RURAL + Why? [I]URBAN 0.1 Definition 0.2 Origin 0.3 This is a City 0.4 Market v.s. Supermarket
How? [II]RURBAN 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Origin Idea FOOD+ 4S
Global food issues
Blame on the c
"City is like a parasite absorbing nutrients and producing excrement, while urban growth over time, but it needs may exceed the natural carrying capacity can load." 城市猶如一個寄生生物,吸收營養,產生排遺,同時城市隨著時間而成長,而 他所需要的可能會超出自然之承載量所能負荷的。
"The Urban Environment" by Ian Douglas, 1983
"If the entire human population lived like the average North American, we would require at least two additional planets to live sustainability." 如果全人類的生活習慣都像美國人,那我們至少需要兩個地球才足以維持持續 地生存。
"Our Ecological Footprint" by Mathis Wackernagel & Williams E. Rees, 1995
Cities generally have complex systems for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing, and transportation. The concentration of development greatly facilitates interaction between people and businesses, benefiting both parties in the process. A big city or metropolis usually has associated suburbs and exurbs. Such cities are usually associated with metropolitan areas and urban areas, creating numerous business commuters traveling to urban centers for employment. Once a city expands far enough to reach another city, this region can be deemed a conurbation or megalopolis. 城市是一個複雜系統,普遍包含衛生、公用事業、土地使用、居住和交通等。因集 中發展,極大化市民和商業間的活動,雙方在過程中受益。一個大城市或大都會通 常包含郊區和遠郊。這樣的城市通常與都會區或市區創造出眾多的就業機會使人往 都市內移動。一但一個城市擴張到遠不及另一個城市,這個區域就可以被視為一個 衛星城市或是特大城市。
About 10000 years ago, the Agricultural Revolution is the beginning of this process in the ancient Middle East, known as the Fertile Crescent. 大約一萬年前,農業革命首次發生在中東,一處稱為新月沃土的地方。
Grain produced a food source that was large enough and stable enough to support permanent settlements, which was the first city. 足量的穀物且穩定的提供,支撐了一個永久聚落,這是最早的城市。
White spots are light on the aerial map at night of earth, and also represents the current distribution and the scale of cities. 這張地球的夜間空照圖,白點是燈光,同時也代表現今城市的分布與規模。
In 2007, there has 1/2 population of the world lived in cities. By 2050, there will 2/3 population, more than 6 billion people, live in cities. 2007 年已有 1/2 世界人口居於城市,而到 2050 年,世界 2/3 即超過 60 億人口 將居於城市。
"The city consists simply of a collection of one or more separate dwellings but is a relatively closed settlement." 城市由人組成,由一個或多個分離的居所聚集而成,且是個相對緊密的聚落。
Max Weber, 1958
Tokyo Bay
And how to feed all inhabitants of a city? This is one of the great questions of our time, yet it's one that's rarely asked. 而如何餵飽一個城市的所有居民?這是現代一個大問 題,卻很少被提起。
We take it for granted that if we feel hungry, just go to the nightmarket, convenience store, MacDonald or Carrefour where could provide food and so on. Exchanging money for food and that something similar has to happen every day for every city on earth, so almost people taking it for granted. 就是很自然地,因為我們只要餓了,隨時都可以到夜市、便利商店、速食店、 大賣場等等提供食物的地方。以金錢換取糧食,日復一日,發生在每個城市, 以至於覺得這是一件自然的事。
It's remarkable that cities get fed at all. We live in the city as if they're the most natural things in the world, forgetting that we're actually dependent on the natural world to live.that we're actually 然而餵飽一座城市是相當不容易的。對住在城 市裡的我們卻是稀鬆平常的,我們忘了還是需 要依賴大自然才能生存。
As more of us move into cities, more of that natural world is being transformed into extraordinary landscape. 隨著更多人遷入城市,越來越多原始的大自然,被開發成這樣壯觀的景色。
Mato Grosso, Brazil means " thick forest " in the local language. 巴西的馬托格羅索在當地語言中指“茂密的森林”。
1992 Mato Grosso, Brazil
It was worthy of the name. 這個名字曾經名符其實。
2006 Mato Grosso, Brazil
