Annual Report 2019

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20 19






LOCAL YMCAs +4,100





YMCA Europe Annual Report 2019 Published by: YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Photos: YMCA Europe archive Design: Marius Pop






STAFF +20,200




Message from the leadership 2019: Speaking statistics Creating Spaces for GOOD GOVERNANCE - General Assembly 2019

6 8 10 11

Creating Spaces for MOVEMENT STRENGTHENING - National General Secretaries Forum - Movement Strengthening Committee Meeting - Field Group Belarus & Ukraine - European YMCA-YWCA Staff Conference - Leadership Conference for Eastern Platform - Movement Strengthening Workshops during YMCA175

12 13 13 14 15 16 16



Creating Spaces for PEACE & JUSTICE - Roots for Reconciliation 2019 overview - Peace Work Institute Reunion - Reflecting on Peace Practices Workshop

20 22 22 23

Creating Spaces for PROGRAMME INITIATIVES Programme Groups - European Sport Seminar - Unify Leadership Conference - Training for Summer Camp managers - European TenSing Conference - Online Databases of Camping Programme Group and Working Group on Refugees

24 26 27 28 28 29

Creating Spaces for YOUTH EMPOWERMENT - YMCA Leadership Academy - Youth Policy Group Meeting - Other activities - YMCA175

32 34 36 36 38

Statistics: Communications 2019 Executive Committee & Staff Member & Cooperative Movements General Administration & Auditors Report Thank you Contacts

40 42 44 46 49 50


Message from the Leadership We are pleased to present our 2019 Annual Report and we encourage you to read each page of this document. You will have a clear picture of the highlights, developments and achievements of YMCA Europe as a common working platform for the European movement. The implementation of our Strategy´s final stages has been a priority. Therefore the report captures the concrete actions and programmes developed in 2019 under the three pillars adopted by our membership : Creating Spaces, Movement Strengthening and Representation & Advocacy. Together with our partners and stakeholders, we achieved all programmatic goals that were presented at the General Assembly. More than ever, Youth Empowerment was in the heart of all our actions. The celebration of the 175th anniversary of the YMCA was a highlight and it has influenced further strategies at all levels. As organizers of the YMCA175 event held in London, we can proudly say that YMCA Europe has provided the space and opportunity to our world movement in order to connect and help shaping our common future. We promoted the active and genuine involvement of young people at all stages of the planning and implementation of this unique event. But we are especially proud of having involved key partners such as our hosting movement YMCA

England & Wales and World YMCA, the YMCA of the USA and the YMCA World Urban Network. We are deeply thankful to these stakeholders knowing that without their commitment, vison and support, YMCA175 would have not been possible. Our gratitude is also expressed to our Steering Group, Management Team and the hundreds of volunteers, leaders and members of teams that worked in such a unique and fruitful project. 2019 was also the year in which we completed the first phase of the Organizational Review process. Significant changes were adopted within our Constitution with a focus on our governance bodies. We also started an open and exciting process which objective is to agree on the direction of travel for YMCA Europe aligned with the World YMCA and a focus on the added value that our platform provides to our members. We are thankful to our National General Secretaries and working platforms included in our present structure for their input as we collectively started to design our strategic direction. Movement Strengthening was the other pillar that deserves a special chapter this year. As YMCA Europe we have an important responsibility in contributing to raise the profile and relevance of our movement by designing effective tools and putting in practice actions that benefit our member and cooperating YMCAs.


The “health check” process, the data collection from local and national realities, the training sessions through our Leadership Academy and the ongoing work through our field, partner and programme groups have been concrete actions to build capacity and strengthen our network. We completed the registration of YMCA Europe in Belgium, adapting to a new legislation and increasing our advocacy and project management capacity. The transition process to establish our seat in Brussels was combined with structural changes mainly affecting our office in Prague, guaranteeing that we will continue working in a responsible and cost effective way serving our cooperating and member YMCAs across Europe. Also in the Czech Republic, a good agreement with the City of Litomysl was reached and we were thankful for almost twenty years of partnership between our both institutions. The Training Centre will remain as a resource but YMCA Europe will not have further responsibilities within this initiative. In this report you will read about the projects that YMCA implemented. We want to highlight the impact of our “Roots for Reconciliation” initiatives developed in 2019 and the bridge to the next phase of the project that will continue providing effective spaces for peace building involving young people from different contexts. Social justice continued to be a key field in our work. The Working Group on Refugees took steps forward in cooperation with all national YMCAs serving

migrants, asylum seekers, displaced persons and re f u g e e s by m a p p i n g a n d a s s e s s i n g t h e s e programme initiatives across Europe. In 2019 we made a special effort in communications and networking creating new online platforms, publishing internal and external news on a daily basis. We recognize the increasing importance of our digital approach as a way to better serve our members by interacting with them and raising our common profile. On behalf of our Executive Committee and Staff Team, we express our deep gratitude for the support and commitment that you have provided to YMCA Europe. That is our main inspiration as we plan the next Strategic Period. Strengthening the YMCA in Europe has been and will continue being our main goal. Thank you!

