YMCA Europe Annual Report 2016

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empowering young people

YMCA Europe Annual Report 2016 Texts and collaborations: Marius Pop, Vardan Hambardzumyan, Ilenia Ventroni, Adam Rychlik, Eva Tschornova, Martina Hudcovska, Sarka Cihakova, Revaz Shavladze, Olga Lukina, Juan Simoes Iglesias Design and layout: Marius Pop Photos: YMCA Europe Archives Published by: YMCA Europe, Na Porici 12, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic Phone: +420 224 872 020, Email: info@ymcaeurope.com www.ymcaeurope.com, www.facebook.com/ymcaeurope YMCA Europe, Prague, March 2017

Contents: Message from our leaders Our Strategic Objectives Our Socially Relevant Priorities

4 6 7

Creating Spaces for Good Governance General Assembly Governance Training

9 10 -11 12

Movement Strengthening - NGS Forum


Programme Initiatives European Sport YMCA European TenSing European Scouting and Jungschar Towards Common Standards Training Unify Conference

16 17 18 19 20 21

Representation and Advocacy

22 - 23

Youth Empowerment Space

24 - 25

Peace and Justice

26 - 27

Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants

28 - 29

YMCA Europe was there... Communications

30 - 31 32 - 33

Executive Committee and Sta Member and Cooperative Movements

34 35

General Administration Auditor`s Report Thank you Contacts

36 - 37 38 39 40


LEADERSHIP It is with great pleasure that we introduce our 2016 Annual Report to you. Looking back at 2016, it was a signi cant year of change for Europe, YMCA Europe and young people. As you read our Annual Report, you will read about many of our extraordinary activities to empower young people in body, mind and spirit across Europe at a time of signi cant change. At our 2016 General Assembly, YMCA Europe adopted an exciting new strategic plan for 2016-2020. This common strategy focuses on creating spaces for empowering young people, strengthening our national movements and strengthening the relationship of YMCA Europe with the World YMCA and key European institutions by advocating for young people. In keeping with our vision, mission and guiding principles for empowering young people daily, YMCA Europe is engaging young people in agship initiatives focussing on employment, environment, health, civic engagement, peace work institute and supporting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. The year behind us provides signi cant examples on all those elds, aligned with successful initiatives in the local and international levels. Our capacity to create spaces for networking, learning and sharing has proven to be crucial for movement strengthening across Europe. For YMCA Europe, we have initiated an organisational review process that will conclude in 2017 to prepare us to fully implement all dimensions of our new strategy with an increasing involvement of national YMCAs and our working platforms. In addition, we have also taken clear steps in raising the pro le of the YMCA in Europe, thanks to support from World YMCA, through our new OďŹƒce in Brussels to promote advocacy and representation, in addition to accessing new nancial resources for organisational sustainability. YMCA Europe serves all YMCA movements in Europe and is developing capacity across the region so that we can grow and serve more young people by capturing their hearts and minds and empower them for social action. Of course, there is a lot of work ahead for us. Without doubt, however, YMCA Europe could not implement our ambitious strategy to empower young people without the extraordinary support and commitment of our outstanding members, volunteers, employees, trustees, partners and funders. A sincere grateful thanks is extended to all for engaging together as part of the YMCA family to achieve the outcomes achieved this year. Looking ahead, we are con dent that the achievements of 2016 place YMCA Europe in a signi cant position to continue empowering young people and advocate for young people across Europe in the year ahead. On behalf of YMCA Europe, we are pleased to share with you our 2016 Annual Report. Mike Will President 4

Juan Simoes Iglesias Secretary General





YMCA Europe is a working fellowship of the national YMCA movements where people grow in body, mind and spirit.

