AIA Architectural Portfolio

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Architecure Portfolio Yihia Qandil

Greetings Sir/Madam, My name is Yehia Kandil, I had graduated with a double B.Sc degree in Architectural Engineering from MSA University with CGPA 3.59/4.0 and the University of Greenwich in London with first class honorwith GPA 3.79/4.0. I’m an Egyptian Architect were born in United Arab Emairts. In May 2021, I was Shortlisted in international competition selection among top 21 projects out of 123 submission In reconstruction and rehabilitation of Mosul’s Al Nouri Complex project by UNESCO Iraq. I have also followed the Academic Teaching path in February 2019 to July 2021as a Teaching Assistant in Faculty of Engineering - Architecture Department at MSA University. I had participated in many international United Nations sponsored competitions. In August 2019 , my project was one of the top 20 shortlisted out of 190 entry from 44 countries. According to Yehia’s interest and passion in Environmental Design, Building Technologies, and human

Yehia Kandil ARCHITECT

Intl. Assoc. AIA Orlando, Florida (+1) 407-433-6739

behavior, his works always arduous and pragmatic. Also, I was Awarded with Partial Scholarship at IACC Institution in Spain and was shortlisted top 133 projects out of 193 proposals from 80 countries in The 8th edition of the Advanced Architecture Contest - IAAC Sincerely, Yehia Kandil


Yehia Kandil

Senior Design Architect Architectural Designer Teaching Assistant

Orlando, Florida (+1) 407-605-3468


Shortlisted selection among top 21 projects out of 123 submission In reconstruction and rehabilitation of Mosul’s Al Nouri Complex project by UNESCO Iraq.


Shortlisted selection of 133 projects that will appear in the publication made by ACTAR out of 193 proposals from 80 countries worldwide - The 8th edition of the Advanced Architecture Contest - IAAC - Awarded with Partial Scholarship at IACC


Shortlisted Top 20 out of 190 Entry from 44 countries worldwide - The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 - Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art Competition


LAKE2017- First Place

Education 2013 - 2018

2013 - 2018

2010 - 2013

Work Experiance OCT.2021 Present

MSA University - Modern Science and Arts University Bachelor of Science with FIRST CLASS HONORS in Architectural Engineering Grad. Project ‘A’ – CGPA 3.59/4.0 Greenwich University of London - Double Degree Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering with FIRST CLASS HONORS El Hussinia School Graduted from High school with 90/100 CUSTOME HOME DESIGN - ARCHITECTURE FIRM (Sarasota,Florida) Architectural Designer - J- Architect

Computer Skills Computer Software Good command at Microsoft Office tools Good command at Adobe CC Photoshop | Illustrator | InDesign 2D drawing skills using softwares AutoCAD | Revit | ArchiCAD | 3D modeling/ rendering skills using 3Ds MAX |Rhino + Grasshopper | ArchiCAD Architectural Render using Vray Render by 3Ds MAX | Corona Render | Twinmotion | Lumion


Responsible of designing numerous of residential single family homes, Vacation homes, and Luxurious infinite designs. Starting from the design process and meeting with the clients presenting 2D plans, sections, elevations, and 3D renders. Feb.2019 July.2021

MSA University - Modern Science and Arts University (6th of October City,Giza) Teaching Assistant

Assistance and tutoring for several courses ex. Design studios, Urban design, Sustainable design and Thermal comfort + architectural softwares. Responsible for Organizing a collaborative workshops with other universities. May.2020 june.2020

Architectural + Artistic Skills Sketching, illustrations and graphic design Model making, Laser Cutting and CNC Photography

CDC Abdelhalim Office Architect - Competition team

Soft skills Smart working, Detailed originated, flixable and self motivated Work cooperatively in multicultural environments Analytical thinking and intensive researching Skilled Communicator, Coordinator and Speaker. Responsible team leader with great outcomes `

implementing the design in 3d modeling with developing, the project is a large scale competition entry including commercial,housing and museum. Modeling every part using 3Ds MAX & Vray test render was a responsibility. beside a detailed report was made` Oct.2018 Feb.2019

