DENG/YI Architetto
Personal informations
First name:
Personal skills
Last Name:
Mother Tongue:
Italian, Chinese mandarin
Other Language:
English (C1 European Level)
Via Carlo Perini 18, 20157, Milano, Italy.
Computer skills:
AutoCAD 2D/3D (excellent) 3dsMax + Vray (good) Photoshop (excellent) Illustrator (excellent) In Design (excellent) Flash (good) CMS & CSS design (good) Word/Excel/Powerpoint Access ( good)
Drawing skills:
Sketch Traditional painting Chinese traditional painting
Phone: Mobile: Fax:
+39 0289694099 +39 3396569045 +39 0291704835
Day of birth :
Architecture Interior design Urban design Landscape
DENG/YI Architetto
I’m Deng Yi and I’m originally from China. I’ve been living in Italy for more than 20 years. I’m graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano. Even though my mother tongue is italian, I try to not forget my chinese roots by keeping Chinese mandarin as my second mother tongue. I use it with my family and with my friends. I perceive myself as an open and curious person, and at work I can easily adapt to various situations and tasks, making my best to solve problems and to arrive at the optimal result. In the university and at work, I have gained many group work experiences, in which I collaborated actively with other members of the teams, most of whom were foreign colleagues from diverse countries, including many Chinese. I believe that good ideas are born from the comparison and I’m always ready to discuss with other people. In my free time I like traveling and drawing, especially landscape of the places I’ve been. I think hand sketching is a useful tool for reasoning and transmitting your thoughts to other people.
Something about me
DENG/YI Architetto
Curriculum Vitae Working Experience
From 05/2011 to 11/2011
From 2007 onward
Siola Associati Via F. Crispi 69, 80122, Napoli, Italy
Lisa Bomboniere, Via Montello 18, 20154 Milano, Italy
Architectural design, Urban Planning
Web Design Interior Design
From 08/2008 to 11/2008
Scandurra Studio Via Legnano 28, 20121, Milano, Italy
Architectural desing
From 02/2006 to 05/2006 From 09/2007 to 02/2008
Monica Manfredi, Via Piero della Francesca 39, 20154, Milano, Italy
Architectural desing, Urban Planning
DENG/YI Architetto
Curriculum Vitae Education
From 2005 to 2008
Licensed Architect
Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 10, 20158, Milano, Italy
Architectural Design, Interior Design, Urban Planning.
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture, Via Durando 10, 20158, Milano, Italy
From 2008 to 2010
Master in Architecture
Architectural Design, Interior Design, Urban Planning.
110 cum Laude /110
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Architecture Via Durando 10, 20158, Milano, Italy
From 1999 to 2004
High School Of Art Diploma
Traditional Art, Digital Art, Industrial Design, Art History.
High School of Art “Piero Gobetti� via De Amicis 7, Omegna (VB), 28887, Italy
110 cum Laude /110
DENG/YI Architetto
01. Thang Shan (China) Urban Design / with Protech Engineering
The project is located in a new urban area in the southwest of Thangshan, interested by a great regeneration plan in order to build a new urban community in the cost area. It’s a new social housing project on an area previously planned by the local development plan, which provided us some basely information about the size and the building volume. First of all we impose these data as constrains, in order to give an shape and a dimension to the project. Than we choose the north-south axis of the existing campaign as our main lay by tracking a grid with the blocks size according to the index of the local development plan. We have chosen 2 types of residential building: a low rise court typology (4 floors) distributed in the north of the lot, in order to create a recognizable urban texture and paths; and an hight rise tower typology (49m, within the limits of the maximum allowed) which become strong landmarks for the lot. All the residential buildings has a commercial colonnade on the ground floor.
[1] Urban Patterns [2] Volumetric Project
DENG/YI Architetto
01. Thang Shan (China) Urban Design / with Protech Engineering
[1] View of the Square [2] View of the Colonnade [3] View of the Tower [4] Assonometric view
DENG/YI Architetto
This rendering work is aimed to represent the design of the new Village of the Child in Chieti through a series of view that represent, with the help of 3DSMax and photo editing, the effect of the project on the surrounding natural context and using local material (tuff) obtained from the nearby hills. After doing the modeling of the terrain, the architectural elements and the street furniture, photographic materials were applied on the model in order to obtain a perfect chromatic match with the surrounding environment.
