UNIT I - A1 “I” en LESSON 1: “I” I THERE! “I have opened my eyes, and vice versa.” “I” OPENER A human being‟s uniqueness, notwithstanding his/her limitations, predictions and negative points, has a very important function in this vast universe. IN YOUR MIND’S “I” Write down on a sheet of paper the names of your classmates on your left, right, front, and back. Corresponding to each name, write down what in your opinion their positive and negative traits are. SCENARIO The four of them are trapped in an island with no other people around to be called for help. “I” VIEW Write the answers to these questions in your journal. 1. all?
How do you think would each classmate use his/her uniqueness for the survival of
If you were part of the group, what unique quality of yours would you use for the group‟s survival?
How would you use your uniqueness for the group survival?
Why do you think did the Creator give you a different quality?
“I” OPENER No one is perfect, so the maxim goes. Yet all human existence is important and meaningful. Human uniqueness has both pluses and minuses. It propels us to work together
to make our pluses surface (for someone else needs them) and to have our minuses filled in by another human being. “I” FIVE Make the right decision 1.
A fetus in mother‟s womb will certainly be born abnormal. If you had a say in this situation, what would you prescribe? A. B. C.
Your uncle has been in comma for a year. What will you suggest? A. B. C.
Charge the pickpocket in court. Just release him. Hit him hard.
You are talking with your friend‟s father who mentions to you that he does not intend to send his daughter to school because she is a female. As such, the father believes she will just get married and have kids. Thus, education will be a waste. How will you react? A. B. C.
Give him lethal injection Maintain the life and just let the Creator decide. Donate my uncle to recipients while he is still “fresh.”
A pickpocket was arrested and you were one of the victims. What would you recommend? A. B. C.
Have the mother drink or take something to irritate the womb. If the fetus still holds on, its survival is providential. Let the baby born. Have the baby aborted.
Tell the father he is right. Just keep quiet but plan to advise the daughter to rebel. Try to enlighten the father by giving him some of my realizations in this lesson.
What would you do with a severely mentally-challenged person roaming our streets? A. B.
Report him to the Department of Social Welfare. Tell him/her to move to another vicinity.
Suggest that the person be put to sleep permanently so as not to cause trouble our society.
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “Every life is a life of purpose.”
LESSON 2 FOR YOUR “I” ONLY “If you start with whatever,you might end up wherever!” “What do you want to be?” Many kids have already answer to this question though they have not given it much thought. A number of high schoolers respond with “I still don‟t know... Whatever... It‟s still far off!” Some college students just reply, “To be successful.” (Successful in what?) Certain yuppies retort: “Come what may... “These people will surely end up somewhere. But who would want to end up just “somewhere”? Some of those who have found themselves there now just find solace in the axiom: “Wherever you are, you‟re there!” So where does the problem lie? It seems that, for some, as their future gets closer, the less time they think about it. And the future is always much nearer than one thinks! So what “future” for your “I” do you want to hit with a bull‟s eye? “I” VIEW 1.
How did you feel when you started swinging? Why?
How did you feel when your swinging just went on and on? Why?
Could you imagine yourself swing for an hour or so or would you get bored after a few minutes? Why?
As you were swinging, were you able to got to some place other than that where the swing was?
Would you rather go to some other place (still in your imagination) as soon as you were done with your swinging? Why?
Truthfully, did you imagine someone pushing you on the swing or did you swing on the swing or did you swing on your own? Why?
At this stage in your real life, would you opt to go swinging during your free time or to go somewhere else? Why?
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT The purpose of life is a life of purpose. - Anonymous
“You do not expose a gold mine by sitting on it.” An old man engages some teenagers in a conversation where he relates a happening. Have you ever attended a gathering in which, at one point, the emcee announces that under YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
your chair is an envelope containing a prize or a gift that you will be glad to receive? Many children readily spring from their seats, crouch and peek under their chairs. Some children need persuading from their chairs. Some children need persuading from their parents. Some teenagers do not persuading. Others hesitate. Other teenagers dismiss it as kid stuff. They would rather go for the regular fare. Some first feel their surroundings. They feel shy or fear of embarrassment if they do not get anything under their chair. While “feeling their way through,” some smart kids come to peep under people‟s chairs. A teenager blurts out, “There are more there!” Another utters, “Don‟t you have a chair of your own?” One exclaims, “Go some place else!” One youth mutters, “I‟ll wait for the excitement to die down before I check under my chair.” Meanwhile people left and right keep discovering cash, books etc.! And the anticipation is killing the poor guy. He waits and forgets about it until he gets home - where he remembers, rather regretfully, what he just could have at least known in the first place. “Maybe the gift was small, not for me. Somebody else might have greater use for it...” he says. After recounting this anecdote to the youths, he told the old man stands up, still muttering, “Had I only checked it out...” Which kind of teenager are you.
Answer the following. Choose the right attitude. 1.
The teacher asks the class to read, summarize a literary work and write a reflection paper on it. You notice that prior to this, the assignments started with short stories, then poems, then a novelette. Now comes a novel. This activity is already becoming irritating. A. B. C.
Perhaps the teacher has no time to read these literary works on his/her own. That is why it assigned at the students‟ expense. Maybe the librarian has complained that fewer and fewer students visit the library.The librarian‟s job is already at stake. These literary works open me to the vicarious experience of different “worlds” of culture, writing styles and techniques, vocabulary, wisdom or human errors and successes, etc. Actually, they are the “advanced courses” in two of the three R‟s (reading, „riting and „rthmetic) very essential tools in human endeavors.
You feel that some class and schoolwide activities are boring. They seem to be just a waste of your time.
A. B.
C. 3.
The teachers and other school authorities gave us anything that comes to their minds. Perhaps the objectives of these activities are not made obvious to me as a matter of teaching method, such as to tickle my curiosity. I just need to be actively aware that I am being exposed to learning situations. The student‟s active participation hastens learning. Why do they not just tell me what to learn? Then we can go all home!
You intend to eat in a new fast-food joint. Once inside the place, you grumble how tasteless its ads are, how customer-unfriendly the arrangement of facilities is, how inefficient the style of service is, and so on. What can you instead of grumble? A. B. C.
Prevent the restaurant from further operation by telling other people not to patronize it. I shall make sardonic remarks to the waiters and guards. This is an opportunity for me to be creative and come up with better ideas to improve the different aspects of the restaurant. I can then suggest my ideas to the manager.
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT To achieve success, one must remember: “Wanting something is nothing but doing something is gaining.”
