CAUSE-DRIVEN LEADERSHIP Board of Directors Stacey DeAlmeida Chairperson Russell Azzarello 1st Vice Chair Selma Camacho 2nd Vice Chair Michael Trigili, CPA Treasurer Mark Saker, Esq. Secretary Robert V. Weiss, Jr. Past Chair
Joseph Bellina Dan Fishman Barry Gordon Raymond Leahy Richard Lomurro, Esq. Craig McGraw Agnes McKim Edward Moran, CPA Rogan O’Donnell Janet Phillips Shari Scaramuzzo Michael Wright
OUR MISSION To put Christian principals into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
OUR CAUSE At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors. Every day, we work sideby-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn and grow.
BRANCHES Freehold YMCA 470 East Freehold Road Freehold, NJ 07728 732.462.0464 Freehold Borough YMCA Community Center 41 Center Street Freehold, NJ 07728 732.845.5273 Hightstown-East Windsor YMCA 230 Mercer Street Hightstown, NJ 08520 609.448.1357 Old Bridge YMCA 1 Mannino Park Drive Old Bridge, NJ 08857 732.727.0704 Camp Topanemus YMCA 380 Monmouth Road Millstone, NJ 08510 732.294.7727
IMPACT Angela’s Story
“I am a single mother with a below average income. I work full time but still struggle just to pay my regular bills. Paying thousands of dollars for camp for the summer for my children so I can attend work just isn’t in my budget. Camp Topanemus has helped me tremendously. If it wasn’t for the funding I receive from childcare resources and Camp Topanemus, I wouldn’t have anywhere for my children to go for the three months during the summer that they are off from school. I wouldn’t be able to work and would lose what little income I have. My children have been attending camp there for four years now. Every year, they BEG me to return for the summer. It would be heartbreaking for them to not be able to spend their summers there and, furthermore, for me to have to tell them that they can’t attend because I cannot afford it. The funding I receive has been a blessing throughout the past few years as I’m sure it has been for many other families.”
Valerie’s Story
“My name is Valerie and I’m a single mother of 3 kids. Prior to moving to Freehold, my family had been struggling moving from shelter to shelter. With an extremely low income, I received some public assistance to help with food and daily expenses, but I didn’t know how I’d be able to afford childcare. I was taken by surprise when I got the call that the YMCA & childcare resources were going to help me with that dilemma. It was such a relief! Just to be able to have safe and reliable childcare that I couldn’t afford without the Y’s assistance has been such a blessing and a huge essential that has given me the ability to take back my independence and focus on reconstructing my life. The teachers at the Y are always friendly and dedicated, and my daughter loves her classmates. My boys love their before and after school care classes too. It feels like a family, and I’m always comfortable when I drop them off that they’re in good hands. For a single parent, having that confidence and peace of mind is priceless. When Christmas came around, I was so grateful and shocked by how the YMCA teachers and School Age Child Care staff came together to give me bags of toys, clothes and gift cards so that my kids could have a real Christmas. I really felt blessed to see my children so happy on Christmas morning because of the Y. I cannot thank the Y enough for the financial assistance and excellent childcare they provide, and I’m just very grateful that our family has had such a positive experience. It means a lot to me!”
Mr. Nolan, as he is affectionately known, came to the Freehold Borough YMCA Community Center over a year ago looking to share his interest of chess and table tennis with youth members. “He struck me as a man of dignity upon meeting him for the first time,” says Mel O’Neal, Branch Executive Director. “He was extremely well dressed and very professional.” Mr. Nolan was determined to give something back to young people through volunteering at the Borough YMCA. He has made chess and table tennis “cool” and fun for our youth. Many youth who visit the Community Center after school now forgo using the internet-ready computers and other activities to pursue competing against Mr. Nolan in either chess or table tennis. While teaching the intricacies of both games and helping the children to become better competitors, he has also impressed upon them the significance of being prompt, prepared, courteous, and always displaying good sportsmanship. Mr. Nolan is an extraordinary individual that has many other interests including ballroom dancing, art, fencing, playing the guitar and Mrs. Phyliss, the love of his life.
