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Portfolio of YICHENG XU

B.E Urban Planning,Distinctive Graduate, Wuhan University,China


Transition to sustainable landscapes and cities

Due to the influence of Zen, Kisho Kurokawa defined the gray space, meaning the color transition between white and black and the spatial transition from indoor to outdoor. Such a unique space, to some extent, blurs the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces of a building. When the two spaces become a biotic integrity, the barrier separating indoor and outdoor spaces was replaced by the spatial continuity, impressing people with the natural and organic feeling, such as corridors and courtyards. Transition space also exists on the scale of a city, such as the public space outside buildings like plazas, green land, and waterfronts. Here, different people meet, clash or integrate with each other. The scenes of symbiosis are on display here as the music of variations in process that is attracting, captivating and nourishing me. Transition space cannot perform like the traditionally designed space, and the latter is according to analysis, structuring and organization and produced based on the general synthesis. Such a mechanical production can let space lose spontaneity and equivocality.


City [Central Park]

I was born in the southeastern region of China’s Zhejiang Province, the warm bed of Buddhism. In my earlier years, I was attracted by Zen, and in my university, I was inspired by Kisho Kurokawa’s understanding of symbiosis in ecology. Different from others who define themselves as urban designers, architects, landscape designers or engineers, I choose to use multiple design skills to deal with those complex issues. In my designing process, I consider the site as a living being and approach it from the macro and comprehensive perspectives such as the factors of urban planning, the surrounding environment and various social factors. During my sketch of the entire architecture, I will actively contemplate the specific details, juxtapose the entirety along with the details. It is such a parallel concept of design that guides my ideas about the relationships among site, building, environment, people, time and policies. I gradually grasp the application of the Symbiosis theory in architecture design and urban design, which also directs my thinking on transition space. This portfolio is not only to explore the spatial symbiosis but also attempts to explore the symbiosis in culture, social patterns and scientific progress.




[A Gallery through the Trees]

M Scale

Expansion of Courtyard Architecture Design

[Transition] KISHO KUROKAWA defined transition space , also named as grey space, a space that just like color grey which is something between black and white. Transition space interface between architecture and environment, achieve the purpose of integration of indoor and outdoor, such as building entrance , yard and roof. Meanwhile, in urban scale, transition space can be understood as the building surrounding area like square, green space or riverside. Different people with their demand meet here. Collision, conflict or harmony emerge , just like a series symphonies stage one after another, attracting me ,fascinating me and addicting me. As those spaces difficult to distinguish from inside to outside, I am also hard to define myself. Architecture designer, urban planner ,landscape architecter or engineer , none of them is the best answer. Anyway, I believe what you design is not the most significant thing while the way you think and the tip you use is.


[A Treasure by the River]

L Scale

Revival of Waterfront Landscape & Urban design


[A series of Installations on the Way]

S Scale

Urban Furnitures Design Parametric Design Model


[A Prediction to the Tuture]

XL Scale

Smart Rescue Plan for natural disasters Cross Category


[A Shelter above the Roof ]

S Scale

Roof Garden

My projects are trying to maxmize the meaning of every transition space , not only including the space but also the social connection framework.



[A Heritage from the Past ]

L Scale

Historic District Preservation District Survey & Analysis

Transition of Space



Transition of Space Competition:1st prize at Wuhan University Collaborator:Liao Xuanli, Xiang Gang Time:April.2015 Site:Wuhan,China Instructor:Wang Jiangping Architecture design Extansion of the courtyard The couryard has several demands.On the one hand , for those students, they need spaces for large model construction , vegetable planting, and other activities. For those professors and officers, they want a coffee break space.On the other hand, the accessibility of the site is poor actually due to the barrier of the building’s façade and there is no entrance. Based on the site issue and function demand, this project puts forward the concept of 4 dimensions growing gallery, which means not only scattering function to a gallery building on stilts but also organizing the time-based activities to maximize the space.

Through the trees

To steal space from time

Transition of Space

Site Survey




The site is located in school of urban design of Wuhan University in China, a U shape space which is surrounded by a building and a ramp with several Camphor trees growing there.