YMCA Europe is an umbrella organization that serves 37 members and 6 cooperating YMCA movements throughout Europe. Inspired by our Christian ecumenical mission, we offer administrative support, facilitate networking and programme sharing, organize seminars and events and, in accordance with our Strategic Plan “Towards 2020” (2016– 2020), serve to enhance and positively in uence lives of young people. YMCA Europe cooperates with different public

and private European institutions bene ting from grants attached to projects developed in different countries. Young people are involved either as bene ciaries or as leaders at different initiatives. Representatives of our member movements meet at the annual General Assembly and set the main goals for each term. A democratically elected Executive Committee together with the Secretary General and the Staff work on the implementation of the Strategy with a special focus on Movement Strengthening. 7


GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Madrid, May 5th - 8th 2016 “The possible dream – making dreams possible” Hosted by YMCA Spain, YMCA Europe´s General Assembly gathered more than 130 delegates from 31 countries in Madrid. From May 5th to the 8th under the title "The possible dream - making dreams possible", the European YMCA movement was inspired by the writer Miguel de Cervantes and his main character Don Quixote of La Mancha, as an example of idealism in his search for utopia. In 2016 Spain, Europe and the world celebrate 400 years of the death of Cervantes.


One of the highlights of the General Assembly was the adoption of YMCA Europe´s 2016-2020 Strategy. The consultation process to elaborate our plan for the next four years had started in Tallinn (Estonia) in May 2015 during the previous General Assembly. Since then, all our National YMCAs and working platforms had the chance of providing inputs and proposals for the upcoming years in the frame of Europe´s actual social reality. The Strategy focuses on four socially relevant priorities : Youth

Empowerment, Peace & Justice, Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants and Youth Empowerment. In order to respond to these issues, YMCA Europe will focus on three objectives: Creating Spaces, Movement Strengthening and Representation & Advocacy. Annual Operational Plans with speci c objectives, actions and indicators will be designed, presented and implemented by YMCA Europe´s Staff Team.

A new Executive Committee was elected, including our new President Mike Will from Scotland. Mike shared some of the priorities for the next years with a focus on Youth Empowerment, Movement Strengthening and an effective response to the challenges in today´s Europe.

The rest of the elected Executive Committee members are: Stepan Cerny, Czech Republic (Vice president), Beate Turck, Germany (Treasurer), Diana Zarembiene, Lithuania (Recording Secretary) and the assessors: Edgar Mifsud (Malta), Marta Huretska (Ukraine), Lydia Gondasova (Slovakia), Martin Houghton-Brown (England) and Dan Carpov (Romania).

was "What really matters" and he included a vision for the future and our priorities in the frame of our new Strategy.

A special recognition was given to our former President Ed Eggink and the Executive Committee members that served with him over the past four years with deep appreciation for their commitment and excellent work during the past strategic period.

YMCA Europe´s Secretary General Juan Simoes Iglesias reported about the past year, providing also an overview about the developments during the period 2011-2016 with fact and gures on the different elds of work. The title of Juan´s report

One of this focuses is the YMCA response to the so called refugees crisis and in that respect, Jim Thomson from Scotland inspired all participants with his keynote speech about the history of the YMCA in working with refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and internally displaced persons. Based on his deep experience at YMCA´s local and global levels, Jim highlighted the key role of the YMCA as a leading organization in this eld during decades. Thank you to all of you who were part of the General Assembly, making it a successful event!

GOVERNANCE TRAINING “Eastern Platform” Training - Belarus 11-13 November 2016 YMCA Europe has organized Governance meeting for YMCAs of “Eastern Platform” with the support of YMCA USA and participation of World YMCA. The leaders discussed achievements in the spheres of governance, strategic planning, human resources development, property and put concrete priorities for the next year. Each movement has elaborated a draft of standards for local YMCAs and is bringing them to discuss with the whole movements. The participants shared their experience in the sphere of engagement and motivation of volunteers. A separate topic for discussion was camping. This is a priority for development for the movements now. 11-14 May 2017 the rst Camp Conference will happen with the involvement of "YE Eastern Platform" countries.



THE 5TH NATIONAL GENERAL SECRETARIES FORUM Europe´s Operational Plan 2017 following the strategic priorities of the Plan adopted at the General Assembly held in Madrid last May.

26 participants representing 22 European National YMCAs met in Setubal, Portugal (October 35) at YMCA Europe´s annual National General Secretaries Forum. This platform established in 2012 has become a key working space for the European YMCA movement, facilitating effective networking and the implementation of our Strategy.

