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EXCLUSIVE STORY Issue#1 - February2013




Issue#1 - February2013


Table of Contents

24 Harnessing the power of written

18 Sharing a vision for a life of financial freedom.

and spoken language to help people see life’s magnificence.


14 Helping business people

to feel more comfortable in the new, digital reality.

23 4


generation while allowing parents to choose their own work-life balance.

17 Making business dreams

30 Fostering positive and respectful online interaction through irespectonline.

21 Helping women and

33 Finding fulfilment and

come true through the power of reaching out to others.


29 Inspiring the younger

joy through pet adoption children overcome the trauma and foster care. of domestic abuse as a mentor and enabler. 34 Encouraging people to tap into the motivation that 22 Building confidence and can be found all around us. a life of one’s own through self-awareness. 37 In the driving seat of a business, having survived 28 Demonstrating that losing everything. happiness needn’t be reserved for special occasions. 38 Empowering women by offering a service based on trust and integrity.

49 Harnessing the power of

51 Championing those in the business

written and spoken language to help people see life’s magnificence.

world with an unconventional outlook.

41 Bringing stability to

relationships suffering through money woes.

42 Helping people to

replace stress with clarity and a sense of their own power.

45 Finding support and com-

passion among the divorced women’s club.


31 43

46 Broadcasting wisdom

from the best business brains.


35 Hello fear, I see you, I feel you....

39 Y Sales Strategies

Are Important.

40 Put yourself in the game.

23 Issue#1 - February2013


DISCOVER YOUR INNER Y AT THIS INTERACTIVE, HANDS ON EVENT Not sure what your passion or purpose is in life? Not quite sure if your on the right path in life? Don’t spring up out of bed on a Monday morning and not sure Y? THIS EVENT COULD BE FOR YOU! The Naked Onion Event is all about discovering your inner Y and understanding what makes you tick. Understanding why you are here and what your passion is. This event will help you peel away the layers and remove all masks we wear and discover your inner Y! This event is not for the faint hearted as there will be raw emotions at play. If you are sick of hiding behind your mask and ready to peel the layers away and discover your inner Y, then this event is for you!


BOOK ONLINE NOW! We can only cater for 60 people! www.thestylenetworkgroup.com.au COST: $97 including discovering your Y and morning tea This event is proudly bought to you by YMag, an online magazine featuring the YOU & ME of the Business world.



Editor-in-Chief: Shar Moore editor@ymagazine.com.au Executive Assistance Christine Rianne Sub Editor Anthony Hendon Photos: Photos of authors are provided by their respective organizations. All other photos, unless otherwise indicated, are iStockphotos. Advertising and Sponsorships Please contact advertising@ymagazine.com.au for more information and costs. Information about Y Magazine Y magazine is published online monthly by Shar Moore. Graphic Design work by Juliana Lievano www.JulianaCreativeDesigns.com Writer Mark Sheehan All articles are the copyright of their respective authors and used with their permission. Please go to www.ymagazine.com.au for a full copy of our Privacy Policy. Inquiries Please contact editor@ymagazine.com.au Cover Story written by Cassy Small www.bigfishplanning.com.au Cover Photo and story photo of Shar Moore, courtesy of Cindy Lee: www.studio4photography.com.au

SHAR MOORE Editor-in-Chief I woke up one morning and realized I was getting tired of the same old magazines featuring the same old people, seemingly living lawless lives when what I wanted to see was the journey. This raised questions in my mind, am I achieving what I wanted out of life and, am I on the right path. It then occurred to me how many others must be feeling the same way when they read the usual fare printed for us all to pour over and question our own journey. Something had to change. After having heard over 1,000 people tell me why they love their business, I realised that their voice needed to be heard. We needed to ensure that their stories were told, in the hope that just one person sitting somewhere around the globe, would read their story

and live their life’s purpose That is my true hope for YMag, as I believe that if we can all just inspire other people to be the best they can be and step up and take their place in the world, can you imagine how amazing our world would be? YMag is a global online magazine featuring the YOU & ME of the business world. I believe the journey is what we should be enjoying, as the destination, truthfully.... is a box 6 foot under! We strive to deliver you the most authentic stories every month, consistently featuring the YOU & ME of the business world. I have worked on YMag for many months now.... in my head, then I committed myself on social media that I would launch a magazine! It has held me accountable and now with my amazing team of 9 YMag staff, we have created this inspirational, real, raw and authentic magazine for you to enjoy. That is our promise to you. Enjoy YMag as much as we do! Shar / YWoman

Shar Moore

editor@ymagazine.com.au www.ymagazine.com.au www.thestylenetworkgroup.com.au Listen to Shars live interview on the Peter Montgomery Show - Click Here Issue#1 - February2013



She sat in her local coffee shop, mindlessly flicking through yet another glossy magazine filled with celebrity tales of indulgence and privilege. Shar loved a dose of escapism as much as anyone, but over time had grown time tired of seeing the same faces, recycling the same stories. A successful entrepreneur in her own right, Shar found herself longing to be inspired by the stories of her own breed, and from that simple idea YMag was created. Being of Indian heritage, Shar understood from an early age that her life’s path had already been planned for her. As Indian tradition dictates; the eldest son of one sibling is betrothed to the eldest daughter of the other. I knew from a young age that this would be my destiny but I had no idea that this wasn’t normal or that there may have been another option.

SHAR MOORE The Truth Behind the Smile

Wanted to read a magazine about inspirational and passionate business people, so she created one. Shar shares the inspirational journey that began YMag. I was only 11 when my fate was seemingly sealed at my Indian engagement party; despite my naivety I was already mature far beyond my years. “I felt sad watching my school friends talk about their future and plans to travel and work in a career of their choice,” she said. “I would ride my horse around our property and daydream about the kind of life I would have, if it were my choice.” As fate would have it, Shar did have the opportunity to design her own life when her step father, who she credits as one of her role models, intervened and cancelled the engagement. Understanding just how fortunate she was to escape the cycle, she hasn’t wasted a moment since. Shar entered the workforce as an administration assistant at 17, where her natural tenacity 8



Issue#1 - February2013


Shar and her family moved to the Middle East , where she developed and launched her own Sharanis brand of Spas with two properties in the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi. Through sheer persistence and exceptional marketing, Shar grew the business to be one of the most sought after Spas in the UAE with an elite clientele. Sharanis received generous publicity in the regional media creating for her a profile that money can’t buy. and work ethic saw her quickly advance to a managerial position in the beauty industry. Like many people her age, Shar was eager to spread her wings and travelled with her husband and young children to Thailand where she entered the Hotel and then Spa industries securing her first national role with 500 reporting staff. Like all working mothers, Shar learnt from an early age, that balancing career aspirations and a meaningful family life would be a challenge in itself. What to some may have been challenges, Shar has taken in her stride, driven by an underlying motivation to stand as an accomplished figure in her chosen field whilst, bringing to life her long held ambition of opening an orphanage for disadvantaged girls in Thailand. Shar was born in Thailand, a place where she spent much 10 www.ymagazine.com.au

of her childhood and later established herself as a successful career woman. “The natural beauty of Thailand is breathtaking,” Shar says. But it wasn’t too long until Shar discovered that underneath all this beauty hid an ugly underbelly. “I would be in restaurants and have girls as young as three or four approach me to sell flowers or chocolates. These beautiful girls had such sadness in their eyes and they were dirty, bare foot and hungry,” she recalls. So deeply touched by the plight of these young girls, Shar pledged that one day she would build a home to protect them until they could find a loving family to be raised in. For years, the dream of this orphanage became the driving force behind Shar’s success. With the plight of the young Thai children still in her heart,

A return to Australia was always imminent though, and upon her return to Australia Shar transferred her skills in the beauty industry to become a qualified Personal Stylist. However, it hasn’t always been easy. Like many stories of success, Shar has also overcome a series of hardships which have only proved to strengthen her resolve and her Y. As a result of the 2011 Brisbane floods, Shar lost two of her businesses. As a consequence she was only weeks away from bankruptcy as well as emotionally and physically exhausted. With the support of her husband and children, Shar launched TSNG (The Style Network Group) a high end business network group which became financially successful within only five months and in less than a year she had repaid all her old business debt and had ordered

the shiny new BMW she had always coveted. Her book, From Broke to BMW in 12 months is launching in a few months. Her dream of the Thai orphanage has never been far from her mind and TSNG was established as one of the vehicles to fund the project.

I get out of bed every day and the purpose behind everything I do.” With a big goal to raise nearly $300,000 in just over 3 years, Shar is determined to take TSNG national and help business owners connect and network as well as importantly, raise the funds for the Orphanage.

