DanaosSUPPLY 7 August 2013
Features of danaosSUPPLY include:
Complete Supply Cycle Support Global Catalogs Historic Information Management No data transcription Stock Control On-board module Web Support services Management evaluation reports User friendly interface Budgeting and Cost Control Integration with danaosMIS
Danaos Systems (Cyprus) Ltd 145-149 Chr.Hadjipavlou Str. Limassol 3036 CYPRUS Phone: (357) 25 889 139 Fax: (357) 25 745 466 E-mail: contact@danaoscy.eu We’re on the Web! www.danaoscy.eu
Your “all in one” Partner..
YOUR Gateway to e-commerce and e-purchasing The danaosSUPPLY system consists of three m o d u l e s, SPARES, STORES and PROVISIONS. Each one has been optimized for the specific task and reporting requirements. The SPARES module is integrated with the danaosPMS system and all modules are integrated with the Marine Accounting & Management Information System (MIS).
Productivity and Cost danaosSUPPLY system has been conceived to minimize cost through complete supply cycle support, efficient evaluation of requisitions, comparison of quotations, and order break up strategies, historic cost references and order follow-up to destination. Productivity is enhanced by the paperless distribution of requisition quotations to suppliers.
E-commerce All danaosSUPPLY modules generate quotations via the Internet which once received by the supplier are filled in and reprocessed via the Danaos web portal or ShipServ websites. The user then gets a paperless quotation fully compatible with danaosSUPPLY, ready for evaluation without the slightest data transcription. Further the suppliers library at the Danaos Web-site, makes Danaos your supply reference database.
On board danaosSUPPLY modules have been designed for multifunctional role. They can be used as standalone on board systems (*), as stand-alone office systems with paper exchanges or in a fully integrated mode, where office and vessel work in a synchronized mode and data is shared and exchanged. All this is performed with sophisticated update strategies that transfer every time only the alterations, minimizing data transfer and cost. (*) Requires also danaosBoard module