Yida Zhou - Communities at Work, MArch II Studio Design Report

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Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


''The term of the Hotel, as discribed by Rem Koolhas in his Generic City, has challenged and combined the conventional typologies of home and office, and eventually shaped the post-industrial cities significantly. Paris, as a city in which knowledge production is deeply embedded its history across many generations, is an ideal place of contesting a new prototype of Hotel that combines the traditional design of Live and Work. The 'Communities at Work' started from a historical reference project in Paris that is classically designed but yet unconventional, and eventually led to two Live-work projects which followed the same line from the starting point but respectively covered independent aspects of designs.''


Project I. Restructuring Passy Reservoirs – A Live-work Tech Station

Part 1 – 'The Amphitheatre of Books'


Part 2 – 'The Gatehouse' - The Courtyard of books


Part 3 – ''Contextualising' - A Timelapse at BnF Richelieu


Part 4 – 'The Tanks of Knowledge Sharing' - Hotel Paris



Project II. Inhabiting the Edge – The Gare de Massena Artists’ Residences

Part 1 – 'Redefining the Hotel'

Part 2 – ‘Constructing the Hotel’


Part 3 – ‘Life in the Hotel’



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



Project I. Restructuring Passy Reservoirs – A Live-work Tech Station

SYNOPSIS The background of the project is set in the near future of Paris, where the continental Europe is getting closer to take over the crown of the centre of technology industry which is currently holding by London, and Paris is one of the most competitive cities to provide a brand-new environment for tech companies and investors. Paris has a long and successful history related to knowledge production, ranging from Museums such as Louvre to Centre Pompidou. The reference to one of the National Library projects by Etienne Louis Boullee has largely influenced the architectural qualities that the project delivers. Gatehouse project is used to solidify the concepts that were extracted from the reference project which later applied to the building design. The site of the Project I is situated in the 16th Arrondissement, where the Arc de Triomphe, Champs-Elysees and all other Parisian points of interests are close at hand. Reservoir de Passy is a partially abandoned reservoir structure that serves Parisian public gardens with non-potable water supply. Its large footprint and the castle-like walls have made a remarkable and yet untouchable urban void in the most densely built area of the city. The Project, is set to establish a technology centre which would based on the existing structures of the reservoirs, treating it as a tank of knowledge production and sharing. Inviting technology workers and companies to exchange and exhibit their works to their potential investors. The original grid system was taken as a base point of the project and all the working spaces and housing are followed its footprints. Working and exhibiting area are situated on the ground floor, where existing columns are dominating the environment. Living area is located on the existing tanks and public amenities are created.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



'The Amphitheatre of Books' -Bibliothèque Nationale by Étienne-Louis Boullée The project opens with a deep observation to one of the national library project in Paris which was delivered by Étienne-Louis Boullée in 1785. The building was classical: Enlightenment architectural language throughout the wholistic design. However, one thing is extremely strong in comparison to other classical library buildings, that, is the central reading space as describe by Boullée as the ‘Amphitheatre of Books’. In his original sketches, he dreamed a wonderful open plan with no modern obstacles within such as desk and chairs, bringing the ancient Greek paintings back to life: Philosophers and scholars talk, share and pass on the knowledge, with a background of millions of books that once represented the highest achievement of knowledge by human beings. Vaulted ceiling created a large void which is connected to the sky through the giant roof opening. Boullée’s library is understood in a way that knowledge production is heavily relied on sharing, and therefore compressing other programs to make way for the central platform. Series of diagrams are presented to illustrate the Part 1.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Bibliothèque Nationale by Étienne-Louis Boullée, 1785



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Space Layering, Scale, Function and Structure

