P rogramme 《風 之 谷 交 響 組 曲 》
Symphonic Suite “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”
《幽靈公主選段》 Selections from “Princess Mononoke”
《智 慧 之 海 》 Sea of Wisdom
《超 越 之 旅 》 Transcendent Journey
《太陽之讚歌̶大地的鼓勵》 Hymn to the Sun with the beat of the Mother Earth
場地規則 House Rules 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望觀眾切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影, 亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光裝置。多謝各位合作。 In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from any recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.
香港交響管樂團 THE HONG KONG SYMPHONIC WINDS 1987年5月,黃日照先生以「推廣管樂音樂,培訓本地一流 管樂手」為目標,組織成立一隊具規模的餘業管樂團 - 香港 交響管樂團。當時的樂團成員,大部分是黃氏在香港三十多 年教學生涯裡培訓出來的學生。 許多年來,後起之秀陸續加入,除了由黃氏的學生訓練出來 的第二代,甚至是第三代樂手,亦有其他熱愛管樂的人士參 與。樂團目前擁有一百多名來自專業、業餘及學界的出色樂 手。而其中三十多位專業音樂工作者更是活躍於本地及國際 舞台。 香港交響管樂團首演音樂會於1988年2月20日在沙田大會堂 舉行。其後,經常得到前市政局、前區域市政局及康樂及文 化事務署的邀請,舉行一系列介紹和推廣管樂的音樂會。樂 團走遍港九新界,為社會各界演出超過三百場音樂會,演奏 無數古今中外名作。 樂團亦進軍海外,於澳門、上海、台灣、德國、荷蘭等地演 出,俱獲高度評價。樂團更分別在2013年和2017年於荷蘭舉 行的WMC世界音樂大賽中,獲得合奏第一組別金奬殊榮。 樂團多次與世界級音樂家合作,如2008年獲得美國輕音樂大 師安達臣的家屬授權,將原本是雙鋼琴版的《鋼琴協奏曲》 改篇成管樂伴奏版,成為亞洲首演曲目。2015年周年音樂會 上,樂團更請到美國管樂界殿堂級人物,伊士曼音樂學院的 小號教授詹士湯臣,合演《小號與管樂合奏奏鳴曲》。 樂團每年舉辦室內和協辦戶外音樂會。2010年開始,春季音 樂會以老幼咸宜的輕鬆樂曲為主打,加上夢幻般舞台,嘉年 華似的裝束,活潑幽默的演出,不但為香港管樂界開展嶄新 一面,更連續七年於香港文化中心音樂廳和香港大會堂錄得 全院滿座的紀錄,成為樂團另一成功標記。
Founded by Mr. Alfonso Wong in May 1987, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds (HKSW) is the first amateur band with considerable size and structure in Hong Kong, formed mostly by talented students of Mr. Wong. Among the 100+ members of HKSW, 30+ are distinguished players actively performing on local and international stages, and many members are also making their great efforts and contributions to music education. Since the debut concert in Shatin Town Hall on 20 February 1988, HKSW has started to work with the former Regional Council and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to promote music among people from all walks of life in Hong Kong. Over 300 concerts have been held all over Hong Kong, HKSW brings the joy of music to every home by visiting every district. The repertoire includes masterpieces from both the East and the West. Our missions are not bound by any geographic or national boundaries, HKSW performed in various places including Macau, Shanghai, Taiwan, Germany and Netherlands. In the competition of the World Music Contest in 2013 and 2017, HKSW achieved the gold medal in the “Harmony First Division”. HKSW also had performance with world-class musicians. In 2008, two concerts were held to pay tribute to Leroy Anderson. With the permission of Anderson’s family, HKSW re-arranged his piano concerto for piano solo with wind band accompaniment. In 2015, HKSW performed with James Thompson, the renowned soloist and professor of Eastman School of Music, in the annual concert. HKSW hosts indoor and outdoor concerts regularly. Since 2010, HKSW launched concerts with repertoire chosen especially for children. It becomes a huge success in the local market, and attracts lots of children with their families to enjoy a night of music and laughter together. As of 2018, we have achieved record performances of 7 continuous full house concerts at the concert hall of Hong Kong Cultural Centre and Hong Kong City Hall.
