Annual Report 2018

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Published by: YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Photos: YMCA Europe archive Design: Marius Pop Photo edit contributors: Ani Arakelyan, Mario Trichilo

Message from the leadership About us Our Strategy 2018: Speaking statistics Creating Spaces for GOOD GOVERNANCE - Movement Strengthening - Programme Initiatives – European Sport YMCA (ESY) – TenSing – European Scouts & Jungschar Group (ESG) – Camp Conference Eastern Platform – UNIFY – Other Programme Groups Creating Spaces for YOUTH EMPOWERMENT - YMCA Leadership Academy Creating Spaces for REPRESENTATION & ADVOCACY - Brussels Office Creating Spaces for PEACE & JUSTICE (Roots for Reconciliation) Communications Executive Committee & Staff Members & Co-operating Movements General Administration Auditor`s Report Thank you YMCA175 Contacts

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On behalf of our Executive Committee and Staff Team, we are pleased to introduce YMCA Europe´s 2018 Annual Report. This has been another year of great developments and change. Europe and the entire world have also faced important social changes affecting young people within our communities. Our capacity to positively respond to those realities through programmes and actions is clearly visible through the data and general information that we share in the Report. You will find concrete figures about the impact of our programmes and actions as we have completed the third year of our current Strategic Plan (2016-2018). We have followed the three strategic objectives that were approved by our member YMCAs when the overall purpose of YMCA was agreed for this period. We are expected to “create spaces”, to “strengthen” and to “represent” the YMCA movement across Europe. In cooperation with 37 national YMCAs, in 2018 we published updated data that shows the reality of our network. 4,105 local YMCAs, involving 95,500 volunteers and more than 20,000 staff working with one purpose: to positively influence lives of young people. Though the research we also learned that collectively we reach over 2 million beneficiaries annually. This report only includes information about the initiatives led by YMCA Europe and our programme groups but we are aware that our joint impact is higher if we would add all actions that each local association develops annually. Europe and the global context are living important social, economic and technological changes. Therefore our work also needs to evolve finding the best structures, procedures and programmes to maximize our impact and increase our relevance. This year our Executive Committee started a review of our structures and dynamics combined with an evaluation of the developments of our office in Brussels opened in 2016. Following the change of Administration at World YMCA, we have also strengthen the need for alignment and deeper collaboration with the global movement sharing resources and being more effective as umbrella organizations serving our national YMCAs. As we plan and prepare for our 175th anniversary through a major global event that will be held in London in August 2019 in partnership with key stakeholders within our movement, YMCA Europe´s purpose is to provide a unique and positive experience to more than 4,000 delegates from all over the world. YMCA175 will be a dynamic platform for young leaders sharing their experiences in social transformation with one purpose: shape a positive future. We encourage you to follow our developments through our web page, communication platforms, monthly newsletters and social media. There you will find inspiring testimonials endorsing the different project initiatives and will learn about the developments of YMCAs in the local and national contexts. The achievements that you will find in this report would not be possible without you. Volunteers, staff, supporters and each of the persons that lead projects in different European contexts. We thank all our partners in Europe and overseas. Your commitment is our strength and inspiration! Thank you! Mike Will President

Juan Simoes Iglesias Secretary General


YMCA Europe is a working fellowship of the national YMCA movements where people grow in body, mind and spirit. YMCA Europe is an umbrella organization that serves 32 members and 5 cooperating YMCA movements throughout Europe. Inspired by our Christian ecumenical mission, we offer administrative support, facilitate networking and programme sharing, organize seminars and events and, in accordance with our Strategic Plan “Towards 2020” (2016– 2020), serve to enhance and positively influence lives of young people. YMCA Europe cooperates with different public and private European institutions benefiting

from grants attached to projects developed in different countries. Young people are involved either as beneficiaries or as leaders at different initiatives. Representatives of our member movements meet at the annual General Assembly and set the main goals for each term. A democratically elected Executive Committee together with the Secretary General and the Staff work on the implementation of the Strategy with a special focus on Movement Strengthening. More about us /5

Our activities during 2018 have been guided by our Strategy as its mid term approached, focusing on youth empowerment, movement strengthening, and advocacy, and themes as /6 Migration, Peace and Justice, Youth Empowerment.

