Yee Jia Qi_Temasek Polytechnic_1301805F

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‘Shape design like how we shape the world.’

“You are not confined to look at a space in one given way. You can really meander around.” ~Zaha Hadid I adopted her ideology to inspire herself to cultivate awareness of the physical surrounding landscapes as well as sustainable approaches in her designs. By integrating design to resolve relevant environment factors, I seek to create experiences and interactions within spaces for users. I currently a Year 2 student studying Environment Design in Temasek Polytechnic, whose works focuses in architecture and landscaping. I have learnt how to design indoor and outdoor spaces that are ecologically and aesthetically in-harmony with the surroundings. I see design like a ribbon whereby we have to tie different aspects like the physical site, climate and users together in order to construct something functionable, thus affecting people’s life. I believe design is to make a change in the world by creating something that can benefit everyone.


Architecture is more than just function and form. As an environmental architect, it is essential for me to observe the surroundings first before deciding what comes next. Therefore, I am trained to determine the best ways to approach upcoming needs.

Eco - Pool


Secrets Behind



2014 I am tasked to conduct contextual studies about Kallang, specifically within the vicinity of National Stadium (Sports Hub) and along Kallang River. To design a water public space encouraging visual and variety excitement, as well as scenic views of Kallang, Being the aim for Eco-Pool, it is based on the idea of creating an open water play area with rocks surrounding seawards creating swimming areas between them. It is designed to tie a closer link between the city and the sea. Two rock thematic pools give room for everyone: children, families and even the elderly can go wild while others enjoy the view of Kallang along the waterfront. In addition, a naturalised filtrating system is implemented in the site itself. Not just using it aesthetically, it functions as part of cleansing the swimming pool’s water as well. To design a space mainly cater to sports, it does not neccessary have to be indoors. It can be an activity that is a combination of relaxation, leisure and fun. Therefore, i have decided to focus on waterbility concept.

Eco - Pool.

Kallang, Singapore

Process of filterating:

Proposed design is sepearated into 2 portions - soft and aquascape. However, due to the disconnection between these 2 areas, a stretch of greeneries and rain garden are there to blend it.

During rainy days, excess water are transferred through underground pipes to the biological pool whereby it cleanses the water naturally.

After cleansing, clean water is then transported to the rocky and lazy pool respectively.

Biological Pool


Rain Garden Overflow pipe

When the pool’s water level overflows to the expected height, the water will flow naturally out to the sea.


To Sea

Perspective view

While waiting to board motorised boats at the viewing deck area, people get to enjoy significant views of Kallang and also over the city area. Along with beautiful sceneries, human scale man-made rocks are designed for people to lay down or sit while appreciating the skyline.

The lazy pool is the nearest to the open water area. Not only get to enjoy full exposed skyline and relaxation, people get to experience sitting at the peak of a manmade rock to appreciate paranomic views of the propsed site in a breezy day

Feeling exhausted after exploring Eco-Pool, dropping by at a nearby alfresco dining cafe enables you to enjoy sumptous meals beside an array of colourful plants.

Walking at the entrance of Eco-Pool, it welcomes people with lush greenery and the tranquility of water.

Roof Plan

Melaleuca cajuputi

Memaleuca bracteata ‘Revolution Gold’

Ficus fisculosa Rein w. ex Blueme

Bentinckia nicobarica

Areca catechu


Melaleuca cajuputi

Isolepis cernua (Vani.) Roem. & Schult

Osmoxylon lineare (Merr.) Philipson

Neptunia plena (L.) Benth

Pondederia cordata

Cyperus papyrus

Fagraea auriculata Jack

Pluchea indica L.


2014 I am tasked to focus on site analysis, site contextual issuses, social and cultural factors, confronted with the physical site condition issues. Locating at the eastern part of Punggol town, I have to consider the interface of public housing and waterfront spaces, connectivity, sustainability and ecology. Community in a Garden Knowing that it is part of Singapore’s vision, Sens-Ation aims to fulfill it by implementing the combination of both urbanism and nature within an area. Considering the fact that @Punggol is located opposite Lorong Harlus and having a park connector nearby, which consists of lush vegetation and habitats. It thus influences SensAtion to bring nature closer to the urban spaces, therefore ‘Community in a Garden’ concept comes in. Today, the link between nature and urban spaces seems missing even though both are close to each other. Hence, by reconnecting people with nature is the best way to also bring nature closer to people.