And increasingly these landscape are not just feeding us either. 1/3 of the annual grain crop globally now gets fed to animals. And given that it takes 10 times as much grain to supply to the meat advocates in cities. 越來越廣大的田,卻不只用來餵飽我們。每年全球的農作物有 1/3 是拿去餵 牲畜。我們需要 10 倍的穀物餵養牲畜,以供應給城市中的肉食主義者。
By 2050, it's estimated that twice the number of us are going to be living in cities, and it's also estimated that there is going to be twice as much meat consumed. So meat and urbanism are rising hand in hand, and even doubled and redoubled. 直到 2050 年住在城市的人將是現在的 2 倍,我們消耗的肉品估計也會 2 倍。都 市化與食物消耗量是同時成長,而且是成倍數的成長。
This is a big problem. 19 million hectares of rainforest are lost every year to creat new arable land. Although at the same time we're losing an equivalent amount of existing arables to salinization and erosion. We're very hungry for fossil fuels too. It takes about 10 calories to produce every calorie of food that we consume. And even though there is food that we are producing at great cost, we don't actually value it. 這是一個大問題,每年有 1900 萬公頃的熱帶雨林消失被開發成農地,同時卻也 因為土地的鹽化及水土流失而失去同樣面積的可耕地。 加上對石化燃料的索求無度。每製造 1 卡路里的食物將會耗掉 10 卡路里的能量, 雖然付出昂貴的代價,我們卻不珍惜。
In the pre-industrial world, managing the food supply was the biggest headache cities faced, so it effectively limited how large they could grow. After industrialisation, with the arrival of the railways, along with inventions such as canning and freezing. It led to the urban authorities began to loosen their grip on the food supply, relying on trans-national corporations to feed us, that led to food crisis. 在工業化前的世界,食物供應是城市面臨最頭痛的難題,所以能有效限制城市成長;工業化後,火車的 到來,伴隨罐頭、冷凍食品等發明,導致城市當局放鬆對食物供應的控制,而依賴跨國食品公司養活我 們,進而導致糧食危機。
Food-exporting countries
Spring 2008, the global food crisis. 18 countries to limit food exports. Occurrence of food shortages in 13 countries.
This is a serious problem, and actually if we carry on as we are, it's a problem we're very unlikely to be able to solve. 這是一個嚴重的問題,如果不做改變,那問題將是無解。
25000 Homo sapiens fully developed
10000 Agricultural Revolution 7500 Jericho settled 1750 Emergence of Shang urban civilization in China 1600 Rise of Mycenaean cities in Greece 1000 Founding of Athens 814 Founding of Carthage 753 Founding of Rome
326 Founding of Constantinople
421 Founding of Venice
476 Fall of Roman Empire in the West 508 Paris becomes a commercial city
708 Founding of Nara
843 Lyon becomes a commercial city
1259 Cologne becomes a commercial city
1453 Fall of Roman Empire in the East 1530 Florence becomes a commercial city
1624 Founding of New York
1703 Founding of St. Petersburg
1759 Industrial Revolution
1764 Founding of St. Louis 1781 Founding of Los Angeles 1788 Founding of Cincinnati 1800 London passes the 1 million mark in population 1819 Founding of Singapore 1833 Founding of Chicago 1860 Immediate suburbs incorporated into Paris 1893 "City Beautiful Movement" by Daniel Burham 1898 "The Garden City" by Ebenezer Howard 1922 "The Contemporary City" by Le Corbusier 1930 "The Broadacre City" by Frank Floyd Wright 1990 Pudong development outside Shanghai begins
2007 More than 1/2 population live in metropolitan areas 2050 More than 2/3 population live in metropolitan areas
City of Ur
2100 -1900 BC
Let us look back that food actually how to shape the development of the city. The emergence of city from the invention of agriculture, because cities and agriculture are bound together, they need each other. 讓我們回頭看看食物到底是如何型塑城市的發 展。城市的出現源於農業的發明,因為城市和 農業是分不開的,他們互相需要。
Cities in the Middle Ages relying on the surrounding agriculture to supply the required food for its inhabitants. We can see that the city and agriculture are compact on this picture. 中世紀的城市,依靠周圍的農地以支應其人口所需的糧食。從這張圖可以看到 城市與農業的關係緊密。
Medieval Brussels