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



'The Gatehouse' -The Courtyard of books In the previous precendents studies two libraries were seen in details: Étienne-Louis Boullée's National library project and Henri Labrouste’s Bibliothèque Nationale de France at Rue de Richelieu. Both projects used similar strategies in terms of massing, lighting and circulation, in which qualities embeded the design of the gatehouse. Two libraries started with a courtyard typology which served as a communal space and the gather point of the circulations. In Boullée’s project, the courtyard can be seen as a form of the grand reading room in which he believes the knowledge development is based on sharing and communication. The giant rooflight above the reading area brought the idea of the relationship between human and the cosmic, and also created a magnificent lighting depth horizontally in the library. Similarly, Labrouste’s reading room used nine large rooflights above the reading room to lit up the big void, and with the aid of north facing high level windows to maximize the natural light in the main reading area. Narrow entrance again with side lights to create a visual depth and transparency.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Courtyard of Books - The Gatehouse Amphitheatre of Books - The Reference



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


''In the gatehouse design, courtyard and lighting are the two most important elements. The gatehouse features a central large indoor courtyard with no designated functions. Bookshelves can be found around the courtyard. Large skylight as seen in both libraries is used. With the idea of isolating the courtyard from the outside environment, all windows are placed in purpose to avoid direct visual contact to the outside and only little light is allowed from the walls. Visual depth strategies are also applied at the entrance and the back study room in the design. Circulation is hidden in a narrow space and with very narrow access. The design of the Gatehouse can be understood as a combination of architectural qualities which identified in the precedent studies, and also provides future insights and starting point to the later projects.''

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Axonometric - Gatehouse


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

The functions - Gatehouse



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


'Contextualising' -A Time-lapse at BnF Richelieu The Bibliothèque Nationale de France is experienced in a time-lapse format. The scale of the large facade expanding along with the Rue de Richelieu is in a high contrast with the narrow main entrance. The courtyard of the building is used as a communal space for the readers. People come to the courtyard to communicate with others to share their experience of the library or just their daily life. The image reflects the blue print of Etienne Louis-Boulee’s library proposal, that the reading room is intended to be a courtyard where the knowledge sharing can happen instead of chairs and desks. In terms of the internal space, a similar lighting strategy has been used in both library, a visual depth displayed from the main entrance to the inner reading space. Larges skylight are applied in the reading room to maximize the natural light in the environment.

Axonometrics - Gatehouse 22

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Screenshots from the video - A Time-lapse at BnF Richelieu


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



'Hotel Paris' -A Live and Work Tech Station Having been inspired by Boullée’s national library project, the Part 4 is aimed to materialize the idea of a knowledge sharing platform. The background is set to the Post-Brexit age, when London is gradually losing its leading place as one of Europe’s largest knowledge production capital. The project, looked into one of the possible effect of Brexit that Paris is maturing into an impressive startup ecosystem in the field of Technologies, attracting foreign talent and fundings and getting closer to toppling London as Europe’s Tech hub.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Paris, the greater connections and the site


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

The Site at Passy Reservoirs, Paris

The site, the Passy Reservoirs owned by Eau de Paris is located west of the Arc de Triomphe and Champs-ÉlysÊes, north of Tour de Eiffel, providing easy access to the city centre, metro station at Place Victor Hugo and the public park, overlooking the La Defense, where the most tech companies in Paris are based. The Reservoir consists of 4 individual tanking structures that form one of the most interesting urban fabric in the dense 16th arrondissement of Paris. The structures extend at an altitude of 10 metres above the street level making them invisible to public eyes. The burrstones form solid walls to shape this giant castle of water, which initially intended for non-potable water storage, including the Villejust basin and Bel-air basin located at the corner of Rue Lauriston and Rue Paul-ValÊry, and the fire reserve basin. The Villejust basin contains two stacked reservoirs covered with grass. The fire reserve, a single water basin, has been abandoned and no longer useful. The Copernic reservoir tacked at the back of the site is still in use for water storage purpose.

Street view of Reservoir de Passy


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Site location of Reservoir de Passy


The Existing Structural Columns in the Tank.


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

The views from the top of Reservoirs.