Punngol, Singapore

Site Analysis of given site

Punggol town, being a new developing area for most of the houses to be built, and a common place for the new generations. @Punggol is a place filed with clusters of F&B Outlets and Recreational Complex at Punggol East. It is also located just opposite the lush greenery area - Lorong Harlus. Therefore, we have a vision - An Everlasting Green Community with facility by the doorstep.

After getting the designated portion from the master plan, the plot of land suggested is a residential area. Therefore, massings of houses and greeneries were cautiously arranged to fulfill the master plan’s and desired aim. Sens-Ation also hope to achieve a densely populated residence within the proposed site itself.

Sens-Ation also focus on the views of its surroundings. Going from an ascending height, it allows more residents to appreciate the view in their apartments.

Ground story is also thought of carefully planned to the various spaces around the blocks due to convenience.

Ground story plan

Aiming to be a green residential building, Sens-Ation targets each building to have its own eco-friendly speciality. In the midrise blocks, it is designed to have thematic gardens at the ground story of each individual blocks. Thematic gardens are planned accordingly to connect with the surrounding spaces.

Following by the high-rise blocks, each level is given 2 boundaries both front and back at varying width. It was intiationally planned out for the residents to do gardening to make the respective blocks more aesthetically looking, including appreciating views at the highest levels among the other blocks. In continuation, Sense-Ation welcomes people with a cooling location filled with shade and beautiful ambience.

Interior view

Locating within the park connector compound, flooring takes an important role to what kind of walking methods one is using. It is a convenient stop for all ages to stop by to take a breather at the current Punggol @ Waterway. In addition, the material is porous, so as to seep the water in and dispose it to the reservoir.

Interior view

The flooring material would be slightly indifferent as it is not heavily used.

Interior view

Rainwater Harvesting

During rainy days, water is being collected at the roof of the mid-rise buildings. The water then flows down through the proposed pipes underground. Due to the uneven terrain ascending to the North-East direction, it makes rainwater flows even faster, thus increasing surface runoff. If flooding occurs, there will be an underground pipe chanelling water to Sungei Serangoon Reservoir.



It is the most Nature’s way of recycling, is the biological process of breaking up of organic waste. Composting consists of: Greens + Blues + +Brown+ Air + Macro-organisms / Micro-organisms



FOOD (Product)

and putting them in layers in order to undergo the process.


2014 I am tasked to provide an understanding of landscape architecture principles and its impact on the built and natural environment. I am also exposed to how nature is integrated to the character of built environment and sustainably preserve by various urban practices with conscious managing and planning for what is sustainable for the landscape. Accessibility Being aware of the many problematic areas of the site, it enables Redolence to know which target audience to make as priority. There are mainly the students who uses the left side of the campus often. Redolence hopes to achieve a more convenient and pleasant route for the target audience in the future.


Tampines, Singapore

Site Analysis

Drain clogged with water Result: No use -Can only be used during dry weather -No shelter provided when rain ; water splatter everywhere -Used as relaxation

-Hardly people walk this path which eventually is ignored -No way to cut through

-No shelter given during rainy days -Dark ; no lights to guide people out

-Huge space -Normally used for a place for gathering / dinner -No shelter -Flooded with water when rain -> Less populated -Grass won’t dry fast

-Insufficient space for students to walk during rainy days -Majority uses overhead bridge -ASC/IIT/BUS students have to walk half a semicircle Alternatively: Underground passageway

Problems faced:



Easily accessible to main level (Level 3) instead of using the stairs

Unable to walk conveniently during rainy conditions [Squeezy ; one man pathway]

Provide shelter

Got shelter ≠Shelter Does not protect one from rain

Most of the problems indentified are normally during the rainy seasons whereby students have to forced themselves to use a longest route to their respective campus, resulting inconveniency. Not only that, the amount of space given to walk is minimised greatly due to strong winds, which then makes the route more poorly used. Circulation during rainy days

Solutions Previously, the long ramp along the entrance of the school has no drains input to drain off excess water during rainy seasons, therefore creating a landfall of water. After implementation, Redolence has proposed to install drains both at the lowest and highest peak of the ramp to drain off excess water. It is to reduce flooding from top to bottom of the ramp, and also to increase maximum pathway for students to walk.



