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Lesson 1: ENTERING BUSINESS Business is an activity that involves manufacturing, purchasing or buying, selling, financing, or providing financial support, and giving services. It aims to obtain profit. Profit is a kind of earning or gain after some investment has been made. An investment refers to the money or materials put down to start a business. Investment can loosely be equated with capital, which is usually in the form of money. Profit can be computed after taking into account whether the capital, as well as other investments, have been returned or regained in the course of operating the business. ď śFORMS OF OWNERSHIP Business enterprises may be classified into three categories: 1. Private business is owned by an individual. 2. Government-owned business falls under government supervision. 3. Business owned by an individual and the government is run by an individual or group of people who shares a percentage of profit to the government. The government finances the business while the individual or group operates or manages it. Ownership in business is the legal relationship between a person and his or her possession. It is very important to identify and analyze an owner’s responsibilities, the terms of his or her profit-sharing, and the pros and cons of the type of ownership he or enjoys. Form of Business Owner/s Advantages Disadvantages Proprietorship one person or family - minimum capital - owner is in direct, and decides on his or her own will - no control of time - difficulty in raising more capital - unlimited things to do, as there are less people to assign to do the tasks. Partnership two person or families - minimum capital, with another source of capital available - two heads - unlimited control of business debt YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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- authority is divided between the thinking or deciding - average freedom in investments or in the expansion of business owners -lack of systematic administration or management Corporation three or more persons or families - maximum capital - easier to raise funds - specialized management of the owners - closely-regulated - group controlled, so the system is more felt or manifest THE BUSINESS PLAN To be successful in business, an individual should plan carefully. There are several important things to settle and take into account before actually opening the business or starting operations. A sample of a business plan is given below: - name of business - location - market - supply - demand - selling price - expected sales per day Business, like art, is a way of life. Getting into business takes a long and extensive preparation, not only financially but mentally and physically. These questions are considered: 1. Am I ready to start this kind of business? 2. Do I have time to handle it? 3. What experience do I have to qualify me to enter this business? 4. Is my capital enough to finance and meet the requirements I need? GUIDE QUESTIONS! 1. What is business? 2. What should one prepare before entering a business? 3. What business would you set up if you were given the chance? THINGS TO DO! Identify the following: 1. It involves manufacturing, purchasing, selling, and giving service that aims to obtain profit. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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2. A type of business that is owned by an individual. 3. A type of business that is owned and run by the government. 4. A legal relationship between a person and his possession. 5. A type of ownership wherein there is an average freedom to success since there are two heads deciding and thinking for the future.

Lesson 2: SMALL BUSINESS RETAILING Retailing refers to all types of selling directly in small quantities. Starting a retail business will usually need only a small capital. Today, retailing plays a big role in the development of our economy. It provides livelihood to many people. Retail stores are classified as follows: 1. General Stores sell unrelated items of merchandise ranging from hardware, groceries, and school supplies, to dry goods. 2. Single-Line Store carry only one kind of merchandise, be it bread, books, shoes, or medicine. These may also offer single-line services like water delivery or laundering. 3. Specialty Stores sell products which are distinct or different from the ones found in general stores. These goods are usually of a limited supply, demand, and number of producers, making the goods less accessible to the general public. RETAIL OUTLET There are different ways of peddling one’s goods or services. 1. Selling a store or in a more-or-less permanent location, the location being a part of the home, or within a commercial area 2. Selling in public or private markets 3. House-to-house selling 4. Selling by travelling stores or stores-on-wheels TYPES OF SELLING There are also various methods of exchanging goods and payment between a seller and buyer. 1. Cash-on-Sale 2. Cash-Send or Cash-Delivery Sale YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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3. Charge-Take Sale 4. Charge-Send or Charge-Deliver 5. Lay-Away or Will-Cash Sale 6. Part-Cash, Part-Change Sale 7. Installment Sale 8. Cash-on-Delivery STARTING SMALL Careful and wise planning are the most significant things to consider when starting a retail store. Here are some factors to consider in opening a store. 1. Capital or Seed Money 2. Type of Store 3. Site 4. Goods 5. Business Permit WHAT IS A CONSUME? A consumer is one who buys and uses services and items to satisfy his or her needs. He or she decides on what he or she needs or wants to buy, normally with the influence or help of the media, particularly the advertising industry. Advertising and Consumerism Advertising is a powerful tool in business. The principle of advertising lies in convincing the consumers that they need the product or service to be able to say that they have reached an acceptable status in society - a status characterized by, for example, being beautiful or wealthy, notions that society itself has shaped. In the same way, advertising contributes to the shaping of these notions by setting standards of beauty or the good life. GUIDE QUESTIONS! 1. Define retailing. 2. How does advertising contribute to the success of a business? 3. How does a seller maintain a good relationship with his or her buyer? 4. What are the factors to consider in operating a store? 5. Why do most Filipinos prefer putting up a small-scale business? 6. What is a consumer? What makes one a wise consumer? 7. How important is population survey in starting a business? 8. Would you consider putting up your own business in the future? YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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THINGS TO DO! Unscramble the letters to form words associated with putting up a business, then give the meaning. Scrambled Letters Words Meaning recmousn isnbsues cltpaia tlaierer etis tilaergni tosre

Lesson 3: THE SARI-SARI STORE A common business at present is the sari-sari store. A sari-sari store is where we go to when we need commodities. This type of buying is called tingian in Filipino. Sari-sari stores mushroom in Filipino communities. They conveniently serve residents who do not have the time or money to buy products in bulk, whether in the market or grocery. SARI-SARI GOODS The following are things to consider when stocking the store with goods. 1. Buy directly from the wholesaler 2. Basic needs of consumer 3. Fast-selling goods 4. Storage facilities PRICE TAG There is a law known as the Price Tag Law which requires every seller to place a price tag for every product he or she sells in the store. This is important for the buyers to be able to make a comparison with other stores without bothering the salesperson. The tags also serve as guide for future shopping activities, and the customers assured of a fair deal. PRICE COMPONENTS YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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1. Price refers to the cost of goods or items paid for the merchandise. 2. Mark-up refers to the percentage which covers the expenses in buying the goods. 3. Profit is the total amount added on every item, minus all the expenses. Computing for the Selling Price 1. Cost of Item + Mark-up (percentage) Example: cooking oil ₱ 75.00 + 15% = ₱ 75.00 x .15 = ₱ 11.25 Mark-up Price 2. Cost of Item + Amount of Mark-up Example: ₱ 75.00 + ₱ 11.25 = ₱ 86.25 Selling Price GUIDE QUESTIONS! 1. How are customers given consideration when arranging goods in a sari-sari store? 2. What are basic commodities? Give examples of these. 3. Should sari-sari store offer products that address not the needs, but purely the pleasures of the customers? Defend your answer. THINGS TO DO! Research on the history of the sari-sari store in the Philippines.

Lesson 4: STORE ORGANITAZION AND LAY-OUT To impress and get the attention of the customers, one of the most important things to think about is the store lay-out. The inside arrangement of the store can already be seen from the outside. Inside arrangement refers to the shelves, counter, display area, furniture, and other equipment. There should always be special consideration for the convenience of the buyer. FACTORE THAT INFLUENCE STORE LAY-OUT 1. Think of the customer of the store. 2. Consider the goods that the store will be selling. 3. The area allotted for the store will affect the arrangement of the store. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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4. Does the store have a big space for all the furniture and equipment needed? 5. Who will manage the store? KINDS OF STORE LAY-OUT 1. U-type. The customer has a good chance to choose leisurely the things he or she needs. This type of store requires more personnel to assist and check on the buyers. This is the usual lay-out of small 24-hour convenience stores and groceries. 2. Close-type Lay-out. A few people are required to serve the customers, because the latter can wait for their turn. Only the store personnel are inside the store while the buyers wait outside. An example of this lay-out are the drive-through branches of fastfood chains in gasoline stations along highways. 3. Straight Forward Shelves. The goods are arranged according to kind. This type of store gives the customer an advantage in selecting what to buy. It also saves their time and energy from looking everywhere for the things they need. Supermarkets are typically arranged this way. GUIDE QUESTIONS! 1. Which store lay-out do you think is the most advantageous in terms of the number of customers that can come in? 2. How does the area of the store affect its inside arrangement? 3. Aside from its internal arrangement, what else could attract customers into a store? 4. Why is the age of the target customers important in considering how to lay-out the store? THINGS TO DO! Imagine that you were given the chance to open your own store. Design its lay-out, keeping in mind the age of your customers and the product that you will be selling. Lesson 6: STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE FILIPINO IN BUSINESS STRENGTHS The following are values that Filipino are known for. We can use these to our advantage in doing business, whether in the country or abroad. - Willingness to learn - Creativity - Patience and Perseverance


