ym360 The Magazine | Bible Study Resources and Training | Fall 2015

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Fall 2015 | Issue 5


your camp for SUMMER 2016

MEET: The Thread, a brand new 52-week Bible Study | ALSO INSIDE: ym360 Event Resources (wait until you see this!)




Distractions And Small

PAGE 5 Five Characteristics Of

Group Discipleship

Healthy Discipleship In Your Youth Ministry

A Note From ym360 Discipleship. It’s the essence of what we as youth workers do. And it’s near and dear to us here at youthministry360. The word disciple comes from the Greek word “mathetes.” The word was in use before Jesus came on the scene. But Jesus would add a new, dynamic connotation to the word. Before Jesus, the word’s primary meaning was more of an apprentice, or a learner. Jesus added a rich layer of meaning. Jesus’ disciples were followers. The discipleship Jesus modeled was less about knowledge transfer, and more about lifestyle immersion. When Jesus first uttered the words, “Follow me” on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, He called His disciples to single-minded, relational, and transformational commitment. He still calls us to this today. On behalf of the ym360 team, it’s a true honor to play a small roll in your youth ministry as you lead teenagers to follow after Him. We’re committed to serving you as you serve the Church. This magazine is a reflection of that and we hope you enjoy it. Don’t forget to check out some of our newest resources for Fall; we’ve got some exciting new products we think you’ll love. And make sure you take a moment to visit our friends in our Network partner’s section. God bless you and your ministry.

Content Matters Like you, we desire to see your teens transformed by growing closer to Christ. When it comes to Bible Studies and Resources, we promise to always be about deep, Biblical content, never forgetting the call God has put on our lives to make Him and His ways known.

Happy Youth Ministers We work hard to exceed your expectations. If you’re not completely satisfied with a ym360 purchase, we promise to do all we can to make it right.

Here For You

Andy Blanks Co-Founder, Publisher

Here When You Need Us: youthministry360.com

Our Promise To You:

Bottom line: we’re here for you. We promise to always be available. No need is too small.


Call: 888.969.6360

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = introducing = = = = = = = = = = = = = = SUMMER = =camp = 2016 =for = = your

Adapting Our Discipleship Model For A Post-Christian



What’s Inside Training + Tools

Trends and Culture ........................................ 3 An Ordinary Person’s Discipleship Guide .......... 4 NEW! Evangelism and Discipleship Tool .......... 6

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PAGE 10 How To Disciple A Teenager That Doesn’t Want To Be Discipled

Networking Partners and Friends of Ours................... 26 Open Doors // help the persecuted church Shocco Springs // retreat and conference center Planet Wisdom // student conferences


Must Have Devotions For Teens..................... 12 New The Thread, ym360’s new year-long curriculum......13 New New Believers Resource................................ 15 DNow/Retreat Weekends............................... 21 Ongoing Bible Studies.................................. 23 More Curriculum.......................................... 24 More Resources........................................... 25

Download Youth Ministry // resources Rice Bowls // cause-based Dare 2 Share // evangelism tools Youth Specialties // youth worker training Servant Life // missions

Here When You Need Us: youthministry360.com


Call: 888.969.6360



Breakdown In Parents’ Supervision Of Younger Teens’ Online Access

A study by eMarketer found a disparity in how effective parents thought they were in monitoring their teenagers’ online access, and how successful they actually were. 94% reported that they knew what their teenagers were doing online, and 75% of parents reported knowing the password to their teenagers’ computer. But that number decreased rapidly when it came to tablets and phones. Barely 30% of parents knew the passwords of their teenagers’ tablet, and only 18.1% knew the password of their teenagers’ phones. 51% of teenagers reported hiding some online activity from their parents. Source: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Kids-Teens-Take-Sneaky-Steps-Avoid-Cyberparents/1012650

Texting With No Data Or Wi-Fi?

No Problem.

According to an article on CNN. com, 50% of the text messages teenagers send are sent during school hours. So what are teenagers to do who don’t have data plans on their phones? Or only have a tablet or ipod? They download Jott. In just three months, the messenger app has a million downloads. The catch? Teenagers can create device-to-device networks using Bluetooth. So teenagers can text in school (or anywhere else) with no wi-fi or data access as long as there is another Jott user close by. Source: http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/19/technology/jott/

New Study Shows Rise In Self-Harm Among Teens A new report shows a rise in the number of self-inflicted injuries in American teenagers. The American Academy of Pediatrics examined more than 280,000 teens seen in emergency rooms and found over 35,000 of them had “injured themselves doing things like cutting, burning or piercing.” Source: http://www.wqow.com/story/29380702/2015/06/22/study-finds-number-ofteens-who-hurt-themselves-is-on-the-rise

App Usage Of 2015 Graduating Seniors Research by Niche.com reveals interesting facts about teenage app usage. Over 60% use Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat daily. In fact, Snapchat usage grew 32% in this group over the same time period in 2014. Other big gainers were Spotify (78% increase) and Netflix (32% increase). Pandora and Tumbler both experienced losses over the same time period, losing 13% and 11% respectively.