Roots for Reconciliation 6 Events 295 Participants 19 Countries Average age: 21,6 Sta Conference 1 Event 80 Participants 14 Countries Average age: <40 Camp Conference 1 Event 49 Participants 4 Countries Average age: 25

Leadership Academy 2 Sessions 30 /24 Participants 17 Countries Average age: 24 Ten Sing Festival 1 Event 512 Participants 10 Countries Average age: 22 NGS Forum 1 Event 21Participants 18 Countries Average age: <45

YES Seminar 1 Event 36 Participants 20 Countries Average age: 24 Sport Seminar 1 Event 41 Participants 8 Countries Average age: 24

General Assembly 1 Event 160 Participants 32 Countries Average age: <40 ESG Training 1 Event 50 Participants 6 Countries Average age: 23




160 delegates from 29 European National YMCAs, together with representatives from YMCAs USA, Canada, the African, Asia Pacific and Latin American Alliance, Mexico, Easter Jerusalem YMCA, gathered in Hintersee, Germeny at our General Assembly (May 10-13th 2018). Included in the group, were 35 young people participants at our YES Seminar held also in Hintersee during the whole week.

Hosted by YMCA Germany at their wonderful venue in Hintersee, this General Assembly will be remembered for an intense and diversified agenda. The goals set by the Executive Committee and those involved in the planning were fully achieved during the weekend. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MAIN OUTCOMES




Our 7th National General Secretaries Forum was held in Minsk, Belarus, October 28-30, with 21 participants. The NGS Forum is one of the “working spaces” that we are emphasizing as a key platform to advance the strategy and an opportunity for National Movements´ representatives to share and agree on technical aspects. LEARN MORE


“Field Group� is an official structure created by YMCA Europe aimed at strengthening movements through involvement of partners. September 24 was the day of YMCA Ukraine Field Group meeting in Kiev; 28-29 September YMCA Belarus Field Group met in Lviv. Field Group Kosovo has successfully completed their mission. Both YMCA Kosovo and Field Group members decided that the goals, which had been set several years ago were achieved and this form of support should be replaced by cooperation of partners in specified task areas. /12

YMCA Europe Training Centre in Litomysl welcomed the international YMCA YWCA Staff Conference that under the name “Heartbeat” took place from 19th to 23rd of September. More than 80 Participants from 14 countries were involved in educational, sport and craft activities that were highlighted by the wonderful autumn weather and local hospitality.



YMCA Europe Programme Groups were created as working platforms in order to implment the Strategic Plan. Formed by voluteers and members of staff representing a variety of national and local YMCAs, each team focus on two main areas: - Planning and developing initiatives involving beneficiaries from different European contexts; Programme Groups in 2018: ESY - European Sports European Scouting and Jungschar European TenSing Christian Orientation Group YES Group (Youth Empowerment Space) Volunteers for Europe Youth Policy Group Working Group on Refugees European Camping Group /15

Sport is an important part of the YMCA worldwide. As a programme group of YMCA Europe, ESY organizes since 1952 European YMCA Championships in Basketball, Handball, Table tennis and Volleyball every second year. ESY also oers a leader training seminar for young sport leaders in YMCA. Activity and Events in 2018 Board Meeting - April, London, UK; CooL - Cooperative Learning through Sports and Outdoor Activities Helsinki, Finland from 14th do 20th May 2018; ESY Annual meeting - 5th September 2018 Struga - Republic of North Macedonia; ESY Sport seminar - from 6th to 12th September 2018 Struga, Republic of Macedonia. LEARN MORE


sport ymca


August 7 - 12, Kalvøya, Norway In August, 2000 youth were gathered at Kalvøya in Norway, to celebrate 50 years of Ten Sing. For this special Ten Sing anniversary it was time to bring the festival back to Norway where it all began fifty years ago, to celebrate both our history and the movement today.