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WEAKNESSES Filipinos, however, are beset with some problems in our attempt at entrepreneurship. These disadvantages are said to be due to our long history of colonization, where we have been taught to become subservient to our colonial masters. But we always have the chance to improve on our weaknesses, or divert these creatively into more productive use. - Lack of technical skills - Lack of capital - Inability to diversify - Gaya-Gaya System - “Bahala na” Attitude - Crab Mentality PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS As with any other endeavor, business is also beset with problems. We should anticipate these before starting our own business. - Lack of knowledge in financial management is usually the cause of business failure, even if there is a working capital. Money is lost in too much unnecessary or unwise spending. - Marketing activities are limited to those copied from other businesses. - The inefficiency of workers in production is shown in laziness, tardiness, and lack of love for, commitment to, and belief in work. Maintaining honesty and loyalty is also a problem. - Recruitment standards and procedures for workers are flexible, not planned. Sometimes, a person is hired over a more qualified applicant just because the former has established initial connections with other employees in the company. - Organizational set-ups are not clear. Responsibilities and tasks are given to any person at any time. - In an inadequate administration system, production schedule (the quality and quantity of expected or work done after a given time) and the costs are not given importance in the management of the business. SOLVING THE PROBLEMS If one is determined to continue doing business in spite of the problems, one should start by examining the problems. Then he or she should try to overcome them using ingenuity, creativity, and common sense. One can can consult other people, especially those who have already overcome the difficulties experience in business. If possible, one can temporarily hire a consultant to help sort the problems out. Once a solution to any of the problems is established, it is necessary to adhere to principles that


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may have been earlier ignored. One should not be ashamed to admit faults and receive constructive criticisms, as the experience may teach some important lessons. GUIDE QUESTIONS! 1. How is business management culture-based? 2. Name other strengths in the Filipino that he or she can utilize in doing business. 3. Name other weaknesses that might work to the disadvantage of the Filipino businessman or woman. 4. Cite an instance where one has been able to show his or her creativity as a Filipino. THINGS TO DO! Imagine having your own business. Think of a strategy or pakulo that would attract customers into your store. Write this down, complete with illustrations.

Let’s Talk About These: 1. What is meant by effective home management?

2. What is the importance of managing the home effectively?

3. What are the factors to consider in home management? Explain.

4. Why is it important to have a schedule of household chores?


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5. Give some healthy and safety practices while working?

Let’s Answer These: Fill each blank with the correct answer. 1. ___________________ is achieved if there is an effective home management. 2. ____________________ refers to the management of all family resources. 3. Cleaning of gutter, changing of curtains and repairing of things at home are ____________________ tasks. 4. – 6. In assigning members of the family to do different task ____________________, ____________________, and ______________ are considered. 7. In __________________, purpose of the plan, the people who will work and the time frame to finish the work are stated. 8. ____________________ is needed is the proper sequence is followed. 9. – 10. During the evaluation _______________ and _______________ are given for considerations. 11. ____________ states that the persons who will do the work and the time frame to be considered. 12. -13. One can avoid accident while working if he/she __________________ and _________________. 14. While working one has to observe proper ___________________ . 15. The working are must always be ____________________________ . Let’s Do These: Make a schedule of household chores for your own family. Exchange work with your seatmate and analyze. Discuss it in the class.

Lesson 5: Management of Resources Resources are all around us. These can be found inside and outside your home, in community, in yourself. Proper management of all the available resources for the family is important to achieve the goal of the family and help improve their way of living and that of the community. Family resources include human and non human. Human resources are Godgiven abilities, skill and talents, physical and mental health while non-human resources are natural resources. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Management of some important family resources are discussed below. Management of Strength People need strength to finish all the works at home. Strength should be managed properly so as not to get tired. Following are some tips to managed strength properly: a. Study the steps of the work to be done. Steps that could be done simultaneously should be carried out to finish the work easier. b. Prepare all the needed materials before starting to work. c. Learn the proper sequence of work and follow them to avoid committing mistakes. d. Be sure to have a place for everything and place everything in its place every time. Use table, benches and cabinet with enough height. e. Use both hands while working. Train both left and right hand in working. f. Observe proper posture while doing the work. Time Management Time flies so fast and so it is important to use them efficiently. The 24 hours a day can be spent in useful, valuable and enjoyable things. Likewise, it can also be spent in the fastest way of wasting it. Time management will become more rewarding and effective if the person sees the value of the finished work. Time Plan Time plan should include the following: List of jobs to be done as time is available, series of projects includes a time sequence without definite time limits, and a schedule which includes a time and approximate amount of time for different activities. Budgeting The kind of living a family depends on the income of the whole family. The amount of income is important to support everyday need of the family. The Family Budget Budget is a plan where the family income is divided into different family expenditures. It is also a plan of making the most of the family resources so that they can be used to the best possible advantage. Budgeting could be done weekly, every 15 th day or monthly depending upon the pay schedule of the members. Sources and amount of income should be known so the YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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home manager will know how to handle them properly. Following are the basic needs included in the list of budget. 1. Food. The biggest portion of the family income is spent for food. 2. Housing. This includes rental fee, real state taxes, premium on insurance, repair and maintenance. 3. Clothing. This includes all kinds of clothing being used by the family. 4. Education. Tuition fees, books, school supplies and allowances are included here. 5. Payment for services. These refer to electricity, water and telephone bills and helper’s salary. 6. Savings. This refers to the amount being set aside for emergency expenses or future plans. 7. Miscellaneous expenses. Included here are gifts, medicine and contributions.

Wise Spending Family income should be spent wisely to make sure that all the basic necessities are provided to the members of the family. One feels greet satisfaction with the thought that his earnings are properly disbursed. Let’s Keep These in Mind: Important resources like strength, time and money should be managed properly. Members of the family should learn how to use these resources wisely. Improved family living is achieved if everybody in the family works towards proper management of family resources.


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Let’s Talk About These 1. What are the family resources?

2. How do you manage your time properly? Your strength?

3. What is the importance of family budgeting?

4. Why do you need to spend your money wisely?

5. Give some tips to lessen the family expenditures?

Let’s Answer These: Read the following statements. Write AGREE or DISAGREE. __________ 1. Time and strength should be used wisely. __________ 2. It is always possible to do two things at the same time. __________ 3. Know the proper sequence of doing things to avoid mistakes. __________ 4. Tools and materials may be scattered around while working. __________ 5. Always use your right hand for easy working. __________ 6. Leisure times can be used productively. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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__________ 7. Hard and easy task/work could be done alternately. __________ 8. Live simply and according to your means. __________ 9. Have extra money in going to supermarket and grocery so you can buy other things that you want. __________ 10. Rest and relax after a hard labor. __________ 11. You can’t give to charities if you are poor. __________ 12. The biggest amount of income is spent for food. __________ 13. Small amount of savings should always be included in the budget. __________ 14. Always take advantage of “sales” and “tiangge” __________ 15. Always choose the cheapest product regardless of quality. __________ 16. Follow your family budget religiously to be effective. __________ 17. You can spend as much as you can as long as you have the money. __________18.Gifts and contributions are included in miscellaneous expenses. __________ 19. Alternative ingredients can be used instead of those expensive ones. __________ 20. It is only the mother who needs to plan the family expenditures.