: m o r F t p r e c x An E “Disciple: The Ordinary Person’s Guide To Discipling Teenagers” is an excellent book by Dr. Allen Jackson. In Disciple, you’ll find Dr. Jackson discussing a variety of foundational concepts and practices, including:

• How youth culture is impacting how view the world around them.

• Why teenagers compartmentalize their lives and what this means for their faith.

• The DNA of discipleship.

• The core discipleship practices essential for disciples and disciple-makers alike.

• The need for discipleship to happen in the home and the church.

• An assortment of discipleship truths and resources.

The following is an excerpt from the book. I believe the interaction we call discipleship has a few characteristics that separate it from other types of teacher/ pupil relationships: Discipleship is intentional. The relationship is initiated either by the disciple or the disciplemaker for the purpose of maturing toward the biblical ideal (mostly on the part of the disciple, but the disciplemaker also grows closer to Christ). Discipleship is directional. The disciplemaker is clearly the leader in the process, but relationship “flows” in both directions. In other words, the relationship is reciprocal. It is a two-way street, not a one-way street. Discipleship is accountable. Those involved in a discipleship relationship must hold each other accountable for both sin and righteousness. They must agree that they will follow through on commitments, and call each other out when they (either one) fail to do so. There should also be positive accountability in the form of praise when commitments are kept and challenges met. Discipleship is measurable. Both disciple and disciplemaker should ideally see progress toward specific goals. Discipleship is seasonal. The active, intentional meeting for the purpose of discipleship may only last a few months or years. However the relationships last a lifetime (and possibly an eternity . . . I’ll get back to you on that). Discipleship is informational. Truth about Scripture and life is passed from disciplemaker to disciple. Discipleship is transformational. A new lifestyle is learned. New habits are formed. Interactions with family, church, and culture change.

Order Info And Testimonials On

Page 9



Five Characteristics Of Healthy Discipleship In Your Youth Ministry By: Andy Blanks

The word discipleship means different things to different people. When I say “discipleship,” I’m simply talking about the process of growing to be more like Christ. Now, the process itself will differ based on your ministry context. But, I think there are some common characteristics of healthy discipleship no matter what context you’re in. As you read these, ask yourself to what degree you see them in your youth ministry.

1. Gospel Focused

No matter how you teach the Bible, or what you’re teaching, it must be taught through the lens of the Gospel. When we make our Bible teaching too much about application, or cultural relevance, or entertainment, we fail students. The good news of God’s rescue plan for humanity, as fulfilled in Christ, must be the foundation of your teaching efforts.

2. Relationally Centered

When I say relationally centered, I mean as opposed to program, or event centered. Think about the relationships Jesus formed with His disciples. Life was shared. It wasn’t some dry educational experience. It wasn’t Jesus merely dumping information on His followers. There was real relationship. Jesus and His disciples shared life together. It was reciprocal, too. Jesus allowed His disciples choice moments to see His frustration, His concerns . . . the human side of “fully God, fully man.”

3. Community Oriented

Healthy discipleship is relationally centered (focus on the individual) but fully embraces the gift of community (focus on the group).

I think this is one area where youth ministers are very effective. We have some built-in advantages working with teenagers, to be sure. But, it’s still a vital component of healthy discipleship.

4. Outward Reaching

You probably already create opportunities for your youth group to serve. But, I would encourage you to break free from the “youth group wide,” program-centered approach, and to instead intentionally empower smaller groups of individual students to seek opportunities to impact their immediate world. Leave it up to them to decide how it looks. But create the expectation that this type of outreach should be happening.

5. Multiplication Empowering

Plain and simple, if you’re doing discipleship the right way, your students will begin to desire to draw other people in. Some of these students might be fringe members of your youth group. Others will be their peers who do not have a saving relationship with Christ. Your role is to help guide and encourage your students to bring these outlying students into your community. Discipleship may look differently in different contexts. But if these five characteristics are present, chances are you’re doing it right.

Andy Blanks is the Publisher for ym360. He’s been creating Bible study and discipleship resources for youth ministers since 2003. Andy lives in Birmingham, AL with his wife, Brendt, and their four children. He is an average triathlete, and a below average fantasy baseball player. But he can make a great cup of coffee.