A portion of each network membership goes directly to funding the orphanage. Plans for the building are in full swing and the Sharanis Orphanage is on track to be opened on the 7th May 2016. “This is my Y,” says Shar. “This is the reason

Throughout the highs and lows, Shar’s husband of 20 years and her three children have been a tower of strength and she is forever indebted to them for giving her the support to pursue her dreams. Like many mumpreneurs, Shar’s family is

a huge part of her Y. Shar now is taking her skills, passion and experience to a global audience with the launch of YMag. “I’m so excited to be able to share real stories from some amazing people. It’s for the you and me of the business world, and I’m pleased to say we won’t be featuring any airbrushed super models,” she says. “It’s my hope that these stories will inspire change and give the confidence for our readers to step outside their comfort zone to strive for more and live the life they’re meant to live. That’s my Y.”

Issue#1 - February2013 11


•Some page owners have noticed that text status updates are getting more reach on their business fan page than images lately. This has come about due to a recent change in FB’s Edgerank algorithm (a mathematical equation used to determine which posts are shown more than others to fans of a page) last September. Does this mean that you should only be posting text updates, and reducing the amount of images posted? No. That would be a major mistake. Although the Edge Rank algorithm has changed actually what worked best before and what works now hasn’t changed at all - good quality and relevant content on a CONSISTENT basis trumps everything else. Text will beat images for reach but images far exceed text for engagement (getting likes, comments and shares). So which should you use? BOTH. Variety is the key., and remember it ALWAYS needs to be relevant and interesting to your audience.

•Getting noticed these days is more about personal branding and having a unique voice, be sure to connect, create meaningful conversations around your brand and passions and be remarkable by allowing your personality and values to shine through.

•Make sure all computers are turned off after hours.....One of the commodities that is becoming a big problem for small business is electricity. In many cases the cost of electricity is one of the top 3 expenses for small business, the other two are normally wages and building lease costs. To survive in small business we need to make sure that we can cover the cost of these items but also be able to minimise the cost.

•If you have a ‘billionaire mindset’ then you would know the power of publishing a book to profile you as the expert in your field. The best financial advice I could give is to learn how to publish a book with no money down, to turn marketing from a traditional business expense to a profit generating exercise.

12 www.ymagazine.com.au

•Cash or eftpos Receipts: out & about? Write a quick reference on the top (client, meeting, office equip etc) Take a photo with your smartphone to prevent fading. If you have admin staff, email immediately to them for easy entry into excel spreadsheet making bank reconciliations so much easier for everyone.

•One of the key things I have learned in business is that its not the big things that get you financial, its the little things that add up over time. So in your business, look where you are losing small amounts of money and make sure you tally them up and stop those small bleeds. Here are some small examples of where to look for small bleeds. First if you are posting out an invoice by Australia Post, that is costing you approximately $5 an invoice, if you are doing 10 a day that is $50 a day. Don’t print out invoices, always email them to the client as that will save you $5 an invoice. Over a week that is $250 a week and over the year you will save $13,000. Secondly check to see when your bills are due, if you pay your Telstra bills late you wil inccur a $15 late fee, so if you pay every bill late that will cost Publish to aPDF: you $180. In both examples they don’t seem like they are lot of money but over the year they add up to some serious money. Small business owners always struggle to have the money to have a holiday.... just by making these two small changes $13,180 will give a family of four a good overseas holiday.

•We paid off our house mortgage by actually NAMING our bank accounts (Mortgage Account, Housekeeping Account, Personal Spending Account etc ) we went to the bank and asked them to do this. We had two young children, were starting off a business and determined to get ahead. The bank was very helpful and I still say this to anyone who wants to see a Jpeg Quality 10: Colour 400 difference in their financial situation if limited to one income.

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Issue#1 - February2013 13

Y STORY There was one thing that the young Richard Norris’s father was very sure of. He told him from a young age: “Rich people never work for anyone, so you have to go into business for yourself.” It’s not surprising, then, that Norris became his own boss when he was 23 in the early 1980s, following in the footsteps of many family members. Since then, he has built, run and sold various businesses, bearing witness of the huge changes that have taken place since then, especially regarding technology.

Richard NORRIS

HELPING BUSINESS PEOPLE TO FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE IN THE NEW, DIGITAL REALITY ‘I have been learning constantly, making many mistakes, but also having enormous successes that encouraged me to move forward.’ – Richard Norris, business owner with three decades’ experience

Norris recalls that when he started out: “All of our systems were manual. There were no websites, email or mobile phones; something that today seems so outdated, like faxing, was completely original then.” And suddenly, in the late 1990s, everything started to change with the advent of the internet; nothing has remained the same since. A whole new industry had emerged almost overnight, and it has brought a new concept of business along with it. Norris says: “I remember being at a business breakfast with other colleagues in 1999.There, a local expert explained how any business could have their own website and sell their goods through a new channel called e-commerce. “That day, I understood that the future of our business, of any businesses, laid there. “It started

14 www.ymagazine.com.au

a 13-year journey of discovery for me. Pushed by my hunger for knowledge of this everchanging and evolving industry, I have been learning constantly, making many mistakes, but also having enormous successes that encouraged me to move forward.” Norris describes himself as “part of a daring minority in businessmen”. He explains: “Most of my colleagues, worried over the dangers of the hugeness of the web, stay aside, feeling comfortable in a dying business model. Norris says there is a danger for people who take such an approach that they will fall victim to advice and information provided by irresponsible people – “veritable wannabe experts with little or no real practical experience”. Norris warns against people who, while quite talented in their fields, in the search for prominence give guarantees in areas completely unknown to them, “providing an embroidered product that will not achieve the result needed by their clients”. “Small business has been my life’s work and I yearn to see my colleagues with a better understanding of what has been the most dramatic change in business: becoming digital.” “If somebody were to ask me what the reason for doing what I do is, my response would be my wish to help small business owners with all I have learned by my experience through these years.”

Become a Bestselling Author


n Australia this is pretty easy to achieve by selling 10,000 copies to maintain this status for life compared to New York where you need to sell 10,000 copies a week. Of course there was a rumour of 5,000 copies where people were mislead to believe you could put ‘best seller’

on the cover once you’ve sold 5,000 copies (false advertising aside) as that will allow you to quickly and easily move the other 5,000 copies. Then moving to the digital world an Amazon best seller is based on being in the top 40 of any category where people are moving bulk copies of a free book in a matter of hours after it is released and then taking a screen shot to claim that status in all future marketing. If you ask me however people are going after the wrong thing. Do you want the 15 minutes of fame that comes

from being a best-selling author or do you want your book attracting your ideal customer to you time and time again. Turn marketing from a business expense to a profit generator and allow high caliber clients to regularly find you instead of wasting your hard earned money trying to find them. For more information on how to enter the publishing industry by publishing a book cashflow positive to profile you as the expert in your field speak to The Publishing Queen today.

Kylee Legge www.thepublishingqueen.com.au

China Direct? 2. A Chinese factory will not reimburse you your money should your goods arrive damaged, faulty, or not to your specifications. 3. You need at least four approval here are many avenues stages of a product, to ensure to directly manufacture your specifications have been with Chinese factories, met and understood. made even easier in 4. The examples of mistakes today’s technologically caused by ‘lost in translation’ advanced world. However, this are endless. is fraught with danger, as there We have a number of are so many pitfalls the average clients who have tried China buyer is unaware of! Due to space direct, before enlisting our restraints here a few bullet proof service. One of the worst cases points to consider: I have ever heard, was from a 1. A Chinese factory will not release company who had successfully your goods without full payment. manufactured white laboratory


coats for three years with the same factory. Until the unthinkable occurred. They received a container load of pink lab coats! Of course there was no recourse once they had been delivered to their door. At Garment & Product Solutions we have taken all the risk factor out of the equation. We employ local staff in Shanghai who are on the ground in the factory, ensuring the best price and the best quality. We are an Australian owned company who 100% guarantee your finished product.

Angela Halkiotis/Director www. garmentandproductsolutions.com

Issue#1 - February2013 15

With years of experience in off-shore sourcing and manufacture, our staff will happily arrange every detail including customs, shipping and delivery, which makes Garment & Product Solutions your one-stop shop in China.

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“It’s great having a manufacturing agent because it takes all of the guesswork out of choosing the right factory and alleviates any problems which may come up due to distance and language barrier. Angela takes care of all of that for you, she knows which factory to go to for your product and you know that you are getting workmanship of tested quality.”

Kate Davis Steer


Y STORY Sometimes it is a simple question that sparks a change in a person’s life. In ymag, we ask our guests just one, but for Natalie McIvor, there are two questions everyone needs to ask themselves – ‘What?’ and ‘Why?’

for hundreds of business women looking to make their dreams a reality.

