Travel News Issue 5

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Travel News 2019 ISSUE 05

Ying Wah


Destination: Sichuan 超值精華遊:印象四川 Best of Bath & South West Wales 巴斯及西南威爾斯精華景點

Must See in Iceland 冰島必訪特色景點

Your journey matters as much to us as it does to you. That’s why we’re here to help you on your way, to make the most of everything that lies ahead. London Heathrow / London Gatwick / Manchester FLY WITH DIRECT FLIGHTS TO HONG KONG AND VIA THE EXTENSIVE HUB TO ASIA AND BEYOND



GLOBAL DREAM Asia's Largest Cruise Ship


(Launching 2021)

Contents 目錄 4

Dream Cruise: A Taste of the Palace 星夢郵輪:皇宮盛宴


Destination: Sichuan 超值精華遊:印象四川


Must See in Iceland 冰島必訪特色景點

Launching 2021 THE FUTURE OF CRUISING IS COMING! Construction Cost




Meet You in Bibury 在拜伯里與你不期而遇


Overall Width

billion (USD)

58M Length



Passenger Capacity


342M 208,000 tons



(maximum 9,000 + )

Designed & Manufactured By

MV Werften

Gross Tonnage


Dream Cruises will introduce the next the largest cinema at sea, voice and facial

Best of Bath & South West Wales 巴斯及西南威爾斯 精華景點

generation of mega cruising with the all new

recognition technology, self-guided mobile

Global Dream in 2021.

assistants and so much more.

The largest cruise ship ever to be designed and

Enjoy the authentic Asian experience on board

built in Germany, this state-of-the-art vessel

with heartfelt Asian hospitality, authentic

features the latest hardware and advanced

Chinese cuisine, and the largest variety of

technology - the culmination of Genting’s 50+

Asian and International dining, as you sail

years experience in tourism and hospitality.

from Asia’s major homeports to the region’s

Be wowed by the industry’s most spacious

most exciting destinations.

staterooms and most luxurious suites, the Better yet, go global with grand voyages to first-ever theme park at sea featuring the

the rest of the world including Australia, New

world’s longest roller coaster at sea,

Zealand, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean!




First-ever theme park at sea

Largest cinema at sea

Clubs and lifestyle venue Asia's most from world's top 3 club Zouk luxurious suites

Copyright 2019, All rights reserved Phone: 0121 328 8898 For advertising enquiries contact: Business mailing address: Ying Wah Travel Unit 2, Wing Yip Business Centre, 278 Thimble Mill Lane, Birmingham, B7 5HD

(featuring the world's longest roller coaster at sea and water park)

(8 theatres convertible for meetings and events)

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Ying Wah Travel has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this magazine, Travel News is accurate on the stated date of publication or last modification. It is possible that the information may be out of date, incomplete or the opinion of the author. It is advisable that you verify any information from this magazine before relying on it. Ying Wah Travel accepts no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information and material contained from this magazine, Travel News. Materials contained are subject to copyright and other proprietary rights.




Largest variety of Asian and International cuisines

Voice and facial recognition technology, and smart app

270 panoramic views and live shows

*Images are for reference only.

TOP 10 L



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u is


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B er Cr

in g a n d C r u

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Now from

“Taste the Dream” 2-night Weekend Getaway & 5-night Dream Discovery

£388 (2-night) / £831 (5-night) per person

Original price from £646 (2-night) /£1,385 (5-night) per person


Naha‧ Miyakojima / Manila‧ Subic Bay

“Taste the Dream” 3-Night Dream Discovery


£917 per person

Penang ‧ Langkawi / Langkawi ‧ Phucket

Featuring exclusive dinner menu crafted by guest chefs:

“The Queen’s Feast”

“The Forbidden Banquet”

. Personal chef to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana for 15 years . Cooked for five U.S Presidents . First visit to Hong Kong and Singapore

. His great-grandfather was a high-ranking official helming household affairs of the Imperial Court in the Qing Dynasty

Chef Darren McGrady

“Taste The Dream” guests enjoy full set menus crafted by Chef Darren McGrady including: . Juniper Crusted Venison with Truffle Oil Risotto (The Queen’s favourite) . Tomato & Dill Mousse (Princess Diana’s favourite) . Vegetarian menu available