Event Officer Professor

Senior Junior


















On the one hand ,For those students , they lack of large model construction ,vegetable planting spaces and other activities .For those professors and officers , they need a coffee break space. On the other hand , the accessibility of the site is poor actually due to the barrier of the building’s façade and there is no entrance.

Through the trees

To steal space from time

Transition of Space


Form Generation

According to the various demand mentioned, the site is considered to build a gallery not only for space extension but also for transportation as well as to become a transition between the building and the environment outside.

Through the trees

Time Intensify

Based on the site issue and function demand , this project puts forward the concept of 4 dimensions growing gallery, which means not only scattering function to a gallery building on stilts but also organizing the time-based activities to maximize the space.

To steal space from time

Transition of Space

Exploeded Axonomeric



Chatting Room

The ground floor sometimes can be used to for students’ construction and vegetation planting practice or other activities. And in other time, it can be used for professors and officers for coffee break and meeting. And the façade is fit to the context and can allow the branch in, which makes it harmonious between nature and architecture.

Through the trees

Meeting Room

To steal space from time

Transition of Space

Yard Perspective

Roof Plan

Ground Plan






The gallery makes the building and road outside connected and thus become a vigrous transition space.

Through the trees


The gallery sometimes can be used for exhibition and sight-seeing.And it can alse be a best choice for final review whenever it is needed.

To steal space from time

Transition of Social development mode


A TREASURE BY THE RIVER Transition of Social development mode Personal research & design Time:Jun.2016 Site:Wuxi,China Instructor:Ji Hongfei Landscape & Urban design Revival of Waterfront

Wuxi is one of the areas that suffer the most severe blue-green algae pollution. Drinking water crisis outbreaks from time to time due to industrial pollution and eutrophication of discharged water in the process of industrialization, resulting a loss of billions of yuan of government. At present, water bloom still has an influence on half of the waterfront land utilization in Wuxi. In the past 20 years, only less than one percent of the polluted area has been controlled. At this rate, it will take at least 3600 years to clear the all.

Blue-green algae pollution of Taihu Lake

Besides, the Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou used to be regional transportation junction, a carrier bearing memories of culture and transportation in agricultural era, which has become crucial to the transporting of industrial materials since modern industrialization. However, as road traffic, railway traffic and aircraft industry develop, the canal’s function is gradually disappearing, at the same time the cultural memories it bears is disappearing too and its connection with cities is weakening inescapably. More seriously, the boatmen, a group that has existed for thousands of years, are facing with unemployment crisis. This project will split these social and environmental problems, then recompose them through a framework with an interference by landscape method. Therefore, a new “harvest” system will be born- chemical fertilizer, building materials and plants that degrade compounds with nitrogen and phosphorus will be harvested circularly. If the canal has recorded the vicissitudes of a city, then it will be a starting point for industrial transformation of a new-type landscape. Waste soil and slag will be adopted for landform, and residue collected from abandoned factories can be construction materials of regional public facilities and activity space in the residential community of the boatmen, becoming the construction foundation that changes the living conditions of low-income groups, who are on the verge of unemployment. In this connection, they will provide logistical support for these workers and the boatmen community will come into being. Furthermore, the salvaged blue-green algae can be used not only to produce various bio-based products, but also to produce fertilizers, offering the ecological floating island a base for maintaining. In addition, the visitors can seed on the island after they have arrived there by boat and appreciate the new landscape, obtaining happiness as well as contributing to the local economic income, which will feed back environmental programs and daily life and production of these boatmen.

Shipping recession of the Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou

By the river

Thus, the project will be a new chance for circular economy, for it will register such a great number of strengths, including solving the problems of water pollution and the treatment of industrial waste, working out the bread-and-butter issue of the boatmen living by the canal, creating a new landscape to attract the visitors and turning to be a starting point of the city’s road to revival when it is going downhill.