作為一支社區樂團,香港交響管樂團十分支持社區及慈善活 動,我們曾與國際獅子會港澳303區、盲人輔導會、香港防 癌會等團體和機構聯合舉辦籌款音樂會。
HKSW engages in a variety of charitable activities held by different organizations, such as Lions Clubs International, The Hong Kong Society for the Blind and Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society etc., as a contribution to society.
The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds is a registered non-profit organization in Hong Kong.
桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Laureate
黃日照 Alfonso Wong
黃日照1931年出生於菲律賓,九歲起學習小號。1953年,憑着一顆熱愛音樂之心,滿懷希望地北上,渴望投考「北京 中央音樂學院」深造。由於建院初期,急需管樂師資人材,黃氏在前輩的建議和鼓勵下,接受作為任職教師。一方面教 授小號,另一方面進修了一系列學院的作曲、理論等課程。1954年,黃氏成為有「中國小號之父」之稱的夏之秋老師 的助教。在任教期間,並得到前蘇聯知名小號演奏家提摩費.多克西哲(Timofei Dokshitser)於小號演奏技藝方面的 指導,獲益良多。 1974年回港後,隨即加入「香港浸會學院」(現「香港浸會大學」前身)為音樂系講師。1975年加入聖文德書院為管 樂導師,帶領聖文德書院管樂團於香港校際音樂節贏得共十次高級組管樂團冠軍的輝煌成績,其中更包括連續六年贏取 該冠軍,「六連冠」的成績至今仍未被打破。1978年黃氏加入「香港音樂事務統籌處」並任職一級訓練主任,任教小 號長達九年。退休之後,於1987年為「香港中國婦女會中學」籌 辦及組織了管樂團。1987年5月,黃氏聯同葉惠康博 士及「香港泛亞交響樂團」,成立了「香港交響管樂團」,並擔任副音樂總監一職。1992年擔任音樂總監,29年來帶 領「香港交響管樂團」不斷演出,走遍香港各區。管樂團水準亦不斷提昇,不但創造出輝煌成績,更培養出大批管樂演 奏人才、作曲家及樂隊指揮,可謂桃李滿天下。黃氏把《聖文德進行曲》改名為《香港交響管樂團進行曲》。1999年 開始,黃氏帶領香港交響管樂團到海外演出及交流,所到地方包括澳門、廣州及上海。當中每次演出均獲很高的評價。 2001年8月,黃氏獲「中國藝術教育促進會」聘任為「亞洲學生管樂協會理事」。可見黃氏對管樂教育的貢獻得到社會 廣泛的認同。 黃氏對樂曲編寫創作具濃厚興趣,數十年來,共編作了一百多首小號練習曲,近20首管樂團作品及十多首小號獨奏作 品。黃氏亦根據周文軒先生所寫的中國樂曲編作給管樂團演奏,促進了中西音樂的交流與融合。 Alfonso Wong, born in the Philippines in 1931, began learning the trumpet at the age of 9. Filled with passion for music, Wong decided to move to Beijing in hopes of furthering his studies at the Central Conservatory of Music. As the Conservatory was newly built, it was in desperate need of brass teachers. Under the advice and encouragement of his elders, Wong took up the job as a teaching staff in the Conservatory. On one hand, he taught trumpet performing, while on the other hand, he furthered his knowledge by attending classes such as music composition and music theory. In 1954, Wong became the assistant lecturer of the “Father of Trumpet in China”, Mr. Xia Zhiqiu, at the Conservatory. During his stay at the Conservatory, Wong received performance techniques trainings from the renowned Russian virtuoso trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser. Wong returned to Hong Kong in 1974, and taught at the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist College (now known as the Hong Kong Baptist University). In 1975, Wong started to teach in the St. Bonaventure College and High School Band and has led them capturing many championships at the Championships” which has never been broken ever since. In 1978, Wong joined the Hong Kong Music Office as Assistant Music Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, including a significant record of “Six Consecutive Officer I and had taught trumpet for 9 years. After his retirement, Wong formed and taught in the Hong Kong Chinese Women’s Club College School Band. In May 1987, together with Dr. Yip Wai-hong and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Wong founded The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, taking the position as Assistant Music Director, and acted as Music Director in 1992. For the past 29 years, and conductors of public recognition. Wong has had over 300 students. Starting from 1999, Wong had been leading The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds into performances and inter-flows outside Hong Kong, places included Macau, Guangzhou and Shanghai. All performances were highly accredited. In August 2001, Wong was appointed by the Chinese Art Education Promotion Association as a committee member of the Asian Student Band Music Council. This had showed that his influence and attributions in wind music were highly recognized. Wong also had a passion for music compositions. Throughout all those years, Wong had composed over 100 trumpet studies, over 20 band music and over 10 trumpet solo pieces. Wong also transcribed several renowned music written by Dr. Chou Wen-hsien into band music. This has encouraged the fusion of Chinese and Western music.
