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UNIT I: PERSONALITY AND GOOD GROOMING Theme: Knowing Your Personal Qualities Subject: Home Economics and Livelihood Education 1. Key Features In this activity pupils are expected to: 1. Discuss personality. 2. Identify personal qualities of a person. 3. Improve oneself to become a better person. 4. Establish understanding toward others; and, 5. Suggest ways and means that would touch and change one’s personal life. You’re Personality Form words from the letters of the word PERSONALITY and try to give each meaning
Personality is the total of psychological, intellectual, emotional, and physical characteristics that make up the individual as the others see him/her.
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You’re Qualities as a Person Everybody possesses characteristics or qualities that make you different from others. It may be positive or negative quality depending on how you asses yourself or how others look at you. Ways of Improving Yourself Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes will help you know more to improve yourself. Getting to know you weaknesses, may mean a lot of changes about yourself. Learn to accept the weaknesses and willing to change for the better Hearing negative comments from others should not discourage you; instead, it should help you realize the need to improve your personality. Socialize with people of different ages to develop confidence, trustworthiness and friendship but, be sure to set a limit for yourself and give the respect due to them. Always remember to S…M…I…L…E…means
S-imple M-erry I-ntelligent/Integrity L-ovely/loving, and E-nergetic/enthusiastic. These qualities can be seen in a person who is willing to improve himself/herself. 1. Answer the following questions: 1. What is personality? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. In your own assessment, what are your characteristics as an individual? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Write on the spaces provided below.
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4.How will you improve yourself after knowing your strengths and weaknesses? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5.How can you understand others better? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
2. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F, if it is false. ________1. Every person is unique and special ________2. God gave you talents, skills and capabilities which enable you to discover yourself. ________3. Getting to know your weaknesses would mean nothing to improve your personality. ________4 hearing negative comments from others will help you realize and improve your personality. ________5.It is not important to build a wholesome personality.
3. Draw a happy face on the blank if you like the trait or characteristic of a person and a sad face if you don’t like the trait. 1. always smiling
6. shy
2. approachable
7. respectful
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3. lazy
8. untidy
4. clean and neat
9. sickly
5. friendly
10. smart
UNIT I: PERSONALITY AND GOOD GROOMING Theme: Caring for the Body Subject: HELE Grade:4 A.) Key Features At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: I. discuss full the proper care of the body II. demonstrate skillfully the different ways of caring for the body III. plan a systematic way of caring the body and apply
it in real life
situations Words to learn 1 briskly
2. bristles
7. gargle
3. dripping
8. plaque
4. dermatologists
9. scalp
5. enamel
10. split-ends
Cleaning and taking care of the whole body improve one’s personality and grooming.
Taking a Bath Everyone needs to take a bath everyday depending on the condition and temperature of the body.
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Bathing 1. stimulates the circulation of the blood 2. makes the body fresh and clean, 3. helps control body odor and skin problems, and 4. makes you alert and healthy There are different ways to take a bath: Full Bath is the thorough or general cleansing of the body from head to foot using a shower or a tub. Here are the steps in taking a full bath: a. Wet the whole body. b. Apply shampoo on the hair, massage the scalp gently, and rinse with water. c. Put soap on the face towel and rub gently all over the body including the ears, neck, armpits and some delicate parts. d. Rinse all parts of the body thoroughly e. Dry yourself with your own clean towel. Remember to apply powder over the body and put on cologne and deodorant for a fresh feeling and good smell. Sponge Bath is simply done by using a wet soapy towel and rubbing it briskly on the different parts of the body. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry using a clean towel. Caring for the Hair and Scalp Hair makes a person attractive It is said that the hair is the “crowning glory” of a person. Everyone’s hair needs proper care. Do the following for a healthy hair: 1. Proper shampooing, conditioning and rinsing of the hair. 2. Drying of the hair using a towel. 3. Regular brushing of the hair. 4. Regular haircut or trim. 5. Apply oil on your hair. 6. Eating the right kind and amount of food Caring for the Teeth and Gums The teeth are one of the best assets of a man or a woman. Your smile reveals a part of your personal appearance, so you need to take care of your teeth. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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1. Brush your teeth thrice a day preferably after each meal. 2. Use a dental floss, as needed, to remove any food particle left between the teeth. 3. Use toothpaste that contains fluoride to protect the teeth and harden its enamel. 4. Use mouthwash to refresh the entire mouth and avoid bad breath. 5. Visit the dentist at least twice a year for cleaning and check-up. 6. Eat necessary nutrients needed for healthy teeth and gums. Caring for the Hands, Legs, Feet, and Nails The hands can be the dirtiest and busiest part of the body. Everyday you do different works or activities and touch different things. Hands needs proper care especially the fingers and nails. Wash hands frequently before and after eating, after working or playing, after doing necessities and even before going to sleep. Legs and feet support the body and keep you upright. They enable us to walk and go anywhere. Caring for them makes you feel good and free from foot problems. Beautiful legs and well trimmed, clean fingernails and toe nails are one of our assets that attract people. To take care of your nails, cut or trim them to the desired length after taking a bath or whenever necessary. Use the proper materials in cleaning gently carefully. Use a mild soap for washing, warm water for rinsing, and a clean towel for drying the hands and feet. Caring for the Skin The skin is a large sense organ It is the outer covering of the human body. It keeps your body warm and protects you from harmful things in the environment. It is important that you take care of the skin by being clean always. Here are some ways to help you care for your skin: a. Wash your face with soap and water every morning and before going to bed. b. Take a bath everyday. c. Have a regular exercise. d. Avoid using sharp and pointed objects when playing. e. Eat food rich in vitamin A such as dark green and yellow vegetables, margarine, butter and egg yolk.
