YMCA Europe Annual Report 2014

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YMCA Europe Annual Report 2014

Contents 05



About YMCA Europe


Inclusive Christianity


Fundraising Conference


Unify Conference


Movement Strengthening


3rd NGS Forum


Roots for Reconciliation


Catch the Vision

YMCA Europe Annual Report 2014


Programme Groups

Texts and collaborations: Marius Pop, Vardan Hambardzumyan, Adam Rychlik, Eva Tschornova, Martina Hudcovska, Sarka Cihakova, Juan Simoes Iglesias, , Ed Eggink


Executive Committee Members




Member & Co Operative Movements


General Administration – summary


Auditor´s Report


Thank you!


Contact Us

Design and layout: Marius Pop Photos: YMCA Europe Archives Published by: YMCA Europe, Na Porici 12, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic Phone: +420 224 872 020, Email: info@ymcaeurope.com, Web: www.ymcaeurope.com

YMCA Europe, Prague, May, 2015 Printed in Czech Republic by Retis Group s.r.o.

Introduction We are proud to share with you the developments of YMCA Europe in 2014. In fact these are the collective achievements of the whole European YMCA movement. This year the YMCA celebrated 170 years since George Williams, a young man, founded our movement in London. Times have changed since then and also the challenges that affect Europe, but our commitment with young people remains the same. We have also preserved the way in which we daily express our mission: through action. Therefore in this report you will learn about our main programmes, seminars, training events and services. We also share figures about our network and impact, together with information about our accounts, partner organizations and governance structure. As we develop our 2011 – 2016 Strategic Plan, we realize how relevant our message is at local, national and international levels. Positioning the YMCA and making it sustainable to better meet the challenges that affect young people, are our main priorities. We hope that you discover that goal as you read the report. These are exciting times for YMCA Europe and we are deeply thankful to all members, volunteers, staff and donors for their time, trust and commitment. Reaching our objectives is the best reason for all of you to continue supporting our work. Thank you on behalf of our Executive Committee and Staff Team.

YMCA Europe is a working fellowship to strengthen movements where people grow in body, mind and spirit.

Ed Eggink President

Juan Simoes Iglesias Secretary General


About YMCA Europe YMCA Europe is an umbrella organization that serves 36 members and 7 cooperating YMCA movements throughout Europe. Inspired by our Christian ecumenical mission, we offer administrative support, facilitate networking and programme sharing, organize seminars and events and in accordance with our Strategic Plan (2011 – 2016) serve to enhance and positively influence lives of young people.

Representatives of our member movements meet at the annual General Assembly and set the main goals for each term. A democratically elected Executive Committee together with the Secretary General and the Staff work on the implementation of the Strategy with a special focus on Movement Strengthening.

YMCA Europe cooperates with different public and private European institutions benefiting from grants attached to projects developed in different countries. Young people are involved either as beneficiaries or as leaders at different initiatives.


... to be strong and relevant, an organization has to have a clear Vision, its work has to be relevant to young people and communities, and the organization has to have a sustainable foundation. Thus, Mission Clarity, Social Relevance and Institutional Viability have been defined as the three pillars for Movement Strengthening. Using these three pillars we will embrace new ways of improving our capacities to work with Young Europe. This will be achieved through three priorities, each with specific aims and objectives: Priority 1 : Mission Awareness – Advocacy – Representation Priority 2 : Relevant Programmes Priority 3 : Sustainability (from YMCA Europe Strategic Plan 2011-2016. Preamble)


The YMCA movement in Europe at a glance*:




Locations in 44 countries

1,835,420 410,300 21,622 112,480 5,573

(*2012 figures)


General Assembly “Roots and Leaves III: Inclusive Christianity” (Litomysl, Czech Republic, May 2014) 105 delegates from 32 countries gathered in Litomysl at YMCA Europe´s General Assembly from May 29th to June 1st. Under the title “Roots and Leaves, Part III - Inclusive Christianity”, the agenda included discussions and approval of reports, elections for news Executive Committee members, group work sessions and inspiring keynote speeches. This was the third of a series of General Assemblies focusing on YMCA Europe´s flagship programmes following our Strategic Plan 2011-2016. Ulrica Stigberg from Sweden and Marloes Meijer (COG Chair) from the Netherlands were our keynote speakers and provided relevant inputs on “Inclusive Christianity” from different perspectives. In his welcome message, President Ed Eggink shared about YMCA´s approach to politics. Ed connected our mission and guiding principles with our daily action within the communities serving all people with a focus on youth. Secretary General Juan Simoes Iglesias reported about the past year´s highlights, emphasizing our response to the challenges of contemporary Europe. The 2014 Strategy Implementation Plan was also presented with a focus on our three priorities : Mission Awareness, Relevant Programmes and


