to one based on renewable energy, energy efficiency and other sustainable development principles. Their newest initiative is Women and the Green Economy (WAGE) to promote the unique leadership role women bring to advancing green economic and investment policies at all levels. • A Billion Acts of Green includes thousands of worldwide Earth Day events and actions from greening schools to hosting town hall discussions on clean energy investment and green jobs. Individuals and organizations are awarded for initiatives that further the goal of measurably reducing carbon emissions and supporting sustainability.

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What Can You Do to Celebrate the 43rd Earth Day this Year? for starters, check the internet for organized events: if you don’t mind a little travel, the ocean institute, an ocean education organization, will celebrate from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at dana Point by exploring marine wildlife. children will be able to create an eco-friendly craft and enjoy other handson activities. From 1 to 3:30 p.m. join their Marine Wildlife cruise where scientists will introduce you to the local marine wildlife. you might even encounter dolphins or whales on the trip. check the website for pricing and any program changes: www.oceaninstitute.org. DO YOU KNOW….

a little closer to home you’ll find more great activities:

How to balance and refuel your body after a workout? Try this delicious Vegan Almond Butter and Banana Smoothie • • • • •

3/4 cup coconut yogurt 2 Tbs organic almond butter (raw) 1 organic banana 1/8 cup organic coconut or almond milk 3/4 cup ice

Blend together the milk, yogurt, and banana. Add the almond butter and blend again. Blend in desired amount of ice; the more ice, the thicker the consistency. Yum!!!!

the city of thousand oaks and conejo recreation and Parks district will hold their 16th annual combined arbor/earth day at conejo creek Park in thousand oaks on saturday april 13 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. featuring animal shows, hands-on activities for children, a mobile marine lab, entertainment, eco-friendly vehicles, tree and plant giveaways and more. ventura’s 41st earth day eco Fest at Promenade Park on saturday april 20 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. will treat you to live music on two stages, a petting zoo, surf demos, green booths, kids recycled crafts and activities, a green education pavilion, low waste food and more. there’s a 10k and 1k fun run this year, too. see www.venturaearthday.org or search ventura’s earth day on Facebook.




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or you can create your own educational earth day fun:

go on a nature walk or hike with family and friends. Find a new trail to explore to make it interesting. visit a local garden and you’re guaranteed to learn something new! check out ventura Botanical garden at www.venturabotanicalgardens.com or conejo valley Botanic garden in thousand oaks at www.conejogarden.org. or learn about all the local community gardens where you can obtain a garden plot and grow your own produce. visit www.healthyven turacounty.org/healthy-eating/communi ty-gardens for more info.

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visit channel islands National Park in ventura on saturday or sunday. take a free guided hike on the islands by National Park volunteers or concessionaire naturalists. or join in on the free 30-minute tidepool talk at the visitor center where National Park service rangers show and tell about many fascinating animals and plants in the marine life exhibit (11 a.m. or 3 p.m.). check for details at http://www.nps.gov/chis/plan yourvisit/events.htm. you might even get adventurous at home and decide to cook all your meals for earth Week using all organic produce. or plant some native plants in your yard to cut down on water use. choose varieties to bring nature to your garden, attracting butterflies and bees for an added earth day boost. Why not put some thought into earth day this year? it’s a great way to set a precedent to continue to go green and natural for the rest of the year and beyond!

jan tucker is founder of White Lotus Living, whose vision is all about positive thinking, returning to basics, tuning in with nature, unifying the world with compassion, and through all these principles—ultimately— world transformation. It’s about truth. ww.whitelotusliving.com is also a place for consumers to learn about and gain access to truly green, natural products.



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Gluten Intestinal Permeability THE LANDSCAPE OF HEALTHCARE AND CLINICAL PRACTICE IS CHANGING QUICKLY, WITH MORE AND MORE PEOPLE TODAY DEVELOPING CHRONIC ILLNESS, CHRONIC PAIN, AND UNRESOLVED CONDITIONS. Many of these individuals do not have a diagnosable disease. Patients may have a long list of symptoms and ailments, but with conventional testing, these are dismissed and overlooked .

By Dr. Sharon Norling

“Gluten sensitivity and hidden food allergies are frequent causes of leaky gut.”




... avoiding offending foods, stress, certain medications, gluten, food allergies, treating infections, and balancing hormones and neurotransmitters lead to a much healthier life.