Mike Will President

Juan Simoes Iglesias Secretary General

2019 was a year that saw YMCA Europe directly training and impacting the lives of more than 3,650 young people, across 16 activities held in 14 countries, including YMCA175. We have supported our members creating spaces where they could meet, share and work together for a better future for youth and for their communities. All our activities during 2019 have been guided by our Strategy being focused on youth empowerment, movement strengthening and advocacy, covering themes as Migration, Peace and Justice and Youth Empowerment.

16 642 27 35

PROJECTS PARTICIPANTS AVERAGE AGE Gender balance: female 55%, male 45%



YMCA Europe Executive Committee Not pictured Stepan Cerny and Anita BĂŠguelin


YMCA EUROPE`S GENERAL ASSEMBLY, SANARY, FRANCE A space for good governance, strategy implementation, facts and inspiration... 103 delegates from 23 countries gathered at YMCA Europe´s General Assembly held in Centre Azur, a YMCA France venue in Sanary sur Mer. As we start the last year of our present Strategy (Towards 2020), the GA was planned focusing the future of our working platform and its alignment with the new World YMCA strategy taking into consideration the social context in Europe. Therefore we had keynote speeches by Carlos Sanvee, (Secretary General of World YMCA) and Bob Gilbertson (CEO of YMCA World Urban Network) followed by group work sessions which purpose was to identify aspects applicable to YMCA Europe in the next strategic period. Presentations from our new Movement Strengthening Committee (by Paul Smillie and Olga Lukina) and the Communications Group (represented by Vojtech Ralek, Jason Stacey, Dalibor Perasin and Marius Pop at the GA), were also useful for the group work sessions led by Executive Committee members. In this respect over 40 initiatives and proposals were collected by the facilitators of the 7 tables and discussion groups. A summary of this input was presented by Juan Simoes Iglesias, Secretary General as part of his 2018-2019 report to the General Assembly.




The other relevant session was an update on the YMCA175 event organized by YMCA Europe in London in partnership with YMCA England & Wales, World YMCA, YMCA USA and World Urban Network. Devotions were led by Diana Zarembiene and Silvia Lazaridis with inspiring messages connected with the themes of each working day. A new Nominations Committee was elected and the roadmap to the 2020 Executive Committee elections was set with Günter Lücking serving as Chair of this governance body.



18-20 Cluj

NOV Romania

Over 20 participants took part in the National General Secretaries Forum held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania from 18th to 20th November. This 8th edition of this annual meeting for YMCA Europe focused on the analysis of the present and future of our working platform as an initial step for our next Strategic Plan.

18-20 Stockholm

FEB Sweden

MOVEMENT STRENGTHENING COMMITTEE Movement Strengthening is a process of assistance to National Movements in understanding and achieving desired changes prioritising spheres of their work for the benefit of the target groups through self-analysis, beneficiary empowerment and external expertise.


YMCA Europe created the Movement Strengthening Committee in the spring of 2019, in order to design movement strengthening strategy, help the National Movements understand key problematic areas, put priorities for development, create an action plan for intervention.


12-14 Volozhyn

OCT Belarus

YMCA Nederland, Cevi Schweiz - Switzerland, YMCA Thames Gateway UK, KFUM Sverige (Sweden), CVJM Germany and YMCA Europe met in Volozhyn, to discuss a common vision for partnership and ways of sustainability for the Belarusian YMCA.


29-30 Kyiv

SEP Ukraine

The leadership of YMCA Ukraine and its partners: KFUM Sverige, YMCA Canada, YMCA Belarus and YMCA Europe met in Kyiv for the annual meeting. Sustainability of YMCA in Ukraine, implementation of their Strategic plan, analysis of the health check questionnaire were among the topics on the agenda.


EUROPEAN YMCA-YWCA STAFF CONFERENCE Planning meeting of the European YMCA-YWCA Staff Conference that will be hosted by Sweden in 2021.