NEW RELEASE! An Evangelism and Discipleship Strategy For A Post-Christian Culture

If you’re a youth worker with a desire to reach teenagers growing up in the post-Christian culture we find ourselves in, From the Pen to the Palace has to be on your “must-read” list.

uses this thought-provoking rs o understanding lost teenage the of on inati exam rich gh a ers al book will help youth work discipling them.

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d him at the deplorable d to return to his father’s eparated from the security ldren and grandchildren know father lived in? They would e the pen, not the palace.

from the

digal Son ned home her?

to the

reach teenagers growing ourselves in, you’ll love

in Marin Cove nant Chur ch his entire minis try care er nally o love Jesus . Ben is a natio urag e trainer who loves to enco iders youth work ers, but still cons try e stude nts in his local minis agey outhm inistry .com .

ISBN 13: 9781935832430 ISBN 10: 1935832433


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PEN from the

and Discipleship A Youth Ministry Evangelism Culture Strategy For A Post-Christian BY BENJAMIN KERNS

Get Your Copy Today: youthministry360.com/pen



l l a m S & s n i o t c a t r i s D p i h s l e i p c s i D Group r Bishop By Heathe

ipleship, years ago, was a bit My first attempt at small group disc grade girls. One particular girl rocky. My group was made up of 7th of toy or gadget to each group was notorious for bringing some type the week she brought bright colored meeting. I specifically remember meeting (about the time I’m feeling duct tape. Toward the end of the to tape her mouth closed. Because like a total failure), she proceeded g ability, she panicked and ran out this obviously limited her breathin chasing her and screaming! into the hallway with all of the girls somewhat isolated, the students’ Though this particular incident was focus was fairly common from limited attention span and lack of experience is that this is, of course, with week-to-week. What I learned s, especially younger ones. common in most groups of teenager us youth workers to keep small What are some key approaches for group discipleship “dialed in”? means the only answer, but simThe following suggestions are by no helped me rein a group back in. ply a few of the principles that have


So simple, but so effective. My Never quit praying for your group. ared you are to meet, the more opinion is the more spiritually prep r inattentiveness. able you will be ready to handle thei

DISCIPLINE 2. BALANCE KINDESS ANDknow ing when to crack down on

in It’s important to have discernment . This can be a tricky balance. ence pati students and when to exercise you’ll have a better understanding But as you get to know your group, of where this line is.


agers, and adults all need conPreschool students, children, teen ks of meeting with new groups, sistency in learning. After a few wee This sometimes includes ing. I usually fall into a pattern of learn

ests, Bible Study, accountability sharing about their week, prayer requ girls), silent prayer, etc. When your questions, icebreakers, crafts (with to week, they will become less likely group knows what to expect each veer of course.


start When I lead small groups I like to est point in the week and the high r thei es shar girl h LOWs.” Eac of the small group hour to be lowest. I plan on the first 20 minutes sharing their HIGH-LOWs and it “unstructured structure.” If they are k, then that is great! This planned leads to a funny story about the wee some unfocused, tangential enertime of freedom allows them to get e and accountability. gy out before we hone in on Scriptur


ect a lot from them. Don’t sell Aim high with the students. Exp ions for the time at the beginthem short. Explain your expectat no control over whether or not ning, and hold them to it. You have icipate in conversation—but you they read the curriculum or part ent. can be faithful in your commitm

ACE 6. GIVE YOURSELF SOME GR ’ lives. You are investing in

ents You are SO important in these stud do matters. However, it’s so you t wha and s, basi lar regu them on a group is not going as you’d the n easy to get down on yourself whe in partnership with the parents hoped. Just remember that you’re While your role is integral—don’t under the leadership of the Lord. bit distracted. They are teenagers beat yourself up if students get a ful. after all! Simply continue to be faith ntain Student Discipleship at Shades Mou Heather Bishop is the Associate of school girls high with s work her Heat AL. am, Baptist Church in Birmingh disciple . Her hope is that the church can and loves being a part of their lives and her Heat else. eone som ple e to disci students to a point where they desir g to the gym, reading, and goin loves She am. ingh Birm in her husband live of coffee! grabbing coffee with friends . . . lots

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Adapting Our Discipleship Model For A Post-Christian Generation By Benjamin Kerns