02. Villaggio del Fanciullo / Chieti Housing / with Protech Engineering
[1] Sketch of the idea [2] 3d general modelling [3] Satellite view [4] Rendering of the park [5] Rendering of the park
DENG/YI Architetto
02. Villaggio del Fanciullo / Chieti Housing / with Protech Engineering
[1] Assonometric view [2] Park top view [3] View of the Theater [4] View of Bocciodromo
DENG/YI Architetto
03. Ex O.N.P.I. / L’Aquila Hospital / with Protech Engineering
[1] Main hall - Reception [2] Corridor [3] Main hall
This project, committed by the municipality of L’Aquila, is aimed to the restoration of the new Alzheimer area of the Ex O.N.P.I.’s building. The announcement requires the redesigning of spaces reserved for the patient rooms, the cure area and the rehabilitation area according to the current regulations about hospital environments. The first part of work is focused on the studying of the required spaces with sections and plans, in order to guarantee the correct dimension to each functions. Then we passed on the designing of the interior spaces and furniture and with the use of 3D modeling and rendering we could show to the customer the final effects of the project.
DENG/YI Architetto
03. Ex O.N.P.I. / L’Aquila Hospital / with Protech Engineering
[1] Structural details [2] Patient room [3] Patient room top
DENG/YI Architetto
04. A bridge for the city Urban Design / Graduate thesis
Bovisa is a very complex area, separated from the rest of the city by the railways which cuts the edges of this huge area. Under this point of view our project doesn’t consider Bovisa as a closed and isolated neighborhood, but, on the contrary, as an great opportunity to return this area to Milan, by studying the surrounding urban weave in order to find a continuity relationship with the city itself. The project is focused particularly on the Railway Station, which, under my point of view, needs to be rethought. The proposal is to improve Bovisa railway station and its surrounding area under the point of view of the city and the relations with it. We want to transform the station, from a “barrer”, into a “bridge for city” by creating an new urban design. The station is improved and simplified . We want to give to the station the idea of a great public hall overlooking the city.
[1] Historical maps overview
DENG/YI Architetto
04. A bridge for the city Urban Design / Graduate thesis
[1] Viability plan [2] Volumetric plan [3] Section of the “bridge� [4] Urban intervention plan
DENG/YI Architetto
04. A bridge for the city Urban Design / Graduation thesis
[1] Section on Bovisasca road [2] Ground floor plan [3] Facade and Plan of the station [4] Model
DENG/YI Architetto
04. A bridge for the city Urban Design / Graduation thesis
[1] Section of the station [2] Facade of the “bridge� [3] Facade from the railway [4] Model [5] Plan and facade view
DENG/YI Architetto
This academic project, inside the Building System Workshop, requires the elaboration of an architecture proposal that takes in account the composition, the functional and urban aspects, and then developing the structural and the technical details in the second phase. The project area is located in a unused neighborhood next to via San Faustino. The lot, defined in the west by the eastern railway belt of Milan; in the north and in the south by 2 nursing-homes, represents a great opportunity to transform an isolated and mono functional area in a new centrality of the city. The proposal is to realize a new housing estate for residents and students (taken the advantage of the closeness to the university) with commercial functions. In order to connect the area to the other side of the railway belt we created a new underground road that crosses the railway barrier and links via San Faustino and via Gaetano Strambio. The apartments are composed by two linear building that follow the main axial road and two buildings that follow the direction of the new underground road. The northerner group of buildings are student dormitory and they are linked together by a slab that hosts commercial activities. The upper part of the slab is accessible by the ramp/ roof of the gymnasium of the student dorms estate.
05. Mix City Social Housing
[1] 3D model of the area [2] View of the colonnade [3] General volumetric plan
DENG/YI Architetto
05. Mix City Social Housing
[1] 3D view of the colonnade [2] Section of the gymnasium [3] Detail of the pillar [4] Structural plan [5] Typical room plan
[3] via San Faustino
progetto accademico [4]
DENG/YI Architetto
Walking the streets of Milan we are always accustomed to see the city as a group of heterogeneous buildings. From historical buildings to modern buildings, from religious buildings to residential buildings, from skyscrapers to Eighteenth-century buildings, our perception of them is constantly affected by their size and the fact that we walk beneath them. But if we climb some floors up on a public building, we could be surprised to see a completely different city. Here, among pitched roofs, dormers, French roofs, temporally roofs and concrete floors, we realize how many buildings in the city, under the roofing point of view, are untreated and not following any rules. The goal is to understand more deeply what is append to this “parallel” city. And, although it is almost a “lost city”, we believe it could be an opportunity to give new life to Milan.