And there are squares and markets appeared in the city to provide places for trading. 而城中出現廣場市集,以提供交易場所。
Farmers are engaged in the production in the outskirts of the city, and enter to sell by animals or walking. 農夫在城市外圍從事生產,再以駝獸或步行方式進入城中販售。
Allegory of Good Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Agriculture supply for urban development and interdependence with the city, the scale of the city limited by the surrounding agriculture. The state of city at that time is good. It would very difficult to be unaware of where your food came from, and since most of it was the direct product of the food system, so cities could recycle almost all their waste. This is obviously an organic city, part of an organic cycle. 農業支應城市發展與城市互相依存,城市的規模受到周圍農業控制。此時的城市狀態是好的, 你不難知道你的食物從哪裡來,而且由於大部分廢棄物是糧食系統下的產物,所以城市能回收 幾乎所有廢棄物。這是一個有機城市,是有機循環的一部分。
Smithfield Market by James Pollard
After the Industrial Revolution. 工業革命發生後。
An English Mill Town
The work of farming required human early replaced by modern facilities. It led to cities no longer need to rely on surrounding agricultural support, and instead using tools to get food from a distance to feed its inhabitants. All of a sudden, it makes it possible to grow cities, really any scale and shape, in any place. 早期需靠人力的務農工作,被現代化設施取代,使城市再也不需要靠周圍的農業支持,轉而利 用載具從遠處汲取食物以餵飽其內的居民。突然城市可以在任何地方長成任何大小及規模。
Finally, it's the emancipation of the city from geographic restrictions, to become a giant. 終於,城市徹底地從地理限制中大解放,而形成龐然大物。
There were close relationship between the supply of food and the city originally. With the city developed gradually, the production of food will be pushed to the other regions or countries. So the city bringing food back by transportation, and there are markets as the first medium of food in the city. 原本食物供應與城市關係緊密。隨著城市持續發展,漸漸的將糧食生產推至其他地區或國家。 所以城市利用運輸將糧食帶回城市,而城市內也出現市場作為糧食在城市內的第一個媒介。
The First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market in Taipei
If you go to the centre of any city built before the motor car, you can be sure to find a market at its centre. Markets were once the social and physical hubs of cities, where people not only went to buy fresh food, but also to swap news and gossip. They were the first stop where food came to the city from the country, and where seasonal festivals and public events were held, as well as other civic functions. Markets, in other words, were public spaces in the fullest sense: the space of everyman – shared places in which anything could happen. 如果你到汽車出現前存在的任何一個城市的中心,一定可以在那找到市 場。市場曾是城市社交以及物理上的中心,人們不僅到那買新鮮食物也 同時交換新聞和八卦。她是食物從生產地來到城市的第一站,同時也是 舉行季節慶典或公眾活動以及包含其他市民功能的地方。市場,換句話 說,是意義充分的公共空間:每個人的空間,什麼事都可能發生及被共 享的地方。
West Smithfield in London by John Greenwood, 1827
As we're moving into cities, the world is also embracing a Western diet. Today, most of us buy our food from supermarkets, what they do to get food is they get in their cars and drive to a box somewhere to sell. 80% of the trade in food is just controlled by these multinational food corporations. 當人們搬到城市居住時,也接受了西方的飲食習慣。今天,我們大多數人從超市買我們的食物, 食物的取得變成開車到大倉儲式的賣場。這些跨國食品公司控制了 80% 的食品交易。
This really is the moment when our relationship both with cities and food have completely changed. Food used to be the center of our life and markets used to be the social core of cities in the past, but now at the periphery. Replacing by modern, clean supermarkets. When food to depart from our life of cities, just leaving the behavior of trade. We don't value food, and don't trust it anymore. 至此我們跟城市及食物的關係已完全改變,過去食物是我們的生活中心,市場是城市的社交中 心,現在則被邊緣化。取而代之的是現代、乾淨的超級市場,當食物從城市生活中脫離,剩下 的就只有交易的行為如此而已。開始,我們不再珍惜食物,也不再信任它。
Look at Taipei! 看看台北市!
