Chongqing Learning City- Sustainable Modernisation in Urban Old Neighbourhoods

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Learning With Chongqing About the project The Learning City – Interdisciplinary Studios for Urban Development. A SinoGerman Initiative“ is a 2-years project funded by the German Stiftung Mercator located in the city of Essen (more information: The project is coordinated by the Wuppertal Institute and the China Sustainable Energy Programme of the Energy Foundation. The project team furthermore encompasses the University of Duisburg-Essen as well as Southeast University from Nanjing, TU Berlin and Chongqing University. The project aims to support the Sino-German partnership in pursuing sustainable urban development by establishing an innovative process for developing solutions towards concrete needs of the partner cities. Two Sino-German Interdisciplinary Urban Studios that involve two city partnerships, Essen-Changzhou and Düsseldorf- Chongqing (Yu Zhong District), are the core of the process. The upcoming studio is within the partnership of DüsseldorfChongqing and will focus on the Yu Zhong District in Chongqing. Within the project team, CHORA Berlin and Chongqing University are in charge of organising and conducting the studio with support of the coordinating partners Wuppertal Institute and Energy Foundation. Transformational Issues Yuzhong district is Chongqing's economic center. The largest western China commercial area, it has brought together 90% of the domestic financial institutions in Chongqing. The rapid urbanization of Yuzhong district since 1980 has

generated a contemporary landscape dotted with a series of urban villages, enclaves of buzzing urbanity and street life situated on land owned by Yuzhong district’s original rural residents. However, many of these urban villages in the district have impoverishing physical condition, and lack of infrastructural supports. The goal of the 11th FYP(2006) for Chongqing aims at an urbanization rate by 70% in 2020 . It creates an ever inequalities between high-end development and existing urban villages in the district. The Chongqing learning City aims to tackle this issue. With the workshop with local students, expects and officials to seek for solutions for the modernization of urban village in Yuzhong district.The studio will exanimate the possibilities of social sustainable solution. It will address at least 4 different aspects in the workshop : This Learning City Chongqing studio aims to investigate the urgent urban issue in China, that how should an old neighborhood in a dense urban area be modernized? The making of this issue is shaped by the necessity to answer three pressing requests from China’s social-economical transformation. The first pressure comes with the economical slow down. China’s Economic Growth in 2015 Is Slowest in 25 Years. GDP grew 6.9% in 2015 (BBC 2016); economists, it is signaling weakening economic momentum. The decline of the graph directly represents the physical contraction on the ground in the country. Betting money on tabula rasa housing projects and Special Economical Zones, now, it needs to be thought twice. The result is the market moves its capital and

attention swiftly back to established urban area, in order to consolidate the resource and to shelter it with external economies of scale. In purchasing-power-parity terms, (in the range is defined as middle class), just 4 percent of urban Chinese households were within it in 2000—but 68 percent were in 2012. (McKinsey 2013). The second pressure comes with the rise of middle class in China. The slow down of state-driven economy gives way to market economy. It reliefs the burden from the state, but also create a confusion that who is responsible now? The second pressure comes precisely with the confusion in the transition. In our Chongqing studio, we see an increasing dispersion of responsibilities for urban development from the decision maker. When the market force is channeled into the last “untouched ” area in Chongqing. When the new urban development frontiers in China reside within the cities’ oldest neighborhoods. We have observed a dialectic development issue: How to invent an authentic identify in a old neighborhood? Or how to preserve the heritage but at the same time match the economical appetite. When the old identify has lost its present value, and the imported modern value can not inspire the society. We urgently need innovation from within the City. Studio Methodology Our urban design studio in Chongqing encourages creative solutions via a type of hybrid thinking. A type of hybrid thinking that is forged by mutual learning among different social stakeholders. Therefore, Issue-Based design process

was used in this studio to widen the coverage of the development solution in our selected old communities by strategically involving multiple stakeholders’ view-points. Especially, those external actors who are left out from the conventional decision making procedure, but critically contribute to the closure of the issue. It encompasses learning among the team members and external stakeholders, where they are engaged in a participatory design process to learn to reflect on different frames of reference and recognising other legitimate frames of reference as well as their interdependences (Pahl-Wostl et al 2007). On the other hand, it also involves learning about co-evolution between human and the physical environments such as ecosystem and urban structure. This might lead to a shared conceptualisation of system at hand and problem encountered, and thus create a sense of urgency (Loorbach 2007). an action stage that aims to create further learning opportunities for both our young researchers and residents in Yzhong District. During the research period, together with local associations, actors and the municipality, we have launched two urban laboratory events in Yuzhong District . The events that turn streets into living laboratories and public squares into open air classrooms. The direct contact with the citizens allows the research team to articulate the projects again, and had direct knowledge exchange with the local actors whom we have studied remotely. The co-designing aspect is a particularly important element for our urban experiments in Yuzhong District. Diagnosis of the challenges and

stakeholders inventory was conducted in the phase. The project have adapted and developed a range of action tools for communication purposes. The reader can find in the book, how do we repurpose interview skills in order to mobilise the research subjects in Yuzhong District and to build up trust with local residents. As well as the research team adapts Mapping Tool to accumulate and trace the morphology public opinion. Other tools such as One Page Business Plan, Conference Call and so on are used to identify the key resources in the discussions of implementing the project in Yzhong District and to stimulate their mutual cooperation. During the three weeks workshop, several Field Interview aims to learn and experiment with the actors and stakeholders in the field of operation. Where the researchers are able to see the physical performance of local actors, and conducts mini experiments within local actors. We hope to present the learning within the architectural design studio can be learned again outside the studio by incorporating external values and realities. The university learning program can extend the linear process and between the lecturers and students to a collective scale. With the definition of learning in the classroom extends to learning in the city. We need a set of different didactic tools that is able to create new knowledge interfaces between different “Types of student � and new knowledge logistics in order to research the scale of a city. Media Operation and workshop are two tools to present the effort to consolidate the knowledge locally and the social learning effect. Actions engaging communities provide

close contact with users which is the best way to know their needs and expectations and to avoid realizing projects dethatched from social reality. Furthermore, the experience gained through the realization of such projects, as well as the process of their monitoring, evaluation and documentation, turn the undertakings into the kind of live laboratories where the researchers are able to observe the efficiency and appropriateness of particular solutions. Such knowledge can be applicable while conducting similar projects elsewhere and hopefully contribute to more effective and accurate problem-solving process. Change Facilitation Tools Inclusion was adapted as the design process to represent different stakeholders. Inclusion was also defined as the main development strategy in the studio to diverge the development pressures to multiple stakeholders and enlarge the resource pool. Therefore in our design studio, one of the most important task was to design a Change Facilitation Tool. A tool can guide the current mode of urban development in Chongqing to a more sustainable model. A tool can enlarge the sense of private property and territory to a collective one. These tools are ranged from Local Energy Fund, a territorial fund that drives the sustainable development of the community; 3D Zoning Tool , a new regulatory tool for city planning department that can incorporate other semantic information to better optimize social-physical planning; Circular Construction System, that up-cycling different materials flows within the community to create both unique architectural and commercial identities;

New Education Program that enhance local school curriculum and facilitate the re-development of the old neighborhood from early relocation process, PPP financing to the maintenance of the new community, Multimodal Mobility Card for the old neighborhood, that create and intergrade several public or sharing transportations to increase both social and physical connectivity; and Walkthrough Community Prototype that prevent the physical segregations in the City. From structuring the issue, tracing different values from the actors, to the

development of different inclusion tool. The purpose of this urban design studio focuses on the discursive capacity of architecture design. Instead of putting the concentration on the end product, we value more on the processes. The process of learning from each other in order to gain insights and skills, and the process to actively get involve into our public matters. Our projects are architectural forms of argument and communication at the same time.

Studio Schedule 1. Each student team will work closely with local stakeholders to create real world sustainability solutions which can be continuously carry out by them.

2. The project teams will structure sustainable solutions and type assembles. 3. To respond three pressing issues are needed to be incorporated into the sustainable development solutions 4. In parallel to the workshop, there will be an editorial team constantly compiling and editing the workshop progress into a report /book. Schedule Date


First week

Venue Notes l Define the Scope and Strategy for Low Carbon Alternative Economy 1. Heritage and modernization Activity

2. Low Carbon Development 3. Accessibility and Connectivity l Deliverables 1. Define the sustainability issues form from above 3 topics 2. Define the spatial impacts from the issue(map) ( ) 3. Define the strategy to improve the issue at hand 4. Define the potential market and basic business plan(The mission of each student team is to invent a product or service, which can contribute positive economic, urban and sustainability impact) ( ) 5. Identify key stakeholder Chongqing-welcome and introduction Wuppertal –overall process 9:00a Internatio 07 m TUB- workshop process nal lecture Mar -12:00 hall ch 5223 Mo Germen Students present the reader n. 14:30 research pm- Chinese students present the research 5218 17:30 9:00a 08 Talks on sites (Chongqing) m 5218 Mar -12:00 ch 14:30 Talks on sites (Chongqing) Tue pm- 5218 s. 17:30 Lecture 1: Local knowledge and business opportunities (Chongqing) Lin Gao 1 Ling Huang 9:00a Lecture 2: Conditions and Future 5218 m Planning in our sites (Chongqing) -12:00 2 09 Mar Discussion ch Three urging Issues We Lecture 1:Heritage and modernization Xuan Guo d. 14:30 Lecture 2:Low Carbon Development Wentao Yan 5218 pmLecture 3:Accessibility and Connectivity 17:30 (Chongqing) Haoyan Wei Discussion 07 March -13 March

Workshop on first Week deliverables

10 March 5218 Thur. 9:00a Workshop on first Week deliverables m 5218 11 Mar -12:00 ch 14:30 First Presentation Fri. pm5218 17:30 Chongqing good practice tour 12 March Morning : Planning exhibition hall, Chongqing Huguan hall Sat. () Afternoon: Zhongshan road, Great Hall of the People, Sanxia Museum 13 March Document the interviews the day before 5218 Sun. l Structure a solution with the consideration of local stakeholders’ capability

Second Week 14 March -20 March

This stage we will start to work side by side with key stakeholders (producers)

15 March Tues. 16 March Wed.

l Deliverables 1. Model a flow chat of your solution 2. Define/ Model a benchmark to measure against your solution / 3. Define a business up-scaling plan 4. Define the spatial impacts from your solution (map) Wrap up workshop form the first presentation Team Building Workshop on second week in studio Workshop on first Week deliverables in studio

17 March Thur.

Workshop with stakeholders for first proposal

14 March Mon.

5218 5218 5218


planning bureau (developer)

18 March Fri.

Second presentation (Mid-term) 5218 Chongqing good practice tour Dazu Rock Carvings or others 19 March Sat. 20 March Document the interviews the day before 5218 Sun. l Test the Proposal This stage we will keep working side by side with key stakeholders (producers) and launch our proposal to the public discussion Third Week 21 March -25 March l Deliverables 1. technical document of your proposal 2. Presentation for the public forum Wrap up workshop form the second 21 March presentation 5218 Mon. Workshop on third Week deliverables on 22 March site with stakeholders 5218 Tues. 23 March Workshop on third Week deliverables on site with stakeholders 5218 Wed. 24 March Workshop and rehearsing presentation 5218 Thur.

25 March Fri.

Final Presentation Public forum with Internatio press (Chongqing university) nal lecture hall 5223

Learning City Chongqing New Models of City Life Alternative Ecomonies for Old Urban Neighbouhoods CQU - TUB Urban Planning Studios !"#$%&'$%()*+,-")./01


Anne Kraft HNE Eberswalde

Xiaolei Chen Chongqing University

Yujie Shi Chongqing University

Bibo Yang Chongqing University

Ilka Zolke PBSA Düsseldorf

::% &''("'% #!% )#*+% :: Feijimatou

How to develop a dilapidated shanty town into a prosperous micro-economy, while not losing its cultural identity, and achieving sustainability?

The Sino-German project “Learning city� is an interdisciplinary project aimed to 2,'$%) 3'45,5$6) 75,875-6'958) 6#%56"5,() 6#) tackle the global challenges of rapid urbanization and climate change with new approaches of urban planning and design. A small site on the Yuzhong peninsula :+8)+88'%$53)6#)6"5):#,;'$%)%,#<7():"'-") 8"#<=3) :#,;) +8) +) 8"#:-+85) 7,#>5-6() ?#,) new approaches on a small scale. @5'>'A+6#<() ?#,A5,=B) <853) +8) +) 7=+$5) ?,5'%"6) 3#-;) 2=#-;() '8) #$5) #?) 6"5) =+86) <$developed spots in the rapidly emerging city of Chongqing in the heart of China. The country is one of the biggest emitters of carbon dioxide with 29% of the total %=#2+=) 5A'88'#$8) C*-D,+6"() ./0EFG) @#,)

6"+6),5+8#$()-'6B)7=+$$5,8)85+,-")?#,)$5:) +77,#+-"58() "#:) 6#) 35+=) :'6") 8'658) $#6) meeting new environmentally friendly and ,58#<,-5)5H-'5$6)86+$3+,38G) I$#6"5,)&<586'#$)'8()"#:)6#)'A7,#95)&<+='6B)#?)='?5):'6"'$)'$$5,)-'6B),5%'#$8():"'=5)'$creasing the density of uses within these areas. On the peninsula of Yuzhong the problem of scarce land is mostly solved 6",#<%")"'%"J,'85G)K#:595,()6"585)$5'%"2#,"##38),5A+'$)+$#$BA#<8()+8)6"5)#$=B) shared spaces are elevators and entrance halls. This does not provide any space for social connection and exchange.



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Concepts of systems thinking from ecology, economy and urban planning were combined into the strategy “be aMAZEd”.

The site Feijimatou could be completely ,53595=#753() :"'=5) $#6) 35A#='8"'$%) +==) old structures and loosing valuable as8568() =';5) '6) '8) 3#$5) +-,#88) 6"5) -#<$6,BG) Overarching principles are sustainability 6",#<%")+)2+=+$-5)#?)$+6<,5()8#-'56B)+$3) 5-#$#AB()+8):5==)+8)-#$$5-6'9'6B)+$3)+-cessibility. The strategy is visualized and explained #$)6"5)A#35=)8'65)#?)@5'>'A+6#<()+8)+$)5Lample for highly dense urban areas. First=B() -#$$5-6'9'6B) 6#) '68) 8<,,#<$3'$%8) +$3) within itself will be increased. It will be ac-588'2=5)?#,)753586,'+$8()5875-'+==B)"+$3'-+7753() +8) :5==) +8) 95"'-=58() :"'-") :+8) not given before. Heritage and tourism will be integrated into the local economy

in an innovative way. Economic process58):'==)+'A)6#),5-B-=5(),5<85)+$3)'$65%,+65) -#$8<A5,8G) M$?,+86,<-6<,58() 2<'=3'$%8) +$3),5%<=+6'#$8)"+95)6#)25)N5L'2=5()6#)'$crease the adaptive capacity. The area will have some residential space and offer services as well as leisure activities. The basic guidelines of “be aMAZEd” can 25) +77='53) #$) 3'45,5$6) 8'658) +$3) 8-+=58() taking local needs into account.

::%'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23%:: issues

The issues can be clustered into points concerning Heritage and Modernization, Low Carbon Development, Accessibility and Connectivity. The results of the site assessment of the O=+$5)@,5'%"6)P#-;)Q=#-;)C@5'>'A+6#<F)-+$) be seen in a Strengths-Weaknesses-Op7#,6<$'6'58JR",5+68JI$+=B8'8)CSTURFG

Heritage and Modernization The main issue of the existing heritage brick 2<'=3'$%8)?,#A)6"5)0VW/8)+$3)6"5)A#,5),5-5$6) -#$-,565) 2<'=3'$%8) ?,#A) 6"5) 0VX/8) '8) the low quality of the infrastructure. Most of the buildings are highly dilapidated or do not satisfy modern technical and spatial standards. There is a lack of water +$3) 3,+'$+%5) 7'758() 5=5-6,'-'6B() 85:+%5) and waste management. The ground plan of the apartments does often not include bathrooms and kitchens are very small. @<,6"5,A#,5() 3'45,5$6) "5+=6") '88<58) 5L'86() :"'-") ,58<=6) ?,#A) 75868() +',J() :+65,J) +$3) $#'85J7#==<6'#$G)R"5,5?#,5() +) 35A#='6'#$) #?) most of the buildings and a modernisation of the site is unavoidable. Low Carbon Development I==) #?) 6"5) 2<'=3'$%8) +,5) $#6) 8<H-'5$6=B) '$sulated and most of the infrastructure is highly eroded. None of the buildings meets =#:)-+,2#$)#,)5$5,%B)5H-'5$-B)86+$3+,38G)

K#:595,()+)=#:)-+,2#$)3595=#7A5$6)-#<=3) be included into the modernisation of the site. Connectivity and Accessibility M$65,9'5:8) #$) 8'65) :'6") ?#,A5,) ,58'35$68() adjacent residents from the building in the T586)#?)6"5)8'65()+$3)#6"5,)75#7=5)+,#<$3) 6"5) +,5+() 2,#<%"6) <7) 6"5) $553) ?#,) A#,5) connectivity. The area is not very well afY='+653G) R"5) 86+',8) 6+-;='$%) 6"5) 5=59+6'#$) 3'45,5$-5)+$3)6"5)$#$J5L'865$-5)#?),#+38) and parking spaces within the area lead to 6"5) 3'H-<=6'58) '$) +--588'2'='6BG) Z'9'$%) -#$3'6'#$8) :'6"'$) 6"5) 8'65) +,5) "'%"=B) 3'H-<=6() because there are no public services like A5,-"+$68() 8<75,A+,;568) +$3) "5+=6") 85,9'-58G) R"5) 6,+$87#,6) #?) %##38() A+65,'+=8) +$3) ?<,$'6<,5) '8) '$"'2'653() +8) $#) 95"'-=58) can drive into the area. Living conditions are especially unpleasant for families with children and for old people. If children need to go to a kinder%+,65$) #,) +) 7,'A+,B) 8-"##=() 7+,5$68) "+95) to cross the Southern District Road and :+=;) ?#,) ./) A'$<658) 6#) 7'-;) 6"5A) <7G)R"5) higher education facilities are even farer away. A small interviewed girl explained that no playground or comparable public

SWOT analysis +,5+) 5L'868) -=#85) 2BG)R"5,5?#,5() A556'$%) ?,'5$38)'8)"'%"=B),586,'-653()+8)6"5)N+68)+,5) too small for play and she often stays solitary at home rather than go outside. The numerous small eroded stairs are a high discomfort to old and disabled people. Strengths and Opportunities [595,6"5=588()6"5)8'65)'8)-"+,+-65,'\53)2B) a fabulous panoramic view on the Yang6\5)]'95,)+$3)#$)6"5)-#,+=)'8=+$3()?#,A5,=B) used as an airport in WWII. The area has a high potential for commerce and tour'8A()3<5)6#)'68)=#-+6'#$)-=#85)6#)6"5)!QPG) The surrounding infrastructure of roads and public transport connect the site very :5==) 6#) $5+,2B) 6,+H-) ><$-6'#$8) +$3) 6"5)

$5L6),+'=:+B)86+6'#$G)K#:595,()6"5)8'65)'8) $#6)3'8-#95,53)2B)6#<,'868)B56():"'-"),+6"er visit other attractions on the Yuzhong 75$'$8<=+()=';5)^!')_');#<`():"'-")+,5)256ter connected. It is one of the last undeveloped spots in the city centre of the biggest western city in China and therefore of high interest for developers and the local government. The site in its current status does there?#,5)$#6)7,#A#65)8<86+'$+2'='6B()+8):+865) ,5-B-='$%) +$3) ,58#<,-5) ,5<85) +$3) 5Hciency are not promoted. From a system'-)75,875-6'95()6"5,5)'8)+)"'%")=+-;)#?)-#$nectivity and circling of resources.

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 spatial impact of issues

The spatial impacts derived from the 456784965%4::;6:%<6=6%>?@@65%A7%8B6% site and separated into those concerning the residents’ life quality, tourism and nature.