Chef Ivan Li

. Served countless famous world leaders and celebrities including former U.S President Clinton, Bill Gates and Jackie Chan “Taste The Dream” guests enjoy full set menus crafted by Chef Ivan Li including: . Bird’s Nest with Shredded Chicken and Beans (One of the Cixi’s favourite) . Mashed Green Beans with Minced Scallops and Ginger (Must have item for Cixi) . Vegetarian menu available

Genting Dream: 10 - 13 November 2019, 3-Night Penang – Langkawi cruise

Genting Dream: 17 - 20 November 2019, 3-Night Langkaw – Penang cruise

World Dream: 29 December 2019 - 3 January 2020 (5-night) / 3 – 5 January 2020 (2-night)

World Dream: 13 – 18 October 2019 (5-night) / 18 – 20 October 2019 (2-night)

Exclusive for guests on selected sailings :

. . . . .


A Taste of The Palace - An Unforgettable Dining Experience at Sea!

Garden Party British Music Night Millinery Workshop Make Your Own Blend workshop Chinese Opera

All guests enjoy:

. Enlightening talks by guest chefs – fascinating tales of cooking for royalty . Complimentary dining at all-inclusive restaurant . Chargeable a la carte dishes, vegetarian menus and favourite wine tasting of the Queen and Princess Diana

It’s the largest, dedicated “Luxury ship-within-a-ship” area at sea featuring “all-inclusive, all-suite” luxury concept onboard. Enjoy special privileges and 24-hour butler concierge service to provide you limitless fun & leisure time with your kids.


YING WAH TRAVEL VISA SERVICE Fill in complicated application forms for you


Check all your documents before submission

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Book with us today! With our travel expertise, we will be able to provide everything you need for your travels. We specialise in travelling to long haul destinations in Asia and the Far East. As an appointed agent by many of the world’s leading airlines, we will provide you with tickets of the best value along with exclusive extra baggage allowance. You can book with us via different methods: telephone, online or in person. Our team of professionals will share our expertise in helping you find your dream holiday.

Specialist in Asia Flight Tickets, Cruises, and Tours Website: Email: +44(0)7771 009 009 YingWahTravel

• Competitive Price

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+44 (0)333 666 8888 | +44 (0)121 328 8898 Birmingham Head Office: Unit 2 Wing Yip Business Centre, 278 Thimble Mill Lane, B7 5HD Birmingham Chinatown Office: Unit 2 Ladywell House, 20 Hurst Street, Birmingham, B5 4BN


SHIP OF THE MONTH MSC PREZIOSA MSC Preziosa boasts a real stone piazza, Swarovski crystal staircases and a magical ‘infinity’ pool - a cruise on MSC Preziosa is perfect for any customers that look for elegance and enjoyment during their holidays. She will be sailing to the pearls of Northern Europe directly from Southampton, on the Summer 2020 programme! That’s not all, you can see all the spectacular Northern European ports from the balcony cabin, which will be the same price as an interior cabin thanks to our Get The Best promotion!

May 2020 Cruise: 7 Nights, Northern Europe Cruise from Southampton: Embarkation: Southampton (UK) May 06 2020 - 20:00 Disembarkation: Southampton (UK) May 13 2020 - 07:00 Southampton (UK), Zeebrugge (Belgium), Rotterdam (Nertherlands), Hamburg (Germany), Le Havre (France), Southampton (UK)

from £699* per person

*now until the 13th of December, get a BALCONY CABIN for the price of an interior cabin !!

Entertainment & Leisure –

Restaurants and Buffet –

MSC Aurea Spa –

MSC Yacht Club –

MSC Preziosa offers a world of enjoyment for children of all ages thanks to the Doremi Castle kids’ aqua park and the high-speed thrill of Vertigo.

A choice of distinct dining venues promises something special for every taste, as well as dishes created excusively for MSC Preziosa by the German chef Harald Wohlfhart.

The award-winning MSC Aurea Spa is a haven of peace and pampering on board, offering beauty and wellness treatments to melt the tension away.