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f. Do not apply anything on your face, like astringents and other chemicals, without consulting an expert or a dermatologist. It may harm your delicate skin. g. Have enough rest and sleep. h. Consult a doctor in case skin diseases or problems occur. i. Use an umbrella to protect you from harmful heat of the sun.
Guide Questions: 1 What are the different ways of taking care of the body? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. Which of these ways do you do most of the time? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. Give the difference between a full bath and a sponge bath? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4. How can you maintain the cleanliness and a good health of your body? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
A. Write the correct answer on the blank. Choose from the list of words inside the box. bad breath blood
dental floss personal
teeth shiny
dentist haircut
1. Bathing stimulates the circulation of the ___________________. 2. The __________________ is the crowning glory of a person. 3. ___________________are one of the best assets of a man or a woman. 4. Use a _____________to remove any food particle left in between the teeth. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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5. Visit the ________________at least twice a year for cleaning and check-up. 6. Use a mouthwash to refresh the entire mouth and avoid ______________. 7. Regular ________________or trim is needed to keep the hair in shape and avoid split- ends. 8. Brush the hair before sleeping to keep it healthy, soft, and _____________. 9. Comb and toothbrush are ________________ belongings of an individual. 10. Use a ___________________ to dry and absorb the dripping water. B. Demonstrate the following activities and be ready for health inspection. 1. Proper brushing and combing of the hair 2. Brushing of the teeth and using a dental floss 3. Trimming of finger nails and toe nails
Unit II: Home and Family Living Lesson 1: Family, Its nature and Function Objectives: at the end of this lesson, you are expected to: 1. Define what family is; 2. Identify the members of the family; and 3. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of its family members.
Vocabulary words 1.Family
6. Expected
11. Strength
16. Priorities
7. Model
12. Weaknesses
17. Responsible
3.Closely – knit
8. Worthwhile
13. Shortcomings
9. Successfully
14. Harmony
10. Necessary
15. Authority
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Definition of the Family The family is composed of father, mother and children. We call them members of the family. The Filipino is known for staying together through thick and thin. Every member continuously strives to bring love, peace and respect in the home. Its member is expected to do his/her share in willingly and effectively. You learn to adjust to live harmoniously together. You learn to give and take and love and respect one another. Happy family makes a better community; and happy communities make a happy nation. Members of the Family .father .mother .brother .sister .baby Roles and Responsibilities of the Family Members Good ways to have peace in the family is for its members to realize his/her role and do what is expected. However, each must also be willing to help others in their work whenever the situations call for it. Helpfulness and cooperation among family members lighten the workload and facilitate the completion of the task at hand. Father serves as a role model for his children to make them aware of the important discipline and the power of authority in the home. He is expected to provide financial as well as social needs of the family. Mother is the in charge of managing the home. She should be her children’s best friend. She knows the priorities in home and budgets the money. Children act as little parents to their siblings when parents are away. Children who grow in a home where love, respect, understanding and sharing abound, will grow into responsible and worthwhile citizen.
Guide Questions 1. What is family? What quality is the Filipino family known for? YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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2. Who are the members of the family? What roles and responsibilities are they expected to perform?
3. Why is it important to delegate roles and responsibilities to its members of the family?
Things to do
True or False. It the statement is true, draw a happy face; if it is false correct the sentence by writing the correct answer on the space provided.
__________1. The mother is expected to discipline the children and be the main provider of the family. __________2. The mother is in charge of managing the home and caring for the children. __________3. The children help the parents in doing household chores and act as little parents to their siblings. ___________4. The Filipino family is known for staying together through thick and thin. ___________5. Happy families make a better community and happy communities make unhappy nation.
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B. I can show love, care, and respect to the members of the family by:
1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________
C. List down at least three examples of your roles and responsibilities at home.
1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________
D. Write an essay about Filipino family which is known for staying together through thick and thin.
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
__________________________ Parents’ Signature
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What Have You Learned? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Lesson 2: Family Living Words to Learn Extended Relationship Humility openness
5. discernment 6. patience 7. cooperation
Types of Family Nuclear Family consists of a father, a mother and children. Extended Family consists of a father, a mother their children and their relatives living under one roof. These relatives help their parents look after the children. Character Traits which the Filipino Family must Develop 1. Love. Everyone needs to love other and be loved in returns. The feeling of love is first developed in the family. It is nurtured in the child by his/her parents, brothers and sisters. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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2. Humility. It is the ability to humble oneself by accepting one’s fault or error. 3. Openness. It is a capacity to be honest with one’s feelings and to become more responsive and understanding to others. 4. Discernment. It is the capacity to assess what is good and what is bad. 5. Patience. It is the willingness to sacrifice while waiting for better things to happen. 6. Cooperation. It is achieved when the family members share both the work and the fun. Guide Questions 1. What are the two types of family?
2. Differentiate a nuclear from extended family. 3. Enumerate the characteristics that the Filipino family must develop to maintain a happy and harmonious relationship at home.
Things to do 1. Choose what type of family do you want to have someday. Explain why. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2. List down the first five important character traits your family members must develop. Support your answer by citing the reasons why they are important. a. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
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c. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ e. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
3. Write an essay on this statement. The family is the basic unit of society. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
What Have You Learned?