Residents´ life quality The lack of shopping facilities for every 3+B)$5538)7,#9#;58)'$8<H-'5$6)?##3()6#'=56,B) +$3) "#<85"#=3) 8<77=BG) R"5) 8A+==() 3+A7) +$3) 3+,;) N+68) A'%"6) 3'8-#<,+%5) young families to move here. Mostly older 75#7=5)86+B()+8)6"5B)+,5)86,#$%=B)-#$$5-6ed with the neighbourhood and cannot af?#,3) 6#) A#95G) R"5) 00J86#,B) 2<'=3'$%) $5L6) to the site provides a small corner shop +$3)+)7<2J=';5)87+-5():"5,5)75#7=5)A556) to play card games. Both facilities were ?#,A5,=B) 6,+$8?#,A53) ?,#A) N+68) 2<6) #:$ers still inhabit the backstage area. The ageing vicinity consumes little due to lim'653) A#2'='6B) +$3) Y$+$-'+=) ,58#<,-58) +$3) cannot invest into refurbishing their apart-

A5$68G)R"5,5?#,5()#$=B)6"5)-+,),57+',)+$3) Y66'$%)86#,58)+6)6"5)8#<6"5,$),#+3)N#<,'8"() as the access is very convenient for vehicles. Gastronomy does not exist anymore '$) 6"5) 7=#6() +8) 6"5) -<,,5$6) 5$9',#$A5$6) 3#58)$#6)+66,+-6)-<86#A5,8G)K#:595,(),58taurants border the river with a view on 6"5) -#,+=) '8=+$3() 2<6) +,5) 857+,+653) ?,#A) Feijimatou by a 4-lane motorway. Tourism The historical meaning and the central location make the site highly interesting ?#,)6#<,'868G)K#:595,()6"5)2+3)-#$$5-6'9ity to other touristic sites and the dilapidated infrastructure and housing discourage visitors. The eroded stairs and the

Feijimatou and its surroundings abandoned buildings close to collapse and full of waste or left behind belongings promote a very negative impression. The higher buildings and the maze-like pathway shore the panoramic view onto the river and the skyline of the opposite river site. Also the daily fog hinders the sight. Nature I8) 6"5) 8'65) "+8) +) "'%") 5=59+6'#$) 3'45,5$-5()6"5,5)+,5)$#)595$)7=#68)?#,)%+,35$8) #,)7,'9+65)%+,35$)2538G)K#:595,()#$)6"5) 6#7)#?)6"5)00J86#,5B)2<'=3'$%)'$)6"5):586ern part there are little private gardens -#$8'86'$%) #<6) #?) N#:5,) 2#L58G) S#A5) plants grow on the walls of the buildings. Big old trees overshadow some parts of

the stairs and yards while digging their roots into the slate rock slope and into the infrastructure. Water is running down vertical walls from broken and leaking water pipes and wet spots are covered in moss. The microclimate is very cool and humid +$3) 595$) 8#A5) '$85-68) =';5) 3,+%#$N'58) +$3)2<665,N'58)-#<=3)25)#285,953G

Section through the site

Current accessibility

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 strategy

The most urgent needs of modernization, low carbon development, accessibility and connectivity form the basis of the strategy “be aMAZEd”. The strategy of “be aMAZEd” consists of 3'45,5$6)6+,%56)7#'$68G)R#)6+-;=5)6"5)A#86) urgent needs of the residents and the +,5+() 6"5) 86,+65%B) 6,5+68) 6"5) 6#7'-8) "5,'6+%5) +$3) A#35,$'\+6'#$() =#:) -+,2#$) 3595=#7A5$6()+--588'2'='6B)+$3)-#$$5-6'9'6BG) Heritage and modernization The modernization encompasses the demolition of most of the standing struc6<,58() 6"5) $5:) -#$86,<-6'#$) #?) A#35,$() A'L53J<853)2<'=3'$%8():"'-"):'==)25)<853) ?#,) -#AA5,-5) '$) 6"5) =#:5,) +$3) W/a) ='9'$%) '$) 6"5) <775,) N##,8G) S75-'+=) ?#-<8) '$) the implementation of a modern and sufY-'5$6) '$?,+86,<-6<,5) ='58) #$) 5=5-6,'-'6B() :+65,)A+$+%5A5$6()%+8()-5$6,+=)"5+6'$%) +$3) 85:+%5G) K#:595,() '$) 6"'8) 7,#-588) 6"5) 86,+65%B) :'==) #,'5$6) #$) <,2+$) A'$'$%() to reuse and recycle as much raw materials from the former buildings as possible. Historical structures or buildings #?) -<=6<,+=) 9+=<5) 8"#<=3) 25) -#$85,953() for example facades could be integrated into the new constructions. The over+,-"'$%)'35+)'8()6#)2<'=3)"#<858):'6")N5L'2=5) %,#<$3) 5=5A5$68() :"'-") -#<=3) 25) adapted throughout their lifespan due to the particular needs of the tenants. The structures could therefore adapt to future

<$-5,6+'$6'58) #?) <8+%5G) @<,6"5,A#,5() 6"5) "#<858):'==)25)2<'=6)'$)+):+B()6"+6),56,'59ing raw materials would be facilitated and reused again. Low carbon development The new buildings shall be supported by modern “green technologies” and promote sustainability. Green technologies improving the future residents’ life are low -+,2#$)65-"$#=#%'58():"'-")A+;5)<85)#?) the abundance of water and promote in8<=+6'#$()95$6'=+6'#$)+$3),58#<,-5)5H-'5$-BG)D,55$),##?8)#45,)+)-"5+7)+$3)545-tive way of isolating buildings against the summer heat of about 28°C to sometimes #95,)W/b!G)O=+$68)2'$3)3<86)+$3)8<77#,6) air cleaning and oxygen production. The 8#'=)#45,8)6"5)7#88'2'='6B)6#)%,#:)95%56+bles and fruit for the residents own consumption and provide areas of relaxation and exercise. Waste from households or restaurants could be used for compost to increase the fertility of the soil. The feasibility of eco-toilets has to be explored. Accessibility The accessibility will be enhanced by “intelligent” escalators allowing a fast track crossing of the area between the northern

and the southern motorway by foot. Ele9+6#,8)$5L6)6#)3'45,5$6)2<'=3'$%8):'==)+=8#) allow direct and convenient access for 6"5),58'35$68)6"5,5()+8):5==)+8)-<86#A5,8) from the shops along the southern mo6#,:+BG) T'6") 6"585) A5+$8() 6"5) 5=59+6'#$) 3'45,5$-5) '8) 6+-;=53) +$3) +=8#) +==#:8) +-cess for people with limited mobility. The projection also includes bridges over both A#6#,:+B8()6#)+-"'595)2+,,'5,)?,55)+--588) to the riverbank and northern area while allowing vehicles to pass by without disturbance of pedestrians. An underground car park accessible by car from the southern motorway will be connected with elevators to the upper areas of the site. The geological feasibility has to be explored beforehand. The horizontal west-east walkway with alternating plateaus and steps is the so -+==53) 8=#:) 6,+-;) -#$$5-6'#$() 6#) +--588) 9+,'#<8)86#,58)+$3)8A+==)86<3'#8()+8):5==) as food stalls along the way. Connectivity Feijimatou will be connected to other 7=+-58)#?)'$65,586)2B)+)"#7J#$)"#7J#4)2<8) line which is powered by electricity. This will make the access for tourists more convenient. With the construction of a lookout point at the highest point in the 5+86()75,-576'#$)#?)6"5),'95,)+8)+$)'$65%,+=) part of Yuzhong and its history is supported. Visitors can learn more about the past and the present of Yuzhong and especially the outstanding role of the Plane Freight Dock Block in the 2nd World War '$)+)8A+==)A<85<A():"'-")'8)+66+-"53)6#)+) tea house and an amphitheatre. The tea "#<85) 85,958) +8) %+86,#$#AB() 6#<,'86) +6traction but also as social meeting place

for locals. The amphitheatre can be used ?#,) 6,+3'6'#$+=) !"'$585) 6"5+6,5() ,5+3'$%8) #?) =#-+=) +<6"#,8() 8A+==) -#$-5,68) #,) 595$) +8)+)-'$5A+)?#,)'$3575$35$6)Y=A8G) I33'6'#$+==B()6"5)7,#9'8'#$)#?)=5'8<,5)?+-'='ties like a park with a playground in the east and sports grounds in the western niches under the northern motorway will not only increase the connectivity of the $5:) +$3) +3>+-5$6) ,58'35$68) 6#) 6"5) +,5+() but also among each other as they create opportunities to get into contact. Canopied areas for Ma-jiang and other board games in the eastern part of the site create additional attractions where people can get together and revitalize the borough. The 35Y$53) #75$) 87+-58) +,5) $#6) 5L-=<353) from the walkways but implemented in the daily routine of adjacent dwellers. [5L6) 6#) 6"5) "#,'\#$6+=) :+=;:+B() 8A+==5,) 86#,58):'6")3#J'6JB#<,85=?J)"+$3'-,+?68()?#,) example pottery with conjoined painting workshops give people the opportunity to get creative and produce their own items. Smaller food stores invite people to linger. M$)6"5)5$3()6"5):"#=5)8'65):'==):#,;)=';5)+$) 5-#8B865A() :"5,5) A+65,'+=8() '$?#,A+6'#$) and money are cycled. Wealth will accuA<=+65) '$) ?#,A) #?) "<A+$) -+7'6+=() A#$56+,B) 9+=<5) +$3) '$?#,A+6'#$) -+7'6+=() :"'-") will be the assets of the site. Apart from 6"+6() 6"5) %,55$) '$?,+86,<-6<,5) :'==) +=8#) lead to the accumulation of biomass and additional nutrient and carbon cycling. The ecosystem services can be also expressed in terms of monetary services or $+6<,+=) +88568() =';5) Y=65,'$%) +$3) -##='$%) the air.

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 strategy System’s integration for sustainability

Strategy overview

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 strategy

R"5)2<'=3'$%c8)+$+=B8'8)8" 0G)Q<'=3'$%8)6#);557)+$3)7 2. Buildings to rebuild and EG)Q<'=3'$%8)?#,)35A#='8"'#

#:8)6",55)3'45,5$6)6B758d ,#65-6G) keep their former shape. #$G)

Reused materials

Kept buildings



New Area

Museum- new construction


'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 stakeholder

Stakeholder management has to be conducted throughout the whole project cycle to gain support and to incor@A=?86%54H6=678%@6=:@6G84I6:J

C8?D6BAE56=%F567849G?84A7 M35$6'Y53) 86+;5"#=35,8) -+$) 25) %,#<753) '$6#) 6"5) %#95,$A5$6() 6"5) 7<2='-) +$3) 5$terprises. The land and the planning department of the government have to be approached for the re-development and overall modernization of the site. The future plan includes enhancing the cultural identity of the place. The governmental culture and tourism department have to be involved during the planning phase and in the fu6<,5)7,#A#6'#$)#?)6"5)8'65G)M$)+33'6'#$()-<=tural and educational institutions shall be partnered with to plan the exhibition building and manage the amphitheater. The public encompasses the residents #?)6"5)+,5+)+$3)+3>+-5$6)8'658()+8):5==)+8)

tourists and walk-in customers. O,'9+65) 2<8'$58858) =';5) 6"5) ,5+=) 586+65() 7,'9+65)A+$<?+-6<,'$%()%+86,#$#AB()2<8'$58858)C5G%G)-#,$5,)8"#78()%,#-5,B()2##;) 86#,58F)+$3)85,9'-5)'$3<86,'58)C5G%G)A53'-+=(),57+',F)2<'=3)6"5)2+-;2#$5)#?)6"5)$5:) local economy and development of Feijimatou. Stakeholder Analysis Due to the potential costs of the project 3595=#7A5$6() 86+;5"#=35,) A+$+%5A5$6) is a crucial part of every project phase +$3)'8)2+853)#$)+$)+$+=B8'8)#?)7#:5,()'Aportance and position of parties towards the strategy of the project development. M$) 6"5) ?#==#:'$%() 6"5) 86+;5"#=35,8) +,5) '$cluded into the project planning process


depending on their location in the stakeholder-matrix. Important opponents have to be persuad53)2B)9'8<+='\+6'#$8)+$3)875-'Y-)5L7=+$+tions of the development plan. Criticism has to be respected and adaptations of the project plan might be necessary to get those institutions on board. For ex+A7=5() -<=6<,+=) '$86'6<6'#$8) A'%"6) -,'6'-'\5) the demolition of buildings representing 3'45,5$6) "'86#,'-+=) +,5+8G) !<,,5$6) 2<8'nesses might have to move for the time of refurbishment and construction or get =588)-='5$68)3<5)6#)6"5)545-68)#?)6"5)-#$86,<-6'#$)8'65)#$)6,+H-G)P595=#75,8()8<-") as the real estate may dislike the new set<7()25-+<85)7=+$$53)-#AA<$+=)+,5+8)'$) the site decrease commercial density and

=#:5,)3',5-6),595$<5G)M$)6"'8)-+85()6"5)'Aportance of these areas for the increase of dwell time and usage of services and consumption has to be emphasized. Developers might underestimate the monetary value of the green infrastructure and demand calculations to what extend the ecosystem services provided save expenses or even generate additional value. Weak opponents should be kept informed +2#<6) 6"5) 7,#>5-6) 7,#-588() 6#) 5$-#<,+%5) constructive critique and engagement. In -#$6,+86)6#)6"5)$5:),58'35$68()?#,A5,),58'35$68)A+B):+$6)6#)?<==B)-#$85,95)6"5)8'65() because of their close personal connec6'#$G)M$)6"5)7,#-588)#?),5$5:'$%()6"5)+,5+) may lose their previous scenes of life and 6"5',)A5A#,BG)U$)6"5)#6"5,)"+$3()'6)'8)3'?-

Stakeholder matrix

Y-<=6)?#,)6"5A)6#)A#95)2+-;()25-+<85)#?) ='A'653)Y$+$-'+=),58#<,-58G Important supporters have to be completely included in the project planning 7,#-588() 6#) ;557) 6"5A) '$?#,A53) 6#) %56) 6"5',) ?<==) 5$%+%5A5$6() 7#88'2=B) 595$) A#$56+,B)#,)'$86'6<6'#$+=)8<77#,6G)S75-'Y-) actors like governmental departments support improvements of living conditions +$3)6"5)&<+='6B)#?)6"5)8'65G)K#:595,()6"5) new planning demands some change in current policies concerning land ownership and spatial planning. Weak supporters are small businesses +$3) 85,9'-5) '$3<86,'58() :"'-") :'==) '$"+2it the shops and residential parts. They "+95) 6#) 25) +77,#+-"53() 6#) A#95) 6"5',) businesses and workshops there. Private

5$65,7,'858()8<-")+8)65+)"#<858(),586+<,+$68() 2+,8() -+?58() 8"#78() +$3) 85,9'-58) A'%"6)$553)8#A5)Y$+$-'+=)8<77#,6)'$)6"5) early stages of the project. The tea hous58)+,5)7,#>5-653)6#)3595=#7)'$6#)N#<,'8"'$%) 8#-'+=) A556'$%) 7#'$68() +8) 6"5B) "+95) been there before and had an existing customer base. The governmental tourism department could promote the cultural displays and leisure spaces for tourists. KA7L4G847M%@?=846: P<,'$%) 3'45,5$6) 7"+858) #?) 6"5) #95,+==) 7,#>5-6() 8#A5) 7+,6'58) :'==) 25$5Y6) A#,5) 6"+$) #6"5,8G) M6) '8) 'A7#,6+$6() 6#) 7,57+,5) +) A53'+6'#$) 7,#%,+A() 6#) 8566=5) 7#88'2=5) -#$N'-68),'%"6)?,#A)6"5)25%'$$'$%G

Museum- new construction

Functional mix

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 market & business plan IDENTITY

Create a place where tourism, local micro economies and nature exist in balance as a well-functioning and sustainable ecosystem.


- Very high density. - Lack of basic infrastructure to sustain a good quality of life. - Isolation from the rest of the city. - Poor accessibility. - Lack of shops and supply.


- Small micro-economies (manufacturing, supplementary part supply). - Adjacent neighborhoods. - Day tourists, walk-in customers, independent travelers. - Artists and young creatives. - Gastronomy, shops, service industries. - Sites with similar issues. SALES CHANNELS

- Manufactured goods to be sold at the northern storefront. - Repair and supplements available at the southern part. - Sales of goods & art through the internet. - Knowledge transfer through studios, exhibition, internet, workshops.


- Shops, gastronomy & businesses sell goods & services. - Companies cooperate among each other. - Workers live on site & use facilities. - Rent. - Taxes. - Fees for exhibition building, special events. - Indirect revenue through ecosystem services.


- Show a sustainable approach to revive and modernize an area. - Promote micro-economies & sustainable living. - Heritage conservation. - Individual-tourism development. - Circular economical structures with integration of prosumption. - Self building, flexible structures for adaptive capacity.


- Other touristic sites (Bai Xiang Street). - Touristic sites with shopping facilities & historic sites (Ci Qi Kou). - Department stores imitating traditional villages (Chongqing Tiandi). - Purely historic sites (Chongqing Huguang Assembly Hall). - Commercial areas (Yuzhong CBD).


- Pre-information campaign. - Iconic function of landmarks to attract tourists. - Events in exhibition building promoted by different media. - Gathering events for knowledge exchange.


- Demolishment of the dilapidated houses. - Analyze of existing raw materials, topography and heritage buildings. - Grey & green infrastructure. - Low carbon technologies. - Marketing activities. - Stakeholder workshops and mediation programs. - Seed capita for small businesses.

MILESTONES 1. Planning and design of project area. Start of ongoing marketing activities. 2. Stakeholder meetings for finance, planning and persuasion of opponents such as former residents, possible compensation. 3. Determine available materials which can be reused. Urban mining: retrieve reusable and recyclable raw materials and secure facades. Demolish unwanted buildings. 6. Building and construction phase of building shells. Start of building phase of self-built houses. 7. Connection to public transport and adjacent roads. Opening of buildings of cultural value under new uses e.g. exhibitions. 9. Move-in of studios, workshops and first residents. 10. Refinancing of the project. Feedback loops for continuous improvement of efficiency and sustainability.


- Governmental planning department and policy making. - Developers and investors. - Business owners. - Members of surrounding neighborhoods.


- Cultural institutions. - University landscape gardening department. - Banks. - Tourism companies. - International network of city developers. - Transition city movements.

'.,/"%0%'!1#!"23 market& businessplan

“Be aMAZEd” meets the demand for increasing speed of innovation and B4MB6=%6NG467GOP%<B4E6%=6:A;=G6%:G?=city becomes widespread.

The project shall show a sustainable ap7,#+-")6#),59'95)+$3)A#35,$'\5)+$)+,5+() promoting micro-economies and sustain+2=5)='9'$%G)S'A<=6+$5#<8=B()"5,'6+%5)8"+==) be conserved and independent tourism 3595=#753)6",#<%")8"#78()%+86,#$#AB()+) museum and a park. The overarching vi8'#$):'==)8#=95)'88<58)#?)"'%")35$8'6B()=+-;) of basic infrastructure to sustain a good &<+='6B)#?)='?5()'8#=+6'#$)?,#A)6"5),586)#?)6"5) city and poor accessibility. The target market are micro-economies which are engaged in local manufac6<,'$%() 53<-+6'#$() -,5+6'95) 358'%$() +$3) 85+,-") ?#,) :#,;8"#78() 86#,58) +$3) ='9'$%) 87+-58G) R"'8) -#$-576) :'==) +66,+-6) 75#7=5() who want to shape their own individual products and use this area as a meeting point for exchange of ideas. This can be +=8#)3+B)6#<,'868():"#):+$6)6#)=5+,$)A#,5)

about Chongqing and how rapid economic development can shape the face of the city and its’ society. The project will certainly be in competition with other touristic sites like Bai e'+$%) S6,556():"'-") -#<=3) 25) 6<,$53)'$6#) an advantage by cooperation through a bus connection. Further competitors are shopping facilities at historic sites such +8)^!')_')f#<`)#,)+,6'Y-'+=)P'8$5BJY-+6'#$8) of traditional rural Chinese villages like ^!"#$%&'$%) R'+$3'`G) @<,6"5,A#,5() '6) :'==) -#A7565) :'6") 7<,5=B) "'86#,'-) 8'658() =';5) “Chongqing Huguang Assembly Hall”. K#:595,() 6"5) 8'65) :'==) -#A7565) 95,B) :5==) :'6") 6"585) 7=+-58) #?) '$65,586() +8) '6) 7,#9'358) +) <$'&<5) A'L) #?) "'86#,B() +<6"5$6'-) -,+?68()+$3)+)<$'&<5)7+$#,+A'-)9'5:)#95,) the river. In terms of attractiveness for the busi-

$58858()6"5)8'65)'8)95,B):5==)-#$$5-653)6#) +)A+>#,)6,+H-);$#6)+$3):'==)25)5+8'=B)+--588'2=5) 2B) -+,() 7<2='-) 6,+$87#,6() 2B) ?##6) +$3)?#,)='A'653)A#2'='6B():"'-")'8)$#6)%'95$) in the other sites. The area will consist of small micro-businesses which reuse and recycle materials and produce handcrafts. This knowledge centre for production pro-58858() ?<$-6'#$+='6B) +$3) 7#88'2'='6'58) 6#) individualize or repair belongings would be unique on the Yuzhong peninsula. Sales channels of manufactured goods are direct distribution at the storefronts or through internet platforms as Taobao. The project will be marketed among the stakeholders for investments and opening businesses. The museum and exhibitions centre will be attractive landmarks could be promot53)2B)3'45,5$6)A53'+)6",#<%"#<6)!"#$%&-

ing or surrounding cities. If the companies cooperate among each other and workers reinvest their incomes #$) 8'65() 7+,6) #?) 6"5) ,595$<5) ?,#A) 8+=5) 6#) customers generates a turnover within the 8'65() :"'-") :'==) +--<A<=+65) :5+=6") :'6"'$) 6"5) +,5+G) K#:595,() +) -5,6+'$) 7,#7#,6'#$) N#:8)2+-;)6#)6"5)7,'A+,B)'$9586#,8)'$)?#,A) of rent and to the government as taxes. R#) 7,#9'35) +==) ?+-'='6'58) $5-588+,B() $5:) buildings after the demolishment of the dilapidated old houses and the infrastruc6<,5)"+8)6#)25)'A7=5A5$653():"'-"):'==)25) the highest expenses. [595,6"5=588() -#868) -#<=3) 25) ,53<-53) through the reuse of materials from the former buildings. Through the highly effective resource usage and energy gen5,+6'#$) #$) 8'65() -#868) -+$) 25) 8+953) ?#,) 5=5-6,'-'6B() :+865) 5='A'$+6'#$) +$3) :+65,G)

Masterplan R"5) 7#8'6'95) 545-68) #?) 6"5) =#:) -+,2#$) technologies will be mostly save energy -#868) 3<,'$%) 8<AA5,() +8) $+6<,+=) 95$6'=+6'#$)+$3)+)-##='$%)545-6)#?)6"5)%,55$)'$frastructure reduces the need for air condition and ventilators. Z';5) 6"+6() -#868) #?) #75,+6'#$) -+$) 25) ,53<-53() :"'=5) 9+=<5) '8) %5$5,+653) '$) ?#,A) of savings through the ecosystem services of the green infrastructure. The green infrastructure might even reimburse the necessary investments through the creation of a more pleasant microclimate which would attract tourists and local resi35$68) #$) 3+B8) #?) +) "'%") 8A#%) 7#==<6'#$() through their consumption on site. R"5) "'%") -#$$5-6'9'6B) #?) ,58#<,-58() 85,vices and information within the site gen5,+658) +33'6'#$+=) 9+=<5() +8) :#,;) -+$) 25) divided among smaller businesses. A for-

A+6'#$)#?)+)-=<865,)'8)'$65$353()A5+$'$%) a “geographic concentration of related -#A7+$'58() #,%+$'\+6'#$8() +$3) '$86'6<6'#$8) '$) +) 7+,6'-<=+,) Y5=3`) CK+,9+,3) Q<8'$588)S-"##=d)*'-"+5=)O#,65,()0VV/F()#<6)#?) ,57+',)+$3)8<77=5A5$6)2<8'$58858():"'-") ,5<85(),5J)#,)<7-B-=5)A+65,'+=8G) These concentrations raise the produc6'9'6B)#?)5+-")-#A7+$B()+8)8B$5,%'58)256:55$)6"5A)=5+3)6#)"'%"5,)5H-'5$-B)+$3) '$$#9+6'#$() 3575$3'$%) +=8#) #$) 6"5) =#-+=) infrastructure and environment. The idea 6#) ,5<85) #,) ,5-B-=5) A+65,'+=8) '8) #=3() 2<6) was buried in oblivion during the econom'-)3595=#7A5$6()?+=='$%)7,'-58)3<5)6#)A+88) 7,#3<-6'#$) +$3) 5-#$#A'58) #?) 8-+=5() +8) well as increasing wealth of the citizens. Milestones are highly connected to the project development and the stakeholder involvement process.