永樂町市場 御成町市場
千歲町市場 西門町市場 入船町市場 新富町市場 幸町市場
This was the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. In order to response to crowded Taipei, Japan used Ichimachi System to plan new communities. At this time the distribution of markets relying on population, the inhabitants of the city could be quite easy to feed by transporting food on foot. 這是日治時期的台灣,因應台北城的擁擠,日本使用了市町制度來規劃新的社 區,此時市場分布與人口有關,以步行運輸食物是可以餵飽城市居民的。
This is the wholesale market at that time ─── Zhong-Yang Market. 這是當時的批發市場───中央卸賣場。
1968 -1969
Before 1960s, the source of most fruits and vegetables are supplied directly from the outskirts of Taipei and its neighboring towns, and wholesaled by Zhong-Yang Market mainly. 1960 年代以前,果菜來源大多是以臺北近郊及其鄰近鄉鎮直接供應為主,主要 由中央市場來批發。
Owing to Zhong-Yang Market was crowded, so built "Hua-Jiang Market" at 5 water gate and "Poultry Market" at 6 water gate along Tamsui River. 中央市場擁擠所以於淡水河 5 號水門處成立 「華江市場」及 6 號水門外的「雞鴨市場」。
At this time the location of the Wholesale Market still related with the source of food. After the completion of the embankment, there were nearly 70 hectares of agricultural land outside the embankment. They could supply Taipei a certain amount of fresh vegetables every day. 此時批發市場的位置,還是與食物來源有關。在堤防完工後,位於堤外尚有近 70 餘公頃的農地,每天可以供應全臺北市相當一定量的新鮮蔬菜。
Owing to Zhong-Yang Market was too small to demand, so built "the First Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market" and moved Zhong-Yang Market into. 中央市場因場地狹小,無法符合需求,於是興 建了「第一批發蔬果市場」,將批發市場遷入。
第一家禽批發市場 環南市場
After 1970s, the population and building sites of the city increased year by year, but agricultural lands declined. There was shortage of vegetable-supply by nearby towns, so changed the source by middle and southern Taiwan directly. 1970 年代以後,城市人口增加,建地逐年增加,但農地面積則逐年下降,光靠 鄰近鄉鎮的蔬菜貨源不敷使用,所以改由臺灣中南部產地直接運送供應。
Due to the flood prevention policy, so built "Poultry Wholesale Market" and "Huan-Nan Market" and moved Poultry Market outside the water gate into. 因防洪政策,又興建家禽批發市場及環南市 場,將水門外的雞鴨市場遷入。
Today, Taipei is full of many modern supermarkets or large wholesales, traditional markets are marginalized or stigmatized and become a dirty, noisy place. 今天,台北市充斥著許多現代化的超級市場或是大型賣場,傳統市場反而被邊 緣化甚至汙名化,成為一個骯髒吵雜的場所。
One of the great ironies of modern food systems is that they're made the very thing they promised to make easier much harder. By making it possible to build cities anywhere and any place, they're actually distanced us from our most important relationship, which is that of us and nature. And also they're made us dependent on systems that only they can deliver, that, as we've seen, are unsustainable. 所以當今食品工業最諷刺的地方是,他們讓生活極為便利,卻也使一切更為複雜,因為可以自 由建立城市,卻也切斷了人與大自然以及人與人的聯繫,最後只能依賴他們的供給系統,而我 們也已經看到,這個系統是不能永續的。
So what are we going to do about that? 那麼,我們該怎麼辦呢?