Lesson 6: Preparing and Serving Foods for Different Occasions One good thing about the Filipinos is having close family ties. Many times a year, family members and relatives come to the ancestral home and gather together. At your age now, it is important that you learn what are those foods prepared during special occasions. You should also know the different factors to be considered in preparing those kinds of foods. Factors to consider in planning and preparing foods for different occasions 1. Occasions. One has to know the exact occasion to celebrate. 2. Time of gathering. Will it be morning, at noon or in the evening? 3. Budget. Is the budget enough for the occasion and the number of guests who will be coming? 4. Venue. Will it be held in your own house/lawn or in pavilion or resort? 5. Number of guests. How many are invited and how many persons are expected to come? 6. Table appointments. Are there enough dinnerware, flatware, beverage ware and linens to be used? 7. Helpers. Who are the people who can help you prepare and cook the food? Planning Economical but Nutritious Food


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Preparing meals for different occasions requires careful planning. Menu should be balanced and nutritious. Although recipes of pork commonly cooked and prepared, fish and vegetable or combination of fish and vegetable should also be included. Chicken should not be left behind. With a well-planned menu, you will be able to balance less expensive foods with the expensive ones. Soup is always a part of the menu plan. It is served as an appetizer. Food should not be all fried or with sauce. Marketing Proper marketing needs a lot of decision making if you want to obtain the best with the least amount of money, time and effort. Study the following tips when marketing: 1. Prepare a market list to save on time and trips. 2. Choose foods in their best quality. 3. Buy ingredients from wet markets and supermarkets that sell, new, fresh, and high quality goods. 4. Fresh fruits and vegetables are better than canned goods. The fresher they are, the more nutrients they contain. They should be free from decay and blemishes. 5. Know the qualities of fresh foods to buy. 6. Read labels of canned goods accurately. Take notice of prices and amount contained. 7. Buy fruits and vegetables in season. Find out if there are alternative ingredients which can be used instead of those expensive ones. 8. Do the marketing very clearly in the morning where most of the products are new and fresh. 9. Know the different meat cuts and appropriate menu for each part. Different meat cuts and appropriate menu for each follow: Pork Meat cut Head (ulo) Porkchop Picnic Shoulder (kasim) Fat Back (taba sa likod) Spare Ribs (tadyang) Loin (lomo)


Menu Lechon, “dinuguan”, “kilawin Fried, Barbecue “Adobo”, broiled

Meat cut Chuck (paypay) Shank (kentsi) Ribs (kostilyas)

Menu Broilesd, lechon, “nilaga”

“Chicharon”, “mechado”

Brisket (Tadyang o liyempo) Brisket (Punta at Pitso) Flank (Kabilugan o Kampto)

Broiled, “nilaga”

Barbecue, “Sinigang”’ soup Barbecue, broiled, “batsoy” Pork


“Nilaga”, Broiled Broiled, “nilaga”

Corned beef “Nilaga”

Beef Meat cut



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Belly or Side Bacon (liyempo sa tiyan) Internal organs (laman loob) Ham (pigue) Shank (pata)

Broiled, lechon

Loin (kadera)

Broiled, steak

“kilawin”, dinuguan”, “bopis”, “batsoy” “Adobo”, “sinigang”, “tapa”, ham “paksiw”, nilaga”, “karekare”

Round (Pierna korta) Internal Oragns (laman loob) Rump (Tapadera)

Broiled, lechon “Pinapaitan”, “goto”, “bopis”, “kalyos” Broiled, Lechon

Cooking Materials and Utensils Following are the important cooking materials and utensils which you will need to cook well and with ease.

Methods of Preparation All the ingredients of the different foods to be prepared should be handled properly. Here are the processes or techniques in preparing and handling ingredients while cooking. 1. Peeling – to remove the skin covering of a fruit or vegetable using hands or fingers.

4. Pounding- reducing food size to fine particles using mortar and pestle.

2. Paring – Removing of skin or covering of fruit or vegetable with a paring knife or peeler.

5. Straining – separating the solid particles from the liquid portion of a mixture with the use of wire mesh or sieve.

3. Scaling- to remove scales particularly or fish with the use of knife.


6. Slicing – cutting a whole piece into thin pieces of the same size.

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7. Beating – mixing ingredients with very rapid circular motions using a fork or mechanical beater.

8. Measuring – taking of the exact amount of ingredients using measuring cups or spoons.

9. Grating- changing food into fine particles with the use of grater.

10. Grinding - putting food through a grinder to make small pieces.

vinegar, sugar and pepper for salad dressings.

13. Marinating – soaking fish, pork, beef or chicken in a mixture of calamansi or vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, salt and pepper.

14. Shredding – tearing or shredding boiled chicken and vegetables in long strips with the hand or knife.

15. Sieving – done with flour, sugar or starch with the help of a strainer to make foods fine wand porous.

Mixing – stirring several ingredients in a bowl or mixing ware using spoon or ladle.

16. Chopping - making foods fine with the use of knife or chopper.

12. Blending – combining several ingredients and flavors thoroughly such as oil, salt,

17. Seasoning – adding salt, sugar, pepper, patis, vinegar, soy sauce to improve taste.


Methods of Cooking Here are techniques in cooking food: 1. Boiling – cooking food in water at its boiling point.


2. Sautéing – cooking vegetables or meat with garlic, onions or tomatoes in small quantity of hot fat.

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3. Frying – cooking food in fat or cooking oil.

4. Broiling – cooking food by direct heat or “live” coal.

9. Half boiling – partly cooking food like egg over little boiling water.

10.Taking off scum – taking away dirty bubbles from the top soup or liquid called scum from softening meat or cooking syrup.

5. Blanching – dipping or immersing food for a few minutes in boiling water to loosen the skin. 11. Extracting oil – boiling fats of beef and pork in little oil until brown and fatty oil comes out. 6. Steaming – to cook by means of steam rising from boiling water.

7. Stewing – cooking food slowly in small amount of water over low heat for a long time.

8. Roasting – to cook by dry heat over “live” charcoal or in an oven done whole chicken or whole pig (lechon). YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

12. Pre-cooking – cooking or sautéing food lightly in oil to maintain its taste.

13. Melting – heating margarine or solid fats until they turn liquid.

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Rules in Preparation of Ingredients Foods should be prepared in clean and proper way so as to preserve the nutrients, form and taste. Observe the following in the preparation of foods and ingredients. 1. Wash fruits and vegetables before peeling, paring, cutting or slicing. 2. Peel and cut fruits and vegetables if you are about to cook them. Nutrients are lost when fruits and vegetables are exposed for a long time. 3. To prevent fruits and vegetables from discoloring after paring like bananas and apples, sprinkle calamansi juice over them; or soak in water mixed with little sugar; or have them immersed in pineapple juice. 4. Strongly flavored foods like radish should be pared and sliced one hour before cooking to allow some flavor to dissipate in the air. Peel skin of potatoes, carrots, raw papaya and sayote thinly as the vitamins and minerals are on the skin. 5. Use very little water when boiling vegetables and use the broth for soup. 6. Cover the pot while cooking so that the food will easily get cooked. Avoid frequent opening and closing of the pot while being boiled. 7. Use mixing spoons, rubber scraper and appropriate utensils. 8. Wash and clean utensils taken from the storage before using them. 9. Gather all ingredients, tools and equipment together on the working table before you start preparing the food or arrange them all within easy reach. 10. Level the cup or spoon with the blunt edge of a knife or spatula when measuring dry ingredients. 11. Put the measuring cup on a level surface before pouring the liquid to the desired measurement when measuring liquid ingredients. 12. Use proper condiments and spices according to the recipe. 13. Wash hands before handling any food. Avoid touching the hair, face and other parts of the body while preparing foods. 14. Place a news paper on the working table to catch peeling and rubbish. 15. Use different hand towels for wiping the dishes dry, for wiping the table and wiping the hands. 16. Remove hand jewelries while preparing food. Wear hair net and apron. 17. Cover the foods on the table to protect them from flies on other insects. 18. Wash rice once or twice. Use rice washing for soup or vegetables dishes so that the nutrients are not wasted. 19. Keep the working dry and clean at all times. 20. Prepare just enough food to prevent leftovers. 21. Use necessary ingredients indicated in the recipe. Cutting Foods After peeling, pairing, or shelling, the food must be cut at once to keep it from being exposed too long. The following are some of the ways to cut fruits and vegetables: 1. Cube – to cut cubes into smaller squares.


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2. Dice – to cut food into smaller cubes.