Hosted by YMCA Portugal and YMCA Setubal, the NGSs followed an agenda that included discussions and agreements about YMCA

Another element in the programme was the presentation of different models "health check systems" models for National Movements and proposals to implement this crucial aspect within our "Movement Strengthening" strategic focus.

A report about the rst seven months since the opening of YMCA Europe´s Advocacy, Projects & Fundraising office in Brussels was also presented with an emphasis on the ndings, opportunities for National YMCAs and next steps.

The participants were also consulted about the methodology and expected outcomes of an organizational review process within YMCA Europe as expressed in the adopted Strategy 2016-2020.

The nal session included a re ection about the relations between the National Councils/Offices and the local YMCAs nding common trends and challenges. The draft of a survey about the reality of the European National YMCAs was presented for discussion. Updates and general information about the Roots for Reconciliation project 20172018, YMCA Europe´s Event 2019 and the Change Agents programme for the next two years, were also shared. 15

YMCA Europe Programme Groups were created as working platforms in order to implment the Strategic Plan. Formed by voluteers and members of sta representing a variety of national and local YMCAs, each team focus on two main areas: - Speci c internal work according to their aims and strategic priorities; - Planning and developing initiatives involving bene ciaries from dierent European contexts;

During 2016, the following Programme Groups were active and their reports were shared both at the General Assembly and at the Executive Committee meetings (Hintersee, Germany in February 2016 and Prague, Czech Republic in October 2016): Christian Orientation Group YES Group (youth network) European Sports Volunteers for Europe European Scouting and Jungschar Youth Policy Group

Thank you to the inspiring work that all Programme Groups develop on a daily bases. Special gratitude to all the Chair persons and members of the groups representing local and national YMCAs involved! 16

EUROPEAN SPORT YMCA (ESY) May 26th - 29th, European YMCA Table Tennis Championships - Germany

July 6th - 10th, Euro Basket Championship - Italy

September 21th - 25th, ESY Sport Seminar - Italy


EUROPEAN TENSING CONFERENCE March 1st - 5th, 2016 - Norway A conference which gathered in Olso 41 participants from 18 YMCAs across Europe: a new appearance, including seminars, workshops, Ten Sing Methodology, leadership, partnership establishment, project management. and... MUSIC! Also, during the event, the new Board of the ETS Group was elected consisting from: Andreas Zimmerli Switzerland, Franca Kneier - Germany, Anna Aschjem - Norway and Vladislava Hudeczkova - Czech Republic as the Chair.


LEADERSHIP TRAINING & SEMINAR August 24th - 28th, 2016 - Switzerland 66 YMCA scouts, bright sunshine and a packed program were the ingredients of this year's ESG leadership training and seminar.

ESG Board, which newly includes seven nations (Armenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Switzerland, Finland and Germany).

With the big support of the Foundation CH GO it was possible that Scouting and Jungschar Leaders from Armenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Finland, Kosovo, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belarus and Switzerland could participate and share their program activities and learn lot of new things.

What remains from this exciting week are the people and their stories, friendships, new ideas, games and a lot of motivation and new inputs for YMCA scouting work.

At the Annual Meeting of the European YMCA Scouting and Jungschar Group four new members were elected to the


TOWARDS COMMON STANDARDS Training for Camp Instructors - Portugal Training for Camp Instructors - Towards Common Standards, held in Setubal - Portugal, September 1st-7th, with 37 participants, who represented 10 countries: Italy, Finland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, The Netherlands and the USA. One of the expected outcomes was to gather a group of leaders who would be working together for several years on the camping programme in Europe. The activities were very practical, because they were supposed to give a feeling of reliability and being dependent on one another. A hike on rocky mountain paths and rock climbing were a great test for all. Not every individual would be able to do this, however, thanks to well-coordinated teamwork all physical and psychological barriers were overcome. The test was passed of course! This project has not nished yet because it`s just a part of the camping programme of YMCA Europe, which means work on edition and dissemination the outcome materials and planning the next steps to keep the team together and get involved leaders from other YMCA associations. The week that we spent together proved that the participants are real camping people - not ones who talk about camps, but these who make them. We can go together further in this creative process of setting common standards in the YMCA Camps in Europe. We also believe that our American friends, who contributed to the programme in a great way, will stay with us. 20

UNIFY CONFERENCE February 25th - 28th, Switzerland UNIFY 2016 held in CVJM Zentrum Hasliberg, Switzerland on February 25-28, 2016 brought together 164 participants from 20 countries inspired with the message to "Inspire, Worship, Share" and aiming to provide the space and resources for personal spiritual growth, as well as sharing their Christian faith within their respective YMCA movements. Every event within the UNIFY was welcoming and open to all who wanted to participate, share or simply observe; each and every speech or message I heard was that of respect, love and unity - something that we need and urgently in today's Europe.