March 1 - 4, Berlin, Germany Delegates from Norway, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic, England and Denmark were gathered in March in Berlin, to talk about Constitution, By Laws and European Ten Sing Festival.



29 August - 2 September 2018, Czech Republic In the end of August, 60 participants from 6 countries gathered in Czech Republic, for a new edition of the European Scouting and Jungshar Leadership Training and Seminar.



March 30 - April 1, Minsk, Belarus 2018 is the second year when 49 young people, leaders of YMCAs Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova are initiating an area Camp Conference and organize it through support of YMCA USA and YMCA Europe. This is an event aimed at motivating and educating young leaders in the sphere of camp program through sharing experience, obtaining new knowledge and skills, thinking about the program development. This is one of the events working for movements strengthening in the area of so called "Eastern Platform" of YMCA Europe.


UNIFY is a platform for European YMCAs to share and explore about the Christian Mission of the YMCA.

March 1 - 4, Cluj, Romania In March, over 90 participants from 13 countries met in this event where the focus topic was “Called to Serve!”. The conference contained such important focuses as ecumenism, common prayers, asking questions related to Christianity and spiritual existence of a human being.


August 12 - 16, Lublin, Poland The programme of this year contained a unique possibility of personal experience various ways of Christian devotion. It’s worth emphasizing that the leaders tend to keep high artistic taste and good educational level.


In its meeting in February 2018 the Executive Committee of YMCA Europe established the “YMCA Europe Working Group on Refugees� and adopted its Terms of Reference. The Working Group should play an important role in the implementation of our Strategy 20162020 in which the YMCA work for refugees is mentioned as a priority.

YMCA CAMPS is a platform established by YMCA Europe, where European YMCA's working on camping programmes can cooperate, communicate on common topics, share resources and knowledge.

THANK YOU to the inspiring work that all Programme Groups develop on a daily basis. Special gratitude to all the Chair persons and members of the groups representing local and national YMCAs involved!



May 8 - 13, Hintersee, Germany Between May 8th and during the whole General Assembly, until May 13th, Hintersee also hosted a group of 35 YMCA young people from 20 countries around Europe, for the annual YES network seminar. Although this has been a regular occurrence since 2012, this YES seminar gathered one of the largest groups to date, thanks to the Erasmus+ grant received - a great opportunity to involve a larger number of young people in this important experience. The seminar was based on the themes identiďŹ ed by the former YES Board (diversity, vulnerability, resilience and advocacy), gathered consulting the network and with the help of our Brussels oďŹƒce, who drafted the Erasmus+ application with YES Board and YMCA Germany.



April 24 - 29, Paris, France | October 19 - 24, Svjaty Jur, Slovakia 2018 is the second year when YMCA Europe is running the educational course Leadership Academy. It has already become a signature program of YMCA Europe as it empowers young people and equips them with relevant knowledge on human rights, social relevance of an NGO, strategic planning, project management, democratic governance, advocacy and communication. /26

A great goal of the Leadership Academy was to mainstream into YMCAs across Europe the human rights based approach: we work with young people and vulnerable communities to support them in enjoying their rights fully, to seek inclusion and peaceful societies. YMCAs will then become advocates for these young people and groups and their rights, becoming an actor for change, who speaks for justice loud and clear. LEARN MORE


2018 was an eventful year for our youth representation in Europe. Our representatives attended a total of 15 meetings with policy makers and other youth NGOs, representing our interests on youth employment, migration, recognition of youth work, peace and justice and social rights. The Youth Policy Group also grew, going from 9 members to 13, attending several training webinars on advocacy topics and producing four policy papers on Migration, Employment, Peace and Justice, and Youth Empowerment. LEARN MORE


This was a full year for the Brussels Office. 2018 marked an increase in the advocacy activity, with constant work on influencing advocacy processes like the Multi Annual Financial Framework of the EU, the EU Budget and the new Erasmus+ Programme, with a focus on the European Solidarity Corps. The Office also worked on a total of 15 project applications for several programmes (YMCA Leadership Academy - 2nd and 3rd sessions, migration projects, etc) and supported several movements in fundraising and advocacy activities.

