Reflecting on Peace Practices Workshop

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INDEX Background Preparation Objectives Participants Highlights Evaluation Testimonials

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BACKGROUND Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Workshop was the last ac vity within YMCA Europe Roots for Reconcilia on 2016 - 2019 plan and served as the conclusion for the project outcome evalua on and impact assessment process. The previous two Roots project phases (2007 – 2010 & 2012 - 2015) had gone through externally facilitated outcome evalua ons and impact assessment due processes. For the current one, however, the plan was to conduct the reflec ng process on YMCA Europe peace prac ces in general, the Roots being a central element of it – with the ul mate purpose to have: “the theory of change of the en re Roots ini a ve was analyzed and follow-up YMCA Europe conflict transforma on work strategized and whereby possible fine-tuned”.* To reach intended goals, two external experts were commissioned: Ankica Dragin (Serbia) and Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich (Germany) - both having extensive experience in the related field, as well as long-term and successful coopera on record with Roots project. * Extract from “Roots 2020” Project Proposal


The main stages of the process included, but were not limited to: “1. Ac ve listening, where the external expert observes internal evalua on structured process of the Roots components, together involving 60 project par cipants as focus groups; 2. Addi onal data genera on, where the external expert collects supplementary informa on from the project key stakeholders and beneficiaries and collates them into findings and recommenda ons; 3. Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces workshop, where facilitated by the external expert some 30 Roots key ac vists will be gathered to analyze the results of the process and come up with follow-up vision and strategies. A special steering group will be set up to assist the external expert in planning and delivering the workshop. It is also expected that this workshop will be a place where YMCA peace work so far is celebrated”*.

* Extract from “Roots 2020” Project Proposal

The process started in Toledo, Spain where the graduates of Roots “Peace Work Ins tute” project component reunited in April 2019 to: “...Bring together both genera ons of PWI Alumni and to provide for them the pla orm to share, learn and reflect on what YMCA Europe Roots for Reconcilia on Project has been for them.” and “ serve as a focus group forum bridging with the Roots for Reconcilia on Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces process, a forum where the best prac ces are shared and success is celebrated, the results are evaluated, and lessons learnt for the future. The Peace Work Ins tute Handbook will be tabled for feedback and tailoring, as the key output of the Roots RPP process.”


As a result of the en re process (April – November 2019) and by means of various tools (reflec on; listening conversa ons, interviews, online survey), in order to obtain an cipated feedback from targeted pool of Roots par cipants and beneficiaries, two major outputs were produced by external facilitators – as intended: 1. Roots Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces

Assessment Report; 2. Roots Peacework Guidebook. Both outputs were showcased during Brussels Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Workshop as narrated in detail below in the report.


PREPARATION & BUILD-UP The implementa on of the Roots Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces process started in April with the Peace Work Ins tute Reunion held in Toledo, where acton plan was agreed, specific tasks assigned and deadlines set. All due tasks were delivered accordingly. Assessment Report was completed by June 2019 and Peacework Guidebook was ready to be printed in November 2019. Par cipant Recruitment & Logis cal Arrangements were carried out by Roots Staff in coopera on with project partners and stakeholders.






Reflect on the Roots Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces process report, including the recommenda ons for the implementa on of the next project phase. Present the Roots Peacework Guidebook as a methodological base for the next project phase and a resource to share.

Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Framework and Prac cal Exercise.

Reflect on YMCA Europe Strategy; and the place of Peace & Jus ce as priority in it.

Exposure of the Roots in the European Ins tu ons and other way around.


PARTICIPANTS The total of 29 par cipants from 22 countries a ended the workshop and it follow-up mee ng. Par cipa ng countries: Armenia Azerbaijan Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) Belarus Belgium Czech Republic France Georgia Germany Ireland Italy

Kosovo Madagascar Mexico Poland Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain UK Ukraine USA

Participating Organizations: The project main donor - Bread for the World Germany, the project partner YMCA and non-YMCA organiza ons represented at key sta or volunteer level, all YMCA Europe sta.


HIGHLIGHTS Presenta on of Roots RPP Process – Dr. Wolfgang Heinrich Overview of the en re process and showcase of major findings and recommenda ons and based on feedback obtained via the “Apprecia ve Inquiry” Methodology and employing different tools (Listening Conversa ons, Online Surveys, Individual Interviews and Focus Group Discussions) from approximately 100 Roots par cipants/beneficiaries – the Report offers legi mate and comprehensive account of the project impact; as well as the roadmap for the future ac ons to be taken. “The assessment found that the Roots for Reconcilia on project met the intended objec ves measured against the achievement indicators. The 'learning content' transferred in the project ac vi es is highly relevant for the par cipants as well as their social environment. The project impact goes well beyond changes at the individual and personal level through learning, a tude and behavior changes. In a large number of cases par cipants felt sufficiently empowered and confident to ini ate their own ac vi es. In quite a few cases these ini a ves resulted in ins tu onal structural change by either changing exis ng organiza ons in what they do and how they do it. In some cases new organiza ons grew from the effort. These effects that go way beyond individual personal changes provide for the project sustainability." Extract from Roots Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Assessment Report


HIGHLIGHTS Roots Peacework Guidebook – Ankica Dragin Presenta on of Roots Peacework Guidebook served as one of the major program highlights, showcasing the tremendous work and impact that the project has had for engaged individuals, organiza ons and communi es in spreading the message of peace and reconcilia on across the con nent and beyond. Quo ng the author:

“A prac cal inspira on for ac on, based on the YMCA Europe Roots for Reconcilia on 2012-2019 Project peace prac ce legacy, the Peacework Guidebook provides a specific, prac cal framework for involving youth in peacebuilding, providing also tools for their engagement.... and is: - A reflec on on the Roots history and development, key components and ac vi es; - A tes mony of Roots par cipants' impressions about the project and its impact on their lives; - A comprehensive summary of the unique know-how and all the tools that have been fundamental to the Roots' peace work success; - A treasury of valuable references for peace prac oners and ac vists”.