YMCA EUROPE - BRUSSELS OFFICE The main purpose of YMCA Europe´s Office in Brussels is to make our movement to be recognized as a key youth work agency in the frame of the European institutions and other private organizations and networks. Raising the pro le of the YMCA in Europe, inform our member

movements about the developments on youth policy, establishing relations with policy makers, facilitate our applications to EU funding and connect with other organizations, are also objectives of this initiative.

issues that affect young people today in Europe, considering both our experience implementing socially relevant programmes and our diversity as one of the largest civil society organizations in our continent.

An important area of work is to develop position documents that will raise the “YMCA voice” in

We thank all our National Movements, World YMCA and partners for their contribution and support to this process.

Activity in 2016 8




Project applications drafted and submitted

YMCAs supported with project applications

Meetings with other NGOs

Meetings with European Institutions





YMCA events attended

National YMCAs visited

Amendments to legal documents

Info Newsletters





Youth Policy Group meetings

Policy Papers created

Policy Papers in the making

Policy Group selected & activated


Y.E.S. YES (Youth Empowerment Space) it is a network of young leaders aged 18-30 advocating for youth empowerment and youth representation at all levels of European YMCAs and YMCA Europe, aiming to give young people a voice about issues that concern them. YES hopes to have a representative from each European YMCA in order to get young voices heard across countries and to ensure equal representation across the continent. This is done through

consultation and engagement with participants of the forum. We involve our representatives in the annual YES Seminar and the YMCA General Assembly, and local and national YES-like events, and provide international experience for young leaders. 27 young people took place at the YES Seminar held in Madrid from May 2nd to the 5th and then joined the General Assembly. Close to 40% of the delegates to the General Assembly were under

30 years of age which highlights the importance of Youth Empowerment in Action on our main annual European governance platform. We are thankful to all our National YMCAs for helping providing this experience to their young people. Youth Empowerment is a cross cutting element in our new Strategy aligned with the vision and priorities of the YMCA in the global level.



“Roots for Reconciliation� is a YMCA Europe project, promoting youth activism towards peaceful transformation of con icts in Europe. Since the commencement of the rst phase in 2007, it has evolved from the initiative focusing mainly on South Caucasus & Balkan Regions into Pan-European project covering the whole Geography of European Continent.

The year of 2016 was the starting point of the third phase of the “Roots”. Two major events were conducted within the project framework: 1. On May 19-22, 2016 Tbilisi, Georgia was the host of “Local Capacities for Peace Programming Committee Meeting & Program Forum”. The event program consisted of several different modules: - The Programming Committee, comprising the RfR Staff, as well as participants and graduates of the previous phase discussed the plans, elaborated speci c criteria and divided tasks for the upcoming event. The general roadmap of actions for the next few years of the project implementation period was also discussed and agreed.

- The participants of the Forum had the opportunity to be exposed to the project plan of “Roots for Reconciliation” for the period of 20162019, with speci c focus on “Local Capacities for Peace” Seed Grant Tool component – envisaging the implementation of peace-building initiatives in 2017-2018 by YMCAs located in South Caucasus region. 2. Peace Work Institute Pre-Session, November 25-28, 2016. YMCA Europe Training Center in Litomysl, Czech Republic was the host venue for the representatives of 18 European YMCAs and partner organizations. The aim of the Pre-Session was to bring together all those organizations that expressed commitment to be a part of 2017-2018 PWI scheme and

therefore will delegate participants to be involved in the process. The program was varied and consisted of different thematic components: special Informative Session was dedicated to Peace Work Institute project component, during which all attendees had the opportunity to bring forward their questions and inquiries in relation to PWI. Separate program modules focused on: - Interactively elaborating the selection criteria of future PWI participants and subsequent Call to recruit them. - Brainstorming and idea-sharing on PWI Participants' Mentoring Plan.