Jared Katz
Volunteer Jared Katz was honored in 2017 at the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance Annual Recognition Dinner. Jared is a very impactful young man! Jared has volunteered at the Y for many years with the Summer Literacy Program and Freehold Y Summer Camp. Studies have indicated that large percentages of urban youth fall behind during the summer with regards to reading and literacy and because of this information and Jared’s interest in helping the Y and youth, he volunteered himself and many of his friends to join forces with the Y throughout the summer to provide fun literacy opportunities to our youth. Jared loves working with kids and being a mentor and is someone that they can look up to–all while having fun! “It’s great and rewarding to know that you are making a difference in someone else’s life and helping them grow as a person,” said Jared.
The Station House Adjustme Det. Robert Kurzydlowski
An ongoing partnership between the Old Bridge Police Department and Old Bridge Y Branch has resulted in the tremendously successful Station House Adjustment Program. Developed by former Old Bridge Police Captain and YMCA Board member, Robert V. Weiss, Jr., the program has grown exponentially. Detective Robert Kurzydlowski has been the lead partner with the Y, pairing them with numerous students from Old Bridge High School who have found themselves in trouble, either with their school or the police department. Many of the offenses are minor, however, the program was designed as an alternative for these children to find positive role models at the Y and try to correct their own behavior. The program mandates ten hours of community service at the Y, typically accomplished in a two-hour per week span. Students are offered several options, and we do our best to find a perfect fit for the child and our staff. With activities including sports coaching assistance, teaching swim lessons, or monitoring the fitness floor, we have found that this program has had a positive impact on many of the students who have participated. While being partnered with either a Y professional or an experienced part-time employee, these students learn the importance of honesty, responsibility, respect, and how to be a positive role model for younger children. Upon completion of the program, students are required to write an essay conveying their thoughts on the program and how they feel it has helped them. “I love to see the Old Bridge Police Department, Old Bridge Y, and Old Bridge High School working together to motivate our youth to take ownership and responsibility to do the right thing for our community,” says Detective Kurzydlowski. We are proud to say that the Station House Adjustment Program has a high rate of success. A clear majority of the students who came through the program to date have stayed out of trouble in school, at home, and out in the community.
“When I first st arted the YMCA program, they were very welcoming. Th ey didn’t look at me diff erently or ask me any questions. I lik ed how they tr eated me. I had a great ti me teaching ki ds the fun of soccer and play ing with them. Doing this program showed me that there’s more to do than just sit ar ound—I could b e he kids learn inst lping ead of causin g trouble. If I could go ba ck and correct my wrongs I would, but all I can do now is better myself and move forw ard.”
as very fun, at the YMCA w es with “Volunteering imming activiti sw h it w g in lp rvous, especially he t I was very ne en w I e m ti t rs eated me like the kids. The fi work there tr ho w le p eo p alking but the le every week w ab rt fo m co lt fe working with family. I ed forward to ok lo d an or do ct through the ile and intera these kids sm ng ei es ak Se m . d ds an ki ing the so heartwarm is er th st o la y ch m hen with ea those days. W to ck ba go yi to d sa ng me want along, I felt sa e m ca ng ri ee day of volunt goodbye.”