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Site analysis


TRANSPORTATION % 100 90 80 70 60 -


50 -


40 30 -


20 -
















10 -

2002 2007 2015 2016


The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou used to be a carrier bearing memories of culture and transportation in agricultural era, which has become crucial to the transporting of industrial materials since modern industrialization. However, as road traffic, railway traffic and aircraft industry develop, the canal’s function is gradually disappearing, at the same time the cultural memories it bears is disappearing too and its connection with cities is weakening inescapably. More seriously, the boatmen are facing with unemployment crisis. History




Coal Factory pollution




Road contaminant


Waste land pollution




Cyanobacteria Bloom Boatman 's dilemma

Railway Highway

Cyanobacteria pollution Industrial wharf

By the river


One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Strategy & Scenerio Envrionmental strategy

Salvaging sludge

Drying soil

Making different terrains by soil

Nobacteria pollution

Vegetation growing

Nobacteria pollution collecting

Processing at a factory

Providing fertilizers for the terrains

Counstruction strategy

Updating the factory

Obsoleted factory

Making different terrains with industrial waste

Resources and arrangements

cannal revitalization Building a new school

Building the community for boatmen by using container

The boatmen are regarded as “landscape designers” by the concept that “salvage the blue-green algae and deal with it”. Originally, the boatmen might probably lose their jobs when the canal’s shipping function reduces. While at this time, their roles and the meaning are reconsidered by people. They are not only the scavengers in the canal for blue-green algae and silt, more importantly, they will transport these collected “waste” to factories to produce fertile soil and chemical fertilizers by decontamination. Such kind of environmental measures will transform the high-cost-low-income mode into a parallel harmony of environmental protection and production, producing chemical fertilizers. Simultaneously, the collected silt, which was thought difficult to cope with before, will be effectively utilized to make materials for the new landscape, such as an ecological floating island park, providing rest area temporarily for migratory bird. When the land is made into a landmark park, many visitors will be attracted to come and visit. By the river

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode


Master pLan

By the river

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Physical Modeling

By the river

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Physical Modeling

Landfill Topography

= 1.5m

Linear Type

= 1.5m

Polygonal Type








02 05

Detention Pond

= -1.5m

= -1.5m

Solo Type

Symphony Type 15






Marsh Island


= 1.5m

Rhythm 23







17 21 18

By the river


One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Phasing layer





Boatmen community Phasing-4 CONSTRUCTING BUILDINGS


Thus, the project will be a new chance for circular economy, for it will register such a great number of strengths, including solving the problems of water pollution and the treatment of industrial waste, working out the bread-and-butter issue of the boatmen living by the canal, creating a new landscape to attract the visitors and turning to be a starting point of the city’s road to revival when it is going downhill.

By the river

Public Space

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Social development mode

Marsh Island

By the river

One’s issue can be another’s solution

Transition of Street Boundry


Transition of Street Boundry Personal research & design Time:Jan.2016 Site:Shenzhen,China Instructor:Hinki.K, Chales , Liu Yiran Urban furnitures design Parametric & Physical model Seat

Along with the development of urbanization and transportation system,walking, as an original but efficient way to promote people's emotional communication, is decreasing now.Unlike top-down subjective planning, this project is trying to set up several urban types of furniture like the chair , canopy and platform on the road boundary, searching for a way to make the road interesting and thus promote vitality of Urban Streets. Under this circumstance , by using parametric design, I create several prototypes to match different sites. The first one is to join those who are walking dogs, second is to join those pedestrians and cyclists, last but not least is to help parents and their kids get pleasure and thus become closer.


On the way

Smooth the boundry, soothing the heart.

Transition of Street Boundry



Transition Space


Prototype-Elements for transition space

In order to make the road more energetic, I start to create installations according to the boundary edge on the road.And I choose three elements to develop the installation.

1.Higher crow density needs larger scale installation. 2.More activities need higher fluctuation frequency to make variable spaces. 3.The orientation needs to match crowd moving direction.

On the way

Smooth the boundry, soothing the heart.

Transition of Street Boundry

Applications Phase 1


Phase 2


The canopy can be used for bicycle parking , sitting and putting things.



The platform can be used for Encouraging children to play with other children.

On the way

Smooth the boundry, soothing the heart.

Transition of Street Boundry

Physical Model

Chair for human & pet

Dogs' Shelter

On the way

From Chair to Canopy

The growing chair can fit to different people with different sizes.

Parent-child Activities Platform

Different fluctuations of wave can fit to acivities for a group of parents with children.

Smooth the boundry, soothing the heart.