CONFERENCE "YMCA WORKING FOR REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS" March 11th-13th 2016, 70 participants from 17 different countries gathered at YMCA Netherlands venue "Ernst Sillem Hoeve" in Den Dolder and took part at the Conference "YMCA working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers". This joint initiative YMCA Netherlands - YMCA Europe had the following objectives : Ÿ Exchange of experiences. Identifying best practices, obstacles and training initiatives; Ÿ Developing new initiatives and new co-operation in YMCA work with refugees, asylum seekers,

migrants and internally displaced persons on all YMCA levels in Europe; Ÿ Discussing follow-up actions in the framework of YMCA Europe;

The content of the Conference included : 14 presentations based on examples of best practices developed in this eld, plus 6 different workshops followed by plenary sessions, testimonies and feedback from the participants. One of the results of the Conference is the Statement (click here) that was agreed among all participants. Later on, we have shared the Statement among all our European National Movements , the World Alliance of YMCAs and the Area Organizations. The report of the conference is available in details here.


YMCA EUROPE WAS THERE... February 2016, Switzerland More than 150 participants from 20 countries celebrated our diversity and unity during the Unify Conference.

April & August 2016, Switzerland The ESG European YMCA Scouting and Jungschar Group Executive Committee meeting and Leadership Training Seminar

July 2016, Italy Youth empowerment and unity among Europeans through sport at Y Basketball Championships in Siderno.

March 2016, Norway European Ten Sing Group held its Conference with 41 participants from 18 YMCAs in Europe.

May 2016, Spain YES Seminar: a seminar for and with young people before the General Assembly of YMCA Europe.

July 2016, Portugal General Assembly of YMCA Portugal in Setubal.

March 2016, The Netherlands 70 participants from 17 different countries gathered in Den Dolder and took part at the Conference "YMCA working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers”

May 2016, France Our young representatives took part in the European Youth Event.

March 2016, Romania "I AM because YOU ARE" training course organized by YMCA Romania with 7 European YMCAs. April 2016, Peru World YMCA Executive Committee meeting. April 2017, Germany YMCA Germany National Conference in Kassel. April 2017, Italy The National Congress and the National Council of YMCA Italia in Rome.


July 2016, USA Y USA General Assembly in Kansas City July 2016, Germany The 4th European YMCA Youth Workers Camp in Michelstadt, with 80 young people from 12 countries.

May 2016, Georgia 20 young people met for planning the future peace projects in the region of South-Caucasus to be implemented within YMCA Europe Roots for Reconciliation.

July 2016, Belarus "All Together” International camp with participants from 7 European YMCAs.

June 2016, France The General Assembly of YMCA France in Le Chambon sur Lignon.

August 2016, Poland World Youth Day and YMCA Ecumenical Youth Camp in Krakow

June 2016, England Ileani Ventroni, our Advocacy Funding & Projects visited different YMCAs in England.

September 2016, Portugal Training for Camp Instructors - Towards Common Standards , project which is a part of wider and long-term international cooperation coordinated by YMCA Europe called "YMCA Camps in Europe".

June 2016, England YMCA World Urban Network conference with over 100 YMCA leaders from around the world in historic Winchester.

September 2016, Ukraine YMCA Ukraine Field Group meeting.

April 2016, Russia YMCA Europe's Training the Trainers graduates with representatives of YMCAs in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

June 2016, Slovakia Community Work(s) international seminar.

September 2016, Russia Governance training of YMCA Russia

April 2016, Finland ESY - European Sport YMCA Steering Committe meeting.

July 2016, Germany Together for Europe Conference which focuses on the present day of the European continent with its local and global challenges.

September 2016, Kosovo YMCA Kosovo Field Group meeting. October 2016, Belarus YMCA Belarus Field Group meeting.

October 2016, Portugal The 5th NGS Forum in Setubal. October 2016, USA International Camp Directors Conference at Frost Valley YMCA, an event with 104 delegates from 27 countries around the world. November 2016, Czech Republic World YMCA Strategy Delivery Summit in Litomysl.