_________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Parent’s signature ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
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Lesson 3; Coping with Family Needs Factors Affecting Family Relations
Words to Learn Affection Opportunity Conflict Values Harmoniously
Productive achievement fontanelle sanitary temperature
recreational adequate recreational hygiene
1.Environment. An environment where there is peace and harmony develops the family members into well-rounded persons, which means each member develops good values and grows physically, emotionally spiritually and psychologically healthy; becoming good citizens of the country and of the world. 2.Religion. The family the practices and follows the same religion will avoid conflictwith regards to their faith and beliefs in God.
3.Family Income. A family with enough financial support can live harmoniously.They can have enough food in the table, live a healthy living , Find a better place to stay and provide better education for their children. 4.Number of Children. Another important factor that we should consider is Planning the family so that each child should have a greater Chance of being provided with everything he/she basically needs. Needs of Children . Physical Needs -
Adequate and nutritious food Exercise and play Enough rest and sleep Fresh air to breath
. Intellectual needs - educational materials - quality education - educational trips - indoor and outdoor games Page 16
A better place to live in
- meaningful conversations
. Social Needs - sharing interactions in work and play- open communication lines - eating meals together as a family - joining family social affairs - good home management Emotional needs -love,affection and understanding -feeling of security -praises and words of encouragement -poise and self-confidence -self-discipline
Moral and Spiritual Needs -
Family prayers and religious services Cultural values and traditions Stories with moral lesson Acceptance and performance of one’s role and responsibility Quality time given to worthwhile family recreational activities
Caring for the Baby Proper steps to follow in caring for a newborn and what is his/her needs Sleep and Rest Enough sleep and rest is needed for physical health. Since the baby sleep a lot, he/she should be placed in a crib protected from mosquitoes and insects. Holding the Baby Whenever you hold the baby, always support his head and back with your arms and hand.
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Changing diaper To prevent diaper rash, make sure that the baby is always clean and dry. If the baby has had a loose bowel movement do not remove the diaper to once but fold the solid portion under. Wipe the anus with moistened cotton, then wash with soap and water. Rinse and pat dry. Feeding the baby Feed the baby with the recommended amount of prepared milk products for the infants.Mother’s milk is best for the babies. Dressing the Baby Baby’s cloth should be simple and comfortable. To put on the baby’s shirt, insert the fingers in one of the sleeves and guide the hand through it. Fasten the shirt then fold it up so that it doesn’t reach below hipline. Some of the things needed for dressing the baby are: -
Baby powder Baby oil Shirt Binder Mittens
- baby lotion - baby cologne - diaper - diaper clips or pins
Bathing the Baby Bathing your younger brother is fun to do but always be careful. As much as possible, bath them in the presence or supervision of your mother. Steps in bathing the baby 1. Prepare all the materials needed such as: . basin with warm water .mild soap .baby shampoo .soft wash cloth .large towel . bath thermometer ( your elbow can be used to test the temperature of the water) 2. Before putting the baby in the bath, test the water temperature with your elbow or the inner side of your wrist.
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3. Undress the baby on a flat surface but keep the baby covered with large towel or leave the shirt or diaper on while washing the face, eyes, nose and mouth with cotton balls. Never soap the baby’s face. 4. Support the head and back carefully with one hand or arm. Shampoo the baby’s head gently specially in the soft portion of the head called fontanelle. 5. Use soft washcloth with mild soap to clean the whole body. 6. Rinse the whole body with clean water 7. Pat dry the head and body with soft large towel.
Caring for the Sick 1. Observe sanitary and hygienic practices. 2. Prepare the appropriate diet. 3. Encourage the patient to think positively. 4. Share in the responsibility of taking care for the sick. 5. Take extra care and precaution.
Guide Questions
1. How will you describe an ideal family?
2. Enumerate and explain the factors that affect family relations.
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3. What are the different needs of the children? How are these needs met by the parents as well as the child?
Things to do 1. List down five ways of taking care of the sick members of the family. a. ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ d. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. Write an essay about this saying, “ A family that prays together, stays together.� ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
What Have You Learn
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Lesson 4: Adequate Housing Words to Learn .structure .protection .pleasant .secure .relaxation .furniture .ventilation .undesirable .furnished .compost .biodegradable .non-biodegradable
Difference between a House and a Home A house is a place where you live. It is the building or the structure which give you shelter and protection. A home is a place each member of the family can relate well with one another; where There is peace, hope, love and affection among the members living together. A house becomes a Home when it is happy, pleasant and comfortable place to live in. A home is a place where the Family feels safe and secure. Parts of the House .living room . dining room . kitchen . bedroom .bathroom The Living Room The living room is said to be the heart or the central part of the house. It is also the room for entertaining and discussing group activities among family members. It is also allotted as area for relaxation.
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The Dining Room The family meals are served in the dining room. This room should always be keep clean and orderly. Furniture should be durable and always clean. The Kitchen The kitchen is the most important work center in the house. It is the place where family meals are prepared. Cleanliness and safety should always be observed in the kitchen equipment for the storage and preparation of foods. Bedroom The bedroom is an appropriate place for sleeping, resting, reading and dressing. The bedroom should have equipment for all these purposes. It should have good ventilation and lighting.