Specialty Lab Testing is Available cyrex labs array 2 can diagnose intestinal permeability. this is the only currently available profile lab testing the immune reaction in intestinal permeability. Metametrix gi labs uses dNa testing for the best accuracy in identifying intestinal infections.

gram negative bacteria in the gi tract has been shown in research to cause chronic fatigue syndrome. type 1 diabetes has been associated with the triad of intestinal infection, intestinal permeability and an altered mucosal immune response. diabetes, 2008, oct. What do you do when the conventional labs show that everything is normal? you look good on paper but you know you are not well. you know you don’t have the energy, stamina, and mental clarity you once enjoyed. Perhaps you are suffering from depression, brain fog, fatigue, poor muscle endurance or poor recovery from illnesses.

leaky gut has also been associated with chronic heart failure, inflammatory bowel syndrome and obesity. if you have obesity, type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance you may want to have your doctor check your stool! in the pediatric literature leaky gut has been related to type 1 diabetes, allergies, asthma, and autism. clearly, intestinal permeability (leaky gut) has a major impact on your health. the first step is always finding the underlying cause of the disease or symptoms. using specialty labs will give you the information you and your doctor need in order to make an individual plan for you.

you still may be experiencing autoimmunity, chronic inflammation, or other degenerative conditions after years of medical care.

Leaky Gut, Chronic Inflammation, Gluten Sensitivity and Autoimmune Disease are you plagued by gastrointestinal (gi) symptoms? are you afraid to go out to dinner because it could be your worst nightmare? the most obvious symptoms of intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut, are common symptoms such as bloating, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea. Many people suffer from chronic inflammatory responses to their foods or diets. gluten sensitivity and hidden food allergies are frequent causes of leaky gut. other causes can be poor food choices, sugar, medications, stress, hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, insomnia, and autoimmune disease (ai). if these conditions are present it is very important to have proper laboratory testing. you should be aware that intestinal permeability does not always have intestinal symptoms. gluten sensitivity causes inflammation, which can create intestinal permeability and both can cause ai. there is no cure for ai. testing is critical. how can you prevent something or heal a condition if you do not know the underlying cause or issue?

remember, intestinal permeability can cause ais and gluten sensitivity can cause both. Many routine labs report false negatives and miss the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity. gluten can cause destruction in the gi tract causing severe malnourishment. the cyrex array 3 is an accurate test for gluten sensitivity.

One Patient’s Experience one of my patients is a 17-year-old, 6 foot 3 inch tall boy who came to me weighing 100 pounds. he had been sick for years with abdominal pain, fatigue and suffering lack of focus and mental clarity. he had missed weeks of school, spent little time with his friends, and had difficulty with his school work. he saw his pediatrician regularly over the years. he was told he was anorexic and depressed. he was referred to a psychiatrist. When his mother brought him to me it was obvious he was sick. he was tested for food allergies and gluten sensitivity. he had severe reactions to both. once he avoided the offending foods, his abdominal pains went away, he began to get his focus back and his cognitive function improved significantly. he was able to attend school regularly, his grades improved, and he gained 35 pounds in a matter of months. today he is smiling, happy, spending time with his friends, applying to colleges, and is pain-free. continued >>



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Cross-Reactions and Autoimmune Disease

foods to eat: • Organic vegetables.

sources of gluten include wheat, spelt, kamut, oats (cross-contamination), and barley. cross-reactions can occur with rice, quinoa, millet, rye, corn, dairy, yeast and even eggs! cyrex array 4 lab can identify these cross-reactions. if you cross-react with these foods and continue to eat them, even though you are gluten-free your symptoms will not go away and your risk for ai and other chronic illness will persist. are you concerned you may be at risk for developing an ai? do hypothyroidism, diabetes and other autoimmune diseases run in your family?

Treating AI Even Before Symptoms Occur the cyrex array 5 can identify antibodies already in your tissues before you develop the disease. this is the silent phase of ai disease. the test can identify autoimmunity in the stomach, intestines, thyroid, adrenals, heart, reproductive organs, joints, bone, liver, pancreas and brain. Phospholipid antibodies can also be detected. if you are in the silent phase of ai there are things you can do to be in your best state of health. repairing the leaky gut, avoiding offending foods, stress, certain medications, gluten, food allergies, treating infections, and balancing hormones and neurotransmitters lead to a much healthier life. using appropriate supplements, probiotics, and intravenous therapy as indicated to decrease inflammation, support the immune system and heal the intestines may delay the onset of the full-blown ai or mitigate the symptoms.