Transition of Media Technology



Transition of Media Technology Personal Academic Research Support Team:Digital City Studio of Wuhan University, Information System of Disaster Prevention and Reduction in the rural regions supported by Ministry of Education Data Analysis collaborator:Zhang Weisi Visulization collaborator:Zhao Yaxin Time:Aug.2015-June.2016 Site:Shennongjia,Hubei,China Instructor:Zhan Qingming Cross Category Smart rescue plan for natural disasters Shennongjia is one of the Chinese national parks where there are many geological disasters especially collapse,mudslide and landslide.This project focus on database construction especially main by GIS,making the disaster prevention and reduction process more efficient. Meanwhile, problems revealed out in the experience, such as lack of information, delay rescue response, inadequate resource supply, and potential safety hazard around residential buildings, make me feel the necessity to analyze on its solutions in order to avoid heavy lost in natural disasters in the future.

[Geological Disaster Area]

To the future

Based on this research, I have put some of my former ideas on the project, which concentrated presented on the project of To the Future in my portfolio. I structed the project base on big data connected via GIS and social media such as Facebook to forge a dynamic GIS. And artificial intelligence could be employed to position those injured, trapped and dead people in the photos of the disaster area so as to allocate medical teams, rescue teams and body collection and health teams in a most effective manner.

Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Media Technology

798,000 2 ,516, 890,000

Artificial Intelligence Cloud

Arrivals per year Tourism income per year

Shennongjia 9 villages and 220 high-frequency disaster points 327,957 ,000 funding for prevention and control

Geological Analysis Elevation Analysis

Aspect Analysis 0


Site Datebase




435 - 800 800 - 1200 1200 - 1600 1600 - 2000 2000 - 2400 2400 - 2800 2800 - 3088

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Distance from Water System 0

0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80


Geological Disaster Risk Analysis

Vegetation Cover




20 KM


20 KM

River 0 - 1000 1000 - 2000 2000 - 3000 > 3000

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Annual maximum Rainfall 0

Road Water Forest Non-forest

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Distance from Seismic Belt





Collapse Mudslide Landslide


Gradient Analysis 0

Fault zone 0 - 3000 3000 - 6000 > 6000

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

River 100 - 200 > 200

Geological Analysis


0 KM

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Low Medium High

20 KM

-1 N(0-22.5) NE(22.5-67.5) E(67.5-112.5) SE(112.5-157.5) S(157.5-202.5) SW(202.5-247.5) W(247.5-292.5) NW(292.5-337.5) N(337.5-360)

Fault zone

Collapse Mudslide Landslide

Bu23 C N O P Pt2sha

Pt2shb Pt3 S1 S1+2 T1 Z Z2 ∈1 ∈2+3

Spatial Overlapped Analysis

In order to break up the information barriers among various departments of government, the first step is to use GIS to arrange spatial data and analysis with logistic regression model to get Geological Disaster Risk Analysis, the disaster risk rank zone in Shennongjia forest region.However, the traditional geospatial data does not take the dimensions of human beings and time into account. Meantime, the static data in the actual application of disaster prevention and reduction is limited. To the future

Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Media Technology

Select Information

Artificial Intelligence Cloud

Baokang Songbai




Xinhua Town

110˚55′45″E, 31˚35′21″N Muyu



Xingshan Yanduhe




Xiqiuwan Xinling Injury (people) Trapped (people) Death (people)

≈5 ≈6 ≈1





Longitude and Latitude

Event Emergency

X001, Xinhua Town, Shennongjia, Hubei, China 110˚55′45″E, 31˚35′21″N

Collapse Car Accident

Key Words


Commander Disaster Scene

Rescue Team

In this plan, I tried to reconstruct a dynamic model from user generated information such as facebook and twitter. By collecting the big data of users on the social network, and using the artificial intelligence cloud to analyze the extraction of pictures, locations, text information, I formed the concept model about real-time data. To the future

Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Media Technology

Artificial Intelligence Cloud Fang Baokang Songbai




Xinhua Town

110˚55′45″E, 31˚35′21″N Muyu



Xingshan Yanduhe

Geological Analysis

Users Data

Rescue Routine






Xiqiuwan Xinling

landslide area Collapse



110˚55′45″E, 31˚35′21″N


Optimum Route Airborne Area Collapse Mudslide Landslide

March cue Res Me dic ine

Survivor M Su pp ly



Optimum Place

ply d Sup Foo ly t Supp Ten

×400 ×400


16 sections of the road around Xinhua Town are damaged.

