CHANGE LIVES. GIVE TODAY. 2021 Annual Support Campaign
LIVING OUR CAUSE TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER At the YMCA, strengthening community is our cause. For over 100 years the YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge & South Amboy has been part of the fabric of our community, through programs designed to develop youth, promote healthy living and nurture social responsibility. The YMCA unites, engages and educates our communities to enable all people, especially youth and those who need us most, to maintain good health and to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens. Funds raised through the Annual Support Campaign allow the Y to support our neighbors as we work together to make a lasting personal and social change. We invite our neighbors, our members and our friends to join the YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge & South Amboy in strengthening our community by impacting and inspiring one person and one family at a time. The YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge & South Amboy was founded in 1921 with a gift from a single donor, Charles Edgar. Mr. Edgar’s bequest has impacted countless lives. Just think what your gift will do.
TO SUCCESS 1. Make your own pledge first. 2. Attend the Campaigner Training opportunities. Participate in calls, meetings and campaign events. 3. Make your ask face-to-face. It’s the best practice for securing the largest gift. Aim high and ask for a specific amount. For past donors, encourage an increase in this year’s gift. Let the donor decide if it is too much. Emphasize pledging. Most people can give more over a period of time than at any given moment. 4. Reaffirm the benefits of the gift and agree upon the next steps. Never leave the pledge card. If you cannot get a decision on the first visit, take the card with you when you leave, and tell the person you’ll call back on a specific date.
MAKING THE ASK THINGS TO KNOW AND PRACTICE BEFORE MAKING THE ASK Know (and understand) the case for support: Too often we move forward without really understanding the key aspects of our case for support.
Think Impact
Think Values
Think Community Needs Fulfilled.
What is it about the Y that motivates you to campaign? Prepare an outline script for yourself: Then practice, practice, practice. Be sure to identify two or three key messages you expect to deliver. Allow room to be flexible memorizing your script may be confusing and will not allow you to respond appropriately. Make the call and set the appointment: There are only a few weeks in the campaign - no time like the present to get started. Example script for making an appointment: “Hello! My name is Kate. I am calling as a volunteer with the YMCA’s Annual Giving Campaign. Will you be available to meet with me for 30 minutes next Monday to talk about the Y?”
Determine the level of gift you’ll be asking for before you make the visit: Be committed to the ask, but be prepared to be flexible based on what you hear/learn. Know the opportunities for pledging vs. making a one-time payment. You can discuss the level with the Fund Development Director to have more clarity. When making the solicitation Three important things to remember to do: Explain the reason for the call. Find out what the donor prospect knows about the Y firsthand or through word of mouth. Then listen, listen, listen. Once you’ve heard their story, experiences, impressions of the Y and/or community needs: Now’s the time to talk about the Y, match key messages with what the donor had to say and make the ask! Talk about the Y Let people know how the Y is strengthening the community and how we are improving the quality of life for children, teens, adults and families.
Simple Ways to Make a Gift PLEDGE Spread your gift over the year.
PAYMENT IN FULL Cash, check or credit card
GIFT OF APPRECIATED STOCK Call 732-516-9200, Ext. 1108 for information on how to make a stock transfer.
STEPS TO FOLLOW PROSPECTING DONORS TO THANKING DONORS 1. Provide the names of your potential prospects Once you are ready to begin, provide the YMCA Fund Development Office with the names of the people you plan on asking to support the campaign. This allows the office to make sure no one else will be asking as well. 2. Receive your donor pledge forms and campaigner packet Once your prospect list is finalized, the Fund Development Office will provide you with donor pledge forms. These forms will be included in your campaigner packet. 3. Make your calls, set your times to meet Find a time and place you and your prospect can take time to talk about your role as a volunteer at the YMCA and what makes you want to support the Y. Listen to your prospect’s feedback. Your time together should be relaxed but purposeful.
Campaign Brochure
Donor Pledge Card
List of specific programs and activities supported through the Annual Campaign
Phone numbers of key staff for questions
4. After your meeting If your prospect has committed to supporting the YMCA with a pledge, ask them to sign either a pledge form or a donor card. Track the gift on the form included in your campaigner packet. Your donor’s pledge should be returned to your branch campaign chair or can be returned to the YMCA Fund Development Office for recording.
5. Say thank you The YMCA office will send a formal thank you to the donor once the pledge is received. Best practice is that you write a thank you note as well. Thank you cards are included in your campaigner packet. Once the donation or pledge has been made, it’s helpful to work to maintain a strong relationship with your donor, checking in with them to share YMCA news throughout the year.
FAQs WHAT IS THE Y? We are a powerful association of men, women and children joined together by a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living, and fostering a sense of social responsibility. We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors. That’s why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.