A place where your customers can savour exclusivity and privacy with a 24-hour butler service. Consisting of exclusive suites, butler service, and dedicated facilities like a panoramic bar, à la carte restaurant and private pool and sun deck.




* Prices include the service charge. * All prices subject to availability. * Limited cabins, first come first serve. * Please note, all the information on this offer is accurate at the time of publication. If you are viewing this offer at a later date or time, price and availability may no longer be as advertised.




在英華旅遊預訂 漢莎航空機票 飛中國、香港

可享 兩件23公斤 行李限額 中國航點:北京、上海、南京、青島、瀋陽

Book Lufthansa flights to China or Hong Kong with Ying Wah Travel

Get 2 Pieces of 23KG Luggage Allowance Destinations in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shenyang

機上娛樂的全新時代: 直播電視!通過 Sport 24、CNN 和 Euronews,您將隨時掌握國際 體育賽事及新聞時事的最新動態。長途航班的所有艙位均免費 提供此項服務。

A new era of in-flight entertainment kicks off: Live TV! With Sport 24, CNN and Euronews, you’ll always be up to date with broadcasts of international sporting events and the latest news. Free of charge in all classes on long-haul.

超值精華遊:印象四川 Destination: Sichuan 1. 都江堰 Dujiangyan 都江堰是中國古代建設並使用至今的大型水利工程, 位於四川省都江堰市城西,岷江上游340公里處。都 江堰是由戰國時期秦國蜀郡太守李冰及其子於約前 256年至前251年主持始建的。經過歷代整修,兩千 多年來都江堰依然發揮巨大的作用。都江堰周邊的古 蹟甚多,主要有二王廟、伏龍觀、安瀾橋、玉壘關、 鳳棲窩和鬥犀臺等。

該風景區海拔3000米以上,海拔5000米以上的雪 峰達到7座,是中國最高的風景名勝區之一,也是中 國唯一的保護完好的高原濕地。這一地區還生存著十 餘種瀕臨滅絕的動物,包括大熊貓和四川疣鼻金絲 猴。1992年12月,黃龍被聯合國教科文組織列為世界 自然遺產。

3. 樂山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha 整個都江堰樞紐可分為堰首和灌溉水網兩大系統,其 中堰首包括魚嘴(分水工程)、飛沙堰(溢洪排沙工 程)、寶瓶口(引水工程)三大主體工程,此外還有 內外金剛堤、人字堤及其他附屬建築。都江堰工程以 引水灌溉為主,兼有防洪排沙、水運、城市供水等綜 合效用。它所灌溉的成都平原是聞名天下的「天府之 國」。

2. 黃龍風景區 Huanglong Scenic Area 黃龍與九寨溝毗鄰,僅相距100公里。因溝中有許多 彩池,隨著周圍景色變化和陽光照射角度變化變幻出 五彩的顏色,被譽為「人間瑤池」。

樂山大佛,全名嘉州凌雲寺大彌勒石像,是世界上高 度最高的石佛像。整座佛建成於唐朝,先後歷經3位 負責人,耗時約90年才最終完成。 大佛整體開山而建,而發髻等部分結構則為後期添 加。大佛在建成時,外側曾有木閣加以保護,但後來 已經完全損毀。樂山大佛歷史上曾有過多次維修, 在1982年2月24日列為第二批全國重點文物保護單 位。1996年12月6日,峨眉山—樂山大佛作為一項文 化與自然雙重遺產被聯合國教科文組織列入世界遺產 名錄。

1. 都江堰 Dujiangyan


2. 黃龍風景區 Huanglong Scenic Area

3. 樂山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha

4. 成都大熊貓基地 Chengdu Giant Panda Base

4. 成都大熊 基地 Chengdu Giant Panda Base

成都大熊貓繁育研究基地於1983年建立,位於成都市 北郊斧頭山側的淺丘上,是中國乃至世界著名的集大 熊貓科研繁殖、公眾教育和教育旅遊為一體的研究機 構和旅遊目的地,也是一個專門從事瀕危野生動物研 究、繁育、保護教育和教育旅遊的非營利性機構。 成都熊貓基地以建立初期從野外搶救的89隻大熊貓 為基礎,截至2018年年底已成功地使大熊貓圈養種 群數量增加到14隻,成為全球最大的圈養大熊貓人工 繁殖種群。另外基地也有小熊貓、金絲猴及其它瀕危 野生動物。 天府之國印象四川7天純玩無購物團 每人

