Architecture part I Portfolio sample works,2015-2018

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rT 2015-2018





Resume of Fanzhe Sun


Year 3 Project 2 - Guild of Craftsmaster/Sheffield


Year 3 Project 1 - Take the Water [pool or bath]/Scarborough


Year 2 Project 3 - House for Children/Burngreave


Year 2 Project 2 - History Library/Manchester (85 A+ project)


Year 2 Project 1 - Threshold [Walkers' refuge]/Castleton (85 A+ project)


(cooperated project designed by me and my partner)


P er s on al

i n f or mat i on :

Nationality: China Birth:1995 E-mail: fsun15113 @ yinliuyin @ Tel: 0044 7490 201397 (UK) 0086 18679336927 (China) Address: The Lyra, Portal Way, Acton, London, UK W3 6ZX

Hello I AM



I am a confident and creative individual, with a keen eye for detail and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Throughout my studies, I have developed strong self-study ability, interests in material, sustainability, construction detailing and assembly techniques, a passion for technical drawing and model making as well as excellent visual and verbal communication skills. My graduation dissertation is about the analysis of a post-second-world-war architecture to talk about its preservation, which also largely uses the diagram analysis visually.

S of t w ar es : Photoshop InDesign Illustrator AutoCad Vectorworks[BIM] SketchUp Rhinoceros Ecotect Premiere 4

W orks '

lin ks :

Part 1 Portfolio - detailed edition Part 1 Graduation Dissertation <Gone but not forgotten, the Birmingham central library> Year 2 Portfolio

A c ademic

ba ckgro und :

University of Sheffield, UK

Architecture RIBA part I graduate Bachelor of Arts Sep 2015 - June 2018

University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) Architecture part I fisrt year Sep 2014 - June 2015

L angu ages :

CHINESE native

O ther

ENGLISH advanced

s kills :

Hand drawing Measured technical drawing Concept collage Digital illustration Graphic design Machine/hand tool model making Wood work Laser cutting Diagram analysis 5

E x hi b i t i o n s : SSoA London Exhibition

Spitalfields Market, London, UK June, 2018

Exhibition for RIBA Examining

Arts Tower, Sheffield, UK Oct, 2017

'Library & Theater designed for Manchester' Exhibition

Sheffield station, Sheffield, UK April, 2017

SSoA Summer Exhibitions

Arts Tower, Sheffield, UK June-July, 2016,2017,2018

UNNC Architecture Summer Exhibition

Science & Engineering Building, Ningbo, China June-July, 2015

O t h er

i n t er es t s :

Architecture, landscape and character drawing Illustration/Concept art Hiking/Travel Comic/Vedio Game/Novel

C er t i f i c at i o n s : The Head's Scholarship for Academic Excellence University of Nottingham, 2014 Business Plan Competition 2nd Runner up AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited, 2014 Coursera course certifications: Introduction to Imagemaking, Feb 2017 Certificate No.VWU8KJ6FJ2CW Fundamentals of Graphic Design, Sep 2016 Certificate No.CF9EAX9VDMBC Introduction to Typography, Sep 2016 Certificate No. ZQLVZ8TUAYPR 6

A r chitect u re

exp e ri e nce :

Architecture Intern Shushe Architecture,Beijing July-Aug 2017

Design the facade for a small hotel project individually, assist a small housing project and work on research stage of a rural reconstruction project as well as present the result to Government.

O ther

experien ce s:

Voluntary teacher Laligurash Bright Future English Boarding School, Nepal

June 2014, one month Contribute to the secondary education of children in the village of Mirge

Staff of Comic Club in UNNC, Ningbo

Sep 2014 -June 2015, one year Do some design works for the club activities, include posters,brochures,entry tickets,vedios, etc and also work on event planning like School Day.

Project manager of the team for Business Plan Competition AXA China Region Insurance Company Limited,Hong Kong

July 2014 Join the business internship and Business Plan Competition about the suggestions to the development of Asia-Pacific Regions SWOT analysis of company as both project manager and designer of a team.