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The values, morals, and biblical understanding of our culture have changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. You may have noticed. And my concern is that if we continue to do ministry the same as we have always done it, then over the long haul the Church is going to find herself in trouble. Many in this current generation of students seem willing to “play ball” for us while they are with us. But for many of these students, who they are outside of youth group doesn’t reflect traditional, Judeo-Christian values, or understanding. It makes me wonder how effective we are with the Gospel we’re communicating. Are our discipleship methodologies still working in our current cultural context? What if we could communicate the Gospel message in a way that is truly good news to our post-modern, post-Christian kids? I think we can. Because I think Jesus already did. Today’s teenagers do not necessarily see themselves as broken, or sinful. Many don’t see God or His Word as authoritative, thus there is no standard to rebel against. The post-modern, post-Christian students we work with are wrestling with identity, purpose, and belonging. Family structures and friendships are in flux. There is a shadow of belonging through social media, but all in all, I have found that most of my students feel lonely, left out, and alienated. They are unaware that there is even a more whole version of themselves. When we read through the Gospels, Jesus has an interesting approach

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to reaching the alienated and disconnected. We look at the accounts of how Jesus engaged the marginalized and note that He rarely did so confrontationally or judgmentally. What we see is invitation. “Come and see . . .” “Come and follow . . .” “Come to me . . .” “Come and drink . . .” “Come and eat . . .” Jesus used the language of adoption. So should we. Jesus invited everybody to the banquet. Jesus wasn’t about the insider’s clique. He didn’t look for those who had their lives figured out. Jesus didn’t drop the hammer on the alienated people, but rather invited them to do life with Him. He invited them into the family. As we seek to make sure our evangelism and discipleship strategies are relevant for our culture, I believe this is the most powerful Gospel metaphor we can use. We should follow Jesus’ example of inviting an alienated and lost generation into the family of God. This is the message of adoption. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news to our students. Jesus looked upon the lost and didn’t respond with a message of guilt or shame. Rather, He looked upon them with compassion, “as sheep without a shepherd,” and orphans without a Father. Jesus’ model of discipleship isn’t condemnation. It’s invitation. As we think about discipleship, let us take on the mantle of Jesus and invite our students wholeheartedly into the family of God.

Ben Kerns is one of the pastors at Marin Covenant Church in Northern California. He has spent his entire ministry career loving students and helping them to love Jesus. He writes regularly at averageyouthministry.com, and has just partnered with ym360 to publish From The Pen To The Palace: A Youth Ministry And Evangelism Strategy For A Post-Christian Culture.

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DISCIPLE: The Ordinary Person’s Guide To Discipling Teenagers, By Dr. Allen Jackson is a practical, down-to-earth guide for leading teenagers to pursue Christ.

As a youth worker, you want to lead students to be more like Christ. In a word, you want them to become disciples. The question is, how do you go about doing it?

In Disciple, you’ll find a variety of foundational concepts and practices, including:

• How youth culture is impacting how teenagers view the world around them.

• Why teenagers compartmentalize their lives and what this means for their faith.

• The DNA of discipleship.

• The core discipleship practices essential for disciples and disciple-makers alike.

• The need for discipleship to happen in the home and the church.

• An assortment of discipleship truths and resources.

Get serious about disciple-making in your ministry with DISCIPLE. youthministry360.com/disciple

A Must Read For You, Your Teachers, and Your Team!



How To Disciple A TeenAger ThAt Doesn’t WAnt To Be Discipled We all have them . . . Those students who, no matter how committed we are, simply aren’t interested in growing in their faith. They show up. They hang out. But they don’t seem willing or interested in taking their faith to the next level. So, how do we lead these students to grow in their faith? How can we disciple teenagers who don’t want to be discipled? Simple. We can’t. No. Really. We can’t. I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve learned a lot about people and about faith development. I’ve had to unlearn and relearn a lot, too. Culture may change. Ministry philosophy may change. But one unchanging truth is this: No matter how badly we may want to see teenagers grow in their faith, if they don’t want to grow they will not. No matter how committed we are and no matter how solid our ministry approach is, the individual on the other end has to want to become more like Christ. And until he or she does, we won’t see a lot of fruit. If this message seems depressing to you, it shouldn’t. If it makes you want to give up, don’t let it. If it feels hopeless, it’s not. The fact is this: Our teenagers are selfish sinners. The students we disciple have their hearts bent toward themselves. (Newsflash: you and me are sinners, too. My heart is naturally as selfishly inclined as anyone’s.) The journey toward God is a fight that goes against our sin natures. It is a credit to God’s grace and the power of the Spirit that anyone ever takes the first step toward following Christ. Discipleship is an uphill battle. It’s not easy. And honestly, if it were it would be boring.

when that moment is coming when it all begins to click. But God knows. I want to be there when it happens. So do you.

Second, don’t show your frustration.