The Existing Reservoir structures


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

The Existing Reservoir Section


The Amphitheatre, The Tank


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


OVERVIEW 'The Tanks of Knowledge Sharing' The project is aimed to design a knowledge sharing platform for Parisian Tech Workers and Tech business starters. Provide both short term and long-term membership to companies and individual freelancers. The whole building also attracts public to experience technologies and attend the 'village life' on the existing rooftop level. The entire project is arranged to three different levels. The ground level, the existing tanking structures is used as the ‘Tank of Work’, followed by the Living level above, which occupies the existing roof top and the first level of Villejust tank, presenting the ‘village’ to the inhabitants. A giant roof structure is proposed to cover the entire site apart from the still-in-use Copernic tank. EFTE lightweight roof is shown to create a column free sheltered village on the existing rooftop. Urban farming façade is designed to enclose the boundary of the roof structure, as well as providing supplement to the ‘villagers’. Fish farm and market is designed on the existing water of Copernic tank to attract inhabitants and publics to experience through the entire building.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

The Proposed Site Plan


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


THE WORK 'The Tanks of Knowledge Sharing' The ground floor, as inspired by Étienne-Louis Boullée’s open plan library, central columns are omitted to make way for the proposed knowledge sharing platform. As the nature of tech start-up ecosystem, large exhibition area is in need to occupy the centre of the building. A cross shaped public space is arranged through out two existing tanks, one forms the exhibition space and other creates a public hallway and space such as auditorium. The second tier of columns form the semi-public co-working environment, with separated meeting rooms, conference rooms and flexible layout of shared office space. Café that occupies four squares of grid can be found on the corner of second tier. The last tier of structure forms the semi-private working space and private living space, and also staff office, public toilets, equipment roof and workshop.

List of Figures: 1. Entrance 2. Public Hallway 3. Exhibition Area 1 4. Exhibition Area 2 5. Flexible Shared Offices 6. Conference Room 7. Interview Room/Meeting Room 8. Cafe 9. Tech Workshop/Shared Office 10. Equipment Room 11. Auditorium 12. Plant Room 13. Control Room 14. Staff Office 15. Public Toilets/Disabled Toilets 16. Lift



8 6 7










Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



The Ground Floor Plan


The Proposed Ground Floor Axonometric


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Sectional Axonometric Showing in working hours


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


THE LIVE 'The VILLAGE' The First-floor shifts from the working layout on the ground, creating different street patterns with a village centre in the middle where circulation come across. Communal Kitchen, shop, cafÊ, Turkish bath, laundry and Tech lab are designed to fit in the north tank. Market, pub, food deli and Open-air concert stage is proposed to the south. Urban farming façade is accessible through stairs provided on corners of two tanks. Gym and Swimming pool is designed to occupy the existing fire reserve. Public stairway is provided in the centre of the building to access the fishing farm and market proposed on the Copernic tank.

List of Figures:

12 8


11 10

7 14

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

1. Village centre 2. Vegetable Market 3. Food Deli 4. Pub and Bar 5. Open-air Stage 6. Public Toilets and Equipment Room 7. Communal Kitchen 8. Shop 9. Laundry 10. Tech Lab 11. Cafe 12. Turkish Bath 13. Gym 14. Swimming pool 15. Lift to Fishing Farm Level 16. Void


13 15 1


2 3

16 4 6


The First Floor Plan


The Proposed First floor Axonometric


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Sectional Axonometric Showing in Living hours


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Open-air stage


On the south corner of the Bel-air tank due A small pub is proposed facing the open-air to the need of general office and toilet space stage on the first floor to provide entertainment on the ground floor, thus an open-air concert space for villagers. stage is proposed providing large standing and seating space, with changing room and equipment room to the corner and public toilets adjacent.

Food Deli


A structure for a street style food deli is proposed on the centre of Bel-air tank, offers easy-getting lunch for the workers and a outside relaxing space with greenery.

The market stalls are dedicated to the food harvested from the building’s urban farming facades. Similar to the fishing market, same architectural language is used here to provide an interesting spatial quality. Market sets on the street patterns that copied from Villejust tank to stand out from environment and to create a village market feeling.