The Brussels Office attended a total of 30 meetings during the year 2018, counting around 26 external representation occasions (face to face meetings and events), and 4 meetings with YMCAs who have visited the office or sought advice.


“Roots for Reconciliation” is a YMCA Europe project, promoting youth activism towards peaceful transformation of conflicts in Europe. Since the commencement of the first phase in 2007, it has evolved from an initiative focusing mainly on the Caucasus region into a genuinely pan-European project. In order to achieve its objectives, the Roots currently runs series of activities, which logically are clustered in the following three interconnected sets: Peace Work Institute; Local Capacities for Peace Seed Grant Tool; Reflecting on Peace Practices Process. Talking statistics, in 2018 five key project activities were implemented within the Roots, enrolling around 300 participants from 19 countries with average age at about 21,6. LEARN MORE


June 27 - July 3 | September 21 - 23, Camp Daranak, Armenia 87 Participants, 2 Countries, Average age: 17 JULY 24 - 30, Nagorno Karabakh 93 Participants, 2 Countries, Average age: 24 November 28 - December 2, Minsk, Belarus 41 Participants, 5 Countries, Average age: 23.


August 27 - September 2, YMCA Camp Orange, Georgia 40 Participants, 7 Countries, Average age: 25. Co-funded by US Embassy. September 16 - 22, European Youth Centre, Budapest 35 Participants, 17 Countries, Average age: 24. Co-funded by CoE.



People reached



2017 2017 2018

+ 13%

- 25%

People engaged






Page followers

Video views

2018 +71%

2016 2017





2017 +10%


People reached



2015 2016


People reached









Page followers


People engaged


-9% 94.696

















- 40%









+ 15%


2017 2016


2017 - 25%




2018 + 7.5%


2016 + 39%

+ 217%

People engaged

22.000 Video views


Page followers


Page views


- 20%




+50% +7.7%




- 1.5%


2015 2016


2017 2018 +4%











-1.2% + 12%

2015 2016


2018 + 4%





2015 2016 2017


+ 1%


+ 13%






+10% -0.2%




2015 2016

Posts (articles, events, blogs)

2018 2017 2016




Page views












2017 +33% 1213 followers

2017 +30% 2800views





President: Mr. Mike Will, Scotland Vice President: Mr. Stepan Cerny, Czech Republic Treasurer: Ms. Beate Turck, Germany Recording Secretary: Ms. Diana Zarembiene, Lithuania Mr. Sven Larsen, Norway Ms. Anita Beguelin, Switzerland Mr. Pascal Rosenthal, Germany Ms. Marta Huretska, Ukraine Mr. Edgar Mifsud, Malta Past Presidents Mr. Terry Ratclife, England Mr. Jan NissĂŠn, Sweden Mr. Peter Posner, England Mr. Ed Eggink, The Netherlands

Secretary General (non-voting): Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain

Past Secretary Generals Mr. Egon Slopianka, Germany Rev. Doelf Weder, Switzerland Rev. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway

Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain Secretary General Mrs. Martina Hudcovska, Slovakia Finance Executive Secretary Mr. Vardan Hambardzumyan, Armenia Executive Secretary Programme Department

Mr. Marius Pop, Spain Projects and Communications Manager Programme Department Ms. Olga Lukina, Belarus Regional Assistant for Movement Strengthening and Project Management Programme Department Mrs. Gabriela Fuskova, Czech Republic Office Manager Mrs. Sarka Cihakova, Czech Republic Accountant

Mrs. Ilenia Ventroni, Italy Advocacy, Project and Fundraising Officer Brussels Office

Project staff

Mr. Adam Rychlik, Poland Executive Secretary Programme Department

Mr. Revaz Shavladze, Georgia Project Manager Programme Department


Armenia ( Belarus ( Czech Republic ( Denmark ( England and Wales ( Estonia ( Finland (www.ymca.i) France ( Georgia ( Germany ( Greece ( Hungary ( Iceland ( Ireland ( Italy ( Kosovo (