Overview of Roots and Project Next Phase - Vardan Hambardzumyan A comprehensive synopsis of the background, achievements, challenges and best prac ces of past project phases – providing detailed ac on plan for 2020-2022 as Roots will embark on another implementa on stage, sustaining pan-European approach & program diversity. YMCA Europe Strategic Plan 2020-2024 - Juan Simoes Iglesias As YMCA Europe prepares for the new phase of Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 period and with major stakeholders from member Na onal YMCA organiza ons present, the workshop provided very useful pla orm to discuss and analyze the main components that the Plan is an cipated to focus on. The obtained feedback will feed into the final document to see the light next year. Communica ng Together – Palmer Hestley Account upon World YMCA Strategy and tools used towards sharing the success stories in coordinated fashion as a global movement – therefore augmen ng the outreach and impact. European Parliament – Andor Deli (M.E.P.) The visit to European Parliament and mee ng with Andor Deli, the MEP (Member of European Parliament) from Hungary exposed the par cipants with the reality and challenges that European Union is currently going through, and underlined the significance of safeguarding the principles of coopera on, solidarity and ac ve ci zenship as major pillars upon which the future of our con nent is based.


Roots Peace Medals Roots par cipants and volunteers have always been the driving force and catalyst for its success. Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Workshop was the right place and moment to acknowledge some of them. Adrian Davies, Antonio Rodrigo Merino and Palmer Hestley were awarded with “Roots Peace Medals” for excep onal support and commitment to the project. Roots is set to con nue It was also in Brussels where the good news was officially affirmed and signed – the Roots is set to con nue for 3 more years thanks to our long standing partners - with con nued support from Bread for the World as main donor and in close coopera on with CVJM Germany World Service! For us, is another opportunity, privilege and responsibility to keep doing what we all firmly believe in – Peace is the Way!


EVALUATION Several types of evalua on methods were applied to obtain the feedback from par cipants: On the last day of program the par cipants were assigned to the same groups where they were during the Expecta ons Session on the first day – in order to revisit their expecta ons and to evaluate the Ac vity based on them, whether they were met, not met and/or exceeded. In con nua on and by means of verbal round of evalua on, the par cipants individually expressed their feelings and emo ons about the event and how it affected them on personal level. The absolute majority of par cipants expressed their sa sfac on about the Ac vity and highly evaluated it as a pla orm where they were able to learn, share and grow; as well as to network in safe and welcoming environment. The Post-Event Online Learning Evalua on was launched 1 month a er the comple on of the event. Seventeen (17) responses have been collected, which amounts to 70, 83% of the total number of workshop a endees.


EVALUATION Synopsis and selected frames of feedback received from par cipants are presented below: 1. Logistical Arrangements Evaluated as excellent by 2/3 of the par cipants, as very good or good by the rest. 2. Expectations. The par cipants predominantly stated that their expecta ons were met - 95%. 3. The three (3) most relevant program components for par cipants were: Ÿ ”Overview of Roots next phase “ (47, 06 % ); Ÿ ”Roots presenta on”, “Mee ngs in European Parliament” & “Communica ng Together” (All 35, 29 % ); Ÿ ”Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Process”, “RPP Prac cal Exercise on Strategic Planning Process”, & “Prac cal Exercise – Place your YMCA in the Grid” (All 29, 41 %). 47,06% 35,29% 29,41%


Overview of Roots next phase;

Roots presenta on; Mee ngs in European Parliament; Communica ng Together;

Reflec ng on Peace Prac ces Process; RPP Prac cal Exercise on Strategic Planning Process; Prac cal Exercise – Place your YMCA in the Grid;

4. Three (3) words that most corresponded to the understanding of par cipants about what Roots Workshop intended to achieve, were: coopera on, networking and rela onships. Knowledge 41,18% Inspira on 35,29% Coopera on 76,47% Ideas 23,53% Networking 58,82% Rela onships 41,18%

5. All the respondents of the only survey agreed 100% with the following statements: Ÿ The loca on allowed them to feel safe and secure; Ÿ The Team, facilitators and par cipants were sensi ve to diversity and conflicts; Ÿ The program design allowed for opportuni es to communicate with each other and people from outside; Ÿ The workshop and the en re encounter was characterized by posi ve group dynamics;


TESTIMONIALS “YMCA has all ingredients to raise its profile in peace work and social inclusion. The Roots is contribu ng to this goal *Juan Simoes - Secretary General YMCA Europe in a significant way” “I will remember the connec ons, the people and the posi vity I felt when working with others from all over the world. This in itself reminds me of the humanis c approach that we need to take when taking part in peace work.” *Aoileann Conway - YMCA Ireland staff

“The Prac cal Exercise on the process of strategic planning was a highlight for me, a very enlightening methodology I will use in the future.” *Ilenia Ventroni - Advocacy Officer YMCA Europe “Good to know the main direc ons of future programme ac vi es. It’s important to promote YMCA and its programmes on top EU levels - easy and effec ve communica on - the key to success in many issues” *Viktor Serbulov - Secretary General YMCA Ukraine

“It's important to understand the next steps for Roots and how we can all contribute to its success.” *Palmer Hestley - Director of Communica ons World YMCA

“What I will always remember about this workshop is the importance of collabora on.” *Dorina Lluka Davies - Secretary General YMCA Kosovo




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