::% % ',-(!&,*% % ::


The sustainability concept “be aMAZEd” increases connectivity and accessibility, while re-thinking spatial planning and ownership. Accessibility & Connectivity U$)6"5)2+8'8)#?)6"5)7,585$6)6,+H-)+$3)87+6'+=)8'6<+6'#$)#?)6"5)8'65()5L'86'$%)86,<-6<,58) +$3)7+6"8)8"+==)25);576G)K#:595,()6"5)-#$nectivity shall be improved through three $5:):+=;:+B8)+$3)58-+=+6#,8():"'-")='$;) the site northwards to public services and southwards to the riverside. Bridges will allow pedestrians an undisturbed crossing of the two motorways. The three southern bridges increase the accessibility of the riverbanks` restaurants and walkway. One bridge connects the site to the "'==8():"5,5)7+,;8)+$3)7<2='-)85,9'-58)=';5) schools and a market are situated. Fur6"5,A#,5()+$) <$35,%,#<$3) -+,) 7+,;) $5+,) the Yangtze River Bridge will provide accessibility for drivers. The planned escalators and elevators allow convenient ac-588) 6#) 6"5) 8'65) ?#,) "+$3'-+7753) 75#7=5() 7<8")-"+',8()<85,8)#?)6"5)<$35,%,#<$3)-+,) 7+,;()+8):5==)+8)35='95,'58G A public bus line fueled by gas or elec6,'-'6B) 8"#<=3) 25) 'A7=5A5$653() :"'-") :'==) connect Feijimatou to Chongqing train station in the West and other scenic spots all around Yuzhong. Horizontal and vertical planning The regulatory system in urban planning

of China is based on the Chinese urban 7=+$$'$%) =+:() :"'-") '8) 3'9'353) '$6#) %5$eral and construction detailed planning. According to regulatory detailed planning ?#,)6"5)g<\"#$%)3'86,'-6()6"5)7=+$5)?,5'%"6) 3#-;) 2=#-;) +,5+) #?) +2#<6) 0"+) "+8) 6#) '$-=<35) %,55$) 87+-5) #?) 0X//A.() -#AA5,-'+=)+,5+)#?)h(W//A.()+$3),58'35$6'+=)+,5+) #?)X//AiG)R"5)-#$86,<-6'#$)356+'=53)7=+$$'$%)'8)<853)6#)'A7=5A5$6)6"5)875-'Y-)-#$struction of a plot involving among others 6"5)2<'=3'$%)8"+75()6"5)=+B#<6)#?)6"5),#+3) and infrastructure and the environment. Current horizontal spatial planning prac6'-58) 3#) $#6) Y6) A#35,$) <,2+$) 7=+$$'$%) $5538() :"'-") +'A) ?#,) A#,5) 8<86+'$+2=5() 8A+==5,)A'L53J<85)<$'68()6#)A'$'A'\5)7#65$6'+=) 6,+H-) +$3) ,58#<,-5) $5538G) j,2+$) planning has to be re-thought worldwide because rapid urbanization under the current conditions cannot stay within the planetary guardrails. Horizontal urban sprawl '8) 6#) 25) '$"'2'653() +8) '6) "+8) $5%+6'95) 'A7+-68)6#)6"5)5$9',#$A5$6+=)8<,,#<$3'$%8() ='?5) &<+='6B) +$3) ,58#<,-5) <85G) R"5,5?#,5() many projects worldwide opt for high-rise. The project “be aMAZEd” and Feijimatou steep topography favor vertical zonation and mixed use buildings. The buildings

:'==)'$-#,7#,+65)3'95,85)?<$-6'#$8()?#,)5L+A7=5)-#AA5,-'+=)+,5+)+6)Y,86)N##,():#,;8"#78)+6)85-#$3)N##,(),58'35$6'+=)87+-58) +6)6"',3)#,)?#<,6")N##,)+$3),##?)%+,35$8)#$) the top. Governmental horizontal spatial planning regulations have to be changed in order to implement the project. Horizontal spaces for air quality improv'$%)95%56+6'#$)+,5)8-+,-5)'$)<,2+$)+,5+8() but vertical gardens and green roofs could solve this issue. The “Green Space Technical Regulations� allow roof gardens in ,586,'-653) <,2+$) 87+-58) CI,6G) hF() :"5,5) 6"5) 7,#7#,6'#$) "+8) 25) A'$G) E/a) CI,6GW0F) +$3)A+LG)h/a)#?)6"5)#95,+==)+,5+)CI,60/F() to allow a good functional horizontal mix. R"585) 75,-5$6+%58) -#<=3) 25) '$-,5+853() if the whole outer skin of the buildings would be used. New forms of ownership QB)!"'$585)=+:()+==)<,2+$)=+$3)25=#$%8)6#) 6"5) %#95,$A5$6() 2<6) =+$3) <85) ,'%"68) +,5) given out for limited periods. The former residents of Feijimatou owned properties and had land use rights. Decreasing life &<+='6B)3,#95)8#A5)#?)6"5A)#4)7,#75,6'58) :5,5) 8#=3) #,) ,5$653) #<6G) [5:) ,58'35$68() X/) a) 25'$%) 65$+$68) +$3) #?) =#:J'$-#A5) -#<=3) ='95) ?#,) +2#<6) 0k) B<+$) 75,) 8&<+,5)

meter in this central area. Shops opened near the road or inside former residential 2<'=3'$%8G) I6) 7,585$6() f+$%L'+$%) !#Apany paid compensations for all property #:$5,8() 6#) #95,6+;5) 6"5) =+$3) <85) ,'%"68G) Tenants had to leave without monetary compensations. K#:595,() 8#A5) 65$+$68) ='95) $#:) '$) +3jacent neighborhoods and are still highly rooted to the site. New forms of shared spaces and ownership could allow them 6#)%56)'$9#=953)'$6#)6"5)$5:)7,#>5-6()2B)<8ing the future facilities and studios. They could even open businesses on site or get engaged into the exhibition or cultural activities. As displacements go hand in hand with information loss and loss of human +88568() $5:) =+:8) ?#,) 8"+,53) #:$5,8"'7) and co-use could inhibit such events in the future by giving individuals more security. Dwellers and manufacturers would be encourage to invest more into their dwellings and build a stronger sense of belonging and social cohesion.

',-(!&,* benchmark

To evaluate “be aMAZEd”, it was benchmarked against best practices from heritage and tourism, value cre?84A7%?75%=6:A;=G6%6NG467GOJ%

R"5) Y,86) 7+,6) #?) 6"5) 86,+65%B) '8) "5,'6+%5) and tourism which is already very well achieved in the site “Ci Qi Kou”. The second column is connectivity under terms #?) 9+=<5) %5$5,+6'#$G) M$) "5,5() 6"5) 5L+Aple “Chongqing Longfor Times Paradise T+=;`) :+8) -"#85$() +8) '6) '8) +=8#) +) -#A7=565=B) $5:) 3595=#753) 8'65() :"'-") ?#cuses mainly on consumption. The last important sub-strategy is the low carbon development and sustainability of the 7,#>5-6G)M$)"5,5()+)$+6<,+=)5-#8B865A):+8) -#A7+,53()+8)'6)'8)6"5)"'%"586)8<86+'$+2'=ity which can be achieved. Heritage & Tourism The two sites Ci Qi Kou and “be aMAZEd” at Feijimatou were compared in terms of uniqueness for tourism and heritage experience. The so called “porcelain village” :+8)-"#85$()+8)'6)'8)#$5)#?)6"5)A#86)7#7<lar tourist attractions in Chongqing. l95$)6"#<%")'68)2<'=3'$%8)#?)0k/)B5+,8)+,5) A<-")#=35,)6"+$)'$)6"5)7,#>5-6()6"5)"'86#,'-) atmosphere is supressed through mass

tourism and obtrusive shop fronts and sales people. “Be aMAZEd” puts more focus on the actual buildings by not covering them in stalls and aiming for independent travellers who do not only consume cheap ?##3)+$3)%5$5,'-)7,#3<-68()2<6)85+,-")?#,) &<+='6B()<$'&<5$588)+$3)+<6"5$6'-'6BG)l95$) 6"#<%")#95,)0//)65+)2+,8)='5)'$)!')_')f#<() 6"5)?#-<8)'8)#$)86,556)?##3G)I6)@5'>'A+6#<() the old teahouses will be modernized and connected to a folk opera stage. The contrast within consumption can be seen between generic souvenir shops and upcycled unique shoes. Leisure and fun activities will not be fairground booths like shootings stands but communal spaces ?#,) 87#,6() 2#+,3) %+A58) +$3) -<=6<,+=) 5Lpression. M$) @5'>'A+6#<() +) A<85<A) :'==) 5L7=+'$) the importance if the site during the 2nd World War as a plane freight dock block and serve as a landmark. An exhibition will show the transformation of the site and link it to the recycling of resources in

Comparison Feijimatou nature and circular economy. It gives an overarching platform for exchange and innovation. Creativity and learning expe,'5$-58) +,5) 25665,) '$65%,+653) '$) 6#<,'8A() than in Ci Qi Kou. Value Chain Analysis The shopping street Chongqing Longfor Times Paradise Walk is very popular among visitors and generates a lot of value. The question of value creation and revenue is raised by developers also in Feijimatou. A value chain shows the process of man<?+-6<,'$%()85=='$%)+$3)-#$8<A76'#$)+8)+) 8B865A)#?)6,+$8?#,A+6'#$)7,#-58858()#<6J) and inputs. This involves the acquisition +$3)-#$8<A76'#$)#?)A#$56+,B),58#<,-58() +8) :5==) +8) =+2#<,() A+65,'+=8() +3A'$'86,+tion and management. Each activity adds A#,5)9+=<5)6#)6"5)7,#3<-6()6"+$)6"5)8<A) of the added values of all activities. The more activities are conducted within one #,%+$'8+6'#$() 6"5) =588) 9+=<5) '8) =#86G) R"'8) -+$) 25) 3#$5) ?#,) #$5() 2B) =5+9'$%) :"#=5-

sale buyers out of the process and directly sell the products to the customers. R"5)85-#$3)7#88'2'='6B()'8)6#)5'6"5,)'$-=<35) the whole value chain within one organ'8+6'#$() #,) 6#) 586+2='8") 8<2J2<8'$58858() which strongly cooperate. Global brands conduct the whole produc6'#$) #,) A#86) #?) '6) 6"5A85=958() :"'=5) "'%") logistic costs result from their global production and distribution processes. Highly successful brands even include the waste A+$+%5A5$6) '$6#) 6"5) 7,#-588() +8) 6"5B) can regain raw materials by recycling 6"5',)7,#3<-68G)T"#=58+=5,():"'-")85==)3'?ferent brands buy their products cheaply '$)2<=;)+$3)85==)6"5A)6#)+)"'%"5,)7,'-5()6#) increase their margin. They have small inN<5$-5)#$)6"5)7,#3<-6'#$)7,#-588)+$3)3#) not work on innovation. “Be aMAZEd� is intended to work as an <A2,5==+) #,%+$'\+6'#$() :"'-") ?+-'='6+658) 6"5) +3A'$'86,+6'#$() A+$+%5A5$6) +$3) provides the necessary infrastructure for small businesses. They will highly coop-

*+65,'+=)+$3)5$5,%B)N#:):'6"'$)5-#8B865A8 erate and divide the value chain among 5+-")#6"5,G)R"5,5?#,5()=#%'86'-+=)-#868)+,5) A'$'A'\53) +$3) 8B$5,%'58) +,5) -,5+653() :"'-")=5+3)6#)+)"'%"5,)5H-'5$-B)+8):5==) as possible innovation through knowledge exchange and the integration of pro8<A5,8G) U$) 6"5) #6"5,) "+$3() :"#=58+=58) +,5)3'8-=+'A53()+$3)6"5)%5$5,+653)9+=<58) stay within the neighbourhood. Addition+==B():+865)'8),5-B-=53)6#)A'$'A'\5)9+=<5) loss and regaining raw materials for further production processes. Q6:A;=G6%6NG467GO%R%:;:8?47?S4E48O The recycling of materials of existing "#<8'$%8() -+==53) <,2+$) A'$'$%() '8) -#Aparable with a forest ecosystem. Natural 5-#8B865A8) "+95) 6"5) "'%"586) 5H-'5$-B() +8) $#) :+865) '8) 7,#3<-53() +==) A+65,'+=8) are recyclable and no values and information is lost. Reuse of existing materials or even generation of higher values of :+865) C<7-B-='$%F) '8) 5$9'8'#$53) 6",#<%") circle processes. Food waste could be reused as compost and fertilizer for the

green infrastructure. To achieve this re-B-='$%) 7,#-58858() +) 8<H-'5$6) +$3) :5==) connected waste separation system is necessary. Even though a zero-waste economy is ambitious and not all waste can be recycled and treated due to spa6'+=)='A'6+6'#$8()?+-'='6'58)=';5)6"+6)A'%"6)25) outsourced. It will be a milestone proj5-6()?,#A):"'-")#6"5,)-#AA<$'6'58)-#<=3) learn.

The name links the transformation of this historic place and the abundance of pos8'2'='6'58) '6) :'==) #45,() :'6") 6"5) A+\5J=';5) character of the small alleys and stairs which are intended to be kept. For many people it will be an “amazing� 5L75,'5$-5() "#:) A+65,'+=8) -#<=3) 25) ,5used and recycled just like in natural eco-

8B865A8G)Z';5)6"+6():+865),53<-6'#$)-#<=3) be achieved by change of mind-sets of the visitors or a raised awareness about 6"5)9+=<58():"'-")$#,A+==B)%#)6#):+865G) The logo visualizes this exchange of ;$#:=53%5()8#-'+=)'$65,+-6'#$)+$3)7,#3<-6'#$() :"'-") %'958) '$-#A'$%) A+65,'+=8) +) new use and higher value.

',-(!&,* technical studies

The project “be aMAZEd” orients itself at the model of a circular economy and circular city.

M$) -#$6,+86) 6#) ='$5+,) A#35=8() #<6-#A58) +,5);$#:=53%5()8;'==8)+$3)5$5,%B)'$865+3) of waste and pollution. l95$)6"#<%"()+)\5,#J:+865)5-#$#AB)'8)5$9'8'#$53()$#6)+==):+865)A+$+%5A5$6)-+$) be conducted on site and some processes of treatment have to be outsourced. The new setup will optimiz and increase 5H-'5$-B) #95,) 6'A5) +$3) =5+3) 6#) 8<86+'$ability of production and consumption. The concept is implemented right from the start within the heritage and modernization strategy. Reusable building mate,'+=8)=';5)2,'-;)+$3)86#$5)+,5)'35$6'Y53()6#) include them into the construction of the new houses. T?86=4?E%LA< In touristic areas like “Chongqing Tian Di” brands are supplied through international logistics and products cover thousands #?) A'=58) ?,#A) 6"5) ,+:) A+65,'+=) 6#) 6"5) Y$+=) -#$8<A5,) %##3G) M$) @5'>'A+6#<() ,+:) A+65,'+=8) 8<-") +8) 8<77=5A5$6+,B) 7+,68() 6'A25,()86#$5)+$3)-=+B)-#<=3)25)35='95,53)

to workshops along the road and manufacturers lining on top of their workshops =';5)+6)7,585$6()7,#3<-5)'65A8)?#,)8+=5)#$) site. Visitors can create unique items in 3#J'6JB#<,85=?) 86<3'#8) CPMgF) +$3) =5+,$) 6#) :#,;):'6")3'45,5$6)A+65,'+=8():"'-")A'%"6) also be a fruitful process for creativity and innovation. Consumers become prosum5,8() 6+;'$%) 7+,6) '$) 6"5) :"#=5) 7,#3<-6) ='?5) -B-=5G) M$3575$35$6=B() '65A8) +,5) A+$<factured in workshops backstage of the buildings sold predominantly in the northern part to pedestrians and tourists. Addi6'#$+==B()6"5B)-+6-")6"5)'$65,586)#?):+=;J'$) -<86#A5,8() 6#) 5L7=#,5) 6"5) 8'65) 6#) -,5+65) 6"5',)#:$)6"'$%8()#,)6#)6+;5)+)86,#==)6",#<%") 3'45,5$6)=595=8)#?)6"5)A+\5J=';5)7+6":+B) system. Waste produced on the site or even from adjacent areas is separated into recyclable materials and dump. Recyclable materials serve either as raw materials for production or are upcycled via DIY. Items illustrating transformation possibilities

Value chain could be displayed in the exhibition hall. Non-recyclable waste feeds the waste-to5$5,%B)#,)J"5+6J$56:#,;()+$3)-#$6,'2<658) to energy provision of the site. Treatment plants are out of scale for the site and will be outsourced. U?E;6%LA<: Money spent by visitors in local shops and 86#,58) 3#58) $#6) N#:) #<6) 6#) '$65,$+6'#$+=) A5%+2,+$38()2<6)%#58)6#)=#-+=)8A+==)8"#7) #:$5,8():"#)7+B)6"5',)86+4)+$3)85,9'-58) 6"5B)-+$)%56)?,#A)6"5)8'65G)K#:595,()6"5) money also goes back to the developer by rent and to the government by tax. Business owners need living spaces close by to minimize commuting. Feijimatou will of?5,) A#35,$) 2<6) +4#,3+2=5) N+68) #$) 6#7) #?) 6"5)8"#78)+$3)86<3'#8():"'-"):'==)=5+3)6#) a vivid environment also after during closing times. V7A<E65M6%LA<: The transformation of Feijimatou from the !"'$)PB$+86B)<$6'=)6#3+B():'6")5A7"+8'\5) on the time of the 2nd World War will be

8"#:$)2B)7"#6#%,+7"()A#9'58)+$3)'==<86,+tions at the exhibition hall. Real estate in global megacities is already scarce and it is up to the local people to use them more 5H-'5$6=B() :"'=5) 7,585,9'$%) '$?#,A+6'#$) about the place and culture. Knowledge about transformative processes of other kinds like upcycling and recycling can be spread. The exhibition centre will be used as a platform for knowledge transfer be6:55$) 3'45,5$6) 3'8-'7='$58G) S#-'+=) -#"5sion and long lasting engagement would 25)%5$5,+653()+8)-#AA<$+=)=5+,$'$%)5Lperiences might result in new friendships and some mutual social support.

',-(!&,* upscaling plan of business - market

Upscaling “be aMAZEd” could be a step towards more resilience of cities against economic, social and ecological shocks.

The Strategy „Be aMAZEd“ is based on the existing concepts which relate to con$5-6'9'6B()-B-='$%)#?)6+$%'2=5)+$3)'$6+$%'2=5) A+665,)+$3)+'A)?#,)"'%"5,)5H-'5$-B):"'=5) 7,#A#6'$%) 8<86+'$+2'='6B) #$) 6"5) Y5=38) #?) 8#-'56B() 5-#$#AB) +$3) 5-#=#%BG) U<6) #?) 6"585) -#$-5768() 6"5) 2+8'-) 7,'$-'7=58) ?#,) 6"5)7,#>5-6)^Q5)+*Iml3`)+,5)35Y$53d MG) I) -'6B) '8) +) ='9'$%() =5+,$'$%) #,%+$'8A) :'6")'68)#:$)A56+2#='-)8B865A():"'-")35J 75$38)#$)'$N#:8)+$3)7,#3<-58)#<6N#:8G MMG) R"5) A#,5) -B-='$%) #?) '$?#,A+6'#$+=J() 8#-'+=J() A#$56+,BJA+665,) +$3) A+65,'+=8() the more connectivity between its inner 5=5A5$68()6"5)A#,5)5H-'5$6)+$3)8<86+'$able is this socio-economical system. MMMG) S6,<-6<,58)+$3),5%<=+6'#$8()5875-'+==B)+2#<6)#:$5,8"'7)+$3)87+6'+=)7=+$$'$%() "+95) 6#) 25) "'%"=B) N5L'2=5) +$3) 75,A5+2=5G) R"'8) :'==) +==#:) <$"'$35,53) '$N#:8() #<6N#:8) +$3) 5L-"+$%5() +8) :5==) +8) 5L7+$8'#$() +3+76+6'#$() '$$#9+6'#$G) QB) 6"'8) A5+$8()-#$$5-6'9'6B()'$?#,A+6'#$+=()8#-'+=) and monetary assets can be in-creased.

M$)6"5)D+'+)6"5#,B()5-#8B865A8)+,5)855$) as big organisms. A well-functioning eco8B865A)#<6)#?)8#-'+=()5-#$#A'-)+$3)5-#=#%'-+=)5=5A5$68):'6")6"5)+2'='6B)6#)=5+,$()) is the overarching goal for the development of urban areas like Feijimatou. !<,,5$6)5-#$#A'58)+,5)A#86=B)='$5+,()'A7#,6'$%),+:)A+65,'+=8():"'-")+,5)A+$<?+-tured by mass-production into low quality 7,#3<-68):'6")2<'=6)'$)#28#=58-5$-5():"'-") -+$)25)<853)#$=B)?#,)+)8"#,6)75,'#3()+$3) +,5)3<A753)#,)2<,$53()%5$5,+6'$%)7#==<tion and waste. Circling economies try to ,5<85(),57+',)+$3),5-B-=5)7,#3<-68)+6)6"5) 5$3)#?)6"5)7,#3<-6)='?5)-B-=5()+$3)%5$5,ate values through a thriving recycling '$3<86,B()7,#9'3'$%),58#<,-58)?#,)+==)#6"5,) economy sectors. Transfered to dwellings linear cities pro3<-5) -#AA<65,8() <,29+$) 87,+:=) +$3) waste. Circular cities exporte mostly en5,%B() ;$#:=53%5) +$3) 8;'==8G) M$) -#$6,+86) 6#) +) ='$5+,) #,%+$'8+6'#$() :+865) A+65,'+=8)

Flexible building ground structure

fuel new city processes. The city’s area is not anymore categorized into single func6'#$8()2<6),+6"5,)A'L53)<853)2<'=3'$%8)+$3) areas which are highly connected and easily accessible. Sustainability is the fundamental concept of the permaculture principles “care for 6"5)5+,6"()6"5)75#7=5)+$3),56<,$)8<,7=<858) 2+-;)'$6#)6"5)8B865A`()=';5),5-B-='$%):+865) into “usefulness”. In order to achieve these principles within 6"5) 86,+65%B) ?,+A5:#,;() 6"5) '35+) #?) 7,#8<A76'#$)'8)<853G)R"'8)A5+$8)6"+6)3'45,ent levels of customer engagement result '$) 3'45,5$6) ,#=58) :'6"'$) 6"5) 9+=<5) -"+'$G) Day-visitors buy products and take knowledge about the place of production with them. Locals or walk-in customers could 5'6"5,)"+$3)'$)6"5',)25=#$%'$%8)?#,),57+',() or buy supplementary parts to repair them themselves under supervision or only with the provisioned tools in so called repair -+?n8) ?#,) +) =#:5,) 7,'-5G) O5#7=5() :"'-") would like to be creative during their lei-

8<,5)6'A5()-#<=3)5L7,588)6"5',)'35+8)<$35,) supervision and with support in small DIY :#,;8"#78()?#,)5L+A7=5)6#)<7-B-=5)A+65,'+=8G)S5A'J7,#?588'#$+=8():"'-")+,5)"'%"=B) '$65,58653)+,5)#45,53)6#)=5+,$)A#,5)+2#<6) the creation and bring in their ideas. This category might form networks with other 75#7=5() :"'-") 8"+,5) 6"5) 8+A5) '$65,5868) and communicate about ideas and best practises. These last two categories are -+==53)7,#8<A76'#$()+8)6"5)-#$8<A5,8)25come part of the production process and 7+,6'+==B) #95,6+;5) 6"5) -,5+6'#$() ,585+,-") +$3) 3595=#7A5$6) C]oPF) +8) :5==) +8) 6"5) A+,;56'$%)7,#-588G)P'45,5$6)5$%+%5A5$6) =595=8)$553)3'45,5$6)+,-"'65-6<,+=)87+-58() :"5,5)75#7=5)-+$)2<B()=5+,$()6,B()-#$$5-6() work and live. The theory of self-building cities describes that buildings are built only as the ,+:) 86,<-6<,58) :'6"#<6) '$$5,) :+==8() 3##,8) and windows but connections to basic infrastructure. Residents can create spaces +--#,3'$%) 6#) 6"5',) $5538() :"'-") 8+958)

Upscaling of business

costs for the developers and keeps the +,5+) N5L'2=5() +8) #H-58) +$3) 86<3'#8) -+$) be expanded or downsized. It allows young companies without existing customer base to start with a small budget by building their workshop themselves with a provided toolkit . Regulations for spatial planning have to 25) <7='?653) ?,#A) 6"5) .P) '$6#) 6"5) EP) 75,875-6'95() 6#) +==#:) A'L53) <85) "#<8'$%) '$) a vertical scale. Ownership rights have to mirror structures and spaces on the :"#=5) ,+$%5) 256:55$) 7,'9+65() -#J<853() 8:+7J8"+,53() -#J#:$53) +$3) -#A7=565=B) public.