- Brian F. Del Rosario
LESSON 4 “I” + DEAL = IDEAL “Face a problem if you must but prevent an appointment with it in the first place, if you will.” Have you ever heard this story? There was this person who, while window-shopping, saw beautiful flowers at a shop. She bought a spray of them for no immediate reason. When she got home, there was no vase to put them in. So back to the shopping mall she wen. Once home she noticed there was no vase to put them in. So back to the shopping mall she went. Once home, she noticed there was no doily on which to place the vase. This spelt another trip to the mall. But the doily did not match the table she had at home. So a new table that would look good on a new rug was ordered. Financial resources were nearing depletion bu this time. But the curtains so new windows had to be installed. The person pawned some jewelry YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
to finance the windows, and the new flooring to go with them... Until finally, the whole house had to change-change hands from that person to a new owner to pay foe the debts incurred. The story may seem ridiculous but it shows how one concern can grow and branch into bigger, graver ones. Nothing is wrong with buying flowers. But life is not a bed of roses. People can sometimes made odd choices and responses in dealing with real-life situations to the extent that the results can go the way of the anecdote unless these situations are seen from the right perspective and are nipped in the bud.
Answer the following questions in your journal. 1.
What do you think of the exercise you just did? Why do you think so? Explain your answer.
What are the benefits of analyzing a problem and anticipating its possible ramifications? Expound on each benefit.
Is your effort in anticipating and analyzing potential problems worth anything in real life? Why do you say so?
Did you discover any ability or abilities of yours in doing the exercise? What is or what are they? How did each ability surface?
While thinking about and listing the possible problems that could crop up in the future, what did you discover about yourself in dealing with problems? Explain your answer.
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT My values and attitudes play a big role in my selection of solutions to problems which may be current or potential.
LESSON 5 GET MORE MILEAGE TO THE NEW “I” - WAY “When you finally decide to decide and act on a problem, you will be amazed how many problems your decision will solve!” YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
Do you have problems? Of course, who really does not? Everyone has problems. But do your problems keep recurring? Do you have problems that you barely overcame last year and the year before that? For a student like you, there are problems that have a way of popping up yearly. That is why a student‟s New year‟s resolution are almost the same year after year, and the list seems get longer every year! These Resolutions seem to be ineffective. In fact, you might have just remembered some of them because the word solutions is mentioned here. That means they have been forgotten for a whole year! Now that you are already in a higher-year level, you have again new problems on top of recurring ones - no wonder your resolutions list gets longer.
“I” + DEAL For your journalizing activity 1.
Meditate on the usual problems bugging you . Write them down. Again, be very specific.
Under each problem, list down all its causes. Be specific.
Write a condition or set conditions per cause or situation to help you decide if or when the problem crops up again.
Example: Problem:
Less time to review for long quiz.
“Emergency” invitation to party, watching a movie; watching TV, playing computer games.
If there is an upcoming test, especially a long one, no “emergency” invitation is accepted. No watching TV nor playing computer games.
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “The quality of action you take depends on the quality of decision you make.”
LESSON 6 PUT YOURSELF IN “I” GEAR “Man is a work in progress.” - Anonymous
What happens when you type in your computer regularly? Your typing gets faster. What happens to your memory when you utilize it often? It gets sharper. You memorize faster and you remember more easily. You can do much more than these. Do you want to know the secret to improving your talents and abilities? “I” VIEW Answer the following. 1.
How long were you be able to keep still?
How did you feel while you sat still?
Would you be able to continue not moving for a much longer time, like fifteen minutes? Why or why not?
Was it natural for you to keep still while awake? Why or why not?
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “Success comes before work only in dictionary.” - Anonymous
LESSON 7 EYE “I” “Virtue Unites Man with God.” - Latin Proverb YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
On which foot do you first put your sock? When you walk, with which foot do you make the first step? When you climb a flight of stares, which foot do put on the first step? After a bath which part of your body do you dry first with a towel? When of your eyes do you look first when you look in the mirror? When putting on a shirt, which button do you put in first? When you someone face to face, which of the person‟s eye do focus first? Last? Have you already figured them out? Are interested in knowing what these mean? Reminisce on those times when you were just starting to brush your teeth on your own. Did you still need the mirror to check if you were brushing your teeth correctly? Recall yourself brushing your teeth that early stage. You were trying to roll your toothbrush in every way inside your mouth. Try to relive and feel the experience in your hand. Sometimes you gagged when you had unintentionally swallowed small amount of toothpaste. Rinsing after brushing was not thoroughly then. Gargling was still a difficult feat. After the discomforting, you gave a sigh of relief.
“I” VIEW 1.
How did you feel when you were just starting to brush your teeth on your own?
Was there someone who coaxed you into brushing your teeth? If so, why did that person encourage you to brush your teeth?
Did you feel that you were really starting to learn a new routine, or did you just do what was asked of you? Why?
At present, do you think brushing the teeth is right? Why?
At present, how do you feel when brushing or after you have brushed you teeth? Why
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT Now is always the right time to set thing aright!
LESSON 8 “I” (WITH WINGS) The trouble of being free as a bird is I’m not one! Often, teenagers complain that they are limited by restrictions imposed by authority figures: parents, guardians, siblings, teachers, guidance councilors, some relatives, some peers and so on.They usually give the specifics of what to do (or to think, even) that you feel like hollering, “Stop it! I can;t take it anymore!” Would it not be better to have an idea of how far you can really take your freedom for credible decision-making and freer movement? “I” VIEW 1.
How did you feel when the one blindfolded was about to turn? Why?
How did you feel when one blindfolded was already turning? Why?
Was the one blindfolded free to turn in any direction? Why or why not?
Do you think the one blindfolded felt free in turning in any direction? Why>
Was there anything (seen and/or felt) hampering the one blindfolded from turning freely? What was it or what were they? Explain each.
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “Freedom is not absolute.”