ent Program
saying ‘thank t this essay by “I want to star has honestly munity service m co is Th ! u’ yo hope to perience, and I ex ve ti si po a y actions been ring. I regret m ee nt lu vo by ue resort contin I never have to at th ow kn d deeply an . Community hat I did before w e lik gs in th to onsibility a sense of resp e m ve ga e ic I enjoyed serv t new people. ee m to ce an ch and a kers made ds and the wor working with ki teach little longed. I helped me feel like I be getting up d I didn’t mind an , im sw to great kids because it felt ay rd tu Sa a on early as a second deed. I saw it to do a good kid who that I am a good chance to show rience was life sion. My expe ci de d ba a e mad see myself honestly cannot I d an , ng gi g me do chan k you for makin an Th . ck ba ter changing s made me bet ha it e— ic rv se community lain.” ords can’t exp w at th s ay w in
“My experien ce at the YM CA was grea learned more t. I about being a team playe to be a lead r and er and not a follower. It a good wake was -up call for m e to see firs that I was h th and eading down the wrong p really need a th and ed to chang e. It also ta more respon ught me sibility. My position was but challeng simple ing—to work with little ki older kids. W d s and orking with the coaches teach kids ri to ght from wro ng taught m a good leade e to be r. It felt go o d to volunte and give my er time, and I lo ok forward to continuing to volunteer at the YMCA.”
“What positive experienc e have I learned after making a negative choice? I’ve learned that people make mistakes but it’s how you handle yourself aft erwards that makes the difference. I’ve learned from this that people will rally around me to help and that I’m not alone. Giving back to the community was kind of fun. Little kids are actually really funny. Helping with the basketball program gave me a challenge to help kids instead of just playing with them. When my time at the Y wa s over, I missed going there and am now applying for a job with them. I hope to co ntinue giving and learning from the yout h programs at the YMCA. My actions broug ht me to a place in my life where I want to be a better person and make better choices. ”
y disturbing choices “My friend and I made ver d property. For that damaged my town an serve 10 hours of my punishment I had to Old Bridge Y. I community service at the h summer camp and was assigned to help wit ry kind and very all the workers were ve hated going because responsible. At first, I hment, but after I thought of it as a punis think of it as an 2 or 3 days I started to fun and creative advantage. I had a very ent could have been time there. My punishm is a very kindhearted way worse, but Officer K e you are, there are man. No matter what ag ver make my past consequence, and I will ne mistakes again.”
2017 AUDITED FINANCIALS The YMCA of Western Monmouth County is dedicated to the effective stewardship of resources entrusted to us by our donors. goal isMonmouth to maximize benefits to our community as we meet YMCA Our of Western County expenses and use remaining funds to Operating invest in our long-term future. Fund #DIV/0!
2017 Income YMCA YMCA of Western Monmouth CountyCounty of Western Monmouth Operating Fund Fund Operating 5.86% 2.46% 2017 Income 20178.94% Income
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! 19.04%
5.86% 2.46%
5.86% 8.94%
1.43% 1.94%
Contributions & Fundraising $299,801
Freehold Y Membership $2,355,164
1.43% 1.43% 1.94% 1.94% 2.80% 2.80%
22.04% 6.18%
6.18% 10.50% 22.04%
2.94% 10.50%