Section of proposed design

This solution is mainly to target the students studying at the left side of the campus. Redolence proposed to design a shelter from the main entrance of the school to Applied Science school whch is located at the corner within the left campus compound. After implementation, Redolence proposed to deisgn a shelter catered specially for them. It is to reduce time for students to walk a quarter of circle, even during rainy days.

Elevation of proposed design

To be more universally designed conscious, rather than designing a flight of wide stairs catered to the students, the area has neglected the disabled people whp might happened to use the stairway too. Having the ramp to be located at the end of the stairway, Redolence designs an ascending slope from the previous ramp to the overhead bridge area, replacing the entire stairway. It will then reduces effort for steeping on wide stairs. In addition, having easy accessibility for wheelchair bound people too.





Looking at the edgy planting area at the main facade of the school, it somehow directs people going to the certain direction without any other optional routes. Not only that, having to plant only shrub species does not being able to shelter the people walking across in such a humid country. Therefore, Redolence proposed to have naturalised planting and redesigned the edges for a better and smoother way to the designated schools.

Proposed planting plan

Proposed groundcover planting plan

Proposed tree planting plan

Proposed shrubs planting plan Not just plants being able to grow freely and adapt to the environment, it helps to create a natural shelter above people’s heads, so as to deflect maximun sunlight. Redolence hope to actively use 3 out of the 5 senses – Sight, feel, smell to invoke people’s mind while strolling across. This is to enable students to de-stress or relieve themselves from getting tensed up.


Michelia alba Fragrant tree with white flowers

Coccoloba uvifera Dull looking tree Max Height: 15m Spread: 5-9m


Cornutia grandifolia

Hemigraphis alternata

Lantana camara

Portulaca oleracea cult.

Max. height: 30m Spread: 3-4.6m

Plumeria obtusa Fragrant tree with white flowers

Mimusops elengi

Max. height: 5-12m Spread: 9m

Colourful Leaves: Pseuderanthemum nigrum Purple leaves with white flowers Max height: 1.22m

Cordyline fruiticosa ‘Tricolour’ Leaves with green, orange and pink

Colourful Flowers:

Turnera uvifera

Duranta erecta ‘variegata’

Wrightia religiosa

Jasminum sambac ‘Arabian Nights’

Max height: 1.2-1.8m

Exoecaria cochinchinesis Purpish-red and green leaves

Costus erythrophyllus Purple leaves with pink flowers

Max height: 1m

Max height: 1.5m

2013 My artwork takes a critical view of how nuclear can impact the world if it is handle improperly. It may impact a country or even a continent. We might see nuclear as a minor effect but the impact can be massive. In 1986, Chernobyl had this accident which causes thousands of victims dead or suffered illnesses due to highly radioactive radiation being spread around Ukraine. This accident then influenced me to develop this artwork – Secret Behind. I drew inspiration from a sculpture named ‘Sphere within Sphere’ by Arnaldo Pomodor. As the installation is a round shape, it echoes the form of Earth. It is a huge fractured orb showing cracking spheres one over another. The design of the internal layers seems to imitate the gears of a clock, symbolising the fragility and complexity of the world. In my artwork, the radioactive tins shows contrast and uneven alignments on the globe. Not only that, the asymmetrical globe also gives a rough texture to represent land and water. Similarly to ‘Sphere within Sphere’, my artwork is portraying the harsh difficulties that the world finds itself in at the end. Majority assumes that fully sealed items are always safe. However, my artwork is to show people the facts about nuclear leakage and the scale of its impact. After enrolling to Environmental Art, it is an eye-opening to me to actually know the dangers the current world faces. Therefore, if we don’t protect our world, who will? Perhaps nature would overlaps itself to cover up the ugliness of the world.

Secrets Behind.

‘Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways’, quoted from Stephen Vincent Benet. It tells us that small matters can really impact one’s life due to deliberateness or accidental. This is why nuclear is deadly.

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