Al Muezz street Field Trip

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HUM x52 Communication & Presentation Skills Field Trip

Al Muizz Street ‫شارع المعز لدين هللا الفاطمي‬



Site Visit Area and Sketches Monday, February 26, 2018 8:30 am Bab El Fotoyh 9:30 am Alhakem mosque 11:00 am Bait Alsihaimi 12:30 pm Wakala Qalawoon 1:30 pm Bab Al Nasr 2:00 pm End 4 sketches are required at indicated locations on one A4 size paper


Required Sketches on A4 size paper HUM x52 Communication & Presentation Skills Al Muizz Street Field Trip Sketches Name: ________________

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ID#: ________________


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Al Muizz Street ٌ‫شارع المعز لدٍه هللا الفاطم‬ • Al Muizz Street is one of the oldest streets in Cairo, approximately one kilometer long. A UN study found it to have the greatest concentration of medieval architectural treasures in the Islamic world. The street is named for Al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah, the fourth caliph of the Fatimid dynasty. It stretches from Bab Al-Futuh in the north to Bab Zuweila in the south.

‫‪Al Muizz Street‬‬ ‫شارع المعز لدٍه هللا الفاطمٌ‬

‫‪Al Muizz Street‬‬ ‫شارع المعز لدٍه هللا الفاطمٌ‬ ‫• هو شارع ٌمثل قلب مدٌنة القاهرة القدٌمة والذي تم تطوٌره‬ ‫لكً ٌكون متحفا ً مفتوحا ً للعمارة واآلثار اإلسالمٌة‪.‬‬ ‫• ٌمتد الشارع من باب القتوح شماالً حتى باب زوٌلة جنوبا ً‬ ‫مرتبطا ً بشارع الخٌامٌة ثم شارع المغربلٌن كامتداد له ناحٌة‬ ‫الجنوب وشارع باب النصر وامتداده بشارع الجمالٌة‬ ‫الموازٌان له من ناحٌة الشرق‪.‬‬ ‫• ٌتقاطع شارع المعز عرضٌا ً مع شارع جوهر القائد وشارع‬ ‫األزهر‪.‬‬

‫‪Al Muizz Street‬‬ ‫شارع المعز لدٍه هللا الفاطمٌ‬ ‫• تعود تسمٌة الشارع إلى الخلٌفة الفاطمً المعز لدٌن هللا وهو‬ ‫أبو تمٌم معد بن المنصور إسماعٌل بن القائم بأمر هللا محمد‬ ‫بن المهدي عبد هللا الفاطمً المغربً الملقب بالمعز لدٌن هللا‬ ‫وٌعود أصله إلى جزٌرة صقلٌة بٌنما ولد بمدٌنة المهدٌة سنة‬ ‫‪319‬هـ وتنسب إلٌه القاهرة المُعزٌة‪.‬‬ ‫• بوٌع بالخالفة فً المغرب وكان أول خلٌفة فاطمً ٌدخل‬ ‫مصر بعد فتحها سنة ‪358‬هـ‪.‬‬

‫‪Al Muizz Street‬‬ ‫شارع المعز لدٍه هللا الفاطمٌ‬

Bab al-Nasr ‫باب النصز‬ • By the time of the powerful Fatimid vizier Badr al-Jamali, who ruled Egypt from 1074 to 1094, Cairo had outgrown the sun-dried brick wall of Jawhar. This, coupled with the attempts of the Turkoman Atsiz to take Cairo, among other threats from the East, spurred al-Jamali to rebuild the walls of the city, including three new gates. The Gate (Bab) of al-Futuh, along with the Bab alNasr was built in 1087, and the Bab Zuwayla was built in 1092.