You may disagree with me on this, and if you do I can see your side of the coin. But I don’t want to show my frustration because I don’t want to put a wall up between them and me. For a student who shows up but isn’t interested in growing, it might not take much to make them stop coming all-together. Take your frustrations to God. Don’t take it out on students. Be graceful and patient.

Third, see the relationship as the reward.

You may not be seeing a ton of fruit in your teenagers. But what you can do is build a solid relationship in spite of the lack of growth. Enjoy your students. See the relationship as the ends, not the means. Who knows? The growth in this student may come his sophomore year in college, or when she gets married. If you have laid the foundation of real, meaningful relationship, you may very well be the person he or she calls when they are ready to get real about faith. At the end of the day, the old adage is true: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. But here’s the funny thing: Horses still need water. And if we know where water is, there’s no reason to ever stop leading them to it. One day, they’ll take that drink. I want to be there when they do. I bet you do too.

So what do we do? What can we possibly do with students who don’t care to grow in their faith? Can we do anything? Yes. I think we can.

First, don’t give up.

Never stop trying, as difficult and as exhausting as it can be. There is a clock ticking inside that teenager who seems so unwilling to grow. God is working in his or her life. We can’t know

Andy Blanks is the Publisher for ym360. He’s been creating Bible study and discipleship resources for youth ministers since 2003. Andy lives in Birmingham, AL with his wife, Brendt, and their four children. He is an average triathlete, and a below average fantasy baseball player. But he can make a great cup of coffee.


Youth Ministry Resources You need Bible study and ministry resources that are Bible-based, gospel centered, and easy-to-use. And those that are relevant for your students and challenge them to grow deeper in their faith. The next few pages will show you some of our newest and most used resources.

Featured In This Edition: Our Newest 52-Week Curriculum Discovering The Thread of the Gospel Through The Big-Picture Story of the Bible

Introducing our all new event resource line up, perfect for your next Disciple Now, Back-to-School event or Fall retreat weekend!

Visit our online store to see all our resources: youthministry360.com/store




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(Extra)Ordinary FINALLY, A 365-DAY DEVOTIONAL JOURNAL YOUR STUDENTS WILL ACTUALLY READ. (Extra)Ordinary isn’t like other year-long devotional journals. There are three different sections so teens can choose where they want to pick up each day based on how they feel. (Extra)Ordinary features the following sections: • Ordinary Times: Over 100 image-driven devotions perfect for everyday life. • Crazy Times: 10-day, issue specific devotions for when life gets crazy. • Holiday Times: Special devotions for Lent, Advent/Christmas, even their Birthday! (Extra)Ordinary . . . the devotional book you’ll keep coming back to again and again.

1-9 copies || 19.99 10+ copies|| 17.99 Ummm. That’s only .05 per day! Call for extra large orders! New: First Steps For New Christ Followers

NEXT: Growing A Faith That Lasts

Perfect for new believers, intro to discipleship, and those still young in their faith. 4 weeks

A 4-week interactive journal helping teenagers take ownership of growing deeper in their faith.

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1-9 copies || 9.99 10+ copies || 7.99 Call for extra large orders!

(OT) Encounters

(NT) Encounters

Journey through the lives of some of the Old Testament’s most interesting people. Includes a key truth and guided application for each day! 4 weeks

Journey through the lives of some of the New Testament’s most interesting people. Includes a key truth and guided application for each day! 4 weeks

1-9 copies || 7.99 10+ copies || 5.99 Call for extra large orders!

1-9 copies || 7.99 10+ copies || 5.99 Call for extra large orders!

Call: 888.969.6360 See more books for students @ youthministry360.com/store

A B r a nd New, 5 2-Week Curriculum

Discovering The Thread of the Gospel Through The Big-Picture Story of the Bible If you’re looking for a fresh approach to teaching students God’s story, the “big-picture” story of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, then The Thread is for you. In The Thread, your students will learn how the Gospel is threaded through the entire narrative of Scripture and how God’s love is woven through every page of the Bible.

Included In The Thread

NEW! A ym360 First! ** The Thread is delivered in our new electronic delivery system with a weekly calendar feature! Set up your teachers and they’ll have immediate access!

• 52 Small Group Lesson Plans * • Access For Unlimited Teachers • Weekly Teacher Prep Videos • Weekly Student Devotions • Weekly Parent Pages • Weekly Social Media Content • Themed Artwork / Graphics

Don’t break your budget this year!

All this, only $249

Learn More: youthministry360.com/thread

Scope and Sequence We’ve divided the story of Scripture into 4 main parts. The main parts are listed below, along with their weekly lessons. Part 1: Beginnings

Part 3: The Gospel Come To Life

Part 2: A People Rise. A People Fall.