£299 起

完整行程及更多地點請瀏覽英華旅遊網站 或致電 0333 666 8888 洽詢



法國航空 2 件 23 公斤行李優惠限額

Make your world tour bigger

天下之大 盡可抵達 在英華旅遊預訂荷蘭皇家航空機票 享 2 件 23 公斤優惠行李限額

Journeys of inspiration 放飛心靈之旅

Welcome to Economy

Choose your favourite seat then get comfortable with full-size blankets and plenty of space. Switch on with hours of on-demand entertainment or switch off and enjoy complimentary food and drinks on every flight. Surf or stream with mobile connectivity or stay up to date with live TV and news.

Abu Dhabi

The capital of the United Arab Emirates, sits off the mainland on an island in the Persian (Arabian) Gulf. Its focus on oil exports and commerce is reflected by the skyline’s modern towers and shopping megacenters such as Abu Dhabi and Marina malls.

Free Abu Dhabi Stopover! (T&Cs apply) Explore Abu Dhabi with a free two-night stopover. Simply book a multi-city flight via Abu Dhabi. When your flight is booked, tell us which of our premium hotels you’d like to stay at for free and we’ll do the rest for you.


Stream movies, TV shows and music to your own device

Watch Hollywood and Bollywood blockbusters

Catch up on your favourite TV shows

Listen to the latest albums




Tune in to your choice of radio

冰島必訪特色景點 Must See in Iceland

1. 蓋錫爾間歇泉 Geysir

3. 鑽石冰沙灘 Diamond Beach

「世界最著名的自然間歇噴泉之一」,也是「冰島最 大的天然間歇噴泉」。安靜的時候它像一個晶瑩通 透的水晶球,噴發時煙霧 繞 直沖雲霄,最高達30多 米,令人 它的雄偉和瑰麗景觀所傾倒。該地熱區還有 很多水溫70-100度的湧泉,沸騰的開水能在幾分鍾 內煮熟雞蛋。此外還有不少泡泡泉¸若干個泥漿泉和 蒸汽泉。

冰河湖對面的黑沙灘上擱淺著許多被海浪沖回岸邊的 冰石,被稱作「鑽石冰沙灘」。在陽光的照耀下,閃 閃發光、玲瓏精透,「鑽石冰沙灘」美名真是實至名 歸。無數背包客、攝影師、甚至好萊塢著名導演都深 深為 之傾倒。

2. 黃金瀑布 Gullfoss

「冰島最大的教堂」,也是「冰島最高建築」。作 市 區最重要的地 ,在市區的任何角落都可以看到它顯著

「冰島最壯觀的瀑布之一」,也是「冰島最大的斷層 瀑布」,之所以被賦予黃金之名,除了因 河水本身略 帶黃色的緣故外;亦因黃昏時候,整座瀑布會被日落 的太陽染成金黃色,造成有如黃金般的珍貴美景而命 名。黃金瀑布 L型梯級瀑布,兩級之間幾乎呈直角。 從鬼斧神工的斷層傾瀉而下的瀑布,濺出的水珠彌漫 天空,在陽光照射下形成道道彩虹,仿佛整個瀑布是 用金子鍛造成的,景象瑰麗無比。天氣晴朗時可以遠 觀「冰島第三大」朗格冰川(Langjokull)。

的高塔。通過教堂 部的電梯可以到達頂部的觀景台, 在這裡可以欣賞整個雷克雅未克群山環繞的美景。在 教堂前面的廣場上矗立着探險家「萊夫‧艾瑞克森」 (Leif Eriksson)的雕像,據考證他是世界上第一個 發現美洲大陸的冰島海上冒險家,比哥倫布早400多 年發現美洲大陸。