3. Julienne – to cut food into long strips.

4. Quarter – cut food into four parts.

5. Mince – to cut food into small pieces using light stroke

6. Chop – to cut into small pieces using hard strokes with the use of a chopping knife.

The Recipe A recipe contains the list of ingredients needed in preparing a certain menu. The method of preparation and cooking the exact amount of each ingredient and the different cuts of the ingredient are also mentioned there. In using the recipe, read, analyze and understand carefully each step before doing the actual cooking. Be sure to know the steps properly and the ingredients are complete. Be sure you are using the right kind and quantity of the ingredient. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Tips in Measuring Food A set of four graduated measuring cups is used to measure dry ingredients. This consists of ¼, 1/3, ½ and 1 cup measure. A 1 – cup liquid measuring cup is used for smaller quantities, while 4 – cup and 4 – cup measuring cups should be used for larger amounts. Smaller amounts of ingredients both dry and liquid are measure using a standard set of ¼, ½, 1 teaspoon and 1 – tablespoon measuring spoons. Garnishing Food Foods served in different occasions are garnished well to make them more attractive and to stimulate appetite. Garnishes are the decorations added to dish before it is served making use of varied food colors, forms, cuts, sizes and textures. Suggested Recipes for Different Occasions CHICKEN AND CORN SOUP Ingredients: 1 c chicken meat, cooked and finely cut 2 egg whites 1 can Cream of Corn Soup 1 tsp salt 10 c chicken broth 5 T cornstarch 6 T cold water 1 T cooked ham, chopped Procedure:  Put chicken meat in a bowl; add one egg white and cream of corn soup. Mix thoroughly and set aside.  In another bowl, beat remaining egg white. Set aside.  In a large sauce pan bring chicken broth to a boil.  Add chicken meat and corn – egg white mixture.  Season with salt and let boil again  Blend in cornstarch dissolved in 5 tsp. water.  Continue boiling, with constant stirring until broth is thickened.  Reduce heat, add beaten egg white gradually and stir until well-blended.  Pour soup into serving bowl; sprinkle chopped ham and serve. FRUIT COCKTAIL Ingredients: 1 c rare-ripe papaya, cut into ½ inch cubes 1 c turnips cut into ½ inch cubes 5 pcs lakatan bananas, cut into ½ inch cubes 1 c pineapple chunks YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Pineapple juice to soak the bananas 1 c sugar to 1 c water Procedure:  Mix the sugar and water in a pan.  Let the mixture boil; then add all the fruits-turnips first , followed by the other fruits.  Cook for at least 5 minutes  Chill. Serve cold. BUKO SHERBET WITH NANGKA Ingredients: 1 c grated buko fresh 1 c candied nangka 2 c buko water 1 c sugar 1 cup milk Procedure:  Mix well all ingredients  Pour into a freezing tray  Freeze until firm throughout or serve with ice and top with candied nangka. CAMARON REBOSADO Ingredients: ½ k shrimps, shelled with tail left 1/3 c all – purpose flour 2 pcs egg, well beaten Dash of pepper 1/3 tsp salt Oil for deep frying Procedure:  Fold in well-beaten eggs, flour, black pepper and salt  Dip each shrimp (excluding the tail) into prepared batter and deep fry until golden brown.  Serve with sweet and sour sauce Suggested Menus for different Occasions A. Filipino Buffet Dinner Chicken and corn soup Pork Embutido Menudo YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Fresh Lumpia Pancit Canton Beef Calderata Sweet and Sour Lapu Lapu Leche Flan B. Christmas Dinner Asparagus Soup Chicken Ham Lechon with Liver Sauce Chopsuey Special Baked Macaroni Fruit Salad Crema de Fruta C. Merienda Cena Sotanghon Guisado Fresh Lumpia Assorted Rice cakes Lumpiang Shanghai Garlic Bread Punch D. Chinese Buffet Dinner Pancit Molo Camaron Rebusado Lapu-lapu with Thousand Island Dressing Chopsuey Pancit Guisado Fried Chicken Lengua E. Children’s Birthday Party Spaghetti Special Fried Chicken Lumpiang Shanghai Hotdog and Marshmallow Roast Puto and Cutchinta Party Sandwiches Birthday cake Ice cream Pineapple – Calamansi Juice Serving Meals


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Foods should be served in artistic and attractive way. The way the foods are served add to the over-all success of the occasion. Here are some tips to consider in serving food: 1. Give careful attention to the manner by which the food is served. Proper arrangement and garnishing make the food attractive. 2. Avoid filling serving dishes to the brim 3. Use garnishes in moderation. 4. Use food garnishing which are fresh, edible, natural and clean. 5. Serve food at their proper temperature. 6. Cloth covered basket should be used to keep the bread warm. 7. Be careful not to spill soup on the edge of the plate or the saucer. 8. Serve carbonated drinks in bottle but empty glasses should be provided. 9. Serve hot tea and coffee with its own saucer or underliner. 10. Serve cold beverages in glasses with coaster and underliners. Styles of Table Service There are two main styles of table service. These are formal and informal. The type of table appointments used and how these are set will determine the style of table service. Informal style is more popular since it is less stiff and more congenial. Russian or Continental Style It is a formal style, dignified and elaborates which is used only with well-trained waiters. Service of food is from the side rather than from the table. This Kind of service is used for formal dinners with small group of people. The menu consists of traditionally 5 to 7 courses with wines served for each courses. English Service It is a n informal style used for daily family meals. In this style, the food is served from the table by the mother or any family member of the family. Buffet Service This type of service is commonly used because it is practical for entertaining a large number of people. In this type of service, the food is served from the table; the guests help themselves to the food and then go to designated places to eat. Setting the table:  The table should be covered with a cloth that has a floor length overhang.  Large dinner plates are set in one corner of the table to mark the start of the line.  Serving platters with the food are set on the table in the order of their importance.  Accompaniments are place near the appropriate dish.  Beverage service is set at one end of the table.  Side tables should be provided where guests can deposit used plates and appointments.


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Blue Plate Service This is another informal style of service. This is appropriate when the dining table is small. Food is served on individual plates from the kitchen. Ways to Use Left-Over Foods In different occasions and instances, having some leftovers can not be avoided. Leftover dishes should not only be reheated but made into appetizing and nutritious dishes for the next meal. Here are some suggestions as to what to do with your leftover. Pork Beef Boiled Fried fish Boiled Shrimps Vegetables

- in stews, soups, lumpia, paksiw, omelet, meat balls, meat croquettes or dishes combining rice or vegetables. - in salad, sarciado, caldereta, menudo, stew, soups, hash, croquettes and omelet - may be flaked and made into omelet, soup, croquettes, salad and fishballs. - maybe made as in taucho, cardillo, escabeche, sarciado, sweet and sour fish. - in chowder, croquettes, omelet, relleno or dishes, combining vegetables. - in salads, soups, lumpia, chopsuey and soufflés.

Let’s Keep These In Mind: Factors like the kind of occasion, time, venue, budget, number of guest are to be considered in preparing and serving food during special occasions. Foods which are economical yet nutritious should always be kept in mind while doing so. Foods should be prepared and served properly. Russian, English and Buffet are the types of table service which can be used. Left-over foods can be used to make other menus. Let’s Talk About These: 1. What is the importance of learning how to prepare foods for different occasions?

2. What are the factors to consider in preparing food for different occasions?

3. What should you remember in doing the marketing?


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4. Give the different parts of the meat and appropriate dishes for them?

5. What is a recipe?

6. Why should you learn the proper serving of food?

7. How is the table set in buffet service?

8. What could be done to leftover foods?

Let’s Answer These: A. Supply each blank with the missing word to complete the meaning of the statement. 1. _______________ the kind and the quality of the food to be prepared during an occasion should depend primarily on _______________. 2. _______________ should be prepared before going to the market. 3. _______________ part of the meat could be made into lechon, dinuguan, tinumis or kilawin. 4. _______________ part of the meat is best for kare-kare or nilag. 5. _______________ is the process making the food particles more fine and porous. 6. Coconut meat is taken from the shell through _______________. 7. _______________ refers to the separation of solid food particles from the liquid. 8. _______________ refers to cooking food like whole pig on top of burning charcoal. 9. Rice should be washed _______________ to retain the nutrients. 10. Peel skin of papaya, sayote and carrot _______________ . 11. _______________ fruits and vegetables before peeling or paring. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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12. _______________ style is a dignified and elaborate style used when there are many waiters to do the serving. 13. Used in daily meals is the _______________ style of service. 14. Glasses of cold beverages should be served with _______________. 15. _______________ or can be used as a centerpiece on the table. 16. Be sure to serve food at proper _______________, example: Soup should be serve hot. 17. _______________ service is commonly used in children’s parties. 18. In Russian style _______________ is always served with foods. 19. _______________ foods can be made into another dish. 20. Leftover vegetables can be made into _______________. B. Enumerate the following: 1. Factors to consider in planning and preparing foods for different occasions A B C D E 2. Give at least 6 marketing tips A B C D E 3. Give rules in the preparation of ingredients A B C D E F G H 4. Ways of cutting fruits and vegetables A B C D YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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E 5. Rules in the use of food garnishes A B C