“Be aMAZEd� is applicable from small 8'658)=';5)@5'>'A+6#<()6#):"#=5)3'86,'-68)=';5) Yuzhong or even cities like Chongqing. The project milestones could be described :'6")6"5)A56+7"#,)#?),5%'A5)8"'?68():"'-") -+$) 25) -+6+86,#7"'-) 8'$%=5) 595$68() =';5) the demolition of houses for the tenants #,) %,+3<+=) 7,#-58858) =';5) %5$6,'Y-+6'#$G) K#:595,()8<-")-"+$%58)3#)+=8#)7,#9'35) new opportunities for restructuring and ,58566=5A5$6G) M$) 5'6"5,) :+B() '6) "+8) 6#) 25) 59+=<+653():"'-")5L'86'$%)86,<-6<,58)8"+==) 25);576()6#)$#6)=#85)+==)5L'86'$%)-#$$5-6'9'6B() -<=6<,+=) +$3) 8#-'+=) '$?#,A+6'#$) #?) 6"5) place. Raw materials and kept structures shall be integrated into the new constructions. Old buildings of cultural value will

25) ;576) +$3) '$65%,+653() +8) "'86#,'-+=) reminders and places to study transformation and development processes ?,#A)3'45,5$6)75,875-6'958G) The new buildings will be rather facades +$3) 2<'=3'$%) 8"5==8() :"'-") 7'#$55,) 6"5) $5:)7=#6():'6")8A+==)<$'6B)3<5)6#)8-+,city of space within cities. A mixed-use vertical zoning plan and legal frame:#,;8)?#,)3'45,5$6)=595=8)#?)#:$5,8"'7) "+95)6#)25)2587#;5)?#,)6"5)875-'Y-)8'65) and local needs. Low carbon technologies will be used for the basic infrastructure. Connectivity and accessibility will be predominantly enhanced by 7<2='-) 6,+$87#,6() ?##67+6"8) +$3) -B-=5) ways. A mixed aged and socioeconom-

ic structure will result from governmen6+=) '$-5$6'958) ?#,) 8A+==) A+$<?+-6<,5,8() who combine work- and living spaces and build their workshops themselves within the existing buildings. Smaller <$'68) #?) A'L53) <85) +$3) <$35,) N5L'2=5) regulations and structures will have a "'%"5,) ,58'='5$-5) 6#:+,38) 5-#$#A'-() 8#-'+=)#,)5-#=#%'-+=)8"#-;8()25-+<85)'6) has a higher adaptive capacity.


Learning City Chongqing

Chongqing, March 2016


From left to right: Yiran Yan, Chongqing University Yaying Liu, Chongqing University Cibele K. de Paula, TU Berlin Chengyuan Zhang, Chongqing University Luis Michal, TU MĂźnchen







Houses built on a slope with extreme inclination resemble an urban jungle

Feijimatou or Plane Freight Dock was a small residential area located in the south of Yuzhong district close to the riverside of treme inclination resemble an urban jungle. The high density of this area in combina tion with its mountainous character creat structure. Stairs – sometimes even without that serve as streets and connect the site vertically. tants left by the end of 2015 on demand of the government. Most of the buildings are in a bad condition: no renovation has been

a chair by the door or some laundry left hanging at the window.

story of Feijimatou. Even if the customer continue their work as they are used to. The site of Feijimatou in this way stays in volved into the life of neighbourhood. Even though the built structure is de from the surroundings, trough its favour able location and the natural quality of the

to be in the times of the docks and the air

are no accesses to attend the area. Every

Since the relocation of the residents Fei

into the site you switch from bright and





The new Feijimatou serves as a link between spatial and social structures

vation the Linking Park is offering a new way

dwelling. The idea of rebirth of Feijimatou is con sequently also very close to the revitalization of the riverside, where the docks used to be and connecting the island, where a civil air future of Feijimatou can not be seen without to bear the surrounding in mind. naturally arisen structure and enabling a vi sual connection to the riverside and the is

structure for the neighbourhood and makes walking the most convenient way to reach the main daily destinations around the site. Four strategic directions based on the is cial sector the vision of a vivid can become connectivity, natural environment, heritage

social structures and as a logical addition to







Feijimatou, a historic site in Yuzhong district on a cliff along the riverside surrounded by infrastructure with great potential for redevelopment The site of Feijimatou is an old neighbor

two buildings which have remained mostly

located on a cliff along the riverside which

gave name to the site. Translated into En wards a bridge crossing the Yangtze river, the lower road connects all of the riverside

level making use of the infrastructure of the riverside road such as logistic businesses,

trail which crosses demolished neighbor The scale of the surrounding infra structure contrasts with the rather small and fragmented fabric of Feijimatou which a commercial area with a small amount of

features narrow alleys, a large amount of stairs and terraces with a view to the river side. Most of the architecture dates back to

and function during later times. There are

however with an emergent lack of acces

neighborhoods and the riverside with the city.

Yuzhong district


train station

Feijimatou Shan Cheng Xiang

Yangtze river



Lacking accessibility in a complex vertical topography and historic urban fabric with a vibrant collection of micro-businesses on the riverside view) individuals go there on a daily basis to mostly grow vegetables for their own de

showed that few of them had ever been to Feijimatou nor went through it on their a land connection during times of low wa ter level. the area of Feijimatou but is not neces sarily visible at once. The area as a whole cal logistic businesses which deliver goods historic urban fabric in the site, fake de The two highways framing the area

which makes them a convenient location ing a lunch break as well as serving as an informal logistic terminal for goods of all

acquiring the wetlands along the riverside for their very own informal agricultural culti

Ticket office


Aeroquay Docks

Shan Hu Ba Airport

Southern District Road residential area

demolished area

development of the riverside

mountain trail to Shan Cheng Xiang

Yangtze river Binjiang road

Changjiang river bridge

big residential area

unknown users

poor residential area

visitors and tourists micro-businesses

taxi drivers



fishing urban agriculture


community center




Improving the connectivity, activating commercial activities, rethinking heritage and promoting a green lifestyle

serves the urban environment as a whole. Activate commercial: main goals essential for our strategies: 1.

there are four main strategies relating to

Rethink heritage: We want to rethink ordinary ways how to deal with historic as well social heritage.

ty. Therefore we will add cultural facilities tion.

toric structures and will introduce ways to

Park system connection: Green lifestyle: which connects its surrounding neighbor roads and in order to create a connection Short distances, green technologies and a consciousness about a contribution of sin as connection between the green areas of


Natural landscape Urban agriculture; Flood

Park system connection

Nat u

Isolated from surroundings

Enviro n ral

nt me


nectivit on




Commercial activated

Former airport; Docks Heritage




Local businesses along the road Sidewalk as meeting point among shop owners Local street market Organized urban agricultural activities

itage Her

Rethink the heritage

tivation Ac

Good location High urban/regional connectivity Green lifestyle


Tools - Create a park system with surroundings - Multifarious activities - Walkability (health, environment)

Park system connection

- Public space for leisure

-Private & Private mix-use -Priority of the neighbourhood entrepreneur Commercial activated

- Revitalizing historic buildings - Cultural programe offered on the area (e.g. open air cinema) - Keep the old paths structure of the area Rethink the heritage

- Green infrastructure - Garden farm - Water recycle technology

Green lifestyle



Co-commerce as innovative combination of private and public investment and usage.

and locations. commercial in a central site on Yuzhong other attractions in Chongqing of simi the riverside and the city as well surround ing neighborhoods. make a difference by introducing a truely

also be advertised on the individual level of

a indivudual events on the island of the for






Lack of connection and the city monofuntional

into a vertical public park connecting the riverside with the city while offering commercial facilities

commercial developments bringing



The public


The developers and investors as makers and users of

Reference: Difference:



Exposed to the public by daily use

Branding of the whole development as a city attraction

Individual sales-strategies

Branding of individual parts Combining public and private marketing facilities, etc.)



Co-commerce model: branding as economic advantages individual businesses




Public actors Private actors





Co-Commerce as public-privatepartnership with multiple partners a fertile public tutions related to the District Government

between the government and a multitude vate commercial activities. Therefore each

holders and then rent their share to indi

longing area. of the construction and management of the

income and cares for the maintenance and a innovative network of stakeholders which

cost. sites like Feijimatou and coordinates the different governmental stakeholders. The



Business Adm. Bureau

Planning Bureau

Yuzhong District Government

Kangxiang Park Management

policies & regulation

receives x% from revenues

Consortium (Supervisory Board) Park Programme

Park Maintanence

Developer 1

Developer 2

Developer 3

(Local Business) Renters

(Local Business) Renters

(Local Business) Renters



Shared costs Developer 1 Developer 2 ...

Shared facility Park




A public park for Feijimatou enabled by an innovative private commercial partnership

A public park for Feijimatou: location in Yuzhong district showed Fei jimatou in the centre of many surrounding

An innovative private commercial partnership: Feijimatou is highly valuable land in many land and one of the few areas not yet de

Park along the riverside which will be de guarantees great views towards the Yang

oramic scenery towards the Yangtze in tended for both tourists and locals. There is

the analysis of Feijimatou such as a lack of accessibility we concluded that the site lower road which will be designed along historic routes and fragments. Finally the connect surrounding neighborhoods into each. Those will also take care together

to it.

which could become customers.








walkable connection green infrastructure public space

programme maintenance


Kangxiang Park Management

vertical connection

Local Supply Green Roof Water Collection

Urban Commerce


incentive for local enterpreneurship foreign investment












SOLUTION benchmark

Comparing the commercial attractions of Hongyadong and Linking Park in spatial solution Hongyadong:

Linking park: historic site into a commercial area featur

tion of Chongqing Bayu culture, using his tures commercial business and leisure as the key functions. 2. Project Positioning: Bayu folk culture and entertainment is set as commercial and cultural key attraction for a tourism in


entertainment industry. with a committee

oration, the buildings maintain the original urban fabric along the mountains, intended scenery

Hongyadong Chongqing Tiandi



1.Location of Hongyadong and Chongqing Tiandi

2.Hongyadong in History

4.Image of Hongyadong

5.Image of Chongqing Tiandi

SOLUTION technical studies Sun uman

ain Cloud


ld building materials

lectric power

esources as

istoric buildings


Botan Biolog

ing the use of a variety of low carbon con faรงade technology, green roof technology, of demolition waste in site will be used

in order to make full use of the biological resources.







nerg efficent lights

uman waste

uman power

nerg smart facade


ater power

Saving Creative electric powers s stem


Our design proposal works as a prototype for a new urban typology regulation mechanisms. Our upscaling strategy is to disseminate our concept and its tools among key stakeholders, such as municipal administration and public land developers e.g. Kangxiang.

Tool 1: Financial Model

Tool 2: Incentive Policy for local entrepreneurship

nancial model suggests a larger range of

for renting a unit. This could be translated nance. The infrastructure will serve as a

Tool 3: 3D Zoning

considers varied uses and allows different large the green area surface.

Tool 1: Development Model and Financial Mechanism

Build the main infrastructure


Sell plots

Developers build in the skeleton


Park management


Public Land Developer

4 Real Estate Developer

Tool 2: Incentive Policy for local entrepreneurship




local enterpreneur

YYY regular shop owner

Tool 3: 3D Zoning

Comparison between classical 2D zoning and 3D Zoning for the project Linking Park


For the government:

building relations. national

tools social analysis of the model. For developers: Advantages for stakeholders that apply our product: For public land developers: tial rates for renting a unit. This could be lic life

APPENDIX.1 interviews

Micro-businesses NO.7

Micro-businesses NO.6

Micro-businesses NO.3

House owner

House owner

House owner

Retail for 6 years


Sell noodles for 6 years

As the car repair shop Live above the shop Since the demolition of the customer has become less

Lack of food and beverage Lack of public transportation Lack of supermarket

Purchase from the surrounding market Convenient traffic 2-4K monthly income

Mainly do vehicle maintenance

Lack of the way to the upper city

Hope to build up quickly

“We are here because of the demolition of Li Zi Ba”

Micro-businesses NO.5 Used to live in the site Sell foods to driver for 9 years Home around Because there are a lot of drivers to stay here No convenient way

Demolition do a great impact on myhouse.

“But very little impact on the cause”

Resident NO.2

“Road to logistics is the most important”

Micro-businesses NO.4 House owner Be a doctor for 1.5 years About 20-30 customers every day. Receive recruitment Each month the entire clinic income 5-6 million

My home is near “The demolition has no effect on me.”

Resident NO.1

“Hope popularity up,customers will become more”

Micro-businesses NO.1 House owner Sell cigarettes Sold here for 18 years. Before demolition she have a store Have never been to the park

Poor living conditions

“After the demolition lost a lot customers”

Resident NO.3

in site


House owner

Send a child to school

Shopping for food

Take things

rented near here At the end week go to their own home Retired and take care a child

Environment is not convenient at all The lack of entertainment The vegetable market nearly is expensiv

Anything is not convenient The environment is not good Do not work to take care of children

Lack space for child to play

Poor living conditions

This area has been taken for a long time.

“We're not going to get into demolition area”

“Many people go to the island ,kating fishing relax.”

moved away a few years ago

“I went back to my hometown.”


Learning City Chongqing New Models of City Life Alternative Economies for Old Urban Neighborhoods CQU - TUB Urban Planning Studios Chongqing, March 2016


Xuetong Wang Chongqing University

Zhen Yu Chongqing University

Lena Wolfart HafenCity University

Wen Wang TU Berlin

Baohai Fei Chongqing University

Korbinian Kroiss Bauhaus-University Weimar





How could a future neighborhood redevelopment project in the multimodal city of Chongqing look like?

Regarding climate change and the limitations of natural resources it becomes clear, that a desirable future of our cities must be sustainable. To ensure a good quality of life for present and for future generations is one of the essential challenges of the 21st century. In order to design more sustainable cities developers, investors, governmental authorities and citizens have to re-conceive the way they use, build and develop the urban environment. That is why the concept of sustainability has to be understood three-dimensional: It has social, environmental and economical implications. Put simply, people’s behavior in cities can be described with three basic functions: live, work and play. When designing more sustainable cities, we have to look closely at the relations and physical distances between these three functions as well as at the sites, where these functions are located. Work



This project aims to turn a site in Liziba into a pilot project for the future development of Chongqing by applying an integrated sustainable redevelopment concept focusing on mobility issues. The main question tackled in the following strategy is: How could a future neighborhood redevelopment project in the multimodal city of Chongqing look like? The Liziba site is located to the western part of the Yuzhong district close to the Jialing river. It lies at foot of the steep slope of Fotuguan park and is connected by a hiking trail to the green space network which includes 6 parks. In total 10 Bus lines are stopping at the site on the Yuzhong ring highway. The Fotuguan metro station (line 2) lies within a 7 minute walking distance. For no obvious reason one of its entrances is closed. The E’ling Park metro station (line 1), is located only 400 meters air distance away. However, more than 100 meters of elevation have to be crossed on a 1,1 km long footpath to reach it.





Liziba and public transport connection





There are various topological and historical obstacles which lead to connectivity problems.

The main issue in the site is the vertical accessibility due to its topography. Even though the site is horizontally well connected by different modes of transport, it lacks a vertical connection. The reason is that the site is bordered by the main road as well as the river to the north and by the steep slope of Fotuguan Park to the south. Furthermore, the publishing buildings in the upper part and the layout of the settlement in the southwest of the site are considered as a heritage with historical value for the city of Chongqing. Yet, there is no clear idea, how to reuse and keep the buildings, some of which are in a very bad condition. At the moment, the site seems to be fragmented into different small sites, which don’t really relate to each other. The site suffers from a rather bad reputation due to the relative poverty of the residents in the south-western part. Since the relocation of the former residents, there are only little shops and businesses left in the area. Nevertheless, the land value of the site is increasing and there is huge pressure for a modernization of the site.

A new strategy has to be found, which aims at a sustainable long-term development of the site creating synergies between the present and future residents/users through activating the potentials of the site. As mentioned above, the biggest potential of the site lies in its excellent location and its good connection to public transport, to the road system as well as to the green space network of Yuzhong district. This is why the site is an ideal location for a pilot project showing how multimodular connectivity and sustainable development could be implemented on a neighborhood scale. The project in Liziba can serve as a learningfrom-project for future redevelopments of Chongqing neighborhoods and for small-scale actions altering the mobility behavior of the citizens.





Avoiding unnecessary actions and interventions prevents a problem from strategy: Reduce - Reuse - Improve. There are many ideas of how to develop more sustainable cities. Most of these ideas seem quite simple. For example: To avoid (transport) is to reduce (emissions). To reuse (material) is to reduce (emissions). Less cars, improved walkability and highly ef cient public transport help reducing carbon emissions. However, complexity arises when implementing those ideas and concepts into speci c local contexts. The main goal of the strategy presented here is to create a pleasant place to live, work and play combined with a concept for low energy use and multimodal mobility. The strategy is thus based on a systemic approach consisting of three aspects: Extension and promotion of multimodal mobility: Residents are encouraged to use different modes of transport, focusing on public offers. Several infrastructural improvements make it more convenient to use public transport. The MMT App tells the users the fastest way to their destination covering all means of transport. If residents are in need of a car there is the option to use one from the car sharing eet. The MMT Card combines payment and identi cation for all services. It can also be charged with season tickets

for public transport services. Finally an escalator with several stops will improve the connectivity between the Liziba Bus Stop, Fotuguan Metro Station, Fotoguan Park and the E’ling Metro Station. Mixed-use functions: The new design will offer space for different kinds of working, living and playing such as of ce and co-working spaces, restaurants, grocery shops and a community center. By placing different functions within short distances the amount of emissions caused by transport will be reduced. neighborhood: By establishing synergies between the current and the new residents in the area the social cohesion will be strengthened. This will also lead to a higher security level through social control. By implementing these three aspects in the new design Liziba will become a truly sustainable neighborhood. It considers environmental impacts (less carbon emissions), social aspects (fostering social cohesion) and economical aspects (mixed use buildings) to equal parts. Therefore it can be considered a pilot project for the sustainable development of Chongqing.







Several issues have to be considered in Liziba. Most important are the accessibility, the reactivation of the historical buildings and the existing social structures. Heritage and Modernization Besides residential buildings in the site, some of which have small businesses in the rst oor, there is a detention house located in the site. The government has bought the land in the northern part of the site and relocated the former residents. Most of the buildings on this land are destroyed and empty now. On this lot there is one building ensemble deserving protection: the old publishing buildings. The ensemble was constructed in 1938 and was home to a popular newspaper (Ta Kung Pao), which was produced here during the Anti-Japanese War. Production eventually ended in 1986. A protection and re-use of the building is desirable. The land in the southwest of the site still belongs to different private owners. Most buildings are in a bad condition and are rented out cheaply. Many renters are migrants from rural areas of Chongqing. Some of them have no hukou. Despite the poor condition of the 50-60 year old buildings the settlement also has a historical value owing to its topography related ne-grained layout and architectural respond towards the hillside. The problem though is, that according to new construction regulations (i.e. re regulations) it will not be possible to exactly rebuild them in the same

shape. The government is planning to also buy this land from the owners. With the relocation of the people living in the northern part of the site, many of the local shops closed and buildings were destroyed. At the moment, the neighborhood is not as lively as it was before. The site also seems to be fragmented into several smaller neighborhoods. The detention house, the settlement in the southwest and the residential area to the east seem to not really relate to each other. This of course might change when new buildings will be constructed and the site will be modernized. Low carbon development Most of the people, who are living in the poorer area in the southwest of the site, live a very “low carbon” life due to their relative poverty. Most of them don’t possess a car, they live in small houses, they don’t use a lot of electricity and they save water by recycling it. Even though they use very little resources, it is of course desirable that their living condition will improve, for example by providing job opportunities and better housing conditions. According to conducted interviews on site, the current residents would welcome more open spaces for leisure activities and

gardens, where they can plant vegetables or have chickens. Most of the former residents of the northern part didn’t possess a car either. There is not much parking space available in the project area in general. The still present residents complain about visitor’s cars parking along the neighborhood road. There is an underground parking garage at the end of the neighborhood road, but it’s exceptionally for residents of the higher-class community to the east of the site. Developing the site also means to bring in more middle-class people resulting in a demand for even more parking lots. According to the current policy 1,1 parking lots (12 m2) per new apartment are required. More cars of course means more land use and CO2 emissions. To reach the goal of a less-carbon society the strategy for Liziba suggests implementing a new parking space policy. This can only be made possible if the site is highly accessible and connected by public transport. Accessibility and Connectivity The site is very well horizontally connected. It lays parallel to the ring roads around Yuzhong peninsula. In total 10 bus lines are running along this road and stop at Liziba station. Furthermore, the Fotoguan metro station (line 2) is within a 7 minute walking distance from the site and a new station entrance is currently under construction making it even more convenient for the residents and visitors of the site to use the metro line. The E’ling Park metro station (line 1) is located only 400 meters air distance away. However, more than 100 meters of elevation have to be crossed on a 1,1 km long footpath to reach it. At present this pedestrian path which also

links the site with Fotuguan Park is little used, even though it is part of the Yuzhong green space network which includes six parks. Despite the scenic views from Fotuguan Park to the other side of Jialing River, the site in Liziba doesn’t bene t much from visitors enjoying the more than 4 kilometers long hiking trail network which also runs through the site. According to local residents, the slope is just too steep. The residents themselves prefer going to Liziba Memorial Park for recreation. Overall a lack of vertical connection can be asserted since on the one hand there is no direct public transport or paved road connecting Liziba to the E’ling Park and the southern peninsula, on the other hand there is no connection to the close-by Jialing riverside. Summary of issues at hand To sum up, the main issues in our site are mainly the vertical accessibility due to its mountainous topography. Another challenge is how to make the best use out of the potentials of the site for the city of Chongqing and its citizens, but at the same time keep the existing historical values as a resource. At the moment, the site seems to be fragmented into different small sites, which don’t relate much to each other. There are only few shops and businesses left in the area since the relocation of former residents along with that the site suffers from a bad reputation. Despite these facts, the land value of the site is increasing and there is a huge pressure for modernization. A new strategy has to be found, which can create synergies between the present and future residents/users through activating the potentials of the site. The overall challenge is to formulate a concept, which is socially and environmentally sustainable as well as economically pro table.



issues map


r linea

tio c e n on


nect n o c r a e lin


heritage building

neighborhood connection


nec n o c l a c i t ver

al vertic

n o i t c e onn


Map of issues



spatial impact of issues

Topography and connectivity are main issues on site but also bear some high potentials.

