PART I Place Site description I Light/shade study I Key site features I Light study 1: Luminosity (Page 4-11)
PART II Idea Idea generation I Metaphor I Concept analysis I Light study 2: Reflection (Page 12-17)
PART III Form Plans/sections I 3D modelling/views I Light study 3: Opacity (Page 19-23)
PART IV Material Materiality I Construction details I Light study 4: Filtration (Page 24-31)
- Located in the University of Adelaide northeast campus, which at the North Terrace. - 3 building s hugs the this green space, they are Math building, Engineering building and the Barr Smith Library. - Offers students to relaxing and could also having exciting events. which is good for teachers, students or Adelaide local people to explode the beauty of the University of Adelaide. - The Barr Smith Library is one of the oldest building of University of Adelaide. The name of this library if from the greatest benefactor : Robert Barr Smith. Walter Hervey Bagot is the designer of this library. - The three buildings show the contrast between each other, how buildings transfer through time.
9:00AM 01.01
12:00NOON 01.01
3:00PM 01.01
9:00AM 07.01
12:00NOON 07.01
3:00PM 07.01
The fact of shining in the dark; the ability to give out light. The luminosity of the stars/sun. -OXFORD Learner's Dictionaries Light is an important medium for visual senses to play a role. Through architecture, we have developed tools and ways to coexist with the natural environment. The relationship between architecture and light can be said that architecture captures light and develops the coexistence of architecture and natural environment through light. Light is the basis that must be mastered in architectural design. The use of light in architecture usually confirms the role and significance of light in the process of architectural design according to the definition of architecture and architectural design and the interaction between light and architecture. Because of the different classification of light, Kangshi takes three different kinds of light as an example to briefly explain the application of light in architecture. A n d o Ta d a o b e l i e v e s t h a t a r c h i t e c t u r a l d e s i g n i s t o " i n t e r c e p t ubiquitous light" and express the existence of light in a specific situation. "Architecture condenses light into its simplest existence." The creation of a rc h i t e c t u r a l s p a c e i s t h e p u r i f i c a t i o n a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e p o w e r of light, "enough to see the role of spatial light in architectural design. Adjust and guide the space order and shape the space atmosphere. Through the use of light, we can add a sense of order to the building, so as to express a complete space system. For example, a quiet place for study will generally have a more uniform light, resulting in a feeling of peace and quiet. Shaping the level of space. Compared with the walls of the entity, the light is more flexible and variable, but can produce more power ful shock and reverie. By using the contrast between light and shade, we can make a spatial division of the building, so that each area is not only a distinction but also a complete whole, increasing the sense of hierarchy and interest of the space. Adjust the sense of spatial scale. Light and dark changes, sometimes also change the size of the overall space, because people have a stronger visual feeling of the place where the light is strong, and the visual feeling of the place where the light is d a r k e r i s m o r e b l u r r e d , s o i t c a n p r o d u c e a s e n s e o f s p a t i a l h i e r a rc h y . On the dazzling skyline of Guangzhou Pearl River New City, it is the brightest diamond. Whether it is the "Top Ten Opera House" given by USA Today or the "most s p e c t a c u l a r T h e a t r e i n t h e Wo r l d " b y t h e D a i l y Te l e g r a p h , i t i s d i f f i c u l t to describe the enjoyment of the building when it comes to the eye. It is beautiful and not aggressive, and what is more rare is that it complements the tall buildings around it. 10 .Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting Of Zaha Hadid�. 2019. Archdaily.“
7 11
Seek light is being with/embracing nature Seek light is growth/expansion
The leaves represent the "shape" of nature. Leaves have lots of veins to be the "structure" of their "body".
The tree roots represent the growth, because all the trees have their own root to begin growing up.
The flow of water/river represent the expamsion,because all the rivers have their original starting point, then they will becoming a part of the oceans.
Water play a very important role in the nature or life, which also could combine with the tree, leaf, sun. I look up lots of the rain, to feel the water drop. The place we are design is a grass ground, which feels like rain fall into the ground.
The “Seek light metaphor “ that I chose the “Being with nature(growth)”, first thing that pop out to my head is the life tree. It is like a wheel of life ,represent the growth, so I pick up this inspiration to develop the idea 1, which is the shape of a leaf. During the growth, light is the “must”, leaf has lots of ‘vein’, so I use the shape of ‘vein’ to define the sunlight, which also separate the internal space.
At idea 1and 2 I was inspired by the nature organic shapes, so I decided to search the geometric shapes. Adelaide has really hot summer time, then I figure out that the “melted ice cube”, which is human-made “water”. I did the 3D model, showed contrast with fluid and solid, artificial and nature.