Unit II LIVELIHOOD ACTIVITIES TOWAD SUCCESSFUL LIVING Lesson 1: Livelihood Activities in the Community

Livelihood activities can be classified according to: A. The kind of natural resources they are engaged in or the kind of services they are providing 1. farming 2. mining 3. manufacturing 4. selling 5. transporting 6. business 7. public service 8. personal and home service B. The kind of work being done 1. Manual 2. Intellectual 3. aesthetic C. The skill needed to do the work 1. Unskilled 2. Semi-skilled 3. Skilled 4. Technically skilled 5. Professional 6. Those involved in manufacturing D. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industries


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Livelihood Activities and Community Progress Different livelihood activities play an important role in the kind of life of the people living in one country. People who are doing different kinds of job provide their families with the financial need enough for each member to live a decent life. The natural resources found in the different places of the country if managed and used properly will contribute to a pleasurable life in the community. Work Related Values A person who wants to be successful should know how to love and value his work. In performing one’s task, whatever it is, one needs to be honest, patient, hardworking, resourceful and creative. Let’s Keep These in Mind There area lot of livelihood activities found in the different communities. These livelihood activities are contributors to the nation’s progress and development. One should possess work related values like honesty, patience, hard work and creativeness in order to be successful in life. Let’s Talk About These 1. What is the importance of work?

2. How does working help in the community development?

3. What kinds of work are available in the country?

4. How do the kinds of work in the community affect the way of life of the people there? 5. How are the livelihood projects related to a nation’s development? Let’s Answer These: A. Read the following sentences. Write A if you agree with the statement and DA if not. _____ 1. All the laborers play an important role in the progress of a country. _____ 2. Each worker/laborer needs one another. _____ 3. The professionals help more in the development of the country. _____ 4. A country which is rich in natural resources will naturally progress. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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_____ 5. Anybody who wants to live a satisfying life should work. _____ 6. If the families living in a community are progressive, the country would also be progressive. _____ 7. A community which offers lot of job to its people produce productive citizens. _____ 8. The nation’s progress depends on it’s labor force. _____ 9. It is the government’s duty to provide the basic needs of the people who are jobless. _____ 10. It is the duty of every citizen to develop his skills and contribute to the progress of the country. B. Give 3 examples for each 1.

Jobs according to the service provided a.












Technical Skills a.



Secondary Industries a.



Primary Industries a.



Professional a.



Skilled workers a.



Jobs according to the work done a.



Tertiary Industries a.


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Lesson 2: Agricultural Activities

A place full of tress and green plants is very nice to look at. These plants do not only beautify the place but make the air fresh and healthy. They also help in minimizing air pollution. Different kinds of plants also provide foods, medicine and other products. Obviously, plants help the people in so many ways. Importance of Skills in Planting In areas where there is good climate and fertile soil, planting is an important occupation. It may be harvesting and selling vegetables, it may also be plant propagation and selling of ornamental plants or seedlings of fruit bearing trees. The skills in plant propagation and selling become an important factor in family’s economy. Garden tools and Equipment Planting becomes fast and safe if proper tools and equipment will be used. Following are the tools used in planting Cleaning 1. Bolo – used in cutting shrubs and tall grasses, branches of trees and plants. 2. Scythe – used in cutting grasses. Cultivating Soil 1. Hoe – a tool with small blade at the end of a long handle used in digging and cultivating soil. 2. Shovel – tool for throwing and lifting soil, transferring soil and mixing fertilizer 3. Spading fork – used in digging and separating big stones from soil. Other tools and instrument 1. Meter 2. String 3. Trowel 4. Rake 5. Iron Bar 6. Wheelbarrow 7. Hose and Sprinkler 8. Sprayer Safety and Healthy Practices While Planting It is important to consider some safety and healthy practices while planting. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Knowledge and Skills in Planting Planting involves different tasks. It is important for you to learn and practice the different skills in planting. Methods of Planting There are two methods of planting, the transplanting method and the direct seeding method 

Transplanting method – vegetable seeds are sowed in a seed box or seed bed. Seed Box A Seed Box is the container or the plot where you sow seeds before them to a garden plot. The size of the seed box will depend upon the need of the seedlings.

Direct seeding method – seeds of vegetables are directly sowed on the garden plot or spot. Plants grow until maturity or harvest period. Vegetables seeds of okra, ampalaya, patola, sitaw, and mongo are planted directly. Direct planting is the simplest way of planting seeds. Taking Care of Plants Plants , like other living things, should be taken care of. What are the factors which help the plants grow fast and healthy? 1. Watering 2. Weeding and Tilling the soil 3. Controlling Plant Pests 4. Fertilizing the Soil

Harvesting and Marketing Farm Products It is important to know the right time to harvest specific crops. It is the final stage in the cycle of a plant when the benefits of planting are enjoyed. Marketing Harvested fruits and vegetables should be handled and arranged properly before bringing them to the market. They should be sorted according to size, maturity, and shape. Remove immediately damages crop so as not to destroy the other products.


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Let’s Keep These in Mind: Having the skills in planting helps the family a lot. It does not only provide fresh fruits and vegetables for the consumption of the family but gives additional income as well. Anybody who wants to start planting should familiarize himself with the different methods of planting and caring of young plants. Let’s Talk About These: 1. How do plants help us?

2. What are the importances of having skills in planting?

3. What are the different garden tools? Give their uses.

4. How do you keep yourself safe and healthy while planting?

5. How to prepare a garden plot.

6. What are the methods of planting? Let’s Answer These: A. Following are concepts about planting from preparation to marketing. Arrange them in proper column.


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Enrich the soil with fertilizer. Sow the seeds in the seed box. Water the young plants lightly. Cultivate the soil once a week. Remove the weeds regularly. Level the soil with a rake. Cover the young plants with barks of banana. Clean the surroundings and till the soil Bundle the string beans and okra. Use insecticide and pesticide. Place the seed box under the sun. Wash and clean root crops, remove the soil. Break the ground with a hoe. Handle each crop properly. Sort vegetables according to size and maturity.

B. Enumerate the following: 1. Tools and equipment we use in planting a b c d e 2. Safety and healthy practices to be observed while planting a b c d e 3. How to prepare a seed box a b c d e 4. Ways of taking care of plants a b c 5. Signs that fruits or vegetables are ready to harvest YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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a b c d e

Lesson 3: Putting up a Nursery

Have you seen a nursery? How does it differ from a vegetables garden? What kinds of plants could be seen there? Factors to Consider in Putting up a Nursery The location of the nursery is the very first thing to consider. The place should be slightly sloping so that it can absorb water. It should also be near to the source of water. The place must be protected from strong winds and extreme heat to save the plants from wilting or drying. The nursery must have enough space, preferably rectangular or square in shape for easy management. Soil must be loam and should contain the necessary nutrients to ensure that the plants will grow healthy and fast. Screen and fence should be provided to protect the plants from insects and stray animals. The nursery should be divided into two parts.

Methods of Plant Propagation Generally, the plant reproduces in two ways – through sexual reproduction and through asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction means the plant reproduces by itself through pollination or through seeds. Asexual reproduction of plant does not require pollination. Plants reproduce by the use of their parts. Cuttings Root, branch, leaf and bud can be used in this way. It is a fast, simple and cheap method of plant propagation.  By branches  By roots  By leaves  By leaf bud cutting  By layerage - Simple layering YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Mound or stool Layering Multiple or Compound Layering Marcotting or Air Layering Grafting Budding

Care of Plants Young plants are sensitive especially when the roots are starting to grow and so they need proper care. Marketing of Young Plants Seedlings transferred to pots and plastic bags are now ready to be sold. The same place where the nursery is located can also be the best place to sell the young plants. Plants in the nursery can be sold in retail, wherein customers want to have varieties of plants available. They can also be sold by volume particularly to those who are engaged in landscaping business. Sell the plants at a reasonable price. Let’s Keep These in Mind: Location is an important factor to consider in putting up a nursery. Plants in the nursery can be propagated through sexual and asexual method. Young plants should be properly cared of because they are too sensitive. These young plants can be sold right there in the nursery. Let’s Talk About These: 1. What are the good things brought about by having a nursery?