The Toilet and Bathroom Toilet and bathroom are used for personal sanitation and comfort. It should always be keep clean. Kinds of Houses . Single unit or Single Detached. Provides living space for one family. It stands on its own. . Multi unit House. A. duplex house provides living spaces for two families under one roof. The house maybe constructed Side by side or one on top of the other. b. apartment house row houses or town houses are single family units attached on the side. The units usually have two floors. c. condominium apartment building contains many separate living units per floor level. Each unit may range from studio type to two or more bedrooms.
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Keeping the Surrounding Clean and Attractive Here are some tips to keep the surrounding clean and attractive . Dispose the garbage properly in a compost pit or give it to the garbage collector. . Segregate the garbage as biodegradable and non- biodegradable. . Sweep the front yard and backyard of your house. .Cover the garbage can properly and throw it regularly. . Make sure that you have a good a drainage or canal to avoid breeding place for mosquitoes. . Plant ornamental or vegetables in pot s or empty cans along pathways, backyard and front yard of the house. Include herbal or medicinal plants in your garden. . Plant shady fruit trees to keep surroundings cool and fresh. Household Care and Guidelines to follow 1. Put matches away from reach of children 2. Keep the chemicals, medicines and insecticides properly labeled and out of reach of children. 3. Used the pot holder for holding the hot objects when cooking. 4. Clean the stove after using it. 5. Do not allow children to play with lighted candles. 6. Wrap carefully broken glasses or plates before throwing it in the garbage can. 7. Repair immediately the broken furniture such as chairs, tables, and cabinet. 8. Do not allow the children play near the stove. 9. Unplug carefully the appliances with your dry hands. 10. Wipe clean right away water, juice, oil or anything that has spilled on the floor. 11. Change the water in your flower vase everyday to prevent it on becoming a breeding place for mosquitoes. 12. List down the emergency contact numbers such as fire station, MERALCO, and relatives offices and family doctor. 13. Fix your bed every day and keep your bedroom clean. 14. Wash the dishes, pots and pans after using, to avoid cockroaches and other harmful insects.
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Basic House Repair Tools . Measuring tools – Are used for drawing lines and for measuring. . Hammer – It is used for driving nails. The claw may be used for removing nails. . Pair of Pliers – is used for cutting, twisting, holding or pulling the nails. . Plunger – is used unclogging sinks or blocked toilet drains. . Saw – used for cutting. There are two kinds of saw: The power saw which is operated by electricity and hand Saw which is manually operated. . Screw drivers – are used to tighten or loosen screws. . Wrench – is for tightening or loosing nuts in volts, faucets, etc. . Sink strainer – should never be remove while the sink is in use to avoid clogging of sink drains.
Guide Questions 7. What is the difference between a house and a home?
8. What are the two kinds of house? How are the multi-unit houses further classified?
9. Enumerate and describe the different parts of the house. Which is your favorite part? Why?
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How will you keep the surrounding clean and attractive?
11. Give at least five basic house repair tools which we can use in doing simple house repair.
Things to do
1. Cut or draw your dream house you want for your family.
Lesson 3 Simple Home Repairs
Basic Tools for Home Repairs
Words to learn .repair .sink drain .grease .leaks .plumbing .locks .plug .tools .hinges .insulations
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Claw Hammer Also called carpenters hammer or nail hammer. It is used to drive or pull out nails. Flat –bladed screw driver It is used to drive in and remove screws with straight slots. Philip head screwdriver Use to drive in and remove screws with t shaped slot. Pliers It is use to grasped and turn object though the pliers jaws can also damage Smooth surface. Adjustable wrench It is use to turn nuts and bolts. Smooth jaws will not damage shiny fittings. Utility knife It is use to cut plastic, floor tiles, or cardboard. It has blades that are razor sharp and replaceable. Putty knife It is use to repair holes in walls. Steel Tape Also called retractable tape, push pull tape, or tape rule it is use to take measurement up to 12 Feet long. Hand drill Also called eggbeater drill, it is used to drill holes less than ¼ inch in diameter. Toilet plunger Also called the plumber’s friend or suction plunger, it is used against clogged drains or toilet bowl. Materials needed in unclogging the toilet 1. Toilet plunger 2. Wire coat hanger 3. Bucket 4. Duct tape YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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5. Empty can or paper cup 6. News paper 7. Plastic bread bag
How remove soft objects 1. Use the empty can to bail out extra water from the toilet bowl. Put the water in the bucket. 2. Form the hook at the end of the piece of heavy wire, such as clothes and hanger. 3. Push the hook into the toilet 4. Hook the object and remove it. 5. If this does not work , tape a plastic bread bag over your hand. 6. Reach into the toilet and remove the object. 7. Test the toilet by flushing. If the water still backs up, use the wire hook again to check if another object is stuck in the toilet. 8. Flush again. If the water still backs up, try using the plunger. 9. Dump waste water from the bucket into a working toilet. 10. Throw away the contaminated wire and plastic bag.
How to fix electric cords
What you need . new plug, if your old one cannot be used . flat-bladed screwdriver. . utility knife
How to do it
1. Unplug the lamp or appliances. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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2. Cut the cord of at the damage part 3. Remove the insulation cover. 4. Slip the plug back on the cord 5. Clip and separate the inner wires. 6. You may want to tie an Underwriters’ knot to help keep the wire from pulling out. 7. Remove half an inch of the insulation from the end of the wires with the utility knife or razor blade. 8. Twist the small wires together, clockwise. 9. Pull the knot down firmly in the plug. 10.