“I wanted to create a safe and supportive environment where women in business could understand the power of As far as McIvor is concerned, the connection, collaboration and reason we do anything is because contribution,” she explains. “A place we are driven to it. But the first where women could understand step in the process is figuring out the power of a community that what it is we feel most motivated genuinely operates from the by, even if the precise motivating highest intentions.” force is a mystery. And, where do ‘What?’ and ‘Why?’ fit “Whether it is for personal gain in? According to McIvor, embracing or pleasure, necessity, or that them both and linking them inner voice that keeps talking seamlessly is a key component to you, driving you crazy until in business achievement. “People you take action, I don’t have an need people, businesses need answer. “What I do know is that to understand the power of once our ‘What?’ is awakened, contribution and collaboration, and the ‘Why?’ comes hard and fast – the human soul seeks conscious it is our ‘Why?’ that drives us and connections with others. I don’t keeps us up at 2am.” just run networking events and seminars – I create space for McIvor admits she hadn’t women to heal, transform, grow, known what the ‘What?’ and expand and shine.” ‘Why?’ in her life were for years. It wasn’t until while travelling in And McIvor’s personal ‘Y’? “To Vanuatu in 2010 that she realised help women build their dreams,” there was a lack of a sense of she says, but then admits her community in her life. So, when members are not the only ones she returned, she established the to have benefited from her Enlightened Goddesses Business networking group. Network to bring together entrepreneurial women looking “I thought I was creating this for that same thing. for others, but in fact I soon realised that I needed to feel like In the two years since, through I belonged, that I was accepted its seminars and networking and that I was of value, that this events, the group has become community was for me.” a hub of support and assistance

Natalie MCIVOR

MAKING BUSINESS DREAMS COME TRUE THROUGH THE POWER OF REACHING OUT TO OTHERS ‘Businesses need to understand the power of contribution and collaboration’ – Natalie McIvor, founder of community-spirited business network Enlightened Goddesses

Issue#1 - February2013 17

Y STORY There really is nothing that cannot be achieved – just ask Kate Moloney. Since first reading Rich Dad Poor Dad in her early teens, sparking a passion for anything finance or investmentrelated, she has studied ways in which earning a living can be transformed from a drudge into the source of a freer and more fulfilling life.


MOLONEY SHARING A VISION FOR A LIFE OF FINANCIAL FREEDOM ‘If You Change One Person’s Life, You Can Change All The People Around Them’– Kate Moloney, 24-Year-Old Property Guru

18 www.ymagazine.com.au

Her journey started in 2007, when, at just 19, she bought a plot of land to build a home upon with her husband. By the time the home was completed in 2009, and despite being a student and apprentice respectively, they had 50% of the property’s value available to them in equity. By the end of the year, they had invested in two more properties. After spending the last three years building their property portfolio, they now have a ‘passive income’ of more than $350,000 per annum. In March, at just 24, they will quit their jobs in the mines of central Queensland to tour the world in comfort for eight months. And the key to their success? Moloney points to the property mentoring program they joined, which saw them work with mentors and coaches to help them achieve their property goals. It is something Moloney has become passionate about playing a big part in herself.

“I love sharing the knowledge we have accumulated over the last three years of investing,” she says. “It is my goal, dream and passion to mentor other investors so that they too can enjoy the financial freedom that we are so grateful to have!” Moloney has already inspired several of her friends to take the plunge into the property market. She has also set up a website and Facebook page dedicated to sharing her knowledge and experience in dealing with the intricacies of the property investment, and is in the process of developing books and e-courses to educate those interested in benefiting as she has. “My vision is to teach Australians to create a passive income from property so that they can have the freedom and choice we are so blessed to have. I want to inspire people to create an amazing and abundant life for themselves. Life should be fun, exciting, passionate, joyful and easy.” And in a nutshell, what is her ‘Y’? “To help make the world a better place. If you change one person’s life, you can change all the people around them. I call it the pebble-in-the-pond effect. And that is a very powerful ‘Y’”.

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Y STORY One in three women experience domestic violence. The government spends $13.6 billion annually on direct response. This is an epidemic, not just a “social problem,” asserts Jane Leach, creator of the Life 2 Project, which offers subsidized therapies and support services for low-income families who have experienced domestic violence.

repeated in future relationships and future generations. I lived with my band aid on my broken leg for years and I limped around trying to not reveal my pain, trying to ignore it and trying to numb it down. I would find myself in situations on occasion that would inflame my wounds and I’d be back at square one,” she said.

Leach has made it her mission to use her own experience of abuse to assist similarly affected families “access the specialist deep healing and behavioural change therapies that are usually financially out of their reach,” rather than being limited to general counselling options within an overloaded system.

Leach is particularly determined to help children grow in an environment where they can form healthy beliefs and values around relationships. Currently 25% of the youth in Australia witness violence in their homes.

“To truly break the cycle we have to give children the role models in their parents that they need to “The crazy part is that in my create a different future and end darkest moments I thought I was the cycle on a generational level.” alone. The reality was that I had Her ‘Big Y’: “I have a responsibility never had so much in common to use my experiences to with so many,” remarked Leach. influence change. Those who “Well, because I’ve lived through have walked this path before me many years of challenges and gave me invaluable insight and learned an awful lot, my mission the strength to keep going. is to make known what I have found to be the most effective There were many times when methods to gain empowerment, I wanted to just give up but I confidence and peace.” thought, ‘If they can do it then so can I.’ It’s incredibly comforting Leach believes that the when you know that someone traditional psychology and else has felt what you feel and counselling services available in they are there beside you.” the mainstream system fall short of creating long-term change and relief from trauma. “It’s like sticking a band aid on a broken leg! The pattern is too often


LEACH HELPING WOMEN AND CHILDREN OVERCOME THE TRAUMA OF DOMESTIC ABUSE AS A MENTOR AND ENABLER ‘I have a responsibility to use my experiences to influence change.’ – Jane Leach, founder and director of the Life 2 Project for breaking the cycle of domestic violence.

Issue#1 - February2013 21

Y STORY Life choices are hard to make but the key lies in having a strong sense of self. Self-awareness, and the acceptance of the demands of one’s head and heart, becomes the anchor in an everchanging world.


FRANKLING BUILDING CONFIDENCE AND A LIFE OF ONE’S OWN THROUGH SELF-AWARENESS “Confidence is within you waiting to shine.” – Flower Intuitive coach and author Kama J. Frankling on identity, self-empowerment, and reconnection.

“I believe that everyone has the ability to feel confident, regardless of age or situation. I believe that building self-awareness opens the eyes to confidence. I believe that when you are being true to you, you can achieve your dreams, and attract the relationship you are ready to have, not only with another but also with yourself,” said neuro-linguistic programming coaching professional Kama J. Frankling, who teaches people how to find strength from within to face life’s trials. Frankling, who left England at 13 and has spent most of her life in various other countries, is familiar with loneliness and identity loss. Her hardest lesson was delivered via telephone, when her then-husband – who had left her behind in Singapore when he went on a twoweek business trip to China – dissolved their 16-year marriage. He had met someone else and expected Frankling to move out. “I had no place to call home and the life I had worked so hard for was gone. I had spent years supporting my husband’s career and had forsaken my own. I had to start from scratch. I moved

22 www.ymagazine.com.au

to another foreign country and started rebuilding my life. As time progressed, so did my confidence. I observed my journey, found tools along the way and discovered simple ways to bring confidence to others,” said Frankling. Frankling initially grappled with a fundamental question: “Who am I and where do I belong?” A personal trainer aided her on the path towards that awareness, away from being “attached to the life that had been” and forward to the life that could be. She studied metaphysics, quantum physics, counselling, and Buddhism. Little by little, she learned to approach life “with a sense of curiosity rather than fear,” to make conscious choices and live with the consequences, and to reach out to others. “I know that I am responsible for the life I wish to have. To know what I wish to have, I need to know who I am. Self-awareness is the key to knowing who I am. When I know who I truly am, I feel confident. I know you can feel this way also and attract the relationship you are ready to have with yourself or another. That is my ‘Y’. You are not always who you assume you are,” said Frankling.

Is Your Dog Safe?


was looking for something to transport my two dogs in the car and couldn’t find anything here in Australia that I would even consider putting my

fur babies in. And so it began! I went about making a seat that would be Comfortable, Stylish and allow my little ones to see out while being restrained. After my friends saw my dogs in their seat they started asking me to make seats for their dogs and it has just grown from there. I don ‘t mass produce the seats, some being one off or limited editions. I love sourcing fabric for clients to match their dog personality whether it be mind or wild. The seat simply attaches to the car with the seatbelt no special fitting required. The seat comes with a

strap that attaches to the seatbelt and to your dogs harness. The seat is easily removed and can be used as a bed or a doggy lounge at home when not being used in the car. The covers zip off for hand washing and replacement covers are available. The seats are made to order and the colour selection is only limited by your imagination. I believe all dogs should be restrained in cars Big or Small restrain them all no excuses.” More info contact: www.icanseedogcarseat.com

Is your website working for you?


n today’s fast paced digital world an effective website that meets and is aligned with your overall marketing goals is absolutely essential. But many small businesses suffer for a web presence that is less than ideal. So why , if having a strong online presence is so

important to your business, is this happening. I believe the answer lies in one word…… WHY. Ask yourself these two simple questions Why am I doing this website?? and what is my most desired outcome from it ?? If you are selling a physical product online then your desired outcome is to get a sale . But if you have a site that is just information based then your desired outcome may be to get the person on your site to contact you via an online contact form or collecting the visitors details by providing something of value

that they could download in exchange for them giving you their name and email address. Being clear on what you want to get out of your site should be the first and most important task that you should undertake. Because once you know WHY you want to do something the HOW becomes a whole lot easier. It not only works for your website but in every other area of your life as well……wouldn’t you agree ? Richard Norris/CEO/SiteZero www.sitezero.com

Issue#1 - February2013 23

Graphic Design Services Websites Magazine Design Packaging Design Business Booklets Posters Logos Ads


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Y STORY It took Gowor a few years of being in business to really understand why she was so drawn to the idea of inspiration, and then she realized how important it is, not just for entrepreneurial pursuits, but as a general principle for living a magnificent life. Gowor believes that inspiration is one of the most powerful tools for changing your life or making your business succeed.