LESSON 1 T.I.M.E (TRULY, “I” MEAN EARLY) “Time is of the essence. No, make that LIFE is of the essence.” “I’ OPENER If you spend eight hours for sleeping and right hours for honest work and you have a lot of spare time, you are in luck. The questions are these: What do you do during your spare time? How are you doing with your grade? If you have some spare time and you are not doing well with your grades, you might be using your spare time in nonproductive activities. You need more time for school work. Do not be troubled; you have the time! If, on the other hand, you are spending more than twenty hours a day, you are in the deepest of trouble! You should check again the time you allot for your major activities. You might be using more than enough time on any of those activities (grooming, perhaps?). It is good if you are using the time on school activities. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
“My only problem is time!” is a usual expression of people who need “more” time. Time goes hand in hand with life and if time is problematic for some, then, their whole life must be a mess. If time constitutes a problem, what do people expect it to do? Go away? If time stresses them, would these people rather not have any accompanies life, and if time leaves, these people would be dead. It is paradoxical that people who have problems with time do not want to part with life. Perhaps these people mean that their problem actually is the lack of time. The trouble is that the same people who consider time a problem already have time but they do not even notice or give it due attention. Some who do notice that they have time on their hands are having trouble in using it. People say that time moves very slowly or that time goes too fast. Actually, the pace of time has been regular and constant since time immemorial. We human beings are the ones who are slow or fast. Time does not idle; people do. People are themselves the problem, not time. Time is not to blame. It is not doing anything wrong. And time does not go; people do. Time will still be around long after people are gone. Perhaps the roots of our problems with time are our attitudes toward time and our objects of focus. We usually look at time as something adjustable, therefore, controllable and manageable but it is not! If we focus our thoughts and efforts on adjusting it, we end up being controlled not by time but by circumstances. Then, we end up weary and frustrated. Shift then to a new focus and paradigm of thinking. We often hear the admonition “Do not waste time!” But since we cannot control time, we cannot waste time! We cannot even save it and spend it in the future. We have heard of the cliché “Life is too short.” Life is the one ticking. We grow old. And if we spend our lives on wasteful activities, then we waste our lives on activities that “eat up” time! We cannot be happy be happy to waste our short lives nor to expect others to waste their lives on us when we do not value time and life. Some of our activities have become habits with the passage of time. If these activities are “time eaters,” we might have developed bad habits or “vices.” “Time is a gift” is an oft-repeated statement. It is not even a “recyclable” gift. But it gives a human being an opportunity to gift other human beings through it.
What is the right attitude? 1. Your sibling (assume one if there is none) always searches every morning in the closet drawers for a handkerchief, towel, pair of socks, underwear, etc. Your sibling always gets rattled; you get irritated. Since you two go to the same school, you two are always tardy every morning. a) Arranging one‟s personal effects and preparing the night before those that are needed the following day save a lot of time and effort and prevent unnecessary agitation. Irritating others is avoided, too. b) It is the job and responsibility of my mother or the helper to prepare our things for our daily use. c) Arranging and preparing personal effects are menial work which my sibling and I are not fit to do. 2. I am usually late in arriving at school and at other functions because of the traffic. a) The traffic management authorities should be faulted not me. I do not have any control over the traffic. b) The school must change its policies on school schedule, tardiness and absences. Teachers should be more lenient. We all live in the same country, exposed to the same environment. c) I must wake up much earlier and leave the house much earlier to avoid traffic or any unforeseen circumstance. 3. I hear some people describe the misuse of time by other people as Filipino time. I want this thinking changed because I am a Filipino and I use time wisely. a) At my age, I cannot do anything about it. b) If I want a change to start, the change must start with me. c) If this thinking is what we Filipinos want, then I can already start to be always late! “I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “This T.I.M.E. is my time!”
JOURNAL ACTIVITY Based on your research on rights, answer the following questions. 1.
What is the highest right?
What rights should be known by all youths?
What rights should be known by all peoples of the world?
What are your right under your religion?
What are the rights of parents?
What are the rights of student? (Check out the Education Act of 1982 form the Department of Education or bookstore.)
What are the rights of your teachers over their students? (Check out Education Act of 1982)
How do you feel now that you know these rights? Why do you feel that way?
What is a “right” in the first place?
Why should you or anyone else know these rights?
What are the different kinds of rights? Define each.
What rights do you think are given the least attention
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “To enjoy a right, do it corresponding duties and obligations.”
LESSON 6 “I” LEVEL A mother chanced upon her son eating supper alone at the dinner table. “Don‟t finish all the food,” she reminded him. “Remember your brothers and sisters.” “That‟s exactly why I‟m finishing the food,” the son retorted. “I remembered them!” This is supposed to be a joke but it‟s not funny for the one on the losing end. Perhaps, at one time in your life, you experience missing a piece of cake or ice cream due you because the “revelers” before you had eaten the whole thing up - even your share.
How do you feel about the scenario? Explain your answer.
How do feel about the thinner and smaller dog? Why do feel that way?
How do you feel about the bigger and the fatter dog? Why do you feel that way/
Is there something wrong with the situation? If so, what is it? Why do you think it is wrong? Explain you r answers.
Would you anything about the situation? If so, why?
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “Whatever is more than what you need is already due for another man’s need.”
“Someone exhorted: Live simply that other may simply live.” There was this spouse who, upon looking through the window of his house, happened to notice the new electric fan inside the neighbor‟s house. “Dear,” he called out to his wife, “I think I want one of those electric fans.” “I‟ll arrange for that,” his wife responded. The next time he peeped, he motioned to his wife and said, “Look at our neighbor‟s new television; I think it‟s nice to have one.” “ But we have one!” his wife cut in. “But theirs is picture-in-picture-in-picture!” he reasoned. “I‟ll arrange for that,” the wife yielded. The next time he peeked, he saw the neighbor‟s new furniture. He again called his wife‟s attention to it. She said, “But we already have a set!” “That one‟s different,” he insisted. The wife did not argue anymore, saying “I‟ll arrange for that.” The following week, the husband looked through the window again and chanced upon some activity inside the neighbor‟s house that looked like a wake. He turned to his wife and as he was about to speak... “I‟ll arrange for that!” We do not intend to make fun of the departed nor of their bereaved loved ones. Surely you have seen how preposterous the preceding situation is. Yet, in real life, the earlier scenes are repeated in various ways, sometimes to the point of risking one‟s reputation, dignity or security just to accommodate one‟s uncontrolled wants. Meanwhile, others may be hurt in the process. The trouble starts when an individual is not even conscious of his/her uncontrolled wants and their effects on other human beings.
Do you have excesses in your lifestyle? What are these?
Why do you say each is an excess?
Cite the excesses at your home or in the lifestyle of your family. Why do you consider each as such?
How will you apply simple lifestyle or simple living in your life?
“I” SIGHT TO INSIGHT “Sometimes we look for more because we need some more. But it might be that we hardly see because we already have so much more.”
LESSON 8 “I” FIDELITY “From a disc jockey: Worry ends where faith begins.” Do you believe that your money, for whatever it is worth, can be used to buy something within the country? Do you believe that a doctor‟s prescribed medicine can cure you? Do you believe that your canteen does not out poison in the food you buy? Do you believe that your watch functions accurately as a watch should? Such questions and their answers are senseless and bothersome. By ignoring them you can make your life easier and relatively happier. Actually you do not waste time on these matters because you believe and take these things as true, thereby, relieving yourself of unnecessary concerns. In fact, you are not even aware, yet every minute, you are holding on to implicit promises that things will turn out true and you are not at risk of anything. Though not all promises, as you know, are kept, there is a “promise” you can put all your faith in. As long as you do what is necessary, you will get ALL its benefits which are far beyond your wildest dreams. Yes, there is such a promise.
