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Doy ouwantt ohel ps t udent sgr as pt hees s ent i al t r ut hsoft hei rf ai t h?ThenTheFoundat i onSer i esby YM360i sf ory ou.Ov ert hec our s eoft hr eey ear s ,y ours t udent swi l l l ear nt hebi gpi c t ur es t or yoft he Bi bl easwel l as25c or ec onc ept sofwhati tmeanst obeaChr i s t f ol l ower .TheFoundat i onSer i es l eadsy ours t udent sonaj our neyoff ai t hdev el opmentbas edont hepower f ul t r ut hsofGod’ sWor d. Year1ofTheFoundat i onSer i esi sa52weeks t udyc al l edTheThr ead:Di s c ov er i ngt heThr eadoft he Gos pel Thr ought heBi gPi c t ur eSt or yoft heBi bl e.I nt hi sf i r s ty ear ,y ou’ l l hel ps t udent sunder s t andt he nar r at i v eoft heBi bl eandhowGodhaswov ent het r ut hoft heGos pel t hr oughal l ofSc r i pt ur e. Thes ec ondy eari sAc t i v at e:TheBui l di ngBl oc k sofFai t h,a52weeks t udyt hatequi pss t udent st ol ay t hef oundat i onofal as t i ngr el at i ons hi pwi t hGodt hr oughas t udyoft hec or ec onc ept soft hei rf ai t h. Thet hi r dy eari nt hes er i esi sAmpl i f y :Gr owi ngAFai t hThatLas t s ,a52weeks t udyt hatenc our ages s t udent st ogr owady nami cf ai t hbys t udy i ngav ar i et yofc or es pi r i t ual t r ut hs .


YEAR1,Par t1 •Seei ngTheGos pel i nAl l ofSc r i pt ur e;Cr eat i onandCr eat i onofMan;Si nandt heFal l ;TheFai t h ofNoahandGod’ sHat r edofSi n •Abr aham andt heBi r t hofAPeopl e;TheOf f er i ngofI s aac ;J ac obAndEs au;J os ephandhi s br ot her s •Mos esandt heBur ni ngBus h;The10Pl aguesandt hePas s ov er ;TheEx odusandt heRedSea; Commandment sandWhy YEAR1,Par t2 •J os huaandPr omi s edLand;ThePer i odoft heJ udges ;Rut handRedempt i on;Saul andt he Needf oraKi ng •Samuel Anoi nt i ngDav i d;Dav i d,Bat hs heba,andNat han;Dav i dandt hePs al ms ;TheRi s eand Fal l ofSol omon •TheDi v i dedKi ngdom;ThePr ophet s ;TheDes t r uc t i onofI s r ael andJ udah;Dani el i nEx i l e YEAR1,Par t3 •Nehemi ahandRebui l di ng;Mes s i ani cPr ophec yf r om I s ai ah;J es us ’ Bi r t handt heShepher ds ; J ohnt heBapt i s tandJ es us ’ Bapt i s m •T empt at i onofJ es us ;TheCal l i ngoft heDi s c i pl es ;J es usHeal sAPar al y t i c ;J es usFeedsThe 5, 000 •Pet er ’ sConf es s i onofChr i s t ;ThePar abl eoft heLos tSon;TheRai s i ngofLaz ar us ;TheLas t Supper •J es us ’ Ar r es tandTr i al ;TheCr uc i f i x i onandBur i al ;TheRes ur r ec t i on;J es usAppear st oDi s c i pl es andt heAs c ens i on