06. Walking on the city Cultural center
[1] Sketches and scheme [2] Sketches [3] Current situation
DENG/YI Architetto
06. Walking on the city Cultural center
[1] View of the roof [2] Internal garden [3] view from via S. Vincenzo [4] Roof garden [5] Section
DENG/YI Architetto
The project of the Congress Center is aimed to respond at the necessity of Milan to have a public space where make, efficiently, activities of cultural exchange proper of a polycentric city. The old fair area could be a great opportunity to transform the city. We could use this huge area to collocate public functions, by taken advantage of its strategic position. The proposal is to position the Congress Center along the North-West axis (via Scarampo) by creating a new equipped axis that be able to connect it with the city and the territory. In the project we identify some buildings that could be reused as congress spaces (like the pavilions by Franco Bellini along via Scarampo, the Mechanic Pavilion by Melchiorre Bega along viale Ruggero and the Sport Center on Piazza 6 Febbraio. Respecting the position of these historical buildings inside the lot we inserted our project between them in order to rennovate their function. Alongside of the main congress hall we inserted other functions in order to support it, like the hotel in the tower, exposition pavilions and other smaller congress hall. The project is well connected with the city by the underground line M5 and an inter regional bus station.
07. A congress center for Milan Congress center
[1] General axonometry view [2] Underground viability plan [3] Sketches [4] Model
DENG/YI Architetto
07. A congress center for Milan Congress center
[1] General plan [2] North-east facade [3] Section [4] Model [5] General 3D view [6] Detail of the Congress Hall
DENG/YI Architetto
Our proposal is the research about “the uncertain landscape�, that is spaces without a characterization, an well defined function and a shape. The uncertain landscape we studied in this project is the spanish bastion of Milan. Built in the XVI century as defensive walls the Spanish bastion is partially destroyed and transformed, in the present-day, into residential lots regardless of his huge historical and cultural importance. The idea is to reconnect the remaining bastion walls into a system by the creation of a green belt around the city. The green belt is composed by pioneers vegetation in order to preserve the natural biodiversity of the area. In the second moment flagstones will be laid down on this green system in order to create paths for pedestrians and cyclists. Where the Bastion is still not destroyed the stone path will create squares around them, maintaining at a respect distance. In the night, appropriate lights located around the fragment of walls will illuminate them in order to show their importance.
08. Walls in motion Landscape
[1] Sketches [2] Developing phases [3] Day view [4] Night view
DENG/YI Architetto
The aim of the project is to make a plastic model of a portion of Sacromonte di Varallo, with surveys and historical researches, in order to rapresent the volumetric relationship between the buildings and the open spaces. The first part of the survey work is to analyze the historical maps of the Sacromonte found at Varallo Municipal Archive and in the local library. Then, with the help of the treatises on architecture of that period and photographic and geometric survey we made an accurate reconstruction in CAD necessary to build the plastic model. The plastic model is realized with monochromatic vegetable cardboard in order to express more clearly the volume of the buildings.
09. Piazza dei Tribunali del Sacromonte di Varallo Survey / Plastic model
[1] Model ofTribunale di Pilato [2] Facade of the lateral Chapels [3] Section of Tribunale di Pilato [4] Plastic model [5] Detail of the stairs [6] General view of the model
[1] [5]
DENG/YI Architetto
10. Living in countryside/ Genivolta (CR) Housing
[1] Photos of the area [2] Territorial layout [3] Settlement layout [4] South-west facade
[4] The aim of this research project is to seek out an alternative residential settlement compared to the random expansion of the diffuse city. The project is focused on the conservation and the valorization of the delicate environment and landscape resources and to use more carefully the potentiality of the territory under the local communities point of view. The proposal is to reestablish , in an area close to Genivolta, the ancient role of the local farmhouses (Cascine) by joining again “living” with “working”. The new settlement is located inside a Fluvial Valley so it follows the orographic trend of the territory. The project is composed by a series of multi familiar houses, that, with the existing farmhouses in the vicinity, will create a new centrality for the area in order to develop the rural field into an “agricultural garden “ thought by Pierre Donadieur in Campagne Urbane.