23-25 Stockholm

SEP Sweden




21-24 Minsk

MAR Belarus

About 40 participants from YMCA Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, with support of YMCA Europe and YMCA USA, learned how to plan Strategic Impact, see strategic advantages for their Ys, identified "Big Questions" and thought about social entrepreneurship as a tool for social relevance and financial sustainability. The workshops also included topics such as PR and communication, job description, international partnership, creating project applications, communication in an NGO, tips for everyday management, governance, SDGs for YMCA and many more.


4-8 London AUG


Near 150 hours of workshops and panel discussions were held at YMCA175 on civic engagement, economic growth, ecological awareness and health & well-being, empowering young people and strengthening movements by expertise, innovation and sharing experience. Workshops from World Urban Network were speciďŹ cally organised for development of senior leaders so to reect on the challenges of constantly changing society and map The Path to the Preferable Future. Current transitions are challenging both the business model of YMCA and its mission model. How should the movement respond? Each session was designed to give participants practical tools and examples they can take home to their one communities to start a conversation about change and respond of YMCA to it. They assessed what we need to do as a movement setting out on a journey to the Preferable Future.


The year 2019 was a different year for the Brussels office. As European institutions prepared for transition, we worked on one toolbox about European parliamentary elections, but we had less chances to meet with the representatives who were on their way out. Our representatives attended a total of 10 meetings with policy makers and other youth NGOs, representing our interests on mental health, migration, recognition of youth work, peace and justice and social rights. The Youth Policy Group had a chance to work on new themes, and we organised one important face to face training for them about the function of the EU, the new EU Youth Strategy, and their role as representatives. 2019 was a year to reap results of our advocacy: we saw the European institutions placing a proposal for a new Erasmus+ budget increased threefold, a payoff of our efforts for youth following our participation to the Erasmusx10 campaign with our fellow NGOs. We also saw a new EU Youth Strategy being published, a Strategy we contributed with and that we identify with. The Office also worked on a total of 6 project applications directed at bringing young people to YMCA175, helping five of our members to register for the new European Solidarity Corps programme and to apply for it.




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Peace Work Institute Reunion Toldeo, Spain | April 2019


6 Projects

30 Countries


+ 1,000


direct beneďŹ ciaries



in 5 countries

14-25 years old


annual budget

The year of 2019 marked successful completion of the YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation 2016 2019 phase with several landmark events taking place within its concluding outcome evaluation and impact assessment plan. The process was launched in April at the Peace Work Institute Reunion (Toledo, Spain) and adjourned in December at the Reecting on Peace Practices Workshop (Brussels, Belgium). Based on the project case study and experiences Roots Peacework Guidebook was produced as a quality knowledge-sharing resource. And we have the pleasure to announce that the Roots goes on for another 3 years (2020 - 2022), with its core funding secured thanks to our partners - Brot fur die Welt, CVJM Weltweit and Council of Europe. The project, now with a new name (Roots for Peace) will focus on three key components: (1) Peace Work Institute; (2) ProFests and (3) Local Capacities for Peace Award - designed to deliver the message of peace and reconciliation to thousands of young people across the continent and beyond. Learn more



Learn more

Reecting on Peace Practices Workshop Brussels, Belgium | December 2019



YMCA Europe Programme Groups were created as working platforms in order to implement the Strategic Plan. Formed by volunteers and members of staff representing a variety of national and local YMCAs, each team focus on two main areas: Ÿ Ÿ

Specific internal work according to their aims and strategic priorities; Planning and developing initiatives involving beneficiaries from different European contexts.

Programme Groups in 2019: ESY - European Sports European Scouting and Jungschar European TenSing Christian Orientation Group Working Group on Refugees European Camping Group Youth Policy Group Volunteers for Europe YES Group (Youth Empowerment Space)




SEP Italy

European Sport YMCA Seminar was hosted by YMCA Siderno, Italy between 11 and 15th September 2019, bringing together 35 young people from 7 Countries.

For five days we were in Siderno, a medium-sized city in southern Italy. All participants are involved with sport in their YMCA in some way. During the seminar, however, the focus was not only on sport itself. The group also dealt with crucial values in the YMCA and discussed aims and plans for the future. Sport and values were discussed, but sport was also actively practiced. Each nation brought along a sports discipline that was explained and tried out together. There was handball, volleyball, basketball, football and flag football.

Sport is an important part of the YMCA worldwide. As a programme group of YMCA Europe, ESY organizes since 1952 European YMCA Championships in Basketball, Handball, Table tennis and Volleyball every second year. ESY also offers a leader training seminar for young sport leaders in YMCA.