Commander Disaster Scene

Rescue Team

According to user’s positions data, there are 326 people being trapped ,so we need at least 200 tents.

From the combination of Users generated data and GIS geographic data obtained by synchronizing, we can safely determine the precise information about location and the number of injuries and deaths. In this way, collaborative analysis helps to make a more accurate supplies lists and rescue route planning. To the future

Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Media Technology Rescue


Real Time Monitoring

Artificial Intelligence Cloud Rescue Team Search for best rescue places

trapped death


Type Rescue Team Number 34

Type Quarantine Team Number 23





× 20

Type Medical Team Number 29

× 40 × 80

Commander Disaster Scene

Rescue Team

× 100


Overlapped Rescue Plan 4 To the future

Then, the field rescue commander, through AIcloud, obtains the siteobtains information and information rescue command plan, accurately starts Then, the field rescue commander, through AIcloud, the site and rescue command the rescueplan, route accurately and distributes thethe rescue materials, selecting the safethe shelter, and send real-time feedback to the command starts rescue route and distributes rescue materials, selecting the safe shelter, center through APP. and the send real-time feedback to the command center through the APP. Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Media Technology

Artificial Intelligence Cloud

Transport Helicopter

Commonder Armed Police

Landslide Area Injury and Death Damage of Lifeline Emergency

Rescue Helicopter




Social Network

Data Transmitter Transportation






Medical Team Temporary Shelter

APP i-GIS Upload Data



Disaster Scene


Select Key Information

Image Position Key Words

Social Network


Artificial Intelligence Cloud Injury and Death Damage of Lifeline Emergency









Government Commonder

Injury Information Identify

Death Trapped

Medical Team

Overlapped GIS

Site Database

Rescue Team

Quarantine Team Armed Police

Finally, a new human-computer interaction platform is created. The government can use it to monitor the dynamic flow of people in the disaster areas, and obtain more information on the site, helping guide the implementation of evacuation and rescue process. Local users can upload the situation around the site, and also follow the command issued by the command center to avoid the local danger zone. To the future

Dynamic information plays a better role.

Transition of Lifestyle



Transition of Lifestyle Individual Design Construction team director Time:Jun.2015-Dec.2015 Site:Incubation Center of Wuhan University,China Construction Roof Garden Every rainy season, the city where my university locates are under flood disaster, thousands of buildings and hundreds of roads are inundated. It forced me to concern about urban waterfall management strategy. Inspired by the policy Sponge City,I researched the theory of Blue Roof during my exchange period at UC Berkeley.


Above the roof


In the project Above the roof in my portfolio, I started a group to build a garden on a discarded roof in my university as an attempt to help solve the urban flood issue. Finally, to my surprise, the garden not only drew the attention of local social media, attracting numerous people for sightseeing but also concerned by the government, cited by Guangzhou People's Congress Proposal. Besides, the garden became a hot spot on campus and attracted some people outside of campus who is in a subhealth condition to come to take a relax and work as a volunteer.

Small cause can have large effects.

Transition of Lifestyle


Above the roof


Small cause can have large effects.

Transition of History



Transition of History

Historical Value

Construction Quality

Individual Analysis Team work Data collection Time:Sep.2014-Jan.2015 Site:Wuhan,China Instructor:Zhao Bing, Li Rui HISTORIC DISTRICT PRESERVATION As a historic preservation district of Wuhan City, Tanhualin has a large number of hitorical relics. There are complicated imformation about architectural , history , cultural etc. After months of survey and data collection and through expert weight analysis by overlapping those imformation , we finally got the perservation level. This result provided recommendations for the conservation priority level of the historic blocks.

Cultural Value

Architecture Integrity

From the past

Sight Effect

Social Concern

Preservation Level

Jewels will shine forever.