HARNESSING THE POWER OF WRITTEN AND SPOKEN LANGUAGE TO HELP PEOPLE SEE LIFE’S MAGNIFICENCE ‘My aim is to help people believe in themselves whatever circumstances are’ – Emily Gowor, businessman and writer known as the Word Artist Entrepreneur and writer Emily Gowor says everything she does comes down to one word: inspiration, both in business and life.

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Whenever Gowor writes books or speaks on a stage, her intention is to inspire people. She hopes they will reflect on that inspiration, remember it and call upon it when most in need of hope or encouragement. From the age of 16, Gowor wanted to find a way to assist people to bring their dreams out of the shadows. That became her first conscious ‘Y’. But when she reached 19, she faced a challenge shared by many of the people she wanted to assist: depression. She even thought about ending her life. But, even then, when everything around her seemed to have lost its meaning, she says she still knew in her heart that life is actually magnificent. She looked inward deep enough to find her mission, and in doing that she found her inspiration; depression, gradually, faded away. Today Gowor believes that everyone deserves to have a

voice and a mission, so she works to remind people of this truth: that the bigger the goals they allow themselves to seek, the more they will inspire others and become a natural leader. Gowor is of the view that a ‘Y’ in business comes from two places: your ‘Y’ for yourself, and your ‘Y’ for other people. “My personal Y has a lot to do with writing. It’s my essence and stirs me to overcome my own obstacles and dismantle my inner challenges,” she says. “My Y for other people is to inspire them to live a plentiful life. If they can read the right words in the right place at the right time they will be able to move onwards and upwards with their lives. My aim is to help them to see how incredible life is, and to believe in themselves whatever circumstances are. “I try to inspire people: in person, via books and through mentoring…I see a world filled with people following their bliss, doing extraordinary things, and celebrating all that life has to offer. That’s why I do what I do.”


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Y STORY Happyness is our birthright and thus our life has to be full of joy and laughter. That’s one of the core beliefs of Shirley-Anne Lawler, who describes her ‘Y’ as “to increase the happyness quotient on the planet!” Lawler describes sitting on an island of sand in the middle of the Maroochy River pondering her ‘Y’. “I was there, with the feeling of the water on my skin, aware of the glorious blue of the crystal-clear water and watching people enjoying the leisure pursuits that the river offers.


“I think that fun, joy and laughter should not be only reserved for our time off. Our lives could be filled with ‘happyness’ in each and every moment, and freedom, ease and joy could be part of our everyday life.


“Using the kaleidoscope of different techniques, tools and processes, we can strengthen inspiration, encouragement and change, and that is what I do. It is as simple a smile, a word or a hug, given unconditionally with total caring and kindness.


‘We live on this glorious planet…but we usually forget the wonder of living and enjoying it. Then why don’t we show the best of ourselves every day?’ – Shirley-Anne Lawler, founder of TheHappYness Coach and Laughter Yoga facilitator.

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“Recently, I was guest speaker at an event on the Sunshine Coast, where I talked about being more playful in daily life. I shared with these guests Laughter Yoga techniques and other exercises. We laughed, danced and played like we all used to do time ago! They were mesmerised

exploring these simple but lifechanging tools. “As The Happyness Coach and Laughter Yoga facilitator, I empower people to unlock their old patterning so they understand we always have a different choice, whatever the path we chose before was. “We live on this glorious planet with its beauty rich and rare, but we usually forget the wonder of living and enjoying it. Then why don’t we show the best of ourselves every day?” Lawler believes that the fun and joy we find it so easy to tap into on special occasions can also be brought to whatever we usually do, as well as to all our relationships. “We can live a totally joyful and peaceful life. Would it be fun to choose that? “My ‘Y’ has come from years of unearthing who I really am. I have gained knowledge and wisdom and discovered the talents and abilities I have, and how I can change the energy of what is, like magic, to what I really want! “My ‘Y’ is the delight in sharing all of this with people, helping them to change their lives in ways that they could never have imagined!”

Y STORY They say that making a career change is one of the scariest things a person goes through, but in many cases it turns out to the best step. For Marina Hutchinson, recognizing her disillusionment with her retail sales career led to a passionfuelled career in childcare, and the birth of her brainchild, The Australian Consortium Of Nannies (TACON). It’s often believed that childcarers have as much fun as the kids they take care of, but the job is in fact a challenging one, with caring only the tip of the iceberg. According to Marina, nannies can help build ties within families, subtly teach through actions, strengthen relationships and bring greater understanding between the kids and the parents. “As a nanny, I am a dreammaker,” she says. “I help parents to balance their work choices and family life. By providing reliable quality care for their children, I allow parents to be able to focus solely on their work as they become confident that their kids are receiving the best of care in their absence. Nannies sometimes offer something that highly career-motivated parents can’t – a playmate.” But for even the most dedicated childcarer, the clash of professional and emotional pressures can be overwhelming. Through TACON, Marina has

been able to provide a muchneeded support network to help nannies and carers to focus on the job they are meant to do. “By helping and supporting nannies, I am effectively increasing the quality of care for many children. I am also providing a back-up service for childcarers who are often isolated in their positions. So, The Australian Consortium Of Nannies (TACON) was created. In the past, we have hosted a forum, run workshops and playgroups, sent out newsletters and lobbied for positive change within the sector.” TACON has been in hibernation since 2009, when Marina decided to focus on her own young family after an interstate move. But the support body was relaunched last year, with a variety of initiatives taking off this year, including a monthly digital magazine. “My ultimate dream is to create a nanny training college,” Marina admits. “How that happens, I have no idea. I do know, however, that from little things, amazing things grow.” So, how would Marina describe her ‘Y’? “My big ‘Y’ is kids – helping them to make their way in the world with understanding and a positive outlook. It always has been, it seems like I just naturally speak their language.”

Marina MCHUTCHISON INSPIRING THE YOUNGER GENERATION WHILE ALLOWING PARENTS TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN WORK-LIFE BALANCE ‘By helping and supporting nannies, I am effectively increasing the quality of care for many children’– Marina McHutchison, Founder of The Australian Consortium of Nannies.

Issue#1 - February2013 29

Y STORY The internet may enable people to stay connected with others, but it is also a potential source of emotional pain to numerous individuals. Many people have already been traumatized because of cyberbullying and online harassment by acquaintances and total strangers alike.



FOSTERING POSITIVE AND RESPECTFUL ONLINE INTERACTION THROUGH IRESPECTONLINE “My passion is to make the online world a better place.” – Fiona Lucas, founder/ owner, iRespectOnline

Fiona Lucas, the founder and owner of iRespectOnline, hopes to make a difference in the online world by teaching people to interact with each other with respect. “Having seen so many examples of misunderstanding, pain and suffering incurred online, my passion is to make the online world a better place,” Fiona says.

and offline world because she herself is no stranger to abuse. “What I recognized was that so many issues I had faced had been because of a lack of respect, either from others, or for myself,” she reflects. As a physically weak child, she was teased and harassed by her schoolmates at a young age. She experienced physical and verbal abuse when she was still with her former husband; she also became a rape survivor later on in her adult life.

Yet in spite of all the trials she faced, the plucky Fiona still strove to improve her life. She continued to pursue her studies while working at the same time until she gained a bachelor of iRespectOnline provides commerce degree. She started education and strategies on her first blog in 2006. In February managing the online reputation of 2012, she finally took a leap of both individuals and businesses. faith and left her job in order to “I have seen people and business found iRespectOnline. damaged through poor understanding and use of the What is her ‘Big Y’? Fiona reveals: online space. Of huge concern is “What I have learned is that, if you the effect on a child’s reputation in look into your heart and you find the future when almost anything your purpose and align yourself can be brought up and kept for with that, then you can make ever,” Fiona explains. “Through a positive change in the world. spreading a message of respect Surround yourself with mentors and educating all about how to and those of a like mind (such engage online in a positive and as the Y Group) and you will find respectful way, I hope to help even more inspiration.” to provide protection for future generations.”

