ثٕبء اٌ٠ٛٙخ اٌضمبف١خ ِٓ فالي ػّبهح إٌّْآد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ الٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟووح اٌملَ ف ٟلطو 2222 ِملِخ ف ٟاٌضبٔ ِٓ ٟكَّ٠جو ػبَ 2202افزبهد اٌف١فب كٌٚخ لطو الٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟووح اٌملَ ػبَ ٚ .2222لل ٍٍ٘ ٜنا االفز١به اٌٛٚء ػٍ ٝلطو ٚػٍ ٝػّبهح إٌّْآد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌّيِغ أْبئٙب الٍزٚبفخ ٘نا اٌؾلس اٌؼبٌّٟ اٌىج١وٚ .لل للِذ لطو ِٓ فالي ٍِفٙب ػلح ِمزوؽبد إلْٔبء اٍزبكاد ه٠ب١ٙخ عل٠لح ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝاػبكح رؤً٘١ اٍزبكارٙب اٌؾبٌ١خ ثبٍزضّبهاد رجٍغ ١ٍِ 02به كٚاله ٌزط٠ٛو اٌّوافك اٌؼبِخ ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ١ٍِ 4 ٝبهاد كٚاله إلْٔبء اٍزبكاد عل٠لحٚ .رؼىٌ اٌوإ٠خ اٌّملِخ ِٓ فالي ٍِف اٌزوّؼ اٌ٠ٛٙخ اٌضمبف١خ اٌز ٟروغت ف ٟرملّٙ٠ب ٌٍؼبٌُ ػٓ لطو ٚاٌؼبٌُ اٌؼوثٚ ٟاٌْوق األٚ ٍٜٚاٌؼبٌُ االٍالِٚ .ٝلل وبْ ٌٕغبػ لطو اٌّجٙو ف ٟرٕظ ُ١اٌّٚج١بك آٍ١ب ػبَ 2222 ٚاٌنِ ُٙ ٞزَبثم ٓ١ف ٟأوضو ِٓ ٌ 02ؼجخ اّ١ٌٚج١خ األصو ف ٟريو١خ ٘نا اٌٍّف٘ .نا ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝربه٠ـ لطو إٌبعؼ ف ٟاٍزٚبفخ أؽلاس ه٠ب١ٙخ أفوِ ٜضً وؤً آٍ١ب ػبَ ٚ 0811ثطٌٛخ اٌؼبٌُ ٌٍْجبة ػبَ ٚ 0880ػيِٙب ػٍٝ اٍزٚبفخ وؤً آٍ١ب ػبَ .2200 رؼزيَ لطو اٍزٚبفخ ِجبه٠بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟووح اٌملَ ف 02 ٟاٍزبكا ه٠ب١ٙب ٕل٠مب ٌٍج١ئخ٠ٚ .ؼىٌ رُّٖ١ االٍزبكاد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ِلِ ٜب ٍٕٚذ اٌ ٗ١لطو ِٓ رطٛه ػّوأ ٟفٍٕٛ ٟاد لٍٍ١خ رؾٌٛذ فٙ١ب ِٓ رغّؼبد رمٍ١ل٠خ ػٍّ ٝبٛئ اٌقٍ١ظ اٌؼوث ٟرؼزّل ػٍ ٝاٌٖ١ل ٚرغبهح اٌٍئٌئ اٌ ٝكٌٚخ ؽل٠ضخ رَز١ٚف اٌؼل٠ل ِٓ األؽلاس اٌؼبٌّ١خ اٌّوِٛلخٚ .رؼىٌ اٌزّّٖ١بد اٌّملِخ ٌالٍزبكاد ِي٠ظ ِٓ رّّٖ١بد َِزٛؽبح ِٓ ػٕبٕو اٌج١ئخ اٌزمٍ١ل٠خ ٚاٌزىٌٕٛٛع١ب اٌفبئمخ اٌز ٟرؼزّل ػٍ ٝاؽلس رمٕ١بد االرٖبي ٚاإلػالَ ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝاٌزمٕ١بد اٌؾل٠ضخ ف ٟأٍبٌ١ت اٌزى١١ف ٚاٌؾفبظ ػٍ ٝاٌطبلخ .فجبإلٙبفخ الٍزقلاَ أّىبي ِٛٚاك ٚأٌٛاْ َِزٛؽبح ِٓ اٌزواس ٚاٌج١ئخ ِضً اٌمٍؼخ ٚاٌَفٕ١خ ٚاٌقّ١خ ٚاألٕلاف اٌجؾو٠خ فمل للِذ اٌزّّٖ١بد ؽٍٛال رؼزّل ػٍ ٝاٌزمٕ١بد اٌؾل٠ضخ ٚاٌطبلخ اٌجلٍ٠خ ِضً اٍزقلاَ اٌطبلخ اٌَّْ١خ ف ٟرى١١ف اٌّالػت ٚاٌْبّبد االٌ١ىزو١ٔٚخ اٌىج١وح ٌإلػالَٚ .لل للِذ لطو ِٓ فالي رّّٖ١بد االٍزبكاد اٌغل٠لح ؽٍٛي َِزلاِخ رؼبٌظ ِْبوً االٔجؼبصبد اٌىوث١ٔٛخ ثؾ١ش رى ْٛاالٍزبكاد اٌغل٠لح ِؾب٠لح ووث١ٔٛب ثبٌوغُ ِّب رزطٍجٗ ِٓ ٛبلخ وج١وح ٌزٛف١و رى١١ف اٌٛٙاء اٌالىَ ٌٍّالػت ٚاٌّلهعبد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ .فمل وبٔذ ِٓ أُ٘ رقٛفبد اٌٍغٕخ ِٓ إٍبك رٕظ ُ١وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٌمطو ٘ ٛاهرفبع كهعخ اٌؾواهح فالي ّٙو ٛ١ٌٛ٠ٚ ٛ١ٔٛ٠ ٞاٌّيِغ البِخ اٌلٚهح ف ُٙ١ؽ١ش رًٖ كهعخ اٌؾواهح اٌ ٝاألهثؼ١ٕ١بد ٔٙبها ٚاٌضالص١ٕ١بد ٌ١الٌ .نا للِذ لطو هإ٠زٙب ٚرغبهثٙب ف ٟاٌزؾىُ ف ٟكهعخ اٌؾواهح كافً ٚؽٛي اٌّالػت اٌز ٟرمبَ ػٍٙ١ب اٌّجبه٠بد ثؾ١ش رقف٘ كهعخ اٌؾواهح 22كهعخ ػٓ اٌّؾ ٜ١اٌقبهعٚ .ٟلل رُ رْ١١ل اٍزبك رغو٠ج ٟإلصجبد ٕؾخ ٘نٖ اٌوإ٠خ ِٓٚ.اٌّجبكهاد اإلَٔبٔ١خ اٌّجزىوح اٌزٟ للِزٙب لطو اٌزجوع ثبٌّلهعبد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌز ٟال رؾزبعٙب ثؼل اٌلٚهح إلْٔبء اٍزبكاد ه٠ب١ٙخ ف ٟاٌلٚي إٌبِ١خ اٌزٟ رؾزبعٙب٘ .