音樂總監 Music Director 李樹昇 Lee Shu Sing
李樹昇畢業於聖文德書院,11歲開始在校內跟隨黃日照老師學習管 樂,16歲已擔任兩隊中學管團樂的副指揮,其後又出任西貢兒童合 唱團節奏樂導師。 參加香港兒童交響樂團及泛亞交響樂團的演出工作。李氏曾就讀香 港演藝學院,一直熱枕於音樂教育、管樂推廣,以及提昇管樂水 準。 李氏於1987年加入香港交響管樂團並擔任首席單簧管手,現為該團 的音樂總監及指揮,繼續活躍於中小學管樂教育及樂團指揮工作。 李氏多次於香港不同的管樂團之公開演出中擔任指揮,場數多達三 百場以上。 李氏不斷推動香港音樂發展及香港整體文化藝術,例如參與區議會 和香港電台等製作的音樂教育節目,又為《經濟日報》撰寫音樂專 欄,創作散文、小說及電影劇本,貢獻良多。 Graduated from the St. Bonaventure College & High School, Lee Shu Sing began his first wind instrument lesson at the age of 11 with Mr. Alfonso WONG. At 16, Lee had already been appointed as Assistant Bandmaster of two Choir Percussion Ensemble. His commitment to nurturing future generations of musicians in Hong Kong has begun ever since. Lee took part in several Hong Kong Music Office bands as First Clarinetist. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra. Studied at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Lee has always been enthusiastic about music, devoting himself to music education, the promotion of band music and the pursuit of new heights of musical excellence in the wind band industry. In 1987, Lee joined The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds as Principle Clarinetist. He is currently the Music Director and Conductor of the HKSW, and is actively involved in wind band education and conducting. Lee has conducted more than 300 concerts in his music career, a considerable number of performances as Conductor in the wind band industry. With his dedication to the local music development in Hong Kong, Lee has long been endeavoring to achieve his ambition of promoting music with diversified approaches, participating in music educational programmes presented by the District Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), and writing music column in the Economic Daily News. His overall contribution in arts and cultural promotion in Hong Kong, besides music making, is apparent by various means, creative writing in short stories, fiction, column, screenplay, to name a few.