"Celtic Coloring Pages | Moonshine 2019 | Celtic Tree Tattoos, Pattern Coloring Pages, Celtic Tree Of Life". 2019. Pinterest. " T r e e T a t t o o - W a t e r D r = o p T r e e | T r e e | T r e e T a t t o o D e s i g n s , L i f e T a t t o o s , T a t t o o D e s i g n s " . 2 0 1 9 . P i n t e r e s t . h t t p s : / / w w w . p i n t e r e s t . c o m . a u / p i n / 4 6 6 4 7 4 4 7 3 9 0 2 9 0 0 813 14/. "Why Does Water Freeze Into Cloudy Ice Cubes In My Freezer? | Stationary | Ice Molds, Ice Cube Molds, Cold Ice". 2019. Pinterest. "Literary Leaf Shading, Leaves, Shading, Leaf Shading PNG Transparent Clipart Image And PSD File For Free Download". 2019. Pngtree.
An image in a mirror, on a shiny surface, on water, etc. The action or process of sending back light, heat, sound, etc. from a surface -OXFORD Learner's Dictionaries
16 "Veiled In Brilliance: How Reflective Facades Have Changed Modern Architecture". 2019. Archdaily.
When it comes to Bilbao, the first reaction of many people is Guggenheim. Looking at the gleaming Guggenheim Museum of Art in the photo, it must be hard to imagine that 20 years ago, it was just an abandoned industrial site. Bilbao, a city built in steel and shipbuilding, declined in the 1980s. But the local Basques used the high-tech gallery to bring Bilbao back to life。Guggenheim Museum of Art is a famous group of private modern art galleries in the world. It was founded in 1937 and is headquartered in New York, USA. It has four branches in Bilbao, Spain, Venice, Italy, Berlin, Germany and Las Vegas, USA. Designed by California architect Frank O. Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, was officially opened in 1997. It has attracted worldwide attention for its beautiful shape, special structure and brand-new materials. It is praised for "the early advent of buildings of the future, belonging to city poems that are not written in mortal language." The museum mainly uses glass, steel and limestone, some of which are coated with titanium, echoing Bilbao's long tradition of shipbuilding. The total area is 24000 square meters, and the display space is 11000 square meters, which is divided into 19 exhibition halls, one of which is one of the largest art galleries in the world. When it comes to Bilbao, the first reaction of many people is Guggenheim. Looking at the gleaming Guggenheim Museum of Art in the photo, it must be hard to imagine that 20 years ago, it was just an abandoned industrial site. Bilbao, a city built in steel and shipbuilding, declined in the 1980s. But the local Basques used the high-tech gallery to bring Bilbao back to life。Guggenheim Museum of Art is a famous group of private
modern art galleries in the world. It was founded in 1937 and is headquartered in New York, USA. It has four branches in Bilbao, Spain, Venice, Italy, Berlin, Germany and Las Vegas, USA. Designed by California architect Frank O. Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, was officially opened in 1997. It has attracted worldwide attention for its beautiful shape, special structure and brand-new materials. It is praised for "the early advent of buildings of the future, belonging to city poems that are not written in mortal language." The museum mainly uses glass, steel and limestone, some of which are coated with titanium, echoing Bilbao's long tradition of shipbuilding. The total area is 24000 square meters, and the display space is 11000 square meters, which is divided into 19 exhibition halls, one of which is one of the largest art galleries in the world. The lighting inside the pavilion is different from the artificial lighting of the traditional museum. With the skylight of various angles, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has obtained enough natural light, which is both environmentally friendly and warm. Walking in the museum, students of all colors can be seen sitting on the clean ground, copying works with drawing boards, or wearing headphones in the bright exhibition hall, listening carefully to the introduction of the works. In the audience, there are often white-haired old people, helping each other, compared with the brochure, slowly walk through each exhibit. There are also young parents who hold their young children in their arms and quietly feel the charm of modern art.17
sable Access
3 Toilets(M/F/D)
Exhibition / Presentation Space
Stairs to the Underground 2Seminar Rooms
Disable Access 02
Reception Area
Small Library
Disable Access 03 Storage Space
Reading / Relaxing Space
SCALE: 1:200
SCALE: 1: 200
SCALE: 1:200
SECTION 01 SCALE: 1: 100
Glass-Made Raised Roof (GF LEVEL)
Precast Glass Fiber Concrete Roof (GF LEVEL)
LED Light Beams (Under GF LEVEL)
Glass-made Water Tank (-1F LEVEL) Stair Entrance (GF to -1F LEVEL) Ramp 01 Disable Access (GF to -1F LEVEL)
Ramp 02 (-1F LEVEL)
Stair Entrance (-1F to -2F LEVEL)
Ramp 03 Disable Access (-1F to -2F LEVEL)