November 2016, Belarus Governance training with YMCAs from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, YMCA Europe, World YMCA and YMCA USA.

November 2016, Czech Republic Roots for Reconciliation's Peace Work Institute pre-session with representatives of 18 National Movements.

November 2016, Scotland Chief Executive and Chairs Network Conference of YMCA England, Scotland and Wales.

November 2016, Denmark National Congress of the Danish YMCA YWCA.

November 2016, Bulgaria European Youth Forum General Assembly.

November 2016, Germany YMCA Bavaria's Conference & General Assembly.


COMMUNICATIONS YMCA Europe Facebook page 2015


2015 28.799






People reached

Page followers




2014 561.895









+ 39%


2016 2015



17 foto albumes 3.791 views

People engaged

22 foto albumes 6.541 views

YMCA Europe webpage 2014

2015 2016

2015 2016


+10% -0.2%




2015 2016 +6%



2015 2016 +50% +7.7%


Page views














+ new hosting + new server


Mailing & Campaigns 2016



People reached

20% industry








Subscribers lists

YMCA Europe


Average industry open rate on MailChimp vs YE open rate

#AskYouthFirst campaign - August 2016, completed with a social reach of 527.513 people.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS President: Mr. Mike Will, Scotland Vice President: Mr. Stepan Cerny, Czech Republic Treasurer: Ms. Beate Turck, Germany Recording Secretary: Diana Zarembiene, Lithuania Mr. Martin Houghton - Brown, England Ms. Lydia Gondasova, Slovakia Mr. Dan Carpov, Romania Mr. Marta Huretska, Ukraine Mr. Edgar Mifsud, Malta Secretary General (non-voting): Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain

Past Presidents Mr. Terry Ratclife, England Mr. Jan Nissén, Sweden Mr. Peter Posner, England Mr. Ed Eggink, The Netherlands Past Secretary Generals Mr. Egon Slopianka, Germany Rev. Doelf Weder, Switzerland Rev. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway

STAFF Mr. Juan Simoes Iglesias, Spain Secretary General Mrs. Eva Tschornova, Czech Republic Office Manager Mrs. Martina Hudcovska, Slovakia Finance Executive Secretary Mrs. Sarka Cihakova, Czech Republic Accountant


Mr. Adam Rychlik, Poland Executive Secretary Programme Department Mr. Marius Pop, Romania Projects and Communications Manager Programme Department Project staff

Ilenia Ventroni, Italy Advocacy, Project and Fundraising Officer Brussels Office

Ms. Olga Lukina, Belarus Regional Assistant for Movement Strengthening and Project Management Programme Department

Mr. Vardan Hambardzumyan, Armenia Executive Secretary Programme Department

Mr. Revaz Shavladze, Georgia Project Manager Programme Department

National YMCA`s in following countries

Armenia (www.ymca.am) Belarus (www.ymcabelarus.org) Czech Republic (www.ymca.cz) Denmark (www.kfum-kfuk.dk) England (www.ymca.org.uk) Estonia (www.ymca.ee) Finland (www.ymca.i) France (www.ucjg.fr) Georgia (www.ymca.ge) Germany (www.cvjm.de) Greece (www.ymca.gr) Hungary (www.kie.hu) Iceland (www.kfum.is) Ireland (www.ymca-ireland.net) Italy (www.ymca.it) Kosovo (www.ymcainkosovo.wix.com/ymcakosovo) Lithuania

Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of )(www.ymca.mk) Malta (www.ymcahomeless.org) Moldova (www.ymca.md) Netherlands (www.ymca.nl) Norway (www.kfuk-kfum.no) Poland (www.ymca.pl) Polish YMCA in London (www.polskaymca.org.uk) Portugal (www.ymcasetubal.org) Romania (www.ymca.ro) Russia (www.ymca.ru) Scotland (www.ymcascotland.org) Slovakia (www.ymca.sk) Spain (www.ymca.es) Sweden (www.kfuk-kfum.se) Switzerland (www.cevi.ch) Ukraine (www.ymca.org.ua)

