research PMMA, PVC, Embossing

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Onderzoek PMMA, PVC Embossing Kim Dijkman en Ylja Band Lab 2, 2012

Onderzoek PMMA, PVC Embossing Kim Dijkman en Ylja Band Lab 2, 2012

PMMA Material name

Plexiglass acronal, acrylex, acrylglas, acrylite, acrypet, akrylon, altuglas, barlo, crinothene, degalan, deglas, delpet, diakon, elvacite, kallocryl, kallodent, limacryl, lucite, metaplex, osteobond, parapet, paraglas, perspex, policril, setacryl, vitroflex

Material definition

Polymethylmethacrylaat (PMMA)


• PMMA is a strong material and isn’t flexible. • It’s light weight, when you compare it to glass, and it allows more light than glass. • PMMA transmits up to 92% of visible light and gives a reflection of about 4% from each of its surfaces. It filters ultraviolet (UV) light at wavelengths below about 300 nm (similar to ordinary window glass) • It also has good impact strength • It can easily be produced in different forms. • The material doesn’t splinter. • PMMA is very inflammable. • PMMA swells and dissolves in many organic solvents. • Its environmental stability is superior to most other plastics such as polystyrene and polyethylene, and PMMA is therefore often the material of choice for outdoor applications. • PMMA has a maximum water absorption ratio of 0.3–0.4% by weight. • Tensile strength decreases with increased water absorption.

Raw elements


Technical specifications

glastemperature Tg: 100 °C Thermal conductivity: 0,07-0,21 W/m.K Lineair thermal expansion: 7,7•10-5 m/K Vicat B: 112 °C Transformation temperature: 150-175 °C Refractive index: 1,489 n Elongation at break: 3,5% Rockwellstrength: M102 Notch test: 16 KJ/m² Tensile strength: 80 MPa Tensile modulus: 3200 MPa flexural strengts: 116 MPa

Waterabsorption: 0,21 % Smell: Nihil Taste: Nihil Massdensity: 1190 kg/m³

Sensorial aspects

PMMA feels stiff and smooth. Sometimes the the material is coated, then it feels rough instead of smooth. It feels solid and when the plate is thick enough not it feels like you can’t break or bend it. The product sounds pretty hard and maybe a little shrill. The material doesn’t have a certain smell, under normal conditions. The material was originally transparent, but colouring is possible in nearly any colour.


PMMA is an amorphous non-biodegradable polymer.

Production processes

possible processes with this material are injection molding, compression molding, extrusion and cell casting.


They are widely used: optical instruments: production of optical lenses, such as glasses, magnifying glass, various lenses and laser-scanning video transfer so slow. Stationery and daily necessities: making a variety of drawing tools, teaching model, specimen shield, lamps, all kinds of pens, buttons, hair clips, candy, soap box, a variety of containers and other household accessories. Construction areas: indoor and outdoor lighting and non-lighting signal display, ceiling lighting, advanced accessories (such as sculpture, etc.), furniture, partition materials, solar energy collector housings, indoor tanning bed UV lamp operation can be made colored glass bath, basin, etc.. Other areas: can be used as medical devices, such as additional limbs, dentures, medical optical basic raw material. Can make a substitute for inorganic silica glass for aerospace equipment, light cover, surface cover plates, car and motorcycle windshields.


Ispa Plastics

Comparable materials

Glass, Vikrell a combination of fiberglass and polyresin The price varies per thickness and if you want it to be coloured or not. Transparant PMMA sheets are around 50EUR (3050x2050x3) till 200EUR

Price indication




Used sources Books

Internet college Internet

• Biodegradability of PMMA Blends with Some Cellulose Derivatives by D. Krishna Bhat and M. Selva Kumar • 2e college Kunststof – HKU kunststof2. pdf • • This research is done by Ylja Band

PVC Material name

Polyvinylchloride (pvc) chemische naam polychlooretheen (pce)

Material definition



• Strong, transparent material that has a great chemical resistance • Has a great price- quality ratio • Lichtweight • Easy to weld and glue • water resistant and resistant to moist and mold

Raw elements


Technical specifications

glastemperature Tg: 82 °C Thermal conductivity: 0.14-0.17 W/m.K (flexible PVC) aand 0.14-0.28 (Rigid PVC) Vicat B: 65-100 °C Transformation temperature: 100-260 °C Refractive index: 1,489 n Elongation at break: 20-40% Notch test: 2-5 KJ/m² Yield strength: 10-25MPa (flexible PVC) and 31-60MPa (rigid PVC) flexural strengts: 10.500 Psi

Sensorial aspects

• Soft: from leather like to rubber like. • From matte to glossy. • Dull sound. • Smell is nihil. • From opaque to transparent, available in all colours • Hard: stiff and from ductile to brittle


PVC is a biodegradable polymer. You can recylcle it by chemical recycling, by burning and re-gaining energie, physical recycling and deposit.

Production processes Applications

extrusion, blow-extrusion, injection molding and calandering They are widely used: Household: electronical wiring, wall coverings and floor coverings. Medical science: PVC rubber and glass largely supplanted in pre-sterilized

components. Packaging industry and agriculture: because of price-performance considerations. Comparable materials

PVC is very versatile and therefore difficult to replace. Thanks to various additives PVC can be easily printed, glued and welded. Because PVC is cheap and easy to edit, it is frequently used in various industries as a replacement for wood and concrete.

Price indication

PVC clear transparent sheet 2000x1000x1 20,10EUR excl. BTW



Used sources Books

• Wat zijn kunststoffen? 3e druk by Kohl


• • •

This research is done by Kim Dijkman

Embossing Manufacturing technique description


Name production process

embossing and description (injection moulding etc.)