نا ١ٍٚزُ اٖ٠بي عّ١غ ٘نٖ اٌّوافك اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ثِ ٍٜٛلٕ٠خ اٌلٚؽخ ػٓ ٛو٠ك ّجىخ ٛوق ِزطٛهح ٚفٜ ِزو ٚعل٠ل ثؾ١ش ٠ىٛٛ ْٛي اٌوؽٍخ ث ٓ١ا ٜاٍزبك ٚا٢فو ال ري٠ل ػٓ ٍبػخ ٌىَ٠ ٟزط١غ اٌّزفوع ٓ١ؽٛٚه أوضو ِٓ ِجبهاح ف ٟاٌ َٛ١اٌٛاؽل ٚرٛف١و ٚلذ اٌزٕمً ثبٌَٕجخ ٌالػجٚ ٓ١اٌؾىبَ ٚهعبي اإلػالَِ ٛ٘ٚ ،ب ٠قف٘ ثبٌزبٌ ٟرؤص١و اٌلٚهح ػٍ ٝاٌج١ئخ. رّٖ ُ١إٌّْآد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌغل٠لح ف ٟلطو رؼىٌ اٌزّّٖ١بد اٌّؼّبه٠خ ٌالٍزبكاد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌّيِغ البِزٙب الٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟووح اٌملَ ف ٟلطو ٍٕخ ٠ٛ٘ 2222خ صمبف١خ روغت لطو ف ٟرملّٙ٠ب ٌٍؼبٌُ رؼىٌ ِب ٍٕٚذ اٌ ٗ١لطو ف ٟإٌَٛاد األف١وح ِٓ رطٛه ػّوأٚ ٟرىٌٕٛٛع ٟعؼٍٙب ِٓ اٌلٚي إٌّبفَخ ػٍ ٝاٍزٚبفخ األؽلاس اٌؼبٌّ١خ اٌضمبف١خ ٚاٌفٕ١خ ٚاٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ ٚاٌو٠ب١ٙخ ٚغ١و٘ب ثبإلٙبفخ اٌز ٟرَّىٙب ث٠ٛٙزٙب اٌّؾٍ١خ إٌبثؼخ ِٓ ِبٙ١ٙب ٚاٌج١ئخ اٌطج١ؼ١خ اٌّؾ١طخ ثٙب. ٚرؼىٌ هإ٠خ لطو اٌ١ٕٛٛخ اٌ" ٝرؾ ً٠ٛلطو ثؾٍٛي ػبَ 2202اٌ ٝكٌٚخ ِزملِخ لبكهح ػٍ ٝرؾم١ك اٌزّٕ١خ اٌَّزلاِخ ٚػٍ ٝرؤِ ٓ١اٍزّواه اٌؼ ِ١اٌىوٌْ ُ٠ؼجٙب ع١ال ثؼل ع ِٓ "ً١فالي ِؼبٌغخ فَّخ رؾل٠بد أٍبٍ١خ رٛاعٗ كٌٚخ لطو ٝ٘ٚاٌزؾل٠ش ٚاٌّؾبفظخ ػٍ ٝاٌزمبٌ١ل ،رٛف١و اؽز١بعبد اٌغ ً١اٌؾبٌٚ ٟاؽز١بعبد األع١بي اٌمبكِخ ،رؾم١ك إٌّ ٛاٌَّزٙلف ٚاٌزؾىُ ف ٟاٌزٍٛغ غ١و إٌّٚج ، ٜرؾل٠ل َِبه اٌزّٕ١خ ٚؽغُ ٛٔٚػ١خ اٌؼّبٌخ اٌٛافلح اٌَّزٙلفخ ٌزؾم١ك اٌزّٕ١خ االلزٖبك٠خ ٚاالعزّبػ١خ ٚؽّب٠خ اٌج١ئخ ٚرّٕ١زٙبٚ .رَؼ ٝلطو ٌزؾم١ك رٍه اٌوإ٠خ ِٓ فالي ِؾبٚه اٌزّٕ١خ اٌجْو٠خ ٚاالعزّبػ١خ ٚااللزٖبك٠خ ٚاٌج١ئ١خٚ .لل عبء افز١به لطو الٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٌىوح اٌملَ ػبَ 2222 ٌ١ؼط ٝكفؼخ ل٠ٛخ ٌٍؼًّ ػٍ ٝرؾم١ك ٘نٖ اٌوإ٠خ.
ٚثبٌوغُ ِٓ رؼلاك لطو اٌٖغ١و اٌن ٞثٍغ ّ ْٛ١ٍِ 0,1قٔ ؽَت ف ٟاٌزؼلاك اٌٖبكه ف ٟأوزٛثو ٍٕخ 2202 ٚؽٛاٌ ٟصٍض ِٓ ُٙ١اٌٛافل ٓ٠فمل اٍزطبػخ لطو الٕبع اٌف١فب ثغل٠زٙب ٚرّّٖٙ١ب أغبػ اٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ألٚي ِوح ثلٌٚخ فٍ١غ١خ اٍالِ١خ ػوث١خ ّوق أٍٚط١خ رملَ ٌٍؼبٌُ هإ٠خ عل٠لح ِزؾٚوح ػٓ ٘نا اٌغيء ِٓ اٌؼبٌُٚ .رزّزغ لطو ثبلزٖبك ل ٜٛوؤؽل وجو ِٕزغ ٟاٌغبى اٌطج١ؼ ٟف ٟاٌؼبٌُ ثي٠بكح ف ٟإٌبرظ اٌم ِٟٛثٍغذ %01ف ٟػبَ ٚ 2202اٌّزٛلغ اٍزّواهٖ فالي األػٛاَ اٌمبكِخ. ٚثبإلٙبفخ ٌزط٠ٛو ِْٕآرٙب اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ٚأّ٘ٙب ِٕطمخ االٍجب٠و ى ْٚاٌز ٟاٍزٚبفذ اٌّٚج١بك آٍ١ب ػبَ 2222فمل اٍزطبػذ لطو فالي ٍٕٛاد لٍٍ١خ رط٠ٛو ثٕ١زٙب األٍبٍ١خ ٚثٕبء اٌؼل٠ل ِٓ اٌّؼبٌُ اٌّؼّبه٠خ اٌزٍّّ ٟذ ِلٕ٠خ لطو اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ اٌز ٟر ُٚفوٚع ٌؼلك ِٓ اٌغبِؼبد األِو٠ى١خ ف ٟرقٖٖبد إٌٙلٍخ ٚاٌطت ٚاٌفٕٚ ْٛاإلكاهح ٚاٌَ١بٍخ ٚرط٠ٛو ٚرغل٠ل ِٕطمخ ٍٛق ٚالف اٌزواص١خ ِٚزؾف اٌفٓ االٍالٌٍِّ ٝؼّبه ٞاٌؼبٌّ ٟأ .َ .ثٚ ٝاٌن ٞاٍزٚبف اٌؼل٠ل ِٓ األؽلاس اٌفٕ١خ ٚاٌؼبٌّ١خ ِٕٙب رٍَ ُ١عٛائي األغب فبْ ٌٍؼّبهح ٘ 2202نا اٌؼبَ ثبإلٙبفخ ِٕٚطمخ أثواط اٌٍئٌئح ٚاٌمو٠خ اٌضمبف١خ ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝاٌؼل٠ل ِٓ األثواط ٚاٌفٕبكق ٚاألٍٛاق اٌزغبه٠خ ثّٕطمخ اٌلفٕخ ِٕٚبٛك ٕٕبػ١خ عل٠لح غوة اٌلٚؽخٚ .رم َٛلطو ؽبٌ١ب ثبْٔبء ِطبه عل٠ل ِٓ اٌّزٛلغ افززبؽٗ ػبَ ٚ 2202اٌزط٠ٛو اٌىبًِ ٌّٕطمخ ٍٜٚ اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌّؼوٚفخ ثبٍُ "ِْ١و٠ت" ٚاٌز ٟرجٍغ َِبؽزٙب ٘ 00ىزبه ٚأْبء ِلٕ٠خ ٌ ً١ٍٛاٌغل٠لح ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝػلك رَؼخ ِزبؽف عل٠لح رؼزيَ لطو أْبئٙب أّ٘ٙب اٌّزؾف اٌ ٟٕٛٛاٌغل٠ل ٌٍّؼّبه ٞعبْ ٔٛف.ً١
