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Doy ouwantt os eey ours t udent sl i v eoutt hei rf ai t hi nawayt hati mpac t st hewor l dar oundt hem f or t hes ak eoft heGos pel ?I fs o,y ou’ l l wantt oc hec koutYM360’ sFor mat i onSer i es .TheFor mat i on Ser i esi mmer s esy ours t udent si nt heGos pel ,t eac hi ngt hem whoJ es uswas ,whatHet aught ,and howHer adi c al l yc hangedt hem andt hewor l dt hr oughHi sl i f e,deat h,andr es ur r ec t i on.Yours t udent s wi l l al s obet aughtex ac t l ywhati tl ook sl i k et ol i v et hel i f eofadi s c i pl e.TheFor mat i onSer i esequi ps y ours t udent swi t ht hek nowl edget heyneedt ol i v ebol dl i v esf orChr i s t . Thef i r s ty earofTheFor mat i onSer i eswi l l wal ky ours t udent st hr oughTheJ es usSt udi es ,wher et hey wi l l ex pl or eJ es us ’ t eac hi ngsaboutt her el ev anti s s uesofat eenager ’ sl i f e. Thes ec ondy earwi l l wal ks t udent st hr oughas t udyent i t l edTheRes c ue,wher es t udent swi l l l ear n whatt heGos pel i s ,howi tc hangest hem,andhowGodus est heGos pel ,andt hem,t oi mpac tt he wor l d. Fi nal l y ,i nt het hi r dy earofTheFor mat i onSer i es ,s t udent swi l l wal kt hr oughTheLi f e,wher et heywi l l l ear nex ac t l ywhati tl ook sl i k et ol i v eal i f eofdi s c i pl es hi p.

S COPEAND S E QUENCE YEAR1,Par t1 •J es usandI dent i t y :WhatJ es ushast os ayaboutwhatournewi dent i t yi nChr i s tl ook sl i k e •J es usandFai t h:WhatJ es uss ay saboutourf ai t handhowi taf f ec t sourl i v es •J es usandCul t ur e:Li v i ngasChr i s t f ol l ower si nt hec ul t ur es t udent sf i ndt hems el v esi n YEAR1,Par t2 •J es usandLov i ngOt her s :Chal l engi ngs t udent st oembr ac eal i f eofl ov i ngot her s •J es usandT oughTi mes :Seek i ngGodoutwhenl i f eget st ough •J es usandYourI mage:Pr oj ec t i ngaChr i s t c ent er edi maget ot hewor l d YEAR1,Par t3 •J es usandSt r es s :Knowi ngGodast hes our c eofpeac eandas s ur anc e •J es usandFor gi v enes s :I mpac t i ngt hewor l dt hr ought hepoweroff or gi v i ngot her s •J es usandI nf l uenc e:I nf l uenc i ngt hewor l df orGod’ sgl or y •J es usandRel at i ons hi ps :Under s t andi ngt hek ey st oChr i s t c ent er edr el at i ons hi ps YEAR1,Par t4 •J es usandYourFut ur e:Thef or ev er f ut ur ef oundt hr oughf ai t hi nChr i s t •J es usandMeanPeopl e:Deal i ngwi t hot her swi t haChr i s t l i k er es pons e •J es usandSt uf f :Embr ac i ngaChr i s t c ent er edat t i t udet owar dt hei rs t uf f