Fiona has empathy and sympathy for people who are victims of bullying in the online 30 www.ymagazine.com.au

Are you in the driver’s seat? Life is a highway - right?


nd whatever vehicle you have chosen to travel in right now - business, selfemployment, career, job, study, parent - are you in the driver’s seat? Is your foot on the gas, hands confidently on the steering wheel, eyes focused on the road ahead with your

destination clearly in mind? Maybe your foot is on the brake, and eyes on the rear vision mirror as you’re trying to figure out where you are and how you got here! Or have you handed the responsibility for the journey to someone else - only to find you don’t really like the route, or the way they drive! Well you know what - if you don’t like it, you can change it. Sometimes we have to slow down to speed up - to look back over the events of the previous 12 months, and evaluate where we are, and where we are headed.

Reflect on the lessons you have learnt along the way; reestablish and re-affirm what is really important to you this year. What are your priorities? How do you want to be spending your time and your money? Are you on the right road to get to where you want to be? Plan ahead, and position yourself firmly in the driver’s seat! So wherever it is you’re headed in 2013 - start out with a plan, check out the road ahead and take control of the wheel. Happy travelling!

Karen Phillips www. australiasprofitmentor.com

What is graphic design?


raphic design is visual communication. It is a process involving the client and a graphic designer. The client has a need to communicate something to a particular target audience and the graphic designer utilises print, media or the internet to deliver the message. Depending on the target audience the designer has many message delivery options including but not limited to brochures, posters, business cards, advertising, newsletters, billboards and websites. There are limitations with each delivery

option; however as a graphic designer I would suggest using more than one option to reach your audience. That way you can be sure to catch the attention of potential customers and remind them of your service or product. The designer works with elements such as photographs, text, illustrations and logos to build the desired message. Read ability, typography, white space, shape, texture and colour are all important things the designer utilises when creating. As a graphic designer I use many tools to create a good, consistent message. Communicating your brand

or message in a clear and consistent form endorses the professional service or product behind your business. Potential customers will receive your message loud and clear and be more inclined to take action.

Natalie Souprounovich www.nsdesignservices.com.au

Issue#1 - February2013 31

Does Anybody Know of Your Business?


e work hard to promote our businesses. There’s our signage. And our truck or car with a logo on the door, or maybe “wrapping” the entire vehicle. There’s our business cards, which we hand out regularly. There’s that brochure we put together back in the day. And our website! Oh, our website! We worked hard to get something out onto the internet.... No one notices. Yes, that’s right, no one is noticing. Put out an ad, and who calls you? Your mother, your cousin, your best friend: “Saw your ad!”Well that’s just great; they’re already customers! What about the people who are NOT doing business with you – but who ought to be? They’re not noticing! And it’s not that you haven’t tried. It’s that they’re inundated with anywhere between 3,000 and 7,000 promotional messages every DAY. From the sides of buses, to TV and radio ads, to signs on the floor in the supermarket or the side of a parking meter, billboards, junk mail and junk email, we’re inundated with “messages”. And most of them are just ignored. Think of it this way: if people didn’t ignore most all of those 3,000 to 7,000 promotional messages every day, they’d spend all their time … reading promotional messages! So, what gets through? In

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an information - and advertising -saturated society, the only messages that get through are those with a short, powerful and provocative message. What’s mine? “I help people figure out how to make more money.” That’s usually enough for someone to say, “Huh? How do ya do that?” IF I’m at a networking event or cocktail party. In a publication, different story. But if my email address is right there, and I’m saying that I help people figure out how to make more money, a couple of people will write “How do ya do that?” and my follow up activity determines whether any business relationship gets established. So what’s your short, powerful, provocative message, your “Positioning”? Even if it’s as powerful as mine, here’s a secret: you can’t just say it once. Just one ad, or one brochure, or one website homepage trumpeting your message is NOT enough. You have to say it, and say it, and say it … and even then you have to understand, most people are not paying attention. The challenge for you is to: a) Develop a powerful, provocative and short message, ie your “Positioning” and b) To get it out there, and get it out there, and get it out there. That’s where Coffee News comes in. An inexpensive medium where you can get your message

delivered and delivered and delivered. If it’s powerful and provocative enough, you’ll get some attention. And, over time, you’ll get more and more. Not all those people will become customers, that’s for sure. But market research is very interesting - though people often don’t remember where they got your message, they may remember your message. And when they do, and the time is right, and the stars align, they’re likely to call or email. Then your follow-up protocol – what you do when a prospect comes your way – will determine your return on that promotional investment. I tell all my clients to calculate the ROI on every investment they make in promoting their business. I tell them not to expect a couple of mentions – even a couple of mentions of a powerful and provocative message – to be enough to stick with information-overloaded people. I tell them to invest in getting their message out there, and to make it consistent, not different all the time. I tell them these things, because I know this: repetition — of a short, powerful and provocative message — works.

Lennan McGookey Gardner

Y STORY Vanessa O Brian’s ‘Y’ is not something, but someone. According to Vanessa, “My Y is a tuxedo cat named Marnie.” It’s remarkable how pets can change the lives of people for the better. Vanessa, a former foster carer for the Animal Welfare League of Queensland (AWLQ), enjoyed her volunteer work with cats and kittens. However, she little suspected that her world was going to be transformed when AWLQ asked her to take care of Marnie.

can continue to provide for the practical needs of Marnie, as well as the needs of other animals that need a temporary home. “Whenever you support Gold Coast Pet Sitting, you support my ‘Y’ and my ability to achieve it!” says Vanessa.

It’s not an easy decision to adopt a pet, even if a person has already had the chance to give foster care to the animal he or she is interested in. Vanessa gives some practical advice to people who are wondering whether they should make the commitment to Marnie, a stray cat, stole Vanessa’s become a pet owner. heart unexpectedly. “She did one ‘little’ thing, one thing none of She explains that she follows the other cats (and certainly the the ‘three-week rule’, which she kittens) had ever done,” Vanessa mentions is a popular one in relates. “I was lying on my bed foster care circles. According on my back. She lay on my chest. to this rule, someone should [Marnie] didn’t know it, but this seriously consider adopting was the exact ‘thing’ that I had an animal only if he or she still been missing.” thinks of the pet three weeks after he or she has returned it to Vanessa eventually ended up the organisation. Vanessa says adopting Marnie, who provides that Marnie was the only animal her with the companionship she thought of often after three and friendship she needs. For weeks, which led her to decide the cat lover, Marnie is not just a to adopt the cat. pet, but also a part of her family. “I’m single. I don’t want to have Pet ownership may come children for my own reasons. with a great responsibility, Thus my family is my cat Marnie but it also enables one to and me,” she says. experience fulfilment, joy and personal growth. Marnie and the other animals in their local community also inspire Vanessa to do well in her business endeavours. She wants to be successful so that she

Vanessa OBRIAN

“FINDING FULFILMENT AND JOY THROUGH PET ADOPTION AND FOSTER CARE” “Volunteering with animals has totally transformed my life” — Vanessa O’Brian, cat owner and foster carer

Issue#1 - February2013 33

Y STORY Motivation is something many people struggle to access in their daily lives, but others will testify that motivation is not only easily accessible, but to be found everywhere. For one of Australia’s most accomplished life and financial coaches, Jennie Brown, that is a message she is tirelessly spreading.

Jennie BROWN

ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO TAP INTO THE MOTIVATION THAT CAN BE FOUND ALL AROUND US My “Y” is to facilitate a process which helps people to identify their deepest dreams, desires, passions and purpose’ – Jennie Brown, bestselling author and motivational speaker

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An international bestselling author and speaker, she has dedicated the last 25 years to helping others to live a more purposeful and inspired life, motivating them to develop their personal and business wealth as well as their quality of life, and to invest in their dreams.

“Most of all, I was impacted by their desire and passion to change the world by being their own authentic selves, using their unique gifts and talents.” The need to change lives is not restricted to the pages of history books; it remains a real issue today, especially since the challenges of modern living can damage family life and hinder personal growth. Jennie believes the problem lies in understanding ourselves, knowing how to access our passions and using that knowledge to secure both personal and financial wealth.

But where did this insatiable appetite for inspiring other people come from? She claims it was the books she consumed as a child. While her classmates read adventure stories and romances, she read about missionaries, pioneers, inventors and innovators – real people who helped to change the world for the better.

“I’ve spent my life identifying my own uniqueness and talents,” she says. “These form an essential part of who I am – someone who speaks and writes about motivating, inspiring and encouraging others to identify their own ’Y’ and their own purpose. And because I know who I am and why I am here, I can help others along the same journey.

“I was fascinated by the obstacles these people faced, their amazing faith in their own abilities, their knowledge of their purpose and reason for being on this earth,” Jennie explains. “I read how they faced adversity and overcame it, about their different way of thinking, and their care and consideration for the world, the environment and people.

“My ‘Y’ is to facilitate a process which helps people to identify their deepest dreams, desires, passions and purpose. I want to encourage them to define a plan that enables them to boldly and bravely step out and live their lives to their fullest potential, and to leave a lasting, positive legacy for all the world to enjoy.”