Lithuania North Macedonia ( Malta ( Moldova ( Netherlands ( Norway ( Poland ( Portugal ( Romania ( Russia ( Scotland ( Slovakia ( Spain ( Sweden ( Switzerland ( Ukraine (


Albania Austria ( Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Montenegro Nagorno-Karabakh ( Serbia (





National Contributions

5 398 057

209 837

Grants & Special Contributions

6 055 353

235 388

European Institutions

2 146 025

83 422

Operational Income & Refunds

3 576 890

139 043

17 176 325

667 690




9 364 215

Travel & Meetings

2 101 393

81 687

Office, Operational, Sundry

1 996 606

77 613

Programmes & Projects

4 133 850

160 694

17 596 064

684 006

-419 739

-16 316

17 176 325

667 690

Surplus (+) Deicit (-) TOTAL

364 012


Accounts in CZK and EUR; Ex.rate 31.12.2018 1EUR = CZK 25.725

CURRENT ASSETS Assets (less depreciation) Cash




1 392

4 090 326

159 002


15 006 275

583 334


19 132 407

743 728

5 703 575

221 713






9 926 859

385 884

Funds (Special, GW Fund)

3 501 975

136 131

13 428 831


5 703 576

221 713

19 132 407

743 728


(Reserves include Fixed Capital, General Reserves, Surpluses and Contingencies)


We have audited the accompanying financial statements of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) (hereinafter also the “Company”) based in Nové Město (Praha 1), Praha, Na poříčí 1041/12, PSČ 110 00, IČ: 68406649, prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2018, and the income statement, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) see in the introduction to the financial statements. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and Auditing Standards of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic, which are International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), as amended by the related application clauses. Our responsibilities under this law and regulation are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. /44

We are independent of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) in accordance with the Act on Auditors and the Code of Ethics adopted by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) as at 31 December 2018, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Brno on March 19, 2019

*Quotation from "Independent Auditor’s Report" 2017. Full version of the report available here.

“Friends of YMCA Europe” donors “George Williams Fund” donors Brot für die Welt, Germany European Commission Council of Europe European Youth Foundation European Youth Forum YMCA of the USA YMCA Canada World Alliance of YMCA´s Westfaelische Landeskirche, Germany Y´s Men International HorYzon, Switzerland Westbund YMCA, Germany

Programme, Field and Partner Groups leaders and members Members of YMCA Europe Resource Team All National Movements that hosted YMCA Europe events in 2018 AllNationalMovements,RegionalandLocal YMCA´s that supported YMCA Europe in 2018 All keynote speakers, presenters and facilitators at YMCA Europe seminars, events and programmes Members of the Steering Group and Programme Team of YMCA175 Event Representatives on behalf of YMCA Europe at European Institutions European representatives at World Alliance of YMCA´s Executive Committee and task groups



London, UK. August 4-8, 2019 We started planning and preparing for the largest global youth event, celebrating 175 years of the power of youth transforming communities. YMCA175 will attract 5,000 young people from six continents and over 100 countries to equip and empower them to address today's most compelling social issues. At ExCel London we will bring together YMCA and non-YMCA youth leaders and share practical skills in a youth friendly environment. We will celebrate diversity, strengthen cross-cultural collaboration and provide youth with a platform to speak out and shape the future as global leaders. LEARN MORE


Head office

Office in Brussels

YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Na Porici 12 CZ-110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic

Rue de L`Industrie 10 1000 Brussels Belgium

Phone: + 420 224 872 020 Email: Web:

Havlickova 13, 111 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic EUR Account IBAN No: CZ84 0100 0000 1955 7969 0217 CZK Account IBAN No: CZ10 0100 0000 1955 7968 0297 USD Account IBAN No: CZ70 0100 0000 2766 3417 0287 SWIFT: KOMBCZPP

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