YQ Design Studio Lead Architect

April. 2021 June.2021

Dar Molhimon E90 Head-office (Al Haram,Giza) Rubik’s Skills Head Office (El Shiekh Zayed, Giza)


SODIC West Town Project (Beverly Hills,El Shiekh Zayed,Giza) Junior Architect-Intern

Workshops + License

Designed and negotiated contracts with vendors. It was all included architectural design, plans, 3d perspectives visualized and working drawings & finally implementation of design. Jun.2016 Aug.2016

Worked in two approaches. The first approach was started as site construction engineer for West Town villas site.then Sec. Approach was technical & working drawings office was responsible for technical drawings 2015 2017

Competitions Entries 2021 2020



ArchiStores For Modeling 3D Makits (6th of October City,Giza) Lead Architect and Founder Worked in several makits for many different architectural categories ex. Academic


• AIA - Intl. Assoc. AIA (AIA Orlando/ AIA Florida/ AIA National)


• Smart Building Technology I Coordinator I with Cairo,El Menya,Al Azhar and Banha Universities at MSA Campus. • LAKE2017 Workshop with UNIVERSITY of THESSALY in Greece • Advanced Design Studio I MSA University I • DCM Desert City Mappers Studio Workshop I MSA University I • Adobe Photoshop Architectural Visualization Workshop • Parametric Design + Digital Fabrication and Kinetic Workshop I Algorithm I • 3Ds MAX + Vray Workshop

2017 2016 2016 2015 2014

• • • • •

Reconstruction and rehabilitation of Mosul’s Al Nouri Complex project by UNESCO Iraq Dewan Award 2020 - Almedina Youth Centre and Plaza Competition The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2020 - Bridge on the Nile competition 8th Advanced Architecture Contest - Design For Living - IAAC KAIRA LOORO Architecture Competition Edizione 2020 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER For the resolution of humanitarian emergencies in Africa • La Biennale 2020 • The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 - Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art Competition Tamayoz Excellance Award • Lake17

Arabic | Native language English | Fluent



- London Design Biennale - The Design In An Age Of Crisis Gallery - Fantasism City - ACTAR - Fantasism City - Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art - Tamayoz City Benteeth - Lake2017 - Lake Kerkini Projects - BI[R/N]DING - DCM Projects - BIO-ECO Library


Pha se Z





Al Nouri Complex in Mosul

CDC- Office Revelation Museum - Jabal Al-Noor Cultural Center

The 8th edition of the Advanced Architecture Contest - IAAC Dewan Award 2020 - Almedina Youth Centre and Plaza Competition The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2020 - Bridge on the Nile competition

UNDERGRAD Fishing Logistics Center - Graduation Project Othman Bus Station JO-01

The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019- Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art Competition Tamayoz Excellence Award


Emergency Operation Center - Kiara Loroo


La Biennale De Vince

Dar Molhimon E90 Head-office

Al Nouri Complex in Mosul

Bridge on the Nile Competition

B I [R/N] D I N G

SEEDS of Fantasism City

Youth Centre and Plaza Competition


Revelation Museum - CDC Office


Emergency Opration Center - Kiara Loroo


B I [R/N] D I N G


123 Entry

01 - 2021 Reconstruction and rehabilitation


of Mosul’s Al Nouri Complex project held by UNESCO Iraq Role: Architectural Designer 3D Modeling Rendering