Due to the busy main road to the north of the site, which forms some sort of a barrier towards the river, and due to the mountainous topography on the southern side, the site feels like a hidden space despite its good connection to public transport. One reason is the lack of vertical connection. Because of the poverty of the present residents and the location of the detention house in the site, it has a rather bad reputation. Nevertheless, the land value is increasing due to the excellent location of the site (proximity to green space, to the riverside and to the Yuzhong CBD). This might be a reason why the government is interested in buying more land in the site. But at the moment, the potentials of the site are not fully exploited. There are several spatial impacts of the described issues. However, they also bear some potentials: The site is highly connected to public transport, to the main road system, as well as to a large green space network by footpath. The site is close to green space, such as Fotuguan Park and Liziba Memorial Park. The government plans to improve the green space network by connecting the pedestrian paths to a 4,6 km long hik-

ing trail. This could raise the attractiveness of Liziba as an entrance gate to this green space network. There are some brown elds in the project area which is owned by the government and offers opportunities for new developments. At present Liziba is a socially quite mixed neighborhood. In the south-western part the residents are relatively poor. In the middle part of the site the residents belong to the lower middle-class and in the northeast of the site a richer middle-class has settled in the new built condominium complexes over the past years. The Dagong Newspaper buildings and the topography de ned layout of the settlement in the southwest are considered having a historical value. Owing to its topography the site offers scenic views over the river. The site is close to the riverside. The goal of a new strategy for the site is to nd the most suitable and desirable future development of this site, regarding the value of the location for the city of Chongqing. This will be done by mainly making use of the potentials laying in the accessibility and connectivity of the site.

spatial impact of issues






car sharing & vister parking


mutual benefits

green roof

rain water reu

Lower class smallshops Bus station

1.Metro line



2.Metro line

Bus station Park

Metro line


1.Metro line

connection improve

Strategy visualization




Multimodal mobility, Mixed-use building functions and a Neighborhood Center are the core points of the strategy. The main goal of the strategy is to create a pleasant place to live, work and play combined with a multimodal mobility and low energy concept. The basic idea is simple: By creating short distances between most important daily-life activities, enhancing the attractiveness of the public transport system, offering only little parking space and by installing a neighborhood car-sharing system the use of private cars and the emissions of carbon-dioxide will be drastically reduced in comparison to a common development project. We suggest, that the government uses the site as a sample project for such a new policy to gain more experience in this kind of development and as a tool to promote its actions for a sustainable future of the city. Therefor it has to nd an investor for cooperation. As the investor has to deal with a rather high risk and higher investments in construction due to the stricter regulations such as ecological construction standards, the government has to offer a good price for land or/and allow denser construction and/or offer a tax reduction. The suggested measures will mainly be implemented through a new legal binding land use plan with a specially formulated policy. These will have implications on spa-

tial, environmental as well as behavioral and social aspects. The strategy is thus based on a systemic approach consisting of three aspects. Multimodal mobility The new and the present residents will be encouraged to make use of different modes of transport (multimodal concept) and thus reduce the use of private cars. Instead of 1,1 parking lots per apartment or business unit, as demanded in the current policy, the new regulation will only allow a maximum of 0,5 built parking lots per unit. This will save a lot of space which doesn’t have to be converted into a parking lot. Avoiding parking lot construction also means avoiding the use of construction resources, which again means less CO2 emissions. The parking lots will be located in the airraid shelters on the main road level. The neighborhood road will stay mostly car-free with restricted entry permits for delivery and local residents. The new residents as well as the current ones will bene t from an electric car-sharing system, which will be newly installed for the neighborhood in cooperation with a car company, which will become a partner in this pilot project. This will not only save the new residents a lot

of money in comparison to possessing an own car, but also offer them the possibility to use different kinds of cars depending on the purpose (small city car, family car, car for transport of goods, etc.). They can easily book and rent cars by a smart phone application. This application – let’s call it Multi Modal Transportation (MMT) App – also tells the user, which is the fastest mode of transport to get from one point in Chongqing to the desired destination. In the future this system could be expanded by further modes of transport such as electric bicycles. Additionally to the sharingsystem, the new residents will be offered a free public transport card, which is automatically included in the rent. There will also be an option to load the MMT Card or MMT App with a timely pass which allows unlimited use of public transport for a certain amount of time to a xed price. A lot of attention will be paid to the walkability of the site. The design foresees a high permeability for pedestrians. Also, the existing hiking trail will be better promoted and signposted. Further a system of escalators similar to the Central Mid-Levels Escalator in Hong Kong will be installed to improve the vertical connection between Liziba and the two metro stations Fotuguan

(line 2) and E’ling (line 1). Several stops in-between the escalator system enable to revitalize different spots located along the slope like the Fotoguan Park. The escalator system will not only promote the use of public transport among residents and visitors but will also attract sight seers who will just come to see this new mean of public transport. Mixed-use functions To avoid is to reduce. This simple idea lies behind the concept of implementing mixed-use function and exible space for working and living in the new buildings on the site. If people can work, live, play and nd everything they need for their daily-life in their immediate neighborhood, a lot of individual travel distance, usually covered on a daily basis, will be avoided. The new building ensemble will not only offer high-quality apartments with views over the river, but also exible of ce space for small rms and self-employed people. The target group are mainly young professionals working in the tertiary economic sector such as the creative industry (web design, architecture, graphic design, advertisement, etc.), because these businesses do not rely a lot on transportation.



Xiaoming Wang Liziba Street 28 Yuzhong District Chongqing Card numbuer: 0898472649300822 Help hotline: 008 983 55 33 44 12




strategy While of ce space will be provided in the rst two oors towards the backyards, shops and services will be provided in the rst oor towards the neighborhood road and around the new neighborhood center in the publishing buildings. The upper oors will be used for high-quality apartments. On top of that, the regulations for the new construction site will set up standards for the implementation of energy-saving technologies such as a water detention system, green roofs and sustainable construction materials. Neighborhood center A new neighborhood center will be created in and around the old publishing buildings with open space, cafĂŠs, kindergarten, health care center, co-working space and other facilities. The new center is supposed to enhance social interaction between the different residents and to contribute to a strong identi cation with the Liziba neighborhood. By re-using the publishing buildings their historical value will be protected and the uniqueness of the site will be underlined. By establishing synergies between the different social classes on site social cohesion will be strengthened. This is why the new rst- oor spaces along the neighborhood main street should preferably be rented out to present or nearby-living residents, so they can start running a small business. Thus two mutually bene ting economical circles can be established: a local economical circle (shops, services, restaurants for new residents) and a larger economical circle (knowledge economy, creative industries). As mentioned before,

the economical activities will be located in the rst oors along the main neighborhood street and in the backyards and in the new neighborhood center. The re-used publishing building also offers room for services or co-working space. The project has a big multiplication factor and has thus a great impact not only on a local scale but also on a city scale. These implications are visualized conceptually in the table on the next page.



car sharing and modal split

implications on local scale

new policy

current policy

new regualation (0.5 P/unit)

current regulation (1.1 P/unit)

80 parking lots = 1000 m2

172 parking lots = 2150 m2

multiplication to scale of the city

desired future modal split

expected future car use

estimated current modal split

expected future car use

cars/inhabitant CO2-emissions

cars/inhabitant CO2-emissions

t implementation of new policy





The stakeholders which have to be considered can be divided into three related groups: Society - Economy - Government The relevant stakeholders can be divided into three related groups: society, government and economy. Society - current residents - future residents - visitors - people working in the area



- long term investors - young professionals interested in co-working spaces - small shop owners - street restaurant owners - car manufacturer/car-sharing provider

- central government - district government - planning and land use department - heritage department - traffic department - environment department - people and social care department

All stakeholders have different amounts of in uence on the key strategy points: Multimodal mobility Most affected are the government institutions. For the Metro (CRT) it is the responsible department on the central government level. All other local public transport is handled by the district government. The car sharing enterprise will be taken over by a car manufacturer such as Daimler who already wanted to implement their car2go car sharing eet in Chongqing in the year 2015 but for several reasons couldn’t get started. Also the real estate investor (for example a big reinsurance company like Munich re) in the Liziba site will most likely be interested in investing in the MMT (Multi Modal Transport) system

since it will increase the land value of the site by enabling a better connectivity. Neighborhood center Again the most affected stakeholders are coming from the government side but only from the district government. Most important are the dept. of education, dept. of people and social care and dept. of health care. As the neighborhood center will serve the residents, both current and new ones, its facilities must meet their demands. Since the functions of the center will be placed in the buildings of the former Ta Kung Pao newspaper, which are under heritage protection, also the department of heritage protection has to be conducted. Mixed use buildings Besides the planning and land use department, who have to approve the building plans, the investor of course takes the biggest share in this point. The investor is also the entity who invests most money into the project site. By planning the new buildings the needs and demands of the new residents, shop owners, restaurant operators and business owners have to be considered.



stakeholder mapping

rent/sales revenue reputation/PR investment risk

ÂĽ flow of money

flow of services

E‘Ling Station CRT - Central Government


reputation/PR learning from this sample project loss of money

Fotuguan Park Park Authority District Government

inve publi stment in c ser vices


Fotoguan Station CRT - Central Government




Xiaoming Wang Liziba Street 28 Yuzhong District Chongqing Card numbuer: 0898472649300822 Help hotline: 008 983 55 33 44 12

Neighborhood Facilities Existing Buildings

Public Services in Heritage Buildings

New Buildings

sek ee

en an

ra tio

pin g




op e



ati o


m ai

c edu

Restaurants Shops

service wage

New Residents

new mobility living hip lifestyle test objects bad neighborhood reputation

Li Zi Ba Car Sharing Car manufacturer

Current Residents

job opportunities in the neighborhood neighborhood center gentrification victims possible

Li Zi Ba Bus Stop District Government

relation of key stakeholders



market & business plan


We are a service provider rm offering professional advise to decision makers both in the public and private sector regarding questions on sustainable urban development such as policy writing and execution, legal advise, nancing and management.



Our governmental clients need advise in writing innovative policies or in the process management of neighborhood development. Our private clients need advise in policy execution and the follow-up project management.

We are providing a conceptual toolbox from our various professional backgrounds. Our solutions are tailor made to t site and customer speci c demands. We are further part of an international network of professionals which we can consult for our projects.


Our customers are Governments, publicly owned companies, NGOs, non pro t organizations, local administrations, developers and real estate investors.



There is a number of competing advisor rms such as McKinsey, Ernst Basler & Partner, Bain & Company or KPMG. However, we are the only Sino-German joint venture specializing on projects in China.


We will sell directly do our customers in face to face meetings with a sales team and through networking activities.

Our sales team will acquisite customers by contacting them directly or through our network.



Our main revenue will come from the investor and from follow up jobs through our clients.

Main expenses come from acquisition work, travel costs, software, printing and sub-contractors.


- Expansion of our international network - Get our rst project launched


We are in need of a nancial and legal advisor to cover those elds of our assignments.


We need to win the learning city competition to get our rst project launched.




SIGER & Partners offers professional advise to decision makers in the public and private sector regarding questions on sustainable urban development. SIGER & Partners is a Sino-German network of planning professionals based in Chongqing City. Our common interest lies in the sustainable development of cities with a special focus on Chinese cities and urbanized regions. Our core team combines several academic elds. Xuetong Wang is a trained Landscape Architect from Chongqing University and is currently in her major for Landscape Architecture at Chongqing University. Her main interest is the detailed sustainable design of public spaces. Zhen Yu studied Urban Planning at Chongqing University. Currently she is in her 2nd semester of the Urban Planning major course at Chongqing University. Her personal focus lies on the design of mountainous urban areas. Lena Wolfart holds a Bachelor of Arts in Society and Communication Sciences from University of Lucerne. At the moment she is doing a Master course in Urban Design at HafenCity University in Hamburg. Her focus lies on the

socio-spatial aspects of urban spaces and how they are related to political dimensions. Wen Wang nished a minor in Product Design at Xihua University before starting a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at TU Berlin which she nished in 2015. Currently she is in the Architecture Masters program of TU Berlin. Her main interests are the socio-spatial aspects of health care systems and the function of self regulated communities. Baohai Fei is a graduate of the Chongqing University Architecture minor program. At the moment he is doing his major in Architecture at Chongqing University. Besides visualizations his main interest is the design of urban spaces. Korbinian Kroiss holds a Bachelor or Engineering in Landscape Architecture from Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University and is a trained landscaping professional. Currently he is in the Masters program for European Urban Studies at Bauhaus-University Weimar. His core interests are the social impacts of urban design on different scales.





The implementation of the strategy will have diverse impacts on the local as well as on the city scale.

The owchart to the right illustrates what impacts the inputs and measures taken for developing the site will have on the local scale and on the level of the city, if in future it will be implemented in more areas. The measures are based on the assumption, that a dense integration of different functions such as residential use and working space can substantially reduce car use, promote walkability and public transport as well as contribute to a vivid street life with a natural form of social control. This approach suggests that urban form and patterns of living as well as mobility behavior are highly interrelated. In order to meet the urban mobility challenge of the future, a multimodal transport system has to be developed in Chongqing. User friendliness and a fully integrated travel value chain lies at core of a well performing multimodal transport system. So rst of all, a location-based neighborhood car-sharing system will be installed in site. It will be provided by a private car manufacturing rm using the pilot project for promoting its new products and services such as electric cars and car-sharing services as a new business. The new regulation for the site will only allow 0,5 instead of 1,1 park-

ing lots per apartment. So the car-sharing system will compensate for this restriction. Secondly, the so called Multi Modal Transport (MMT) Card will be introduced by the public transport providers. Additionally a new phone application will be developed, which indicates the fastest and cheapest mode of transportation to get from A to B in Chongqing. Thirdly, an outdoor mountain escalator will be installed between Liziba bus station and E’ling Park. Hence, Liziba and E’ling Park will become nodal points for multimodal transportation, where people transfer between different neighborhoods and between metro line 1 and 2. The escalator will be nanced by the governmental public transportation organization and will improve the density of the public transportation network in Chongqing, which has to deal with special topography. To ensure a diversity of functions and activities in the new construction site in Liziba, a new legally binding 3-D zoning plan will be put into force indicating on which level what kind of uses are allowed. Because of the topography of the site this a useful tool to regulate future usages. Furthermore, the plan and regulations allow prescribing a minimum of environmental standards and

MMT CARD Xiaoming Wang Liziba Street 28 Yuzhong District Chongqing

input & measures

impacts on local scale & economical circles

concentration & diversificaiton of activitites

multmodal transport card incl. car-sharing & APP

eco-friendly construction & infrastructure technologies

new zoning plan & regulations

mountain elevator

neighbourhood centre

less need to travel & ittle use of cars

attract visitors

social control & identification

cluster of knowledge economy (creative industries)

foster local economy: more employment

more use of public transport range of services, shops & restaurants

impact on city scale

improved modal split & less car traffic

less carbon emissions

improve image & attractiveness of the city

sustainable technologies for the construction of new buildings. The details of the plan and regulations will be explained later on (see technical studies). The old publisher buildings will be legally protected as heritage by the government. The land will not be sold an investor, but instead be transformed into a neighborhood center. The government can use some of

promote new econmies & innovation spill over

prevent concentraion of poor communities

government reimburses invested money

social & long-term urban planning

the spaces in the publishing buildings for its own services (health care) and rent out others to private businesses (cafĂŠs, tness center, etc).

SOLUTION benchmark

The project aims to consider the three dimensions of sustainability to equal parts. The success is measured by the aid of an evaluation table. All three dimensions of sustainability (social, economical and environmental) are incorporated in the strategy for redeveloping Liziba. The diagrams to the right explain and measure the aspects of sustainability considered in the project. Several of these aspects can be compared with existing projects worldwide. There are for instance several examples of newly built neighborhoods in central Europa, which aim at diversity of functions, social mix and restricted car ownerships as recipes for sustainable urban development. One example is the Kalkbreite complex in Zurich, Switzerland. The project became generally known as a prime example of sustainable urban development in Switzerland and contributed to Zurich’s image as pioneer in innovative construction. The land owned by the city government was leased to a cooperative building association who built a complex including different kinds of apartments (for singles, families, students, etc.) for more than 200 people as well as of ces and shops with over 250 workplaces. Besides using construction materials, which reduce the need for heating, and supplying the complex

with electricity from renewable energy, the amount of parking lots was drastically minimized and thus car ownership of the residents is restricted. The strategy presented here uses similar tools to accomplish its sustainability goals. But in comparison to Kalkbreite, the project will be executed by a by a private investor (in cooperation with the government) because the concept of cooperative building associations is not common in China. Despite a restriction of private car ownership the new complex in Liziba will offer its residents the possibility to use a car if needed and to switch exibly between different modes of transport. The solution is a neighborhood car-sharing system as described in previous chapters. In Germany exists a similar car-sharing concept called “Stadtteilauto� (city district cars). Either a governmental organization or a small private organization provides cars in a neighborhood district, who can be booked by its members online and have to be brought back to the same spot after use (location-based concept). Other car-sharing systems such as car2go are based on a free oating concept, so cars can be


parked anywhere in the city. Stadtteilauto has two main advantages over car2go: it’s less expensive and the rental cars are always parked in the same spot close to the homes of their users. The car-sharing system suggested for Liziba is similar to Stadtteilauto, but will be provided by a private car company. Another new mode of transport will raise the attractiveness of the project site and enhance use of public transport: a mountain escalator between Liziba bus station and E’ling Park metro station with several stops in-between. The technology suggested in the project resembles the out-

door covered Central-Mid-Level-Escalator and walkway system in Hong Kong built in 1993. The 800 meter long escalator connects the bedroom community of Mid Levels with the busy Central Hong Kong district and elevates 135 meters. In 2010 the system saw about 85,000 daily pedestrian trips and all around the intermediate levels many restaurants and shops have opened all around. As a side effect just like in Hong Kong, the escalator between Liziba and E’ling Park is likely to become an attraction for visitors and will revitalize Liziba and Fotuguan Park.

SOLUTION sustainability evaluation form


New Residents


* Target group: 25-45 years of age *Visitors *Residents (current & new) * Well-educated *Passers-by * Small businesses of knowledge economy/creative industry (web designers, graphic design, architecture, advertisment, artists, usw.)

Old Residents - Lowest class * Poorly educated * Day laborers * Families/singles * No Hukou - Lower middle class * Medium educated * Families * Regular incomes * Hukou status


Attracting target group by offering flexible working space and high quality apartments.

Public spaces connecting people, keep historical buildings, improve vertical connection.

Keeping buildings and peo improving lifestyle (better h conditions + job opportuniti


Rising demand for flexible working and living space, rise of new economies and businesses.

Keeping historic value, creating identity and sense of community, increasing attractiveness of site.

Keeping social mix and sup diversity, keep historical va of the site.



Creating inspirational & creative environment by offering spcae for working Economic and living at the same site



Low energy houses

Social Foster new businesses in tertiary sector

Creating public open spaces

Hill garden terraces

Small open space and connection to green space network

Water treatment and organic waste recyling

Partly preserve historical value of the settlement

Education & new job opportunities in the area by fostering local economy


Multimodal Transportation Joint-Venture (MMT)

* Goverment * Real estate company

* Public transportation organisation (belonging to district or central government)

ple, ousing es).

Building houses & infrastructure, invest in long-term developments.

Government invests in new outdoor escalator (use feasible profit made with selling land)

Car company installs car-sharing service for new resdients organized in cooperation with investor

port ues

Increasing land value, innovation project as learning process, good for PR and location competition.

Long-term investment, increases land value, improves vertical connection, promote public transport

Increase attractiveness of site (mutlimodal mobility options), promote car-sharing as new business for car manufacturers

* Car-sharing service provider * Real estate investor

escalator Build neighbourhood centre, rent out spaces in centre

Improved vertical connection promotes use of public transport

Promote car-sharing as new business model

Keep heritage value (publishing house)

More clients for public transport system organized by district and central government

Less car ownership and less car use reduces emissions, electric cars

Sell / rent out apartment and shop / office spaces

More visitors fostering local micro-businesses

Using eco-friendly construciton technologies (i.e. water detention)

SOLUTION technical studies

Together with the zoning plan a new policy will be approved by the local authorities.

Following regulations will be put into force together with the zoning plan:

served for a neighborhood car-sharing system. 3. Green space, open space and walkability

1. Zones & usage

3.1 The site must have a permeable pedestrian

1.1 In the mixed-use zone (M) residential use as

path structure accessible for the public.

well as working space is allowed. First oors are

3.2 For greenings only domestic plants can be

preferably used for shops and services.


1.2 In the residential zone (R) shops and services

3.3 Open spaces in must be accessible to the pub-

are only allowed in the rst oor. No working space


allowed. 1.3 In the public service zone (PS) the old pub-

4. Construction & infrastructure

lisher buildings are set under heritage protection

4.1 A water detention system hast to be installed for

and can be reused for public activities, public ser-

new buildings.

vices, shops and working space.

4.2 An organic waste recycling system has to be

1.4 The open space zone (O) must be accessible


to the public.

4.3 For new constructions the international energy

1.5 The underground parking zone (P) is only ac-

management system ISO 50001 has to be imple-

cessible by the main street. It must be connected to


the public service zone for pedestrians by elevator

4.4. Terraces and rooftops of new buildings have to

and stairs.

be vegetated.

2. Parking and mobility

5. Building plots & heights of buildings


5.1. A maximum of 5 stories per building is allowed.

Per newly built unit (apartment, shop, of ce,

etc.) max. 0,5 parking lots are allowed. The parking is located in the (extended) air raid shelters along

6. Pilot project monitoring

the main road.