Part 4: The Gospel At Work

Week 1: Introduction | Seeing The Gospel in All of Scripture Week 2: Creation and Creation of Man Week 3: Sin and the Fall Week 4: The Faith of Noah and God’s Hatred of Sin Week 5: Abraham and the Birth of A People Week 6: The Offering of Isaac Week 7: Jacob And Esau Week 8: Joseph and His Brothers Week 9: Moses and the Burning Bush Week 10: The 10 Plagues and the Passover Week 11: The Exodus and the Red Sea Week 12: The 10 Commandments Week 13: Joshua and the Promised Land Week 1: The Period of the Judges Week 2: Ruth and Redemption Week 3: Saul and the Need for a King Week 4: Samuel Anointing David Week 5: David, Bathsheba, and Nathan Week 6: David and the Psalms Week 7: The Rise and Fall of Solomon Week 8: The Divided Kingdom Week 9: The Destruction of Israel and Judah Week 10: The Prophets Week 11: Daniel in Exile Week 12: Nehemiah and Rebuilding Week 13: Messianic Prophecy from Isaiah

Week 1: Jesus’ Birth and the Shepherds Week 2: John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism Week 3: Temptation of Jesus Week 4: The Calling of the Disciples Week 5: Jesus Heals A Paralytic Week 6: Jesus Feeds The 5,000 Week 7: Peter’s Confession of Christ Week 8: The Parable of the Lost Son Week 9: The Raising of Lazarus Week 10: The Last Supper Week 11: Jesus’ Arrest and Trial Week 12: The Crucifixion and Burial Week 13: The Resurrection Week 1: Jesus Appears to Disciples and the Ascension Week 2: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost Week 3: A Picture of the Early Church Week 4: The Murder of Stephen and Persecution Week 5: Paul’s Conversion and Mission Week 6: A Letter from Paul, Part 1 (The Roman Road) Week 7: A Letter from Paul, Part 2 (The Supremacy of Christ in Colossians 1) Week 8: A Letter from Peter (The Priesthood of Believers) Week 9: A Letter from James (Faith Must Be Lived Out) Week 10: A Letter to the Hebrews (Pursuing Faith) Week 11: A Letter from John (Known By Our Love from 1 John) Week 12: A Revelation, Part 1 (The Wedding Feast) Week 13: A Revelation, Part 2 (New Jerusalem and God Dwelling With His People)

Weekly Student Devo

Got questions? Let Lee Help! 888.969.6360 or lee@youthministry360.com

For as little as $9.99 per student, buy these devotionals and help your teens grow deeper on a weekly basis!

* Purchased content never expires for the church purchasing. ** Online delivery system access good for 12 months. To keep the calendar and your teachers active, a $49 technology license fee will required at the end of 12 months.

Help New Believers Thrive In Their Faith This interactive devotional journal helps new believers understand what it means to be “new”, what it means to see God in a “new” way, and what it means to live out the call to follow Christ. NEW is prefect for new believers, intro to discipleship purposes, and those young in their faith.

BONUS FEATURE: Download a FREE (optional) 4-lesson Bible study guide and mentor teens along the way. Currently used in 2,000+ youth groups, this is one of the most used new believer resources in youth ministry! See page 12 for pricing See Samples and Get Your Copies @ youthministry360.com/new


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CRAFTED by J. ROGER DAVIS a nd t eam YM360 is thrilled to welcome J. Roger Davis to the team. Roger has spent his last 25 years leading and serving churches with excellent, gospel-centered youth ministry event experiences. Roger joins the team as President of YM360 and is energized by the opportunity to create moments that matter for you and your youth ministry starting with the summer of 2016 at the GENERATE 2016 Camp of your choice. Learn all about Roger's road to ym360 below in an interview with YM360 co-founder and CEO, Les Bradford. Why do you think camps and events are important in the growth and development of a young Christ-follower? In anything, Jesus is always a great example to follow and as you read the scriptures you see Him often retreating from the crowds and “normal” flow of life. He goes away and spends intimate time with His followers or with His Father. I believe that model still has great value. When we remove ourselves from the distractions of our lives we tend to hear the Lord more clearly, we tend to spend more time in healthy Biblical community and we often understand more wisely how we are to spend time serving and making the truth of the Gospel known. I have heard some say that camps and such are dead. Well, from my perspective and experience they still have an amazing impact when done well and prioritizing the right things.