أثواط ِٕطمخ اٌلفٕخ رظٙو ِٓ ٚهاء اٌمٛاهة اٌقْج١خ اٌزمٍ١ل٠خ (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة)
األثواط اٌؾل٠ضخ ف ٟاٌلٚؽخ (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة)
ِزؾف اٌفٓ االٍالِ( ٝاٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة)
ِجٕ ٝوٍ١خ رىَبً ا ٗ٠أل اَ ثبٌّلٕ٠خ اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة)
ٍٛق ٚالف (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة)
أثواط اٌٍئٌئح (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة) اٌزؼج١و ػٓ اٌ٠ٛٙخ ف ٟاٌؼّبهح
اٌزؼج١و ف ٟاٌؼّبهح ٍ٘١ٍٚ ٛخ ارٖبي ِغ اٌّغزّغ ؽ١ش رم َٛاٌؼّبهح ثٕمً ٚرفَ١و اٌّفب٘ٚ ُ١األ٠ٌٛٚبد اٌضمبف١خ ِٓ فالي رمٕ١بد اٌجٕبء ٚرؾٍٙ٠ٛب اٌ ٝرؼج١و فٕ ٟػٓ ٛو٠ك رْىٍٚ ً١بئ١ِّ ٜيح أٌ ٚغبد اٌزؼج١و ِضٍٙب ِضً اٌىٍّبد ٚاٌغًّ ف ٟاألكةٌٚ .ىٓ ٛج١ؼخ اٌزؼج١و رقزٍف ِغ افزالف اٌضمبفخ ف ٟأِبوٓ ِقزٍفخ ٚف ٟأٚلبد ِقزٍفخ ٚثبفزالف ّٜٔ اٌزٛإً ٔٚظوح ٚصمبفخ ِٚفبِٕ٘ٙ ُ١لٍٙ١ب ًّْ٠ٚ .اٌزؼج١و إٌطبق اٌٚ ٟٕٛٛاٌغغوافٚ ٟاٌزبه٠قٚ ٟاٌلٚ ٟٕ٠اٌفىوٞ ٚؽز ٝاٌَ١بٍٚ .ٟرٕزظ ٘نٖ اٌزؼج١واد أّٔبٛب ِؼٕ١خ ف ٟاٌزغّؼبد ٚاٌّلْ ٚإٌّْآد لل ٠ى ْٛػّو٘ب ٠ٛٛال أ ٚلٖ١وا ٚفمب ٌمبثٍ١زٙب ٌٍزغ١و ِغ األّٔب ٛاٌضمبف١خ. رئصو اٌؼل٠ل ِٓ اٌؼٛاًِ اٌوئ١َ١خ ف ٟفٍك ّٔ ٜعل٠ل ِٓ اٌؼّبهح ٚاٌَّبّ٘خ ف ٟفٍك اٌزؼج١واد اٌّؼبٕوح ٚاٌقاللخ ٌٍضمبفخ ِٓ فالي اٌؼّبهحٚ .رؼًّ ٘نٖ اٌؼٛاًِ ػٍ ٝأزبط اٌزطٛه كافً وً ّٔٚ ٜرئك ٜفٙٔ ٟب٠خ اٌّطبف اٌٝ ارجبع أٍبٌ١ت عل٠لح ٌزؾً ِؾً ٍبثمزٙب .اْ ِىٔٛبد اٌزؼج١و ٚاٌزٛإً رًّْ اٌْىً ٚاٌّ ّْٛٚاٌزّ٠ ٟىٓ ٔمٍٙب ِٓ فالي اٌّؾز ٜٛاٌّؼّبهٚ .ٞاٌؼٕبٕو اٌز٠ ٟزُ اٍزقلاِٙب ف ٟاٌزؼج١و اٌّؼّبهٚ ٞاٌنِ ًٖ٠ ٞؼبِٔ ٟؾلكح ٠فَو٘ب اٌّغزّغ ِٓ فالي ٚظبئف ٚرمٕ١بد اٌّجبٔ.ٟ اٍزبكاد لطو اٌو٠ب١ٙخ رًّْ االٍزبكاد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌّموه اٍزٚبفزٙب ٌىؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟووح اٌملَ ٍٕخ 2222ػلك ِٓ االٍزبكاد اٌغل٠لح ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝرغل٠ل ػلك ِٓ االٍزبكاد اٌمبئّخٚ :رًّْ االٍزبكاد اٌغل٠لح :اٍزبك اٌّْبي ٚاٍزبك اٌقٛه ٚاٍزبك اٌٛووح ٚاٍزبك أَ ٍالي ٚاٍزبك ِلٕ٠خ لطو اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ ٚاٍزبك ِٕ١بء اٌلٚؽخ ٚاٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ٚاٍزبك ٌ .ً١ٍٛوّب رًّْ االٍزبكاد اٌّيِغ رغل٠ل٘ب :اٍزبك اٌو٠بْ ٚاٍزبك اٌغوافخ ٚاٍزبك عبِؼخ لطو ٚاٍزبك ِلٕ٠خ فٍ١فخ ٚاٍزبك اٌَل. رًّْ فط ٜلطو الٍزٚبفخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٌىوح اٌملَ ف 2222 ٟأْبء أثٕ١خ ه٠ب١ٙخ رًّْ 02اٍزبكا ه٠ب١ٙب ٕل٠مخ ٌٍج١ئخ ٚفبٌ١خ ِٓ اٌىوث ،ْٛؽ١ش ٍ١زُ اٍزقلاَ اٌطبلخ اٌَّْ١خ ٌزٛف١و اٌج١ئخ اٌجبهكح ٌالػجٚ ٓ١اٌّْغؼ ٓ١ػٍٝ ؽل ٍٛاء ػٓ ٛو٠ك رؾ ً٠ٛاٌطبلخ اٌَّْ١خ اٌ ٝوٙوثبء ٚػٕلِب ال رى ْٛاألٌؼبة عبه٠خ ،فبْ اٌطبلخ إٌّزغخ ٍٛف رزُ رٖل٠و٘ب اٌّ ٝجىخ اٌىٙوثبء اٌؼبِخ ػٍ ٝأْ ٠زُ اِلاك اٌّالػت ثبٌطبلخ فالي اٌّجبه٠بد٘ٚ ،نا ٘ ٛاألٍبً اٌن ٞرمَٛ ػٍ١ٍ ٗ١بٍخ ؽ١بك اٌّالػت ٌٍىوث.ْٛ لبِذ ّووخ آهٚة ثزّّٖٛٔ ُ١معب ٌٍّؼت فّبٍ١بد ووح اٌملَ ٍؼخ ِ 022مبػل إللٕبع َِئ ٌٟٛاٌف١فب ثبٌزمٕ١بد اٌّمزوؽخ ٌٍَ١طوح ػٍ ٝاٌطمٌ ف ٟاٌٖ١ف اٌؾبهٚ .فمب ٌّغٍخ " AJفٍمل رُ رّٖ ُ١رٛف١و اٌٛٙاء اٌّى١ف ٌٍّزفوعٓ١ ٌ١ىِ ْٛؾب٠لا ووث١ٔٛب ف ٟرٛف١و وً اٌطبلخ اٌالىِخ ٌزى١١ف اٌَبؽخ ِٓ رؾذ ِمبػل اٌّزفوع ٓ١ػٓ ٛو٠ك ِيهػخ ِٓ أٌٛاػ ِىضفخ ٌٍطبلخ اٌَّْ١خٚ .ف ٝؽ ٓ١رًٖ كهعبد اٌؾواهح ف ٟاٌٛٙاء اٌطٍك ف ٟلطو اٌ ٝأوضو 44كهعخ ِئ٠ٛخ رى ْٛػٍٍ ٝطؼ اٌٍّؼت 20كهعخّ٠ٚ .زبى اٌ١ٙىً ثَمف كائوّ٠ ٞىٓ رؼلٍ١ٌ ٍٗ٠م ٟظال ػٍ ٝأهٗ اٌٍّؼت أ ٚاغاللٗ رّبِب ٌي٠بكح اٌزؾىُ ف ٟإٌّبؿ" .