DENG/YI Architetto
10. Living in countryside/ Genivolta (CR) Housing
[1] North-east facade [2] Volumetric plan [3] Model [4] Section of a house
DENG/YI Architetto
11. Chiesa Beata Vergine di Polesine Parmense (PA) Conservation
[1] Current situation [2] Material survey [3] Territorial map
Conservation is not intended as a nostalgic illusion to bring back the past, a repetition of something that doesn’t exist anymore, but as the preservation of the manufacture in the condition we found it. “The reuse is the care of the existing” (Dezzi Bardeschi). The term of “care” here can be considered medically like the care of a patient by seeking out the causes of the ill and then arrest the disease. The subject of the conservation is an old religious building which has a great value for the residents of Polesine Parmense. In this way we had to treat this work of architecture with maximum respect and conserving this building like a open air document without compromise it. [3]
DENG/YI Architetto
11. Chiesa Beata Vergine di Polesine Parmense (PA) Conservation
[1] Trilateration plan [2] Conservation proposal
DENG/YI Architetto
The aim of the project is to design a public market on the bank of the Darsena, to define the lost façade of Antonio Cantore Square and to create a new centrality to the west bank of the Darsena. The design phase is initially supported by a research of all the market typology in the world. Some sample of ancient architecture like Greek Stoas and Roman stores became capital for the project. The Market, that follows the Eighteenth century’s urban weave, is composed by 2 buildings: a linear building with 2 floors for the stores and a multifunctional hall for cultural activities and for restaurant, connected together by covered bridges. The linear building is composed by a large glass wall overlooking the Darsena with a central gallery that become a covered street along the river. The hall is surmounted by a rectangular roof that covers part of Darsena and a Glass structure that follows the bank of the river.
12. A market for Darsena Pubblic Market
[1] Facede from Darsena [2] Volumetric Plan [3] Ground floor plan
DENG/YI Architetto
12. A market for Darsena Pubblic Market
[1] Model [2] North Facade [3] Section of the hall [4] Section of the hall
DENG/YI Architetto
The aim of this requalification project is to renovate the urban weave of San VIttore Square and its adjacent streets area in order to facilitate the pedestrians usability and to merge different architectures into one unit project. In particular the proposal is to renovate the historic core by redesigning the road surface with the use of local materials like Beola and Granite (already used in some lakeshore squares). The renovation work also promotes new functional activities for the occupation of the public spaces and the designing of the urban fabric (lighting system, green, fountains, benches, etc). The project requires , in one hand, the knowledge of the local history and all the urban transformations in the course of time, and, on the others, its feasibility and cost.
13. Refurbishment of the historic core of Intra - Competition Urban Design / with Architect M. Manfredi
[1] Competition board [2] Rendering of the fountaint [3] Rendering of the square
DENG/YI Architetto
13. Refurbishment of the historic core of Intra - Second phase Urban Design / with Architect M. Manfredi
[1] Volumetric plan [2] Comparison original st. / project [3] Details of the trash bin [4] Comparison original st. / project [5] Comparison original st. / project
DENG/YI Architetto
14. Linking the City Urban design / Interior Design
[1] Overview [2] Model [3] Cofiguration studies
[1] The research is aimed to find a simple modular system in order to create a broader system of poly functional junctions for Milan, where, even more than in the past, is liable to a progressive urban defragmentation. The modular element is composed by an arch structure made by steel and fiberglass with different sizes. With the repetition in the space of these modular element they can create different spaces like showroom for cultural and commercial activities, expositions stands, relax areas, etc. We choose an urban portion of Milan between I Giardini di Porta Venezia and Carbonari Square, characterized by a strong urban fragmentation, as reference for our project. The proposal is to link, with the modular system, these two park during the Milan Design Week in order to give to the visitors the opportunity to use the urban spaces more easily.
DENG/YI Architetto
14. Linking the City Urban design / Interior Design
[4] [1]
[1] Rendering [2] Interior 3d model [3] Rendering Merchiorre Gioa Road [4] Rendering P.ta Venezia Park [5] Rendering of the Park
DENG/YI Architetto
The aim of this project is to create minimum spaces for temporary users of the city. The project area is situated inside Sempione Park in front of Cadorna Railway Station, a marginal area characterized by strong urban transformation. The proposal takes into account the relations between the park and the railways and the dynamicity and the shakiness of the area. We create several types of temporary structures in order to accommodate city users during Fairs, concerts, festivals, etc. For the temporary structures we use principles of usability, modularity, ease of assembly and use of local materials.
15. Minimum living spaces Housing
[1] 3D Model [2] Studies sketches [3] Cutaway drawing
DENG/YI Architetto
15. Minimum living spaces Housing
[1] Sketches [2] Model [3] Model [4] Model [5] Sketches
DENG/YI Architetto
16. Trip diary Sketches
DENG/YI Architetto
16. Trip diary Sketches
DENG/YI Architetto
16. Trip diary Sketches
DENG/YI Architetto
16. Trip diary Sketches
Thank you for your attention!
Via Carlo Perini 18 20154 Milano Italia Tel +39/3396569045