Were you given an orientation on each subject by each of your teachers during the first week of classes? If so, why were you given an orientation on each subject?
Give an example of a subject where you given an orientation and identify its requirements (e. g., number of tests, quizzes, term paper, project, etc.) Why do you think you were told of these requirements? Cite all possible reasons.
Do you think there was a need for an explanation of these requirements, such as term paper? Why?
If a requirement was not clear to you and it was not explained, would you ask your teacher to clarify? Why?
What could happen if you had not complied with even one requirement? Why?
“I” SIGHT TO SIGHT “Always act for the greater glory of the Creator.”
Lesson 2: ―I‖S Plant “Somebody said that a parent is someone who, if there’s not enough food for the family, is the first to say, “I’m not hungry.” Bull’s—―I‖ At the end of this lesson, expect that ―I‖ should be able to
Examine my role and that of my parents in strengthening a trusting relationship; and Identify what will strengthen and what will weaken a parents- son/ daughter relationship.
In Your Mind’s ―I‖ It is Sunday evening. You are at your classmates house, rushing a term paper to be submitted first hour tomorrow. What brought about this situation? Your classmate is not allowed to go out of the house. Why? She got a call last Friday evening from a classmate friend about an invitation to a party that same evening. She mentioned her hesitation to go since a term paper was due Monday.‖But it’s just Friday!‖ her classmate- friend said. So she asked permission from her Dad. Her dad asked her if she had no assignment to work on and if there was no class the following day. The second question was easy to answer – no school the following day which was Saturday. The first question about the assignment was somewhat complicated. Because any answer wou the problems-- by ld invite more complications. If she said ―Yes, there is a term paper to make, it wold be useless to ask permission. If she said.‖None‖ her conscience would bother her classmate- friend who taught of a way to solver. So she mentioned this dilemma to her classmate- friendwho taught of a way to solve the problem--- by not considering the term paper as an assignment. It was the teacher anyway who called that thing term paper, not assignment. ―And Dad didn’t mention any term paper, she seconded. They then congratulated each other for that stroke of pure genius! The only hump to overcome was Mom. Dad did not forget to ask, ―‖ Did you already ask your Mom? With Mom it was already easy. Dad’s permission already tilted the balance in her favor. When Mom asked about a pending assignment, the answer came out rather easily. The only things Mom requested from her were to call her up as soon as she arrived at the party, to give her the phone number there, and to be at home by 1:00 a.m. She said yes—only to let Mom know that she heard her. In her mind, the first two requests were easy to accomplish. The third, she was not inclined to follow. She was thinking that once she was at the party, it was already easy to come up with partly true excuses. Then Mom gave her pocket money, just in case. A little later, she was picked up by her classmate- friend. By 12:30 a.m., her cell phone rang. She remembered she should have called up her mom. The call was from her mom. Her Mom suddenly woke up and remembered that she was supposed to receive a call. Mom’s voice was a combination of worry, anger and pleading. Mom asked why she did not call. ―I‖ forgot she responded somewhat curtly. Mom reminded her entreatingly to be home by one. She said yes again but she knew she could not be home in thirty minutes. She set her mind that one o’ clock was going- home time and not already- at- home time. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
She could not understand the fuss over being home so early. That was the second time anyway she would be coming home late. Nothing wrong happened to her the first time. Why should it be different the second time? She was even better off because she did not smoke unlike others, and did not drink liquor except punch. Well, it was her parents’ problem. She did not ask to be born anyway. At this point, you remind your classmate about the term paper you two are to finish. OT is already 1:30 a. m.‖ you anxiously utter. Your classmate appreciates your help, through thick and thin. From parties to assignments, you are truly her classmatefriend! ―I‖ VIEW I 1. What did you find right in the whole experience? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What did you find wrong in the whole experience? ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. What were the dilemmas? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Should there really be dilemmas in your classmate’s mind in the first place? Or was the responsible choice clear enough in each dilemma? Why or why not? Explain your answers. ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Corollary to number 4: If the responsible choice was clear in each dilemma, what were these responsible choices? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What do you think was each a responsible choice? ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. What could be the possible reasons why the mother wanted her daughter to call the former up as soon as the latter at the party venue? YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. Why do you think would the mother like to get the phone number of the party venue? State all likely reasons. 8. What could be the reasons why the mother wanted her daughter home at a specified time? ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. What values do you think were breached? How was each one violated? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10. Do you think that the parents’ decision not to let your classmate leave the house that Sunday evening an overreaction? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
11. Did your role as the classmate- friend strengthen or weaken the relationships within your classmate- friend’s family? Why do you think so? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12. If your role tended to weaken the relationships, what specifically in the familial relationships were threatened? How were they threatened? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. Is it important for parents- son/ daughter relationships and bonding to be intact, be strengthened and be allowed to grow? Why? Explain in depth your response. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14. Corollary to number 13: If your answer is yes to number 13, what practical benefits does a family member enjoy from an intact, strengthened and continuouslygrowing parent- son/daughter relationship and bonding? ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
15. Do you think the whole scenario would be different if your classmate were a boy instead of a girl? How could it or how could it make a difference? Explain your answer clearly and logically. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
Lesson 3: ―I‖ in the Middle of Family What is Family? A family is heartfelt pride, The feeling deep and strong, That makes us glad to play a part And know that we belong –Excerpt, Anonymous
Bull’s – ―I‖ At the end of this lesson, expect that ―I‖ should be able to
Recognize the causes that can weaken and/or destroy a family; and Identify the factors that can strengthen family unity.
In Your Mind’s ―I‖ Imagine that you are watching film clips of movie scenes from the true- to- life story of your own family and from the true- to- life experiences of your relatives, friends and acquaintances ―I‖ View Use your journal to answer the items below. 1.
While imagining, jot down all the causes that, in your opinion, weaken or destroy familial relationships and/or family unity.
While imagining, jot down all the factors that, in your opinion, unity, maintain and/or strengthen familial relationships and/or the family as a whole.
―I‖ Movement
Here is something for you to do with your classmates. 1.
Five to seven classmates who are not so familiar with one another will come together to form a group. Read the next instructions CAREFULLY.
Using your answers in the ―I‖ View Portion, share orally among yourselves the individual answers for the purpose of adding to each others’ list of causes (i.e., those that weaken or destroy familial relationships and/ or the family unity) and list of factors (i.e. those that can unify, maintain and/or strengthen familial relationships and/or the family as a whole.)