6.1 In the rst ten years after construction the en-


An electric battery loading system for electric

ergy and car use as well as the social mix in the

cars has to be installed in the parking located in the

neighborhood has to be monitored. The owners

air raid shelters.

must hand out an annually written report to local

2.3 A minimum of 20 parking lost have to be re-


Green Roof Area 5151 m2

Residential Area 7275 m2

Mixed Use Area 4850 m2

Residential Area 8178 m2

Community Center Area 2424 m2

Mixed Use Area 5452 m2

Car Sharing and Visitor Parking Area 1000m2

vertical zoning plan draft


251㎡ 251㎡

440㎡ 306㎡

440㎡ 490㎡ 440㎡ 476㎡

Legend Main walk corridor Secondary walk corridor 421㎡

Open space


Service facilities


Mixed use

741㎡ 421㎡

Residential Underground parking area Car entrance Walking entrance Leading facilities






Legal binding zoning plan

SOLUTION design scenario

Master Plan

3D design sketch

Detailed design of community center

SOLUTION upscaling plan of business - market

This multi modality concept could be transfered to and implemented in many other urban regions in China to enhance the public transport system. In the discussion of sustainable city and the issues of mobility and the low carbon are always come forward for a long time in China. The major air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and particulate matter from vehicles could be dropped, if the usage of vehicles reduced. Almost every day traf c jams occur at the same time in the same spots. Even though citizens also have other transportation choices, many of them want to drive with their own cars for different reasons. To solve this problem many developed cities have forced various traf c control measures such as divide of car free zone, “odd-even” traf c restrictions, and restrictions for trucks. But there are also a number of negative inuences from this policy. On July 12 2015, the rst workday after the “odd-even” traf c restrictions in Beijing, road congestion saw an apparent relief. Public traf c ow was smooth and there were only few problems on the subways. Even though the plan was widely expected, some af uent drivers attempt to evade the

measures by switching license plates or using alternate cars. Here the questions comes up, if this policy can really solve the problem radically. The answer could only be no. Perhaps more innovative solutions have to implemented to solve the mobility problem from its roots. Customer should be encouraged to choose between different modes of transportation more smartly. Most Chinese cities like Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian, Beijing, Wuhan, Tianjin, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Xi’an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan or Nanchang are using Metro and Lightrail and the cities transportation networks are still expanding in whole China. The Project in Liziba Chongqing is just a experiment in a small scale. A normal community with mixed-use functions can create a mutual bene t between the neighbors and promote intermodal mobility. This concept can be applied to any other city of China with a functioning public transport system.

Operational Under construction

image source:

Metro and Lightrail projects in China

SOLUTION upscaling plan of urban space

If applied to other neighborhoods with a similar transport connection, diverse positive impacts for Chongqing can be expected. It’s understood that the pilot project in Liziba will only have a considerable positive impact on the whole city if the developments in site are monitored and the practical knowledge gained is transferred to other development sites in Chongqing. If the city keeps on constantly growing and current trends in terms of car use and mobility behavior continue like at present, the traf c congestions and air pollution is likely to become much worse soon. Considering the increasing energy consumption of human mankind and the consequences of climate change, there’s an urgent need to take action not only on an international and national level of policy-making, but also on a local urban planning scale. If the strategy suggested here succeeds in reducing the energy and car use of the residents in Liziba, it can be applied to any other neighborhood with a good connection to public transport in Chongqing. Of course, single aspects have to be modi ed depending on the pre-conditions given in each site. Maybe not only a car-sharing, but also bicycle-sharing system is useful in another site. Or instead of a mountain escalator a new bus line is more effective.

A multiplication of the project will have diverse positive impacts for Chongqing. It will lead to an improved modal split in the transportation system, that causes less carbon dioxide emissions and less traf c congestion. Furthermore, this kind of longterm planning has the advantage of taking into account social aspects and creating mixed-income neighborhoods. Thereby concentration of poor communities in other areas of the city can be prevented. The creating of modern spaces for living and working might attract young professionals working in the tertiary sector like creative industries to settle in Liziba. If the city and the real estate investor succeed in attracting the desired target group, a small cluster of innovative rms and businesses can develop. Taken all these bene ts together, quality of life in Chongqing will increase and the performance of the city in the national and international location competition for innovative rms and highly skilled laborers as well as for tourists will improve.


Possible intermodal connection locations in Chongqing

APPENDIX.1 interviews

*Group of neighbours About 50 years old Living in the community for decades Usually going to the public open space in the north of the site for dancing

More public open spaces

*Lady with 3 kids 56 years old Migrant worker renting the for decades Taking care of her grandchildren and no personal entertainment, water-saving and water-reuse consciousness

Better housing

*Cook of detention house 40 years old Cooking for the prisoners and jailers High living satisfaction, no criminal phenomena

Keeping status quo.

*Workers in small shops 35 years old Selling miscellaneous goods Playing Majiang and chatting with neighbours

Better environment for attracting customers

*Children 7 years old No playing places and lonely after parents working outside

Place for playing with other children

*Hikers in Fotuguan park 32 years old Sometimes exercising by the hiking way

More convenient vertical traffic connecting parks

APPENDIX-2 research materials

New residents

Current residents

Target groups concerning the Liziba project area in SINUS Milieus of Chinese society. Image source:


Learning City Chongqing New Models of City Life Alternative Ecomonies for Old Urban Neighbouhoods CQU - TUB Urban Planning Studios Chongqing, March 2016


Huang Yunxuan Chongqing University

Cheng Yingguo Chongqing University

Ma Xuewen

Carolin Krebber

Chongqing University

TU Munich

Anais Wiedenhรถfer HafenCity University







How to detect workings systems within a town village structure that can improve everyday life when upscaled? dwelling culture and make them adaptable to growing needs? by many different stakeholders and their power in the production of new space. The division of the sight into dirrefent „interest terest groups in the over-all plot. All parcels need a different approach and require special policies. To create a design that ties the different parts the focus had to be narrowed down to some essential impact zones. Since one of the main issues is the lack of connectivinside the communty and concerning the access to public transport – one of the basic topics at had was the accessebility and connectivity in Liziba. The second issue is of a non physical matter. Since the land value for the nothern part of the sight is pretty high the new social structure of the new housing area will be dominated by a high income class. At the same time the government is not plan-

ning to shift the current community of the southrn side. The result is a drastical clash of income differences on a 16800m² plot. needs to offer sulutions that integrate an sense of use of space. Chinas cities in general generate patchwork systems that do not interact inbetween the parcels. The need is to extract smart strategies and element from each component and cmbine them to an adaptable structure that act itegrationally. By combining elements from town villages with technologies and social media network systems the design has to come up with smart architechture that evolves those





the vitality of a neighborhood & hwo can design encourage the inhabitants to renounce driving? Liziba is shaped by its few functioning connections. On these axes the main community activities are bundled and even though the conditions are provisory they are used by many residents of the nearby community. The detailed analysis of the plot resulted in a conclusion why those centers aroused in certain spots: Before the factory was shut down all residents had to cross the plot by using the few pathways given by foot. The spots where the walking paths cross are still functioning as meeting points even though the factory is gone. The design reproduced the idea that by locating the living and the working space in walking distance community spaces arise automatically. Those areas are essential to promote the community feeling we want to achieve. Why do we aim a community identity? Because the current social structure is shaped by isolation and living next to each other without caring. To create a sense of responsibility on different levels – for the close surrounding, for national issues and global issues – people need to start identify with their community and neighborhood. By triggering a protective feeling the design could promote a sustainable and responsible system of individuals with a common identity.

By providing different models of living & working packages we encourage people to avoid driving with the car every day. In addition the diverse and coordinated commercial structure should offer many supply opportueryday needs. A well thought pathway will provide a better walkability improving the access –inside the plot and from outside – into/through the area and the connecting public transportation system. It will also represent the historical dwelling of the Yuzhong district by using elements like broad staircases and binding platforms. To enforce the social and economic value of the sight a third parameter will be integrated: As core element the former newspaper side will provide cultural identity but in also bundle several coordination function. Broad back to its original function the new developed concept one hand the heritage buildings will represent landmarks but with new use strategies. On the other side several added architecturthe newspaper side. By implementing several [Prototypes] we provide parallel levels heritage.







What issues are shaping Liziba identy and how can they be dealed with? How could the curent community be integrated into the new design? The Area of Liziba is L-shaped and located on the noth-western part of Yuzhong district. Theoretically it is well connected to the public transportation system, but due to missing pathways the access to the sight is one of the main issues. Moreover it is cut in two parts by a single street that functions as the main access road for cars. As a result during rush hour there is a huge parking problem causing a lot of noise bothering the local community.

We also detected some really positive issues that need to be named: even though the commercial infrastructure is weak (many shop had to close because the government bought the ground) the few are still working well. Especially a chicken restaurant that is known in whole Chongqing is attracting many visitors. But due to the access problem visitors become a problem. The missing parking slots encourage them which is already dense enough.

From the governments’ point of view the main issue is the bad reputation of the area. They formulated a plan for housing projects to improve the image by overwriting its identity. Even though the topography is still located on the riverside which makes it really precious and valuable. But it is also one of the last dwellings that represent the historic topology of Chongqing.

The specialty of the area is its current community and its attachment to the plot. Many families live on the sight for several years and due to space issues their children had to move away. Still some of them try to stay close or lead businesses nearby since most of them are not in possession of a car. Everyday live is happening nearby and thus is pollution free.



spatial impact of issues Our idea is to keep current pathway structure. The upper part is shaped by a village like settlement: many small houses that are not following a geometrical order. The resindents would like to keep on living in the area but improve the quality of their houses. Most of the buildings in the lower part are already sold to a developer who is planning to demolish the area and build a residencial district. We see an opportunity in the fact that there are no bigger buildings worth protecting (the factory is an exception, but its function should integrate a public function) because new structures could use the current factors, working structures and symbols of the area (materials, ground structure, small scale shops) but improve the accessebility of the whole sight and improve the public space qualities by adding some features. By creating more walkable staircases the paths could function like corridors between the buildings and at the same time we use the steep to offer platforms to locate shops and facilities we would create a lot of common space to give a future community encounter space. The steep and the densety of staircases were symbols for the area but are disappearing one by one due to new scales of planing. We want to detact those symbols and reproduce them in future. Zoom in - As an example we refere to the street that is inbetween the two parts of Liziba: it is causing more trouble than solving the access problem. One idea would be to make it car free street and create a common space for all inhabitants and build a connection instead of creating a barrier. The accessebility should extent to the high line train creating a transit situation in Liziba. If we make the area more accessable we would support puplic transportation and

also the park area would get its function back since it is mainly used for gardening at the moment. The easy access would improve the commercial structure by opening the area to outsiders to visit or simply pass through. Social impcat The main concern is the social impact in the area. One goal of the design is to promote the implementation of a social mix of inhabitants and entrepreneurs. By relying on the equal distribution of low and high level housing in Chongqing provided by the government we want to pitch a mixed structure of apartments. By using architecture as a tool to fabricate a various price range of apartments the project supports a mixture of inhabitants in the new constructions. The detections of a special need of privacy in china’s society is included in the design but it should be obstructing the sustainability of an open comlocal economy and create a social structure that is new and unique. If the inhabitants of a certain area feel connected to it they develop a feeling of responsibility for its envishop units we would give the lower income class the chance to open up new businesses and improve their living conditions. In addition the complement of opportunities for new entrepreneurs to move into the area would improve the network enormously and lead to economic strength. As a result by creating a various commercial infrastructure the inhabitants could supply themselves in the close neighborhood without using the car. To underline the car free ideology of the neighborhood it is essential that the connectivity to public transportation facilitates visitors not to travel to the area by car.




What does a design need to learn about a plot before it can (re)produce plattforms and solution accordning to the needs and by respecting the past? Our project relies on a strategy that is connected to social change as a promoter for structural organisation. We call it »WALKING COMMUNITY«. Since the Chongqings‘ urban planning we choose to focuse on the social concept for our sight rather than on concrete architectual solu-

The work process started with a detailed analyses of the activities in the remaining community. By mapping the residents‘ evcountering spaces and missing connection within the close area. In addition diagrams visualize their practises and how many smart and sustainable common solutions they integrated in their daily routines. By mapping the connections and processes combined with the spatial connections actors (stakeholders) following the actor network theory we claim to detect new [Prototypes] that will implemented in our design in a later stage of developement. In relation to that the essence extracted from the analyses of »new living forms«

(meaning the isolated life people lead in skyscrapes) and social multimedia communities (social media) was compared to international examples following the same communty idea of the project and the [PROTOTYPES]-cataloge. The design works like a sytheses of all observations made, shuffels them and creates a new design that is not over writing the current dwelling but overlaps new elements with old structures to keep its legibility. It enforces non monitary value and converts it into economic force and thus creates a self regulation cycle. By re-animating the newspaper side a third value enterst he cycle and offers a prolonged plattform and creates a cultural value inside the plot. The transformed plot will reproduse Yuwith new materials and technologies. After cataloging different [PROTOTYPES] in a new system (material - network -technology) they are places into the design to provide a smart environment that supports a community identity.




Who are the main stakeholders of the walking community? And how can

Administrational level Our project refers to two level of stakeholders. On an upper level there are negotiation between the government who is piloting the renewal of the whole Yozhong district and the local developers. Both parties aim cially. Due to the rising land values in Liziba sight the discrepant between the compensation for the current residents and the economical value of the ground is hard to ern part costed a lot of money therefor the pressure to make the land worth the exCurrently Liziba is divided into two parts. While the northern part is already in the possetion one developer the southern part is still splitted into many small property grate the southern part into a development plan. Future social and commercial structure In matter of the future stakeholders we tional strategy to include the local community into the new functions of the plot. No matter if they will sty in the community we consider them as a group of representatives for the low income class that we aim

to include in our strategy as key stakeholders on the economical level. In addition the design addresses to small but special entrepreneurs that are looking for small spaces with a good infrastructures and networks in between commerciants. The philosophy should follow the image of »use what you produce« and should – as a whole – create a certain picture or identity to the plot. In addition our ideology incorporates packages that facilitate a lifestyle without cars by living and working in close distance. The design will offer several models of space that promotes the connection in between the two practices on different scales. As a third group the project offers commercial space to midsize businesses that want to provide living space to their workers. Cultural capital As extraordinary element the former newspaper sight will function as a communication zone. To integrate it into the area there is a need for administrational and economical guidance of the three buildings. The idea to keep the original function of the sight more than just preserving the structure results in the need for some administrational structures to coordinate and network with the surrounding.



stakeholder mapping



market & busniss plan

How could a mix-use concept that integrates living and working in the same area provide different capital forms that enforce each other? Our site is divided into two parts, northern part and southern part. On the southern part the residents are still living. Based on our concept, we hope to integrate them into the new development and supplement an integrational community. northern part At the early stage, the government has got the unique right of usage of the northern supervision of the government, has to be provided by private capital representing new renovation companies that participate in the project. But the domestic developer – KANGXIANG Company – has to undertake construction next. The private capital has to be divided into several small individual investors to reduce the capital strain. These investors become stakeholders in the economical chain after ers of the micro business shops, they have to provide the rental models we introduce in the design to promote the car free lifestyle of the area. The image of the community represents individuals and small industries that want to part of a LOW-CARBON lifestyle — having a job near your house and build strong relationship between the

members of the community who encounter each other in the common space. Our strategitical models aim to offer living and working space in walking distance, by money the goal is to bundle both functions on the plot: One is if a person buys or rents need pay 98% in total (1.model). Another suits better for the people who couldn’t afford both. This group can buy or rent the studio which concludes working space and living space inside (2. model). On a midsize business scale there will be e package that combines a bigger commercial space in combination with several small living spaces in the area to provide to the employees (3.model). This model needs policies to supplement the rental cost to make it more attractive for future employers. There is also the option for the community administration to provide some low cost apartments for employees of the neighborhood but in order to make them affortable there is a need for a policy supplementing the rental costs.

value for all businesses entering the net-



market & busniss plan work, there is a need to create an institution that manages the heritage sight so that it can function as extended platform for all actors of the community. To make the cultural industrial cluster accessible it has to be managed and connected by physical and digital platforms. The “information area” – former newspaperside – will function as an extended this for all businesses. It is not only important to offer a multimedia network system that facilitates the communication in between the businesses it is also possible to enlarge the own work-

Southern side To make an improvement of the southern ferent stakeholders (government & residents) the habitants could invest individually in the enlargement of infrastructure. In exchange the community government has to reduce the property cost for them (usually paid monthly).





» First life, then spaces, then buildings – the other way around never works. « Jan Gehl Following Jan Gehl approach to urban planning the new design for the liziba side is combining several layers of production of space. The analysis of practises led to spacial conclusion wich are again translated into a new surface. »The walking community « design was considering the northern part of Liziba as a block. The pathway system cut throgh these cubes following existing systems and creating open space that is needed to enforce the community spirit that is aimed. By using the steep topografy of the Yuzhong district it was possible to replicate its old crucial dwelling element: the staircase pathway. The new pathway systems combines stairs with ramps and plattforms inviting residents and visitors to stroll through the sight. By keeping the old main road but freeing it from the cars the plot also offers a open pamp that allows to pass by quikly. The same cutting method is applied to the southern part of the plot to improve the living quality of the current residents. These incisions are also used to deal with the heritage regulations for dwellings. By not replacing the whole building but dividing it into parcels

the weak structure can be improve useing is kept but energie regulation can be improved by implementing sustainable technologies. The reduction of speed by eliminating the need for sticking up from the mass to be noticed. Therefor the ground level (on all steep levels) offers the opportunity to design all elements according to a humen scale. The organization of the public space follows the existic examples but improves the quality of life by outsourcing the bothering function to propper, privat space parcels. To make sure, that the open space is used we need to bundle the living and working space close by. Additionally the new plot will offer several encountering spots that offer activities like sport facilities, barbeque facilities, or shared gardens. Those encountering spaces are essential to evoque a community identity. The mix-use is more than mixing functíons inside the area, it is also refering to mixing up income classes to create a patchwork social groups.

SOLUTION benchmark

What example can be used to show the effectiveness of the human scale to revive a neighborhood? How does design play with representative elements? Superkilen Masterplan The Âťwalking community ÂŤ project referes to successfull designs based on the walkability of urban areas. One example is the Superkilen path wich is a half a mile long highway created for bikes and pedatrians. nically diverse and socially challenged neighborhoods in Copenhagen - Denmark. Instead of concetrating on the reproduction of local elements like the Liziba desocial structure. Therefor it represents a sort of collection of global found objects that come from 60 different nationalities, like exercise gear from muscle beach LA and sewage drains from Israel, palm trees from China and neon signs from Qatar and Russia. The discription of these elements is inlaid in the ground. The Superkilen highway accrued out of the creative collaboration between BIG, Topotek1 and SUPERFLEX. It represents a rare fusion of architecture, landscape architecture and art.

The need for such a strategy derives from an urban improvement plan by the City of Copenhagen. The goal was to improve the living quality of the Nørrebro neighbourhood that is known and loved for its diversity. Superkilken celebrates this diversity. The apllied implementations all stand for differents reference points: some deal with the identy issue others acta s guiding systems reminding certain landmarks. In addition a colour and gemeotrical form library is used to create a leading structure in the plot. The walking community used a similar guidline by introducing and playing with some old materials and elements and combining theme with new technologies.

SOLUTION spatial impact

caption of drawing

SOLUTION technical studies

How can a design become a sustainable alternative to common development strategies by combining technologies and integrating community evoking elements?

show how the idea of creating a walking neighborhood by providing packages of living and workingspace in the same area can be optimized by implementing smart technologies. But not only the technical infrastructure is improving the sustainability inside the walktong also the reproduced elements of the former plot support the concept. The Prototype cards represent only a small selection of possible technologies and systems that can support a sustainable lifestyle within the building structure. The design combines several combinations of technologies and strategies as well as networking systems and translates them into building parcels and infrastructure models. They could be integrated into any plot to evoke an identity feeling inside a commu-

nity by supporting encountering space on a ground level. The topography of Liziba offers even more creative space due to the needed platforms. It is crucial that the design is supported by networking platforms rather then relying on the physical. In a society that is mainly organized through digital media a networking system ist essential to provide the exchange of knowledge in-between the members of the community - both the inhabitants and the business representatives. As an additional community gadget there is a need for centralized system bundling organizational tasks. In order to provide a functioning network for everyone a speciexchange platform.

SOLUTION upscaling plan of business - market

What messures and coordination tools are neccessary to integrate all stakeholders into the upscaling process?

Our project will integrate a participatory process including the old, new residents and business owners. This strategy can provide the design of commercial structures that can offer business opportunities the third sector. The government has to concept of a walking communty all over the sight. Simultaneously with stage two of the constructing process, a new social management system has to be set up based on the mix functions. This “triangle” system is concluding three main stakeholders – government, community & commerce plus the representation of the cultural value. On the administrational level many functions have to be covered by the community itself. Since the community is aimed to be the projects core and social capital the focus has to lie on the development of a strong members of the community have to take some responsibilities and create a balance – capital and responsibility wise. Self-evident this is a process that needs to be coordinated, so there will be a need for social guidance. The commercial value will plug in to the social value. By proposing

a community full of trust and support, the cient and various (we provide this through the building structure) and the community members can supply themselves locally. By doing so, they help their community members and help to improve their living conditions. The coordination could be provided by social community governance that is self-organized and independent, while the business tenants need a network to cooperate within the community. As for the government-Liziba’s community, they could offer policies to control and support the process on an administrational level. how to deal with economic capital, social capital and cultural capital? There are three main groups in our completed project: habitants, new residents and others (visitors). The habitants and new residents need to tie social relationships, as well as be welcoming towards visitors who transit the area. Thus the business structure should also address the “to go”-needs for people passing by. The platforms triggering communication need to be physical and mental: people can interact with each other by business activities,

community activities and leisure activities that are given nearby. Smart commerce activities that combine should the daily requirements and respect the spirit of community. This will provide vitality and new jobs inside the community. In return, the commerce potential will increase the value of our site at the same time.

Why to invoke the vitality of cultural resources matters to increase the economic value of our project. in our project the old newspaper building “information sight� could work as a memorial but with a new function, providing a valuable element of the local lifestyle. The lifestyle should integrate some cultural activities according to the residents’ wishes. Two additional historic elements are the memorial for the war of resistance and cultural dwelling. These elements can

SOLUTION upscaling plan of urbanspace

What role is design playing in reproducing the historical value of a city and at the same time improving its system by making it adaptable and re-

The concept of the walktong design is to create smart building kids that suppling future urban planning project with inspiration. Those kids are not predending to be perfect but they integrate both old elements of the chines dwelling culture and new building strategies for a sustainable lifestyle. Due to its increasing population and the need for living space in China‘s mega cittoolboxes that can react to different plots and produce variety instead of monotony and isolation. But China needs more than just architectural approaches – the country seeks for solutions on a human scale. Like Chongqing many other metropolis at the same time the conciousness about the loss of historical value is arising. Many known as town villages, Hutongs – have been eaten up by high-rising skyscrapers and mega blocks. The need for additional space forced Chinas planners to drastical

measures but it is time for alternative solutions. The walktong picks up the Hutong image – on a social as well as a structural level – an combines it with the urgent need for walkable areas in China. Not only because the pollution is tremendous but also because the gated comunty policy of the 1980es obstructs many areas. Those communities create barriers inside the cities in order to create a homogeniouse community without fear. Instead of isolating people design should promote encountering spaces to abolish mistrust and loneliness. Instead of only looking foward design can also take a step into the past. Hutongs were that adapted to several needs. Instead of providing security services the Walktong relies on the creation of trust by caring and sharing a common space and thus ideally an identity.