ّٔٛمط اإلٍزبك اٌّى١ف (اٌّٖله٠ :بٍو ِؾغٛة) ٘نا ٍٚززُ رفى١ه اٌطجمخ اٌؼٍ١ب ِٓ ػلك رَؼخ ِالػت ػمت أزٙبء ثطٌٛخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ،ؽ١ش ٍ١زُ أْبئٙب وٛؽلاد ِٕفٍٖخ رّبِبٚ ،ثؼل رفى١ىٙب ٍٛف ٠زُ ٔمٍٙب اٌ ٝكٚي ٔبِ١خ ٌٌ ٌ١لٙ٠ب اٍزبكاد ه٠ب١ٙخ ِٕبٍجخٍٛٚ .ف رزواٚػ ٍؼخ اٌّالػت ِب ثِ 02222 ٚ 42222 ٓ١زفوط ثبإلٙبفخ اٌٍِ ٝؼت ٚاؽل أوجو الٍزٚبفخ ِجبه٠بد االفززبػ ٚإٌٙبئ.ٟ ٚػٕل أزٙبء اٌجطٌٛخ ،فبْ اٌّالػت ماد اٌَؼبد اٌٖغ١وح ٍٛف رجم ٝف ٟلطو ؽ١ش اْ للهرٙب ػٍ ٝاٍز١ؼبة ِب ثٓ١ ٚ 20222 ٚ 22222إٔغو ٍزىِٕ ْٛبٍجخ ٌىوح اٌملَ ٚاٌو٠بٙبد األفو .ٜأِب اٌّالػت اٌىج١وح فَٛف ٠زُ اهٍبٌٙب اٌٌٍ ٝلٚي إٌبِ١خ اٌز ٟرفزمو اٌِ ٝب ٠ىف ِٓ ٟاٌجٕ١خ اٌزؾز١خ ٌىوح اٌملَ .ؽ١ش رو ٜلطو أْ اهٍبي اٌّالػت ٌٍلٚي إٌبِ١خ ٍَّ١ؼ ٌّي٠ل ِٓ اٌزط٠ٛو ٌىوح اٌملَ ػٍ ٝاٌَبؽخ اٌؼبٌّ١خٚ .ثغبٔت اٌّالػت فبْ ٕ٘بن فطٌ ٜغؼً رمٕ١بد اٌزجو٠ل اٌَّزقلِخ ِزبؽخ ٌٍجٍلاْ األفو ٜماد إٌّبؿ اٌؾبه ،ثؾ١ش رى ْٛأٚ٠ب لبكهح ػٍ ٝاٍزٚبفخ األؽلاس اٌو٠ب١ٙخ اٌىجو.ٜ ٚرًّْ االٍزبكاد اٌّيِغ البِخ ِجبه٠بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ػٍٙ١ب ػلك ِٓ االٍزبكاد اٌغل٠لح ثبإلٙبفخ اٌ ٝػلك ِٓ االٍزبكاد اٌّيِغ رغل٠ل٘ب ٌى ٟرٕبٍت البِخ ٘نا اٌؾلس اٌؼبٌّٚ .ٟلل رُ ٙٚغ رٖٛهاد إلْٔبء ٚرغل٠ل ٘نٖ االٍزبكاد ٠ؼىٌ ِب رَؼ ٝلطو اظٙبهٖ ٌٍؼبٌُ ِٓ ٘٠ٛخ صمبف١خ ؽل٠ضخ رٕلِظ فٙ١ب اٌضمبفخ اٌّؾٍ١خ إٌبثؼخ ِٓ اٌزواس ٚاٌج١ئخ اٌطج١ؼ١خ ٚاٌؼٌّٛخ إٌبثؼخ ِٓ صٛهح االرٖبالد ٚاٌزىٌٕٛٛع١ب اٌؾل٠ضخ. ٚفّ١ب ٍٟ٠ػوٗ ٚرؾٌٍ ً١جؼ٘ ِْوٚػبد االٍزبكاد اٌّيِغ أْبئٙب أ ٚرط٠ٛو٘ب الٍزٚبفخ ٔٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ف ٟلطو ػبَ 2222ؽَت ِب ٚهك فِٛ ٟلغ ٍِف اٌجطٌٛخ ِٚب رَبُ٘ ثٗ ف ٟثٕبء اٌ٠ٛٙخ اٌضمبف١خ اٌز ٟرَؼ ٝلطو ٌزملّٙ٠ب ٌٍؼبٌُ ِٓ فالي ػّبهح ٘نٖ إٌّْآد اٌىج١وح. اٍزبك اٌّْبي ٠مغ اٍزبك اٌّْبي فّّ ٟبي ِلٕ٠خ اٌلٚؽخ ػٍ ٝؽبفخ اٌقٍ١ظ اٌؼوثٍٛٚ .ٟف َ٠زٛػت ِ 40022زفوط20022 ، ف ٟاٌمطبع اٌَفٍ ٝاٌّزلهط ثبإلٙبفخ اٌِ 08222 ٝزفوط فِ ٟلهعبد ػٍ٠ٛخٚ .لل ُّٕ ٘نا اإلٍزبك ػٍّ ٝىً ٍفٓ اٌٖ١ل اٌزواص١خ اٌّؼوٚفخ ثبٍُ "اٌلا "ٚاٌز ٟوبٔذ رّضً ػٕٖوا ٘بِب ف ٟاٌزواس اٌجؾوٌٍّٕ ٞطمخٚ .ثبإلٙبفخ ٌْىً ٍفٕ١خ اٌلا ٚاٌَّزقلَ فبْ األٌٛاْ اٌَّزقلِخ رؼىٌ أٌٛاْ ٍفٓ اٌٖ١ل اٌزواص١خٚ.ثبإلٙبفخ إٌٛٚ ٝي اٌّْب٘ل ٓ٠اٌٝ اٍزبك اٌّْبي ػجو اٌطوق اٌوئ١َ١خ فبٔٗ ِٓ اٌّزٛلغ أْ ِٓ %02 ًٖ٠اٌّْب٘ل ٓ٠ػجو عَو اٌٖلالخ اٌّيِغ أْبئٗ ٌٍوث ٜث ٓ١كٌٚخ اٌجؾوٚ ٓ٠لطو ٚاٌنٍٛ ٞف ٠ى ْٛأٛٛي عَو لبئُ ثنارٗ ف ٟاٌؼبٌُ ٚونٌه ف ٜاٌَىه اٌؾل٠لح اٌّيِغ أْبئٗ.