Old Bridge Y Membership $1,696,933 Contributions & Fundraising $299,801 Contributions & Fundraising $299,801 Government Assistance $314,570 Freehold Y Membership $2,355,164 Freehold Y Membership $2,355,164 Freehold Y Programs $1,122,934 Old Bridge Y Membership $1,696,933 Old Bridge Y Membership $1,696,933 Freehold Child Care $661,203 Government Assistance $314,570 Government Assistance $314,570 Freehold SASC Child Care $2,036,008 Freehold Y Programs $1,122,934 Freehold Y Programs $1,122,934 HEW Y Programs $263,032 Freehold Child Care $661,203 Freehold Child Care $661,203 Camp Topanemus Y Programs $627,136 Freehold SASC Child Care $2,036,008 Freehold SASC Child Care $2,036,008 Old Bridge Y Programs $956,272 HEW Y Programs $263,032 HEW Y Programs $263,032 Freehold Boro Y Programs $152,697 Camp Topanemus Y Programs $627,136 Camp Topanemus Y Programs $627,136 Sales, Rentals & Miscellaneous $207,302 Old Bridge Y Programs $956,272 Old Bridge Y Programs $956,272
15.87% Total Income $ 10,693,052 15.87% YMCA of Western Monmouth County Freehold Boro Y Programs $152,697 Freehold Boro Y Programs $152,697 YMCA of Western Operating FundMonmouth County Sales, Rentals & Miscellaneous $207,302 Sales, Rentals & Miscellaneous $207,302 #DIV/0! Operating Fund 2017 Expenses #DIV/0! $ 10,693,052 Total Income $ 10,693,052 2017 Expenses Total Income 1.38% YMCA ofYMCA Western of Western Monmouth Monmouth County County 5.35% 1.20% 1.38% 5.35% 1.20% Operating Operating Fund Fund 1.95% 56.18% 1.09% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.95% 2017 Expenses 2017 Expenses56.18% 1.58% 1.09%
1.58% 1.38% 1.38% 5.35% 5.35% 1.20% 1.20% 1.95% 1.95% 1.09% 1.09% 19.01% 1.58% 1.58% 19.01%
Salaries, Wages & Benefits $6,421,852
Salaries, Wages & Benefits $6,421,852 Program Supplies & Expenses $1,194,618 Program Supplies & Expenses $1,194,618 Fundraising Expenses $125,556 Fundraising Expenses $125,556 Salaries, Wages& Salaries, &Publicity Benefits Wages $6,421,852 & Benefits $6,421,852 Promotion $80,714
Promotion & Publicity $80,714 Program Supplies Program & Expenses Supplies $1,194,618 & Expenses $1,194,618 Occupancy $2,172,735
19.01% 0.71% 1.10%
Occupancy $2,172,735 Fundraising Fundraising $125,556 Expenses $125,556 FinancingExpenses Costs $180,854 Financing Costs $180,854 Promotion & Publicity Promotion $80,714 & $124,238 Publicity $80,714 YMCA National Support
0.71% 1.10%
YMCA National Support $124,238 Occupancy $2,172,735 Occupancy $2,172,735 Equipment Costs $223,073
10.45% 0.71% 1.10%
0.71% 1.10%
Equipment Costs $223,073 Financing CostsFinancing $180,854Costs $180,854 Depreciation/Amortization $611,031 Depreciation/Amortization $611,031 YMCA NationalYMCA Support National $124,238 Support $124,238 Miscellaneous $157,985
Miscellaneous $157,985 Equipment Costs Equipment $223,073 Costs$136,861 $223,073 YCares Financial Assistance YCares Financial Assistance $136,861
Depreciation/Amortization Depreciation/Amortization $611,031 $611,031 Total Expenses $ 11,429,517
Expenses $ 11,429,517 * In addition to the Financial Assistance of over $136,861 given in 2017 for our memberships and programs, the YMCA Total of Western Monmouth County subsidized Miscellaneous Miscellaneous $157,985 $157,985 $260,731 of* In theaddition operations of Financial the Freehold BoroughofCommunity Center YMCA a grand total of $397,592. to the Assistance over $136,861 given in for 2017 for our memberships and programs, the YMCA of Western Monmouth County subsidized $260,731 of the operations of the Freehold Borough Community Center YMCA for a grand total of $397,592. YCares FinancialYCares Assistance Financial $136,861 Assistance $136,861 Total Expenses Total Expenses $ 11,429,517 $ 11,429,517 * In addition to * Inthe addition Financial to the Assistance FinancialofAssistance over $136,861 of over given $136,861 in 2017 given for our in 2017 memberships for our memberships and programs, and the programs, YMCA of the Western YMCAMonmouth of WesternCounty Monmouth subsidized County subsidized $260,731 of$260,731 the operations of theofoperations the Freehold of the Borough Freehold Community BoroughCenter Community YMCACenter for a grand YMCAtotal for aof grand $397,592. total of $397,592.
