Education 2013-2016 Xuzhou Vocational institute of Architectural Technology Major: Architecture Design 2017-2019 Queensland University of Technology Major: Architecture Design Miner: Interior Design
Work 2016 3 month internship in XiuLi Village Landscape design assistant 2018 2 month paid internship in Do Architect Site Planning; Elevation Design; Diagram Drawing; Graphic Assist; Concept Design
What is architecture?
Chinese Architecture designer Dreamer Player Thinker Skeptic
I did n liev ’t wan e t look that th to put t h is ligh back to devic is little e t th obje is spac this “S is a sp ing int u o e a c fear t is no , not c shi roll ce, so my po le ”, t ed t r I he d existin ar geo it sho got a tfolio a w g lo t m ark bed . The r etry o s my p w mar the ver rima k fo room easo r sh y be a n p in th for t e. I ry con r this a ginnin b e ni g h ght is per elieve cept of ssignm . My t ut ha and e th s clos ps is t at, if y pace. nt. How or didn ou c In th ed m he f ’t e e ann at ti ver, w bea y ey r es t of the ot se me, I hen I e o pa b Space maker y fo dark in the ob elieve r the je m ligh y child ct, the t co min hood. I g ba ck.
Light and sense of space
How to use light to change sense of space
Paper model
If we believe our eyes, I realized that we can recognize the space is because of the bright and dark. If we can disturb the relationship of bright and dark on an object, the feeling of this object’s form in our eyes will be changed, which means
space has been changed. Therefore, I create a device which can allow light to go through and create both shadow and light to disturb the object shape and space. It is quite a raw device without too much technical element. I still
love this little thing. It is an interesting start point of my new understanding of architecture. I even use the concept of this project to apply to another project to create an interesting façade.
Project 1
Timber Mountain
I was a big fan of Yansong Ma, when I got into the third-year architecture unit in QUT. He uses the form to redefine the city landscape. I also want to use this concept to recreate a mountain in a public park. I want to create something different in public ordinary life. I hope people can stop in front of my timber mountain and enjoy life. 3
Explosive view
Due to the function is reading and opening to the public, this node needs to think about multi-situation. I hypothesize four possible results of people reading behaviour. I also think about the public behaviour surrounding this construction and their activities scale. By adjusting the height of the interior space, the form of the construction creates continuity and organic space. Each timber component of the construction can be disassembled and reassembled. The timber components will be installed on a concrete base, which can also be used as a long bench. For different climate, the gap between each timber component can also be adjusted to let more light and wind go through. Therefore, the different season may generate several different forms of this construction. Architecture should change over time, not fixed with one pattern, so people can have some fun in their daily life. Project 2
Container Nest This is the third year second semester high-density and multi-stories residential building project. To be honest, because of this project, I tasted some success and realized my naĂŻve. I have to say I tried my best on this project and that means a portfolio with almost 170 A3 pages. When I finished the semester, I also win some prize, because of this project. However, I researched on the relevant concept with my project after the semester and I realized that some part of my core idea has been published in the Archigram by Peter Cook in 1964. I feel both happy and sad at that moment. I feel happy because my architecture thought is quite close to a great architect, but the sad thing is that the concept has been existing for almost 70 years. I am so small in the history. 5
Site contour
Site section Base level circulation
(Cozzie1996, 2009)
Ekka event Circulation 20m
Level 2
Ekka site
Site bird view
Level 1
The project is located in Brisbane city, which is framed by Exhibition Street, Alexandra Street. The site was part of the Ekka show-ground. The site terrain is north-east high, south-east low. There might be a planning road go through the south part of the site. For providing a better living experience for the people who live on this site, I separate the public function and private living zone vertically and use the different site level to separate entrance and circulation. Project 3
Lost of home attachment Mental and Physical Now
Container house process
High Tech Low Life Unaffordable house and apartment 45' Standard High Cube
I choose to use the 45' Standard High Cube, which is the best choice for the dwelling layout. My basic concept of using container is for flexible and cheap. I believe, for young people who don’t have enough money, they can buy a single container for their single life. Then, when they have family and more money, they can buy several new containers and combine them in a different form. Once they want to move out of the project site, the only thing is they need to buy land and place their home. This pattern can solve the nowadays urban residents’ loss of the home attachment from the displaced life. It is also flexible for the young generation to invite their parents to live with them.