اٍزبك اٌّْبي (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌقٛه رُ رّٖ ُ١اٍزبك اٌقٛه اٌن٠ ٞمغ ف ٟإٌّطمخ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ٚاٌزوف١ٙ١خ ثبٌقٛه ػٍّ ٝىً ٕلفخ ثؾو٠خ وج١وح َِزٛؽٝ ِٓ اٌج١ئخ اٌجؾو٠خ ٍٚمف ِوْ ٠ؼًّ ػٍ ٝرٛف١و اٌظً أله١ٙخ اٌٍّؼت اٌنَ٠ ٞزٛػت ِ 40002زفوط رجٍغ ٍؼخ اٌّمبػل اٌلائّخ ثبٌطجمخ اٌلٔ١ب ِ 20022زفوط ٚٚؽلاد ِمبػل اٌلهعخ اٌؼٍ١ب ٍٛٚ .08102ف ٠زّزغ اٌّزفوع ْٛثوإ٠خ فالثخ ٌٍقٍ١ظ اٌؼوثِ ِٓ ٟمبػلُ٘.
اٍزبك اٌقٛه (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌٛووح 8
رمغ اٌٛووح عٕٛة ِلٕ٠خ اٌلٚؽخ ٚرؼزجو ٚاؽلح ِٓ أللَ اٌّلْ ف ٟكٌٚخ لطو اٌزٌٙ ٟب ربه٠ـ ً٠ٛٛف ٟاٌٖ١ل اٌزغبهٚ ٞاٌغ ٓٛثؾضب ػٓ اٌٍئٌئ .اٍزبك اٌٛووح رجٍغ ٍؼزٗ ِ 40022زفوعب ٚلل اٍزٕج ٜرِّٖ ِٓ ّٗ١الِؼ لبع اٌجؾو اٌّؼوعخ اٌزٌ ٟؼجذ كٚها ِّٙب ف ٟربه٠ـ اٌّلٕ٠خ ٚلذ اػزّبك٘ب ػٍ ٝاٍزقواط اٌٍئٌئ٠ٚ .مغ اإلٍزبك ّٓٙؽل٠مخ ه٠ب١ٙخ رِ ُٚوويا ٌألٌؼبة اٌّبئ١خ ِٚوافك ه٠ب١ٙخ ِٚوويا ٌٍزَٛق ٚؽلائكٚ .ثؼل ٔٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ١ٍ ،زُ رقف ٘١للهح اٌٍّؼت ػٍِ 20022 ٝمؼلا.
اٍزبك اٌٛووح (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك أَ ٍالي ٠مغ اٍزبك أَ ٍالي فِ ٟؾ ٜ١اؽل اٌؾٖ ْٛاألُ٘ ربه٠ق١ب ف ٟلطو٠ٚ ،زَغ اٌِ 40022 ٝمؼلا ِ 02ٚلفً. ٚاٌزّٖ٠ ُ١ملَ رفَ١و ؽل٠ضب ٌٍؾٖ ْٛاٌؼوث١خ اٌزمٍ١ل٠خ ثٛاعٙبرٗ إٌّىَوح اٌّّٖزخِ ،ضً اٌؾٖٓ اٌمو٠ت ِٓ أَ ٍالي. ٚثؼل ٔٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ١ٍ ،زُ رقف ٘١ػلك اٌّمبػل اٌ 20022 ٝرَزقلَ ِٓ لجً فوق أَ ٍالي ٔٚمً ِ 22222مؼل ٍٛف ٠زُ اٙبفزٙب وٛؽلاد ِل١ٌٛ٠خ اٌ ٝكٚي أفو.ٜ
اٍزبك أَ ٍالي (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ ٠زقن اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ ّىً اٌّبٍخ اٌّزؼلكح األٚعٗ ثؾ١ش ٠زؤٌك ف ٟإٌٙبه ٠ٚز٘ٛظ ٌ١ال١ٍٚ .مبَ اإلٍزبك مٚ ٍؼخ ِ 40002مؼل ف ٍٜٚ ٟاٌؾوَ اٌغبِؼٌٍّ ٟلٕ٠خ اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ ٚ ،اٌزّ٠ ٟىٓ إٌٛٛي اٌٙ١ب ثٌَٛٙخ ٌّْغؼ ٟوً ِٓ لطو ٚاٌجؾو ٓ٠ف ٟاٌلٚي اٌّغبٚهح ٚ ،اٌز ٌٓ ٟرى 00 ٍٜٛ ْٛكل١مخ ثبٌَ١بهح ِٓ اٌٍّؼت ػٓ ٛو٠ك اٌَىه اٌؾل٠ل٠خ ػبٌ١خ اٌَوػخٚ .ثؼل ٔٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٌىوح اٌملٍَٛ ،ف ٠زُ االؽزفبظ ثؼلك ِ 20222مؼلا الٍزقلاِٙب ِٓ لجً فوق اٌغبِؼخ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ.
اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌزؼٍ١ّ١خ (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك ِٕ١بء اٌلٚؽخ ٍٛف ٠ؾزٕ١ِ ٜٛبء اٌلٚؽخ اٌغل٠ل ػٍ ٝاٍزبك ٠زىٚ ِٓ ْٛؽلاد ِٛك١ٌٛ٠خ رَغ ِ 44802مؼلاٚ .لل ُّٕ اٌٍّؼت اٌن٠ ٞمغ ػٍ ٝعي٠وح ٕٕبػ١خ رؾ ٜ١ثٗ ِ١بٖ اٌقٍ١ظ ِٓ وً عبٔت ٌ ،ىّ٠ ٟبصً اٌّٛأئ اٌجؾو٠خ اٌزمٍ١ل٠خ ،ػٍّ ٝىً
لٕفن اٌجؾوٚ ،رغو١ِ ٜبٖ اٌقٍ١ظ ػٍٚ ٝاعٙبرٗ ٌٍَّبػلح ف ٟػٍّ١خ اٌزجو٠ل ٚاٙبفخ عبمث١خ ثٖو٠خٍٛٚ .ف َ٠زط١غ اٌّزفوع ٓ١إٌٛٛي ِٓ فالي لٛاهة ِئعوح ِٓ اٌقٍ١ظ أ ٚاٌؼجبهحٚ .ثؼل أزٙبء وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٍٛف ٠زُ رفى١ه اٌٍّؼت وبِال ٚاهٍبي اٌّمبػل اٌ ٝاٌجٍلاْ إٌبِ١خ ٌَّبػلر ُٙف ٟرط٠ٛو ووح اٌملَ.
اٍزبك ِٕ١بء اٌلٚؽخ (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ أِب رّٖ ُ١اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ فَِ ٛٙزٛؽ ِٓ ٝاٌق١بَ اٌؼوث١خ اٌزمٍ١ل٠خٍٛٚ .ف ٠ؾزٍِ ٜٛؼت اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ػٍِ 41022 ٝمؼلا ٍٚمف لبثً ٌٍط ٟعيئ١ب ثؾ١ش ٠ىِ ْٛزؼلك االٍزقلاِبد ف ٟاٌؼمٛك اٌز ٟرٍ ٟوؤً اٌؼبٌٍُٛٚ .ف رَبػل اٌقٖبئٔ اٌّجزىوح ٌٍٍّؼت ف ٟعؼٍٗ اٌّىبْ اٌّضبٌ ٌ١ٌ ٟفمٌّ ٜجبه٠بد ووح اٌملٌَٚ ،ىٓ أٚ٠ب ٌٍؾفالد اٌّ١ٍٛم١خ ٚاٌؼو ٗٚاٌَّوؽ١خ ٚاألؽلاس اٌو٠ب١ٙخ.