We’re grateful for the support fromfrom foundations and and We’re grateful for generous the generous support foundations corporate sponsors, which helps sustain programs and and ensure corporate sponsors, which helps sustain programs ensure all have access to our-life changing programs. all have access to our-life changing programs.
Encon Mechanical Amboy Bank Corp. Manning Caliendo & Thomson Encon Mechanical Manning Caliendo & Corp. Thomson Encon Mechanical Corp. Nova Services Group OceanFirst Bank NovaNova Services Group Healthcare Foundation Services Group CentraState CentraState Healthcare Foundation OGP Architects, LLP Manning Caliendo & Thomson M&MM&M Realty Partners Davison, Eastman & Munoz, PA PA Realty Partners Davison, Eastman & Munoz, Hatch Matt MacDonald Hatch Matt MacDonald
5% School Age Child Care
20% Child Care
50% Freehold Borough Y Community Center Operations
11% Camp
14% Membership
FRIENDS OF THE Y Mr. & Mrs. Frank Abate Ahmed Abouomar Muhammad Abouomar Sanabel Abouzeina Madison Abraham Gabriella Abraham Ron Abraham Ryan Abraham Debbie Abrams-Grice John Acampora Jack Acquaviva Sophia Acquaviva Gabriella Acquaviva Diane Adams Darleen Alex Harry Allex Robert Allison Howard Alter Randi Alterman Sophia Altman Avani Anand Alessa Anne Anne John Antonides Elissa Arbeitman Michael Arbolino Barbara Arcoleo Peter Ardolino Martha Armas Jamie Armstrong Bruce Artman Ian Atanov Nancy Atkinson Halla Auyeung Sally Aversano Joan Ayers Judy Azoulai Russell Azzarello Emily Bacharde Madalyn Bacharde Gerardas Badaras Alexa Baggs Caryl Bailey Kaitlin Balasaygun Karen Balasaygun James Baldwin Danit Balinco Liat Balinco James Ballew Danielle Balsamo Gordon Bame Samantha Bame Vilma Bankauskas Michael Barbarino John Barney Doreen Baron Nancy Barone Caitlin Barr Jon-Henry Barr Kyle Barreiro David Barry Laura Bartelli Laura Bartley Harry Bauer Arlene Beck Lily Begley Katherine Belenkiy Diane Belforti Michael Belforti Rocene Belino Bernadette Bell Dennis Bellars Joseph Bellina Allen Bender Robbie Bender Diana Bendit Victoria Benedetto Nika Berg Veron Bergen Arthur Berkey Jr. Suzanne Bernardo Roberta Bernstein Alyssa Berrios
Carole Beyer Narendra Bhat Nicholas Billitteri Ignazio Billitteri Lori Bindler Jill Birkhimer Raquel Bivona Jocelyn Bivona Amy Black Erin Black Deborah Blain Robert Blais Roberta Blaszczyk Charlie Blessing Kristen Blum Patrick Blumetti Ryan Boate Linda Boccardo Eesha Boddu Denise Boehm Laura Bohoroquez Patricia Bohse Christine Bonham Mindy Bonnet Michele Born Warren Born Mr. & Mrs. John Borton Jennifer Botros Michael Boulos Christine Bracken Neal Braff Patricia Branch Rita Brandeisky Lisa Brennan Robert Brennan Donna Brenner Max Breslauer-Friedman Mason Breuer Brandon Breuer Anna Breyburg Eric Brocklebank Maureen Brown Deborah Bryan Denise Bucciero Kamila Buffalino Rianna Bukhgalter Andrew Buzzelli Christina Byrne Dennis Cahill Lori Cain Marge Caldes Adina Cale