OPACITY The fact of being difficult to see through; the fact of being opaque The fact of being difficult to understand; the fact of being opaque -OXFORD Learner's Dictionaries "Translucent" is mainly concerned with the perception or feeling of translucent materials in space, such as frosted glass, dense barriers or perforated plates, yarns, which produce a spatial effect and spatial perception. There are also a lot of these materials in use today, and the reason for doing so is that there are some social or cultural factors in it. At that time, I was concer ned about some of the feelings that the material itself would bring to you, including the transparency of modernism, as well as the "formal transparency" that we a re m o re f a m i l i a r w i t h , a n d M i e s ' s " t r a n s p a re n t t r a n s p a re n c y . " There are also discussions about the transparency of urban space-which has a more sociological significance. "Translucent" is mainly concerned with the perception or feeling of translucent materials in space, such as frosted glass, dense barriers or perforated plates, yarns, which produce a spatial effect and spatial perception. There are also a lot of these materials in use today, and the reason for doing so is that there are some social or cultural factors in it. At that time, I was concerned about some of the feelings that the material itself would bring to you, including the transparency of modernism, as well as the "formal transparency" that we are more familiar with, and Mies's "transparent transparency." There are also discussions about the transparency of urban space-which has a more sociological significance. The Bagsvaerd church in Denmark looks more like a factory or a public facility from the outside. But the interior of the church is a space full of dreams and enthusiasm. The design of the cast-in-place church roof is inspired by the shape of the clouds and calligraphy. Therefore, compared with the traditional architecture, its shape is more dynamic and memorable. The use of interior wooden furniture makes the room look warmer. The altar and baptism pool are made of polished white concrete, which are in harmony with the atmosphere of the room, giving the clouds on the roof the same feeling as the altar below. The optical fiber lighting on the outside of the building gives the interior of the building an obvious cloud-like appearance, giving people a sense of freshness and serenity. One can imagine seeing waves breaking inside it or feeling standing under floating clouds. Its shape can be clearly explained, inspired by lying in the sun on the beach to appreciate the shape of the clouds, optical fiber through the clouds, and finally shines on the undulating white concrete ceiling of the church.
"Light Matters: Whiteness In Nordic Countries". 2019. Archdaily.
Thick glass for the transparency of the ceiling structure
Glass fiber concrete allow the internal and external walls have more flexibility
26 2019. Reward4997.Firdayfun86.Live.
Construction detail for fencing/ concrete wall
SCALE: 1:200
FILTRA The process of filtering a liquid or gas. -OXFORD Learner's Dictionaries This is a masterpiece of modern religious architecture in the West. Because of the lack of the bondage of faith, he completely disintegrated the for m of the wester n church, shaped a brand-new religious atmosphere, and raised the aesthetics of western religious architecture to the only realm before. Which can be called the House of Magic, has a unique shape that makes each side like a meaningful visual poem. Corbusier dismantled the traditional shape but did not reveal the trace in the details of the restoration of the important elements of the traditional church. The thick and sturdy walls on the west side of the church, for example, make people feel the richness of the Roman church, but he opens holes of different sizes and shapes in it, which integrates a brisk sense of music into the serious church. These avant-garde openings are inlaid with stained glass from traditional Goethe architecture, and the patterns are highly simplified, just like graffiti. In addition to shape and color, light is also brought into full play. In the Old Testament Genesis, God created light before all things came to life. The atheistic Corbusier seems to understand God's creation more than any believer, weaving light into magical effects. The light passes through the undulating colored holes in the wall, creating a sacred and magnificent effect of creation in the solemn inner space, which is precisely the mysterious atmosphere that religion hopes to create. He broke through the traditional pattern of
30 "Light Matters: Le Corbusier And The Trinity Of Light". 2019. Archdaily.
ATION the Catholic Church and covered the curved wall with a black roof with complex curvature. Because its surface curled up, it seemed to float on the wall, and the wall on the south was called the "light wall." The wall is thick, with irregular holes, small outdoor openings and large indoor openings, and parts of the outer wall are fitted with stained glass commonly used in the church. At the same time, the connection between the wall and the roof is not seamless, but there is a certain gap, and its three curved towers introduce the natural light from the roof into the interior, which produces a very strange light effect and a sense of mystery. The roof of church is high in the southeast and low in the northwest, showing the momentum of a straight and straight corner in the southeast. This very steep roof has the function of collecting rain water, and rain water of the roof all flows to the northwest. A pool filled with protruding drains, as if into the ground. T h e c h u rc h b u i l t i n a n e x t r a o rd i n a r y s p i r i t with a peculiar distorted shape, it is an ideographic building, one of the most eyecatching works designed by Le Corbusier a f t e r Wo r l d Wa r I I , w h i c h r e p r e s e n t s t h e transfor mation of Le Corbusier's creative style. It has exerted a great influence on the development of western "modern architecture".