• Fermented foods (pickled ginger, sauerkraut, unsweetened coconut yogurt). • Meats—quality organic. Beef from grass-fed cows that is both hormone- and antibiotic-free. • Low-sugar organic fruits. • Coconut. • Healing herbs and spices. • Apple cider vinegar, herbal teas, olive oil, olives.

consult a certified health coach or nutritionist to help you. Follow your doctor’s recommendations. always be your own advocate and always feel free to get a second opinion if you are not getting well. health is your best investment. health is wealth. remember—you deserve your best life!

dr. sharon norling brings a lifetime of education, training and passion in both conventional and natural medicine. Using specialized testing she finds the root cause of symptoms and illnesses and uses effective natural medicine whenever possible. More information on these topics can be found in her book, Your Doctor Is Wrong. Her practice is in Westlake Village at 818.707.9355. Dr. Norling has no financial interests in Cyrex labs or Metametrix laboratory.



New Teeth in One Day—

Fact or Fiction? By Saj Jivraj, DDS, MS Ed

TODAY MORE THAN 25 MILLION AMERICANS ARE WITHOUT TEETH AND STRUGGLING WITH DENTURES. the number is much higher if you include patients who don’t go to their dentists or who need to have all their teeth removed and have removable dentures fabricated. the baby boomer generation comprises a huge percentage of people who lived during a time when emphasis was not placed on preventive dentistry, and as a result have started to lose many of their teeth.

Implants Preferred Over Dentures With people living longer and adopting healthier lifestyles, fixed permanent teeth through dental implants not only are a choice but a necessity. When given the choice, most people prefer to avoid wearing teeth which need to be removed at night. there are many consequences to not having permanent teeth. Patients are not able to chew well and digest their food adequately. research has shown this has repercussions on long-term health. self esteem and confidence are also affected. studies have shown that patients who feel good about their teeth are more likely to get higher paying jobs and have an improved social life.

The All-on-4™ dental implants technique uses only four dental implants to attach a new set of permanent replacement teeth in a minimally-invasive way.




Many problems have been associated with removable dentures. the adhesives to keep the dentures in place are a hassle to manage and not 100 percent effective. it’s no wonder denture wearers are extremely self-conscious and reluctant to socialize.

Patient with failing teeth, unhappy with smile and cannot chew.

After patient had the All-on-4™ procedure completed.

Initial presentation, patients teeth were breaking down she was looking to improve her smile.

Patient after having the All-on-4™ procedure completed in the upper and lower jaw.

shrinkage of the jaw bone can cause dentures to become ill-fitting and slip, making it difficult and painful to eat. Most people don’t realize the average lifespan of a denture is only five to seven years. over time a shrinking jawbone ultimately changes the shape of your face. your mouth and jaw will appear to collapse. your lips will seem thinner and your skin will begin to wrinkle, especially in the areas around your mouth and neck. Without an adequate amount of bone it will be difficult to wear dentures and eventually even dental implants might not be a viable option. Placed early enough, however, dental implants can help prevent jawbone loss and help preserve facial contours.

Problems with Previous Technology For many years patients wanting implants had to undergo major bone grafting procedures and have six to eight dental implants placed per jaw. the treatment timeframe was well beyond two years and during that time patients were required to wear removable dentures. although this was a solution, the cost, inconvenience and time to complete the treatment were hindrances to most patients. during the last 15 years clinicians around the world challenged conventional solutions to determine if teeth could be provided to patients sooner. a revolutionary technique was developed in europe using a reduced number of dental implants to provide patients with functioning teeth in as quickly as one day.

All-on-4™ Dental Implants the all-on-4™ dental implants technique uses only four dental implants to attach a new set of permanent replacement teeth in a minimallyinvasive way. the implants used in this procedure are specially designed for immediate function and typically do not require bone grafting. this treatment is attractive for patients with dentures or those who are about to lose all their teeth. teeth are removed, dental implants placed and patients walk away with functioning teeth and a great smile within a day. this procedure is backed by years of research and is very predictable providing attention is paid to detail.