APPENDIX.1 interviews

APPENDIX-2 research materials


Learning City Chongqing New Models of City Life Alternative Ecomonies for

ld Urban Neighbouhoods

CQU - TUB Urban Planning Studios Chongqing, March 2016


Karol TU Berlin

Nana CQ University

Rosa HCU Hamburg

Yannick HCU Hamburg

Yiyang CQ University

Yufeng CQ University







REFRAMING THE ENERGY TRANSITION AS A SHIFT TOWARDS A COMMONS BASED ENERGY ECONOMY Today half of the world’s population – approximately 3.5 billion people – are living in densely populated areas. As roughly three billion people will follow to the urban centers in the next 35 years alone, by 2050 two thirds of of the global population will live in urban agglomerations (cf. UN ESA 2014:7). Moving from the sparsely populated urban hinterlands to the economical, cultural and political centers and adopting the local lifestyle, many of these people will adjust their energy consumption to that of contemporary city dwellers. The migration to urban centers is therefore together with the intensi ed use and modernization of already urbanized areas a major driving force behind rapidly rising energy demands (cf. WBGU 2011:3). Due to the the extrem pace of the industrialization and urbanization of it’s territories this trend is currently most visible in the People’s Republic of China, which is alread the biggest emitter of green house gases (GHG) on the planet in absolute numbers. As the ongoing efforts to modernize the urban hinterlands will lead to a rapid increase of china’ overall emissions during the next decades, china is howev-

er projected to be responsible for 90% of the global GHG emissions by 2030 (see NDRC 2015). The underlying extension, concentration and differentialization of the urban fabric on a planetary scale is at the same time closely linked to the transformation of existing and the creation of new infrastructures that will shape the energy demand for decades to come. The current transformation of the urban fabric should therefore be directed towards the establishment of socio-ecological just living conditions and low carbon cities (WBGU 2011:4). However, the transition towards sustainable cities has until now mostly been framed as the implementation of new technologies and building standards. While technological progress is a crucial element of transition towards sustainable living conditions, ”[t]oday’s sustainability solutions call for system innovations in which technical, economic and institutional modules are closely intermeshed to allow for the transfer and transition of existing system conditions over to a more sustainable development path” (Schneidewind 2011:14).

Since such a holistic approach has to include the transformation of everyday life (cf. Lefebvre), it is only feasible if it is in the interest of and supported by the people. Reframing the energy transition as the implementation of new technologies as well as the establishment of new economical structures and institutional frameworks, therefore, requires us to pay close attention to the inhabitants and their needs.

support transformative economical structures and institutional frameworks must therefore be able to deal with ecological and social issues at the same time while maximizing synergies between these two interrelated elds. Commons might provide an ideal framework for such an approach, as they include communities, a shared resource and a common set of rules, regulating the use of the shared resource (cf. strom 2010).

If we take a look at chongqing’s neighborhood of Shan’cheng’xiang and its inhabitants we nd that they have to face severe socio-economical challenges. The infrastructure and buildings are decaying, basic services such as gas supply and sanitation are lacking, the income level is far below the average, and the area is poorly integrated to the urban traf c infrastructure. Compared to the national average, communities such as these have a reduced impact on the environment, due to their limited consumption patterns. At the same time they tend to value sustainability lesser, while emphasizing social issues such as inclusion, equality and cohesion (cf. BMUB 2014:25). To gain wide spread

Fortunately, the current technological transition towards renewable energies is closely connected to economical shifts, which provide a window of opportunity for a holistic transformation of the energy economy towards a commons based energy supply system. Such a commons base approach to energy transition might not only strengthen the acceptance of necessary spatial transformations through the inclusion of local communities, but could further more help to empower citizens to co-design the development of socio-ecological just neighborhoods through the establishment of participatory funds for sustainable development.





EMPOWERING CITIZENS TO CODESIGN SOCIOECOLOGICAL JUST CITIES THROUGH LOCAL FUNDS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The challenge is to „unlock the climate action potential of cities“ (low carbon cities lab, 2016). Emphasizing the urgent need to empower citizens and municipalities, at the same time to collaboratively shape the transformation of their neighborhoods towards a socio-ecological just society, we propose to learn from the concept of territorial funds for sustainable development. Its main characteristics are territorial funds on the level of cities, neighborhoods or regions, which are maintained by a not-forpro t organization (NP ), implementing renewable energy and energy ef ciency technologies in the municipalities involved, and distributing pro ts to socio-ecological projects proposed as well as democratically chosen by the citizens participating in the local fund. As a holistic approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation, this strategy combines the implementation of new technologies with innovative nancial models, alternative forms of ownership and enable the citizens to codesign sustainable neighborhoods. The adapation of this model in China is to be accompanied by the introduction of a series of sustainable community develop-

ment mechanisms (scdm) that consist of outreach strategies informing the citizens about urgent challenges to be overcome on the path towards a socio-ecological just society and enable them to donate small amounts to the local fund at the same time. The resources of the fund – contributed by the local citizens via the scdms – are to be used by a NP to nance the local implementation of renewable energy and energy ef ciency technologies. ver the next 20 years the investment and all surpluses go to the local development fund and can be used by the citizens to collectively support socio-ecological projects. To support the community in developing sustainable neighborhoods, the NP furthermore provides an electronic platform, which allows citizens to get information on their individual and common energy consumption, contributions to the local fund, nanced energy production projects as well as their impact. The application enables the citizens furthermore to suggest and democratically select socio-ecological projects to be nanced via the money earned by the fund.







A COMMUNITY NEGLECTED ECONOMICALLY, WITH COMPENSATIONAL CONTRACTS THAT SHAPE THE SOCIAL COHESION While the Downtown of Yuzhong District has been rapidly developed in the last 20 years, the neighborhood of Shan’cheng’xiang has been mostly neglected. As a result the functional orientation of the site has not been clearly de ned and the residents are disconnected from the rest of the city: socially, spatially as well as economically. There are manyfold interrelated issues concerning the economic situation of the site, the spatial connection to the upper and lower part of the city, the utilization of the cultural heritage, as well as the quality of the built structure and therefore the living conditions of the residents. Due to bad service infrastructure, the supply of gas, water and electricity is under demand, and therefore energy consumption in the site is inef cient. However, due

to the low infrastructure supply, the neighborhood is currently promoting a low carbon lifestyle where walking is the major form of transport. Additionally, the community has established social practices that work as compensational contracts that strengthen the social sustainability, because they establish a public sphere – a society that should be reinforced and strengthened through technology, in order to be able to co-design the future of their neighborhood.

occupation & income

built environment As a result of nearly 20 years of lack of control in urban planning, the characteristics of the mountainous city are gradually submerged by the tall buildings of the Downtown District. The cultural heritage is not suf ciently emphasized, only two buildings are protected as heritage. Shan’cheng’xiang has many valuable stone walls and gates dating back to the Qing dynasty, as well as wood constructions. Large parts of the residential buildings are currently in a poor condition. The low income level of the residents is accompanied by a desolate state of sanitary infrastructure and missing services. As the neighborhood is neither connected to the gas nor fully

connected to the water supply system of the city, the inhabitants are relying heavily on two public toilets and portable gas and water bottles as well as electrical stoves. The sinks of some houses are situated at the front side, so that laundry is washed on the main road. The existing green space is cut off from the living area by the walking line, and there are few green spaces in the living area. The next market is a 20 minutes walk away. Due to the bad connection and probably the low income level, the residents have annexed the abandoned site of the old hospital at the west end of the neighborhood and transformed the area to an urban garden.







energy consumption The wind coming from the river is partially blocked by the landscaped terrain, limiting the air ow in the alleys. This makes necessary the utilization of air conditioning systems in the summer, which in turn raise the energy consumption level and therefore also the expenses of the residents. The drainage system is exposed in the alleys. Electric wires are overlapping and exposed to the sunlight which poses re hazard. The high rise buildings in the immediate neighborhood are connected to the gas system,

but most of the houses in the site are not, even though a gas pipe runs underneath the majority of the area. There is a methane gas tank in the east part of the site, but it is not connected to a pipe system. People carry gas bottles up the steep elevation to provide their own supply. However, Shan’cheng’xiang is the last residential neighborhood that is still only accessible on foot. This is one of the key elements of a low carbon city, and the lifestyle is already present in Shan’cheng’xiang.

outside connection

inside connection






community life fe

building materiall recycling

recycling Shan’cheng’xiang is surrounded by well functioning industries, but the economic activities in the site are limited to a handful of kiosks along the pedestrian road, one restaurant and one café. The next market is a 20 minute walk away, the river site is only accessible via a steep staircase. People have found other practices to compensate, also for the low income. Every platform in the neighborhood is covered in plant pots. Due to the limited space, residents have annexed the empty lot of the old hospital, where they have built a self-organized

vegetable garden. The entrance to the garden used to be on a higher than street level. To build the stairs, contractors from a nearby construction site took the waste material and voluntarily built stairs to the garden entrance. These practices of volunteer community work, self-sustaining food production and building material recycling are to be found in many settings of Shan’cheng’xiang, and it is through these social contracts that the public sphere – and therefore the social spine of the community – is established.


teer construction truction work






As Klimaschutz+, Elektrizitätswerke Schönau and Climate Alliance are currently preparing to upscale the concept of territorial funds in Germany, we suggest to establish a framework for a sino-german initiative for sustainable community development, which aims at the establishment of a partner organization i.e. non-pro t low carbon energy provider that establishes the model of community funds for sustainable development on China’s increasingly liberalized energy market. Such a strategy could be supported by the establishment of a pair of urban laboratories in Shan’cheng’xian and Heidelberg that showcase the concept of local community funds for sustainable development. Such labs would enable mutual as well as local and national learning processes. The municipality of Heidelberg has already introduced a local fund as an important part of its Masterplan 100% Klimaschutz and is currently hosting the international Building Exhibition Wissen/schaft/stadt, which provides an ideal environment for the establishment of such an urban lab. As Chongqing is already regarded as a forerunner

in national low carbon strategies such as the Chinese Emission Trading System and holds a membership in ICLEI, its participation in such a learning initiative might not only be interesting for the municipality itself but also inspire other Chinese cities or regions to adopt the concept. While the establishment of a community fund for sustainable development will help to empower the inhabitants of Shan’cheng’xian to codesign their environment in the long run, its establishment will have to be accompanied by immidiate interventions that address the most urgent issues of the neighborhood. In regard to this challenge, the establishment of a neigborhood lab for sustainable development might also help to raise nancial and technological support by a wide range of organizations. In addition, the extreme income differences between Heidelberg and the neighborhood of Shan’cheng’xian could furthermore be used to develop interterritorial development mechanisms and projects, through which high-income communities support the sustainable development of low-income communities.

STRATEGY goals & identity Identity We are a international network of non-pro t energy companies that develops tools & strategies to empower local communities to codesign socio-ecological just neighborhoods Problem worth solving Reframing the energy transition as a shift towards a commons based energy ecconomy

Our solution Community Funds for Sustainable Development

Target Market Energy market in Germany & China

Competitor Energy Companies in Germany and China

Sale Channels Internet, Flyers, Communities, Advertisements

Advertisment Activities Lectures & Community Workshops

Revenue Energy Sales, Advicing & Donations

Expenses Administrating funds, maintaining e-platform, renewable energy & ef ciency projects

Team See Stakeholder Mapping

Partners & Ressources Climate Alliance - a network of 1.699 Cities in europe promoting low carbon tools and strategies among it’s members. Elektrizitätswerke Schönau are an energy cooperative currently providing eco-energy to 150.000 households. IFEU - the heidelberg based institute for environmental resarch advises local and regional as well as national and international institutions and organisations regarding their sustainability strategies and activites. IÖW - a reserach Institut focusing on the relationship between economical and ecological transformations. The institut advices cities and companies and participates in nactionl and international research projects.



stakeholder mapping



stakeholder mapping certain development

citizens participating (Germany)

possible development

citizens participating (China)


d financial support Incubator Space in Shan’cheng’xiang Establishment of Chinese partner organization

Development E-Platform

ICLEI joins in

knowledge exchange


Beta Version E-Platform IBA

Application IBA Heidelberg



i.e. Neigh for Sustainab


man Initiative

iffusion & adaptation China

upscaling to national level



borhood Lab e Development






spatial impact



To prepare the neighborhood for the Neighborhood Commons, basic infrastructure and security in the built environment has to be established. This modernization has to happen under heritage protection rules and apply to low carbon standards. Due to the bad built structure, the majority of houses at the cliff cannot be saved. When renewing this area, a vertical walking line will be implemented to secure more accesses to and diverse walking paths through the site. Thus also the access to the river and public transport will be improved, which will allow for an overall better spatial and social connection of the residents with the near surroundings as well as the larger city. Meanwhile, a heat pump system will be installed and connected to the houses. Through the circulation of liquid in the pipes, the buildings will be cooled during warm days and heated on cold days. This will reduce the electricity use immensely and already lay a technological and economical basis for the community fund. The heat pump solution does not only make use of renewable energy production and consumption and is therefore a self-sustaining supply system, it is also saving up consumption and expenses and will improve the overall carbon emissions.

general layout




spatial impact

It will also allow for a better equipment of the houses and thereby strengthen the social cohesion. With the establishing of the fund, a community center will be built. To avoid building apartments that will not be rented out, as has happened in the downtown districts, the houses in Shan’cheng’xiang should attract a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, life plans and income levels. In order to do so, the apartments should have exibel sizes, contain smaller units, lower technical facilities and intelligent system technology that saves energy. Since the layout and geometry of the houses and blocks are so unique, this is what should be protected under heritage policies, rather than the mere outside of a facade. However, to reduce the re hazard, the dead end alleys have to be opened up by removing the house blocking the streets. Newly constructed buildings should in their design be informed by traditional hutong layouts that divide semi-public and private yards and allow for natural air ventilation. To improve the visibility of the historical and natural heritage, the landscape as well as the cultural sites have to be emphasized. This can happen in connection to the development of the old hospital

area that has been abandoned and transformed into a community garden. Rather than constructing a square, as has been suggested by the planning institution, a park with platform plaza should be designed, which allows for more leisure activities and might thereby draw visitors, as well as it will emphasize the Mountain Trail as a starting point through the neighborhood. Since most to all parts of the vegetable garden might be destroyed, it is suggested to invest into roof top gardens when renewing the houses at the cliff, to allow for the social practice of gardening to continue. n the east end of the trail, we suggest to construct a bioengineered slope to secure the cliff and improve the visibility of the cultural and natural heritage of the site. The costs of building the park as well as the bioengineered slope, the basic infrastructure for the heat pump system and the walking system will be covered by the government. The investment will account to ÂĽ29 million. The initial investment into the fund will be covered by stakeholders like the Energy Foundation, Chora, Stiftung Merkator, CALC, CEPA or others. After the initial implementation of energy technologies, the residents will immediately save money with their energy bills. From that, they can cover their contribution to the fund themselves.

SOLUTION spatial impact

walking system & building plan

SOLUTION spatial impact

spatial structure analysis

details of building transformations

work ow & timeline



Welcome to the Neighborhhod Commons of Shan’cheng’xiang. Chonqqing’s rst pedestrian-only district in Downtown Yuzhong, where neither cars nor traf c lights distract you from the panoramic view over the Yangtse river. Stroll along the Mountain Trail and pass through a modern chinese village, where contemporary architecture inspired by the layout of traditional chinese hutongs is fused with historic buildings and local vernaculars. Welcome to a neighborhood where the residents decide which socio-ecological projects are to be realized in their neighborhood. Where energy is produced sustainably and ef ciently. A neighborhood where every resident, regardless of income or social status, has the power to partake in shaping the future of his community. The Neighborhood Commons of Shan’cheng’xiang were created with the support of the district government of Yuzhong, Energy Foundation China, Mercator Stiftung and a consortium of NG s and research institutes as part of the Sino-German Initiative for Sustainable Community Development. The project commenced in 2017, when as rst step a non-pro t energy company and a local community fund administrated by it were established. The fund

enables the residents of Shan’cheng’xiang to support the local energy transition with small donations of 0.05 ¥/kWh. In return, for the next 20 years the residents are able to use 5% of the donations as well as all pro ts made by nanced energy ef ciency and renewable energy technologies to support projects in the community.

ne of their members is Mr. Chang. Mr. Chang is one of the social nodes of Shan’cheng’xiang. As the owner of the local convenience store on the Mountain Trail pedestrian road, he is well connected with his neighbors. He has many memories of this area. When he was younger, the neighborhood used to be a beautiful place where respected people were living. Even a general of the Republic of China used to live here, but that was long before Mr. Chang was born. However, when Chongqing’s urbanization set in, Shan’cheng’xiang was left behind. Mostly, that was due to obscure property rights and the site’s location: The neighborhood is located at a steep slope and cut off from the rest of the city by walls and major infrastructure.

For Mr. Chang these were times of austerity. The buildings of the neighborhood were deteriorating and many house owners were not able to afford modernization of supply infrastructure. Mr. Chang wanted to move, but his store did not earn him enough revenue. Back then, his shop used to be only 8 sqm and his living room was just a bit larger. He used to pay ÂĽ300 for electricity each month and during the summer the bill increased up to ÂĽ400, because of the intense use of the old air condition during the hot Chongqing summers. Two years ago, things started to change, when the government bought the rights to

most of the properties. First, Mr. Chang and his neighbors were fearing that the site was going to be renewed and he had to move out. But then, the Neighborhood Commons were set up instead and a cooling system was implemented to which all houses were connected. This immediately saved Mr. Chang money, because he does not use his old air conditioning anymore, which made his overall energy consumption decrease. A small amount of the money he saves, he is contributing to the Community Fund, which he quickly became a member of. Since then he pays a slightly higher price for electricity to support the local fund, but still has more money left because of the amount he saves. Via the Neighborhood Commons Smartphone Application, Mr. Chang now monitors the overall consumption of his community and the goals they set themselves. Last year he used the platform for the rst time to propose a project to be nanced by the community fund. As a lot of his neighbors were interested in his idea to buy a community bicycle that enables the transportation of heavy good, he invited them to an open workshop in the community center to discuss details. A few days ago his idea was realized. The new bike allows Mr. Chang a quicker commute to the vegetable wholesale, where he buys produce that he can now sell in his store. This makes life easier not only for the eldest residents of the community, but also earns him more money and diversi es his supply.


Ever since he sells more in less time, he now can close his shop an hour earlier and attend the community workshops that are happening in the newly renovated school building that has been transformed into the community center. Besides the workshops and lectures that are taking place, the common area can be used for exercising. With the money of the fund, the community has established an open workshop area, where residents work on new projects for the neighborhood and can lend the tools for own projects.

community bike

community center The Community Center has drawn also the residents from the neighboring districts, who are partaking in activities and making use of the public park in Shan’cheng’xiang. The neighborhood has developed into a showcase for low carbon neighborhoods.

Instead of having been dwarfed by the downtown skyscrapers, Shan’cheng’xiang has preserved its geometrical grain, its lifestyle and social structure, and has empowered its community to partake in decisionmaking with the help of commonly shared technology.

energy ow


sustainable energy fund


community park & plaza

NATURE POLIS ACTION PLAN Learning City Chongqing New Models of City Life Alternative Ecomonies for Old Urban Neighbouhoods CQU - TUB Urban Planning Studios Chongqing, March 2016


Jule Strohwald HCU Hamburg

Jiang Yunxi CQ University

Mira Gloser TU München

Yeng Wenjing CQ University

Cao Yuehao CQ University







Shanchengxiang is a small sized and archaic urban area in the growing metropolis of Chongqing.

Shanchengxiang is situated on the southbank of the peninsula of Yuzhong in the center of the city of Chongqing. The area of Shanchengxiang extends on a little more than 18km2 on the cliff above the Yangtze river. Because of this special location the area appears like a boutique balcony above the riverside. The Chongqing Mountain Trail and the old pedestrian road of the area supply a lovely view on the river and the other part of the city. The small sized buildings and the narrow alleys evoke the feeling of an antique village in the middle of one of the largest urban areas within China. Visitors can see that Shanchengxiang is one of the oldest parts of the city of Chongqing. The oldest building to be found there is dated from the Qing Dynasty. It’s an old wood building hidden in the back alleys of the district. There is also the Houlu cers of the Republic of China (1912-1949). Nowadays it’s under protection of cultural heritage. But we can see that the passed by years let the building age. But it’s not only the Houlu Building which has the status of cultural heritage. The former hospital high above the cliff and the Mountain

Trail is also under protection. These buildings show exemplary the historical sigthe scattered and small sized buildings of Shanchengxiang are witnesses of former times. Not all of those buildings are pretty but they show us today, how the people used to live in Chongqing in the past. But not everything in Shanchengxiang is worth to be kept in it. Many of the houses of the area are in a bad situation. We have to face that due to the old building conditions the area needs a smart renewal. Firstly to improve and develop the living conditions and infrastructure of Shanchengxiang, secondly to protect the old building structure and cultural heritage within the area. The dwellers of Shanchengxiang face quite bad living conditions. This needs to be improved! To protect the future of the original Shanchengxiang smart solutions will be needed.





To keep the authenticity of the Shanchengxiang area, the Team of the Naturepolis Action Plan provides advice how to modernize in a holistic way. The housing and living conditions in authentic but old Chinese urban areas, like Shanchengxian on the Yuzhong Peninsula of Chongqing, is often quite bad. The area of Shanchengxian fears to be demolished. But we think the authentic scenery is worth to be kept. As a team of young and motivated developers it’s our goal to develop suitable solutions for the protection of authentic but old Chinese urban areas. Always aware of a growth infected urban environment. Therefore we invent a clever way to modernize without demolishment. We call it the Naturepolis Action Plan. The Naturepolis Action Plan is a toolbox connected to a holistic agenda for the modernization of old building areas within Chongqing and greater China. The Team of NAP provides advice on suitable building strategies using smart technologies and innovative material. With using those tools and materials we can answer the requirements of the modernization of the old and small-scaled living area in a totally new way of thinking - while working with the substance but also adding new forms. The advantage of the NPA to ordinary ways of

innovative solution than just the demolishment and new building of an area. Therefore we work with a research-based solutions we think it’s necessary to research the conditions and issues of a site more than well, to discover and use what’s to be found there. Being a toolbox the Naturepolis Action Plan brings along a card-system which can solutions. With those cards, we as developer can create different scenarios for the modernization of Shanchengxiang. So we can see how an intervention in the area will operate within the area. On the next pages our team will show how the Naturepolis Action Plan functions.