اٍزبك اٌّلٕ٠خ اٌو٠ب١ٙخ (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك ًٌ١ٍٛ
رمغ ِلٕ٠خ ٌ ً١ٍٛاٌغل٠لح ػٍ ٝثؼل ٍجؼخ وٍِٛ١زواد ّّبي ِلٕ٠خ اٌلٚؽخ ِ ٝ٘ٚلٕ٠خ عل٠لح ِىٔٛخ ِٓ 08ؽٟ ِّّٖخ ؽٛي ِووي اٌّلٕ٠خٚ .رزّزغ ثَبؽً ػٍ ٝاٌقٍ١ظ 21 ٌٗٛٛوٍِٛ١زو١ٍٚ .ىٍِ ْٛؼت ٌ ً١ٍٛاٌغل٠ل اٌّزّ١ي مٚ للهح اٍز١ؼبث١خ رًٖ اٌِ 12202 ٝزفوطٍٛٚ ،ف ٠زُ ف ٗ١اٍزٚبفخ اٌّجبه٠بد االفززبؽ١خ ٚإٌٙبئ١خ ٌجطٌٛخ وؤً اٌؼبٌُ. ٚرُ اٍزٍٙبَ ّىً اٌٍّؼت ِٓ اٌمبهة اٌْواػ ٟاٌزمٍ١لٚ .ٞثؼل ٔٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ٌىوح اٌملَ١ٍ ،زُ اٍزقلاَ اٌٍّؼت الٍزٚبفخ اٌفؼبٌ١بد اٌو٠ب١ٙخ ٚاٌضمبف١خ.
اٍزبك ٌ( ً١ٍٛاٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌو٠بْ ٠مغ اٍزبك اٌو٠بْ ػٍ ٝثؼل 22وُ ّّبي غوة ِلٕ٠خ اٌلٚؽخ ٍٛٚف ٠زُ ِٚبػفخ اٌَؼخ اٌمبئّخ ف ٟاٍزبك اٌو٠بْ ِٓ 20212اٌِ 44142 ٝمؼلا ثبٍزقلاَ ػٕبٕو ٚؽلاد ِٕفٍٖخ ٌزى ٓ٠ٛاٌطجمخ اٌؼٍ١ب ِٓ اإلٍزبكٚ .لل ُّٕ اٌٍّؼت ِغ ٚاعٙخ فبٕخ وغْبء اػالِ٠ ٝم َٛثلٚه اٌْبّخ إلثواى األفجبه ٚاٌزؾل٠ضبد ٌٚمطبد ِٓ اٌّجبه٠بد اٌغبه٠خ ِٚؼٍِٛبد ػٓ اٌجطٌٛخ١ٍٚ .زُ رمٍ ٔ١اٌٍّؼت ٌٕفٌ للهرٗ اٌؾبٌ١خ ثؼل اٌجطٌٛخ.
اٍزبك اٌو٠بْ (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك اٌغوافخ ٍ١زُ ِٚبػفخ اٌملهح اٌؾبٌ١خ إلٍزبك اٌغوافخ ِٓ 20010اٌِ 44142 ٝمؼلا ثبٍزقلاَ ػٕبٕو ٚؽلاد رْىً اٌطجمخ اٌؼٍ١ب ِٓ اإلٍزبك١ٍٚ .زُ رغط١خ اٌٛاعٙخ ثْوائٍِٔٛ ٜخ رّضً اٌلٚي اٌز ٟرزؤً٘ ٌٕٙبئ١بد وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ١ٍٚىْٛ هِيا ٌىوح اٌملَ ٚاٌٖلالخ اٌّزجبكٌخ ٚاٌزَبِؼ ٚاالؽزواَ اٌن ٞرّضٍٗ ٘نٖ اٌجطٌٛخ١ٍٚ .زُ رٖغ١و اٌٍّؼت ٌملهرٗ اٌؾبٌ١خ ثؼل أزٙبء اٌجطٌٛخ.
اٍزبك اٌغوافخ (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك عبِؼخ لطو 13
ٍٛف ٠زُ اٍزجلاي اإلٍزبك اٌؾبٌ ٟف ٟاٌؾوَ اٌغبِؼ ٟف ٟعبِؼخ لطو ثبٍزبك عل٠ل َ٠غ ِ 40022مؼلاٚ .رّيط اٌٛاعٙخ اٌن٘ج١خ ٌٍزّٖ ُ١األّٔب ٛاٌزمٍ١ل٠خ اٌؼوث١خ ِغ أٍطؼ ٕ٘لٍ١خ اٌْىً رزجغ اٌزّٖ ُ١اٌؾو اٌّفزٛػ ف ٟاٍزؾٚبه ٌٍّبٚ ٟٙاٌَّزمجًٍٛٚ .ف َ٠زقلَ اٌٍّؼت ِٓ لجً اٌطالة اٌو٠ب ٓ١١ٙف ٟأػمبة وؤً اٌؼبٌُ ثَؼخ رًٖ اٌٝ ِ.20022زفوط ثؼل اٌزجوع ة ِ 22222مؼل ٌلٚي أفو.ٜ
اٍزبك عبِؼخ لطو (اٌّٖله :اٌّٛلغ اٌوٌٍٍّّ ٟف لطو )2222 اٍزبك فٍ١فخ اٌلٌٟٚ ٍٛف ٠زُ اػبكح رّٖ ُ١اٍزبك فٍ١فخ اٌل ٌٟٚف ٟلطو ثؼل االٍزٚبفخ إٌبعؾخ ٌلٚهح األٌؼبة ا٠ٛ١ٍ٢خ ػبَ ،2222 ؽ١ش ٍ١زُ رٍٛؼخ اٌملهح االٍز١ؼبث١خ ٌٍّؼت فٍ١فخ اٌل ٌٟٚاٌؾبٌ 02222 ِٓ ٟاٌِ 21202 ٝزفوط٠ٚ .غط ٝاالٍزبك ألٛاٍب ٙقّخ رلػُ االٍطؼ اٌوأٍ١خ اٌز ٝرَبُ٘ ف ٝؽّب٠زٗ عيئ١ب ِٓ اٌٌّْ ٛ٘ .االٍزبك ٘ ٛاُ٘ ِْٕؤح فِٕ ٝطمخ األٍجب٠و ى ْٚاٚاٌّغّغ اٌو٠ب ٟٙاٌن٠ ٞز ّٓٚأوبك١ّ٠خ أٍجب٠و ٌٍزفٛق اٌو٠بَِٚ ، ٟٙزْف ٝأٍجب٠و ٌٍطت اٌو٠بٟٙ ٚاٌؼل٠ل ِٓ اٌّوافك اٌو٠ب١ٙخ األفو.ٜ
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The Construction of Cultural Identity Architecture of Qataraâ€&#x;s New Sports Facilities for FIFA World Cup 2022 Introduction On the second of December 2010, Qatar was chosen by FIFA to host the World Cup in 2022. This choice has shed light on the architecture in Qatar and the sports facilities to be constructed to host this significant international event. Qatar has presented a number of proposals for the construction of new sports stadiums in addition to rehabilitation of existing stadiums, with an investment amounting to $ 50 billion to upgrade its infrastructure in addition to $ 4 billion for the construction of new stadiums. The vision provided through the Bid file reflects the cultural identity that Qatar wants to present to the world about herself, the Arab world, the Middle East and the Islamic World. Qatar's dazzling success in the organization of Asian Olympic Games in 2006, which included competitors in more than 30 games, had a great impact on the success of the Bid file. This is in addition to the successful history of Qatar in hosting sporting events such as the Asian Cup in 1988, the World Youth Championship in 1995 and its intention to host the Asian Cup in 2011. Qatar plans to host the World Cup in soccer in 12 sports environment friendly stadiums. The stadiumsâ€&#x; designs reflect the extent to which Qatar have reached in the development of urban environment within the few years of its transformation from a traditional settlement on the shore of the Arabian Gulf, relying on fishing and pearling, into a modern state hosting many prestigious international events. The stadiums reflect a mix of designs inspired by traditional elements of the environment and high technology based on the latest communication technologies and media as well as modern techniques in the methods of air conditioning and energy conservation. In addition to the use of forms, materials and colors inspired by the heritage and environment, such as the old forts, fishing ships, tents and seashells, the designs provide solutions based on modern technologies and alternative energy, such as solar energy utilization for air-conditioning and the operation of big screens for the electronic media. Qatar has provided, through the designs of new stadiums, sustainable solutions to address the problems of carbon emissions so that the new stadiums are carbon-neutral, despite what is required of energy to provide air conditioning necessary for playgrounds and spectators. One of the fears of the Committee of the World Cup was the high temperature during the months of June and July, when the temperatures reaches the forties during the daytime and thirties at night. Qatar's vision and experience to control the temperature in and around the stadiums used for the games reduces the temperature to 20 degrees from the external environment. An experimental stadium was constructed to prove the success of this vision. One of the innovative humanitarian initiatives provided by Qatar was the donation of the stands, that are not needed after the World Cup, to developing countries that need them. The sports facilities will be connected to downtown Doha, through a network of roads and a sophisticated line of new subway so that the length of the journey between any stadium and the other is not more than one hour so that spectators can attend more than one game per day and provide time for movement for players, referees and the media, which therefore reduces the impact of the session on the environment. The design of new sports facilities in Qatar
