RCA Y2-New Liberty-Portfolio

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N E W p

Fanzhe Sun 2021-22 RCA Year 2- ADS 0

L I B E R T Y o








“ N E W

L I B E R T Y ”

through “Mu ltistu dio” in a n et work of the de-sc h ooled in stitu te

Fanzhe Sun 2021-22 RCA Year 2 ADS 0














The studio, thus, plays a different role to connect the dispersed studio behaviors outside, being released from a working space but used for multiple functions of the exhibition, archive, events, and temporary gathering. In this way, the studio can be opened to the public, to share the school knowledge and involve more people than the registered students. It still keeps the teaching function but in a hybrid- digital and physical- way, so that students, tutors, or outside guests are not forced to be on-site, with fewer space needs. The project is centered on the multi-identities of a constantly changed RCA Architecture studio, as the core of a de-schooled institute, to explore the “new liberty”. It proposes the future studio would be dispersed everywhere outside of one fixed studio space, forming a ubiquitous studio network. It can be organized at home, in the office, on the site, in a different country, or in any place that suits the project’s needs and personal pursuits, which is an approach to reduce restrictions, for example physical distance, and decrease the tuition fees.

To support the ubiquitous studio network and achive the multiple functions, the studio itself is designed with three systems – ceiling rail system, wall system, and floor system – to satisfy the different functions at different times. Its major changes are illustrated through renders as final products. This design of the studio is sitting at a hybrid transition status, which is transferring to a de-schooling institute but keeping the physical studio space with radical roles. In the far future, the physical core studio would be disappeared, and studio behaviors would be totally dispersed and connected through the virtual online space.


basic principle


environment setting

Properties and resources of an environment, as well as its atmosphere, are shaped by the groups of social roles and their actions in it. According to it, the environment can be conceptualized as actual physical settings, and as cognitive representations of setting. Correspondingly, the setting in which ‘roles’ participate is also influenced by the environment. The theories include Roger Barker ’s works on behavior settings and Jacquelynne Eccles’ analysis of person X environment interactions and person X environment fit. Ecological theories focus on the interaction of persons and environments with a particular interest in how the features of the environment require unique physical and psychological adaptions. It also considers the harmony or conflict in values, expectations, and opportunities for activities across the setting.

Photos in pairs represent the features of space used in final design > 1 physical and digital 2 close to open 3 nature and artificial 4&5 working spaces’ status changing >>




studio in memory

Move to Kensinton Gore,1959 >>

Studio,1962 >>

studio in memory

Gulbenkian Hall,1962 >>

S t u d i o , r e n d e r, 2 0 2 2 > >

current studio

Gulbenkian Hall,2022 >>

working-teaching space,renders >>

current studio

2021-22 >>

circulation-archive space, renders >>

studio in recent memory


before lockdown

scene and conventional w o r k i n g way




















<< ‘We are dominated by furniture’ t h e c l a s s r o o m b o x , Va n d e r R y n


s t r at e g y


u b i q u i to u s s t u d i o s t r at e g y

ubiquitous studio organized in situ home

ry lla ga



farm offices

Te a c h a n d p r e s e n t o n t h e j o u r n e y o r o n a “d e s t i nation” - the “destination” could be the place that supports study or just any random place. Te a c h a n d p r e s e n t w i t h i n m u l t i p l e e n v i r o n m e n t s , a l o n g t h e r i v e r, b e f o re t h e g a l l e r y, i n t h e r u i n s , o r in a theatre or restaurant. One can park, at anytime and anywhere, in or out of the vehicle, to organize the studio in situ. Then, teaching and presentation can involve more people, organizing as a public event without entry restrictions. -A phenomenon of the ubiquitous studio network-

u b i q u i to u s s t u d i o s t r at e g y

u b i q u i to u s s t u d i o s t r at e g y

“More learning should be done at home, in offices and kitchens, in the contexts where knowledge is deployed to solve problems and to add va l u e t o p e o p l e ’s l i v e s ”. L e a d b e a t e r, C . ( 2 0 0 0 ) ‘not restricted to particular buildings at particular times’ where ‘the teachers would be any human beings who had something that they wanted to share with others’ Abraham H. Maslow (1971)