副音樂總監及指揮 Associate Music Director & Conductor 馮嘉興 Fung Ka Hing
小號演奏家及指揮家馮嘉興以漂亮而清澈的音色,優秀的音樂感及親和的 舞台魅力而深受觀眾喜愛,活躍於表演舞台。 馮嘉興舞台足跡踏遍全球,東南亞如日本,台灣,北美洲,加拿大,歐洲 法國,荷蘭以致南美洲巴西,阿根廷等。 於2013年成為Yamaha Artist (HK)小號演奏家,馮嘉興曾任香港城市室 樂團及香港小交響樂團小號首席,及其他多個樂團合作包括香港管弦樂團, 國家交響樂團(台灣),國立臺灣交響樂團,澳門樂團及廣州交響樂團等, 亦經常舉行獨奏會及獲邀作獨奏演出,合作樂團曾包括香港小交響樂團, 大台中愛樂管樂團,香港交響管樂團,香港演奏家管樂團,通利香港新青 年管樂團及香港德明愛樂管樂團等。 除小號演奏之外,馮氏亦是一位出色的指揮家及教育家。馮氏於2011年 開始成為香港交響管樂團之副音樂總監,演出無數,更於2013及2017年 帶領香港交響管樂團遠赴歐洲,參與於荷蘭舉行之世界管樂大賽 (WMC Kerkrade) 之比賽及演出,廣受好評。 馮氏現任教於香港演藝學院,香港浸會大學,亦於多個場合舉行大師班, 工作室及講座。 With the beautiful tone color and great communicative power, Fung Ka Hing received good reputation no matter in the role of a trumpet performer or conductor. Fung is active in trumpet performance and is always invited to be guest soloist. He had performed with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Taichung Philharmonic Wind Ensemble, The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds, Hong Kong Performers Winds, NeoWinds and HK Tak Ming Philharmonic Winds. Fung has been the Yamaha Artist (HK) since 2013 and he was the principle trumpet in City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 2015-2017 and in Hong Kong Sinfonietta from 2007-2014. He had also collaborated with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra,Macao Orchestra and Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. He had performed abroad in Japan, Taiwan, North America, Canada, France, Netherland, Brazil, Argentina and so forth. As an educator, Fung being active in conducting masterclass, workshop and seminar, he is now the faculty member of HKAPA and Hong Kong Baptist University. Besides trumpet performance and education, Fung is also keen on conducting. He has been the Associate Music Director at Hong Kong Symphonic Winds since 2011. In 2013and 2017, he led the HKSW to compete in World Music Contest in the Netherlands and received great success.
主持 Narrator 阿徐 Ah Tsui
集舞台創作演員、插畫及漫畫家、繪本作者、動畫師、設計 師、司儀、影視及廣告演員等等於一身之資深多功能創作人; 透過畫筆、文字、設計與表演,訴說故事、分享人生、美化生 活,及娛樂大小朋友。 阿徐是資深表演工作者,過去二十年共演出超過400場大小舞 台表演,過去主演及參與創作之劇目均叫好叫座,其中聯合創 作及主演之《勁金歌曲》音樂劇場系列更是一再重演;曾連續 10年上演累積場數近200場年度大事回顧式喜劇《快樂無罪》 系列;身份遍及編、導、演、畫、司儀及主持,舞台表演經驗 豐富;亦經常參與廣告、電影、短片及電視節目之演出。 《風的禮物》是阿徐第四度參與香港交響管樂團之合家歡音樂 會。 阿徐亦從事插畫及設計工作多年,曾任職商台美術指導;曾與 森美合作於雜誌發表《森之愛情》詩畫創作,並結集成書及舉 行大型展覽;為流行樂壇製作mv動畫、設計舞台及音樂會錄像 ;與不同慈善機構及作者合作,推出十多本不同題材的兒童繪 本,當中包括得獎作品《生氣的海豚小黑》及《我家來了一頭 大象》;以自己的漫畫造型推出《方方面面》漫畫專欄及成為 《精神健康月》宣傳大使。另外,每年均為多個不同團體之舞 台演出繪畫宣傳插畫。 此外,近年亦獲邀出席不同分享會,分享個人多年演.創.畫 生涯。
Programme Notes 風之谷交響組曲
Symphonic Suite“Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” 久石讓作曲/森田一浩編 Joe Hisaishi/arr. Kazuhiro Morita
久石讓(b.1950-),日本作曲家、編曲家、鋼琴家。主要音樂活動以創作電影配樂為主,尤其 是宮崎駿的動畫作品,更是膾炙人口。《風之谷》探討環保問題,因為人類貪婪,妄顧地球生 態,最終造成可怕的結果,人類也付出極大的代價。 久石讓以簡約主義譜出的旋律,已是大家耳熟能詳的的經典。森田一浩(b.1952-)把原曲濃縮 成一個三個樂章的交響組曲:1)風之傳說、2)戰鬥、3)到遙遠的地方。森田活用管樂器的音色發 揮原作神髓,精彩絕倫。 Joe Hisaishi (b.1950-) is a Japanese composer, arranger and pianist. He mainly composes movie soundtracks. In particular, he is renowned for composing the soundtracks for Miyazaki Hayao's animations. “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind” is a movie discussing the environmental issue. Humans neglect the ecological system out of greed and have to pay for the disastrous consequences in the end. Hisaishi composed the melody based on minimalism and the melody has become well-known classic. Kazuhiro Morita (b.1952-) arranged the original symphony into a symphonic suite with three movements: 1) Legend of the Wind, 2) A Battle between Mehve and Corvette and 3) Toward the Far Away Land. Morita skillfully utilizes the characteristics of the wind instruments to bring out the essence of the original work.