Sustainability. YMCA Europe´s Treasurer Mike Will presented the 2013 financial and auditor reports together with our budget for 2015 and the proposal for the review of National Contributions Systems. The reports and proposal were approved by the delegates. Vice President Stepan Cerny shared about the upcoming stages of our Movement Strengthening strategy with an emphasis on our field and programme work. Also the reports about our different programme and task groups were presented and approved. Kerry Reilly, Chair of the 2013 Prague Festival “Love to Live”, summarized the event´s evaluation following the research led by Vardan Hambardzumyan, our Executive Secretary at the Programme Department. One of the highlights of the GA was also the election of 5 new assessors for our Executive Committee: Kie Cummings (England), Birgir Urbanic Asgeirsson (Iceland), Martin Winter (Germany), Diana Zarembiene (Lithuania) and Dan Carpov (Romania).

THANK YOU to all of you who were part of the General Assembly, making it a successful event!


UNIFY Conference (Goerlitz, Germany, February 2014) UNIFY, the Christian Mission Conference, aims to inspire and energise the Christian emphasis of YMCAs across Europe UNIFY brings together Christians from across European YMCAs to network, share their experiences, gain inspiration and discover new resources for delivering Christian emphasis work within their YMCAs.

Once Goerlitz and Zgorzelec (Zgorzelec is the name of the Polish part) were united and since the end of WW II it has been divided between Germany and Poland. Now, when both countries belong to the European Union, the border is not an obstacle. This also applies to churches: Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox live side by side in peaceful coexistence. This was the spirit of UNIFY.

Unify Conference (February 13th - 16th 2014) was a unique experience for almost 100 participants in a well chosen place: a city on the border between Germany and Poland.

FUNDRAISING Conference (Brussels, Belgium, January 2014) 23 participants representing YMCAs in 15 countries met in Brussels for YMCA Europe`s 3rd Fundraising Conference (January 23rd- 25th 2014). The program included presentations, workshops, discussion groups and a panel session with representatives of organizations based in Brussels. Through different internal and external presents and facilitators,

“ 10

the Conference focused on mobilization of resources based on projects and applications to public/private institutions with an emphasis on EU funding opportunities. Strengthening our network of fundraisers and a plan to share best practices and opportunities within this field, were some of the outcomes of the Conference.

Moving forward together in fundraising and resource mobilization.



YMCA Europe represented at conference about youth unemployment. (Saarbrücken, Germany, June 2014)

YMCA Europe was there...

From 23rd to 25th of June 2014, an international conference organized by “Europatriates” about prospects to tackle youth unemployment in Europe took place in Saarbrücken (Germany).

YMCA Europe at YMCA of the USA advocacy days (Washington DC, USA, February 2014)

YMCA Europe President, Ed Eggink, participated in a panel discussion during the conference, together with representatives from science (Hilarion Petzold); the European Trade Union Confederation (their Youth President Salvatore Marra); Industry (Business Europe representative Javier Calderon Beltran) and cross border youth work Germany-France (Beatrice Angrand).

From February 24th to the 26th, YMCA Europe Secretary General Juan Simoes Iglesias was invited to YMCA USA Advocacy Days in Washington D.C., an initiative which objective is to educate policy makers about the powerful role of that the YMCA plays in thousands of communities.

World Alliance of YMCA`s World Council (Estes Park, USA, June 2014)

The experience was especially valuable for our European movement as we continue strengthening our own relation with the key European public institutions raising the profile of the work that our YMCAs develop in 44 countries.

In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, more than 1,300 participants from five continents joined the 18th World Council of YMCAs in Estes Park, benefiting from an event that provided personal and collective learning and fellowship in a creative, participatory and effective way.

Promoting active citizenship and engagement of young people Liam Preston is the Parliamentary and Policy Officer at YMCA England and he also represents YMCA Europe at the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe. Liam was invited to be the keynote speaker at the conference promoted by the Congress of

Local Regional Authorities in Strasbourg, France, under the title “ Promoting active citizenship and engagement of young people representative institutions and other means”. His speach was an inspiring approach to the meaning of youth participation.