Pull out the wire around its terminal to the screw.
Wrap the wire around the screw.
Tighten the screw. Insulation should come to the screw but not
under it. 13.
Place the insulation cover back over the plug.
How to replace a fuse
What you need . rubber mat . flashlight . new fuse of the same capacity and type. How to do it 1. Disconnect all lamps and appliances on the blown circuit. 2. If the fuse box is in a damp area, be sure that your hands are dry and that you are standing on a rubber Mat. 3. Turn off the power by lifting the main switch level. 4. Remove the blown fuse, whose face is black or metal strip is broken. 5. Replace of a new fuse of the same capacity and type 6. Turn the main switch on. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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7. Throw the main fuse away. 8. Find out what caused the blown fuse to blow by plugging in appliances separately.
How to reset a circuit breaker
What you need . rubber mat and flash light How to do it 1. Disconnect all lamps and appliances on the trip circuit. 2. If the circuit breaker panel is in a damp area, be sure that your hands are dry. 3. Find the switch in the circuit breaker that is in the OFF or middle position. 4. If it is in the middle position , turn to OFF. 5. Flip the switch to on. 6. Find out what caused the circuit to trip by plugging in appliances separately
Guide Questions 1.
What precautionary measures must you observe while doing simple home repairs?
What are the advantages of doing your own simple home repairs?
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At your age, do you think you can do these simple home repairs.
Things to do I. Identify what is being asked. Choose your answer from the word bank and write it on the space before the number. . toilet plunger
. hand drill
.steel tape
adjustable wrench
. pliers
. flat bladed screw
.philip head screwdriver .claw hammer
. utility knife
.flat-bladed screwdriver
_______________________ 1. Also called retractable tape. _______________________ 2. Used to drive and pull out nails. _______________________ 3. It is used to repairs holes in walls. _______________________ 4.It is used to drive in and removes screws with straight slots. _______________________ 5. It is used to cut plastic floor tiles. _______________________ 6. It is used to drive in and remove screws with t shaped slots. _______________________ 7. It is used to grasp and turn object and for cutting wire. ________________________ 8. It is used to turn nuts and bolts. ________________________ 9. Also called eggbeater drill. ________________________ 10. Also called the plumber’s friend or suction plunger.
If your faucet is continuously dripping, what do you think you should do? Enumerate the procedure. a. b c. d. e.
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What have you learned?
Lesson 4: Project Making
Words to Learn .project
.procedure .hobby
.endeavor .culinary
Project Making It is a creative and productive way of spending one’s time. Project can range from culinary to artistic. These can include crafts, writings, paintings, drawings, sculptures, carvings, dances, songs, music, photographs and foods. Ways of doing projects . Limit time you watch television. Better yet turn it off, and keep it off. . Limit your time spend in front of the computer. . Make schedule for projects. Buy organizer or make one. . Incorporate projects into chores or activities. . Think of project making as important as fact that you have to eat. . Work on your projects for at least an hour after waking up. Project planning
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Five main parts of project plan The name project plan refers to the end product or result of the activities. The Objectives refer to the goal you want to achieve. The Design includes illustration or sketches of the project you want to make. The materials include an itemized listing of the things and supplies needed to complete the project. The Procedure refers to the process or steps for accomplishing your project.
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Sample Project Plan
Project Plan Form Name:_____________________ Date Started:______________________ Grade & Section:_____________ Date Finished:_____________________ I. II. III.
Name of Project: Beading Paper ( Paper beads) Objectives : To be able to make a beautiful necklace or any other accessories out of the craft paper. Design
Materials Quantity 4.5 Inches wide strips 1 box 1 tube 1 can
Item Description Pages of colorful magazine, flyers etc. Round wooden toothpick glue Instant dryer lacquer Total
Unit Cost Free
Total Cost None
P 10.00
P 10.00
P 12.00 P. 35.00
P 12.00 P 35.00 P 47.00
Ruler, pencil or pen, scissors, sewing needle and thread, beading thread or wire V. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
8. 9.
Procedure Choose you paper With the color or picture side down, mark the flyers in 5/8 inch increments across the long side. Draw diagonal lines across the paper to create elongated triangles. Cut the triangle using scissors or a paper trimmer. Put a bit of glue on a strips of paper at the short end. With the print on the inside, wrap the triangle strips around the toothpick, taking care to tuck in the end before starting. Roll the paper up like your making a crescent roll. Apply glue on the inside of the paper as you roll. Put the toothpick aside and allow the bead to dry. Using a new toothpick, start to work on you next bead. Continue until you have about 36 beads. Pull the toothpick out of the beads and string them on a dummy thread temporarily, using a needle and any type of sewing threads. Tie the thread together at the end. Take your string of beads outside and spray them with lacquer or acrylic sealer. Allow the beads to dry over night. The next day, cut the dummy thread and remove the beads. Restring
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the beads on a beading threads or wire, alternating paper beads with a bead. 10. After restringing the paper beads, hide your final knot within a paper bead. You can end your project plan by evaluating the result or finished product on a rating sheet.
Guide Questions: 1.
How important is project-making in daily life?
Why should you set some objectives before beginning a project?
What other project you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Things to do I.
Make a list of all things that you always have to finish, and how long it takes you to do it all. Evaluate whether the time you give to its item is too much or too little, and whether you can shorten or lengthen its duration accordingly. Write your resolutions afterwards. A sample Item is done for you.