Take care not to show your actual list. Exercise extreme prudence so as not reveal family secrets. Secrets are secrets. Use general statements. There is no need to use elaborate on specifics (e.g., names, circumstancial details, ets.). This exercise is not a gossip session. No one is to pressure anyone to divulge personal or family secrets. 3.
If a particular cause or factor has already been mentioned by one classmate, do not mention it again, so everybody should listen attentively.
If you happen to think of some more causes or factors not yet mentioned within a group, share them. When there is no more to share, return to your seat.
Lesson 4: ―I‖’S Cream “In work, you and the world discover yourself.” Bull’s –―I‖ At the end of this lesson, expect that ―I‖ should be able to
Explain the purpose and benefits of work to oneself and other human beings Identify my strengths and weaknesses for my improvement and for assistance to others as well.
―I‖ Movement 1.
You are asked to bring a handkerchief large enough to blindfold you securely.
For the whole class, a box is prepared, containing rolled sheets of paper. Written on each sheet is a specific vocal sound (e.g., dog bark, goat bleat, cat meow, etc.) Each sound is written on a number of sheets, the number of which is to be apportioned by the teacher. A particular sound may be written on five to ten sheets of rolled paper. You will not be told how many sheets contain one vocal sound.
You are to pick one rolled sheet from the box. Important: Do not divulge what vocal sound is written on your sheet of paper. No one, except you, is to know, not even the teacher.
You have to do this exercise blindfolded. Ask a classmate to blindfold you and to make sure you cannot peek. You are not to remove your blindfold until the teacher says so.
On the count of three, without talking, you are to imitate the sound written on your sheet of paper.
Find your other classmates who also emit the same sound as yo do.
After removing your blindfold upon the teachers’ signal, you may return to your seat.
―I‖ View 1.
Rewind and review in your mind your experience in the ―I‖ Movement exercise.
How did you start? Check () below the experience appropriate to you. ____ started calling out loud immediately ____ started calling out softly and continued to so ____ started to call out softly, then decided at one point to raise the volume immediately to an audible level ___ started to listen first for others sounding off your call ___ felt shy or embarrassed and continued to do so ____ felt shy or embarrassed at first; then the feeling gradually subsided on its own. ___ felt shy or embarrassed at first, then decided to overcome the feeling
Review what you ticked off in number 2. Was the item a good strategy to find others? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Corollary to number 3: Based on the item you checked, ws the item a good strategy for others to find you? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
If your answer is number 3 is no, what would be a good strategy for you to find others? Why? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
If your answer is number 4 is no, what would be a good strategy for others to find you? Why? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Did you enjoy searching for others? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Were you happy when you had located each other? Why or why not? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Lesson 5: Your ―I‖ on the Right Ignorantia juris nemmmenem excusat. (Ignorance of the law excuse no one.) --Principle in Law Bull’s --- ―I‖ At the end of this lesson, expect that ―I‖ should be able to
Compile my rights in one ready reference; and Identify in some situations what rights I think have been violated or would have been violated.
―I‖ Movement ―Knowledge is power,‖ according to a Filipino television and radio personality. Well, he is right—but not to overpower people but to help people. 1.
you are to gather first all known rights appropriate to human beings, in general; to you, as a Filipino citizen, as a member of your religion, as a son or daughter, as a student, as a consumer; second, those rights appropriate to
your parents as parents (or to your guardian, as the case may be); and, third, all rights in our country afforded to you in your different roles as a pet owner, bicycle rider, public transport rider, own- house and/or boarding house resident, etc. Aside from checking out the current constitution. Family Code, books on ethics and other written materials, you can also ask the help of lawyer—friends, law students, political science students, proper government and local government agencies. Ask help from your parents. 2.
Compile these rights for your ready, orderly reference.
Read these rights and review them once ijn a while until you have memorized as many as possible.
Unit III - “ I “ S Land Lesson I
“ I Love You the “ N “ Degree
“ But However enlarge the social unit maybe the fundamental concepts essential in a good family are basic. To bear and forebear, to enjoy and to share, to be loving be happy and make others happy-these and like virtues are essential among communities and among nations just as they are essential in the first social unit ,the home or the family.
This lesson has one of the secret s to nation – building: The culture of family. And you will be the one to unlock it. The gentleman meets the lady, introduced but a mutual friend at a party or in school. Although they regard each other quite shyly, they enjoy each other’s company. Then, the gentlemen make a casual comment that somebody might get angry if he were to get in touch with her again. , preferably at her house. To this the lady replies none, except that her parents are strict. But just the same, the gentleman proceeds in his intention. Later on, they are already exchanging love notes. Then, start going to movies, eating out, and attending parties together with a chaperon. Then, the three precious words are spoken. These people we are talking about are your parents –who have later on raised your parents. Perhaps your parents have met the same way, too, and the right times have raised their family. During their courtship, they might have used the computer for their love notes. Now, you might use the cell phone. Something change; something do not . Some should. Some should not, as ....”I love you “. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
“ I “ View Answer the following question in your journal. 1. Based on the content of your tabloid in general, what are your realizations about the family? ___________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Would you let you’re future children read your tabloid? Why? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Would the contents of your tabloid be of help to your future children and their children? How? ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.Which of your experiences would you want and not want your future children to go through? Why? ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5.What are in your present family that you may consider as characteristics of an ideal family? ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
“ I Sight to Insight” It is in family experience that a person acquires the important life lesson of more “ give “ and less takes. It is in the family that an individual learns that egoism has limitation all around. The community or the town or the province or the nation is a family of families.
Lesson 2
“ I “ School Lesson
Learning is what you get. Education is what you show.
Explore and rediscover how deep and how far your school lessons have pervaded yourself and your life so far. This lesson will also give you a picture of what _____________________ ( Your name ) can look like in the future because of schooling. “ I “ + Deal 1. Write a letter of appreciation, a message from the heart, to your parents or whoever is responsible for your schooling. Mention in your letter all your reflections in the “ I “ Inspection exercise. Your letter is to be in your handwriting. 2. Make a copy in your file. Better still, write, your copy in journal. 3. Give the letter to your parents. “ I “ Sight to Insight The essence of schooling is to reveal to us slowly our possibility of being the best that we can possibly be!
Lesson 3
Clear “ I” sight
It is said one man’s trash is another man’s treasure; That is ,only if one considers it trash!
This lesson will open your eyes to the concerns in environment cleanliness and how you can benefit from helping out.