Delegates discussed and agreed on the World Alliance Strategic Plan 2014 - 2018 through group and plenary sessions, most of them led by “change agents” as the living expression of the “youth empowerment” approach. The Plan identifies three priorities that will inspire our global movement : Youth Empowerment, Resource Development and Communications /Advocacy /Research /Impact.

Project award from Eastern Europe Initiative Congress

Peter Posner (England) was elected as new President of the World Alliance of YMCAs.

YMCA Europe`s seminar “Change Agents: YMCA and youth empowerment for social transformation” (co- organized by YES group) which took place in 2013 in Gdynia, Poland was awarded by Eastern Europe Initiative Congress with Commendation in the competition for Best Cross-Border Projects in the category “Civil Society”.

Also the 5 candidates from different European YMCAs were elected members of the new Executive Committee : Dorothee Pfrommer (Germany), Otto Vainio (Finland), Peter Jeffrey (England), Mike Will (Scotland) and Silvio Krauss (Switzerland). Ed Eggink (Netherlands) as our Area President is also a member of the Executive Committee.

We are proud! The ceremony took place in Nov. in Lublin, Poland with Belorussian, English, German, Polish, Ukrainian YMCAs and YMCA Europe representatives present there.



220 delegates representing YMCAs in Europe gathered in Estes Park. YMCA Europe organized two area meetings during the week and resolutions from Sweden (“Safe space for core values discussions within our movement”) and Norway (“Poverty Eradication”) were presented and approved in plenary sessions.

Movement Strengthening YMCA Europe Field Group Meetings Ukraine The meeting - chaired by Jan Nissen from Sweden - took place in September in Kiev in a very challenging context due to the situation of the country. For that reason a number of discussions focused on the survival of local organizations in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea and – of course – on YMCA Ukraine programmes supporting victims of the war, especially children-refugees from Eastern Ukraine. Visiting UNICEF office and discussing further co–operation, YMCA Ukraine and YMCA Europe have opened new perspectives for aid and humanitarian projects.

Belarus The meeting – chaired by Martin Weder from Switzerland – was held in October at YMCA house in Voloshin. Field Group members from England, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland together with Belorussian hosts celebrated its 20th meeting! On this occasion, together with Michal Szymanczak Ed Eggink, President of YMCA Europe attended the meeting informing the participants about the recent developments within our movement and congratulating YMCA Belarus for its success.

Armenia On October 1-3rd, YMCA Armenia Partners’ Group Meeting took place. Representatives of YMCA Armenia partner organizations visited some of the local YMCA organizations.

Kosovo The Field Group meeting took place in Gjakova from 2nd to 5th October. It was chaired by Jenny Enqvist, (YMCA Finland) and was also attended by the National Board and key staff members. Adam Rychlik represented YMCA Europe. The meeting was another stage in programme and institutional development of the George Williams Youth Association, which represents the YMCA movement in Kosovo. An important part of this meeting was the opening a Charity Shop in Gjakova, as part of a project funded by Y’s Men International through Time of Fast grant .

YMCA Europe Resource Team Lithuania and Portugal Paul Smillie from YMCA England and member of YERT, together with Adam Rychlik representing our Staff Team, visited Lithuania (Feb 6th to 9th) following the 2014 plan of YERT´s visits. The group met with the YMCA-YWCA Lithuania leadership team and also with beneficiaries of the programmes and initiatives of that movement.

YMCA Europe´s Resource Team (YERT) had its annual meeting in London (November 26-27). An evaluation about the developments in YERT and the planning of the upcoming visits were part of the agenda. On December 8-11, Volker Kamin (Germany) led a YERT visit to Portugal as a follow up on the structure of the new YMCA Portugal.

Together with YMCA Armenia leadership and Vardan Hambardzumyan representing YMCA Europe, they discussed issues related with YMCA Armenia movement strengthening and youth engagement as well as the development of partnerships between YMCA Armenia and YMCAs represented.



Movement Strengthening Cooperation between Y`s Men - YMCA in Europe The meeting was held in Riga, September 13 -14.th 2014 and was facilitated by Flemming Stentoft – ASD Europe Service Director for YMCA relation. The representatives of Y’s Men International, Y’s Men Latvia , YMCA Latvia and YMCA Europe met for strengthening the cooperation between Y’s Men’s and YMCA on local, national and European level in the Baltic countries and for initiating a movement strengthening process for the Latvian YMCA.