CV 2011-2016 Yicheng Xu Phone: +86-15972006335 E-mail:


School of Urban Design,Wuhan University,Wuhan P. R. China Sep.2011-Jun.2016 B.E in Urban Planning Distinctive graduate

Work Experience

College of Environmental Design (CED), UC Berkeley, California, US Jun.2016-Aug.2016 Summer session: Sustainable landscapes and cities (GPA4.0)



2016 Distinctive graduate, University level (10%) 2016 Member of Alumni/Alumna Association of Wuhan University 2016 Graduates 2016 Representative team of Wuhan University. International Rosa Barba Prize 2016 Campus Ambassador of Wuhan University. Aijing LA Competition 2015 Class B Scholarship of Wuhan University 2015 Selected work at National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China (Urban Design Work) 2015 Selected work at National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in China (Social Research on Urban and Rural Planning) 2015 Wudu Cup Beautiful Village Planning Competition by Landscape Architecture Society of Hubei province 2nd Prize 2015 Mingyuan Scholarship of Wuhan University 2015 Mingyuan Cup Competition of Urban Design of Wuhan University 2nd Prize 2015 Culture Festival of Campus Design of Wuhan University (Campus Landscape Professional Group) 1st Prize 2012 Excellent Minister of School of Urban Design of Wuhan University Parametric design Workshop Jan.2016-Feb.2016 in Beijing Forestry University META Parametric design Workshop Dec.2015 in Wuhan University


Oct.2015 Volunteer of the Seventh National Oversea Education Fund Administration, responsible for the core stage in oversea education fund administration. Sept.2015 One of the first group of volunteers in the Tenth China (Wuhan) International Gardening Exhibition, guided other volunteers to work. Aug.2015 Chief Designer of the roof garden on College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center project in Wuhan University. 2015 Founder of Competition Studio, Architecture Association, Wuhan University

Skills Hobbies

Languages: Chinese (Mandarin): native English: fluent Computer Skills: 2D graphic: Auto CAD, Adobe In design, Photoshop, Illustrator, Hand-drawing 3D modelling: Rhino, grasshopper, ArcGIS, Sketchup, V-Ray , Lumion , CNC milling Traveling, photograph , piano , vocal music , cooking Chinese food

Zhejiang Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute Nov.2015~Feb.2016 Urban planning Intern Urban Design of urban village of Shuanglong Road, Wenzhou Completed data collecting through the method of on site survey with the local people, Site Analysis though 3D model, and 3D Model of the final design Regulatory planning of Mingyue RD in Yichun Water and Gas Pipeline specific planning and visualization of the Land Use of the planning CAMCE WHU Design & Research CO.,LTD Feb. 2015.-Jun.2015 Urban Planning Intern Master plan of Xincheng town in Dawu city, Hubei Province 8 persons intern team director .Mapping and Data survey through on site investigation. Analyze Data to find the crucial problem and thus propose several strategies leading to the final design. Incubation Centre of Wuhan University Aug.2015-Mar.2016 Leader of Venture Team Design and construction of Roof Garden of Incubation Centre Completed overall concept design, plant and material selection, construction supervision

Research Experience

Information System of Disaster Prevention and Reduction in the rural regions Aug. 2015-Jun. 2016 Digital City Studio, Wuhan University, supported by China's Ministry of Education Established data base on domestic and foreign disasters. Data analysis and site visit over 6 towns and 2 villages in Shen Nong Jia area. Definition and classification on geological disasters, visualize 3D model of the topography, aims to analysis on landslide and debris flow situation through GIS data base. Comprehensive evaluate analysis on risk degree. Establish and test on the structure of disaster prevention supporting system. Build up IGIS (Interactive GIS) to collect user data to meet the missed part in the project.

History and the present situation of night snack space in Jiqing street and Xuesong road April. 2015-Jun. 2015 Through reconstruct the present situation of night snack space in Jiqing Road and Xuesong Road at the same time, analyzed on human traffic on different spots, interviewed people’s attitude, observed the streamline of activities and action behaviors of the crowd, in order to analysis on the necessity and current situation on the existing of night snack, to understand symbiotic relationship within crowd’s interactions. The result could help to understand the symbiotic fusion state between sustainable development of night snack and city road planning, which could provide reconstruction solution to other night snack spots.

Research of Rural and Urban Classification System in China Aug.2015- Nov.2015 Digital City Studio cooperated with United Nation Collected Data and Mapped through 8 provinces. Created index to classify different types of Chinese town and cities

Portfolio of YICHENG XU Selected works 2011-2016

B.E Urban Planning,Distinctive Graduate, Wuhan University,China

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