Nicholas Caliendo, Esq. Jackie Callandriello Kevin Calogera Selma Camacho Leonel Camacho Michele Campbell Krystal Canady Ray Cannella Jake Caporale Maribel Caragiulo Matthew Caraos Salvatore Cardinale Anthony Cardullo Ken Cardullo Sofia Carlucci Megan Carson Jack Cascio Jamie Casillo Christine Castaldi Jean Castaldi Patricia Castellano Carlo Castronovo Melissa Cecala-Bertucci David Cerrachio Joelle Chan Aradhana Chandrasekhar Roxanne Chase Melissa Chasinov Mahi Chaubey Toufik Chebab
Jim Chehanske Hui Chen James Chen Katie Chen Rob Chen Umie Chen Xiaoling Chen Peter Cheney Ambrogio Chiarelli Gin Chin Jimmy Chin Laura Chiocchi John Choi Margarita Chudner Nicholas Chung Ralph Ciallella John Ciarcia Natalie Ciarocco Jason Cies Robert Cirafesi Susan Cirafesi Linda Ciriello Jonathan Clark Sherron Clayton Susan Clifford Heather Coburn Samuel Coburn Casey Coburn Sarah Cohen Karen Collier Susan Collins John Columbia Jesse Colvin Laura Comer L Concepcion Connie Condie Kevin Condie Catrina Condie Niall Condie Andrew Condie Carl Connolly Michael Connolly Kim Conroy Michele Conticchio Joseph Contreras Lisa Cook Paige Coppola Joseph Costa Anthony Costanza Dennys Cottino Pat Coyne Chuck Crocco Christopher Cronin Philip Cundari Serena Cutaneo Brian Cutrone James Cutrone Thomas Cutrone Dorothy Daly Samantha Dandrea Bernadette D’Angelo Marsha Danino Mohammed Danish Anne Danna Natale Danna Patricia Danziger Carl Danziger, Esq. Rose Daponte Richard Darge Marci Dargenio Annesha Datta John Dawes, Esq. Lynda Dayton Daniel Dealmeida Stacey Dealmeida MaryAnn DeFuria Anne DeGennaro Aaron Dekshteyn Keval Deliwala Bruce Dellaira Christina Dellasala Andrew DeMuth
John DeNaire John DeNardo Denise Desane Marisa DeSanto Mike Devaney Christine Devine-Burgi Joselin Di Pietro Emily Diangson Natalie Dias Oscar Diaz Joseph Dibella Andrea DiGiovanni Madeline DiLeo Valarie DiLeo Denise Dill Cienna DiLorenzo William DiLorenzo Carol DiMaggio Christopher Disbrow Flora DiTuri Giovanni Divino Robin Doherty Michael Doherty Mary Ellen Dolinick Barbara Dolinsky Madison Domingo Ashley Donohue Meghan Donohue Scott Dorsky Gene Dougherty Andreea Dragan Kevin Drake Masha Dreizin Dianne Dugan Patricia Dunn-Hart Katherine Durante Rohan Dureja Mary Durett Edward Eastman, Esq. Daniel Eastmond, Esq. Kelly Eberly Chrys Edell Alana Egan Richard Einhorn Kamila Elias Kelly Ellis-Foster Nancy Ellithy Renda Eng Mandy Enright Ryan Erdreich June Erdreich Ellie Erdreich Hayden Erdreich Veronica Erofeeva Shari Errickson Alexandra Ervin Debra Esposito Lauren Esposito James Fabrizio Richard Faden Cynthia Faiella Dr. Michael Failla Angelo Famiglietti, CPA Adam Farhood Sammy Farhood Susan Farrell Richard Favara John Fedak Donna Federici Patrick Federici Lisa Figliolia Elisabeth Figliolino Gustav Fingado Jordyn Finley Taylor Finley Michael Fiore Vinnie Fiore Donna Fisher Daniel Fishman Gail Fitzgerald Amy Fleury Patricia Florentine
