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roots quarterly EUSSI

5 2021


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Humans of Artsakh - Glimpse of real war Fundraiser campaign for Artsakh World YMCA`s Contribution to Roots Fundraiser for Artsakh Roots team member in the Forbes Roots Media Support Group Meeting In search of innovation for new digital tools Local Capacities for Peace Award: call and selection ProFest Prospective Memory - Online Pre-Event Roots & YMCA Europe Strategic Planning Process Call Generation NEXT


The Artsakh (Karabakh) war that started in September 2020 and lasted for 44 days turned out to be a vivid failure of international law, order, and ideals. Unfortunately, the conflict which claimed thousands of lives and displaced much more remained largely overlooked by international media and community alike.

The young people of YMCA Artsakh, regardless of their will, became a direct part of the war. We followed the path of some of them, all different and yet very similar at the same time - with hopes dashed, dreams relinquished and lives lost... Each story being the stark reminder that peace is the most valuable thing to safeguard and cherish… And it is up to all of us to act upon - because no one is safe, until everyone is! Learn more

FUNDRAISER CAMPAIGN FOR ARTSAKH As our response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the recent Karabakh War and in close cooperation with the World Alliance of YMCAs, YMCA Europe launched an online fundraising campaign to enable YMCA post-conflict traumahealing initiatives for young people of Artsakh. After three months and upon receiving 80 individual donations from all over the world we did reach our fundraising goal. Thanks to that YMCA Artsakh was granted €10,000 within YMCA Europe Roots Local Capacities for Peace component to organize an ad hoc traumahealing summer camp for war-affected young people. Nothing would be possible without your support and involvement and we take the hats off to each and every one of you! We extend our deep gratitude and will keep you posted on the actual implementation of the project. Learn more

The Facebook fundraiser reached its maximum duration but the donations are still possible through PayPal.

YMCA WORLD ALLIANCE CONTRIBUTION TO ROOTS FUNDRAISER FOR ARTSAKH The Fundraiser that Roots launched in December 2020 went in unison with the “Humans of Artsakh” storyline and warmed the hearts of so many… Dozens came forward and together from all over the world to have their share in stretching the hand of support to our sisters and brothers in Artsakh. Each donation equally matters - however big or small, but we still wish to highlight the generous contribution of the World YMCA. So far it is the largest contribution to our cause and represents a vivid example of solidarity and compassion expressed when it matters most. Thank you, your support will certainly make a great difference!


We are thrilled to have our new colleague Lika Zakaryan featured by Forbes. Lika is working with the Roots Media Support Group as an expert. Being a professional and practicing journalist, she is already contributing into making our digital activism even more vibrant and engaging. An Alumna of Roots Peace Work Institute and an active volunteer in YMCA Artsakh where she received extensive training in conflict resolution, peace work and critical thinking - Lika is a graduate of Artsakh State University with a major in conflict resolution/transformation and peace.

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ROOTS MEDIA SUPPORT GROUP MEETING We live in the society where trends and preferences are going through constant change, especially in the digital sphere. And while Roots stays true to its core values and guiding principles, it is vital to keep up with evolving tendencies in the online world to ensure sustained and relevant engagement with its beneficiaries. Creation of Roots Media Support Group last year and contracting Lika Zakaryan as Roots Media Consultant effective from January 2021 were the first major steps in this direction. As part of this process, on January 28th, 2021 we organized an online meeting involving selected Roots Peace Work Institute Alumni that have extensive experience in Social Media. Together with Adi Davies (YMCA Kosovo) & Irina Berdzenishvili (YMCA Georgia), we conducted the analysis and brainstormed over current Roots social media outlets and suggestions on how to further develop and diversify them to achieve larger and more targeted outreach. Obtained feedback is already having a very positive impact on how we communicate with you, so we plan to make such sharing sessions a regular practice.


Two signature projects of YMCA Europe - "Roots for Peace", “Generation Next” and "Leadership Academy'' - continue fostering the synergy via exchanging best practices and experience to each other. On Feb 5th we discussed the online platform "Stepik" - used by "Leadership Academy" Team to deliver various educational modules and assignments through digital mode and explored the possibilities of how this successful practice can be adopted by Roots for its upcoming activities.


In our pursuit to sustain and enhance peace-building initiatives across the continent, YMCA Europe launched the second call for the Roots Peace Award in February. And the laureate of 2021 is YMCA Kosovo – their project “e-bridge”, with YMCAs Ireland and Serbia as partners, aims to build a peace & reconciliation based youth friendly e-learning programme, accessible to young people across the continent of Europe and beyond. After the positive assessment by Roots Peace Work Institute Alumni this project is granted € 10,000 from the Roots Local Capacities for Peace facility. And this is on top of a special Roots Peace Medal. Another one of it, based on the decision of the YMCA Europe Executive Committee, will go to the Council of Europe Youth Department as an appreciation for longterm strategic partnership and support.

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PROFEST PROSPECTIVE MEMORY ONLINE PRE-EVENT We resumed the preparations for Roots ProFest "Prospective Memory" with a follow-up call with Jonathan Van Varik, the Chairman of YMCA Nederland International Committee. Initially scheduled to take place in the Netherlands in May 2020, the event was postponed due to Covid19. And as the virus is still largely affecting the European Continent and restrictions remain enforced, the discussion focused on different options (online event; further rescheduling) to ensure that ProFest will eventually go ahead. Subsequently and based on follow-up communication and situation analysis during coming months, the unanimous decision was reached - YMCA Europe Roots for Peace and YMCA Nederland will organise an online youth pre-event about remembrance and peace-building in the beginning of May 2021. And we are still looking for young people that would like to join us to create this event together! Do topics of remembrance and peace appeal to you? Want to help organise an online event as part of an international team? Then reach out to us!


As part of the Strategic Planning Process YMCA Europe President and Key Staff had a series of meetings to assess the Roots impact so far and the future potential. The February 5 meeting with the leaders of the YMCAs of Armenia and Artsakh was key in evaluating the project’s response capacity to ad hoc situations as the Karabakh War is. Later on, March the 27th, the highlights about "Roots for Peace” and “Generation Next” projects were presented to YMCA Europe Executive Committee, including a detailed account on the Roots Peace Award process.


2021 will be the inaugural year for YMCA Europe Generation Next Internship and Summer School Projects and the Call is currently open for eligible organizations to apply. The Projects aim to foster access to higher education, acquisition of critical life skills and promote the values of civic engagement and responsibility for and among youth from disadvantaged social backgrounds in the South Caucasus Region, as well as to enhance the sustainability of YMCA Resource Centers established in Armenia and Georgia by YMCA Europe Roots project.

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