Selections from“Princess Mononoke” 久石讓作 森田一浩編 Joe Hisaishi/arr. Kazuhiro Morita
《幽靈公主》是宮崎駿另一部涉及環保的動畫,人類為了發展破壞森林,引發大禍。由於故事 發生在古代日本,久石讓的配樂也揉合了日本傳統音樂,聽來更有風格。森田一浩把精彩的原 聲配樂改編成一首交響詩,發揮簡約主義,讓聽眾重新感受一幕幕動人的畫面。 “Princess Mononoke” is another animation from Miyazaki Hayao discussing the environmental issue. Humans destroy the forests for development, causing a great disaster. The story took place in ancient Japan. Therefore, Hisaishi added some elements of Japanese traditional music into the piece and this makes the piece more distinctive. Morita Kazuhiro adapted the original soundtrack into a symphonic poem with minimalism, allowing the audience to re-experience the moving scenes in the animation.
Sea of Wisdom 清水大輔 Daisuke Shimizu
清水大輔(b.1980-),日本作曲家。創作曲目以管樂為主。16歲開始創作的清水大輔,2002年 畢業於昭和音樂大學知期大學部,師隨藤原嘉文學習作曲。 樂曲一開始,以簡單的和弦象徵黎明來臨,又以單簧管模仿海鷗叫聲,然後法國號奏出悠揚的主 旋律,呈現大船揚帆啟航駛出港口的景象。節奏逐漸加快,帶出整個樂團以絢麗的旋律交織展開 壯麗的風采。 緊接而來,是中音薩克管奏出優雅的獨奏片段,描繪平靜的大海。樂曲此時變得緊 湊,低音銅管切分的節奏,與高音管快速的音群,形成難以抵擋的風暴。最後,主題再現,有如 大船成功突破風浪,回到母港。 Daisuke Shimizu (b.1980-) is a Japanese composer. His works are mostly composed for Winds band. At the age of 16, he embarked on the journey of music composition. Lately, having studied composition with Yoshibumi Fujiwara, he graduated from Showa University of Music Junior College in 2002. In the beginning of this piece, simple chords are employed to embody the advent of dawn with the cries of seagulls imitated by the sound of clarinet. Subsequently, an image of a sailing ship leaving a harbor is conveyed by the lyrical main melody played by French horn. Then, the elegant solo of Alto Saxophone depicting the tranquility of sea leads to the instant change of the next part of music. With the syncopation of low brass and the short notes of soprano instruments, the fierce storm is illustrated. At last, the main melody reappears to symbolize the breakthrough of storm of the returning ship.