What is your past experiences leading ministry events? When I was 17 I surrendered to ministry and at that time I believed it would be student ministry, most likely in a local church context. However just before I started school at Samford University I was introduced to camp ministry. For the next five years I spent my summers serving and growing as a leader and teacher at Christian summer camps. In the fall of 1996 I was serving as a High School Youth Pastor at a church in Birmingham when I left that role to join a fairly new ministry called Student Life. After doing some contract roles with them including the launch of the first Student Life Conference Tour, I joined the team full-time 18 years ago. Our time serving there and leading was a joy, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have accomplished great Kingdom impact with some amazing people. Why youthministry360? The team here is doing some amazing things for youth ministers and youth workers. I am a believer that God is honored in excellence and excellence attracts people. That has obviously been true here. It is important to not just partner with projects, but also the people. And we know you guys very well. We trust you. But I think the biggest reason is the mission. It lines up with where our family is, and we believe we can leverage our talents, gifts and abilities for it. Thoughts on GENERATE Camp? As I mentioned, camp has always been special for me. We are excited about this new option for churches. We will be able to provide a one-week experience that impacts the other 51-weeks at a great value. We want to help lead students to know Christ and to make Him known, that will always be the goal and will be the driving mission behind GENERATE. This is accomplished through a strong commitment to the Word on all platforms. We are also looking forward to working with many friends and my family and I are planning on being at the camps throughout the summer, so that should be fun for us. You c an re ad t he f u l l i nter v i e w w it h R o ge r at youthministry360.com or if you would like to connect with him related to any questions about Generate or serving your group you can get him at roger@ym360.com



What If There Were a Resource to Help Your Students Take Ownership of Their Faith? Well, Now There Is. Introducing “NEXT,” the 4-week devotional journal that helps challenge and equip your students to take ownership of growing deeper in their faith.

“NEXT” will teach your students... • Why it’s important to own their faith • What their life’s purpose has to do with God’s mission • How to build spiritual habits that last a lifetime




•H ow to use the influence they ••••••••• already have for Christ. •• ••• •• ••




• ••






The Perfect Follow-Up To “NEW: First Steps For Christ-Followers.” ••





To view samples of NEXT and to order for your students, go to youthministry360.com/next

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Gaining Through Giving Up

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Learning To Seek God

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This journal


Relentl Journal Devotional

Chrisa version of bought into pain, persecution, r Christ have Some come to know . When they encounte Jesus. Why? who have them anything invitation to follow their troubles would Many people the all doesn’t cost Jesus tianity that s they walk away from ed to follow Christ in the Bible. In fact, this and problem that when they committ never promised people think problem is that Jesus hard. be where go away. Thefollowing Him would a situation g, including were put into told us that idea: If you would lose everythin Jesus in a around one so you to pursue is centered but by doing it? Are you willing Relentless a secret: few choose Christ, still do . easy. But here’s you had to your life, would you is no different It won’t be first? Christ even with comes maybe s relationship nothing else a relentles way where worth having are. Your that define viewing concepts things truly You’ll see how world. the four main ion. nd the persecut understa and change prayer, and helps you Relentless personal evangelism, will change your life, concepts faith: praise, al books: through these your faith other devotion different than Journal is s Follow Up The Relentles


Each Study, 4-lessons

Includes access for as many teachers as you’d like. #budgetsaver


Designed by our team of trusted content creators, the burden of theme planning and content creation is no longer on your shoulders. We work tirelessly to ensure the themes and materials included in our resources are Bible rich and deep, easy to teach, and relevant for your teens. The hardest part is which one you’ll choose!

Only $49 Per Study

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tio Devo

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We’ve teamed up with Ed Newton to produce “Relentless”, a brand new study just in time for your 2016 Disciple Now weekend. Relentless is about pursuing Jesus relentlessly no matter the costs.

Want Ed to speak at your large or community wide event using this content? Dates are very limited, but contact us for details!

The All-In-1 Solution Is At Your Fingertips Online Delivery, Unlimited Teachers, Tons of Content, and The Best Student Resources Around

Features And Benefits ... all included in your $49 study price! • 4 Small Group Lessons! Easy-to-teach, accessible online to unlimited teachers • 4 Sermon Outlines! Designed for your speaker, now large and small groups work perfectly together • Large Group Media! Videos, background loops, PowerPoint images, and more • Promo Banners! Digital banners for web promotion, plus a life-sized banner file for printing • Study Promo Commercials! One for students, one for your church, these are sure to get everyone excited

Meet Angela. She’s your personal concierge. Your go-to. Have a question? Need planning help or just need to talk about the details? Let Angela know. She’s ready to help. angela@youthministry360.com or call 888.969.6360!