"To solve the problem of the city, have to learn the natural circular metabolism. Improving the urban self-reliance, promoting the recycling of matter and energy, increasing energy efficiency and greening environment. Advocating the urbanite have a healthy and meaningful lifestyle in harmony with nature and becoming a sustainable "Ecopolis"." 要解決城市的問題,需要學習自然的循環代謝。提高城市本身的自足性、促進 物質及能源的循環利用、提昇能源使用效率和綠化環境。並鼓吹都市人過一個 健康、有意義的生活方式,以成為與自然和諧共存,並能持續性發展的「生態 城市」。
"CITIES: New directions for sustainable urban living." by Herbert Girardet, 1992
Food is one of important resources to maintain the operation of a city. Food sources of the contemporary city, in addition to import food, mostly dependent on the surrounding production areas or adjacent townships to produce agriculture. The contemporary agricultural production has become the energy intensive agribusiness, not only consuming energy in the process of production, but using of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and also through packaging, processing, distribution and transportation, to reach the hands of consumers. In order to reduce the environmental costs from urban demand, to protect the food supply of the city itself, to improve urban land use, and promote resource conservation, bringing food back to the city is necessary. 食物的供應,是維繫一個城市運作的重要輸入資源之一。現代城市的食物來源,除了進口食物 之外,大多是仰賴周邊的生產區域或鄰近以農業生產為主的鄉鎮。而現代的農業生產也已經變 成能源密集的商業性農業,不僅生產的過程耗用能源,使用化肥、農藥,同時還需要透過包裝 或加工處理、分銷運送的過程,以達到消費者手中。為了降低源於城市需求所造成的環境成本, 保障城市本身的食物供應,提高城市土地利用以及促進資源的保育,將食物帶回城市,有其必 要性。
Bring FOO
OD back !
Industrialisation has made food production invisible, increasing the scale of our delusion and the scale of our destruction. Cities already consuming an estimated 75% of the world’s resources, and the number of people living in them due to double by 2050, we need to stop consuming nature in a one-way. 工業化使食物無形的生產,增加我們的妄想及破壞的規模。城市已經消耗了世界上 75% 的資源,在 2050 年將會有 2 倍人口生活在城市,我們必須停止單方面消費自然。
Food is what connects the city to the countryside, and we must start using it as a way of seeing that both are vitally connected – that you can’t have one without the other. 食物連結城市與農村,我們必須開始使用它作為一個看到兩者且十分重要的連 結方式,因為一個都不能少。
The world is shaped and influenced by food, so we may as well start using food to shape the world more positively. If we realize that, we can use food as a really powerful tool – a conceptual tool, design tool, to shape the world differently. 城市是被食物塑造、是受食物影響的,所以我們不妨更積極地開始使用食物重 塑城市。只要認清楚這事實,食物便能成為有利的工具,一個概念性的工具、 設計的工具,來改變這個世界。
Food is what connects us all to each other and to the natural world, which makes it an incredibly powerful medium for thinking and acting collaboratively. It encompasses all of life – not just what is necessary, but also what makes live worth living. 食物連結了我們與對方以及自然,這使得它成為一個強大的媒介來整合思考與 行動。它包含了所有生活,不僅是物質上需要的,還使其變成有價值的生活。
Change the existing eating habits. We ate too much meat to take nutrients in the past. According to USDA pyramid diet we can change the eating habits to reduce energy waste. 改變既有的吃的習慣。 過去人吃太多的肉類來攝取養分,根據 USDA pyramid diet 我們可以改變飲食習慣,以減少能量浪費。