You look so good and so fresh! You have just taken a bath and you are now inside your room, looking at yourself in the mirror. Then, you dress for school. Then, afterwards, you comb your hair in front of the mirror. Once again you appreciate the image you see. You are so neat, so clean. People outside may take one look at you, but it will be one long, long look. Still looking in the mirror, you notice something behind you...Oh, well, you are used to it. What is important is you stand out. You then leave your house. While walking down the street, you feel spiffy. Then, you notice all around you...Oh, well, you are used to it. “ I “ View Answer the following question in your notebook. 1. Are there things in your room that should not be there? List then all down. ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Among those things you have listed down in number 1, what are those things you can consider garbage? List them down. ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Honestly, What do you usually do with your own garbage ? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Honestly, where does your household throw all the household garbage? Why there? ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where do you think will your household garbage go afterwards? Then after that? _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you think will your household in your area do what your household does with garbage? If not, what do they do? What are the effects, if there are any, of what they do? ________________________________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
“ I “ Sight to Insight Cleanliness is next to godliness. Very ancient saying. Lesson 4
“ I “ Society It takes interdependence to be independent and maintain it.
This lesson will give you a glimpse of what society is and should be. It will show you that even now, you can already take part of developing the society you belong to into your ideal society-your “ I “ society! You are not alone. Perhaps you are just not aware of them, but in your house there is human being who you do not know and whose presence may be felt if you were more sensitive. “ I “ View Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper, except number 5. 1. How does your house look from the outside? What do you see? List down all these things. Be specific. ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _ 2. How does your house look outside? What are the things that you see? List down all these things. Be specific. __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ 3. On your way back to the school (up to your seat). What did you see and hear? List down all them all down. Be specific. __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
4. For every item on your list 1 and 2, list down all the human beings connected o it. _______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___
Example: Concrete fence=mason, bricklayer, brisk or hollow block maker, peon, employee who sold the blocks, delivery man, construction supply owner ,employee at center factory, cement bag supplier, supplier of thread for cement bag, truck and / or van drivers
5. Looking at the result of what you did in number 4, what are you realizations and generalizations? List them all down in your journal. _____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ “ I “ Sight into Insight Being independent means one is already able to separate in interdependence.
Lesson 5.
“ I “ of the Eagle The true measure of a culture is not what it has but in what it is becoming.
Friendship as a value is good. But if for its sake friends get involve in wrong activities, such as vandalism, rumbles or gang operations, does friendship as a value have to be set aside? There are positive and negative ways interpreting and putting into practices some values. This lesson focuses on Filipino cultural values. It will definitely help you to distinguish between their positive and negatives application. “ I “ View
Answer the following questions in your notebook. 1. What is the positive interpretation of each of the five Filipino cultural values? Mention also the name of the authority figure from whom you have taken the interpretation.
2. Check put of your personal interpretations against the positive interpretations. Is there any difference in the interpretations? Is there any difference in the interpretations of each of the five Filipino cultural values? If so, state the difference in each value. 3. For each difference ( if there is any ) ,why do you think our interpretation of that value differs from the correct one? State your reason for the difference in interpretation that you find in each value. “ I “ + Deal 1. Make some resolutions in your journal on how you can positive practice each of the following Filipino cultural values. a. pakikisama
b. hiya
c. utang naloob
d. ningas kugon
e. bahala na “ I “ Sight to Insight Cultural is in the level of material values but let us understand that is also found in the plane of ethical dedication. Let us strive o improve life materially, but let us also enrich each ethically and let us not just say what we further understanding what good ( it ) is to us but let us also see to it that the conception of good quality materializes for the benefit of our fellowmen. - Angel Palanca Lesson 6
Survival Needs “ I “ You can judge a country by the way it treats its animals. -Old saying, New Zealand
Do you still see a swarm of dragonflies in your vicinity? They come in a variety of colors. How about fireflies that teem and light up a tree look like a Christmas tree lit with cute dancing lights? If you do, you still lucky! These are just some sights that used to be part of the childhood experience of a many student of generation past. Now, they are just enjoyed by the special few. Do you think there might come a time when you get to talk to your own YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
grandchild about “The birds and the beast?”But instead of getting an excited response, you get a puzzled wondering expression on your grandchild‘s face, followed by “What are bird? What are bees? Then you might at that very moment remember the good old days as if they have been “ when dinosaur ruled the earth” And at that very moment ,too, you would sadly remember sadly yourself as a student reading this very lesson. In Your Mind’s “I “ Within the box, illustrate the caption under the box. You are inside the room at home. “It is also burdensome to go out nowadays. I even need to call up the local government agency for the water ration intended for a specific purpose –like taking a bath!
“ I am at the entrance of the high-tech zoo and botanical exhibit. I do not have an idea why it is high-tech”
“ Let me see the next exhibit .Wow! A variety of insects! During my days the only bug I remember was the ubiquitous cockroach!”
“I “ View For your notebook activity 1. Why do you think would you need to wear gadgets outside your house? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you think caused the closing of the Live Section of the Zoo and Botanical Exhibit? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you think “ cow with lesions “ . grasshopper at “ I.C.U.” and mango kept posterity “ mean? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you think are the relationships of the exhibits between and among each other? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think is the significance of starting and ending he series of boxes with a depiction of the human being? ________________________________________________________________________
Every time you hear and read about the see any misuse, abuse, violation or depletion of any plant, animal or natural resources ,let that living or nonliving things “speak “ to you in your imagination . Write its message down in your journal. Teaching a child not to kill a caterpillar is good for both the child and caterpillar. - Message on a placard
Lesson 7
“ I “ Pick
Whoever is faithful in small matters will be faithful in large ones; whoever is dishonest in small matter will be dishonest in large ones. - J.C.
“ I “ + Deal 1. Whom would you elect? Explain your reasons. a. The candidate who has sold his/her image better through more and better advertisements, campaign sorties, ect. b. The candidate who has better credentials though he/ she lacks the necessary resources for an effective campaign 2. Read a credible newspaper everyday. Have a separate section for this in your journal: Jot down the names of political figure in your community , in your local government, and in the national government who are reported in the news for any misconduct. Besides, each name writes down the misbehaviour .Try to follow their stories. Get to know more about them earlier because there is a big chance you across these names again come election time! “ I “ Sight to Insight Why settle for less when you can have the best?
Lesson 8
The Big “ I “ Land and “ I “ Let “Why worry when you can party?