FEB Hungary

50 participants, representing 11 countries, have come to Budapest for the Unify Leadership Conference. A conference for leaders where the overall goal was to plan a series of activities for 2019 and next years. The theme of this UNIFY conference hosted by KIE YMCA HUngary, was “Bridging the Gap”. The key part of morning programme were keynote speeches. They were based on personal experience that implicated personal transformations and impact on other people and communities. Learn more

TRAINING FOR SUMMER CAMP MANAGERS The project was the continuation and development of 21-26

Le Rocheton

JUN France


the YMCA Europe Camp programme, however, it has brought some new elements: for the first time we had participants and trainers from Southern and Eastern Europe and there were some representatives of nonYMCA organisations that run camps. All that makes the project and its outcome widely available and open to European communities. This time we focused on management of human resources. The host of the conference was YMCA France, and the project was funded by a grant obtained from the French National Agency of Erasmus+. The partner organisations represent 16 European countries that sent 40 participants. Traditionally, the team of trainers had an expert provided by YMCA USA. Learn more


7 - 10 Prague

MAR Czech Republic 15 participants from 9 voting member countries were brought together by the idea of creative power of Ten Sing. They discussed their common goals and struggles, planned the next moves and spend some quality time together while presenting their countries and Ten Sings. Visit from Stepan Cerny, Vice President of YMCA Europe enhanced the bond between ETS Group and YMCA Europe. The magical atmosphere of Prague and an incredibly hospitable YMCA and Ten Sing members from Czech Republic made this conference unforgettable. The European TenSing Group are looking forward to keep up the good work of strenthening local Ten Sings and spreading the Ten Sins idea!


ONLINE DATABASES YMCA Europe's mission is to represent its members informing the public about their work, and to spread best practices. For this purpose we have compiled two important databases in 2019: one for the Camping Group Programme and one for the Refugee Working Group. The Camping Group Programme database offers information about 74 locations across the continent, gathering thousands of young people every year. Summer camps are often the gateway to join lifelong activities and support from the YMCA: it starts with a life changing summer, it lasts forever. The database on the Working Group on Refugees aggregates data about all activities implemented by our YMCAs to support young refugees and their family in their painful journey to Europe. 46 projects are active in 18 countries, reaching more than 5,000 people. The database allows to search for best practices and allows to scope for more partnership to increase our support to these vulnerable people, helping them to grow in body, mind and spirit with us, in Europe, as a precious part of our communities.


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Since its founding, the YMCA Europe Camping Program Group has implemented several events aiming to bring together the camping leaders across Europe. As part of that effort, several national YMCA movements have supported the group with hosting such events. The camp program provides many possibilities for working with young people in the field of non-formal and outdoor experiential education which is one of the YMCA flagship programs among the YMCAs worldwide.


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The present role of the Working Group is the implementation this part of the Strategy 2016-2020 of YMCA Europe in which the work for and with refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced persons is one of the priorities. From September 29th to October 4th, Ed Eggink, the Chair of the Group represented YMCA Europe at the first Global Summit on Immigrants, Migrants and Refugees in Baltimore(USA), organised by the World Alliance of YMCAs, in close co-operation with the YMCA of the USA. 30



27-31 Bugibba


MAR Malta

The 3rd session of YMCA Leadership Academy was devoted to the topics of advocacy, partnership and communication. The participants increased their level of knowledge at such topics as: communication, public speaking, European structures, advocacy, negotiations, policy papers, campaigning, non-discriminatory language. They mastered their skills in public speaking, creating advocacy campaigns and policy papers, running negotiations. In 2018/2019 YMCA Europe was running the 2nd edition of the educational course Leadership Academy. It has already become a signature program of YMCA Europe as it empowers young people and equips them with relevant knowledge on human rights, social relevance of an NGO, strategic planning, project management, democratic governance, advocacy and communication. Learn more


13 governance

training sessions




CSO`s leaders


mini projects




young people

indirect beneďŹ ciaries

social media campaigns

Our Youth Policy Group Meeting was a focal point of our work in 2019. An important part of our advocacy work is to get our young people to understand that their voice is important, and must be heard at the highest level. But to be able to make their voice the most eective, our young people need to know how the decision making institutions they address work, and how the decision making process looks like. This is why the YPG meeting in 2019 was dedicated to training our volunteers to understand EU institutions, the Council of Europe, how they decide on several policies, and the main tenets of these organisation's youth policies. Then we shared with new members how the main youth platforms, such as the European Youth Forum and the Advisory Council of Youth work, and our work with them. We also reviewed the work done on youth advocacy until then, and planned our next steps on the basis of the knowledge gained. Older YPG members supported the new in this learning process, tying the team together in their YMCA representation and their personal relationship. We are very proud of their work, and we plan to extend this type if training to many more young people in the future.