All parts that participated in the meeting signed a document called “Principles of Partnership between YMCA Latvia and Y’s Men International”. The document gave foundation for the future platforms of common work, but above all it was the expression of good will of cooperation. The meeting was concluded by an action plan for the next several months. This common initiative opened another chapter of cooperation between YMCA and Y’s Men in Europe.

3rd National General Secretaries Forum (London, UK, November 2014) Representing 26 YMCA movements in Europe, a total of 38 participants met in London at YMCA Europe´s 3rd National General Secretaries Forum from the 24th to the 26th of November 2014. This platform has become a strategic working space for YMCA Europe as we continue implementing our 2011 – 2016 Strategic Plan. The initiative was supported by YMCA Canada one more year as it is a clear example of movement strengthening with a pan European perspective. This year´s meeting was attended by 23 NGS´s plus representatives of Bulgaria, IKE (Transylvania), Y Care International, World Alliance of YMCAs, the “Roots for Reconciliation” team and YMCA Europe´s YES network.

The main goals of this 3rd Forum were : 1. Updates and further agreements based on presentations and discussions at previous NGS´s forums. 2. Sharing best practices with a focus on Movement Strengthening. 3. Identifying relevant programmes with a pan European perspective. Sessions included inputs and group work on Governance, Management and Communications, an update by Ed Eggink on the work done by the Executive Committee, feedback from the Change Agents programme and YES network and best practices sharing. The participants visited St. Paul´s Cathedral and paid tribute to Sir George Williams celebrating the 170 years of the foundation of the YMCA in London.

Presence of Executive Committee members and Staff Team As part of the Movement Strengthening strategy, members of our Executive Committee and Staff, visited a total of 28 European YMCAs during 2014. Visits included meetings with the leadership of the movement, contact with the local reality in terms of programmes, participation on national events and, in some cases, specific trainings for volunteers and staff. This representation visits focused also on sharing YMCA Europe´s strategy implementation process and receiving feedback about the impact of our initiatives across the movement.


11 different countries hosted specific YMCA Europe programmes and events during 2014. Our Executive Committee met in Thessaloniki (Greece) in February, in Litomysl (Czech Republic) in May and in Prague (Czech Republic) in September.


Balkan Tandem Grant: Bridges for the future

YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation Project Tandem Grant Tool Projects August – October 2014 was a key period for the implementation of the Tandem Grant Tool initiatives within YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation project. The graduates of the Roots for Reconciliation Peace Work Institute series elaborated these initiatives aiming at peace culture education and cross-border dialogue. First in the timeline was the study visit to Nagorno Karabagh (August

23 – 29), then the ‘Bridges for the Future’ regional Balkan event in Pristina, Kosovo (September 6 – 11), and Armenian group exchange visit to Istanbul, Turkey (October 20 – 26). The last initiative within this scheme is the Georgian group exchange visit to Russia. Yet at this point we can accent that all the events have been mere success, showing clear evidence of behavior

change amongst the Peace Work Institute graduates - empowered youth opinion leaders acting for change in their sending organizations and respective communities as multipliers of peace culture and cross-border dialogue. Exactly what YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation project are set to achieve, in comprehensive line with the YMCA Europe Strategy 2011 – 2016.

Tandem Grant Tool Study Visit to Karabakh

The only way to shed the “Balkans melting pot” reference is to dispel myths and start at a grass roots level with the youth. The added value of doing this on an International level is for young people

The study visit was hosted by YMCA Artsakh and included learning about the situation in Karabakh, meetings to politicians, activists and members of the church in Karabakh as well as talking to the people who live there, who have personal experience of the conflict. Also the group (representatives from YMCA England, YMCA Spain, YMCA Belarus, YMCA Russia, YMCA Europe, YMCA Kosovo and Canada), learned about the work that YMCA Artsakh is delivering.

from post conflict areas to realize they are not alone, to provide a greater support network and also to share responsibility for the common future of Europe.

Tandem Grant Tool Exchange Visit to Istanbul October 20 – 26, some 20 Armenian and Turkish young people gathered together in Istanbul to establish amiable relations and get empowered to act for improved mutual trust and understanding. In order to learn about the context and the prominence of this Tandem Grant Tool initiative within YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation project, we would like to remind you that there are no diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia, and the border between these neighboring countries remains closed. The participants were not challenged to focus on those and many other dividers, but rather they were focused on searching for connectors and shared positive values. And they managed to find many!