Bab al-Futuh ‫باب الفتوح‬

Bab al-Futuh ‫باب الفتوح‬

Bab al-Nasr ‫باب النصز‬

Bab al-Nasr ‫باب النصز‬

‫ضزٍخ سَدً الذوق‬ ‫• هو ضرٌح ٌعود تارٌخه إلى عصر الممالٌك‪ ،‬واشتهر بمقولة‬ ‫مصرٌة تقول بأن «الذوق مخرجش من مصر»‪ .‬تنحصر‬ ‫القصص حول صاحب الضرٌح فً ‪ 3‬رواٌات ما بٌن تاجر‬ ‫وفتوة أو شخصا ً مبروكا ً أو رجل من أصل مغربً!‬ ‫• جمٌع الرواٌات تدور حول رجل قرر الخروج من مصر ألسباب‬ ‫مختلفة ولكنه مات على بابها فتعامل معه األهالً على أنه رجل‬ ‫من أولٌاء هللا وقرروا أن ٌدفنوه مكان سقوطه‪ .‬أنشئ حجاب‬ ‫الضرٌح من الخشب‪ ،‬وأعاله قبة خضراء صغٌرة ٌعلوها هالل‬ ‫ذهبً‪ ،‬علٌها كتابات باللون األسود أعلى الباب نصها «ضريح‬ ‫العارف باهلل سيدي الذوق»‪.‬‬

‫ضزٍخ سَدً الذوق‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬ • It is named after Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (985–1021), the sixth Fatimid caliph and 16th Ismaili Imam. • The mosque was originally built as an enclosure by the Fatimid vizier Gawhar Al-Siqilli (c. 928–992), but was incorporated into the extended fortifications built by Badr al-Jamali. • It consists of an irregular rectangle with four arcades surrounding the courtyard. An unusual feature is the monumental entrance with its projecting stone porch. It is located in "Islamic Cairo", on the east side of Muizz Street, just south of Bab Al-Futuh (the northern gate).

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬ • The most spectacular feature of the mosque are the minarets on either side of the façade. Originally the two minarets stood independent of the brick walls at the corners. These are the earliest surviving minarets in the city and they have been restored at various times during their history. The massive salients were added in 1010 to strengthen their structure, and the northern minaret was incorporated into the city wall. Inside, these strange structures are hollow, for they have been built around the original minarets, which are connected with brackets and can still be seen from the minaret above.

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬ • At various times, the mosque was used as a prison for captured Franks (i.e. Latin crusaders) during the Crusades, as a stable by Saladin, as a fortress by Napoleon, and as a local school. As a result of this the mosque had fallen out of use. • In 1980 ACE/1401 AH, the mosque was extensively refurbished in white marble and gold trim by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin the head of the Dawoodi Bohra, an international Ismaili sect based in India. Remnants of the original decorations, including stucco carvings, timber tie-beams, and Quranic inscriptions were restored as part of the renovations.

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Masjid al-Ḥākim bi Amr Allāh ‫مسجد الحاكم بأمز هللا‬

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬ • Bayt Al-Suhaymi ("House of Suhaymi") is an old Ottoman era house museum in Cairo, Egypt. It was originally built in 1648 by Abdel Wahab el Tablawy along the Darb al-Asfar, a very prestigious and expensive part of Medieval Cairo. In 1796 it was purchased by Sheikh Ahmed as-Suhaymi whose family held it for several subsequent generations. The Sheikh greatly extended the house from its original through incorporating neighbouring houses into its structure. • The house is built around a sahn in the center of which there is a small garden with plants and palm trees. From here several of the fine mashrabiya windows in the house can be seen. Today the house is a museum. Much of the marble floor work, wooden furniture, and ceiling decor is still intact.

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬

Bayt Al-Suhaymi ‫بَت السحَمي‬

Wakala al-Sultan Qaytbay ‫وكالة السلطان قاٍتباى‬ • Built by Sultan Al-Ashraf Abu Al-Nasr Qaitbay in 885 AH / 1481, on the right hand side after getting into Islamic Cairo through the Bab Al-Nasr gate. The wakala used to be inhabited by the people of Cairo, hence lost large parts of its architectural decoration. Nonetheless, it is considered as one of the most beautiful examples of the Islamic architecture adorned by Islamic ornaments. The architectural style of the wakala follows the style built in the Burgi period of Mamluk era.

Wakala al-Sultan Qaytbay ‫وكالة السلطان قاٍتباى‬

Wakala al-Sultan Qaytbay ‫وكالة السلطان قاٍتباى‬

‫‪Videos‬‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬ ‫•‬

‫أبواب القاهرة الفاطمٌة الثمانٌة‬ ‫قاهرة المعز‬ ‫الدولة الفاطمٌة‬ ‫شارع المعز‬

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