LA 2002 Portfolio

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Portfolio LA 2002 Landscpe Design 2 Shaping Pattern+Process

Yimeng Wang Louisiana State University Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture

Shaping Pattern+Process Along the Mississippi Flyway Worked completed by Yimeng Wang and Yinan Liu, Spring 2014 Professor Forbes Lipschitz Our project this semester is try to Use a telescopic approach, reshape regional landscape patterns and patches along the Mississippi flyway. The aim is to develop generative spatial patterns that optimize ecological, cultural, and economic processes. This project employs a synthetic, multi-scale approach to the design and representation of regional landscapes.

Table of Contents Phase One: Site Measures Phase Two: Landscape Patterns Phase Three: Regional Design

1-6 7-15 16-26

Phase One Site Measures Geography Our first step is to do seven analysis of our site which is from Baton Rouge to Natchez along Mississippi River. They are sociocultural history, ecology, hydrology, geology, infrastructure/urbanism and land mosaic. Each part is important for our project and they are related to each other. The geography part gives the basic topographic map of this site and displays the transportation, elevation and land cover clearly. The soil and rock profile are effected by topography and hydrology, and the quality of soil and water also affect the distribution of land use. Thus, it appears different types of environments such as forest, wetland and meadow etc. Therefore, there are different animals and vegetation in the environments. All these form the whole habitat.


Topographic Maps and Section




Human activity is also a significant part of the research. As human activity appears, urban and suburban area come out. People learn how to cultivate plants and choose the place incorporated with the terrain and soil condition. And people are more likely choose to live flat area but not flood plain. Urban surface tend to more impervious due to the construction of road or something. The density of population decide if this area develop well and the condition of infrastructure. As we all know, human activity influence the habitat. The transportation divide nature patterns manually, the development of industry may affect migration trials of the animals and deforestation cause loss of forest area, etc.


Soil Profile and Quality



Phase Two Landscape Patterns Water Our second step is doing research and analyzing landscape patterns. It is based on the step one which is like a basic profile of topography, culture and some other things related to our site. This part is divided into 6 topics: Grassland, Wetland, Forest, Water, City and Edge. These six topics are deep analysis of the phase one. They focus more on one pattern change in different scales and types. Each topic are combined by natural and constructed style. our topic is about water. After our basic analysis of natural and constructed water patterns, we are supposed to design a new form of habitat that can make sure the catfish production and at the same time make the migrant birds have food to eat. In order to have the concerns involved, we should consider a kind of habitat that combine different kinds of patterns, not just the water.


Water Patterns Along Mississippi Flyway

On the Mississippi Flyway basemap, natural and constructed water patterns are pointed out. It shows the different shapes of River, oxbow lake and catfish pond.


Natural Water Patterns Analysis


Natural Water Patterns Analysis


Four Types of Proposed Ecological Patches


Proposed Ecological Section

We are considering put the forest pattern between the natural and constructed water patterns to prevent birds eat catfish and create a more complex habitat. We are also thinking about construct a hybrid pond which is more like a constructed pond along the river to present the function of both production and ecology.


Phase Three Regional Design Worse and worse habit along the mississippi river effect the healthy conditions of animals especially the immigrate birds due to the heavy pollution in water and wetlands' lost. Our final research along the Mississippi flyway is about to create wetland habitat to clean the water and make the environment better.


Pollution Research Proposed Ecological Section


Wetlands Losses and Current Distribution


Hypoxia Diagram

Natural & Constructed Wetland Research

In order to solve the pullution problem, we began our basic research about how constructed and natural wetlands work. From the morphology, we find out that no matter how patterns change from each other, that have the same character, which is they slow down and meander the water.


Wetland Typology Unit

After we knows how the wetlands work, we design 5 types of wetland typologies to fit different areas. The scale is from large to small.


Site Selection and Analaysis (Agricultral)


Site Selection and Analaysis (Industrial & urban)


Agricultral Site


This wetland machine composed by free water surface system and subsurface flow system is supposed to clean irritation waste water.


Industrial Site


The subsurface flow system wetland located between the river and industrial area is designed to clean industrial waste water and ground flow polluted water.


Cultural Site


In the urban area, there are bioswales on the parking lot, terrace wetland between the river and levee and floatinf wetland. They are designed no only for preventing the flooding river and water storm, but also for people to be close to the Mississippi river for recreational and cultural use.


Regional Future Finally, we choose a big area near St. Louis and try to us our stratigies to connect all the systems together to clean water efficiently, and further transform the entire Mississippi River inthe future.


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Louisiana State University Robert Reich School of Landscape Architecture Yimeng Wang

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