Week 1&2

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WEEK 1 Construction Overview  

Key idea-----how the design ideas get translated into the built form Learning ways: o Experimentation o Observation o critique What is responsible? 1. structural principles----the way that the buildings are supported how loads are transported to the ground 2. materials 3. cranes & labour 4. basic science & engineering principles (tension compression, bending torsion & standard construction techniques)

Materials Introduction     

strength: weak/strong stiffness: stiff/flexible/stretchy/floppy shape: mono-dimensional(linear)/bi-dimensional(planar)/tridimensional(volumetric) material behaviours: isotropic/anisotropic sustainability & economy

Melbourne’s bluestone (basalt—from volcano) Lane:   

wheel ruts water damage & impact damage from trucks stiletto heels damage

Flinder Street: 

modern bluestone damaged by modern vehicles

Sydney-----sandstone Perth----clay for bricks & limestone

Basic Structural Forces A FORCE is any influence that produces a change in the shape or movement of a body

Ching ‘Building Construction Illustrated’ – Page 2.11

-Tension forces stretch and elongate the material When an external load pulls on a structural member, the particles composing the material move apart and undergo tension.

Lecturer: Clare Newton

-COMPRESSION FORCES produce the opposite effect of a tension force When an external load pushes on a structural member, the particles of the material compact together.

Lecturer: Clare Newton

Load Path Diagrams The applied loads have a reaction which means that the whole structure is stable.


TUTORIAL ACTIVITY—BUILD A TOWER AS TALL AS POSSIBLE At first, we made a square foundation, leaving a half-brick space between each bricks.

Then, to build a closed tower, we make the square into a circle.

At last, we decided to make a gate, so we put the bricks one by one as close as possible to avoid the tower being damaged. Not very stable and beautiful is the gate…

SUMMARY: we need to plan well before we build something because not any time we can succeed by accident like this. We didn’t mean to turn the square foundation into a circle…only because we want a closed tower during the constructing. Therefore, our tower didn’t have a particular style and a beautiful looking, although we call it abstract by ourselves. Also we didn’t need to build a gate. A much easier way is just pulling some bricks out after we build a stable tower.

Week 2 Key terms      

Structural joint Stability Tension Frame Bracing Column

CHING: 02 the building (2.02_2.04) BUILDING SYSTEM 

Structural system  the superstructure-----the vertical extension of a building above the foundation  columns, beams, and loadbearing walls support floor and roof structures  the substructures----the underlying structure forming the foundation of a building. Enclosure system o Shelter interior spaces o Dampen noise and provide security & privacy o Doors provide physical access o Windows provide access to light, air and views o Interior walls subdivide the interior of a building into spatial units Mechanical system  The water supply ----human consumption and sanitation  The sewage disposal system  Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning systems  The electrical system  Vertical transportation systems  Fire-fighting systems  Recycling systems

Factors should be taken into consideration      

Performance requirements Aethelic qualities Regulatory constraints Economic consideration Environmental impact Construction practice


CONSTUCTION JOINTS ROLLER JOINTS Transfer loads only in one direction




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