Activity 1.Getting ready for school
Time actually Spent 2 hours
Shorten to 1 hour
Iron the uniform the night before
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Make a list of all projects you want to do. 1. Keeping a journal 2. ________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________
III. Make a new list of your daily activities scheduling both the things you have to do, and the things you want to do. Activity
Time Actually Spent
What have you learned? 1.
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Lesson 5: Some Handicraft materials
Words to Learn .raw materials .cutting tools .vise .shell craft .hole boring tools .whetstone .Leather craft .tightening tools .decorative .ingenuity
Handicraft is the art and fashion of making articles by hand. The Filipinos ingenuity of making Handicrafts placed the Philippines among the biggest suppliers of native products in foreign countries. Some Philippine indigenous materials used for handicraft. 1. Rattan. Is a plant that trails along the grounds or climbs tress in forest or swamps the big stem called palasan is used for furniture-making, while the sica is the smaller stem used in basket making. 2. Bamboo. Is a cylindrical plant which is hallow and separated by nods. It is bendable and flexible. It is usually use for house flooring and walls. 3. Maguey. Is a fiber plant which usually grows in the countryside. Originating in Mexico.It is grown in Cebu, Bohol, Abra, Ilocos Sur, and Pangasinan. a. Abacca. Looks like a banana tree. The fiber is white and glossy, It commercial name is Manila Hemp, and b. is considered the best in the world. Abaca fiber whose color ranges from white to brown is process from the leaves and can be made into bags, baskets, mats, wall decors, ropes, cords, twines, pulp and paper. c. Buri. Raffia and buntal fibers are obtained from the buri palm. Shoes, slippers, purses, hat, bags, placemat, window blinds, YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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accessories, wal papers, screen dividers, pillows and lampshades are just some products made from buri. d. Pina. Cloth is made of pineapple plant. Handicraft pina is used for hand woven products like barong tagalong, kimonos, panuelos, gowns, handkerchief, table linens, pillow cases, fans and other households items. 4. Coconut. It is commonly regarded as the tree of life because of the many wonderful uses we derived from its roots, trunk, leaves and fruit. Coconut end products includes detergent, soap, shampoo, cosmetics, margarine, cooking oil, vinegar, coco milk, and nata de coco. 5. Sea shells. Classified into univalve shells that is usually coiled and bivalve shells brittles with shiny pearl like surface. Sea shells are used to create home decors. 6. Leather. Comes from animal skin which are treated and dried in shade. This can be obtained from sheep, calves, goats, pigs and alligator. Skins from cows, horses, carabao, camels, and elephants are called hides. Kips are skin derived from snake, lizards and like.
7. Lumber. Wood that is processed or has been prepared either as furniture or a decorative item. This is classified into softwood and hardwood. Handicraft Tools and Equipment 5. Measuring and marking tools 6. Cutting tools 7. Boring tools 8. Driving tools 9. Tightening tools Measuring and marking Tools. Tools includes with this group are ruler, t square, framing square, marking gauge, divider, trammel point, T level and plumb bob. Cutting Tools 1. The ripsaw is used to cut wood better along the grain. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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2. The cross cut saw to cut wood better across the grain. 3. The backsaw is a short thin saw with a thick heavy metal backing to stiffen the blade and prevent bending. 4. The coping saw is particularly made to cut small sharp curves and irregular shapes on pieces of woods. 5. The keyhole saw is used for cutting bigger circle and sharp irregular curves on thicker boards. Boring Tools 4. The drill is used to bore small holes on thick wood. 5. The brace and auger bit is use to bore bigger holes on thick wood. 6. The brad awl is the simplest boring tools. It resembles an ice pick. 7. The balbike is use to bore big holes on metals. Driving tools 1. The claw hammer drives in and pulls out nails 2. The nail set helps the hammer drive the nail completely into the wood. 3. The mallet looks and works like a hammer but is made of plastic , wood, or rubber Tightening Tools 1. Pliers are use to cut wires, to hold, tighten, straighten, or pull materials. 2. The screw driver puts crew n place, as well as loosens and tightens them. 3. The wrench tighten bolts and nodes of any metal equipment.
Safety Practices while doing Handicrafts 1. Wear prescribe working uniforms. Wear mask and goggles and protective cloth or apron. 2. Follow safety measures or notices of warning. 3. Keep your work and area clean and orderly at all time. 4. Place raw materials in safe store room, away from possible fire. 5. Keep fire hazards materials in proper container. 6. Clean deposit tool in their respective places after used. 7. Read and follow instructions before using any high-powered equipment. 8. Absolutely no horseplay while working. Remember that precaution during work may save your life. Guide Question 1.
How are tools used in handicraft classified? Give examples of each.
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What are the advantages of keeping tools sharp in their proper storage place?
Give some indigenous materials used for handicraft making. What crafts can you make out of this raw material.
Explain the different safety precautions while doing handicraft project
Things to do I. Identify the following __________________1. This is used for cutting bigger circle and sharp irregular curves on thicker boards. __________________2. It is used to cut wires and to hold, tightens, straightens or pull materials. __________________3. This is used to drive in and pull out nails. __________________4. It is the simplest boring tool resembling as an ice pick. __________________5. It is used for tightening bolts or nodes of any metal equipment. __________________6. This is used to cut small sharp curves and irregular shapes on pieces of woods. __________________7. It is use to mark big circles that a compass or divider cannot do. __________________ 8. It looks and works like hammer but is made of plastic, woods, or rubber. ___________________9. It is used to create big holes on thick wood.