I Heritage Protection

II Renovation

III Reconstruction

Heritage Protection means strictly keeping the existing or restore it if necessary. The appearance and material, as well as the construction will be saved and protected. Heritage conservation is relying more on science and technologies ranging from chemistry, biology and geology to computer science, material science and radio electronics today. In China the need to raise awareness of intangible heritage, improve management expertise and prevent relics smuggling is highlighted.

Renovation means keeping the structure of a building and all positive design elements in combination with adding new design ideas for example building parts. Existing damages will be repaired and maintained. Tak-



Building Big Naturepolis

D00 Naturepolis Design ID

IV Remolish Cycle

Reconstructing means keeping the shape and appearance of a building, as well as the construction elements that work, but rebuilding everything from scratch.

“Remolish cycle” is an intervention of a mix of the words recycling and demolishing. The building will be taken down, the Material will be recycled in collecting and separating it to reuse it at the same site. Material that is useless waste must be disposed.



we have to highlight. Renovation means everything from sanifying, cleaning, reorganizing, rehabilitating, reconstructing and remediating the area of housing.

Building Big Naturepolis

T00 Naturepolis Tech Kid


Building Big Naturepolis

S00 Naturepolis Social Structure

Building Big Naturepolis

H00 Naturepolis House ID

DRAWING, The Naturepolis Social Structure System provides Preservation of social Infrastructure in urban scattered areas. It aims for people’s needs in the area and improves the social system. Social Participation must be requested. Existing Structures shall be kept and adopted in modernization. People that own Micro Businesses shall be supported. It’s possible to move back in the neighborhood after Heritage & Modernization if affordable.

Naturepolis House ID is the architectural identity that will be given by several ideas of a building. Preserved

and can implement them in other parts of the new design areas.

The Naturepolis Tech Kid will equip the urban scattered area with Technical smart solutions that offer an ecofriendly, sustainable, healthy and alternative living. Technical Modernization can also be implemented in Heritage if it is useful for sustainability and does not heavily change the appearance. Of course it will be implemented in Reconstruction, Renovation and Remolish Cycle.





Naturepolis Design ID is the design identity of an urban scattered area. Preserved Designs are worth being

DESIGN Big Naturepo-

spatial impact of issues


S01 Willing Worker

D01 Chongqing Alley

T01 Technical Cover

The famous Chongqing Alley is a repetitive Phenom-

A Technical Cover is a Cover which protects the environments appearance from unaesthetic attachment of Technical supplies such as Air-conditioners or Parabolic antennas. In future planning there must be space prevented for Air-Condition considering the scale. For example there is a weather proof Air-condition Cover made out of metal or wood invented and one for interior space made out of sleaze in different colors and patterns.

It changes from narrow walking paths into square like



D02 Chongqing Gate

face in houses. The change between private and public is signed at this point. Gates also separate areas and lead the way into different zones. They are very comment and must be reserved.



SECTOR: SIZE: Small SOURCE: Naturepolis

Building Heritage

SOCIAL Big Naturepolis

& Modernisation BCD

on site by questioning every person that lives on site and collecting their expertise. They must be registered in a card index and be given the opportunity to stay in the neighborhood to work but also live. They also can be trained for new necessary tasks such as .other charts? (maintenance, construction .)



kept. Existing forms, protect them and can implement them in other parts of the new architecture. The Naturepolis Technical Aid Kid, the Design ID and the Social Structure will be implemented in the Naturepolis House ID of course.

HOUSE Big Naturepolis

H01 Haus am Hang

A house on the hill is very popular for example in Switzerland where building and landscape integrate. The advantage of great views in several levels and the phenomena of terrace building allows integrating roof terraces. The possibility for nature space with a great view brings a luxurious aspect to “Haus am Hang” and makes a lifestyle in the urban area healthier. Investing in a long-life house with necessary seal to protect the building from humidity and realizing projects by taking advisors and looking at examples in Switzerland. This luxurious living will be a reasonable investment. SECTOR: SIZE: Big


T03 Electric Car Tunnel

S02 Naturpolis Maintanance

H02 Out Standing Stairs

If inhabitants of this hill side area need a car they can share electric cars that will be place in the excisting Tunnel.

Let’s invest in building up a well-functioning Maintenance System. There must be rules for a maintenance System. The owner is in charge of his property, also if there are public pathways around the house. The neighbor lines are clearly documented. The feeling of ownership and taking care of own belonging must be internalized and understand. There must be a rent contract between the owner and renter so the liability is clear. Their can be a new micro business (S0.) for Maintenance as well. An opportunity for willing workers (S01) to work and live in the district.

The most of the stairs in the site are indoor,but we found an out standing stairs which is a decorate of the building.

SECTOR: SIZE: Small SOURCE: Naturepolis






D04 Naturepolis Pattern

T05 Solar panels

S03 Naturpolis Saftykid

H03 House on House

Collect existing patterns, protect them and implement them in other parts of new design. Eyisting Patterns are important for the design identity of scattered urban areas and worth being protected.

Photovoltaics (PV) is a technology used to convert solar radiation into electricity. Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) are increasingly incorporated into new domestic and industrial constructions as a principal or auxiliary source of electrical power.

There is an excisting safe feeling in this neighbourhood community. The Nature Polis Safety Kid will keep maintain this phenomena.

House on house, roof on roof,which is for better sunlight and better ventilate.And in the evening people can see the sky through the scuttle.


SECTOR: Utility Supply SIZE: Small SOURCE: Wikipedia - Photovoltaics




D05 Chinese Window

The Chinese Window is a wooden window with beautiful design and frame work. Though the insulation must be improoved also the shape, appearance and design is worth beeing kept.



T03 Eco Kitchen

A composting kitchens is cycle kitchen that put rubish when maken druing cooking and after meal.And the compost under ground will become gas that can provied to the residences.

SECTOR: SIZE: Small SOURCE: Naturepolis


A composting toilet is a dry toilet that uses a predominantly aerobic processing system that treats excreta, typically with no water or small volumes RIĂ XVKZDWHUYLDFRPSRVWLQJRUPDQDJHGDHURELF decomposition.

SECTOR: Waste Heritage & Modernisation SIZE: Small SOURCE: Wikipedia - Composting Toilet



T06 Green Roof

H04 Traditional Tilling

Green roofs are vegetated layers that sit on top of the conventional waterproofed roof surfaces of a building. They integrate a water management system that processes waste-water from the building, as well as storing surplus rainwater in constructed wetlands. They have insulation and cooling properties and the roofs, and their capacity to promote biodiversity in built-up areas.

Use roofbuilding style and tilling. Roofshape, Roof construction other charts


T04 Eco-Toilets


Building Heritage

& Modernisation BCD SECTOR: SIZE: Big


H06 Garden Trees

H05 Green Stairs

The trees can be planted in garden which are near the wall in the street,and the trees may grow out from the wall when they are big enough.

Green Stairs is the stairs that can go into the house,and on the stairs there are so many plant on them planted by the people living in the house.



I II II IV Building


T07 Kabeltrommel

D06 Wind Wall

Well what shall we do with the cablesalad also called cable spaghetty. Electricity supply will be offered in the area with a conection to green energy sources. Nature Polis Smart Tools as Solarpower, Eco-Kitchens or EcoToilets will produce electric power for the community.

A wall is made by blocks,and the wall can come across the fresh air to adjust the air quality indoor.Which can balence the temperature indoor in summer as well.

SECTOR: SIZE: Big SOURCE: Naturpolis

Building Heritage

& Modernisation BCD SECTOR: SIZE: Small








Shanchengxiang future lies inbetween the growing environment of Chongqing, the need of modernization the demand of preserving cultural heritage While visiting and researching the side Shanchengxiang. One the one hand those issues can be understand as challenges on

acteristics of the area. Most of the people living there aren’t wealthy at all, they work in low-income jobs in other parts of the city. Many of the local dwellers are senior citi-

ties within the area. In any way those issues are worth to be researched and understood more closely. Talking about the challenges of the side, one can’t deny that the building and therefore living conditions are quite bad. Many of the old houses have serious water damages, most of the houses have no private toilet or bathroom, many of them suffer of bad electrical facilities and so and so on. Due to the density of the buildings and the narrow alleys but also because of the bad electrical

But Shanchengxiang not only faces serious issues. On the plus side we have a lot of things to talk about. Firstly, there is the location of the area: next to the cliff with a great view on the river and the other riverside, but also imbedded in the urban structure of Yuzhong Peninsula. The beauty of the cliff view which can be enjoyed from the Chongqing Mountain Trail and the old pedestrian road of the area. Also the appearance of building structure is very interesting. It reminds of old, medieval towns in Italy and other plac-

Speaking of challenges one can see that living in hill area, high above the riverside, complicates the connectivity of the Shanchengxiang neighborhood. In the inner-area there is only the possibility of pe-

smart and decorative details on the existing buildings, which can be very inspiring for the design of the modernization of the area. With the Naturepolis Action Plan we answer such a variety of issues with the use of smart tools. Those are categorized into the topics of Naturepolis Design ID, Naturepolis Tech Kid, Naturepolis Social Structure and Naturepolis House ID. In the next step you’ll learn more about that.

cliff and on the brink of the urban areas of Yuzhong Peninsula, the reachability of the area is quite poor. One last but important thing on the side of the serious topics is the demographic char-

Quality maps as a result of researche



spatial impact of issues




Tec Researche of qualities and challenges




How to use the a scenario system using the Tools of the Naturepolis Action Plan.

Every card of the scenario system has a special meaning and function in developing suitable solutions for the moderinzation of old urban areas. Here we will describe how the different tools can be implemented. Heritage Protection means strictly keeping the existing or restore it if necessary. The appearance and material, as well as the construction will be saved and protected. Renovation means keeping the structure of a building and all positive design elements in combination with adding new design ideas for example building parts. Existing damages will be repaired and maintained. Taking thought we have to highlight. Renovation means everything from sanifying, cleaning, reorganizing, rehabilitating, reconstructing and remediating the area of housing. Reconstructing means keeping the shape and appearance of a building, as well as the construction elements that work, but rebuilding everything from scratch. “Remolish cycle” is an intervention of a mix of the words recycling and demolishing. The building will be taken down, the Material will be recycled in collecting and separating it to reuse it at the same site. Material that is useless waste must be disposed. Naturepolis Design ID is the design identity of


an urban scattered area. Preserved Designs design forms, shall be protected and implement in other parts of the new design areas. The Naturepolis Tech Kid will equip the urban scattered area with Technical smart solutions that offer an ecofriendly, sustainable, healthy and alternative living. Technical Modernization can also be implemented in Heritage if it is useful for sustainability and does not heavily change the appearance. Of course it will be implemented in Reconstruction, Renovation and Remolish Cycle. The Naturepolis Social Structure System provides the preservation of social Infrastructure in urban scattered areas. It aims for people’s needs in the area and improves the social system. Existing Structures shall be kept and adopted in modernization. People that own Micro Businesses shall be supported. It’s possible to move back in the neighborhood after Heritage & Modernization - if affordable. Naturepolis House ID is the architectural identity that will be given by several ideas of a building. Preserved architectural aspects function of the Naturepolis Technical Aid Kid, the Design ID and the Social Structure can of course be implemented in the Naturepolis House ID.



Eco-fri & Mod DSTH

+ + +



CHOOSE a step of HERITAGE & MODERNISATION of scattered urban areas with smart tools


“How does it work?”








endly Heritage dernizaion with H smart tools





Agenda of Naturepolis Action Plan * Research the area * Identify Issues * Think global, act local * Use smart tools for smart solution


+ + +


+ +


DESIGN SOCIAL TECHNICAL HOUSE The Funtions of the Naturpolis Action Plan




Stakeholder of an intervention in the area the planning administration and authorities of the city on Chongqing. It’s important to work together hand in hand with the governmental departments to develop suitable solutions for the area of Shanchengxiang. Secondly the people living there now and the people likely to live there in future play also role in our map of stakeholders. They are the experts to interview how the living in such an area shall be organized. In a third step, the Naturepolis Action Plan involves local businesses, cultural entrepreneurs, merchants and craftsmen who want to get involved in the holistic modernization of such a small-scaled area. In the end the by Naturepolis Action Plan provided modernization goes along with the creation of a new urban lifestyle for Chines cities. For that we have to look for and invite people who want to get busy here.



The connectivity of stakeholders in the Shanchengxia Project



market & busniss plan


As a team of young and motivated developers it’s our goal to develop suitable solutions for the protection of authentic but old Chinese urban areas. Always aware of a growth infected urban enPROBLEM WORTH SOLVING

The housing and living conditions in authentic but old Chinese urban areas, like Shanchengxian on the Yuzhong Peninsula of Chongqing, is often quite bad. The area of Shanchengxian fears to be demolished. But we think the authentic scenery is worth to be kept. TARGET MARKET

vironment. Therefore we invent a clever way to modernize without demolishment. We call it the Naturepolis Action Plan (NAP). OUR SOLUTION

The Team of NAP provides advice on suitable building strategies using smart technologies and innovative material. With using those materials we can answer the requirements of the modernization of the old and smallscaled living area in a totally new way of thinking - while working with the substance but also adding new forms. THE COMPETITION

On one hand the Naturepolis Action Plan targets The advantage of the NPA to ordinary ways of pltive solution than just the demolishment and new their cities. On the other hand the NAP involves building of an area. But also to prevent the disnypeople who like to live in small-scaled urban areas in a growing city environment. SALES CHANNELS

The Naturepolis Action Plan functions like a customized toolbox. It comes with working concept and variety of functions. Behinds that stands a larger idea, what we call the NAP AGENDA. Therefore the NAP it needs a professional team customizing it and selling it to the buyers. REVENUE

The Toolbox is already invented. To bring it in action there is the need of a motivated investor - like the Government - who takes an advanced payment. Once the solutions of the NAP are implemented in the neighborhood the area will improve and develop own precise model, which can be visited and learned from.


Because the NAP its a customized toolbox its necessary to present it directly to the planners and we‘ll get in touch directly. The idea will also be presented via a website and in architectural and planning magazines. EXPENSES

-Renovation und Rebuilding of old buildings -Demolishment ofold not renovatable buildings -Building of new houses -Paying craftsmen -Research on material -Marketing


qualities and problems. Than investigate technologies which are suitable for the spatial conditions of the Shanchengxian area. Test, develop and evaluate technologies. Evaluate and invite stakeholders. Get in touch with the public. Build busiTEAM AND KEY ROLES

For the successful implementation of the Naturepolis Action Plan different actors play a important role: Architects and craftsmen will researche and develope strategies of building with the local possibilities. Local stakeholders will suply local knowledge and contacts.

ness network. Implement technologies within the urban area of Shanchenxiang. Evaluate effect of intervention. Work on with the results.


-Producers of wood and bamboo -Local craftmen -Local historicans -Oversea knowledge in wood and bamboo buildings and sustainable building




The Naturepolis Action Plan works close together with the Chinese Government but also with local investors.

We will uplift the area by using the location, the scenery and its possible attractively. That will cause a positive effect on the living conditions. The uplifting attracts small businesses, merchants and new dwellers but also visitors. We will use the advantage of the historical resources in the area. By the holistic concept of uplifting the area we can and will convince local stakeholders and governmental authorities. The funding of the Naturepolis Action Plan relies on two main concepts. On the one hand the team of Naturepolis Action Plan will work close with the resources of the Chinese government. With regard on the particular issues of the Shanchengxiang area, working close together with governmental institutions like the Chongqing Urban Planning Bureau and the Department of Heritage is one important step in the modernization of the area. This relationship is to be supported by local experts like Chongqing professors of architecture and/ or history and the local NGO for the preservation of cultural heritage. If those parties stay together with the goal of a smart an suitable modernization of the Shanchengxiang area a big step in the direction of the future of Shanchengxiang is done. In this case the government will step into advanced payment for the

implementation of the Naturepolis Action Plan in Shanchengxiang. A second step will be, to bring private investors in the area. Investors who are willing and able to modernize in terms of the NAP Agenda and be a part of a new way of urban design. Naturepolis Action Plan promises a variance in the developing structure, by that the developers can react on uncertain moments but also leaves free moments for further developments. For the investors themselves this concept means the possibility not take the risk of an investment

tive for smaller businesses. Our solution is made for Chongqing’s area of Shanchengxiang – but it will be useful for other areas in Chongqing but also China. It’s going to be a contra plan to the recent urban development structures of china but it can be a symbol for how to deal with ancient areas in time of urban growing.

HERITAGE & MODERNIZATION Decicion on excisting buildings explained by four Szenario Examples

SCENARIO EXAMPLE RECONSTRUCTION “conversion: dwelling to homestay”


Behind a Chinese Gate (D02) in a Chongqing Alley (D01) with Chinese windows (D05) the Nature Polis Action Team finds a Typical SCX House (H07) and Willing Workers (S01).


Nature Polis Action Team implements the Sino German Wood Construction (H04) for reconstructing the building typology. The Willing Workers (S01) can be a builder, new business people for the Micro Business (S04) of the "homestay" or working for the Nature Polis Maintanance (S02) System. Implementing new technologies like a EcoKitchen (T03) and an Eco-Toilet (T04) as well as a Solar Panel (T05) on the roof.



Micro Business (S04) with a Willing Worker (S01) in a Chongqing Alley (D01) with a Chinese Gate (D02) and Chinese windows (D05) in a Safe Neighborhood that has to be protected with the Nature Polis Safetykid (S03).


Nature Polis Action Team implements the Sino German Wood Construction (H04) for building attachements, gives the Micro Business (S04) bigger opportunities by building in an Eco-Kitchen (T03) and opening more space. Also the "Homestay Example" is implemented with an Eco-Toilet (T04) next to the Restaurant. The Chongqing Alley (D01) will be equipped with a Solar Panel Street Light (T07).




The Nature Polis Haus am Hang (H01) will use the characteristics of the Sino German Wood Construction (H04), Eco-Kitchen (T03), Eco-Toilet (T04), Solar Panel (T05) on the roof. as well as phenomena worth keeping like the Chinese window (D05), the Chinese Gate (D02) , or the Wind Wall (H06) and Green Stairs (H05), etc.




class rooms

square garden square

with stair head for visitors

class rooms



music room play rooms card bars

library storage




The Heritage of the unused exis hospital attached to it is used as building of an elementary school (D04) are discovered. The Nature Polis Action Team im school. The Chongqing Alley (D0 school is being created to conn Workers (S01) can be a builder, demanded from the purpose of th Also we offer new functions for gaming rooms for Majiang and ca

ing Christian Church will be kept but converted into a library for the EDU-Center. The old a school for authistic children at present. Across the Chongqing Alley (D01) the beautiful can be found. Characteristics of the Typical SCX House (H07) and the Nature Polis Pattern

plements the Sino German Wood Construction (H04) for attaching modern modules to the 1) will be kept though a new square between the Church and the renovated elementary ect the three elements: church, existing autistic school and elementary school. Willing guards, teacher etc. The Chinese Gate (D02) will be addapted on parts where privacy is e school. The Nature Polis Tech Kid (T00) is adjusted implemented he Nature Polis community such as a museum of the Shan Cheng Xiang, a library and rds that were observed being very popular in this neighborhood.

SOLUTION benchmark

Meet raumlabor berlin - a talendet and inspiring urban design team from Germany: RESEARCH

“Raumlabor are committed to dealing with places 1:1, discovering and usthe conditions at the site. In the process of doing, we learn more about the investigation site through ing new methods that are open to appropriation and upgrading existing methods. We do not always solve problems; we initiate processes that give players the opportunity to get to know, understand and use the city and its dynamics, as well as its possibilities.�




Gรถteborg Bathing Culture / raumlabor Berlin

SOLUTION spatial impact

3D-Modell Naturepolis Action Plan Project in Shanchenxiang

SOLUTION technical studies

Detail why we use the Sino-German Wood Construction (H04) in the examples for Heritage and Modernization of scattered urban areas. The Sino – German Wood Team is a research group of Chinese and German students offering a selection of ideas how to implement wood in urban scattered areas in China. The summarization shall show the importance and advantages of using wood as an important renewable resource. Wood is a high-performance building material and an innovative energy carrier. It will also be used in other cards such as H01-03 and is connected to other smart tool sectors. The recyclable, low carbon material creates environmentally friendly, sustainable buildings with the overall goal building low carbon in China. As an innovative energy carrier wood is the highest low carbon material compared to other materials such as concrete, aluminum and steel. Wood contributes to climate protection in its role as carbon reservoir and is recyclable. Wood can be used in all areas of building with a high range of design opportunity: for construction, interi-

Xiang, can be provided with warm wooden

signs create buildings with highest level of regrowing material. In 2013 German forestry celebrated the 300 years anniversary of the invention and establishment of the concept of sustainability. Since then forests in Germany have been managed under highest sustainability standards. Based on sustainability in forestry, the principle of sustainability has been established in various areas of business and society such as the sustainable building and green building. We want to support the use of wooden materials to create environmentally friendly sustainable buildings. In Chongqing there are 75 tree farms mostly growing pine: Kai County (230.000ha), Pengshui County (220.000ha), Wulong County (210.000ha). Compared to other materials such as steel lasts at least 90 Minutes dependent on the

like cork and as façade for example using wooden slabs. Consumers particularly enjoy the atmospheric comfort of wood which contributes a high degree of living quality and quality of life. One of our goals, to improve the life quality in Shan Cheng

other materials like steel plates and steel sections can be used for example on a concrete column foot to protect the wood.

H04 Sino-German Wood Team

add press

moist wood


into machine

soak in liquid medicine

WOOD FABRICATION add press The Sino – German Wood Team is a research group of Chinese and German students offering a selection of ideas how to implement wood in urban scattered areas in China. The summarization shall show the importance and advantages of using wood as an important renewable resource. Wood is a high-performance building material and an innovative energy carrier. It will also be used in other cards such as H01-03. The recyclable, low carbon material creates environmentally friendly, sustainable buildings with the overall goal building low carbon in China.


draw water

out from machine

dry wood

House Big I II III IV Naturepolis







construction material wood

(wave form net)


wood slat (KS heat insulation materiel)

construction material


(binder course) (ventilation paper)

(KS heat insulation materiel)




ventilation paper:adjust the indoor temperature wind

APM craft wind

Termite Protection residual strengt

steel 05cm x 2.5cm 10cm x 5.0cm


rature change curve of tempe

Stakeholders burning time(min)


Contact in Chongqing: Chongqing Xiangyang Wood-Working Factory (Shapingba district) Tanjiagang Jinzhugou NO. 88 Tel.: 02365208899

Contact in Germany: WOOD GERMANY UG Postfach 150128 53040 Bonn Tel.: 0228 – 18032000

Example - How to use Wood

SOLUTION upscaling plan of urbanspace

How to design and plan on such an urban scale and how to meet the contemporary demands for sustainable











How the area will change

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