Human and Robot
Cyberpunk Future
New old people with better health Multi families in container processing
One day, I dreamed a tree fly above the sky. I deeply believe that is a great idea for a future building because the top big and bottom small is a conceptual prototype for a future life with a flying car. In the future transport system, the high attitude aircraft and underground may become very busy. The ground already has a traffic jam. The only possible solution is the low attitude flying vehicle. For define a clear boundary for the flying cars traffic system, the tree shape can separate high and low attitude zone, so the traffic accident will not happen. Therefore, I decided to blend an interesting artistic style in both digital drawing, animation and game, cyberpunk. The most three important points in cyberpunk world setting are high tech low life, cyborg and consciousness and body. I correspond these three elements to three real-world problems: expensive house prize, loss of home attachment and new elder generation situation. The solution to all these problems is the container. 7
One child family
Install way
One child family
Family with elder and children
In fact, I also image the possible future situation in three processes. This page is maybe in 50 years. We are still using a crane to lift the container. People love to live in the existing settled dwelling unit. You can see the process of the single container unit becoming six units. Meanwhile, the function also changes by the need. The double level unit provides more possibilities for the resident to live with another family. Project 3
Unmanned aerial vehicle transport
Art Sa
Gallery and house ard
Art Ga
r howe
Gym and house Bar
Gym Locke r room
Bar and house er
The second stage of this design project is after technology improving. I image the miniaturization of UAV. With several UAVs assisting, the container can lift and adjust location with more flexible. The complex form composition leads the variable function. The traditional community life has been changed to a new commercial and residential pattern. 9
The third stage is the last stage, the cyberpunk world. Flying motor home has replaced the cheap container. The whole tower has become the parking area for resident and traveller to stay overnight. The building may become a historical building surrounding by the neon light. Some visitors may still visit the shop in the lower part of the building to recall the days gone. Project 3
Due to the composition and industrial-like requirement, I think a lot about the plane composition and plan form. I try to reconstruct the prototype of the Courtyard building. By attempting to reorganize the different space on the plan to create a different plan form. I try to use the rules from the De stijl and Russian avant-garde to create a floating and shifting feeling. For better breaking the image, I use a strong directional rectangle to break the stabilization of the image. By layer upon the vertical direction, each part of the building rises up from north to south. The irregular ladder provides a better view of each level and follows the city height planning. The most public function has been placed on level 1. The city gallery and art school need more private space, so they are on the second level. The private company and artist studio are on the third level. Such a large building with multi-functional space provide multiple opportunities for the public to understand, learn and play with the art. This is one of my vision of Alon-Alon, Jombang city, a colourful future.
Jombang Art Centre What kind of building and city do we need to keep? What kind of group do we serve? These two questions keep bothering me when I was doing my fourth-year first-semester design project. This project is following the other project, city design of Jombang context. However, the documentation size limits my explanation, so the reason why I choose this project is trying to show my understanding of building design and I will try to use minimum page to explain the relationship between this building and the Alon-Alon zone, Jombang. 11
Management Workshop Library and Reading Art Education Art Gallery Lecture Room and Auditorium Private Office, Studio and Workshop
8.4m 9
4 1
2 8 2
6 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
6. 7. 8. 9.
art school reception student exhibition reading room large scale artwork workshop small scale artwork workshop store small lecture room terrace classroom parking
Level 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Level 2
classroom teacher office gallery entrance transparent corridor gallery exit store large scale artwork exhibition 8. small scale artwork exhibition 9. city photo frame 10. standing of terrace classroom
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
cafe artist office artist workshop dinning resting store
2 5
4 3
Level 3
City Gallery Painting Art Level Project 4
Mayor House
From this axonometric drawing, you can feel what I was trying to do to this Alon-Alon zone. I want to reinforce the connection between the zone of Alon-Alon square (culture), Mayer house (political) and Mosque (religious) and creative industry zone (art). The city gallery in the art centre point to the Mosque, which shows the centre point of the whole Alon-Alon zone, their belief. Likewise, for better merging into the city context, I create lots of transition space for the public to use. By using different transparent space and material, I attempt to redefine two courtyards in the building which has been deconstructed.
Alon-Alon Square
Railway Station and Alon-Alon city landscape terrace
Commercial and Residential Zone
Creative Industry Zone
Creative Industry Zone
Graffiti art
Mosque viewing frame
Roof heat dissipation detail
Gallery space and level
Courtyard layout
Workshop, interior transparency
Level 3 environment
Mosque viewing frame
Transition space
Mosque viewing frame Mosque viewing frame Cushion space with hard Boundary Cushion space with soft Boundary
Courtyard reconstruction
Passive design
Breath brick wall Project 4
This is the selected project which I do intern in the Do architect. Due to the limited pages, I just show the perspective drawing to show the concept of the K-12 international school. I was asked to do the school planning, elevation design and digital modelling (site and buildings). This intern provides me with lots of interesting experience in the professional architecture design process. I always think about the difference between practical work and architecture project at university. As an architecture student, should we choose to become more creative to achieve our dream or to be more practical to get a higher mark? Due to my university’s educational method and atmosphere, my project style has become the practical design process and more and more focus on the detail. How to balance these points is an interesting experience.
Working Experience Content Project 01 Space maker p.01 Project 02 Timber Mountain p.03 Project 03 Container Nest p.05 Project 04 Jombang Art Centre p.11
Reference Cozzie1996. (2009). EKKA [Image]. Retrieved from https://
Thank you