Youth Empowerment is the core mission of YMCA Europe. We make sure to give our young people many opportunities to grow in body, mind and spirit, to develop conďŹ dence and to raise their voice. In 2019 we have organised many activities to this end: one of them was the Change Agent regional training taking place right before our YMCA175 event. We made sure our young people were prepared for the event, able to use the opportunity to learn about SDGs, create partnerships, take part in several high level conversations on global issues, and create their follow up ideas. Another opportunity was the "Have your say" event: our Youth Policy Group members had a chance to plan a major consultation with the European Parliament and fellow NGOs regarding youth participation and the involvement of youth and youth organisations with the EU and its work. We had the chance to lead brainstorming activities and to present the work of our members, bringing the voice of our young people. Finally, in 2019 we presented our candidate for the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe: we were able to train our YPG member Alex Taylor to stand for election, and managed her campaign toward fellow members of the European Youth Forum to be elected. These were just a few of our activities, and we count to implement many more in the year to come!

4 - 8 London AUG UK On Sunday 4 August, more than 3,000 YMCA young people, staff, guests and volunteers from 100 countries gathered just down the River Thames at ExCeL London to kick off its flagship anniversary celebration, YMCA175. The event was organised by YMCA Europe, hosted by YMCA England & Wales, and partnered with World YMCA, YMCA of the USA and YMCA World Urban Network. Learn more YMCA175 featured more than 300 hours of workshops, a global variety of keynote speakers, and countless intercultural interactions between delegates from more than 100 of the organization's 119 member countries. Designed to inspire, challenge and engage, the

programme featured well-known speakers and leaders from around the world who are experts in their field. The educational themes of health, civic engagement, employment, and environment ran through the entire event. We celebrated 175 years of YMCA with drama, poetry, music and stories, along with a fascinating Heritage and History exhibition. Performances from artists such as Guvna B (a rapper who won the MOBO Award for Best Gospel Act in 2010), Philippa Hanna (a contemporary Christian music singer-songwriter), Jake Isaacs (an up-and-coming singer/songwriter)and Choriosity choir, from Germany ensured that everyone joined in with the celebration of 175 years of YMCA.

YMCA175 on


Youth voice activist and YMCA alumna Ashley Kolaya acted as a leading plenary host. Ashley directs curation and speaker coaching for TED-Ed and TED Masterclass and also oered workshops to help young leaders develop their stories and share their voices in the form of TED-style talks. Other prominent keynote speakers included Amnesty International’s Secretary General Kumi Naidoo, a lifelong social justice and environmental campaigner who was part of a panel leading a civic engagement-themed discussion on improving quality of life. Archbishop of York and YMCA England & Wales President John Sentamu also shared his life lessons with young leaders. We had also inspirational poetry from Joshua Idehen and performances from the Saltmine Theatre Company with excerpts from Soul in the Machine, telling the story of founder George Williams and the beginnings of YMCA.

YMCA175 videos

YMCA175 photos


on communications 2019


Click to open the full report

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS President: Mr. Mike Will, Scotland Vice President: Mr. Stepan Cerny, Czech Republic Treasurer: Ms. Beate Turck, Germany Recording Secretary: Ms. Diana Zarembiene, Lithuania Mr. Sven Larsen, Norway Ms. Anita Beguelin, Switzerland Mr. Pascal Rosenthal, Germany Ms. Marta Huretska, Ukraine Mr. Edgar Mifsud, Malta

Secretary General (non-voting): Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain

Past Presidents

Past Secretary Generals

Mr. Terry Ratclife, England Mr. Jan Nissén, Sweden Mr. Peter Posner, England Mr. Ed Eggink, The Netherlands

Mr. Egon Slopianka, Germany Rev. Doelf Weder, Switzerland Rev. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway

STAFF Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain Secretary General

Mr. Marius Pop, Spain Projects and Communications Manager

Mrs. Martina Hudcovska, Slovakia Finance Executive Secretary

Ms. Olga Lukina, Belarus Regional Assistant for Movement Strengthening and Project Management