You have already experienced being sick, haven’t you? You told your parents about it and were brought to the doctor who prescribed medicine to you afterwards. For the meantime, you could not do anything about your illness except to have faith in the doctor and hope in the medicines’ efficacy. You just waited for the medicines to take effect. Now, you are back on your feet. “ I Five “ What and whose orders do you obey? Determine what action you would take in each situation. 1. You are ill prepared for a test, like some of your classmates. Some of them have planned a new “cheating “arrangement. During the test, a classmates handwriting is legible from your end .How will you act? a. Go ahead and cheat. The mere fact that my classmate is not covering the test paper and even writing legibly is just short inviting me to cheat. It is my classmates fault! b. I should start practicing cheating. Who knows, I might end to be like some politicians I know. It will surely come in handy in my future. c. Although it is really tempting, cheating is actually going against the order “Though shall not steal” Cheating is getting credit that justly belongs to another, not to me .I will not go against my creator’s order. 2. You have your older neighbourhood buddy is already married. Of course, you know his wife. One time, during a friendly conversation, he mentions in passing that he has another woman. What order will you remind him of? a. It is only natural for males to have more than one female. That is normal. Look at my dog Bantay . He is lying in wait again for another female dog to pass by b. Woman are just like food our mothers cook. We get sick and tired of one kind when it is always served. c. I will ask my friend, “isn’t that going against “Though shall not commit adultery? “ If he pursues the topic, I shall discuss with him the realizations I have gained from this lesson. 3. You and your friends usually gallivant to while away the time. Your friends usually write on walls, door of public toilet seats of public vehicles, fences, ect. What can you advise your friends? You do not remember seeing any prohibition of these activities. a. Youth, like us, need to express our deepest thoughts and inner selves, like, Roses are red, violet are blue, flush the toilet when you are through.” YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
b. This property is not our! I surely do not want to happen to my own property. c. What I remember now is that next among our targets are the houses of those who oppose our clique.
“ I “ Sight to Insight Once we contact the Creator for His cure, we shall be better off by following His orders for complete recovery.
Unit IV
“For Right to Be, There must “ I “ Be!
Lesson 1
The improvement of our nation occurs daily when the self-improvement of its citizens happens daily.
A country progresses insofar as its individual citizens, who make it up, improve themselves. Take part in nationwide improvement! This lesson will help you guarantee your self-improvement! That is ,if you love yourself and your country .Be then a center of love and transfortation! “ I “ Five How will you handle the following situation? 1. Your asks you, “What do you mean you are coming up with self- standards? You are just limiting yourself with those.” What would you reply?
a. It really depends on how high or low the standards have been set. Certainly, if I set the standard low, they limit my improvement. Having no standards at all is actually a standard by itself –the lowest! b. You are right. I shall junk them. From now on, there will be no standards for me! c. Okay then, I shall go any prevailing standard from whatever source it may came. That will save me from making my own. 2. You and your Barangay captain are engaged in a conversation and it veers toward national progress. He tells you, “How can you help the country improve? You are only one individual.” How will you react to that? a. You are correct. I cannot carry the whole world on my shoulders. Let us all be merry, for tomorrow we die! b. I shall just wait first for other people to, move toward progress. That is time I shall pitch in. c. A peso one centavo less is not one peso. Even one individual can make a difference. I can even help develop the nation initially by not making a mess of myself. If every citizen will just stay out of trouble and/ or not create one, then our country will progress. “ I “ Sight to Insight Doing one’s best is one problem less.
Lesson 2 You are “ I “ Catching The life you lead is the legacy you leave. This lesson introduces you to the world of modelling Explore your possibilities of becoming a role model and influencing others. Observe how models on the ramp somehow look different even when they are all wearing the same clothes. Their individual simply surface and glows. They do not have to look at the audience. Observe how they carry themselves while they walk straight ahead. Meanwhile, the eyes of the viewing audience are glued on each model. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
Even some model in print does not even have to look straight at reader; yet they do catch the reader’s attention. Did you even once wish you were a model? That you could also catch people’s attention? That people would also observe you in public.
“ I “ Movement Paste below your best picture (portrait, half or full –body shot). Then, fill out the Application Form for Modelling on the next page.
Model for _________________________________ ( Value ) Name:_____________________________________________________ Age:___________________________________________ Gender:_________________ Part A: Attitudes 1. What are your attitudes toward yourself as a person? In other words, how do you at yourself as an individual human blessing? _______________________________________________________________ YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is your attitude toward each member of your family? (Include your household help if you have.) _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is your attitude toward your schooling? ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Part B: Values 1. What values are you practicing? _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Give an incident or situation in which you have exhibited each value you have identified. (Reminder; Use the succeeding blank pages if needed.) _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What value do you exhibit more often? Why do you manifest that value? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ “ I “ Sight to Insight Do not just thank God for your blessings. Also thank God that you are a blessing and a source of blessing for others, too.
Lesson 3
“ I “ Soar
When a person soars above his or her fear, he or she meets the person he or she intends to be –himself or herself.
Fear is a common human emotion felt in the face of difficulties. It can immobilize a person from doing a positive action. Meanwhile, accompanying negative feelings remain and trouble their host. Discovering this lesson what makes you fear and what you need to overcome fear. You will also have an opportunity to share and get ideas and inspiration from personal experiences in courage. The night is dark and deep. Only the sounds of crickets and dogs break the deafening silence once in a while. Weary eyes and mind still hope that someone is awake and this already inspires courage. Well, it seems that no someone is forthcoming. Sweat appears on the forehead, then tickets down to the ears. The blanket does not seem to be good insulation from fear. Once in a while, courage prompts once to peep trough the blanket. Deep breathing and pounding of the heart persist while fear tires the body to sleep. Tomorrow, light will shine again. The child may forget that night’s order...until another night descends again. How long does the child have to endure it? “ I “ Inspiration Answer in your notebook the question book below. 1. Do you have fearful experience similar to that of that kid in the introduction? Why or why not? 2. honestly, when was the last time you needed to “hide” (literally or figuratively) out of fear? If so, why? If none, how come there was no need.
3. If you answered the first question in number 2, from what did you hide? What was the cause of the answer you had given? 4. Do you feel you more courageous –now than you were as a kid? 5. When do you feel more courageous-when you know you are wrong or when you know you are right? “ I “ Deal Answer in your journal the group of questions appropriate to you. YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
1. Honestly, are you experience right now some “hiding” ( literally or figuratively )? If so, what it is all about? 2. What are you reasons for your “hiding?” 3. Are you bothered or tired of “hiding?” 4. What do you plan to do about it? What are you options? 5.If you are bothered or tired hiding would you try to ask for guidance from your parents /guidance counsellor, teacher, religious authority or any other authority figure in whom you have confidence? Would you ask help from the creator?
“ I “ Sight to Insight Courage drives faith from intention to action.