Y EXPERT Hello fear, I see you, I feel you.... questions not asked, speeches not made, plans not laid, there will be parties not attended and have a son ‘Living with Autism’, rooms not entered there will be and we accept that if there is a opinions not stated and status label it must be real and must updates not written, there will come with challenges, but I be sales not achieved and jobs get surprised sometimes by not applied for, there will be how many of us are ‘Living with hairstyles never tried and sequins Fear’. Not a recognised disorder, never worn, there will sex not no medication prescribed, but had, love not experienced, there can most certainly immobilize will be poems never penned and people and prevent them from be places not travelled, there will living their best and brightest life! be adventures not had....And at Do you know there the end of life we will not say, will be new friends not made, ‘I am so glad I never got on the songs not sung, dances not dance floor that night or I am so danced, dreams not realised glad I never travelled to India like and goals not achieved, there I always wanted too or I am so will be laughs not laughed, glad I never lived my ‘Y’’ What are


we scared of? Really? What? Next time fear stops by, let’s go to the mirror and look at it and say to ourselves, “Fear, I see you, I feel you but I am moving through you, because what I think of myself is far more important than what other people think and I have one life to live and I am not getting out of here alive, so get that hell out of my way because I got some living to do!” Go for it and show fear courage and let your life shine! Julie Cross www.juliecross.com.au

Issue#1 - February2013 35

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Y STORY The highs and lows of Michelle Flanders’s life have taken her from a life-threatening situation to running a business that has the potential to save lives. When Flanders was 19, she had her first son with a man who had children from a previous relationship that had ended 18 months before she met him. Although everything seemed to be all right in the beginning, the ex-partner turned out to be a very unstable person.

Flanders’s partner’s ex-partner was suffering from an obsessivecompulsive disorder, and the family decided that the only solution for ensuring they could lead normal lives again was to start a new life in a new city. Flanders says: “Little by little our lives became normal again. I started to work, learning again to feel comfortable and sure surrounded by other people, remembering how it was to be happy again.

“She burned down our house and we had to run away from the fire, leaving everything behind,” Flanders confides. “Scared, with no place to go and having lost everything in the fire, we were only able to carry on thanks to the generosity of our neighbours, who provided us with second-hand toys and clothes. We had to live in a temporary home while preparing to start again with our lives.”

“I decided then how good it would be to start a business that could give the possibility of helping my family but also help other people at the same time. Nevertheless, I realized that to make it possible I had to face my fears, that I had lived too long feeling scared of everything. “It was my eldest son, Phillip, who held my hand and encouraged me to start. Somehow, he guided me towards making that step I was afraid to make alone. “That is how YDrive became a reality. There, we take care of you and your family. If, for some reason, you are not able to drive, we will help you arrive home safely.

Unfortunately the violence continued for more than two years. “We were constantly threatened and even attacked in our own house. We got used to living with the constant presence of the police to protect us and our children.” Flanders felt completely broken. She was permanently frightened of everything and everybody, and her mental health started to deteriorate because of this stressful situation.

“Phillip passed away on Christmas Eve. All he wanted, was for me to be capable of living my life to the fullest, and I am determined to honour him by making YDrive bigger and better.“

Michelle FLANDERS IN THE DRIVING SEAT OF A BUSINESS, HAVING SURVIVED LOSING EVERYTHING ‘I had to face my fears... I had lived too long feeling scared of everything.’ – Michelle Flanders, founder of YDrive

Issue#1 - February2013 37

Y STORY At ymag, we’ve spoken to many people who offer support and advice to fellow entrepreneurs, but extending that same generosity to everyday clients and customers is a key part of the philosophy that drives many TSNG members too. But for Julie Harris, it’s a core element of her ‘Y’.’. “My Y? I’m lucky enough to be a real estate agent for Belle Property. We’re a boutique agency whose quality marketing specifically appeals to women,” she explains to us.


HARRIS EMPOWERING WOMEN BY OFFERING A SERVICE BASED ON TRUST AND INTEGRITY ‘I give clients the confidence to feel in control and make informed decisions’ – Julie Harris, real estate agent at specialist agency Belle Property

“‘Belle’ is French for beautiful. In fact, the whole Belle brand is very feminine and has helped me to empower and educate women who may be handling real estate matters for the first time.” In her work, Julie has come across many women who find themselves having to take control of areas they hadn’t previously had to. But while taking on a new challenge is something to be welcomed and encouraged, some operators in her line of work take advantage of them. According to Julie, there are a host of reasons why women might find themselves in situations they had not previously expected to be, and are feeling intimidated by the task ahead of them. Property is a prime example, with legal and financial intricacies that can bamboozle the most astute. So, she believes

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that it is essential to lend support and understanding to these women, and to educate them so they can feel fully confident in handling such matters. “I have helped single women, widows and those suffering stressful relationship break-ups who were all forced into situations where they were out of their depth with selling their property – usually because ‘he’ always dealt with that side of things,” she explains. “The last thing they needed was a gung-ho agent bullying them into a sale they neither wanted nor understood. I walk my clients through the whole process through constant communication and feedback, to give them the confidence to feel in control and make informed decisions.” The property sector has been tarred by the traditional image of unscrupulous real estate agencies and agents. But Belle Property is a leading example of the new generation of agencies, highlighting the values of integrity, trust and sincerity as being as central to their philosophy as hard work, determination and success. Indeed, its website proudly proclaims its agents “do business with heart and purpose”. As far as Julie is concerned, living up to these values and guiding her clients safely past the property pitfalls is what makes all the difference in her life.

Y EXPERT Y Sales Strategies Are Important introduce Russell Moore as a regular columnist offering invaluable sales strategies and principles learnt and adopted over the past 30 years. It became clear, early in my sales career, that the following points would be paramount in my success. In the coming months, I will briefly address these points in my regular column. I say briefly, as all these points should be covered in far more detail for you to understand and apply the principles of competitive selling in today’s fast moving markets.

Of Sales Budget are closely related. You cannot have one without the other.

This month we will touch on the Cost Of Sales Budget. A subject largely ignored by sales people if, we as Sales Managers/Business Owners let them. Much like the unlocked stationary cupboard, it is a constant underlying cost that eats away at both our profits and can ultimately affect our ability to remain competitive. It is also a cost that can be a grey “REMEMBER NOTHING HAPPENS and unchecked area as our sales IN OUR BUSINESS TOMORROW teams grow. More importantly, UNLESS SOMEONE SELLS 1. We are not the first people as either our product and service SOMETHING TODAY” to sell something, there are offerings or our geographic proven principles to research. reach expands, so is the need t sixteen Russ found 2. S elling principles are the to review our parallel Cost to himself engaged in an same, only the chosen Sales numbers. It can be a stone apprenticeship in the product and the market varies. cold fact that geographical industrial heartland of 3. N othing happens in business boundaries can prevent you the Latrobe Valley, in each and every day until from pursuing and servicing a country Victoria. Each week he someone sells something, so desired region as margins built noticed the endless possession this continual cycle has to be on your traditional business can of late model cars entering the constantly fed. quickly be eroded. premises as sales people 4. S ales is a people business plied their trade offering both Russ’s Tip – Have your Sales first and foremost, we should engineering services and Team prepare master our personal skills componentry in support of the a “Cost to 5. Marketing is not sales. Power Industry. Sales Budget” 6. S ales Management requires a At that point a spark that gets very different skill set ignited a passion that has fuelled signed off by from selling. and financed a lifestyle that management 7. R elationships are built before has taken him from the Eastern along with the the sale, networking is where States of Australia to the tropics Sales Budget. you build relationships of Thailand and onto to the 8. C lear and concise desserts of the Middle East. communication is the key YMag would like to 9. The Sales Budget and The Cost


Issue#1 - February2013 39



othing is impossible as long as you put yourself in the game. You all have goals and aspirations in business and in life that you want to achieve and realize. But remember this – every single person who ever accomplished anything in life, first started by showing up and getting in the game. As a professional athlete, for me this was always the first step to victory. Getting my mind ready, suiting up and being prepared to play. I focused on my strengths and I planned

Put Yourself in The Game to use them to the best of my ability to win. The same is true for you too. But you can’t win if you don’t play, so in life and in business that’s the first step. Put yourself in the game. No matter what’s going on in your life, you need to put yourself in the game, each and every single day. That means get out of bed. Get off the couch. Put your shoes on. It’s time to go out and chase that dream of yours! Whether that be taking a business class, getting advice from a mentor, writing down your big idea, making some calls,

finally starting your blog, or attending an event. There will never be a perfect time because the time is now. Start moving forward and don’t look back. Eric Bailey has helped over 2 million people around the world to live their dreams and achieve meaningful success. Eric Bailey, speaker – author - inspiration www.ericbaileyglobal.com

Life by design


rom Savvy by 8 time bestselling author Rachael Bermingham ‘Regardless of where you’ve been, it’s where you’re going that really matters’ Rachael Bermingham. By most people’s accounts last year was a doozy! As with all challenges or adversity – there’s always opportunity for us to grow from the experiences. All 2012 really did was help us to strip down our world to it’s rawest state and cut out the peripheral, the noise and the distractions so we were forced to simplify and redesign our lives so it was more in alignment with who we are and 40 www.ymagazine.com.au

where we’re going. Hopefully you’re well and truly back on track but if you aren’t try a few of these strategies from my latest book Savvy… Set your goals – if you still feel yourself going around in circles it is a key indicator that you haven’t clarified your direction. You can define where you’re going by simply setting some goals. Timelines – Remember a goal needs a timeline. You need to put a definitive deadline on when you wish to achieve your goal so you can work towards it – this also helps you to keep moving forward on it rather than procrastinating.