Transcendent Journey 羅薩諾加蘭特 Rossano Galante
羅薩諾加蘭特,美國作曲家。1992年,在紐約州立大學水牛城分校完成了小號演奏學位。其後, 他被錄取入讀南加州大學的電影配樂課程,師隨電影作曲家謝利・高史密夫。除了為眾多的荷里 活電影創作配樂,更接受美國的管樂團和管弦樂團委任創作接近二十多首作品。世界各地也廣泛 地演奏他的作品。 貫以電影配樂的風格,《超越之旅》以響亮的銅管聲配以富有層次的木管聲作為活力澎湃的開 場。每節細緻入微和情感飽滿的樂段也會加以雋永優美的歌詞,帶你穿越這緊湊深刻的音樂旅 程。 Galante (b.1967-) is an American composer. He earned a degree in trumpet performance from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1992. He then was accepted into the film scoring program at the University of Southern California and studied with film composer Jerry Goldsmith. Besides numerous big budget film scores, Galante has written almost two dozen commissions for wind ensembles and orchestras throughout the United States. His compositions are widely performed around the world. Written in a grand "film score" style, this work opens with a dynamic fanfare featuring soaring brass and woodwind flourishes. Descriptive and evocative with every phrase, including a beautiful slow lyric section; transport your audience on a thrilling musical adventure with this impressive overture.
太陽之讚歌 – 大地的鼓動
Hymn to the Sun with the beat of the Mother Earth 八木澤教司 Satoshi Yanagisawa
八木澤教司(b.1975-)日本作曲家,武藏野音樂大學作曲科畢業,作品以管樂為主,是目前日 本最活躍的作曲家之一,常收到日本及世界各地的管樂團的委託著作新曲。八木澤的作品,擅 長用大自然景貌或古蹟來作主題,配合激昂的敲擊樂,甚至人聲合唱來反映人類與大自然的關 係。 《太陽之讚歌 – 大地的鼓動》是其中一首最能代表八木澤風格的作品,2005年成曲,為紀念東 海市吹奏樂團成立40周年而作。八木澤用音樂表達當前樂團成員的熱情,他們創造並繼續保護 樂團,並為進一步發展而向前邁進。 引子部份描繪旭日初升的景緻,大地跟隨甦醒過來,處處充滿生命力。中段發展部變得沉重, 緊接出現激情的第二主題,表達了縱使遇上困難亦齊心迎接挑戰。第三段回復平和,旋律優 美、感情豐富,加入合唱帶出友誼的羈絆是無可代替的。尾聲重現活力,激昂地結束全曲。 Satoshi Yanagisawa (b.1975-) is a Japanese composer graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music composition from Musashino Academia Musicae. He mainly composes musical pieces for the wind instruments. He is one of the most active Japanese composers currently. He often receives invitation from different wind bands in Japan and all parts of the world to compose new musical works. Yagizawa is good at using natural scenery and historical sites as themes, combined with passionate percussion music, and even vocal chorus to simulate the relationship between humans and the nature. "Hymn to the Sun with the beat of the Mother Earth" can be regarded as one of the pieces that well present Yanagisawa’s style. It was composed in 2005 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Tokai City Wind Music Band. Yanagisawa expressed the passion of the band members through music. The band members established and continued to safeguard the band while moving forward for further development. The introduction depicts the scenery of the rising sun and the wakening earth. It is full of vitality everywhere. The development part is dark and intense, followed by an enthusiastic second theme which represents the determination of the band members to overcome the difficulties and challenges together. The third part returns to a calm, beautiful and affectionate melody, with the addition of the vocal chorus to symbolize the irreplaceable friendship. At the end, the vital melody returns and the whole piece ends passionately.