Raquel Florio Kinga Flynn Caitlyn Foley Victoria Foley Josephine Foley Grace Forero Christopher Forero Debbie Forte John Foster Merck Foundation William Fountain Elise Fowler Sharon Fox Lola Fox Jamie Francese Annaley Frederick Glenn Freeman Kevin Freeman WIlliam Freeman Allison Fregans Tracy Freno Simona Frukhtman Meryle Fulton Donna Galada Charles Gambino Chris Ganz Lisa Garapedian Nalin Gardilla Jessica Gareis Christine Garofalo Thomas Garvey Mindy Garwood Marc Gaswirth Elaine Geiger Dalia Ghanem Sofia Ghviniashvili Giovanina Gianfrancesco Madison Giannina Paul Giansiracusa Dolores Gibson Sydney Giles Cory Gimourginas Mary Ginn Kayla Giovinazzo Benjamin Girgis Diana Giuliano Kyle Giuliano John Giusti Francesca Givelekian Jean Glaser Denis Glaude Sheila Gold Kristen Golden Steven Goldsholle Lauren Goldstein Cheri Golub Gabriel Gonzalez Carmen Gonzalez Bijal Gopani Barry Gordon James Gordon Ellen Gorham Gary Gorham Cole Gorney Mary Alice Goss Mark Gould Elen Goyanes Darlene Grace Christopher Graefe Avery Graham Skylar Graves Julian Graves Analissa Green Eileen Greenberg Paula Greenberg Helen Gregorio Robert Griggs Isabella Grogan Gabrielle Grosu Bettylou Grubb Pat Guadagno Teresa Guadagno
Dan Gue Carolyn Gugliotta Catherine Guler Peter Gulla Srujanesh Gunda Maxim Gunik Yifan Guo Lola Gwasda Dolly Gyorfy William Gyorfy Maria Habib Heather Hado Brenda Hagan Adrienne Hahn Vincent Halleran, Esq. Sharon Halpin Thomas Halpin Yetty Handayani Jacob Hanna Maheer Hara Sahej Hara Christina Hardman-O’Neal Caylee Harrington John Harris Donald Hart Bernadette Hayes Regina Hayes Eric Hayter John Heden Linda Heden James Henderson Brian Henningsen Daniel Henry Craig Herbert Mayra Hernandez Barbara Herochik Noble Heron Chase Heron Mike Hertz Cayden Hickey Patricia Hicks Michael Higgins Mayor Nolan Higgins Kerry Higgins, Esq. Monique Hill Julia Hobson Shayne Hockenjos Bonnie Hohenshilt Michael Hohenshilt Kristine Hollywood Kevin Holt Kelsey Holtz Richard Hom Kristin Honey Jonathan Hong Sadie Honig Jake Hoppock Sophia Hsueh Danielle Hudak Charles Hughes John Hulsart Victor Ianelli David Indursky Martin Indursky Esteban Iriarte Julian Isaacs Mohammed Islam Kason Jackson Lakshmi Jadhav Amit Jadhav Lakshizi Jadhoun Bernie Jahn Samantha Jasovsky Sirisha Jasti Jane Jennings Junseo Jeong Alison Johnson Christin Johnston Dr. & Mrs. Michael Jones Patricia Jones Jennifer Jordan Cynthia Joy
Angela Juffey Tanya Kaiserian Rachel Kalish Aastha Kapadia Charles Kaplan Niki Kaplan Lisa Kaplan Neha Karnam Sophie Kasmir Ilana Kats Marina Katsnelson Jolynn Kawoczka Heather Keefe James Keegan Debra Keelan Joan Keeler Joseph Keller Rochelle Kenduck Richard Kershnar Rafik Khalil Mariska Khattar Linda Kinsey Shira Kirsh Stephen Kiselick Amy Klinghoffer Dawn Koczon Rodger Koerber Jonathan Kohler Mikayla Kondracki Benjamin Kondracki Oksana Konstantinov Eileen Kornbluh Anita Kothari Eli Kramer Aiden Krauss Francis Kreitler Dr. Martin