Turkish Bath

Gym and Swimming pool

The café is designed on the roof top with large outside seating area. The layout generally follows the street patterns and connected with every main route. A complex of lighting and glu-lam beam is designed to add extra features and identification to the café and making it mostly recognisable on the roof.

The fact that small units have no decent kitchen space and also the idea of encouraging dwellers to be more engaged in a sharing sort of life, a communal kitchen is designed to the centre of the Villejust tank, facing all of the small units on the side, with open cooking space and offers stools on the other side of the counters. Seating area is also provided following the street pattern.

As an unusual feature on the living level, a Turkish bath offers a special experience to the ‘villagers’ who would potentially suffer from physical pressures under overloaded works. The bath uses part of existing vault structures on the first floor on Villejust Tank, and sets to the corner of the ‘village’, also providing roof top relaxing space which can be accessed by spiral staircase in the cooling room.

As the fact that most tech workers work on screens dominantly, a gym becomes very essential to them. The existing fire reservoir provides generous pool space and possible new layout of gym on the newly proposed structure in the tank.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



The Proposed Building situated in Site


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Green Facade

List of Figures: 1. Copernic Tank 2. Restaurant 3. Fish Market 4. Fishing Cages 5. Urban Farming Facade Accessing stair 6. Gardening and Equipment Room







Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

To utilise the volume created on the boundary of the existing tanks, as well as providing villagers additional food supply, the green faรงade is proposed. Covered with EFTE material, the concrete supporting structure holds the vertical planting beds, which can be accessed through the existing walkways on the top of the stone structures. Gardening sheds, accessing stairs and equipment room are located at the corners of the tanks. Harvested vegetable and fruits would be brought to the Market at the village centre and provided to residents.


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Small Studio

Medium Studio

Large Studio

The idea of sharing knowledge is essential in this project. A small working unit is a container of live and work that provides every essential need of a tech worker, with the working space on the ground floor and living space on the first. Minimum living and working space in a way encourages resident to step out to seek other spatial experience and also engage into a mode of sharing in both work and live. The unit is operated as a lift provides easy access to both floors which enables the shift between live and work extremely easy.

This range provides decent living space with double bedroom on the first floor and a single workspace with bathroom and little kitchen on the ground. The private living space is well tacked in the solid structure whilst the working space is more transparent and accessible, making co-working on the work level possible.

This type of dwelling is intended for longer stay residents, for weeks and months. Similar to the medium studio type, it offers decent space in terms of both living and working. Ground floor consists of a double working space, a decent normal kitchen and a bathroom. The landing on the first floor forms the living space, which set back from the front of the unit and allows natural light to penetrate the whole space.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station


Sectional Perspective


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Sectional Perspective


Proposed Sections


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project I: Restructuring Passy Reservoirs, A Live-Work Tech Station

Proposed Sections


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences



Project II. Inhabiting the Edge – The Gare de Masséna Artists’ Residences

SYNOPSIS The passengers building of the Gare de Masséna preserves the memory of Paris’ Petite Ceinture (Small Belt) railway culture and industrial history that was left behind in the 13th arrondissement late 20th century’s development characterized by the construction of high rise buildings and transportation infrastructures that act as barriers in the urban fabric. Inhabiting the Edge provides spaces for the renowned creative industries of the district while reconnecting the Gare de Masséna to the surrounding context. Contributing to the Rive Gauche urban redevelopment and making the public realm richer and more vivid, the new complex offers a co-working platform, exhibition and gallery spaces to local artists. A vast artificial ground, suspended above the Gare the Masséna and the edge of the bridge, creates public green spaces within the building. Eight different types of dwellings accommodate artists, university researchers, and students, a dynamic and creative community. The circulation connects the public spaces of the building, from the ground floor to the elevated terrace, to the rooftop bar&restaurant in a continuous journey that captures the views of the old and new Paris on both sides of the building.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences



'Redefining the Hotel' -The Urban Context The semester 1 project, Restructuring the Passy Reservoirs, opened with a deep observation into one of the national library projects in Paris which was delivered by Étienne-Louis Boullée in late 18 centuries. The project has carried some of the architectural qualities that were identified in the precedent studies and can be eventually summarised as a 'Knowledge sharing platform', a live and work tech station. The semester 2 project is set to redefine the architectural qualities that was previously examed and the term of 'Hotel' by continue with the same idea of centralised working spaces surrounded by living programmes, and to look deeply into the urban context that the project based on and its historical background, together with a much detailed level of structural and environmental strategies and resolutions. The project, Inhabiting the Edge - The Gare de Massena Artists' Residences, is located at the verge of the City of Paris in 13th Arrondissement, surrounded by residential blocks, public amenities and infrastructures. The History of the district was flourishing throughout from the industrial age to the modern era. However, many of the urban built-ups which include the Gare de Massena passenger building have been left behind development due to the fast changing environment.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

T he 13 th Arro ndissement of Paris

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

T he Gare de MassĂŠna Passenger Building


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences





Gobelins - École de l'image

The Neighbourhood and the Urban Context La Petite Ceinture (Small Belt) Railways, built in mid-19th century, has significantly defined the boundary line of today’s City of Paris and remained significantly abandoned since last passenger service in 1934. Gare de Massena is one of the passenger buildings that served the railway system and witnessed the development of the 13th arrondissement. The district is renowed by its prosperous creative industry and innovative architecture and urban designs due to the Paris Rive Gauche development. The Neighbouring context includes New BnF Library, Paris Dedirot University and Les Frigos (one of Paris most famous artist’s ‘colonies’). Art schools and creative companies widely spread out through the district. Gare de Massena is located on an edge between a newly defined public realm and a massive residential area.

LISAA – L’Institut Supérieur des Arts






Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences




Paris Rive Gauche

BnF - The François-Mitterrand Library

Les Frigos Paris Diderot University B O I S

1 3





Itinerrance Art Gallery

Gare de Masséna


The Site Plan - The Gare de Massena The Gare de Massena Passenger building is located on the east side of the Boulevard du Général d’Armée Jean Simon road bridge. With public highway including tram station to the south, residential tower blocks to the North. Due to the raised infrastructure, there is a 10m height difference between both side of the passenger building. The Slope that seperates two areas remain inaccessible and creates a long barrier in its urban context. The Project is set to redefine the existing site and reconnect two areas by inserting a large public stairway and ramps. 64

The Proposed Site Plan



The Existing Site The Concept

Gare de Massena and the surroundings Public access and Artificial Ground

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Public Staircase, Journeys and Views

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

The Circulation

The Concept

Circulation, Programmes, Public Green Space


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Public/Private Balconies

6M 3M

Living Volume


Working Volume

Housing Type 3

The Housing Diagrams The Housing are designed through a series of diagrams that based on a basic living cube of 3x3m. Working space are doubled vertically to suits artist’s special requirements. Working spaces are arrange to one side and living spaces to the other. On the elevation there are six sections of housing units which comprise a mixture of housing types and public and private balcony spaces (shown in yellow). Public staircases are inserted into the sections and carved out voids on the facade.


Housing Type 7

Housing Type 2

Housing Type 8

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences

Housing Diagram: Arrangements and Types

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Type 4

Type 5

Type 6

Type 7

Type 8

Student Accomodation

Small Artists’ Studio- Lower Working Area

Small Artists’ Studio - Upper Working Area

Small Researcher’s Residence

Large Artist’s Studio - Lower Working Area

Large Artist’s Studio - Upper Working Area

Artist’s Studio - Loft

Large Researcher’s Residence


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



'Constructing the Hotel' -The Structural and Environmental

The structural details and the environmental issues are considered in a significant detail in the project. All the structural and environmental elements in the building are carefully placed in their positions with the advice from professional engineers. The Building contains a primary structure which comprises of large steel structural elements and concretes, and a secondary structural system which contributes to the individual floor levels and other small details. In terms of the environmental design, the concept is based on a wider contribution to the existing environment and neighbourhoods, enabling the building with accessible green space and practical energy solutions.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