2. What are the factors to consider in putting up a nursery?

3. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?

4. How is layering done?


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5. What is the difference between grafting and budding?

6. How is the young plant transferred to a pot or plastic bag?

Let’s Answer These: Identify each. Choose from the list below.

Nursery layerage Sexual Stock Suckers

Leafbud cutting Multiple compound layering Scion Grafting Marcotting

Budding Herbaceous cutting Simple Layering Hardwood cutting Stool layering

__________________ 1. Refers to the use of mature seeds to propagate. __________________ 2. Propagation of plants while the roots are still with the live plants. __________________ 3. A method used to economize the use of scions. __________________4. Part of the branch is buried alternately exposing a long branch. __________________ 5. Leaf blade and stem are cut from a healthy plant and buried in the soil until the roots come out. __________________ 6. Matured plant nearest the ground is cut at the start of rainy season. __________________ 7. Grass like branches are cut and planted. __________________ 8. A long branch is bent towards the ground and the part is covered with soil. __________________ 9. A method where the soil is wrapped around the branch of the plant. __________________ 10. Refers to the upper part of the plant used im grafting. __________________ 11. A place where plants are planted and propagated YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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__________________ 12. The lower part of the plant used in grafting. __________________ 13. A method of plant propagation where 2 parts of the plant are joined together and made to grow as a new plant. __________________ 14. Cutting made from matured branches of plants. __________________ 15. The simplest way of layerage. Let’s Do These: 1. Choose one method of plant propagation. Research the detail of this and demonstrate to the class how it is done.

2. Prepare a poster depicting the importance of having a nursery?

3. Cut from magazines and newspaper articles on methods of plant propagation done in the different parts of the country. Prepare clippings.

Lesson 4: Livestock Raising What do we get from livestock raising? How does it help the family? What kinds of animals can be raised in your own backyard? Benefits from Livestock Raising Many Filipino families enjoy raising animals in their own backyards. Aside from the additional income they can get from it, food supplied by these animals really help them. Fresh meat, eggs and milk are some of the products that we get from animals. Different kinds of animals can be raised in our own backyards. The decision on what to raise depends on the kind of surrounding or environment one has. Skills in Livestock Raising Animals, like plants and other living tings need to be taken care of properly to grow healthy. Anybody who is planning to have this kind of business should find ways to learn the basic skills required in it.


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Following are important information one should know in livestock raising. 1. Poultry and other livestock need clean houses which will fit their needs. 2. Feeding requirements vary with each animal. The breed of the animal, the purpose for raising the animal and its age will determine its feeding requirements. 3. Animals to be raised are prone to pests and diseases if not managed properly. Goat Raising Goats can be raised in vacant lots at the backyard and other places as long as they can be provided with adequate feeds. A new goat raiser should know the characteristics of the best goat to be raised to ensure success. Goats are easy to raise for they are not sensitive, multiply fast, needs smaller capital and give a profitable earnings. On the average, goats have a life span of 6 to 8 years. Choosing the Breed to Raise Select does from your locality or from an area with similar climate condition. Healthy breeds are the Toggenburg, Anglonubi, Saanen, Indian, or French alpine. Housing Materials for Goats A goat house or shed must provide shelter for the animals against the different elements and from other animals. Goats prefer to sleep in elevated areas, such that elevated sleeping platforms, like a stair type arrangement must be provided. It must be well-ventilated, well-drained and easy to clean. Feeding racks should be accessible to both goats and caretakers. Housing should receive light and ventilation. Taking Care of the Goats Take note of the following tips in caring for your goats: 1. It is practical for the goats to be pastured most of the time especially in the morning. 2. Give them rice stalks early in the morning when the plants are still wet in the dew. 3. During the rainy days, keep the goats shut in the barn, well-protected from the draft and provided with a clean solid floor. 4. Have the pens cleaned daily and washed at least three times a week. Disinfect at least twice a month. 5. Bucks (male goat) which will be used for breeding should be caponized to give better meats. Bucks can be used for breeding at the eight month. 6. Does can be used for breeding from 8th to 12th month old.


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7. Pregnant does give birth up to three kids. Pregnancy lasted up to 5 months or from 148 to 152 days. Castration should be done twice. Do the 2 nd castration 24 hours after the first. 8. Allow the newly born kids to feed with their mother’s milk. Marketing Goat Products Marketing Goat Products is not a problem because of the demand for them. Following are some ways on how the goat products can be sold. 1. Meat products can be sold through cooperatives. 2. Meat products can also be brought to the market. 3. Having a contract with companies whose line of business is processed meat like tocino, hotdog, longganisa, ham and the like can also be done. 4. Selling could also be made through wholesalers or the middle men. 5. The cash-and-carry way is also accepted. Safety and Healthy Practices in Goat Raising Following are some healthful and safety tips to consider by a goat raiser: 1. Clean the housing, feeders and waterers regularly and keep them dry to insure healthy breeds. 2. As much as possible, quarantine the newly bought goat for about one month. 3. Pneumonia and parasites are the common causes of goats’ death. Consult a veterinarian. 4. Keep medicines for vaccination in places with moderate temperature. Check on the expiration date before using. Let’s Keep These in Mind: Different kinds of animals can be raised in your own backyard. A person who is planning to raise an animal should have the basic knowledge of it. The breed to raise, the kinds of housing, manner of feeding and controlling pests are some of the things an animal raiser should know. Goats can be easily raised. It does not need a lot of capital and goat’s meat and other by-products are demand. Let’s Talk About These: 1. What benefits do we get from livestock raising? 2. What are the different animals that can be raised in our backyard?


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3. What are the basic knowledge an animal raiser should know before starting a business? 4. How do you choose the goats to breed? 5. What kind of house is needed by the goats? 6. In what different ways should the goat’s meat and by-products be sold? Let’s Answer These: A. Finish the following statements to form concepts about livestock raising. 1. Livestock raising is a profitable activity, aside from additional income. It provides the family with _______________________. 2. Goats are prone to pneumonia and other diseases, so they should be ______________________________________________. 3. Goat breeds which are easier to raise are ________________. 4. A healthy goat has _______________________________________. 5. Compared to other animals, goats are better raised because _______________________________________________. 6. Two common causes of goat’s death are _________________. 7. Goats should be pastured ________________________________. 8. Goats like to sleep in ____________________________________ . 9. Goats are caponized to __________________________________. 10. Does give birth _______________________________________. 11. Pregnancy of does lasted ______________________________. 12. A newly born kid should be _____________________________. 13. A lactating doe should be ______________________________. 14. Vaccination is only given to ____________________________. 15. Newly bought goat breeds should be ___________________. Let’s Do These: 1. Interview some meat vendors in the market and make a survey about the kinds of meat they are selling. Find out from them the problems they encounter in buying and selling meat and meat products. 2. Observe in your community. Find out the different animals raised by the different families. Make a list of the things they do to assure the healthy growth of the animals they raise. Report them to the class.


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Lesson 5: Industrial Arts Industrial works can be considered traditional. Now that everybody is so busy working with computers and dealing with either mechanical or electrical machineries in doing their jobs, industrial works are oftentimes ignored. Industrial works involve handicraft. In this kind of work one is given an opportunity to make and produce something out of the available materials in the environment. Importance of Industrial Work In working together, members of the family develop their talents and skills. Leisure time can be used wisely and intelligently. They will know how to value their works and feel satisfied after finishing a task. Choosing a Profitable Industry Industrial arts is divided into two, handicrafts and general industry. Handicraft making includes projects which make use of bamboo, fibers, coconut and sea shells, rattan, leather and toy-making. Meanwhile, general industry includes projects made from wood, metals, ceramics, electricity and graphic arts. Planning with Specification Once you have chosen the project to start with, it is now important that you prepare the plan for this. Here is a simple technique in project planning. 1. Preparing the design 2. Amount of materials to be used 3. Tools, Materials and equipment 4. Steps in making the project Skills Needed in Making the Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Measuring Cutting Polishing/Sanding Assembling Finishing

Safety and Healthful Practices 1. Use the appropriate working clothes, mask and gloves if necessary. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Prepare all the materials before you start working. Concentrate on your work. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the working area. Use the proper tool and equipment for a specific job. Follow “safety measures�, notice of warning. Read and follow instructions before using chemicals. Be careful in handling them. 8. Always cover bottles and containers of glue, varnish, rugby and other liquid materials. 9. Be careful in handling pointed tools. 10. Clean and deposit tools in their respective places after use. 11. Dispose properly waste materials. 12. Always place heavy tools at the bottom of the storage area to prevent them from dropping. Suggested Projects Wall Decors: Materials: A frame Glue Pressed flowers and leaves Gold string or lace