Many people often question how teeth can be connected to the implants on day one since conventionally a period of healing is required. the answer is that the four implants are connected to the teeth on the day of surgery and the teeth prevent the implants from moving. this process is similar to healing a fractured bone. When a leg bone is fractured, the patient is put in a cast to immobilize the leg fragments. this allows the bone to heal. the all-on-4™ implant concept works in a similar fashion. • • • • • • • • • • • •

Benefits of All-on-4™ Dental Implants New teeth in as little as just one day. Minimally-invasive procedure. No bone grafting. Less pain and swelling. No more ill-fitting dentures. Eliminates denture creams. Teeth are secure like your natural teeth. Fewer dental visits. Immediate results. Cost-effective compared to traditional implants. Life-changing procedure.

as a prosthodontist and mentor to other dentists on this specific treatment modality, my experience has been of patients coming to us in search of a solution. they come extremely depressed about their teeth and are looking for a cost-effective solution which has longevity. this treatment truly changes their life. imagine having failing teeth in the morning and walking out the same day with a beautiful, functioning smile. this is a quality-of-life issue for people. the cost of not doing something is far greater to most people. the World health organization estimates that the population without teeth will double to 84 million people in North america in the next few years. Patients will seek better, more predictable and cost-effective alternatives to removable dentures. the all-on-4™ process could be just what they need.

dr. jivraj is based in Ventura County. He is the former chairman of the section of fixed prosthodontics and operative dentistry at the USC School of Dentistry. He has written an authoritative text on Implant Dentistry that is used worldwide. He is responsible for teaching implant techniques to thousands of dentists both nationally and internationally. He can be reached at 300 E. Esplanade Drive #1600 in Oxnard, or at 805.988.8985, www.anacapadental.com or saj.jivraj@gmail.com.



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“By learning to work together in yoga class, children with autism increase their comfort in group social situations.�

Yoga Benefits for Children with Autism By Nicole Greenman

ANYONE WHO HAS A REGULAR (OR EVEN NOT SO REGULAR) YOGA PRACTICE KNOWS HOW GREAT YOUR MIND AND BODY FEEL AFTER CLASS. this feeling occurs not only for adult yogis but children as well, especially those with autism spectrum disorders (asd). a study published in the american Journal of occupational therapy focused on children with autism at a New york public school who were enrolled in a specialized yoga program. the researchers monitored the students for 16 weeks, then compared the experiences of these children to those who were not in a yoga program. the findings indicated children doing yoga had improved behavior in the classroom and improved social behavior with their peers. through yoga, autistic children are able to tone, develop and soothe the mental and physical challenges associated with their condition.





yoga is important for helping children with autism learn self-regulation. By learning to be more aware of their bodies and breathing, children learn how to cope when they begin to feel anxious or upset.


yoga can help kids with delayed motor development build motor skills. yoga tones and develops the muscles and enhances balance and stability. this helps children with motor skills problems to gain body awareness. as their physical condition improves, these children are able to have a greater sense of their physical presence in relation to others, leading to better walking and stability. as their bodies improve, children with autism gain more confidence and social skills. No longer feeling judged or teased due to poor motor skills, autistic children can gain confidence in playing sports and partaking in outdoor activities with other children. yoga also teaches children breathing and selfcalming techniques that can be used in stressful or overwhelming social situations. By learning to work together in yoga class, children with autism increase their comfort in group social situations. children with autism can suffer from highly sensitive nervous systems and are easily overwhelmed by stimuli such as bright lights, loud noises, strong tastes and smells and new textures. yoga is typically practiced in dim lighting with soft music, no talking and smooth mats. these conditions create a calm, comforting environment to unwind and relax. yoga’s physicality and poses allow nervous energy to be released from the body in a controlled manner, reducing uncontrolled behavior and outbursts.

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“Many yoga classes geared toward children with autism feature poses and breathing techniques meant to help these children settle rising emotions.�

Yoga Provides Parents and Children with Coping Techniques through controlled yoga breathing and visualization, children learn how to diffuse anxiety. also, sharing yoga with the whole family can help an autistic child bond to siblings and parents. yoga can be done anywhere and anytime, giving whole families an activity to do at home together that is fun, meaningful and can last a lifetime. yoga is important for helping children with autism learn self-regulation. By learning to be more aware of their bodies and breathing, children learn how to cope when they begin to feel anxious or upset. Many yoga classes geared toward children with autism feature poses and breathing techniques meant to help these children settle rising emotions. a large part of a yoga practice involves the emotional side of the brain. the combination of movement, music, breathing and storytelling stimulate this region, encouraging children to develop awareness of their emotions and the emotions of others and help them to stay more focused in school.