Design your life – Ask yourself this really important question ‘What will my life look like this time next year? What am I doing? What time am I putting into my work? What income am I receiving? ‘ These questions will help you to clear out the chaos and become clear and focused on a future of your own designing.

For more information go to www.rachaelbermingham.com

Y STORY Sharing a secret with someone you trust can have its own rewards. But for the more enlightened, the most rewarding aspect of sharing their secrets is to see lives change for the better, and this is particularly true in the fields of business and finance. For acclaimed financial coach Michelle House, seeing businesses and relationships thrive together is her biggest reward. Having worked in a number of successful businesses, House began a new career six years ago as owner of Secretbudget. net, coaching and mentoring individuals and businesses around the world in their financial matters. Through a practical budget tool she developed, the Personal Budget Organiser, she has helped people adopt more effective financial management strategies by putting easy systems in place to manage the basics of money. Last year, she founded Michellehouse.com.au, but what she does is not just about educating others – it’s about life and living too. “Life is about living and if you are blessed to be in a loving relationship, it needs to be honoured and cherished. Money issues are the number one cause of marriage breakdowns. If I can be a part of keeping people

together, I have purpose and am fulfilled,” she tells YMAG. House has seen at first hand how families have improved their relationships by addressing money problems and easing the strain created by them. But her plan is not simply to patch a few holes. Her vision is to improve the futures of the next generation too by coaching their parents – just as her own mother taught her when she was first learning to handle money matters. “I think I was really, really lucky to have a mum who showed me the ropes. After the creation of the Personal Budget Organiser, I realised there were loads of people who really had no idea where to start,” she says. “When I work with them I feel satisfied that my knowledge is helping them to find stability and begin to create real wealth. If I can teach the parents, they can be great money management role models for their kids, and the next generations will hopefully have a more meaningful relationship with money.” So, how would she describe her ‘Y’? “I love working with people one-on-one, and indeed as married couples, and seeing the relationship shifts they have because their money is managed. I know I have saved a couple of marriages and, to me, that is the ‘Y’.”

Michelle HOUSE

BRINGING STABILITY TO RELATIONSHIPS SUFFERING THROUGH MONEY WOES ‘I know I have saved a couple of marriages.’ – Michelle House, financial whiz who developed a successful budgeting tool.

Issue#1 - February2013 41

Y STORY Laura Hughes’s story begins in the wild jungles of Malaysia, where she was born and raised. Back in the 1960s, this was not a safe place, with guerilla activity and insurgency. But even in this backdrop, Hughes never felt unsafe, with her two older brothers as constant companions.


HUGHES HELPING PEOPLE TO REPLACE STRESS WITH CLARITY AND A SENSE OF THEIR OWN POWER ‘I’m grateful for all of life’s challenges because they helped me to arrive here.’ – Laura Hughes, practitioner and teacher of the Demartini Method for taking control of your life.

42 www.ymagazine.com.au

It was during this time that a defining moment in Hughes’s life came. During a monsoon season, her family’s house was flooded and cut off from the road. The gardener built a raft in order to go for supplies. Hughes’s brothers both got to go on the raft with her father and the gardener, but she was not allowed to go and was left behind with her mother.

Demartini on the ‘Breakthrough Experience’ and immediately knew that I had to bring Daniel with me. “I’m completely sure that the program saved his life. But also it gave me the spark of light to start living my own life, finding my own true purpose and standing in my own feminine power.” Since then, Hughes has delivered Demartini courses herself and become a certified Demartini Method facilitator. She describes the method as “the most concise, powerful and innovative series of questions that dissolves emotional stress, giving you clarity about what you really want in life, helping you to master your life”.

Hughes says she understood then that she had to be stronger and tougher to be accepted and successful. “I spent the next 40 years trying to live up to masculine expectations and values. In the meantime, however, the true essence of me got lost,” she reveals.

Hughes adds: “I have finally connected with that little girl who was not strong enough to get on that raft, and realized how that served me with all the challenges that I experienced through my life, and I’m grateful for all of them because they helped me to arrive here.

“But In 2000, my eldest son suffered a major clinical depression and became suicidal and I was not strong enough to stop this from happening.

“It is this heartfelt, soul-inspired gratitude that gives you the power to be authentic and have the life you truly love. And I am inspired to help people find unconditional love of self, to stand in their own power and live the life they know is in their heart to live.”

“Over the next five years, my husband and I rode the rollercoaster of his depression, until we went to an evening talk by Dr John

Are the little things stressing you out, and you don’t know why?


hat if you could be shown a simple way to reduce your stress? Would you be interested? There IS something you can do about it! Using Kinesiology’s simple and effective techniques you can be shown how to de-stress, in

your everyday life for everyday situations. One of these techniques is called “Emotional Stress Release Points” (or ESR for short). These points are located in the middle of your forehead, just above each eye. You may find that you use this one without even realizing. The idea is to gently cover your whole forehead with your hand (it does not matter which hand). When you do this, it brings blood to the front of your forehead and this is when you can calmly think of new ideas and new solutions to a problem

that has come up. The more you do this, consciously, it will become automatic. Eventually all you need to do is touch those points and your body knows what to do. Another great thing to add to this technique is to “Remember to Breathe”. Because when you breathe deeply it also sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message back to your body.

Maria Brady 0423 829 722

Y is my image blurry?


ow often have you seen an image in print that looks small and blurry? There’s nothing more disappointing than seeing low resolution images spoiling a beautiful brochure or business card. Be mindful of the quality of images that you use for all your

promotional material because it reflects on your business. You can take your own photos or purchase highresolution images from sites like iStock.com and Deamstime.com. For printing, ensure you have images that are 300dpi and over 1 mb in size. Of course, the larger the job (for example a banner or a billboard) the bigger your image needs to be. Online images don’t need to be as high quality as print images, and remember, JPG files are best used for photographs. If you want to use graphics like a line drawing, with text and blocks of colour, the best type of

file to use online is a PNG because it looks sharper and clearer. An example of this could be your logo. For printing purposes you’ll need a high-resolution logo, preferably a vector file. If you’ve had a designer create your logo, make sure that you secure the final files from them - always ask for the vector or high-resolution files - because if sometime down the track you decide to have your branding on your car, or you want a large banner printed, you will need the original files for the sign writer.

Jeanne Treloar www.witchwords.com

Issue#1 - February2013 43

How to Have a Kick-Ass Savvy Biz


f you are not using every possible social media outlet available to your business, you are never going to reach your goals. This might sound like a harsh statement, but the reality is that if you want to have a kick-ass business, you need to have a kick-ass social media program. However, doing so can take up an inordinate amount of your time; time better spent taking care of your customers. YOU NEED KICK-ASS SOCIAL MEDIA SUPPORT Perhaps, you’re like most small businesses and cannot afford

to hire staff but need someone to handle your online marketing campaign. Think of your social media program as an investment in the success of your business. Rather than trying to handle this yourself, you need the services of a kick-ass social media expert like Red Apple Virtual Assistant Services. business while our social media team develops your WE OFFER THE BEST SOCIAL online presence at sites MEDIA SUPPORT IN AUSTRALIA including Facebook, Twitter We offer superior virtual and more. Once in place, your assistance for Australian professionally managed social businesses and have the best media program will bring more online marketing team traffic to your business - more in the country. With our support click-through visitors, higher you can concentrate on your conversions and greater profits.

Shop and Earn at the same time


wo of life’s great joys; shopping and earning an income. Now they are combined in one program. How good is that! This system is new to 44 www.ymagazine.com.au

Australia, and as we all need a ‘Plan B Income’ in these trying times it is worth a look. As well, they give you free money to test their proven system for yourself. No Risk to you. Make life easy for yourself! Plan B Income (alive matrix) has a vision for the future that I want to be a part of, its mind set is similar to my own. I believe this company does care and that we’re not just a number. You can feel the energy and excitement from the people around you and its’ comforting to know that we’re in good hands. From the

management down to cleaner we’re on the same level and all about helping each other. The products really speak for themselves; they are all unique and complement each other. The opportunities are endless being involved with alive matrix, and I know there will be other doors opening, as the company expands. I feel that I’m one of the family and am so looking forward to the future ahead.