Card board Linen paper Cotton bud Blotting paper

Procedure: 1. Cut the cardboard to fit the frame. 2. Cover the cardboard with the linen paper. Fold the excess paper and glue at the back of the cardboard. 3. Glue the face or gold string around the frame. 4. Arrange the pressed flowers and leaves on the linen paper. 5. Use a cotton bud to apply the glue at the back of the pressed flowers, petals, and leaves. 6. Cover the linen paper with the blotting paper. Cover your pressed flowers and leaves with a thick, clear plastic. Flowers in a Bottle Materials: A wide-mouthed bottle Boiled water that has been cooled


Fresh flowers Candle wax

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Procedures: 1. Wash the flowers well with water. 2. Put the bottle on the sink or in the basin to avoid messing up the work area. 3. Fill the bottle with water. 4. Place the flower inside the bottle, arrange petals using a stick. 5. Cover the bottle and screw it tight. Seal the cover with melted candle wax. 6. You can use leaves and small flowers, too. Just make sure they are held down. Let’s Keep These in Mind Different raw materials found in your community can be made into useful projects. If you have the knowledge on the basic skills in industrial arts, like creating designs, measuring, cutting, polishing and assembling, you can make use of the different materials around you. Creativity and resourcefulness are further developed in industrial arts. Let’s Talk About These: 1. What is industrial arts?

2. How can the knowledge in industrial arts help a family?

3. What are the factors to consider in choosing a project to make?

4. Why do you need to practice the skills in working before starting a project?

5. Why do you need to read and follow instructions on the labels of different materials to be used? Let’s Answer These: A. Identify the steps related to each of the following: (planning, measuring, assembling, cutting, polishing/sanding, finishing) ______________ 1. making a design ______________ 2. finding the length and the width ______________ 3. using scissors, saw and bolo ______________ 4. using sand and paper ______________ 5. computing the amount needed for the project ______________ 6. applying shells, varnish or paint ______________ 7. using meter or ruler YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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______________ 8. practicing the steps to be followed ______________ 9. putting parts together ______________ 10. sketching the project B. On safety and healthful practices. Fill each blank with the correct answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Wear the ___________________, mask or gloves if needed. ___________________ all materials needed. ___________________ on your work. Use the ___________________ for specific task. ___________________ and ___________________ the use of chemicals. Do not play with ___________________. Bottles and container of varnish, glue, paint and the like should be ___________________. 8. Have a ___________________ for everything. 9. ___________________ waste materials properly. 10. Always place ___________________ tools at the bottom of the storage.


Selling Cooked Foods

Selling cooked foods is a common scene in the different parts of the country. It could be a small place in front of the house, “turo-turo�, fast food, rolling store or restaurant, but they have one thing in common, that is to prepare and cook foods for the costumers. Importance of Skills in Preparing and Cooking Food A person who has the skill in preparing and cooking different kinds of foods can maximize his/her talent in preparing nutritious food not only for his/her family but for other people as well. Factors to Consider in Choosing the Food to Sell It is important to choose the best food to sell to ensure profit. Loss can be avoided if the following factors will be considered. a. Location of the Store b. Capital c. Ability of the Cook YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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d. Foods in Season e. Cooking Utensils to be Needed f. Availability of the Ingredients Preparing Foods to Sell After considering the different factors in choosing the food to sell, it is now time to prepare the plan. Think of the following: 1. Marketing 2. Time to Prepare and Cook 3. Quantity/Volume of Foods to Prepare 4. Kitchen Tools and Utensils 5. Management of Time, Strength and Resources The Use of Recipe Standard recipes are those which have been proven of high quality and adequate quantity. The recipe should be followed accurately. You can save effort, time, and money by consulting the recipes. Washing and Cleaning Utensils and Work Area Washing and cleaning the work area is an important task to accomplish after preparing and cooking foods. Selling Cooked Foods Cooked foods can be sold in different ways. These can be packed individually and sold house to house or brought to different offices. These can also be sold in a definite place. Some can also accept orders from the customers. Let’s Keep These in Mind: Selling cooked foods is gaining popularity nowadays. It is because people nowadays are too busy to prepare their own foods. There are factors to consider in planning to sell cooked foods, and these are: the location where the foods are going to be sold; the capital; the ability of the cook; the utensils to be used, etc. Having the skills in cooking different kinds of food can help the family earn. Let’s Talk About These: 1. What kind of eateries can be found in different places?

2. What are the reasons behind the success of most eateries?


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3. How do skills in preparing and cooking food help the family?

4. What are the factors to be considered in choosing food to sell?

5. In what different ways should cooked food be sold? Let’s Answer These: Write A if you agree with the statement and D if you disagree. ______________1. Cooked foods can be sold in different ways. ______________2. Filipinos are really fond of eating. ______________ 3. People who are becoming busy nowadays is one of the reasons why eateries come to success. ______________4. Safety and cleanliness is assured if you personally prepare the food for the family. ______________5. The kind of food to sell depends upon the location of the eatery. ______________6. The quality of the food to prepare depends so much on the amount of capital. ______________ 7.You can only sell foods of your specialty. ______________ 8. All kinds of food are good to be sold anytime of the year. ______________ 9. There is no substitute to original ingredients as listed in the recipes. ______________10. Marketing should be done very early in the morning. ______________ 11. Cook as much as you can if you intend to sell the food. ______________ 12. It is better to use big kettles every time you cook food. ______________ 13. There are steps in cooking which can be done simultaneously. ______________ 14. Proper measuring tools are always used in preparing ingredients. ______________ 15. Using tested recipe is suggested for beginners in cooking business. Let’s Do These: 1.

Observe in your community. Make a list of stores selling cooked foods and kinds of food they are selling. Bring it to the class and compare with the list of your classmates. 2. Make an album of recipes of food to be sold. Collect 5 recipes for each: meat, fish, vegetables, desert and snacks. 3. Look for an article of eateries selling foods. Report it to the class. 4. Work by group. Prepare and cook a kind of food to sell. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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Lesson 2: Food Preservation

Many Filipino families are preserving foods at home. Foods which can not be consumed immediately especially those in season are preserved in different manners. Importance of Food Preservation Many kinds of food spoil easily because of molds, bacteria and yeast found in the air. There is an oversupply of fruits and vegetables during the harvest season. During the times that there is an oversupply of these goods, we can surely get them at cheaper prices and so preservation is the best done. Other importances of food preservation are as follows:  Prevent food from spoiling, minimizing wastage of food.  People can safely store it for future use.  Seasonal fruits and vegetables are made available throughout the year.  Food commodities may be made available especially during calamities and emergencies.  Enhances the flavor of food making them more appealing.  Can be a source of income for the family.  Provides job opportunities.  Contributes to the country’s economy Methods of Food Preservation Food preservation prevents or delays the microbial decomposition of food; prevents or delay self-decomposition of food; and prevents insects, animals and mechanical causes of spoiling food. Following are the different methods of food preservation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Cooling Drying Addition of High Levels of Sugar and Salt. Smoking Sterilization Canning Curing


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Characteristics of Food to be Preserved Not all fruits, vegetables, meat and fish can be preserved. It is very important for you to know how to choose foods which are best preserved. Be sure to preserve foods in seasoned for they are cheaper and in their highest quality. Safety and Healthy Practices While Preserving Foods Food preservation can be safe, easy and successful if the following tips will be considered. 1. Choose the foods in their prime quality. Foods in season are fresh and cheaper. 2. Utensils, bottles and cans should be very clean and sterilized. 3. Measure accurately all the ingredients. 4. Check ingredients and equipment before starting. 5. Follow the steps of preserving strictly. 6. Try to work quickly to keep freshness and avoid spoilage. 7. Watch your time table to avoid over-or-under-cooking. 8. Keep preserved foods in clean and cool places. 9. Cool the preserved foods before keeping them. Cover bottles and jar tightly to prevent the air from getting in. 10. Label and indicate expiration dates.