Al Nouri Complex in Mosul The design strategy integrates contemporary techniques for the construction and rehabilitation of the complex, in addition to preserving and reuse of the old remains to reflect the real authentic essence of the historical context. Mosel urban fabric reflects the city’s uniqueness and years of conflicts, and is also rich in a cumulation of heritage and architectural language, which inspired the new design’s fabric and architectural language. Smart and technological advancements are integrated into the design to uplift the quality of the project to the international standards and propel the old city into the future. A main element of the project is reminiscent of the old middle eastern market common during the Islamic culture eras, mimicking its tightly knit fabric to achieve the dense activity pattern and performance and leisure space, as well as the environmental aspect of creating heavily shaded public spaces in the semi-arid climate of Mosul. Shading solutions are added to the skin of the buildings to protect the inner part of the building skin from the direct incident solar radiation. In the parts of the project where the fabric is course shading elements and greenery. The green ground cover and water features increase the humidity and accordingly evaporative cooling.






02 -

Shortlisted Top 131 from 193 Entry

awarded with partial scholarship maa exhibated in london design beninnale

Role: Architectural Design and Modeling



1 972

The 8th edition of the Advanced Architecture Contest - IAAC

SEEDS of Fantasism City


2020 showed us what humans have demolished in the past 250 years. A lot of wild lives went extinct and soon humans will extinct if they ignored the symptoms of their actions. Pollution is effecting all the fields of life we live in. Beside over population, pollution is also creating air pollutions and green degradation causing a huge impact on threating the nature. But what if there is a solution taking a place in Egypt as a start then the world. Egypt had been struggling since 1970 showing the increase of rapid urban growth which is represent as urban cancer “Cities expansion” causing a huge decrease in the number of green lands and high increase in the concrete masses, causing, a lot of environmental consequences and raising the carbon dioxide ratio in the air. A proposal, Fantasism city would be a step for humans to evolve and for the nature to recover. By focusing on three approaches which are Urban Platforms, Smart Transportation, and Living Upsend, these are the 3 main strategies for Fantasism City SEEDS to be achieved. Starting with the urban platform, showing a case study of selected location and extracting the potentials, architectural language and elements to create a design integrated in order to create urban platforms consisting of sky gardens, elevated parks and fixing urban behavior of humans.


Urba n

Thinking of the yea r 2020 to b ecome a futuristic, fa nta sism, the most epic yea r wa s very d isa ppointing d ue to the existing rea lity tha t we a re living in now. Everyone ha d a tota lly d ifferent ima g ina tion of the yea r 2020 to b ecome a cha ng ing yea r for everything such a s flying ca rs, a d va nced technolog y a nd evoluted cities a nd huma ns; however, 2020 showed us wha t huma ns have d emolished in the pa st 250 yea rs. A lot of wild lives went extinct a nd soon huma ns will extinct if they ig nored the symptoms of their a ctions. Pollution is effecting a ll the field s of life we live in. Besid e over popula tion, pollution is a lso crea ting a ir pollutions a nd g reen d eg ra d a tion ca using a hug e impa ct on threa ting the na ture. . But wha t if there is a solution ta king a p la ce in Eg ypt a s a sta rt then the world . Eg ypt ha d b een strug g ling since 1970 showing the increa se of ra pid urb a n g rowth which is represent a s urb a n ca ncer “Cities expa nsion” ca using a hug e d ecrea se in the numb er of g reen la nd s a nd hig h increa se in the concrete ma sses, ca using , a lot of environmenta l consequences a nd ra ising the ca rb on d ioxid e ra tio in the a ir.

Loca tion O f First Seed Sa ft El Imba ba

La ba n,

Pha se X Zoning the City

Aiming to d evelop a n urb an fa b ric b y sprea d ing a seed focusing on fixing an environmenta l prob lem a nd evolving a huma n b eha vior. The ob jective is to ta ke a step a g a inst a world wid e threa ting life a s we know focused in Eg ypt a s a sta rt. Fa nta sism city is a n Id ea to implement a seed in a reg ion then to sprea d out throug h the city.