Primary Structural System The primary structures of the building consist of a series of large scale steel beams and columns which break up the building’s large span into five structural sections. The artificial ground that forms the exhibition space is carried by a truss structure which attached to the main structural columns. Two large braced steel columns and beams complex which form the circulation towers are to carry the housing and other programs together with four other major columns and slanted column supporting structures. All structural elements are landed on concrete piling structures.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Secondary Structural System The secondary structural system mainly consists of a complex of different types of columns, beams (including cellular beams) and bracing structures. The housing programmes are slightly cantilevered out from the main structure, and is supported by a series of cantilever beams and bracings. Floor plates are cross braced with concrete slab layed on top. 73

Constructing the Hotel - The Typical Structural Plans

SHS Column 600x600mm

UB 1000x1000mm Universal beams

SHS Truss structure 600x600mm CHS 101.6x4 cross bracing between floor beams UB 1000x1000mm Universal beams


CHS 56.1x4 Diagonal bracing

UB-Universal beams 457x191x98 at 4800 ccs.

UB-Universal beams 1000x1000mm

UC - 1000x600mm

UB-Universal beams 1000x1000mm

UB - 325x165x40 Cantilevel beams at 3000mm ccs.

UC - 400x400mm

UB - 325x165x40 floor beams

Steel Column 600x1000mm

Steel Plate 150x15 floor cross bracing

UC - 400x400mm

SHS Column 600x600mm

Cellular Beams

UB-225X76X13 Bracing

Steel Column 1000x600mm

UB-225X76X13 Bracing

SHS 165x165mm Corner Post

SHS 180x180mm Mezzanine structural support


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Constructing the Hotel - The Typical Details


Cellular Beams 325x165 Kingspan Kooltherm Floor Board 100mm

Sliding Foldiing Shutters Floor Finish Concrete Screed 65mm

Services Ducts and pipeworks

Rusty Steel Cladding Panels Insulated Blocks

Cellular Beam 325x165

Precast Concrete slabs 200mm UB 325x165 Kingspan Kooltherm Floor Board 100mm

Wall Insulation 100mm

Steel Beam 1000x600

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Concrete screed 65mm


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


Environmental Strategies - Prevailing wind

Environmental Strategies - MEP Model

Two levels of public green space in the building also act as an urban air filter and barrier layer which contribute to a wider urban environment in its context. Prevailing wind which carries pollutions from the railway tracks and public highways is filtered when going through the building.

The MEP design forms a significant part of the wholistic building design. The Energy centre is located at the west corner of the ground floor thus all the pipes and ductworks are connected to it. On West and East facade of the main tower structure, two large chrome pipe are dominating the appearance of the building. All pipes are installed below each floor level to carry all the necessary service works.

Service Ducts and Pipeworks

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Service Flowing Direction

Energy Centre (Approx. 5% of Total floor area)


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

A Sliding folding shutter system is applied on the facade to shield the building from direct sunlight. The shutter system can be electrically operated indoors to get favoured opening angle. Electric roller shutters are installed on the large windows to reduce direct sunlight.

Environmental Strategies - Sliding Folding Shutter System (open) 80

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Environmental Strategies - Sliding Folding Shutter System (close)


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences




Type 1 : Student Accommodation The Student’s housing features from a separated double bedroom and a large en-suite. Kitchen and studying area are occupying the other half of the dwelling.








Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences



Type 2 : Small Artists’ Studio- Lower Working Area This type of the artist’s studio features a double height working and studio space to meet artist’s special requirements. Followed by the Kitchen and lounge in the middle, and double bedroom with en-suite next to it.


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences


Lounge Kitchen

Bedroom En-suite


Type 3 : Small Artists’ Studio - Upper Working Area Similar to the Lower working area configuration, this type of the artist’s studio features large working area with double height elements to allow things like large paintings to be hung up. The living half of the dwelling is the same as the previous type.



