1 minute read
41° 17' 30" Latitude by 70° 05' 30" Longitude ~ The winter population is approximately 20,000
Approximate distances, in miles to various locations of Nantucket Island from Main Street and Orange Street (Paci fi c National Bank) Airport 3.5 miles
Sankaty Lighthouse 9.5 miles Siasconset (via Polpis) 10.5 miles Smith Point 7 miles Squam 8.5 miles Surfside 3.5 miles
Altar Rock (via Polpis) 6 miles
Tom Nevers Head 6.5 miles Wauwinet 9 miles
Another great way to get around the island is by using the Nantucket Regional Transit Authority’s (NRTA) Wave Bus. The Greenhound Station in town has routes servicing Sconset, Madaket, Miacomet, Mid Island, the Airport, Surfside Beach and Jetties Beach. Follow the QR code for a system-wide map of all their routes.
Eel Point 6 miles Madaket 6.75 miles
Monomoy 2 miles
Quaise 3.5 miles Quidnet 7.5 miles
Nantucket Island is just about 14 miles by 3-1/2 miles, and there are miles of bike paths to nearly every area. This means that riding a bicycle is one of the best ways to get around our island. Follow the QR code to discover miles of bike paths, where to rent bikes, biking tips, and where to fi nd water stations along the way.