團員 Members 指揮 馮嘉興
Conductor Fung Ka Hing
主持 阿徐
Narrator AhTsui
音樂會統籌 Concert Coordinator Tiffany Tang 鄧藹玲 舞台總監 劉銘章
Stage Manager Dennis Lau
短笛 伍秀菁
Piccolo Ng Sau Ching
長笛 梁偉陶# 林葆懿 李國輝 胡珮而
Flute Leung Wai To# Lam Po Yi Li Kwok Fai Wu Pui Yee
雙簧管 陳念怡#
Oboe Chan Nim Yee Carol#
Eb單簧管 梁榐麟
Eb Clarinet Leung Chin Lun
單簧管 謝偉群# 李樹昇 呂家俊 沙才俊 施清丕 謝宗德
Clarinet Tse Wai Kwan# Lee Shu Sing Lui Ka Chun Sha Choi Chun Felix Sze Ching Pai Tse Chung Tak
低音單簧管 凌子程
Bass Clarinet Ling Tsz Ching
中音色士風 謝偉君# 陳中豪
Alto Saxophone Tse Wai Kwan# Chan Chung Ho
次中音色士風 方培嵐
Tenor Saxophone Fong Pui Laam
上低音色士風 劉芷澄
Baritone Saxophone Lau Tsz Ching
#首席 Principal
圓號 唐梓諾# 陳珈文 郭柏然 劉世勤 羅婉穎
Horn Tong Tsz Nok# Chan Kar Man Cheryl Felix Kwok Lau Sai Kan Law Yuen Wing
小號 余偉賢# 詹灝銘 冼楚翹 黃家聰 葉育泉
Trumpet Yu Wai Yin# Jim Ho Ming Sin Chor Kiu Wong Ka Chung Yip Yuk Chuen
長號 趙漢權# 温志堅 鄭健民
Trombone Chiu Hon Kuen Jimmy # Timothy Wan Zheng Kin Man Ivy
低音長號 盧天恒
Bass Trombone Terence Lo
次中音號 廖少國#
Euphonium Scott Liu#
大號 陳栢恒# 黎得駿
Tuba Brian Chan# Lai Tak Chun
敲擊樂 陶永琼# 黎駿熹 林億泰 李顯陞 吳若琳 譚家怡 謝禧文
Percussion To Wing King# Lai Chun Hei Lam Yik Tai Lee Hin Sing Ng Yeuk Lam Tam Ka Yi Tse Hei Man
低音大提琴 周慧怡
Double Bass Chau Wai I
豎琴 譚逸嘉
Harp Melody Tam
司庫 TREASURER 李俠恩 Arthur LEE
音樂總監 MUSIC DIRECTOR 李樹昇 LEE Shu Sing
項目經理 PROJECT MANAGERS 劉銘章 Dennis LAU 鄧藹玲 温志堅 Timothy WAN
團長 CONCERTMASTER 張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho Sing 指揮 CONDUCTORS 張浩昇 CHEUNG Ho Sing 吳宗鵬 NG Chung Pang 葉育泉 YIP Yuk Chuen 委員 COMMITTEE 張暐康 CHEUNG Wai Hong 趙漢權 CHIU Hon Kuen 香嘉傑 HEUNG Ka Kit 何晉業 HO Chun Yip 梁偉陶 LEUNG Wai To 陶永琼 TO Wing King 唐梓諾 TONG Tsz Nok 謝偉君 TSE Wai Kwan 余偉賢 YU Wai Yin
鳴謝 Acknowledgement 葉惠康博士 Dr. Yip Wai Hong, MH 蔡建中先生 Mr. Chai Jian Zhong 黃安爵老師 Ms. Wong On Cheuk 聖文德書院 ST. BONAVENTURE COLLEGE & HIGH SCHOOL 董康泰校監 President TUNG Hong Tai 校牧陳神父 Chaplain Fr. CHAN 羅偉南校長 Principal Law Wai Lam 周樂文老師 Mr. Chow Lok Man 張惠琪老師 Ms. CHEUNG Wai Ki 香港中國婦女會中學 HONG KONG CHINESE WOMEN'S CLUB COLLEGE 楊志强校長 Principal Yeung Chi Keung 簡志錡老師 Mr. Ronald Kan 大會錄影 CONCERT VIDEO RECORDING 睿智藝術策劃 Sereno Art Management 大會攝影 CONCERT PHOTOGRAPHY 黃嘉傑先生 Mr. Bernie Wong
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Tel: +852 9613 7160 Fax: +852 2893 8818 Email: info@hksw.org.hk
當你學會了一種樂器 就好像在你漫長的人生路上 增添了一朵美麗的玫瑰花 The acquisition of certain instrumental skills adds colour to your life just lilke a beautiful rose in full bloom.
黃日照 桂冠音樂總監