YEAR2,Par t1 •Def i ni ngt heGos pel :GodasCr eat orandLi f eGi v er ;Si nEnt er st hePi c t ur e •TheRes ul t sofSi n,TheRes c ueFor et ol d,J es usT ot heRes c ue,Shar i ngt heNewsofThe Res c ueThr oughAc t i ons •Shar i ngt heNewsofTheRes c ueThr oughWor ds ,TheAgonyofTheRes c ue,Res c uedThr ough Fai t hAl one,TheVi c t or yoft heRes c ue YEAR2,Par t2 •ACl os erLookatGr ac e,Res c uedf orAFut ur e,TheRes c uedMe:ANewCr eat i on,TheRes c ued Me:For gi v en •TheRes c uedMe:ANewPur pos e,TheRes c uedMe:AChi l dofGod,TheRes c uedMe:Not Gui l t y ,TheRes c uedMe:Chos enbyGod,ForGod •TheRes c uedMe:Rec onc i l ed,TheRes c uedMe:ANewI dent i t y ,TheRes c uedMe:ANew Ci t i z ens hi p,TheRes c uedMe:Godi nMe YEAR2,Par t3 •TheRes c uedMe:ANewMi s s i on,TheRes c uedMe:OneDay ,Gl or i f i ed,TheGos pel :ThePower t oSav e,TheGos pel :I tMus tBePr eac hed •TheGos pel :T oBeBel i ev edandConf es s ed,TheGos pel :OurAt t i t udei nShar i ng,Cas eSt udy : WomanatTheWel l ,Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:NoLov ef orAnger •Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:NoPl ac ef orLus t ,Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:NoHear tf orRet al i at i on, Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:Lov eYourEnemi es ,Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:Mus tBeGener ous •Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:NoNeedf orAnx i et y ,Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:NoRoom t oJ udge, Res c uedt oAKi ngdom:Li v i ngOutGod’ sWor d,WhatI tMeanst oFol l ow YEAR2,Par t4 •TheGos pel Mus tBeCent r al ,TheGos pel Fuel sPr ay er ,TheGos pel Enabl esADes i r et oKnow God,TheGos pel Empower sSer v i c et oOt her s •TheGos pel Compel sMul t i pl i c at i on,TheGos pel Bi r t hsADes i r et oWor s hi p,TheGos pel I ni t i at es ADes i r et oSt andApar t ,Res c ued?TheWor l dWi l l Hat eYou •Res c ued?Don’ tBeSur pr i s edbyTr i al s ,Res c ued?FearNot ,Cas eSt udy :Paul ,NotJ us tSav ed FROM.ButSav edTO YEAR3,Par t1 •I nt r oLes s on:TheCal l t oFol l ow,Sal v at i onEmpower sDi s c i pl es hi p,Di s c i pl es hi pWasAl way s God’ sPl an,Di s c i pl es hi pI s n’ tanOpt i on •TheAl l Enc ompas s i ngDi s c i pl es hi pJ es usDes i r es ,TheHol ySpi r i tandDi s c i pl es hi p,Di s c i pl es hi p andI mi t at i on:I mi t at i ngGod,Di s c i pl es hi pandI mi t at i on:I mi t at i ngOt her s •Di s c i pl es hi pandI mi t at i on:TheRes ul t sofI mi t at i on,ThePur pos eofDi s c i pl es hi p,Par t1: Di s c i pl esI nf l uenc eCul t ur e,ThePur pos eofDi s c i pl es hi p,Par t2:Di s c i pl esI nt r oduc eOt her st o Chr i s t ,ThePur pos eofDi s c i pl es hi p,Par t3:Di s c i pl esHel pOt her sKnowChr i s tMor e YEAR3,Par t2 •WhatI st heGos pel ?AndHowDoesI tI mpac tMyLi f e?,WhatDoesI tMeanT oSur r enderT oA Gos pel Cent er edLi f e?,TheGos pel Cent er edLi f e:Pur s ui ngHol i nes s ,TheGos pel Cent er ed Li f e:Pr ac t i c i ngHumi l i t y •TheGos pel Cent er edLi f e:Lov eCov er sAl l ,TheGos pel I s n’ tJ us tBas i cChr i s t i ani t y ,WhatDoes I tMeanT oHungerT oKnowGod?,Knowi ngGodI sAtTheHear tOfDi s c i pl es hi p •Knowi ngGodThr ought heBi bl e,Par t1,Knowi ngGodThr ought heBi bl e,Par t2,Knowi ngGod Thr oughPr ay er ,Par t1,Knowi ngGodThr oughPr ay er ,Par t2

YEAR3,Par t3 •WhatDoesChr i s t i anCommuni t yLookLi k e?,Di s c i pl esLear nI nCommuni t yWi t hOneAnot her , Di s c i pl es“ DoLi f e”T oget her ,Di s c i pl esPr ayAndPr ai s eT oget her •Di s c i pl esShar eAUni t yi nThei rCal l i ng,Di s c i pl esMeetEac hOt her ’ sNeeds ,TheCal l t oEngage wi t hOurSur r oundi ngs ,TheMot i v at i onf orEngagi ngWi t hOurSur r oundi ngs •HowWeEngagewi t hTheWor l dMat t er s ,WhenWeSer v eOt her s ,WeSer v eGod,WeAr e Cal l edt oEngagewi t hOt her sI nSpi t eOfOurDi f f er enc es ,HowEngagi ngWi t hOurSur r oundi ngs I mpac t sUs •Wor s hi pI sARes pons et oWhoGodI s ,ThePur pos eofOurWor s hi p,TheNat ur eofOur Wor s hi p,Wor s hi ppi ngGodThr oughSong YEAR3,Par t4 •Wor s hi ppi ngI ndi v i dual l yandI nCommuni t y ,Wor s hi ppi ngGodThr oughAc t i on,Mul t i pl i c at i on, Par t1:Ev angel i s m,Mul t i pl i c at i on,Par t2:Di s c i pl emak i ng •ThePr ac t i c eofShar i ngt heGos pel ,TheChal l engesofShar i ngt heGos pel ,ThePr ac t i c eOf Di s c i pl emak i ng,TheChal l engesOfDi s c i pl emak i ng •Di s c i pl es hi pI sNott heEas i es tRoad,Di s c i pl es hi pCanBeCos t l y ,Ther eI sJ oyi nTheDi f f i c ul t y , J es usWi ns

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