Volunteer Nottingham University Business School China,Ningbo

2014 Participate in research simulation on Industrial price negotiation,acquiring skills and experience in negotiation. 7

• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

Year 3

P2 Guild of craftsmaster Sheffield As a kind of organization forming in around 11th and 12th centuries in Europe, the craftsmaster guild had significant influence on the production, life and society of medieval period, because of its role governing and regulating the craftsmasters’ economic activities and inheritance when the handicraft was the major producing method of daily supplies. It reached their greatest development in 14th century achieving a large measure of self-government and the growing number of highly developed craft guilds was a major contributing factor in the rapid economic upsurge of the Western European countries. With the fast development of industry, the change of economic and production mode influenced the function of the guild. What should this craftsmaster guild be as a contemporary guild, especially when Yorkshire is regarded as its service scope and Sheffield city center with industry background as the location of this building ? What functions and what kind of craft should this guild serve under the contemporary background to promote the development of contemporary craft features in this area? A specific type of guild serving the metal craft, that has special relationship with the background of the city, will be chosen to explore the questions in this design.


• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

Past scene: Medieval street for craft works & trade and guild hall


• Y3 P2



Guild of craftsmaster


P2.1 Group study project Facade study

C. The WateRoyal Bank of Scotland Architect: Flockton and Abbott Construction year: 1908

A. The White Building Architect: Flockton and Gibbs Construction year: 1908

D. The Waterworks Building Architect: Flockton and Abbott Construction year: 1867

B. The WaParade chaxmbers Architect: Charles Hadfield Construction year: 1883

E. Sheffield City Hall Architect: Vincent E Harris Construction year: 1932


• Y3 P2


Guild of craftsmaster



• Y3 P2 Street elevation


Guild of craftsmaster

• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster


• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

concept & key strategy Dialogue metal crafts craftsmasters public site


• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

Group 1:500 site model and analysis

'Dialogue' idea in final design: Performance of craft-making process by show windows 15

• Y3 P2


Guild of craftsmaster

• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster


• Y3 P2


Guild of craftsmaster

• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster


• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

Middle atrium as exhibition


• Y3 P2

Guild of craftsmaster

Workshop, vertical craft archive & craft show window Flexible use of the workshop


• Y3 P1

Take the water

Year 3

P1 Take the water (bath/pool) Scarborough The project 1 is a bath/ pool project being located at scarborough - a beautiful coastal tourist city. The city is famous for its sea-side attractions and the site choosen for the project is also beside the sea at the top of the cliff. This site features the nature like water, cliff and rocks. The function of the project is also closely related to water. So the design thinking is largely inspired by the nature, especially the rock and water. “Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing, that makes it water and nobody knows what it is.” For me , the water and experience about water in this building are not only reflected in the swimming pool or bath, but also rising up to a kind of spiritual sublime. That is the “third thing” which I want to explore in this design. The natural cliff and sea view as site features are also related to “sublime” in philosophy, as an aesthetic preference to irregular nature form and epic of nuture, which guides the direction of developing the idea of “sublime” in form. So the interior about water should be related to spirit and exterior form being situated on cliff will be related to “sublime” in philosophy. Both of interior and exterior are also related to “ water and rock” as the main features of the site and building functions. As a result, the project is not only to “take the water” but also to “take the spirity”.


• Y3 P1

Take the water

Exterior sublime - building at the top of the cliff, being shown by elevation drawing


• Y3 P1

Take the water

Bird view of site being seen from the back of the cliff and Environment analysis


• Y3 P1 Take the water

Section of site and large context showing residential area,medieval area, site, cliff and sea.

Site being seen from the front of the cliff to show the feature of stone


• Y3 P1 Take the water

Ground floor plan in context

Tested sectional model


• Y3 P1 Take the water

Underground water journey - Rock, water, nature & interior spirity End window

Similar atmosphere in nature


• Y3 P1 Take the water

Section AA cutting through the main pool space with that stair journey


• Y3 P1 Take the water

1:20 construction detail with environment analysis cutting through exterior pool, roof platform beside the cliff-side path and front facade


• Y3 P1 Take the water

Exterior-Rock, wate


• Y3 P1 Take the water

er,nature & sublime


• Y2 P3

House for children

Year 2

P3 House for children Burngreave Brief proposes a project to develope a house or flat in the burngreave, sheffield for the normal fammilies and an additional group, which may be informed by a chosen manifesto. In my project, the manifesto chosen is ‘children ’s paradise’ serving large number of children in the Burngreave, so that the additional group are young parents with children. There are three types of houses in my project. Two types are normal two-beds and three-beds family houses. The former is one-floor house being situated on the ground floor facing Ellesmere Rd and the latter is two-floors house facing Buckenham St. The third house type mainly focus on children (3-12)’ s need, which is three-beds slide house on the top of that one-floor two-beds house type. Public workshop and playing areas are supported to both children living here and outside to make the whole community become a safe place to live, an interesting area to play and a beneficial environment to study.