WHAT IS THE Y’S MISSION? To put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
IS MY CONTRIBUTION TAX DEDUCTIBLE? Yes, gifts to the Y are 100% tax deductible for any individual who itemizes his/her deductions.
HOW DOES THE CAMPAIGN FIT INTO THE BRANCH BUDGET? Each Y participates in the Annual Campaign. Contributions received provide direct financial assistance to people who otherwise could not afford a Y experience in year-round programs and services. Gifts do not pay for branch operations or campaign expenses.
WHY SHOULD I GIVE MONEY TO THE Y WHEN I ALREADY PAY MEMBERSHIP DUES? Your dues cover the costs of Y membership, but they do not support additional costs for outreach programs and financial assistance. The Y needs your support in this campaign to reach into the community and provide safe, high quality, character-building programs for everyone.
WHY SHOULD I GIVE TO THE Y IF I’M NOT A MEMBER? Your support is still needed. You benefit by having a strong Y in your community that provides meaningful opportunities to help young people learn, grow and thrive. The Y makes your community a better place to live and work, making people of all ages and abilities feel more healthy, confident, connected and secure.
CAN GIFTS BE MADE OVER THE COURSE OF THE YEAR? Yes, for many, a pledge is the preferred way to make a generous gift. It allows you to pay later or spread your payments over a period of time. Pledges can be paid by a payroll deduction monthly, quarterly or in one lump sum later in the year. Contact your YMCA to discuss these and other payment options.
WHAT IS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? At the Y, we welcome everyone. We offer financial assistance to individuals and families who cannot afford membership. Our Annual Campaign raises money for financial assistance to ensure that no one is turned away due to the inability to pay. QUESTIONS? Cathy Haugh Association Advancement Associate 732-516-2083
PEOPLE GIVE #10 Charitable gifts are tax deductible.
It makes them feel good to do something for others in their community.
#8 They have a desire to protect others and make their community better.
#7 They feel morally or socially obligated to do something for people in need.
#6 You demonstrated your commitment with your gift.
#5 They respect you, the person asking them.
They believe in the objectives and future direction of the YMCA.
#3 They have received something form the Y and now want to “give back.”
#2 They have a personal involvement with the Y.
MARK Your Calendar
SAMPLE NOTES AND EMAILS For donors who made a gift to the YMCA previously As you may know, the YMCA is a cause that I support. As a YMCA volunteer, I believe in the charitable work of the YMCA and am campaigning in our community to ask for support. Your gift to last year’s Annual Support Campaign was so very much appreciated. Your donation was put to good use, which you can see on the attached document which shows how we allocated the money raised last year. Our campaign is pledge-based—you can commit to an amount now and pay it at a pace which works for you before December 31st. I will follow up with you to see if you are interested in chatting more about how you can support the cause of the YMCA. We can meet up when you are available; lunch is always better when shared with a friend!
For donors new to the YMCA One of the YMCA's best kept secrets is that its doors are open to all, regardless of ability to pay. In addition to membership, the YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge and South Amboy provides needed services in the communities we serve. Many neighbors need scholarships to enroll their children in YMCA Early Learning Programs, YMCA Afterschool Programs and Summer Day Camp. Others use financial assistance to become healthier by participating in programs which address chronic diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease and preventing the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. No one who might benefit from a Y program is denied because they are not able to pay. A great way to give to our community is to give through the YMCA of Metuchen, Edison, Woodbridge and South Amboy’s Annual Campaign. 100% of each gift donated to the campaign is allocated to people who need our support. Your donations allow us to provide child care and summer camp assistance, to provide membership assistance, to provide assistance to our military and emergency personnel and pay for participants in free 7th Grade Membership Program, LiveSTRONG® for cancer survivors and other programs. To give you even more information about how the non-profit YMCA serves many in our community, here are links to two stories that could never have been told were it not for the Y. The stories are short but telling. Please take a look at them. I will follow up with you to see if you are interested in chatting more about how you can support the cause of the YMCA. We can meet up when you are available; lunch is always better when shared with a friend! I hope you will join me and my family in becoming another of the Y's growing number of supporters.
Questions? Need support? YMCA professional staff are here to help!
Bobby Kleinau VP of Operations and Branch Leadership South Amboy Y Director of Operations 732-553-9622
Christine Tolley Metuchen Y Director of Operations 732-548-2044 ext. 2213
Erin Siemers Edison Y Director of Operations 732-593-5954
Kyle Strohman Director of Operations YMCA at the Piscataway Community Center 732-562-2302
Cindy Shields Senior Child Care Director 732-548-9350
YMCA Association Office 483 Middlesex Ave Metuchen, NJ 08840 732-516-9200
THE YMCA OF METUCHEN, EDISON, WOODBRIDGE & SOUTH AMBOY Association Office 483 Middlesex Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 732-516-9200 Serving adults, youth and families in Greater Middlesex County since 1921.