Study/Bedroom Kitchen



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences


Type 4 : Small Researcher’s Residence The researcher’s residence provides temporary residency for university workers and exchange scholars, featuring large living area with dining space. A small study room which can be doubled up as a single bedroom is presented in this type to suit university workers family needs. A family bathroom is shown.


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



Lounge Kitchen


Type 5 : Large Artist’s Studio Lower Working Area Large studio and working space is presented in this type. Similar to Type 2 the living space has the same spatial arrangement. Working area is mixing into the living area, and a extra reading/studying space is added.







Type 6 : Large Artist’s Studio - Upper Working Area

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



Similar to the previous type and the Type 3, This type of studio has an open plan on the ground floor where live and work mixed together. A separated upper working space is presented with attic style staircase.




Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences


Working/Studio Dining








Type 7 : Artist’s Studio - Loft Different from all other types, the Artist’s studio - loft features a unique double height working and studio space. Storage/ Working room, bathroom, kitchen and studio are presented on the ground floor. Bedroom and dressing room are located on the upper floor level.






Kitchen Bedroom

Type 8 : Large Researcher’s Residence

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences


Bathroom Bedroom

Similar to the Type 4, this large researchers’ residence features an independent working and studying area, with a bookshelf wall and double pocket door. One double bedroom with en-suite and one single bedroom are designed to meet university workers’ family needs.


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences








Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Ground Floor Plan



1. Malting Room (Brewery factory) 2. Brewery room 3. Storage room 4. Brewery factory gallery room 5. Office 6. Public ramps 7. Energy centre



3 2


Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Passenger building level 2

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



1. Toilets 2. Kitchen 3. Bar and wine tasting gallery 4. Wine tasting gallery 5. Sitting area


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences






4 5

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Passenger building Level 3



1. Entrance lobby 2. Stairwell and Lifts 3. Pedestrian walkways 4. Boulevard General Jean Simon d’Armee 5. Tram and bus stations 6. Rue Regnault

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Exhibition area and Co-working spaces










Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


1. Cafe and restaurant 2. Void 3. Entrance lobby 4. Toilets 5. Offices 6. Under stair storage for installations and furnitures 7. Exhibition area and Co-working area 8. Public staircase and Co-working area 9. Auditorium/Activity room 10. Gallery



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

5 4 2

3 1

1. Relaxing area 2. Art studios 3. Event room/Large studio 4. Public sitting area 5. Art studios


6 4

2 1

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


1. Public Gardens 2. Skylight 3. Enclosed Gardens 4. Entrance to the residences 5. Stairwell and lifts 6. Public access staircase



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


3 1


1. Entrance lobby 2. Semi-private/Semi-public balconies 3. Circulation 4. Public access staircase

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Public Green Space


Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Housing Level Plans


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

2 6

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Proposed Rooftop Housing Bar Level and Plans Restaurant 1:500





1. Outdoor sitting area 2. Indoor sitting area 3. Toilets 4. Kitchen 5. Bar 6. Outdoor sitting area


Plans, Sections and Elevations - Sections


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Sections


Plans, Sections and Elevations - South Elevation


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Plans, Sections and Elevations - West and East Elevations


Plans, Sections and Elevations - Sectional Perspective 1


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Plans, Sections and Elevations - Sectional Perspective 2




Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

The existing ground floor at the Rue Regnault is surrounded by high rise residential buildings and a steep slope separating the lower level and the Boulevard du General d’Armee Jean Simon with a green belt. The existing station building sits at the end of the green belt and connecting two levels with a small public stairway. The main intention for the ground floor, is to open up the slope with a large public stairway together with ramps to establish the connection and relationship between the residential area north to the site and the public amenities and spaces across the bridge. The existing building is now to house a brewery factory and the bottom level, a wine