Y Environmenta l

LANGUAGE The project is loca ted in Sa ft El La b a n in Imb a b a in a selected site showing the result of ra pid urb a n g rowth ( Urb a n Ca ncer ) a nd the wound ma d e b y ring roa d sepa ra ting the city into a coin with two fa ces showing the d ecrea sed in the g reen la nd s


Tog ether

Beha vior FEATURES

Tog ether




Form a b stra cting the a rchitectura l elements a nd solid a rity of the site showing the most common fig ure repea ted in a pa ttern could a lmost crea te a fa b ric for it own. This pa ttern could b e repea ted in a 3 d imensions pa ttern d ecora ted with multicultura l colors. SO LIDARITY

Form a b stra cting the a rchitectura l elements a nd solid a rity of the site showing the most common fig ure repea ted in a pa ttern could a lmost crea te a fa b ric for it own. This pa ttern could b e repea ted in a 3 d imensions pa ttern d ecora ted with multicultura l colors.



city a ns ure on a re ma rt ing 3 for be the a ted the ura l to ted ban sky a rks r of


Desig ned Proposa l

A proposa l, Fa nta sism city would b e a step for huma ns to evolve a nd for the na ture to recover. By focusing on three a pproa ches which a re Urb a n Pla tforms, Sma rt Tra nsporta tion, a nd Living Upscend , these a re the 3 ma in stra teg ies for Fa nta sism City to be a chieved . Sta rting with the urb a n pla tform, showing a ca se stud y of selected loca tion a nd extra cting the potentia ls, a rchitectura l la ng ua g e a nd elements to crea te a d esig n integ ra ted in ord er to crea te urb a n pla tforms consisting of sky g a rd ens, eleva ted pa rks a nd fixing urb a n b eha vior of huma ns.

Desig ned Proposa l

Pha se Z



Desig ned Proposa l

Desig ned Proposa l

STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL A proposa l, Fa nta sism city ELEMENTS ELEMENTS would b e a step for huma ns to evolve a nd for the na ture to recover. By focusing on three a pproa ches which a re Urb a n Pla tforms, Sma rt Pha se Z Tra nsporta tion, a nd Living NATURE WINS Upscend , these a re the 3 MO DULE ma in stra teg ies for EXSISTING ARCHITECTURAL IMAGE EXSISTING ARCHITECTURAL IMAGE MO DULE ASSEMBLY STRUCTURAL Fa nta sism City to be ASSEMBLY ELEMENTS a chieved . Sta rting with the urb a n pla tform, showing a ca se stud y of selected loca tion a nd extra cting the potentia ls, a rchitectura l la ng ua g e a nd elements to crea te a d esig n integ ra ted in ord er to crea te urb a n MO DULE IMAGE pla tforms EXSISTING consisting ARCHITECTURAL of sky ASSEMBLY g a rd ens, eleva ted pa rks a nd fixing urb a n b eha vior of huma ns. ABSTRACTED CO NNECTIO N SCATTERED PATTERN DISTRIBUTIO N SCATTERED PATTERN DISTRIBUTIO N ABSTRACTED CO NNECTIO N

sa l, Fa nta sism city a step for huma ns a nd for the na ture er. By focusing on proa ches which a re INTIAL DIAGRAMS Pla tforms, Sma rt aALtion, a nd Living DIAGRAMS these a re the 3 stra teg ies for City to be . Sta rting with the a tform, showing a ud y of selected a nd extra cting the s, a rchitectura l a nd elements to d esig n integ ra ted to crea te urb a n consisting of sky eleva ted pa rks urb a n b eha vior of

Desig ned Proposa l











EXPERMENTAL PLATFO RM A pla tform constructed from the existing elements structure technolog y tha t ensure sta b ility, susta ina b ility a nd the ma in id ea of b eing resilience.




