Qatar University College of Engineering Department of Architecture and Urban Planning - DAUP Master of Architecture and Urban Planning - MUPD Course Code and Title: Urban Planning Legislation Semester: Fall 2015 Instructor: Dr. Yasser Mahgoub - Assignment 2 The Role of Legislation in Urban Planning: Case Study Review CLOs Addressed 1- Understand the role of legislation in urban planning. 3- Research for knowledge related to the field of urban planning legislation PLOs Addressed 4.2.1. (d) legal studies including knowledge about constitutional rights and principles, state and local government law, administrative rules and regulations, especially those focusing on the use and taxation of land. Requirements Students are required to: - Search for knowledge related to The Role of Legislation in Urban Planning. - Use internationally refereed journals and references to search for a case studies from different parts of the world. - Write a max. 5-page report, present and discuss with the class. The body of report should be 1.5-space using Times New Roman font, 12 point. Duration - 3 weeks Submission date - November 18, 2015 Effort - Individual student work.
CASE STUDY REPORT FORMAT GUIDELINES What is a case study? Generally a case study provides a description of a particular practice or situation as a basis for a critical analysis, review and/or evaluation. Importantly, the critical analysis/review/evaluation of the case in point is then undertaken by applying the relevant theory to a real-world example (Assignment 3). According to Summers and Smith (2003, p. 48), the main aim of case study type assignments centres around: assisting students in learning to apply selected theories through simulated problem solving and decision-making allowing students to learn actively (by doing) rather than passively (by simply listening to lecturers or reading) reinforcing the applicability of theory to practical situations. Writing a case study Two common ways of writing case studies are to write them as a report or as an essay. You can use the same information for either structure, you just present it differently. For this assignment, you are required to apply the report format. Writing a case study in report format A formal case report is generally organized into sections with headings. These are usually numbered as follows: Title page: Includes a descriptive title of your study, name, and student’s ID#. Introduction or case Background: Situation Background and Analysis including a synopsis of the relevant information from the case analysis. Body of the Analysis: Analysis of case, key issues, etc. Conclusion/recommendations References: You will need to cite all your sources using a citation APA citation style. At the end of your review you should have a section titled References, in which you list the papers, articles and books you have cited in your report using a citation APA citation style. Sample: Summers, J. & Smith, B. (2003). Communication skills handbook, Milton, Qld, Australia: John Wiley & Sons. Appendices: All charts, visuals, and other related items can be placed here and referenced in the report.