Yoga Provides Much Needed Consistency and Order typically classes are held at the same time on the same days. yoga mats are always laid out in the same way, in the same direction, and the same instructors are teaching. this order is important for a child who can have uncontrolled thoughts and emotions. students can do the same poses in the same order during each class. Most yoga classes are opened and closed in the same manner, further supporting the student’s need for order. if you are interested in yoga for a child suffering from asd, a number of resources are available, including tapes to use at home. Many studios located in the conejo valley and san Fernando valley areas feature classes for special needs children.






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resistance pulleys

vegan power lunch

jon Hinds owner and founder of Monkey Bar gym

Monkey Bar

strength training exercises

– A Gym with a Conscience By Bianca Rose Martinez

adults how to work out safely and adopt healthy eating habits. they have worked closely with agoura youth basketball league and middle schools in Fillmore and the surrounding areas.

I RECENTLY SPOKE WITH KEVIN LEWIS, chief operating officer and president of Monkey Bar gym, la, about the unique concept that makes them the greenest place in the world to work out. they are also the first gym to recommend plant-based diets for the health of people and planet.

their concept for fun workouts and healthy eating has come at a critical time. With childhood obesity and diabetes on the rise in our country, they definitely have their work cut out for them. the recent china study spearheaded by dr. t. colin campbell strongly points to plant-based diets and active lifestyles as key components in the body’s ability to heal itself.

Monkey Bar’s philosophy focuses on full body skills training to build strength, speed and stamina.”

When you walk in, rather than the typical hum of machines and televisions you will find a calm, relaxing environment with a few simple devices, mats and friendly staff members. the trainers will help you learn to use your own body weight for better balance and to build functional strength and stability.

the first location was founded by Jon hinds in 2000 in Madison, Wisconsin and has spread across the u.s. with the most recent manifestation sprouting up in thousand oaks last year. Monkey Bar’s philosophy focuses on full body skills training to build strength, speed and stamina. their goal is a healthy balance of workout and recovery, which is aided by eischens yoga classes for restoration and healing, and replenishing nutrients with plantbased nutrition. Monkey bar also has youth outreach and empowerment programs in Moorpark and thousand oaks, teaching children and young




empowering people to take charge of their health is an important tool for transformation. living a healthy lifestyle enables us to be better people and gives us the inner and outer strength to achieve our goals and make our dreams a reality. For videos, locations and more information about Monkey Bar gym, visit www.monkeybargym.com.

Bianca rose Martinez is an artist, public speaker and author of the book Compassionate Eating Conscious Consumption for Mind, Body Spirit & Planet. She also teaches organic vegan cooking classes in Ventura. For free recipes, class schedules and other services please visit www.compassionateating.com



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Spring Into Health Sponsors We express gratitude and appreciation to our YHC Spring Health Expo Sponsors for their commitment to help inform, empower and bring healing to our community.

The Future of Dentistry

Centers for Healing, serving

The Coastal Vascular Center

at The Khanna Institute, board-

clients of all ages, offers a com-

was created to provide state of the

certified and internationally

bined 40-plus years experience

art vascular surgical care to the

renowned ophthalmologist rajesh

in holistic/biological dentistry,

residents of ventura county.

khanna, M.d. has perfected the art

along with certain protocols not

vascular surgery is the surgical

of lasik eye surgery and other

found anywhere else, to help

treatment of many disorders of

forms of refractive surgery through

patients achieve their best physi-

the vascular system. the scope of

years of research, training, and

cal, dental and emotional health

diseases treated span from life

experience. recognized as one of

as safely as possible and in as

threatening to life style limiting,

the nation’s top lasik and Prelex

short a time period as possible.

including venous reflux disease, a

surgeons, dr. khanna has per-

centers for healing provides

very common condition afflicting

formed over 10,000 vision correc-

mercury vapor as well as electri-

many people of different ages.

cal testing and ozone dentistry not found in many dental offices;

coastal vascular center is located

Water Polo team. With locations in

the most popular service is the

at 3901 las Posas road, suite 16,

Beverly hills and Westlake village,

safe removal of mercury and

in camarillo. For more informa-

the khanna institute is one of the

heavy metals supported with iv

tion call 805-484-6900 or visit

premier lasik centers in southern

vitamin c.



centers for healing is located at

For more information call

1000 Newbury road, suite 225 in

805-230-2126 or visit

Newbury Park. For more infor-


mation call 805-375-2233; or visit www.centersforhealing.net.



tion surgeries, even serving as the ophthalmologist for the Men’s usa


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