03 -



Dewan Award 2020 - Almedina Youth Centre and Plaza Competition

Role: Architectural Design and Modeling

‘Saqifa’ ‘Saqifa’ is an urban harbor, among a sea of chaos. In a busy world where young minds strive to make a difference, architecture can be the catalyst that fosters talents and raises voices. Where youngsters interact to explore their differences, and look within themselves to prosper, and work for a better tomorrow. Since its existence, ‘’Souq Meridy’’ has been known for its busy nature and chaotic scenes. And the idea to have an urban oasis for young minds was a way to make young Iraqis feel safe in an environment that allows them to express themselves. Where they can have a peaceful shelter to encourage their physical, mental and psychological wellbeing. ‘Saqifa’ is a place of shelter, recreation, meditation, reflection and harmony. The architecture is inspired from local context. The colors, textures and elements come together to emphasize its root and ties to local history. The concept is to create an interactive environment between the outside busy world, and the calm insides of the building. With multiple open courtyards that intervene with the physical mass, an interplay of light is created to enhance internal atmosphere and ventilation. These courtyards are used as unique spots or ‘catalysts’ that houses unique activities. Palm trees and green landscape are added to improve air quality and visual aesthetics. Shaded circulation through ‘Saqifa’ project is created through underground platforms, which is essential in such hot climate. Also, to create safe passages between project areas away from vehicular crossing.


04 -



The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2020 Bridge on the Nile competition

Role: Architectural Design and Modeling

‘The Park’ The right for public space has been an urban challenge in Cairo’s urban scene. With absence of outdoor spaces that provide an outlet for recreational, cultural and day-to-day activities. The design approach evolves from this pressing need for outvvvdoor spaces. ‘’The Park’’ is a bridge that provides more than outdoor linkage between the banks of the river Nile. It reinvents the concept of outdoor space through a linear platform that hosts and incubates recreational and cultural activities. In addition, it acts as a lung for the city as it features green spaces that people can hang around and enjoy. The bridge is divided into two main platforms, the first is the platform that provides connectivity and pedestrian circulation between the two river banks. With vertical access from the street level through staircases and elevators for disabled and elderly people, these vertical cores are found at both ends of the bridge. The second platform is the considered the heart of the park, where pedestrians can spend a part of their day/evening enjoying the Nile view while touring the different parts, including cafes, green spaces and recreational areas. The platform also includes tablature walls the gives a brief history for all main landmarks and sightseeings around the bridge. The bridge also features glass towers that take the visitors underneath the bridge through water in order for them to enjoy the calm view of the Nile.


Shortlisted Top 20 from 190 Entry

Role: Architectural Design and Modeling

05 -

2019 The Rifat Chadirji Prize 2019 Barjeel Museum for Modern Arab Art Competition


City Beneath in Al Sharjah, UAE This project aims to raise awareness towards Al-Sharjah’s architectural style; the bond between Islamic and Modern, in addition to incorporating few technological features to enhance the visitors experience and upgrade it to the best reachable level. The entire project revolves around a journey of exploration and discovery of a hidden heritage that is achieved by a central bridge connecting not only old and new features, but also providing a unique experience for every visitor ensuring a new discovery with every step thus achieving a sturdy dynamic factor that adds a fourth dimension to the overall experience. Each visitor’s experience shall be different and every visit something new shall be discovered. As for the technical part, an authentic Islamic element, wind-catchers, are used to face Al-Sharjah’s weather and create a difference in pressure to ensure a continuous airflow in an attempt to reach the human comfort levels naturally. Some of these wind-catchers also have an external staircase to have a better look at the city and act as an observation tower. In addition to that, the outdoor area is to be defined as a court facilitating the air movement and providing a perfect experience of self-discovery. Last but not least, the wall constructed in the back of the main building is a high vertical element that provides shade to the plaza placed in the back in addition to acting as a self-advertising wall to the people on the highway and gas-station users. This project promotes the idea of discovering Al-Sharjah’s heritage and clearly marks its architectural style.