The studio could happen in the nature, the site where the project is located; O r h a p p e n i n t h e office, to cooperate your school project with practice, or as a rem o t e d pa r t- t i m e s t u d y while working in the office: Or organize the studio at home.

n a t u r e

ubiquitous studio

o f f i c e

h o m e

No entry barrier not limited in certain students teaching everywhere to involve more people in situ care of education budget education support in margin time beyond the discipline boundary challenge current pedagogy that sticks to the fixed generic studio space

major 3 purposes: 1 study, working and teaching out of the studio according to needs, not fixed to studio space.

More points

2 involve more people joining the learning and teaching process, not restricted by distance, not limited to registered “tutors” and “students”. 3 emphasis on the experienceable learning, adding value to people’s lives.


s t r at e g i c s t u d i o ro l e


1 2

Digital displaying 1 Archive displaying 2 Te m p o r a r y g a t h e r i n g s 3 broadcasting-lecture 4 spiritual core and bond 5 of a dispersed study network

The roles that original RCA studio spaces should contain, as the core of the ubiquitous studio network. I t h a s i t s o w n s pa c e of l i b e r t y i n t h i s w a y, b u t a l s o s u p p o r t s t h e “ u b i q u i t o u s s t u d i o” outside the school with digital facilities and physical service. <<

3 4



design principle


p l a n - b a s i c s pa c e p r i n c i p l e

acoustic glass walls move along these two rials

zone 2- exhibition zone public access

receiption shop

zone 1teaching zone inner use

wall storage

<< scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size

plan- ceiling rail system

pink lines: steel frame and wall rail system for flexible moving of wall designed above; green line: electricity rail, plug-in system for internet, lights, projectors, etc. walls panel move along the rail in the whole studio; acoustic glass walls move in the teaching zone >> scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

plan- floor rising system

floor can rise up from 0 to 400mm, forming a performative floor landscape for exhibition, sitting, presentation stage, performance, and specific teaching or crit use. >>

scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

wall system and wall types collection

furniture collection

ceiling rail system

floor rising system


s t u d i o n a r r at i v e


8 changes, 4 changes for each zone >>

teaching zone-tutorial

<< on-site hybrid tutorial through both digital and physical way, space being used through booking, majorly in small-size zones

scale 1:50 when printed in A1 size >>

teaching zone-crit/workshop

<< on-site hybrid crit or workshop through both digital and physical way, space being used through booking, in mix-size zones

scale 1:50 when printed in A1 size >>

teaching zone-lecture

<< on-site hybrid lecture, could attend it through digital platform, in large-size zones

scale 1:50 when printed in A1 size >>

teaching zone-review/exam

Two small zones for one panel: one has the exam in process; another is for preparing of next student, to move the walls outside that they already installed into the review/exam zones >> scale 1:50 when printed in A1 size >>

exhibition zone-review/exam

Two small zones for one panel: one has the exam in process; another is for preparing of next student. Walls that students already installed are stored outside and ready to move into the review/ exam zones >> scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

exhibition zone-wip show < < y e a r- l o n g W I P a r c h i v e

Shelf-walls (1m wide X2.4m high, 0.7m above the floor) on the left for archiving the past or this year ’s physical WIP material, 12 screen walls (1m wide X2.4m high) on the right for displaying WIP works and “unbiquitous studio” study experience. As students study and majorly work out of the school with difficulty in physical material delivering, digital way is majorly used for displaying and linking. Bottom is dark film room for projecting works or film works. scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

e x h i b i t i o n z o n e - s ta rt / e n d - o f - y e a r s h o w << majorly for graduation show or starting-year show

Each student has two exhibition walls (each 1m wide X2.4m high, 0.7m above the floor), being designed and installed by themselves. Max 88 spaces are available and distributed over almost the whole exhibition space. This is majorly used for graduation show or starting-year show for new year-two students displaying their year-one works. scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

e x h i b i t i o n z o n e - c u r at e d s h o w << majorly for themed exhibition for 12 ADSs or PHD show

scale 1:100 when printed in A1 size >>

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