1. 蓋錫爾間歇泉 Geysir


4. 哈爾格林姆教堂 Hallgrímskirkja

2. 黃金瀑布 Gullfoss

3. 鑽石冰沙灘 Diamond Beach

4. 哈爾格林姆教堂 Hallgrímskirkja

5. 哈帕音樂廳 Harpa Concert Hall

6. 藍湖溫泉 Blue Lagoon 5. 哈帕音樂廳 Harpa 這裡是雷克雅未克「最大最引人注目」的地 ,也是城 市的文化和社會中心。其建築靈感來自冰島美景與極 光,城市被六邊形的玻璃幕牆切碎成一張張畫片,陽 光透射出斑斕的藍色、綠色、黃色,十分迷人。旁邊 就是海盜船骨架雕塑「太陽航海者Sólfar」,是這座 「無煙城市」的重要 標誌。

6. 藍湖溫泉 Blue Lagoon 藍湖地熱溫泉位於冰島西南部,距離首都雷克雅未克 大約39公里,是冰島最大的旅遊景點之一。藍湖所 在地是地球上地下岩漿活動最為頻繁的區域之一,這 種活動加熱了藍湖,使得水體蒸騰。 英華旅遊私家訂製 超豪華精品5日精品小團 通常在藍湖泡完溫泉後會感到全身皮膚緊繃,那是因 為矽有護膚之功效。如果水性好,還可潛水去挖白色 的溫泉泥塗在臉及身體上,據說能美顏健體,純天然 的護膚功效,由其衍生出的美容品在北歐國家銷路非 常好。


2019年12月16日出團 每人 起 (團費不含機票) 完整行程及更多地點請瀏覽英華旅遊網站 或致電 0333 666 8888 洽詢




Global Air Route Network China Southern Airlines has formed an extensive network with Guangzhou,Beijing,Urumqi and ChongQing as its hubs, covering all of China, radiating throughout Asia and linking Europe, America, Oceania & Africa, building an international network-oriented airline.

Starting May 1st, nationals from 53 countries can enjoy a 144-hour visa-free period when transiting through Southern China's Guangdong Province.



BAGGAGE DIRECT TO DESTINATION Passengers entering and leaving Guangzhou on China Southern Airlines do not need to claim checked baggage, saving time and effort.

Eligible passengers can travel in Guangdong Province for 144 hours visa free.

Eligible passengers can transfer to Guangzhou for one night in a high star hotel or have a free tour of Guangzhou.




符合條件旅客,無需辦 理中國簽證,即可在廣 東省內暢遊 144 小時

符合條件的旅客在廣州 中轉,可享受高星級酒 店一晚,或免費遊覽廣 州景點的優惠

凡乘坐南航航班經廣州 進出境的旅客,無需再 提取托運行李,省時省 力






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在拜伯里與你不期而遇,是一生最美好的記憶(英國最美麗小鎮) 其實,英格蘭有很多美麗的村莊,名氣最大的要數拜 伯里。她是歐洲十大最美村莊,2017百度旅遊推薦 的一生必去的50個最美小鎮中名列第三。知名度很 高,其中中國、韓國、日本遊客遊客很多。很多新人 會選擇到這裡舉辦婚禮,作為一生最美好的記憶。

我們從伯明翰出發坐火車到切爾滕那姆,然後轉巴士 到了賽倫賽斯特。入住了一間很古舊的旅館後,乘坐 大巴前往拜伯里小鎮,車子就停在小鎮邊上。(英國 的公共交通遍及城鎮所有地方,非常方便,有的地方 偏遠班次少,要查好時刻表,防止延誤行程)。 拜伯里是13世紀英國三個羊毛生產基地之一,成為英 國最富裕的村莊。財富滋生了大量的新貴族,他們大 興土木,建豪宅、建別墅、富麗輝煌的莊園。優雅迷 人的田園生活,吸引了更多大富商、貴族等從城裡移 居此地,成為富甲一方的地區。