2020 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) - Kiara Loro Kaira Looro 2020 Emergency Operations Center Role: Architectural Design and Modeling


Hidden Fragments in SUB SAHARAN, Africa This project aims to raise the awareness and the feeling of nostalgia for refugees. Hidden Fragments is a result of several approaches. The main approach is spiritual were refugees are seeking for safety. In order to ensure the wall and shelter for them, the main idea is to extrude and use locally sourced and inexpensive materials which are extracted from natural elements that surround and form the nature “Earth Architecture”. Hidden fragments aims to raise the way refugees think and feel by integrating with the vertical element in the project mainly targeting to reflect the “Vertical Nature Elements” and the project. To catch up 2020, technology had become more reliable and flexible, achieving us time and cost. 3D printing by natural material “Clay Architecture” was used in a modular technique to print out the project in modules creating opening in the walls in order to act as a breathable walls to conduct the thermal heat and thermal comfort creating different pressures and achieving a passive ventilation strategy. The project consists of 3 zones. Particularly, the assistance and monitoring zones contain a court which can be used for the psychological treatments and activities. Hidden fragments is not a specific project. It’s a journey to a safety approach.


The challenges of additive manufacturing in the construction industry specially in terms of the scale of the project, the size of the 3d printer, and printing materials which should be accomplished for the printing technology to act at its maximum potential. These requirements will reduce the use of 3-D printing in the construction industry. Printing will be expanded accordingly. Through 3D, printing will build from locally sourced materials using solar wind.


07 -



CDC- Office Community Design Collaborative - Abdelhalim Ibrahim

Community Design Collaborative - Abdelhalim Ibrahim Role: Form Constructing

Revelation Museum - Jabal Al-Noor Cultural Center The overall integration of the project elements within the scenery landscape to intended to strongly reflect the spiritual sense of place in Jabal AnNoor. Maximizing the visitors experience on the revelation event that was taking place in the mountain cave through the creation of the AnNour Pathway (Light Pathway) and its attached design elements. The AnNoor Pathway is perfectly oriented towards Heraa Cave and organizing the master plan elements on its sides. Also, the AnNour Pathway is fully integrated with the complex circulation system offering ease of access to all the project elements. The project design strengthens the spiritual experience and visual orientation of the continuous visitor’s routes thought the well-organized direct circulation network, ordered project various zonings and buildings, and the coherence of major visual orientation for all activities, cultural, shopping, hospitality, etc.



08 -

2018 Grad. Project ‘A’


FISHING LOGISTIC CENTER IN AL MAX BAY ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT Seeking to develop a life style & connect between government and Al Max society by linking a mutual relationship that benefit both sides to be a win-win situation that will help in the targeted results without effecting on the existing environmental condition. By implementation of Smart City strategies which it function is to develop a society to create a successful self sustain community. As mentioned before, the fishermen’s main issue is having the fishing license and going to the sea and fish. Therefore the proposed project is a fishing logistics center that is going to help them have the fishing license, give them the space to build and maintain their boats and their nets and a place to sell their products everyday.



Structural Functional Diagram


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2017 Advanced Design Studio Project ‘A’


JO-01 IN MARS “As we doomed, now we are saved.”



1st place

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2017 Lake2017- Greece


B I [R/N] D I N G IN Kerkini lake – Hellas, GREECE The project is about the designing of a small scale structure in the area of Serres, at the shore of lake Kerkini, Greece. The structure is consisted of 3 sized parts that define 3 types of movement (A-B-C,ascent, go straight, decent). It is on various places along the length of the shore in different combinations of the movements that it provides (A-B-C, A-B-B, A-B-A, B-B-A, C-B-B, C-B-C). The structure is static and one part of it is placed on the hill meanwhile the other two are connected with the first one and they slightly tilt. The main criteria in our design is to integrate in the natural environment a construction that is harmonized with the area around it. The materials we use are concrete for the base and on top of that we use wood in order to cover the parts that someone might stand on or lay down to observe nature.


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