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Look for some words associated with raw materials. Look vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. E C E D T J L O S R A T T A N C
What have you Learned? 1.
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Lesson 6
Basic Embroidery Words to Learn .embroidery .beads .cretan stitch .strands .lucrative .pattern .linear stitch .french knot .cross stitch .raveling
Embroidery is an art or process of decorating a fabric with needle and thread. Embroidery may be done by hand or by machines. It is old but widely practiced today. Five Basic Embroidery skills 1. Back stitch is an old and very adaptable stitch which can be used as a delicate Delicate outline or as a foundation in composite stitches like the hearing bone Stitch. 2. Chain stitch is one of the oldest decorative stitches and is the basis of large group Of stitches. 3. Split stitch follows curves well, it is used for outline. It is also extremely effective when use as a shaded filling. 4. Stem stitch often outlines a shape. Work from left to right taking small regular stitches with forward and backward motion along the line of the design. 5. Couching it is used to this day to attach threads which are too thick or textured to pass through foundation fabric. There are also decorative stitches that you can use in embroidery such us the lazy daisy, flat stitch, coral stitch, French knot, and cross stitch. Lazy Daisy Stitch The stitch is open work in a circle to form a flower motif.
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Cross Stitch It is one of the oldest stitches in the history of textiles and is use world-wide today as in the past. Half and Quarter cross stitch It works to smooth out the jagged edges of a design. French knot The weight of the thread will determine the size of the finished stitch. Cretan Stitch Also known as quill stitch. It can be work along two parallel lines or within a shape which is open seen In Crewel embroidery. Herringbone Stitch This stitch is worked from left to right along parallel line. Begin with bringing the needle out on the left hand side of the line to be worked.
Guide Question 4.
How different is embroidery from sewing?
What are the five basic stitches used in embroidery?
Why is Cretan Stitch called as such?
Things to do I.
Cut swathes of fabrics, preferably 4 inches x 4inches and use this to practice the different embroidery stitches. Make an album out of it.
Try to find out the country or century of origin of the following stitches through a research.
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__________________________1. Chain Stitch __________________________2. Back Stitch __________________________3. Cross Stitch __________________________ 4. Lazy Daisy Stitch __________________________ 5. Cretan stitch __________________________ 6. French Knot __________________________ 7. Stem stitch __________________________ 8. Couching __________________________ 9. Split stitch __________________________ 10. Herringbone stitch
III. Picture you mother sitting on a rocking chair, doing an embroidery project. What could she be thinking while working on the project? Write about this and develop a short story if possible.
What have you learned? 1.
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Lesson 7
Food Preservation
Words to Learn . preservatives .drying .canning .additives .spoilage .smoking .freezing .pickling .salting .rancidity
Food preservation is one way of keeping food for future use. It is the process of treating and handling food to stop or slow down spoilage, and to prevent food borne illness while maintaining nutritional value, texture of the consistency of food, and flavor. Ways to preserve Food 1. Drying. One of the oldest methods of food preservation. 2. Smoking. Meat, fish and other foods may be both preserved and flavored through the use of smoke. 3. Freezing. Also one of the most commonly used processes, commercially, Domestically, for preserving wide range of food kinds like meat. 4. Vacuum-Packing. Store foods in vacuum environment, usually in an air tight or bottle. 5. Salting. Salting or curing draws moisture from the meat through osmosis. Nitrates and nitrites are also open use to cure meat. 6. Sugar. Used to preserve fruits. This method is also used for the skin of citrus fruit and ginger. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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7. Pickling. Places or cooks foods in substance that kills bacteria and other microorganism. Typically pickling agents includes brine, which is high in salt, vinegar, ethanol and vegetable oil, especially olive oil. 8. Canning and bottling. Involve cooking fruits and vegetables., sealing them in sterile cans or jars, and boiling the containers to kill or weaken any remaining bacteria. 9. Jellying. Food maybe preserve by cooking in a material that solidifies to form a gel Equipment for food preservation Successful food preservation depends on the equipment use. These include the following: 1. Good jars with tightly sealed covers. 2. A deep broiler with well fitted covers and rack for processing; big kettles or thin petroleum cans with cover; homemade wireracks. 3. Other equipments are measuring cups, short and long handled spoons, knives, colanders, trays, basins, bowl, tongs and jelly bags. Guide Questions 1. Why is food preservation important?
2. What are different methods of preserving food?
3. What preservation method is used in making jam?
4. What are the main ingredients in making syrup? What foods can be preserve using this?
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Things to do IV.
Make a study on the formula or procedure in preserving the following; a. Coconut jam b. Coconut vinegar c. Kimchi d. Guava jelly
Fill in the blanks: It is best to preserve fruits and vegetables when they are ____________________________________. Typically _____________________ agents includes brine, vinegar, ethanol and vegetable oil. ________________________ involves cooking fruits or vegetables sealing them in a sterile jar. ________________________ is the process of treating and handling to slow down spoilage. ________________________ is a mineral we open to our foods.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Listed below are some common fruits and vegetables that can be preserved. Give the method that can be use to preserve them.
Fruits/ Vegetables 1. Kamias 2. Guava 3. Coconut 4. Papaya 5. Water melon 6. Cucumber 7. Banana 8. Tamarind 9. Squash 10. Cabbage
Preservation Method
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2. 3. 4. 5.