The design of stadiums to host the World Cup reflect a cultural identity that Qatar wants to present to the world. It also reflects what Qatar have reached Qatar in recent years of urban development and technological advancement that make it compete with other countries to host global events of cultural, artistic, educational, sports, etc., while maintaining a local identity stemming from its past and the natural environment surrounding it. Qatarâ€&#x;s National Vision is to “transform Qatar by the year 2030 to a developed nation able to achieve sustainable development and ensure the continuation of a decent living for its people, generation after generation." The Vision addresses five key challenges facing the State of Qatar; update and maintain the traditions, provide the needs of the present generation and future generations while achieving the targeted growth and control of expansion determining the path of development, control the size and quality of the expatriate labor force to achieve economic and social development and achieve environmental protection and sustainable development. Qatar is seeking to achieve that Vision through human, social, economic and environmental development. The selection of Qatar to host the World Cup in 2022 gives a strong momentum to work towards achieving this vision. In spite of the small population of Qatar of 1.7 million inhabitants, according to the national census issued in October 2010, with about two-thirds expatriates, Qatar was able to persuade FIFA of its seriousness and determination to successfully host the World Cup for the first time in a Gulf, Islamic, Arab, and Middle Eastern state, offering a civilized vision of this part of the world. Qatar has a strong economy as one of the worldâ€&#x;s largest natural gas producers by an increase in gross national product amounted to 17% in 2010 and is expected to continue in the coming years. In addition to the development of its facilities, especially the important area of the Aspire Zone, which host Asia Olympic Games in 2006, Qatar has been able the develop its infrastructure and the construction of many architectural monuments in a few years, including Qatar's Education City, that hosts branches of a number of U.S. universities in the disciplines of engineering, medicine, arts, management, and politics, the development and renewal of the traditional Souq Waqif market and the Museum of Islamic Art of the Architectural World I. M. Pei, that hosted many prestigious, including the Aga Khan Awards for Architecture 2010 . In addition and the Pearl Towers and Cultural Village, many towers, hotels and shopping malls are being constructed in Al-Dafna area, a new industrial areas has been constructed west of Doha. Qatar is currently constructing a new airport that is expected to open in 2012. Other major projects in Doha include the full development of the 35 hectares downtown area known as the "Musheireb", the establishment of the new City of Lucille, the construction of nine new museums including the New National Museum by architect Jean Novel. Expression of Identity in Architecture Expression of identity in architecture means communicating with the community where architecture provides an interpretation of values and cultural priorities through construction techniques and artistic expression that constitute a distinctive mode or a language of expression, like words and sentences in the literature. But the nature of expression varies with culture in different places at different times according to patterns of communication and expressions of its architects and engineers. The expressions are conducted on national, geographical, historical, religious, intellectual and even political
levels. The expressions of certain patterns in the localities, cities and enterprises may be life long or short according to their ability to change with cultural patterns. Many key factors affect creation of a new style of architecture and contribute to the creation of contemporary and creative expressions of culture through architecture. The work of these factors on the production and development within each pattern eventually lead to new approaches to replace the previous one. The components of expression and communication, including shapes and forms that can be transferred through the architectural content. The elements that are used in architectural expression interpret the meanings of specific community through the functions and techniques of buildings. Qatar Stadiums Qatar plans to construct new stadiums to host the World Cup 2022 in addition to the renovation of several existing stadiums. The new stadiums include: Al-Shamal Stadium, Al-Khor Stadium, Al-Wakrah Stadium, Umm Slal Stadium, Education City Stadium, Doha Port Stadium, Sports City Stadium, and Lusail Stadium. The stadiums scheduled for renovation are: Al-Rayyan Stadium, Al-Gharafa Stadium, Qatar University Stadium, Khalifa International Stadium and Al Sad Stadium. Qatar's stadiums Qatar's plans for the FIFA World Cup 2022 include 12 eco-friendly, carbon-neutral stadiums. All of the stadiums will utilize the power of the sun rays to provide a cool environment for players and fans by converting solar energy into electricity that will then be used to cool both fans and players. When games are not taking place, the solar installations at the stadiums will export energy onto the power grid. During matches, the stadiums will draw energy from the grid. This is the basis for the stadiums‟ carbonneutrality. ARUP Associates designed a 5-a-side pitch with a capacity of 500-seats model stadium which was built to convince FIFA officials of the proposed techniques to control the region‟s hot summer weather. According to AJ, "the air conditioned structure was designed to be zero carbon throughout, all the energy needed to power the arena‟s „underseat‟ climate control system is collected by a „sun farm‟ of solar concentrator panels. With outdoor temperatures in Qatar reaching more 44 degrees Celsius the playing surface of the stadium can be kept at a comfortable 23 degrees. The structure features a revolving roof canopy which can be adjusted to cast shade over the pitch or closed completely to maximize climate control.” The upper tier of nine of the stadiums will be removed after the tournament. Doha Port Stadium will be completely modular and will be deconstructed following the World Cup. During the event, the capacity of most stadiums will be between 40,000 and 50,000 fans, with one much larger stadium for hosting the opening and final matches. When the tournament ends, the lower tiers of the stadiums will remain in Qatar to accommodate between 20,000 and 25,000 fans. The smaller stadiums will be suitable for football and other sports. The upper tiers will be sent to developing nations, which often lack sufficient football infrastructure. Qatar sees sending the stadiums to developing nations as an integral part of the bid, as doing so will allow for the further development of football on the global stage.