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Student Resources To Complete Their Weekend All New Prices You’re Sure To Love

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Vivid: A 6-Lesson Study On The Book Of James Do your students’ lives reflect their beliefs? Vivid will challenge your students to evaluate their faith and their actions, to identify where the two don’t match up.

Proof: A 6-Lesson Study On The Book Of John “Who is Jesus?” Proof teaches students who Christ is and what it truly means to be known by Him through studying the life of Christ.

Focus: A 6-Lesson Study On The Book Of Colossians Using Paul’s words in Colossians, Focus challenges students to live their lives in a way that reflects a single-minded devotion to Christ.

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6 Lessons download || 49.99 physical || 69.99

The Least Of These: God, Poverty, and You No matter where you go in this world, you’ll find poverty and suffering. Many ask, “Why would God allow suffering?” The Least Of These helps your students answer this question, and discover their role in helping the poor.

Engage: Impacting A Hostile World The world your students live in is almost universally opposed to the basic principles of God’s Kingdom. So, do students immerse themselves in culture? Do they flee from it? Engage challenges your students with a call to impact the world around them in the name of Christ.

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Live Different: What The Bible Says About Sex And Holiness Today’s teenager lives in a hypersexualized culture. Live Different teaches students God’s intent for sex, how God views sex outside of this intent, and God’s call to live a life of holiness in a sexually immoral world. 4 Lessons download || 34.99 physical || 49.99

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Reach: A 6-Lesson Study On The Book Of Psalms Teach Reach to show your students what an active and dynamic relationship with God looks like. 6 Lessons download || 49.99 physical || 69.99

The Gospel: What It Is and How It Changes Us Regardless of where your students are spiritually, here’s your chance to teach them exactly what the Gospel is and how it impacts their lives.

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See samples & lesson overviews at: youthministry360.com/store


e walk in the light, as he is in the light, fellowship with one another, and the Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” - 1 John 1:7

ve, and in many ways define, teenagers’ lives. Friendships are vital to how ction in their culture. This is especially so with Christ-centered friendships.


mong Christ-followers take on a much deeper meaning. Or at least, they udents are called to Christ-centered friendships, where Jesus is at the ey engage with one another. And when this is fully realized, your students endships take on greater meaning, and greater purpose. Christian fellowship he comradery of friends; it is a coalition of saints, called to the highest od. Friendship becomes kinship. This is the message of KINDRED.

4-session, video-driven Bible study, will challenge your students to see dship as believers is dependent on the centrality of Christ in all they do.

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Includes: 4-part short film, 4 lesson plans, and more!

ent Pages and Student Devotions to keep the conversation g out of class

our friends at:



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Challenge your students to see how their friendship as believers is dependent on the centrality of Christ in all they do.





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See all our resources at: youthministry360.com/store


Our store has 100+ resources to help you with parent ministry, games, video illustrations, student leadership teams, and much more! Check them all out at youthministry360.com/store.

Get your resources for the Fall: youthministry360.com/store | Call: 888.969.6360



Open Doors • Shocco Springs • Planet Wisdom • Download Youth Ministry Rice Bowls • Dare 2 Share • Youth Specialties • Servant Life


Helping You Connect To Awesome Organizations and Resources


Bible Study Resources




We love highlighting people and organizations doing awesome things in youth ministry. Our hope is to connect you with organizations, movements, or causes that can serve you as you minister to your students. Learn more about our friends on these next few pages. Visit their websites, give em’ a call, and tell em’ ym360 sent you their way!

PAGE 24 – SHOCCO SPRINGS AD AD is in basecamp under the ym360 The Magazine – Sponsors thread

PAGE 25 – PLANET WISDOM AD AD is in basecamp under the ym360 The Magazine – Sponsors thread



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PAGE 29 - YS YOUTH WORKER TRAINING AD AD is in basecamp under the ym360 The Magazine – Sponsors thread

PAGE 30 – SERVANT LIFE AD AD is in basecamp under the ym360 The Magazine – Sponsors thread

BR NE A W ND !!!

A simple, but complete solution is at your fingertips. And it delivers everything you need.

Youth Ministry Events. Made Easier. Disciple Now Weekends | Winter Retreats | Summer Camps | Back To School Events Large & small group content created by one of youth ministry’s most trusted content providers. Student books, follow-up journals, custom t-shirts, videos, visuals, and so much more!

Visit youthministry360.com now to get started planning your next Disciple Now Weekend, Winter Retreat, Summer Camp, or Back-to-School Event. If you have questions about this amazing new resource (or need tips for using Pinterest), contact Angela: angela@youthministry360.com 888.969.6360

See pgs. 15/16 for all the exciting details!

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