Lesson 8
Basic Sewing
Words to learn .shears .pitman rod .sewing .pincushion . Feed dog .bobbin .treadle .presser foot .garment
The sewing machine has three major parts: the cabinet, the stand or the steel framework and the head. The Cabinet The cabinet holds one or more drawer, an extension leaf, and a center drawer. The drawer is used to keep necessary tools.
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The Stand or Steel Framework This part is where the following attached: j. The drive wheel, which drives the balance wheel. k. The belt guide, which holds and keep the belt in pace. l. The treadle, where the feet rest while sewing and which drive the drive wheel. m. The pitman rod, which connects the treadle to the drive wheel crank. n. The legs, which support the stand o. The drive wheel crank, which turns the drive wheel. The Head The head is the other metal part of the sewing machine which holds the other important part. These parts are the following: f. The arm or neck. We lift the body of the sewing machine by the neck when we take the machine out of the box. g. The bed is where he machine body rest. h. The balance wheel turns when the belt is attached to the band wheel below. i. The pool pin holds the spool of the threads and is found on the top of the neck or arm. j. The bobbin winder winds thread in the bobbin which is use for the lower threading. k. The throat plate. Gives the needle access to the lower thread through the feed dog. l. The stop motion crew loosens or tightens the movement of the needle bar. m. The bobbin holds the lower thread where the lower threading starts. n. The presser bar holds the presser foot. o. The presser foot when lowered, hold the cloth in place while the needle stitches on it while sewing. p. The bobbin case holds the bobbin in place. q. The belt connects the balance wheel and the drive wheel. r. The feed dog moves the materials as it stitches. s. The fed dog regulator adjusts the height of the feed dog ready for sewing.
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t. The slide plate covers the throat where the bobbin case is inserted. u. The thread take up lever moves up and down as it pulls the thread. v. The stitch regulator controls the length of the stitches. w. The presser bar lifter lowers and raises the presser foot. x. The thread guide leads the sewing threads towards the tension. y. The needle clamp holds the needle in place.
Threading the sewing machine 1. 2. 3. 4.
Raise the thread take up lever to its highest point Place a spool of thread into a spool pin. Bring the thread to the thread guide and down to the tension. Make sure that the thread goes down to the tension, passing through the tension spring. 5. Carry the thread up to the take up lever, inserting it through the hole. 6. Bring it down to the needle, passing the thread guide found at the end of the needle bar. Threading the bobbin case 1. Hold the bobbin so that the thread unwinds in the direction shown, and put the bobbin in the bobbin case. 2. Pull the thread into a notch of the bobbin case, then, draw it under the tension spring and into the slots. 3. Draw approximately 4 inches of thread diagonally across the bobbin. 4. Close the slide plate allowing the thread to enter the slot in the slide plate. Raising the bobbin thread 1. Hold the needle thread lightly with the left hand and turn the hand wheel slowly towards you so that the needle enters the needle plate.
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2. Continue turning the hand wheel and holding the needle thread until the needle rises and brings up the bobbin thread in a loop. 3. Undo the loop with your fingers. 4. Place the needle and bobbin threads under the presser foot and draw to the back of machine. Basic Sewing Tools A. For Sewing 1. NEEDLES are used for hand and machine sewing. By quality brand only, and be sure to have variety sizes and types. 2. NEEDLE THREADER is used if you have trouble threading needles. 3. STRAIGHT PINS these are magnetic pins available but they tend to stick to any metal surface and to each other. 4. PINCUSHION is used to avoid scattering pins. 5. EMERY BAG is used to sharpen and remove rust from needles. 6. TIMBLE eases and quicken hand sewing. B. For Cutting 6. Good Scissors and Shears make all the difference and with care they last a lifetime. 7. Dressmaker Shears are used for cutting out fabrics. Bent handles allowing the fabric to remain flat on the table.
C. For Measuring 1. Tape Measure is usually 60 inches long, with metal ends. 2. Short Ruler marks hem depth, button holes, and others. 3. Yardstick is indispensable for marking straight long lines, and is often use for marking hem lines from the floor. 4. French Curve redraws curved lines when a pattern is adjusted. 5. Shirt Hem Marker marks a hem when trying on a garment. D. For Marking 1. Dressmaker’s tracing paper and tracing wheel transfer the pattern markings to the fabrics. 2. Tailor’s chalk Clay chalk comes in several colors, in square or in pencil forms. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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Guide Questions 1. Why is important to learn how to sew using machine?
2. What are the different parts and functions of the sewing machine?
3. Name the tools use in sewing.
Things to do I. Demonstrate in front of the class how to a. Thread the sewing machine b. Thread the bobbin c. Bring out the bobbin thread d. Regulate the length of the stitches.
8. __________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL/COLLEGE
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9) Always turn your hand wheel: a) Away from you b) Toward you 10) The Bobbin should pull: a) Clockwise b) Counter-clockwise 11) Raises and lowers the presser foot: a) Foot pedal b) Take up lever c) Presser foot lifter d) Thread guide 12) Used to hold the thread in place on a sew machine: a) Bobbin b) Presser foot c) Feed dogs d) Thread guide 13) Should be in the highest position when threading the machine and starting/stopping stitching: a) Foot pedal b) Thread guide c) Take up lever d) Bobbin Case 14) When putting the bobbin case into the machine the pointy part should be: a) Up b) Down c) Left d) Right 15) Name 3 things you could do to troubleshoot when your machine has a problem.
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What Have You Learned? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
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