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

The Ground

AXONOMETRICS - Ground and Artificial Ground


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences


The Exhibition, Co-working and Galleries The idea of an artificial ground covering the existing site can be seen at the level of the Exhibition and Co-working level. Through the public entrance at the ground level, the café and restaurant is designed to occupy the east end of the bridge structure. Followed by a series of art workshops and studios, the centre is occupied by the large exhibition space to display local artist’s works. Two large amphitheatre kind of stair is designed to both sides of the exhibition space to provide connection to workshops and also sitting/working area for residents/visitors. Galleries are located at the west end of the structure to provide temporary and permanent display of artists’ works.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences




Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

The Rooftop Bar and Restaurant The rooftop bar and restarurant is located at the top level of the building and is the destination of two public stairways. Indoor sitting area is located at the centre and outdoor sitting areas are on both sides. This bar provides service to the residents and also general publics. Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

AXONOMETRICS - Rooftop Bar and Restaurant


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Circulations The design of the circulation takes the idea of a continuous journey from the public ground level to the rooftop level whilst capture the views from both side of the building. General access corridors are placed at the centre of the building for the housing units. Two structural towers are used as circulation with stairwells and lifts. External staircases can be used as fire escape route due to its open-air nature to shorten the distance of fire escape. AXONOMETRICS - Circulation


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Housing The Residences are designed through a series of diagrams which are based on a basic 3x3m living cube. Housing on one facade is separated to six sections and a void is carved out by the public staircases. Between residences there are occasionally created semi-private and semi-public balconies. Timber sliding folding shutter system is a major component of the facade design. AXONOMETRICS - Housing


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



'Life in the Hotel' -Portraits of Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences People are all temporary citizens in the hotel. The time is short, but the life is vivid. To portray the life in the Gare de Massena Artists' Residences (GMAR), the building is experienced step by step, with renderings to imagine what a daily life would be in the GMAR. Through the public stairways, across the entrance, wondering around the exhibition space, driving a car passing the building, taking a walk in the public green space, strolling up to the rooftop bar, wondering around the back-alley way in a rainy day, starting up art in the studio and overlooking the building at night. They all form a wonderful piece that creates a daily life in the GMAR. The building, has successfully created a innovative, creative and relaxing environment throughout despite the powerful image of the complex. Public spaces are well blended into the semiprivate spaces and people are encouraged to share their short time in the hotel. The building is contributing to a wider context and neighbourhood that are so important to other people's daily life. It's openness and the journey it is inviting will not only benefit the citizens in the district but also, across the city to all Parisians.

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences





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LIFE IN HOTEL - Public stairways and Entrance Lobby


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

LIFE IN HOTEL - Exhibition, Co-working and Public Green Space


LIFE IN HOTEL - Type 6: Large Artist's Studio


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

LIFE IN HOTEL - Type 7: Loft Artist's Studio


LIFE IN HOTEL - Boulevard du Général d'Armée Jean Simon


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de Masséna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

LIFE IN HOTEL - Rooftop Restaurant and Bars



Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences


Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



''The Communities at Work, has successfully delivered two distinct but yet conceptually

continuous projects. The Project 1 started the conceptual framework which was deeply embedded to the reference building and set out the starting point of subsequent development. The project 2 has taken the same conceptual basement but additionally focused on the context, history and neighbourhood of the site. Project 2 has delivered a series of practical structural and environmental solutions in a significant depth in comparison to the Project 1 and further more focused on the life in the Hotel, used a series of methods to portray the architectural qualities conveyed by the design.''

Hotel Paris: C O M M U N I T I E S AT W O R K - Project II: Inhabiting the Edge, The Gare de MassĂŠna Artists' Residences



Rem Koolhaas, “The Generic City”, in S,M,L,XL (New York: The Monacelli Press, 1996), 1260. Jean-Marie Perouse De Montclos, 1974, Etienne Louis Boullee: 1728-1799, Theoretician of Revolutionary Architecture. George Braziller Inc. Richard H Penner, Hotel Design, Planning, and Development, 2012, New York: W. W. Norton & Company David P. Jordan, Transforming Paris: The Life and Labors of Baron Haussman. 1995. New York, Simon and Schuster.

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