Some Recipes of Preserved Foods BEEF TAPA Ingredients: 1 kilo beef 2 tbsp fine salt 2 tbsp sugar 1 tsp salitre

½ tsp chopped garlic ¼ tsp ground pepper

Procedure:    

Slice beef thinly about ¼ inches thick. Combine the ingredients salt, sugar, salitre, pepper, and garlic and rub the mixture well on both sides of the meat. Stock meat in a clean container and store in refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. In the absence of refrigerator, keep meat in coil, dry place. Allow to cure for only 1 day and cry the following day. Then hang up to dry under the sun.


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PORK TOCINO Ingredients: 1 kilo pork 2 tbsp fine salt ¼ tsp salitre 1/8 tsp ground pepper Procedure:  Slice pork into ¾ inch thick slices.  Mix salt, salitre, and ground pepper(curing mixture) thoroughly. Color with achuete.  Rub curing mixture thoroughly on both sides of sliced pork.  Keep in clean covered container at room temperature for 5 days.  Wash pork slightly before cooking. BANANA PRESERVE     

Use sound, ripe saba. Boil and pee the banana. Prepare syrup of two parts sugar and one part water. Cook bananas in syrup for 15 minutes. Drain. Pack bananas in 12 ounces preserving jars. Fill with the same syrup. Remove air bubbles.

MACAPUNO  Cut open the coconut and discard oil portion. Scrape the meat and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes.  Drain. Cook in enough syrup of two parts and one part water.  Cook the macapuno until it gets transparent.  Pour while hot into 12 ounce preserving jars.  Half-seal and sterilize jars for 25 minutes in boiling water. Let’s Keep These in Mind: Food preservation is done to prevent food spoilage. This way, many kinds of food can be made available throughout the year. The different methods of preservation are: cooling, drying, smoking, sterilizing, canning, and the use of preservatives like salt, sugar, vinegar. Only fresh and good quality foods can be preserved to ensure a successful result.


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Let’s Talk About These: 1. What are the importance of food preservation? 2. What kinds of foods can be preserved? 3. What are the different methods of food preservation? 4. How can you be sure of the success of the food to be preserved? Let’s Answer These A. Write on each blank the method/s of food preservation which can be done to the following: 1. milkfish 2. santol 3. mangoes 4. beef 5. guava 6. chicken 7. ground pork 8. alamang 9. egg 10.tuna

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Let’s Do These: 1. Collect some recipes of preserving fruits, vegetables, fish and meat. Make an album 2. Choose one recipe of food preservation. Do it in class.

Lesson 3: Sewing Importance of Having Skills in Sewing Sewing is a creative and profitable hobby. Many things around us were made through sewing like our dresses, curtains, place mats, table cloths, handkerchiefs and others.


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If you have enough skills in sewing, you can even put up a shop and accept customers, that way you need not to get out of your own home yet you’ll earn. Aside from creating dresses, there are other crafts related to sewing. These are: crocheting, smoking, embroidery and tatting. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

Planning a Garment or Home Accessory to Sew Choosing the Fabric Fabric Preparation Safety and Healthy Practices while Sewing Taking Body Measurement Drafting the Basic Pattern Drafting the Back Bodies Pattern Drafting the Front Bodice Pattern Pattern for Sleeve Pattern for skirt Cutting the fabric Sewing Short Pants

Let’s Talk About These: 1. What is the importance of having the knowledge in sewing? 2. What different home accessories can be made in sewing? 3. How do the skills in sewing help the family? 4. What are the factors to be considered in planning a garment or home accessory to sew? 5. What are the kinds of fabric? 6. How is the fabric prepared? 7. Why is it important to prepare the pattern before cutting and sewing? Let’s Answer These: A. Choose the best answer which will complete each statement. _____ 1. The kind of fabric which is best to wear in our country is _________ . a. cotton b. linen c. wool d. silk YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE

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_____ 2. __________ is the kind of fabric which is shiny, fine and smooth, and it comes from the house of cocoon. a. linen b. Silk c. Wool d. Synthetic _____ 3. Man – made fabric are called __________. a. wool b. natural c. synthetic d. cotton _____ 4. Use _______ in cutting thread. a. scissors b. shearsc

c. blade

_____ 5. Have a ________ for sewing materials. a. place b. basket c. pocket

d. cutter

d. box

_____ 6. Measurements are divided into ________ when a pattern is to be made. a. 2 or 4 b. 3 or 4 c. half d. 2 or 3 _____ 7. The _______ is the basis of front bodice pattern. a. left bodice b. right bodice c. lower bodice d. back bodice _____ 8. The largest part of the garment is the ________. a. skirt b. sleeves c. front part d. back part _____ 9. In cutting the cloth, you should cut with ________ strokes using the full length of the shears. a. short b. sleeves c. front part d. end _____ 10. ____________ is prepared first before cutting the fabric to avoid wastage. a. material b. pattern c. Sewing machine d. table

B. How are the following parts measured? 1.

chest _________________________________________


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shoulder _________________________________________


width of chest _________________________________________


length of chest _________________________________________


waist _________________________________________


hip 1 _________________________________________


back length _________________________________________


front length _________________________________________


armhole _________________________________________

10. arm circumference ______________________________________ 11. length of sleeve _________________________________________ 12. length of skirt


13. crotch


14. hip 2


15. neck



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Lesson 4:

Cross - Stitch Embroidery

Filipinos are known for being creative and patient. This is clearly shown most in doing embroidered materials. Cross – Stitch Cross – stitch is one of the easiest and simple kinds of embroidery. It is based on a single diagonal stitch made first in one direction and then in another to cross the first at right angles. A. Materials and Tools for Cross-stitch B. Planning a Cross – Stitch Let’s Talk About These: 1. What Filipino characteristics are being developed in doing embroidery stitches? 2. Why is cross – stitch embroidery popular nowadays? 3. What are the materials needed in making cross-stitch embroidery? 4. What kind of cloth is best used in cross – stitch embroidery? Let’s Answer These: TRUE or FALSE __________1. All kinds of embroidery stitches can be used in garments. __________ 2. Cross – stitch designs are limited to letters, lines and numbers. __________ 3. Cross – stitch design has to be traced into the fabric before you start. __________ 4. Fabrics with even weave are best used in cross – stitch embroidery. __________ 5. Any kind of thread can be used in cross – stitch. __________ 6. Cross – stitch starts with single diagonal stitch done in one direction. __________ 7. DMC cloth is recommended to use in cross – stitch embroidery.


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__________ 8. Pointed needles, size 20 – 24 are best used in cross – stitch embroidery. __________ 9. Cross-stitch can also be done to Piña and Jusi cloths. __________ 10. To form a design, alternate directions can be done.


You will learn in this unit the knowledge, skills and values in putting up and managing a cooperative store. Its advantage for the family and the community will be discussed. Let’s find out what is inside a cooperative store.

Lesson 1:

The Cooperative Store

A cooperative store is an organization where every member is a co-owner of the store to be established. All members help in managing it and interest gains will appropriately be divided among them. A. Establishing a Cooperative B. Rights, Duties and Responsibilities of Members 1. Board of Directors 2. Qualifications of the Board of Directors 3. Duties of Board of Directors C. The Manager of the Cooperative Store D. Purchase of Goods E. Factors in Intelligent Purchase of Merchandise F. Display of Merchandise G. Making Inventory H. Taking Care of Merchandise I. Qualities of the Seller J. Financial Records and Reports 1. Records needed


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Let’s Talk About These: 1. What is a cooperative store? How does it differ from other stores? 2. What are the advantages of establishing a cooperative store in a community? 3. How do we start a cooperative store? 4. What are the factors to consider in buying merchandise? 5. How are the merchandise be arranged? 6. What are the essential qualities a good seller should posses? 7. How are the records of income prepared?

Let’s Answer These: Write on each blank the correct answer. Choose from the list below. share capital Board of Directors member assets information journal

cooperative store meeting ledger patronage refund consignment manager inventory dividend accounting financial statement co –owner

1. To establish a cooperative store a ________________ has to be called. 2. The amount invested to the cooperative store by the members is called ________________. 3. Any person who is interested to be a member of a cooperative store should have enough ________________ about it. 4. The ________________ are elected by the members. 5. In a cooperative store, all members are ________________. 6. ________________ is a buying system where only sold merchandise are being paid.


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7. ________________ is to be made regularly to assess the status of the cooperative store. 8. Net profit is divided proportionately to all the members. this is called ________________. 9. The Board of Directors is one choosing the ________________. 10. ________________ is the chronological record of all transactions of enterprise.


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