• Y2 P3

House for children

Impression to site - water color sketches


• Y2 P3

House for children

The manifesto chosen is ‘children ’s paradise ’ serving large number of children in the Burngreave, so that the additional group are young parents with children. The definition of ‘paradise’ here is a safe and comfortable living environment for children in the community, with areas to play and learn as well as a place to support education to the children living here and outside. In a word, this proposol is to support a beneficial environment to children.


• Y2 P3

House for children

Group 1:200 A1 site model


• Y2 P3

House for Children

Ground floor plan in context


• Y2 P3

House for children

Section and corresponding elevation


• Y2 P3


House for children

• Y2 P3

House for children

PERSPECTIVE SECTION SHOWING COURTYARD A safe shared courtyard surrounded by houses is the major playing area for the children in this community, which consists of three levels with different heights, connected by ramps. The gaming platform is put in the middle of the courtyard where wood gaming infrastructures are placed. Running, playing games and toys, dreaming, laughing, exploring, lying on the grass and getting along well with nature compose a happy living environment for children in this community.


• Y2 P3

Three-beds slide house type


House for children

• Y2 P3

House for children

1:20 construction detail showing bedroom of normal type A on the ground floor and living room with balcony of slide house type on the first floor


• Y2 P2

History library

Year 2 (A+ 85 project)


History library Manchester Brief requires a design to reinterpret the library for the 21st Century, which should be relevant to Manchester city or the particular areas of Manchester. The design is a medium-size public building functioning as a community library. And my site is site A1 which is located at a construction site beside the historic hostel (being reconstructed to a house now) in the Ancoat as an industrial area in the past. The ‘type’ of this design is a specific collection of old books, old articles and historical books about Ancoat and Manchester and this design is defined as a transition to bring people back to the history. The concept is a journey to bring visitors to different thresholds and then, to different spaces, so that the floors of the front half and back half are misplaced, being connected by stairs surrounding the central volume with beautiful light in order to create a dramatic journey.


• Y2 P2

History library

Search the history in the surrounding


• Y2 P2

History library



• Y2 P2

History library

1:50 sectional model showing space relationship


• Y2 P2


History Library

• Y2 P2

History library


• Y2 P2


History library

• Y2 P2

History library


• Y2 P2

History library

Front facade of the library in context

Sketch- private reading space


• Y2 P2

History library

Middle main space, stair sitting and circulation areas of the library, being seen from entrance in cafe.

Sketch- looking up in the middle main space


• Y2 P2


History library

• Y2 P2

History library


• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Year 2 (85 A+ project)


Threshold- walkers' refuge Castleton With brief being entitled “walk”, this project is about a small building functioning as a refuge to accommodate the resting hikers after a long walk. The chosen site is site two being situated at the wide grass land on a mountain, with features of the dense grove behind it and the open landscape before. It is around 2 km far from Castleton. The ‘threshold’ is a key inspiration and the threshold of our design is ‘from closure to open landscape” as features of both the site and the building. The boundry of the inner space and peaceful landscape is blurred by the slope big glazing. Accompanying by the landscape, eating, cooking, dancing, drinking, chatting, resting, cleaning, telling stories and dreaming happen in differnt groups of hikers in different time, who are from differnt places with different destinations.


• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Journey of a lonely walker - selected two

Threshold: from outdoor world to the comfortable indoor space 55

• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Site and threshold

Threshold is the boundry between closure trees and open view, the design also expresses the transition from closure to open, emphasising the quality of nature at the end of the building space. RED LINR is route, WHITE LINE is wind


• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Concept: Users, building and surrounding landscape


• Y2 P1 Threshold - walkers' refuge


• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Photos of the 1:50 model


• Y2 P1


Threshold - walkers' refuge

• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge


• Y2 P1

Threshold - walkers' refuge

Diagram shows water, electricity, ventilation, heating, thermal and power strategies of this project for an off-grid environment


T HAN K Y OU More resources about my prejects are available at: Part 1 Portfolio - a more detailed edition Part 1 Graduation Dissertation <Gone but not forgotten, the Birmingham central library> [You can also search my name 'Fanzhe sun' on issuu to find them.]

Year 2 Portfolio

After seeing the works above, if you still need more imagines or any full-size imagines in scale, please contact me. I can support more details as you wish.

Y1 P5 Matter Reality process

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