Using an innovative format, the “Bridges for the Future” Seminar invited participants to work as creative production teams where they were expected to simulate a project creative process.


Catch the Vision (Voloshin, Belarus, October 2014) In the year of “Inclusive Christianity” as main programme focus, YMCA Europe invited for the 8th Catch the Vision Seminar. Participants from 13 countries (Argentina, Belarus, Czech Rep., England, Germany, Iceland, Malta, N. Ireland, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine) came in October to Voloshin in Belarus for a journey through Cultural Roots of Peaceful Co-existence.

Progamme Groups During this journey everyone had possibility to experience Orthodox and old Jewish spirituality, to feel atmosphere and inspiration of Catholic churches and the mosque of local Tatars, to remember about Holocaust during 2nd World War and to analyse their own personal development within the mission of YMCA.

YMCA Europe´s Programme Groups are key working platforms in order to fully implement the Strategic Plan. Formed by volunteers and members of staff representing a variety of national and local YMCAs, each team focus on two main areas: - Specific internal work according to their aims and strategic priorities; - Planning and developing initiatives involving beneficiaries from different European contexts; During 2014 the following Programme Groups were active and their reports were shared both at the General Assembly and at the Executive Committee meetings (Thessaloniki, Greece in February and Prague, Czech Republic in September): Christian Orientation Group YES Group (youth network) European Sports Volunteers for Europe European Scouting and Jungschar Youth Policy Group

Thank you to the inspiring work that all Programme Groups develop on a daily bases. Special gratitude to all the chair persons and members of the groups representing local and national YMCAs involved. 20



Executive Committee Members

President: Mr. Ed Eggink, The Netherlands Vice President: Mr. Stepan Cerny, Czech Republic Treasurer: Mr. Mike Will, Scotland Recording Secretary: Ms. Beate Turck, Germany

Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain Secretary General Mr. Michal Szymanczak, Poland Senior Executive Secretary

Mr. Kie Cummings, England Ms. Eva Magassy, Hungary Mr. Ion State, Romania Mr. Birgir Urbancic Asgeirsson, Iceland Mr. Martin Winter, Germany

Mrs. Eva Tschornova, Czech Republic Office Manager

Secretary General (non-voting): Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain

Mrs. Sarka Cihakova, Czech Republic Accountant

Mrs. Martina Hudcovska, Slovakia Finance Executive Secretary

Mr. Vardan Hambardzumyan, Armenia Executive Secretary Programme Department Mr. Adam Rychlik, Poland Executive Secretary Programme Department Mr. Marius Pop, Romania Projects and Communications Manager Programme Department

Elected members (at General Assembly in May): Ms. Diana Zarembiene (Lithuania) Mr. Dan Carpov (Romania)

Project staff Programme Department

Past Presidents Mr. Terry Ratcliffe, England Mr. Jan NissĂŠn, Sweden Mr. Peter Posner, England

Mr. Revaz Shavladze, Georgia Project Manager Programme Department

Past Secretary Generals Mr. Egon Slopianka, Germany Rev. Doelf Weder, Switzerland Rev. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway



National YMCA`s in following countries Armenia (www.ymca.am) Belarus (en.ymcabelarus.org/national/home.html) Czech Republic (www.ymca.cz) Denmark (www.kfum-kfuk.dk) England (www.ymca.org.uk) Estonia (www.ymca.ee) Finland (www.ymca.fi) France (www.ucjg.fr) Georgia (www.ymca.ge) Germany (www.cvjm.de) Greece (www.ymca.gr) Hungary (www.kie.hu) Iceland (www.kfum.is) Ireland (www.ymca-ireland.net) Italy (www.ymca.it) Latvia (www.imka.lv) Latvian YMCA/YWCA in Germany Lithuania

Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) (www.ymca.mk) Malta (www.ymcahomeless.org) Moldova Netherlands (www.ymca.nl) Norway (www.kfuk-kfum.no) Poland (www.ymca.pl) Polish YMCA London Association (www.polskaymca.org.uk) Portugal (www.acm.org.pt) Romania (www.ymcaromania.com) Russia (www.ymca.ru) Scotland (www.ymcascotland.org) Slovakia (www.ymca.sk) Spain (www.ymca.es) Sweden (www.kfuk-kfum.se) Switzerland (www.cevi.ch) Ukraine (www.ymca.org.ua)