Comparable terms for this process

Dutch: Koud walsen, persen (metaal: drijven) English: Imprinting, pressing

How does it work

Characteristics of this process

The crystal structure of the material changes. After the process is observable only what has been pressed. The process doesn’t leave any traces.

Materials used for this process

plastic sheet material, of a limited thickness. Depending on the device where it is embossed. Cast acrylics and rigid PVC. (cast acrylic and rigid PVC)

Application area

Credit cards, braille, labels, decoration, Wallpaper, Clothing, accessories like wallets, high precision big size sports shoes and handbags, stationary, air cushion, ploy toys, several utensils, logo’s, sign board, small clothing tags, fake coins, etc.

Used resources youtube filmpjes

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• • And we have asked someone to help us from the plastic workshop at school. This research is done by Kim Dijkman and Ylja Band

Addition As an addition to the embossing technique, we compared it to embossing and other techniques withing the work of a goldsmith. Manufacturing technique

Cold shaping of metal

Name production process

In Dutch: Voor- en vormsmeden, drijven, ciseleren en hameren, forceren English: Hammering and forcing, forging, plotting, concocting, beating, laying, malleateing, striking out, minting, machinating and enfettering

How does it work • Forging

The concept of forging can be seen as the origin of shaping metal. The project is between hammer and anvil “kneaded� and in the desired form. With forging they mean the processing of iron and steel forming the material with the hammer in the hot condition. On deformation in the cold state, one speaks of hammering. )uit)smeden = forging (uit)pennen = scribbling (?) (uit)pletten = flattening (bol)slaan = beating (bol)smeden = forging (bol)hameren = hammering drijven = floating bosseleren = embossing The goldsmith sees forging as the deformation of material with the hammer in hot and cold. The metals and alloys used by the goldsmith are excellent to hammer to form in a cold condition. When sheet metal is formed with a hammer and withdrawn, it is called floating.

How does it work • Preforging

Forging of a cast rod or plate with the aim of obtaining a fine grain structure required for plastic deformation (rolling, floating, pulling, bending, pressing, forcing) or to obtain a basic shape which is better suited for further processing. Think for example of forging a casted Rod that must be rolled.

How does it work • Shape forging

Shape forging contains all the methods in which the project is forged into a desired final shape bring.

How does it work • Forcing

Is a mechanical force technique for metal forming in which the metal is forced into a particular shape. Force is usually done on a lathe in which the metal with a wooden stick is forced into a mold. The metal itself is not specially heated. The bank runs and the forceur presses the metal down step by steps on the mold. This creates a hollow round product, eg a cup or reflector. This technique is commonly used for the manufacturing of lampshades for example, metal or utensils such as pots, and lids. The forcer is attached to the machine with a firm band to be able to practice enough force. Forcing a product is most of the times cheaper than deepdrawing. The tooling costs are lower than eg deep drawing. With the introduction of spinning machines, much has changed. Modern machines are fully computerized.

How does it work • Floating

In the manufacture of a relief; with float they mean the plastically deformation of the sheet material by means of the hammers and / or punching. If only with great hammers is driven it will be large forms. When working with hammer and punch it will be smaller, detailed forms. Driving is done on different surfaces: wood, sand pads, pitch, lead, stone and clay.

How does it work • Embossing

Embossing means we refine the relief and the surface. The driven form is completed. There is only limited extent of plastic deformation. Also, some structures can be applied at the surface.

Characteristics of this process

As with rolling, bending and pulling, there is elastic and plastic deformation of the material during forging. The material should therefore be annealed at certain times before recrystallization during forging. The deformation rate of the material are the same as during the rolling.

Structural change of the material

The crystalline structure It is already known that the metals in the solid state to the crystalline structure possess. When he stole from a molten metal crystals that often arise in the form of a tree whose trunk is first grown and then the tasks and branches. The thus formed crystals called dendrites and structures dendrietstructuren.

Materials used for this process

Silver, gold, kopper en messing


To achieve a good choice of a hammer to go with the end result, we must first know what effect a hammer has on the material. There is a large number of forging hammers, used for different purposes. You need to choose them by experience and sense. The hammer forms are traced back to the following basic shapes. When a metal plate is reshaped (by forging, driving, chasing) the molecules move from their structure. The metal is harder on the places you distorted, purely because the molecules are forged together. By means of annealing (heating and cooling in cold water aft) you make the molecules return to their original structure, without the metal deformation. In this way you can continue with the deformation. The atoms in the crystal lattice are located in a position of equilibrium around which they vibrate. The higher the temperature the greater is the movement of the atoms. When the melting point is reached these vibrations get so intense that the crystalline structure will get lost.

Application area

Cold formed metal utensils are everywhere for years to find. In large, but also in small quantities. Generally the product is valued for the craft, the

craft and the fact that it is unique. Forcing is a technique that can be used for larger impression runs because craft is too costly. Used resources

Vaktheorie goudsmeden, 1992, Dop Koot

Next to metal and plastic, you can also use paper to emboss with. With paper the cold pressing technique is used. Papier pressed and squeezed, while metal is pushed away, drived, forced. Plastic basically works the same as metal, but is a more difficult material to work with. The material constantly returns a little bit back to its former state. The effect is less noticeable than with metal. And with plastics you need to take the recoil of the material into account. In the deep parts of the mold the material is pulverized, so that the hollow spaces in your template will be filled with metal. You make it thinner and spreads in the hollows.

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