Mr. Vardan Hambardzumyan, Armenia Executive Secretary - Programmes

Mrs. Gabriela Fuskova, Czech Republic Office Manager

Mr. Adam Rychlik, Poland Executive Secretary - Programmes

Mrs. Sarka Cihakova, Czech Republic Accountant

Mrs. Ilenia Ventroni, Italy Advocacy, Project and Fundraising Officer

Mr. Revaz Shavladze, Georgia Project Assistent


YMCA Europe Staff

NATIONAL YMCA`S IN FOLLOWING COUNTRIES Belarus ( Czech Republic ( Denmark ( England and Wales ( Estonia ( Finland ( France ( Georgia ( Germany ( Greece ( Hungary ( Iceland ( Ireland ( Italy ( Kosovo (

Lithuania Malta ( Netherlands ( Norway ( Poland ( Portugal ( Romania ( Russia ( Scotland ( Slovakia ( Spain ( Sweden ( Switzerland ( Ukraine (

CO-OPERATING YMCA`S IN FOLLOWING COUNTRIES Albania ( Armenia ( Austria ( Bosnia and Herzegovina ( Moldova ( Montenegro Nagorno-Karabakh ( North Macedonia ( Serbia (






National Contributions

5 190 968

204 288

Grants & Special Contributions

7 135 669

280 821

European Institutions

1 287 498

50 669

Operational Income & Refunds

5 846 788

230 098

44 269 112

1 743 255

63 757 035

2 509 132

YMCA175 Event 2019 TOTAL





8 487 426

334 019

Travel & Meetings

2 075 365

81 675

Office, Operational, Sundry

1 969 207

77 497

Programmes & Projects

3 882 850

152 808

52 305 557

2 058 463

68 720 405

2 704 463

Surplus (+) Deicit (-)

- 4 963 370

- 195 331


63 757 035

2 509 132

YMCA175 Event 2019


Accounts in CZK and EUR; Ex.rate 31.12.2019 1EUR = CZK 25.410

CURRENT ASSETS Assets (less depreciation)



17 903



4 716 938

185 633


6 121 085

240 893

10 855 926

240 893

227 913

8 969





5 500 484

216 469

Funds (Special, GW Fund)

1 543 622

60 749

3 583 908

141 043

10 628 013

418 261

227 913

8 969

10 855 926

427 230

Long term liabilities Loan Subtotal RESERVES TOTAL

(Reserves include Fixed Capital, General Reserves, Surpluses and Contingencies)


AUDITOR`S REPORT* We have audited the accompanying financial statements of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) (hereinafter also the “Company”) based in Nové Město (Praha 1), Praha, Na poříčí 1041/12, PSČ 110 00, IČ: 68406649, prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2019 and the income statement, and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) see in the introduction to the financial statements. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and Auditing Standards of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic, which are International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), as amended by the related application clauses. Our responsibilities under this law and regulation are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) in accordance with the Act on Auditors and the Code of Ethics adopted by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) as at 31 December 2019, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Brno on March 19, 2019

H Z Brnospol.s r. o. Minská 160/102, 616 00 Brno Czech Republic +42060324786 Certificate number of the audit firm 416

*Quotation from"Independent Auditor’s Report" 2019. Full version of thereport available HERE Ing. Jan Jareš Certificate number of the auditor 0823


THANK YOU! Programme and Field Groups leaders and members Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Friends of YMCA Europe donors YMCA175 birthday campaign donors Brot für die Welt, Germany European Commission Council of Europe European Youth Foundation European Youth Forum YMCA of the USA YMCA Canada World Alliance of YMCA´s YMCA Germany (Action Hoffnungszeichen) Y´s Men International Westbund YMCA, Germany

Members of YMCA Europe Resource Team All National Movements that hosted YMCA Europe events in 2019 All National Movements, Regional and Local YMCA´s that supported YMCA Europe in 2019 All keynote speakers, presenters and facilitators at YMCA Europe seminars, events and programmes Members of the Steering Group, Programme Team, volunteers, sponsors and partners of YMCA175 Event Representatives on behalf of YMCA Europe at European Institutions European representatives at World Alliance of YMCA´s Executive Committee and task groups


Contacts Head office YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Na Porici 12 CZ-110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Office in Brussels Rue de L`Industrie 10 1000 Brussels Belgium Email: Web:

Komercni Banka a.s., Havlickova 13, 111 21 Prague 1, Czech Republic EUR IBAN No: CZ84 0100 0000 1955 7969 0217 CZK IBAN No: CZ10 0100 0000 1955 7968 0297 USD IBAN No: CZ70 0100 0000 2766 3417 0287 SWIFT: KOMBCZPP

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