Along with the stadiums, the cooling technologies will be available to other countries in hot climates, so that they too can host major sporting events. The proposed stadiums expected to host the World Cup matches include completely new stadiums in addition to the renovation and refurbishment of currently existing stadiums. The announced proposals for the construction and renovation of these stadiums reflect the cultural identity that Qatar is eager to express to the world that integrates the local cultural identity, derived from traditions and natural environment, with a globalization generated by the telecommunication and technological revolutions. The following is an analysis of some projects of stadiums to be constructed or renovated to host the World Cup finals in Qatar in 2022, according to the Bid site, and their contribution in building a cultural identity that Qatar is seeking to present to the world through the building of large facilities. Al-Shamal Stadium Al-Shamal stadium, located north of Doha city on the Arabian Gulf, will have a capacity of 45,120, with a permanent lower tier of 25,500 seats and a modular upper tier of 19,620 seats. The stadiumâ€&#x;s shape is derived from the traditional dhow fishing boat that was important part of the traditional Gulf economy. In addition to the dhow form of the stadium, colors and materials reflect the colors and materials used in traditional boats. Spectators are expected to arrive to the stadium from the expressways, water taxis, the Bahrain-Qatar Friendship Bridge and a new metro-rail expected to be constructed during the coming years. Al-Khor Stadium Located in a sports and recreation zone, Al-Khor new 45,330-capacity stadium with a roof resembling a seashell with a flexible roof providing shade for the field. The permanent lower tier seats hosts 25,500 spectators while the modular upper tier seats 19,830 spectators. The stadium offers spectators a spectacular view of the Arabian Gulf from their seats. Al-Wakrah Stadium Al-Wakrah is located 15 kilometers south of Doha. It is one of Qatar's oldest cities, with a long history of commercial fishing and pearl diving. Al-Wakrah stadium, with a capacity of 45,120, takes its inspiration from the sea floor that has played an important role in the city's history. After the FIFA World Cup the stadium's capacity will be reduced to 25,500 seats. Umm Slal Stadium Located in the vicinity of one of Qatar's most historically important forts, Umm Slal Stadium will have 45,120 seats. The design is a modern interpretation of traditional Arab forts, like the one in nearby Umm Slal with its solid zigzagging facade. After the FIFA World Cup seating capacity will be reduced to 25,500. The stadium will be used by Umm Slal football club. Education City Stadium
The Education City Stadium takes the form of a jagged diamond, glittering by day and glowing by night. The 45,350-seat stadium will be located in the midst of several university campuses at Education City, easily accessible for fans both in Qatar and in neighboring Bahrain, which will be only 51 minutes away from the stadium by highspeed rail. Following the FIFA World Cup the stadium will retain 25,000 seats for use by university athletic teams. Doha Port Stadium The new Doha Port will host a new stadium that will be a completely modular stadium with 44,950 seats. The stadium, which will sit on an artificial peninsula in the Gulf, is designed to evoke its marine setting resembling the shape of a Sea urchin . Water from the Gulf will run over its outer facade, aiding in the cooling process and adding to its visual appearance . Fans will have the option of arriving on a water taxi or ferry. After the FIFA World Cup the whole stadium will be disassembled and the seats sent to developing countries to further their football development. Sports City Stadium Drawing its inspiration from traditional Arab tents, The Sports City Stadium will have 47,560 seats. A retractable roof, partly retractable pitch and retractable stands will make the stadium Qatar's premiere multi-use facility in the decades following the 2022 FIFA World Cup The stadiums innovative features will make it an ideal venue for football matches, but also concerts, theatre performances and non-football related athletic events. Lusail Iconic Stadium The new Lusail city is located 7 kilometers north of Doha city. It is a new city composed of 19 neighborhoods surrounding the city center. The new Lusail Iconic Stadium, with a capacity of 86,250, will host the opening and final matches of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Lusailâ€&#x;s stadium takes its inspiration from the sail of a traditional dhow boat and is surrounded by water from all sides. After the FIFA World Cup™, the stadium will be used to host other spectacular sporting and cultural events. Al-Rayyan Stadium The existing Al-Rayyan Stadium with a seating capacity of 21,282 will be expanded to 44,740 seats using modular elements to form an upper tier. The stadium is designed with a special "media membrane" facade that acts as a screen for projecting news, updates and current matches. The stadium will be downsized to its current capacity after the tournament. Al-Gharafa Stadium The existing 21,175 capacity of Al-Gharafa stadium will be expanded to 44,740 seats using modular elements forming an upper tier. The facade will be made up of ribbons representing the nations that qualify for the 2022 FIFA World Cup and will symbolize football and the mutual friendship, tolerance and respect that the tournament represents. The stadium will be downscaled to its existing capacity after the tournament ends.
Qatar University Stadium Replacing an existing track and field stadium on Qatar University's campus, Qatar University Stadium will have 43,520 seats. The stadiums gold facade blends traditional Arabic geometric patterns with free-form open surfaces, conjuring both past and future. The stadium will be used by student athletes following the FIFA World Cup with a seating capacity of 23,500. Khalifa International Stadium Redesigned for Qatar's successful hosting of the 2006 Asian Games, Khalifa International Stadium's current capacity of 50,000 will be expanded to 68,030 for the 2022 FIFA World Cup The stadium, which includes sweeping arcs and partially covered stands, is the centerpiece of Aspire Zone, a sports complex that includes the Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence, ASPETAR Sports Medicine Hospital and many other sporting venues. Existing Sports Facilities In addition to the stadiums, Qatar already has several sports facilities that were built over the previous years. Khalifa Olympic City was built in 1976 to the highest specifications to host Youth World Cup 1995. This facility comprises a main football stadium with seating for 40000 spectators, an Olympic-size athletic track, an indoor sports hall with a capacity of 1800 spectators, a number of multipurpose courts for basketball volleyball, handball and tennis and a sports medical center established in 1995. The Aspire, Academy for Sports Excellence, is Qatar's visionary Sports Academy, which launched its academic curriculum in September 2004. With state-of-the-art facilities and world class sports programs, it turns hopefuls into winners at the highest levels of international competition. The Academy also integrates this training with an intensive, comprehensive intellectual education, giving them all the support they need to succeed. Established in 1992 to the international standards, Khalifa International Complex for Tennis and Squash Complex hosts international tennis and squash events on annual basis. Foremost of these is the international Qatar Open championship. Doha Golf Club, founded by Qatar National Hotels Company in 1997, hosts all the activities of Qatar Golf Federation. It has an international standard course on which the prestigious Qatar Masters tournament is held annually since 1998. Hamad International Complex for Water Sports, situated next to Khalifa Olympic Stadium, is designed to the Olympic and international standard technologies and specifications. It has the required most advanced equipment and installations that qualify it to host all local and world-class tournaments. Conclusion Qatar will need to work hard day and night to achieve this ambitious goal, which is consistent with its National Vision. The event will be a driving force for neighboring countries to help Qatar in achieving its objectives and benefit from the existence of this global event in the neighborhood. New employment and investment opportunities will be created in all sectors and at all levels. The main sectors that will benefit from this investment are construction, utilities, transportation, aviation, tourism, hotels, sports, housing and sustainable energy. Qatarâ€&#x;s hosing of the World Cup in 2022 is not a small event. It is expected that 3.2 billion viewers from around the world will be watching the events. Qatarâ€&#x;s centralized
location in the world provides the opportunity for 82% of the world countries to watch the live broadcasting of matches in the appropriate times. Qatar offers through its Bid to host the World Cup in 2022 a modern and sophisticated future for the Gulf States, Arab countries, Islamic world and the Middle East, who is eager to participate positively in the global events and sets new challenges for the development of technology to create effective sustainable solutions to achieve the aspirations of a renewable humanity. Source: The official site of Qatar Bid 2022 http://www.qatar2022bid.com/stadiums