Yip Yap J|A 2013

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Yip Yap July/August 2013



photo by stephanie feudale

S M O O T H S AILING embracing mistakes since 3401, move on and make some more. things are scanned as is and consist of little or no edits becuase just because. All characters are fictional including you. wake up

and today is the day with the rain and the weather and the house and i am stuck here because i have no car and this is how it goes on days where it rains and rains and see everything is just practice anyways so why should i care and the face that despite technology advancing and the fact that i can live stream footage of riots in the middle east while i take a shit doesnt improve the fact that we are all going to die and that i am not ever going to make it into outerspace and that my dream last night i kept

wandering through this chinese outdoor market with buckets and buckets and buckets of animals and why were there submerged rabbits and octopi that as i stomped by their defense mechnism would kick in and they blended in with the ground and buckets of ducks and buckets of shell animals and the fact that i have never actually bought seafood from the market and i kept getting lost trying to get out and i was always carrying two pillows that sort of let me float but never fly as long as i relaxed i could sort of hop to the ceiling and fall with some style but no dignity

As usual the images in the collages are not mine but simply fused together by small children in unheard of countries of which i outsource everything. If that is a really serious big issue for you contact me and we can work something out.

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