DAUP-MUPD-UPL-2015-Course Syllabus

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Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Architecture and Urban Planning - DAUP Master of Urban Planning and Design Program - MUPD Course Code and Title: MUPD 601 - Urban Planning Legislation (3-0-3) Semester: Fall 2015 Course Prerequisite: Graduate Standing Instructor: Dr. Yasser Mahgoub, Associate Professor, ymahgoub@qu.edu.qa Class Times: Wednesday 17:00 – 19:30 Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00 Course Description This course is an overview of planning legislation and a short history of planning process in Qatar and the Gulf Region. Methods, techniques and instruments for implementing plans through decrees and administrative acts, the basis for urban and regional planning and its relation to Shariah Law as well as the structure and organization of Qatari public planning administration. Discussion of zoning procedures, subdivision review practices and budget preparation and execution. This course will provide the student with focus on contemporary urban planning issues and the role of legislations in achieving their desired goals. The course will focus on the Gulf region’s experience and relate it to regional and international context. Specific topics related to Qatar will be discussed, researched and presented. Guest speakers will be invited to introduce relevant topics. This course offers an opportunity to explore the subjects of urban sprawl, smart growth, new urbanism, urban revitalization, affordable housing, transportation planning, and a range of issues affecting urban design and environmental sustainability. Focusing on the experiences of a wide array of cities and nations in addressing the breadth of urban and regional planning concerns, the class addresses the comparison of legal mechanisms addressing or affecting urban planning. The class places special emphasis on the experience in the Arabian Gulf but reflects the experiences from the rest of the world. Course Objectives - Understand the role of legislation in urban planning. - Know how urban planning was developed in Qatar and Gulf region. - Research for knowledge related to the field of urban planning legislation. PLOs: 4.2.1. (d) legal studies including knowledge about constitutional rights and principles, state and local government law, administrative rules and regulations, especially those focusing on the use and taxation of land. (Assignment 2) 4.2.2. (f) the adoption, administration and implementation of plans and related policy including knowledge of the relevant regulations (zoning, review processes), incentives, techniques (public finance and capital budgeting) and technologies, and agencies conducting planning or employing planners. (Assignment 3) MUPD 601 - Urban Planning Legislation – Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


Expectations and Learning Outcomes - Developing an understanding of the nature, purpose, methods and practice of planning. This includes knowledge about the governance, planning laws and politics and their impact on individuals and communities often in a multicultural environment and the techniques of policy analysis and project-making; - Understanding of processes of change in the built environment and the relationships between the social, economic and physical factors associated with the development of the built environment; - Developing the ability to undertake a substantial outcome of specialist based independent research Nature of Instruction and Delivery - Lectures - Readings - Discussions - Research Project - Term Paper - In�class activities - Guest speakers - Other. General Requirements and Protocol - Attendance is a must. - Conduct in class should be professional and attentive. - Participation in class discussions is monitored and evaluated - Emailing policy: important messages and information will be distributed by email. Please monitor your email regularly for updates. - Handouts and lecture materials will be distributed in class and BB. - Taking notes in class is extremely important. - Submission of exercises should be done on time. - Late submissions of assignments will result in 10% deduction. - Homework and class work requirements should be followed closely. - Research submission should follow international research paper standards formats. - Lead one class discussion and post discussion topics online before class - Final Paper (details later) Reading requirements Textbook: Comparative urban planning law: an introduction to urban land development law in the United States through the lens of comparing the experience of other nations / James A. Kushner. Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, c2003. Other readings: 1- Planning Middle Eastern Cities: An Urban Kaledioscope in a Globalizing World. Editor Yasser Elsheshtawy Publisher: Routledge (10/30/2004) 2- The Evolving Arab City: Tradition, Modernity and Urban Development. Editor - Yasser Elsheshtawy. Publisher: Routledge (27/05/2008) Grading Policy: - Attendance according to QU regulations - Participation in class 10 % - Assignments 40 % - Term project 40% - Term project presentation 10% MUPD 601 - Urban Planning Legislation – Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


Course Schedule: Posted and updated on Blackboard.

Week Week 1

Date September 16, 2015

Lecture Course Introduction

Week 2

September 23, 2015

Eid Adha Vacation

Week 3

September 30, 2015

Week 4

October 7, 2015

Week 5

October 14, 2015

Week 6

October 21, 2015

Week 7

October 28, 2015

Assignment 1 introduction Overview of Planning Legislation Readings discussion 1 Guest Speaker Readings discussion 2 UP History Assignment 1 Presentations Assignment 2 Introduction Gulf Experiences –Doha

Week 8

November 4, 2015

Gulf Experiences –Doha

Week 9

November 11, 2015

Gulf Experiences – Kuwait

Week 10

November 18, 2015

Week 11

November 25, 2015

Week 12

December 2, 2015

Week 13

December 9, 2015

Assignment 2 Presentation Project Introduction Comparative UP Law - 1 City Life Project Review Comparative UP Law - 2 Curitiba Project Review Project Review

Week 14

December 16, 2015

Project Review

Week 15

December 23, 2015

Project review

Week 16

December 30, 2015

Project Presentations

MUPD 601 - Urban Planning Legislation – Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


Support for Students with Special Needs It is Qatar University policy to provide educational opportunities that ensure fair, appropriate and reasonable accommodation to students who have disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or meet course requirements. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact their Instructor to ensure that their individual needs are met. The University through its Special Needs Section will exert all efforts to accommodate for individuals’ needs. Contact Information for Special Needs Section: Tel-Female: (00974) 4403 3843 Tel-Male: (00974) 4403 3854 Location: Student Activities Building Email: specialneeds@qu.edu.qa

Academic Support and Learning Resources The University Student Learning Support Center (SLSC) provides academic support services to male and female students at QU. The SLSC is a supportive environment where students can seek assistance with academic coursework, writing assignments, transitioning to college academic li fe, and other academic issues. SLSC programs include: Peer Tutoring, the Writing Lab, Writing Workshops, and Academic Success Workshops. Students may also seek confidential academic counseling from the professional staff at the Center. Contact Information for Students Support and Learning Resources: Tel: (00974) 4403 3876 Fax: (00974) 4403 3871 Location: Female Student Activities Building E-mail: learningcenter@qu.edu.qa Student Complaints Policy Students at Qatar University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other students. The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the students’ handbook.

Declaration This syllabus and contents are subject to changes in the event of extenuating circumstances. The instructor (with approval of the Head of Department) reserves the right to make changes as necessary. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the students will be notified by email communication and posting the notification on the online teaching tool Blackboard. It is student’s responsibility to check on announcements made while they were absent. Faculty Name : Dr. Yasser Mahgoub Last Modified : Date : December 31, 2015

MUPD 601 - Urban Planning Legislation – Dr. Yasser Mahgoub


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