泰晤士河正源頭就在拜伯里不遠處,流經鎮中心的科 隆河是泰晤士河的一個支流。著名的阿靈頓排屋建於 1384年,17世紀改為紡織作坊。這些都成為了歷史。

現在的拜伯里依然保留著用石頭建造的千年古屋、潺 潺流水、盈盈花草、古樹參天、天鵝野鴨、鴛鴦小 鳥。宛如一幅幅油畫那渾然交融、恬美愜意、古老寧 靜,充滿詩情畫意。

拜伯里也有酒店、旅館,如果你是喜歡熱鬧的,可選 擇住在賽輪賽斯特。城市不大,很多老房子沒有因城 市改造被拆毀而保留完好。

小鎮上一對新人舉辦婚禮,新娘長得非常漂亮,參加 婚禮的人們興高采烈,跟過節似的非常開心。


巴斯及西南威爾斯精華景點 Best of Bath & South West Wales 1. 皇家新月 Royal Crescent

3. 米納克劇場 The Minack Theatre

皇家新月是英國城市巴斯的一條有30幢住宅的新月 形道路,這些住宅建於1767年到1774年,乃英國最大 的喬治式建築之一,1950年6月12日列為一級登錄建 築。

這個坐落在海邊峭壁和巨大的岩石上,看似古羅馬遺 跡的建築,讓人疑心是古歷史文化遺址,或者古代大 力士的勞作成果,但實際上,這卻是一個每年都吸引 著全世界 無數的遊客前來拜訪的頂級藝術殿堂 - 米 納克劇場(The Minack Theatre)。這個讓人為之 驚嘆的崖頂圓形劇場是當地名媛Rowena Cade的摯 愛,這裡的每一塊石頭,每一粒沙都出自這位英國女 性的精心設計,而這劇院起初不過是她家的後院。

這些房子已由不同的名人居住超過200年。內部已作 出改動,但是立面仍保持最初的原貌。皇家新月現在 大部分是私人擁有的財產:1號是一個博物館,中央 的15、16號是一個酒店。多部電影和電視節目以該建 築物為背景。

2. 伊甸園計畫 Eden Project

Rowena自1930年開始著手把自己家後院的懸崖峭壁 一點點挖掘,搬運,雕刻成劇場的樣子。因為英國西 南角的天氣惡劣,她只能每年冬天工作,希望夏季有 人來表演。

伊甸園計畫位於康沃爾郡,是英國的受歡迎的遊客景 點。在溫室內都是從許多不同的氣候和環境中收集的 植物。 伊甸園計畫由多個巨大的溫室組成,包含數以千計的 植物物種的鄰接溫室,每個溫室都模仿一個天然生物 群。溫室由數百個由鋼框架支撐的六邊形和五邊形, 膨脹的塑料單元組成。溫室中最大的模擬了熱帶雨林 環境,第二個是地中海環境。這個景點還有一個外面 的植物園,這裡有許多植物和野生動植物。

1 皇家新月 Royal Crescent


Rowena事必躬親,水泥雕刻不在話下。她親手雕刻 的座位,座位號碼和扶手堪稱藝術品。五十年,她揣 著一場仲夏夜之夢,猶如英國荒原上的那株石楠花, 任憑大西洋怒濤拍岸,風沙割面,裙袂飛揚,她就是 這樣堅定且堅強地將餘生都奉獻給了這座懸崖邊上的 露天劇院,直到1983年她去世,享年89歲。如今, 劇院已有750多個座位,現已全年對外開放。

2 伊甸園計畫

Eden Project

3 米納克劇場 The Minack Theatre

4 科茨沃爾德 Cotswolds

4. 科茨沃爾德 Cotswolds 科茨沃爾德是英格蘭之西部地區,此區特色是典型古 色古香,充滿詩情畫意的英國氣氛。亦是英國《法定 特殊自然美景區》(Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty,簡稱AONB)。 此區並不具有行政分區上 的意義,因此雖然在地理上函蓋六郡,但卻非完全涵 蓋。 科茨沃爾德位於牛津以西,周圍散落著很多有趣的小 鎮,具有濃厚而純正的英國小鎮風味,也正是因為 這樣,英國的科茨沃爾德和法國的普羅旺斯以及義大 利的托斯卡納地區並稱為歐洲最美的三大田園風光地 帶。

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