Co-operating YMCA`s in following countries Albania Austria (www.ymca.at) Bosnia and Herzegovina (ymca-bih.tumblr.com) Kosovo (www.ymcainkosovo.wix.com/ymcakosovo) Montenegro Nagorno-Karabakh Serbia



General Administration – summary Accounts in CZK and EUR; Ex.rate 31.12.2014 1EUR = CZK





National Contributions

6 427 645

231 836

Assets (less depreciation)

Grants & Special Contributions

4 588 865

165 514


European Institutions

1 809 273

65 258


Operational Income & Refunds

2 332 780

84 140

15 158 564

546 747




7 871 466

283 912

Travel & Meetings

2 347 304

84 664

Office, Operational, Sundry

1 890 455

68 186

Programmes & Projects

3 049 006

109 973

15 158 230

546 735



15 158 564

546 747



Surplus (+) Deficit (-) TOTAL





22 500


10 129 842

365 369

4 567 525

164 744


14 719 867

530 924


11 119 325

401 058



2 767 266

99 811

833 276

30 055


3 600 542

129 866


11 119 325

401 058

14 719 867

530 924

CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors Funds (Special)



(Reserves include Fixed Capital, General Reserves, Surpluses and Contingencies)


Auditor’s Report We have audited the accompanying financial statements of EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF YMCAs (YMCA Europe) which comprise the balance sheet as of 31 December 2014, and the income statement, for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. Information about EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF YMCAs (YMCA Europe) is presented in Section No.1 in Note to these financial statements. Statutory Body’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements The statutory body of EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF YMCAs (YMCA Europe), is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with Czech accounting regulations and for such internal control as statutory body determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility

In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the international non-governmental organization EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF YMCAs (YMCA Europe) as of 31 December 2014, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with Czech accounting regulations.

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and International Standards on Auditing and the related application guidelines issued by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic. Those laws and regulations require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The pro-

cedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

H Z Brno spol. s r. o. Minská 160/102, 616 00 Brno Czech Republic +420 603 841 497 info@hzbrno.cz http://hzbrno.cz/ Certificate number of the audit firm 416 Ing. Jan Jareš Certificate number of the auditor 0823

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of EUROPEAN ALLIANCE OF YMCAs (YMCA Europe) as of 31 December 2014, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with Czech accounting regulations. Prague on April 1, 2015


Contact Us

Thank you! • “Friends of YMCA Europe” donors

• HorYzon, Switzerland

• “George Williams Fund” donors

• Westfaelische Landeskirche, Germany

• Brot für die Welt, Germany

• Westbund YMCA, Germany

• European Union

• Y´s Men International (Area Europe and Denmark)

• Council of Europe

• Members of YMCA Europe Resource Team

• European Youth Foundation

YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Na Porici 12 CZ-110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Phone: +420 224 872 020 Fax: +420 224 872 025 Email: info@ymcaeurope.com Web: www.ymcaeurope.com

• All National Movements that hosted YMCA Europe events in 2014

Facebook: facebook.com/ymcaeurope facebook.com/RootsForReconciliation

• All National Movements, Regional and Local YMCA´s that supported YMCA Europe in 2014

YouTube: youtube.com/ymcaeurope

• All keynote speakers, presenters and facilitators at YMCA Europe seminars, events and programmes

Twitter: twitter.com/ymcaeurope

Bank details Komercni Banka a.s., Havlickova 13 111 21 Prague 1 Czech Republic EUR Account IBAN No: CZ84 0100 0000 1955 7969 0217 CZK Account IBAN No: CZ10 0100 0000 1955 7968 0297 USD Account IBAN No: CZ70 0100 0000 2766 3417 0287 SWIFT: KOMBCZPP

• European Youth Forum • Representatives on behalf of YMCA Europe at European Institutions • European representatives at World Alliance of YMCA´s Executive Committee and task groups • Programme, Field and Partner Groups leaders and members

• Michal Szymanczak for his inspiring contribution to YMCA Europe and the strengthening of the YMCA movement across our continent for more than 15 years. Thank you, Michal

• World Alliance of YMCA´s • YMCA of the USA • YMCA Canada

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the EU Commission and the Council of Europe cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



YMCA Europe, Na Porici 12, Prague, Czech Republic Phone. +420 224 872 020, Email: info@ymcaeurope.com


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