Co-operating YMCA`s in following countries Albania Austria (www.ymca.at) Bosnia and Herzegovina (www.ymca-bih.tumblr.com) Montenegro Nagorno-Karabakh (www.facebook.com/YMCA.Artsakh) Serbia (https://ymcaserbia.com/) 35






National Contributions

5 973 548

221 079

Grants & Special Contributions

5 192 668

192 179

European Institutions

1 765 566

65 343

Operational Income & Refunds

1 780 704

65 903

14 712 486

544 504




8 415 142

311 451

Travel & Meetings

3 033 551

112 271

Office, Operational, Sundry

1 994 230

73 806

Programmes & Projects

1 268 043

46 930

14 711 236

544 457

Surplus (+) Deicit (-) TOTAL


1 250 14 712 486

544 504

Accounts in CZK and EUR; Ex.rate 31.12.2016 1EUR = CZK 27,020



CURRENT ASSETS Assets (less depreciation)



22 500



9 519 758

352 323


4 840 494

179 145


14 382 752

532 300


11 290 146

417 844




2 293 412

84 878

799 194

29 578


3 092 605

114 456


11 290 146

417 844


14 382 752

532 300

Funds (Special)

(Reserves include Fixed Capital, General Reserves, Surpluses and Contingencies)


AUDITOR`S REPORT* We have audited the accompanying nancial statements of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) (hereinafter also the “Company”) based in Nové Město (Praha 1), Praha, Na poříčí 1041/12, PSČ 110 00, IČ: 68406649, prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic, which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2016, and the income statement, and notes to the nancial statements, including a summary of signi cant accounting policies and other explanatory information. For details of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) see in the introduction to the nancial statements. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Act on Auditors and Auditing Standards of the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic, which are International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), as amended by the related application clauses. Our responsibilities under this law and regulation are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) in accordance with the Act on Auditors and the Code of Ethics adopted by the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic and we have ful lled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. 38

In our opinion, the nancial statements give a true and fair view of the nancial position of European Alliance of YMCAs (YMCA Europe) – (Evropská aliance YMCA) as at 31 December 2016, and of its nancial performance for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Czech Republic. Brno on March 10, 2017 H Z Brno spol. s r. o. Minská 160/102, 616 00 Brno Czech Republic +420 603 841 497 info@hzbrno.cz http://hzbrno.cz/ Certificate number of the audit firm 416 Ing. Jan Jareš Certificate number of the auditor 0823

*Quotation from "Independent Auditor’s Report" 2016. Full version of the report available here.


“Friends of YMCA Europe” donors

HorYzon, Switzerland

“George Williams Fund” donors

Westbund YMCA, Germany

Brot für die Welt, Germany

Programme, Field and Partner Groups leaders and members

European Commission Council of Europe European Youth Foundation European Youth Forum YMCA of the USA YMCA Canada World Alliance of YMCA´s Westfaelische Landeskirche, Germany Y´s Men International (Area Europe and Denmark)

Members of YMCA Europe Resource Team All National Movements that hosted YMCA Europe events in 2016 All National Movements, Regional and Local YMCA´s that supported YMCA Europe in 2016 All keynote speakers, presenters and facilitators at YMCA Europe seminars, events and programmes Representatives on behalf of YMCA Europe at European Institutions European representatives at World Alliance of YMCA´s Executive Committee and task groups

YMCA Germany

This publication relects the views only of the author, and the EU Commission and the Council of Europe cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Contacts Head office

Phone: + 420 224 872 020 YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Fax: + 420 224 872 025 Email: info@ymcaeurope.com Na Porici 12 Web: www.ymcaeurope.com CZ-110 00 Prague 1 facebook.com/ymcaeurope Czech Republic facebook.com/RootsForReconciliation twitter.com/ymcaeurope Office in Brussels youtube.com/ymcaeurope Rue de L`Industrie 10 1000 Brussels Belgium

Havlickova 13 111 21 Prague 1 Czech Republic EUR Account IBAN No: CZ84 0100 0000 1955 7969 0217 CZK Account IBAN No: CZ10 0100 0000 1955 7968 0297 USD Account IBAN No: CZ70 0100 0000 2766 3417 0287 SWIFT: KOMBCZPP

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