Architectural Graduation Project Reflections-22-9-2014

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Architectural Graduation Project Reflections Dr. Yasser Mahgoub 22-9-2014

A Vision for Architectural graduation Project Today I had a meeting with Architectural Graduation Project students who are in Part 1 of the graduation project. During this part students are required to search for a suitable project to adopt for their graduation project and prepare the program for the project. As usual, students were puzzled with the assignment to search and select a project for their graduation project. This is a common confusing stage that most architectural graduation project go through. At this stage students usually search for a “building type� such as hotel, resort, art center, cultural center, etc. The graduation project is not a building type project. It requires the search for the three basic elements of a project: Client, Site and Program. If the three elements are available, the project will be meaningful to the country, the society and the graduation project.



Program A Project Model

If only two are present; client and site then the student can work on developing the program. If a client and program are present then the student can look for a site or several site options to compare between them and select the best site for the project. If there is no client available then the assignment will be difficult. The student needs to look for a strategic or master plan that suggests a project or development. The project in this case will start from a defined site and general program that the student needs to develop. In worst cases the student cannot find a client or master plan that suggests a project. The student needs to develop his or her own strategy to generate a project. The student can start from a program (need) that the students identifies from literature, readings and knowledge about the society. Or the student identifies a site that has potential to serve the country and the society. In all the above cases, the student should not approach the project as building type project! The project needs a “VISION”. A vision of how it will serve the society and how it offers a new and different approach to solve problems, offer opportunities, or change existing conditions in the city and the society.





A Visionary Model The vision can be a concern for the natural environment, the people or the built environment. The students started to introduce their ideas that they think are “not interesting” or “bad” ideas. The discussion focused on how to transform these ideas into possible projects through the process of critical visionary thinking. They included:

A Tower! There are many towers that we see around us that are arranged haphazardly and without planning nor urban design consideration. They were criticized by the students due to their excessive use of glass,

dependency on air conditioning, lack of street connectivity, poor indoor design, energy consumption, excessive use of forms, and more. The tower can be a good project for a graduation project but it requires a vision of what the design the design of tall buildings should be, how should they relate to the people and the urban design, and how should they be designed to conserve energy. The project can be a visionary project for future projects in the country for future towers. Sources: SUSTAINABLE TOWER

An Aquarium! The student presented this as a ‘doubtful� project! In fact this is a great idea that Doha needs to have as a tourists attraction especially for the FIFA World Cup 2022 event, when many spectators from around the world are expected to be in the city looking for entertainment and site visits between the games. There is an excellent regional example in Kuwait, The Scientific Center, that provides a successful example of this project type design. It provides opportunities for aquarium visit, 3D Max cinemas, Children Discovery Area full of scientific explorations and experiments, cafes, restaurants, souvenir shop and water front development. Its open landscape hosts families and festivities. Its fishing piers are attraction for fishing, especially in summer nights. Another recent example is Dubai Aquarium in Dubai Mall, a world attraction as the largest indoor aquarium. Aquaria provide magnificent experience with marine life in a controlled environment. It attracts children, youth and adults contemplating its endless beauty and excitement. Sources: The Scientific Center, Kuwait The Vancouver Aquarium National Aquarium - Baltimore New England Aquarium

A Resort! This can also be a good project f it relates to environmental concerns and. The Eco-Tourism industry is growing in different places around the world. An eco-tourism resort in the desert will add a needed attraction to Qatar. A successful regional example is Al Maha Eco-Resort. Sources:

Sustainable Travel & Ecotourism Dubai eco-tourism

A Mosque! The role of the grand mosque has changed to become an isolated island surrounded by roads and separated from the society. It is properly used for only one hour per week during the Friday prayer and the rest of the week is rarely used. It consumes large amounts of wasted energy in lighting, airconditioning and maintenance. Should the mosque acquire and new role in society? Traditionally, the mosque was an integral part of the urban fabric, adjacent to shopping areas, houses and streets. It used to host schools, hospitals, public gathering spaces and libraries. A new vision for the mosque’s role in society and the urban environment is required. How can the mosque regain its significance in the urban environment? Do we need to continue with the traditional design elements and principles of the mosque design? Do we still need minarets, domes and solid walls? How can we design an Eco-Mosque, Green-Mosque or Sustainable mosque? References: Istanbul Camlica Mosque Green: Sustainable Green Mosque, Wisconsin Other projects were discussed in the same manner:  Traditional/Modern Arts and Crafts Center  Art, Music and Fashion Center  Cancer Rehabilitation Center  Embassy  University College  --All the above projects were discussed in the same critical thinking process in an attempt to search for a new “VISION” to approach the identification, selection and development of the project. With a “VISION” things “Flourish” but without vision people “Perish”! As Helen Keller said: “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.”—Helen Keller


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