Think about food. They think ahead, plan, they can stare at a pile of raw vegetables and actually recognize them. We need these people. We're part of a network. 會想到食物的人。 他們會預先思考、計畫,看到一堆生菜時知道那是什麼菜。我們需要這些人,這是網絡的一部分。
Markets. Food is being grown locally, common and fresh in this network or market. It's part of the social life of the city. 市場。 在這個網絡或市場裡,食物是當地生產的,是普及的、新鮮的,是社交生活的一部分。
Connect with the earth. We can know the food we ate is from which city and country or our side in Taiwan Instead of some unseen hell-hole. 與土地連結。 我們可以知道我們所吃的食物是來自台灣哪個縣市或是自己身邊,而不是來自看不到的黑暗角落。
A program which can connect us with nature again. We can experience, get told all about food and grow our own food. Combining production with trade o produce a beginning of new social life. 使我們和大自然再度聯繫的計劃。 親身體驗、學習有關食物和種菜的一切,將生產與交易結合產生新的社交開始。
Organic production methods. As an example to implement such a mode of production. 有機的生產方式。 作為實行這樣生產方式的一個範例。
We provide a viewpoint, that is food at the center of life. This is where food should be in our society. If we want to achieve that we should need : 我們提供一個態度,食物是生活的中心。這是食物在社會裡應有的地位。要做 到這樣我們需要:
Modern city prove the words of Max Weber. 現代城市應證了 Max Weber 的話:
"The city is a settlement the inhabitants of which live primarily off trade and commerce rather than agriculture." 城市是這樣的聚落,這裡的居民主要仰賴貿易與商業維生,而非農業。
Max Weber, 1958
I agree with him, but as a contemporary city, it should not only trade, but should be a PREM. City (Premium City) ─ a quality city.
我同意他的話,但作為當代的城市,應不只有貿易而已,而應該是 PREM. City (Premium City) ─一個優質的城市。
Market was the social center of the city, we can not only go there to buy fresh food also swap news and gossip. Rebuilding these places : the space of everyone – shared places in which anything could happen. 市場曾是城市社交的中心,使我們不僅可以到那買新鮮食物也同時交換新聞和八卦。 重建這樣的場所:每個人的空間,什麼事都可能發生及被共享的地方。
Rethinking the relationship about wholesale market, markets, riverside park and neighboring communities. 重新思考批發市場、市場、河濱公園、鄰近社區間的關係。
Bryant Park, New York
Using up this input and sends it back in form of service, water, or public space. 輸入並得到以服務、水或者是公共空間形式的回饋。
Uncontrolled resources waste coupled with random pollution emissions, increasing our available resources depletion. A system of interdependent cycle will play the role of input and feedback in the city. 無節制的資源浪費加上隨意的污染排放,使我們可用的資源日漸枯竭。 一套相互依存的循環系統將在城市中扮演輸入及回饋的角色。
Urban development broke up the association between people and food production, so that we forget the sources of food and depart from the environment. Bringing food production back to the city and trying to re-establish the relationship between urban inhabitants and the environment. 城市發展阻斷人與作物生產的關聯,使我們忘了食物的來源也與環境脫離了。 把作物生產帶回城市而試圖重新建立城市居民與環境的關係。
Putting production into monotonic areas of the city, and producing a variety of activities and associations. 將生產置入回城市單調的部分,進而產生多種活動與聯繫。
Fulong, Taiwan
Re-thinking embankments in another way – opening or transforming, leaving the city and the river link to a basin. 以另一種方式思考河堤─打開或者是變形,而使城市與河流連結,形成一個流域。
Due to congestion and cement of the city, we must endure the HeatIsland Effect or any problem of water. Multi-point or a large mediatory space must be present to relieve the crowded city. 城市的擁擠與水泥化,使我們必須承受熱島效應或者是水的任何問題。 多點或者是大面積的調節空間必須存在以紓緩擁擠的城市。
Taipei, Taiwan