Lesson 4
“ I “ –Lid to “ I “ Lead What the eyes doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over. -
English proverb
In this lesson we shall try to discover what makes a hero or a heroin is still possible in this modern age. When you were a kid, did you ever wonder what the heroes Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio had in common? Perhaps you though then that they both passed away on a national holiday. Of course, now you know better that they are the very reason for the holidays. But it was not because Rizal was Rizal or Bonifacio was Bonifacio hat made each a hero. And not all heroes and heroines are individually honoured with holiday. If you have lived during their times, can you still be a hero or heroine? Find out! “ I “ View Answer the questions below in your notebook. 1. Do you think there still a need for us the new generation to study about heroes and heroines? Why or why not? 2. Do you think there is still a need for heroes and heroines nowadays? Why? YOUNG JI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL / COLLEGE
3. Do you think there is a need to recognize and appreciate new heroes and heroines? Why or why not? 4. What can prevent you from recognizing and appreciating new heroes and heroines and their heroic deeds? Why do you think so ? 5. Can you be a new hero/ heroines? How? “ I “ Sight and Insight Life is writing your own story. Each day is a new page in which you can be a hero or heroine.
Lesson 5
Circle around the “ I “ Love Heals, Faith Bridges and Peace Builds -Message on a T-shirt by Habitat or Humanity
Get pleasantly surprised in this lesson with how much the various faith and/ or religions have in common with each other. Find out if the different religious groups could possibly and sincere cooperate and really works together –from their respective leaders themselves! If you’re religious leader would be willing to do these, would you be willing, too? “ I “ Five In the following situations, what would be your reaction to foster interfaith harmony? 1. In a gathering and classmate in one house, one jokes about certain followers of a religion. You and the rest laugh. You know, however, it is obviously an insult to these followers (who are, of course, not present in that gathering). You know you have gone through this lesson. How will you go through the conversation? a. Now I can deliver my own jokes on other religions I have been keeping so long! My friends and classmates might think I do not have any. b. I shall not give any jokes. I shall have a good laugh though. It is not my religion nor for those of my co- followers that are insulted anyway. C. I shall state simply, “ Hey, guys, let us not make fun of other religions. “ Then, I shall introduce another topic or joke ( not about religion).
2. Rely Dioso is a member of a socio-civic organization in the municipality. Since the club is non-sectarian, its members are of different faiths. Rely is asked one time to give the opening prayer. Rely is a devout followers of his own religion. How is he to give the prayer? a. Rely may suggest that the organization do away with praying. It is simpler just to proceed to the important stuff in the agenda. b. At prayer time, the members may group themselves according to faith. All the subgroups then pray simultaneously but according to the form prescribe by each religion. c. I think praying is unifying activity. To pray is to be at peace with one’s creator, oneself and one’s fellowmen. A prayer then is not to segregate nor offend. I suggest that Rely prepare a general prayer, one that deals with concerns and relationship as a group with the creator. I am sure the Creator will be very pleased with every one gathered together in harmony for His greater honor and glory. “ I “ Sight to Insight Religion- and your only religion –tells us that we must ask in the image and likeness of God. It is for this reason that we hate to see any strife among religious sects. As far as we are concerned, the flight should be between religion and irreligious.
Lesson 6
With me “ I “ Wide Open If we all do not stand I unison, we will all fall down-in unison.
Crystallize in this lesson your principles, right beliefs and moral standard about life and its different areas. Discover your commonalities with fellow human beings, then, get ready to put these common principles, right beliefs and moral standards into Action. Look at a baby. See how innocent he/she is .Do you think his/her parents have dreams for their cute offspring? They must, indeed, be thinking only the best for their baby! They are thinking of raising their baby to be the best human being ever to walk on earth! They may already be telling each other that they will teach their baby all the right ‘Things” ( e,g., values, positive attitudes ,right belief ,principles) to help their offspring become the best human being he/she can possibly be. “ I “ Movement
“ I “ Movement 1. Each of you in class will have an opportunity to manifest a personal conviction and work with others to the same conviction. Feel how it is to manifest your conviction. 2. Since many items to act on, the following are some suggested options. * The whole class can agree on what issue /s to take up when there are no differing convictions. * If there are differing convictions, the class may divide into subgroups, each telling an issue. The number of members depends on how many have common convictions on each item. *If there is one person of differing conviction the rest can try to convince that person to join them by explaining of the righteousness of the majority’s conviction; otherwise, the person can find a way to manifest his/ her conviction on his /her own. * For courses of action, the same preceding options apply or else come up with suitable options.
“ I “ Sight to Insight The creator is the best start to solve national crises as He is the best reason to end them.
Lesson 7
Relieve Yourselves of “ I “ – Strain
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall called children of God.
In this lesson, discover where universal peace lies. Explore the conditions for peace to reign. You may already have experienced eyestrain. It may have been caused by looking at objects so small or so far, or a host of other factors. Despise discomfort and uneasiness; you try to continue whatever you are doing. You hope that your eyestrain will ease after a while. But it persists and troubles you. Then, it turns into a headache. You try to endure the discomfort. Meanwhile, it slowly affects your performance. You try to think there is nothing wrong. Oh, but there is! It annoys you every so often. If you do not do something about it, it becomes difficult to go with your usual ways. “ I” View Write your answer on the space under each question. 1. Is the whole scene familiar to you? Why or why not? 2. How do you think did the child feel when his mother confronted him? 3. How do you think did the child feel after he said,” Sorry”? 4. How would you also feel after said?” I am sorry”? 5. What good do you think will an apology bring? 6. What do you think is the message of the whole scene? “ I “ Sight to Insight If you want peace, do not keep silent
Lesson 8
“ I “ Potency
Good, better, best, Let us never rest, Until the good gets better, and better, best.
This lesson will help you put into practice all you’re learning as a result of your journal through values education. It will graduate. You may enrol in a technology or college course or go to the world of work. You are on your way to become a successful person! Yes, you may dream big as long as the basic of success have been laid down and the best practices are habitually put in into action. “ I “ Inspection Honestly answer in your journal the following questions. 1. What do you think of all the leanings you have gained from a school year of values education? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you do to become a better person? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think and feel you have become a better person because of what you have learned? If so, how have you become a better person because of these leanings? If not, why not? ________________________________________________________________________ 4.Do you always do what you do in number 2? If not, Why not? _________________________________________________________________________ “ I “ Deal Find someone whom you look up to and feel credible and comfortable to be with to be your spiritual counsel He/ She must counsel and guide you, improve on your update prescriptions, and ensure your spiritual growth from this day onwards.
“ I “ Sight to Insight He who raises from prayer a better man, his prayers are answered. _ George Meredith Novelist and poet