Angelo Pierias, Australia. www.planbincome.com.au

Y STORY Perhaps one thing people don’t realize about getting separated or divorced is the isolation and loneliness that come with the process. The breakdown of any relationship is hard, as is coming to terms with the fact that from this point on being alone is going to be the new normal, at least for a while. Although no one person can change the dynamics of divorce, one woman, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coaching professional Jenny Smith, wanted to make a difference. “I created the Divorced Women’s Club and this has opened up a whole new world for me where I see opportunities to contribute in some way to making someone else’s life just that little bit better,” she says. The Divorced Women’s Club, which boasts members from all over the world, started in February 2012 (?) and continues to grow in numbers. One striking thing Smith has noticed is how, despite being separated by different cultures, backgrounds, religions, and even personal experiences, almost everyone can relate to the pain and heartbreak that comes from the breakdown of a relationship. She shares this description of “compassion”, which is what comes to mind when she thinks of people who are in pain: “When we are suffering we feel separate and alone and when we are

feeling free there is a sense of ‘connectiveness’ [sic]. Compassion is our response to suffering – the direct response to experience of our own or others’ pain.” Smith is also a full-time life coach. “I seem to remember asking so many questions when I was young,” she recalls, “and for more years than I care to remember this feeling of constantly searching for ‘something’ but not knowing what that ‘something’ was.” Throughout her adult years, she attended numerous personal development courses and educated herself on the field via books. Eventually, she took the plunge and attended her first training session to be an NLP coach in 2007. “When I began my coaching practice and saw the changes that my clients were making in their lives to help them be the person they wanted to be I felt like that ‘part’ of me that had been missing had been filled…I felt complete.” So, what is her ‘Big Y’? Jenny responds: “To know that I have been able to make someone else’s life just that little bit easier through a kind word in a moment, or helped them lift the lid off their own toolbox of resources and become able to create a magical life for themselves and their families.”


FINDING SUPPORT AND COMPASSION AMONG THE DIVORCED WOMEN’S CLUB ‘Compassion is our response to suffering’ – Jenny Smith, founder of the Divorced Women’s Club, on heartbreak, recovery and connecting with others

• Issue#1 - February2013 45

Y STORY Many of us hear stories about people who have risen above adversity to establish thriving enterprises. Well, Peter Montgomery is one of those who has seen both the good times and the bad. But rather than simply establishing a new business, he is dedicated to getting the word out to others about how to better build financial futures, as well as more fulfilling lives.

Peter MONTGOMERY BROADCASTING WISDOM FROM THE BEST BUSINESS BRAINS ‘We can learn from the people who have gone before us and use their ideas in our own way to create the life we want’ – Peter Montgomery, advice show presenter.

He is the creator and host of The Peter Montgomery Show, a weekly web-based interview show on which he interviews a wide range of people with advice and experience to share, from influential speakers to entrepreneurs and authors. “I interview incredible people for my show and they teach me cool stuff about business and marketing in this ‘connection economy’. Then I share it on my show so you can learn cool stuff too.”

was spiralling downwards, and his business was feeling the pinch. In 2011, everything came crashing down and he found himself hauling fish and ice for $21 an hour 12 hours a day, six days a week. Peter admits he found the experience of going from business owner to fish lugger humbling, but he also describes it as a gift. He was forced to start again. But what could he do? Eventually, he realised he should do what he had enjoyed doing the most – learning from others. So, he started interviewing successful business owners about how they had become successful and shared those interviews online on what developed into The Peter Montgomery Show.

So, what is Peter’s ‘Y’? “I’m on a mission to uncover trailblazers who have figured out some unique and creative ways to live Peter’s own story starts in 2006, their life with purpose and passion when he established a business – and who make a good living servicing photocopiers. With from it. Then to connect you with guidance from a good friend and their ideas and each other. mentor, the business thrived, growing rapidly until it reached a “Together we can learn from the point where he had to turn people who have gone before away business. us and use their ideas in our own way to create the life we want But something was wrong. His for our families and friends.” income potential was hindered, reliant on the number of hours he spent servicing machines. Then, in 2009, the economy

46 www.ymagazine.com.au

Y STORY If you had asked Angela Counsel in the past what her ‘Y’ was, she would have replied: “I wanted to help mums lead happy and healthy lives.” But now, she would give you a different answer.

and stressed while running this clinic,” Angela explains. “And while I was busy giving advice to mums about how they could get balance in their lives, I wasn’t living this for myself.”

Angela is a naturopath who established the Ambaa Tree Natural Health Centre a few years ago. The centre is a large multimodality clinic that provides a one-stop shop for natural health solutions for mothers. She was inspired to establish this clinic in the first place because she believes that the mum is the “heart of the family”.

Angela originally expected that she would have the flexibility to spend more time with her children when she opened her business. However, she admits that she ended up prioritizing her business over her children many times in recent years.

She wants mothers to be happy and healthy so that they can use their knowledge and abilities to educate and help their families. “I know the difficulty that many mums have finding the correct balance between work and family. I understand how difficult it is to ensure that your family [members are] well fed so that they [are] healthy and, most importantly, I know how easy it is to forget to look after yourself,” Angela says. Although the Ambaa Tree Natural Health Centre was successful, Angela chose to downsize the business after the lease on the clinic’s premises expired. She made this decision not because she stopped caring for the welfare of mothers, but so that she could practise what she preaches. “I was very run-down

Although she is still committed to helping mothers improve the quality of their lives, she reevaluated her priorities during the restructuring of her business and brand. At the end of the day, what is Angela’s real ‘Y’? She reveals: “I am very passionate about helping mums learn how they can be happy and healthy... but I have recently discovered it is not my true Y. My children are my ‘Y’. I believe that by being the best possible mum to my children, I am also able to help other mums live the best possible life that they can.”


HELPING OTHER MOTHERS BY BEING THE BEST MOTHER ‘The mum is the heart of the family’ – Angela Counsel, founder and owner of the Ambaa Tree Natural Health Centre, a multi-modality clinic for women.

Issue#1 - February2013 47



ave you always wanted to make a difference - but didn’t know how? Well now you can. Each annual TSNG membership, will be donated by the company to the Sharanis Orphanage Project, opening on 7th May, 2016 in Thailand. This proj-

ect is very close to Shar’s heart and it will house 20 Thai girls under the age of 5. Your contribution will ensure that these girls do not end up on the streets and in professions they do not choose. Instead, they will live in beautiful surroundings with caring people looking after them. Have clean clothes and

fresh food to eat daily and have the best education available to them. They will smile every morning and every night and have a chance at a great life that we believe every human being deserves. Your contribution counts and this project would not be possible without your support.

Sharanis Orphanage Project ABOUT TSNG

TSNG is a new Style of business networking to hit Queensland. With monthly events currently in 4 locations, we are leading the way as the preferred Business networking group in Australia. Click here today to find an event near you, or enquire about becoming a TSNG Area Manager. 48 www.ymagazine.com.au


Y STORY All of our guests in YMAG have enjoyed success. But each will also testify that there are no smooth routes to achieving it. There are plenty of pitfalls to steer around and hurdles to clear. And it’s harder when the conventional way to doing things is not exactly your thing – just ask Lisa Murray. Creative, motivated, industrious and energetic, Lisa has achieved much working in a variety of sectors, from health and retail to higher education and private enterprise. The problem is she also suffered burnout on three occasions. Despite this, Lisa has held onto her entrepreneurial spirit, founding CreativityLab. biz and ReviveCoaching.com, and becoming a successful peak performance strategist and coach. She helps executives and business owners to overcome their limitations through simple techniques that improve well-being as much as management strategies. Lisa’s last burnout was 5 years ago, and it was while recovering that she decided something had to give. Going from ‘Ms Capable of Anything’ to ‘Ms Incapable of Anything’ was not quite what she had planned.

because it was easy for me and I could do it for just a few hours a week. I’d done it for free over a glass of wine for friends for years,” she says. “So my mission became to bring bliss into business; to experiment with new ways of doing business that would create a different possibility for the many people who didn’t ‘fit’ the system.” The chief motivation for this new mission was learning how she herself did things differently. She realised she was highly sensitive, whole-brained (making her highly creative) and highfunctioning autistic. Basically, she ticks to a different rhythm from other people. And that is what sparked her ‘Y’. “The more business coaching I did, the more I saw people like me – wonderful, bright, extraordinary people – struggling to make sense of an insane world, and making ourselves wrong, because the world was nothing like what we knew was possible!” she explains.

“The ‘Y’ in my heart is to create a different world. One where the people who are different can be themselves without apology, without wrongness, without disappearing. Where With 20 years’ experience they can be the gift to the world in a vast range of business they came here to be. Where management positions, it stood their capacities are valued to reason she could teach others. just as much (or more!) as “I started business coaching ‘normal’ people.”


MURRAY CHAMPIONING THOSE IN THE BUSINESS WORLD WITH AN UNCONVENTIONAL OUTLOOK ‘People who are different can be themselves without apology, without wrongness, without disappearing’– Lisa Murray, business performance strategist and coach.

Issue#1 - February2013 49





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