YEAR1,Par t4 •TheHol ySpi r i tandPent ec os t ;APi c t ur eoft heEar l yChur c h;TheMur derofSt ephenand Per s ec ut i on;Paul ’ sConv er s i onandMi s s i on •ALet t erf r om Paul ,Par t1( Romans ) ;ALet t erf r om Paul ,Par t2( Col os s i ans ) ;ALet t erf r om Pet er ; ALet t ert ot heHebr ews •ALet t erf r om J ames ;ALet t erf r om J ohn;ARev el at i on,Par t1;ARev el at i on,Par t2 YEAR2,Par t1 •THETRI NI TY:God,Onei nThr ee;TheSav i orSon;TheSpi r i tAl i v eandatWor k •GOD’ SGLORY:Gl or yDef i ned;Gl or yDi s pl ay ed;Gl or yt oGodThr oughUs •SAL VATI ON:TheGodWhoSav es ;J es us=Sal v at i on;NewLi f e,NewPur pos e •GOD’ SLOVE:GodI sLov e;Lov e’ sPer f ec tEx pr es s i on;Lov i ngOut war d YEAR2,Par t2 •GOD’ SJ UDGEMENT :Seei ngGodasTheJ udge;Deat hf orLi f e;J us t i c ePat r ol •GRACE:AGr ac i ousGod;Ul t i mat eGr ac e;Peopl eofGr ac e •GOD’ SMI SSI ON:WhatI st heMi s s i on?;J es usAsRes c uer ;Mi s s i onAc c ompl i s hed •DI SCI PLESHI P:TheCal l t oFol l ow;Not hi ngLes sThanFol l owi ng;Wi nni ngbyLos i ng YEAR2,Par t3 •THECHURCH:TheBi g“ C”Chur c h;TheChur c hasTheBodyofChr i s t ;TheChur c hUni t ed •GOD’ SKI NGDOM:WhoandWher e;Ki ngdom Now;Car r yt heKi ngdom wi t hYou •PERSECUTI ON:Pay i ngt hePr i c e;Bec aus eOfChr i s t ;OurAt t i t udei nPer s ec ut i on •COMP M ASSI ON:Ful l ofCompas s i on;Compas s i onRev eal ed:I tT ak esAc t i on •GOD’ SFAI THFULNESS:Fai t hf ul nes sf r om t heSt ar t ;TheUl t i mat eShowofFai t hf ul nes s ;Li v i ng OutOurFai t h YEAR2,Par t4 •FORGI VENESS:TheGodWhoFor gi v es ;For gi v enes sMadeReal ;Peopl eofFor gi v enes s •GOD’ SPRESENCE:AGodwi t hHi sPeopl e;Godwi t hUs ;APer f ec t edFut ur e •GOD’ SKNOWLEDGE:TheGodWhoKnows ;T oBeKnown;Tr us t i ngi nGod’ sKnowl edge •GOD’ SPOWER:He’ sGoti tAl l ;He’ sOv eri tAl l ;I t ’ si nUs YEAR3,Par t1 •THEHOL YSPI RI T :TheSpi r i t ’ sPr omi s e;Rol esoft heSpi r i t ;Li v i ngASpi r i t I nf us edLi f e •WORSHI P:TheRi ghtRes pons e;Res pondi ngT oJ es us ;Wor s hi pI nAc t i on •GOD’ SWORD:TheWor dAtWor k ;TheWor dI nTheWor l d;TheWor dAndUs •OBEDI ENCE:Obedi enc et hatLeadst oLi f e;J es us ,t hePer f ec tSon;Fr eet oObey

YEAR3,Par t2 •GOD’ SMERCY:AMer c i f ul God;Mer c yDi s pl ay ed;Mer c yThr oughUs •EVANGELI SM:TheGodOfRel at i ons hi p;God’ sPl anAndTheWor l d;God’ sPl anAndYou •GOD’ SSOVEREI GNTY:Cr eat orKi ng;Ser v antKi ng;Peac eGi v i ngKi ng •SUFFERI NG:I t ’ sOnUs ;He’ sNear ;Thr ought heFi r e YEAR3,Par t3 •GOD’ SRI GHTEOUSNESS:TheGoodGod;Ri ght eous nes sf r om TheCr os s ;Ri ght eousRel i anc e •HOLI NESS:God=Hol y ;MadeRi ght ;Mor eLi k eChr i s t •SPI RI TUALGI FTS:TheGi f tGi v er ;Equi ppedT oSer v e;Put t i ngYourGi f t sT oGoodUs e •SERVI CE:Li f ec hangi ngSer v i c e;TheSer v antwhoSuf f er ed;Li v i ngasaFai t hf ul Ser v ant •HUMI LI TY:Humbl edbyGod;Model i ngHumi l i t y ;Li v i ngHumbl y YEAR3,Par t4 •KNOWI NG GOD:KnownByHi sWor k ;Knowi ngGod;Knowl edget hatTr ans f or ms •PRAYER:I t ’ sPer s onal ;GetSomeConf i denc e;Fol l owt heLeader •STEWARDSHI P:What ’ sYour sI sNotYour s ;J es us :TheUl t i mat eModel ;Li v i ngI tOut •THEUNCHANGI NG GOD:GodEt er nal ;ASav i ort oRel yUpon;TheGodofFor ev er

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