Krupnick Loretta Kuhnert Judith Kulick Sophia Kutchenrider Mary Anne La Cava Alex Lago Randi Lago Judith Lahrman Josephine Lake James Lake Jr. Alexa LaMarsh Mark Lamhut Kurt Lang Kayla Laracuente Carol Larres Amber Larrieux Andrea LaSpisa Caroline Lattari Julietta Laurenzano Warren LaValla Warren LaValle Susanna Lawrence Barbara Lazroe Larry Lea Raymond Leahy Paula LeBlanc Mariola Lech Danielle Leeds Lisa Lefkowitz Steven Lefkowitz Shoko Lei Douglas Leib Ryan Leung Norman Leventhal Dr. Ronald Levine Andrea Levine Collin Licata Peter Licata Josephine Licata Herb Lichter Ryan Liddy-Dugan Doug Liebb Cheryl Liebes Greg Linnett Carol Litt Yulan Tan Liu
FRIENDS OF THE Y Richard Lloyd Matthew LoBocchiaro Carol Lombardi Pat Lombardi Trisha Lombardi Donna Lomurro Pat Lomurro Donald Lomurro, Esq. Richard Lomurro, Esq. Karen Longo Gerald Lopez Jr Melissa Lorenz Lori LoSacco Steve Lubischer Connor Lum Norine Lund Todd Lunna Serafina Luppino Allison Luttrell Christine Luttrell Pavel Lvov Richard Lynch Fran Lynn Maureen MacCutcheon Val MacFie Debbie Macock Kathryn Maher Jaime Mahoney Zachary Mahoney Shane Mahoney Dean Mahoney Joseph Maida Patricia Maier Rich Majeski Mitchell Malakhov Jeffrey Malek Rosanne Mallozzi Patricia Maloney Hope Mandel Gemma Mandrik Johanna Mandy Patrick Mangini Ainesh Manik Michelle Mann Vincent Manning, Esq. Neel Manoj Leo Mansdorf Elizabeth Mansfield Allisyn Manzar Janet Marcinczyk Anthony Marco Cherry Margot Robert Marino Lorenzo Martinez Antoinette Martino James Mastriani David Mathew Robert Maute Chris Mayer Anne Mazzu Kathleen Mazzu Douglas McAuliffe Madison McCartney Miles McCarvill Susan McClure Dennis McConville Roslyn McCrarey Annmarie McDade Thomas McDade Gerald McGackin William McGackin James McGinnis Robert McGirr Eileen McGough Lisa McGovern Craig McGraw Rebecca McGue Helen McGuinness Diane McGuire Ryan McGurl Karen McIntosh James McKee
Agnes McKim William McKim Kevin McMahon Carol McMullen Elsa McMullen Mark McStay Megan McVay Philip Meara Carl Mecca Jr. Christina Medina Suresh Mehra Eshaan Mehta Erica Meisner Martin Melody Shameekah Melvin Patricia Mercurio Lucas Merino Valentina Merino Larry Metz Alexandra Metzger Cathy Michael Yelena Milenky Donna Miles-Gillick Marc Miller Joey Miller Ryan Miller Brooke Miller Dean Miller Jacob Miller C.J. Minucci Lisa Mirrer Sean Misquith Travis Misquith Amiya Mitchell Marie Mogilski Brian Moldenhauer Linda Moldenhauer Dominic Molinelli Kathleen Mondano Jeff Moniz Patricia Montani Jaime Montelione Tina Montone Noemi Montoya Gloria Morales Isabella Morales Christian Morales Edward Moran Lisa Moran Robin Moran Christian Moran Elisa Morone Elisa Morrone Ann Mount Glenn Moyer Deanna Mulligan Melissa Mullin Mary Munn David Murray Jeffrey Mychalchyk Ken Nager John Naimoli Joseph Napoli Laura Napolitano Gail Needleman Alice Nelson James Nelson Abhishek Neralla David Neth George Neuman Glen Newman Yun Ng Harrison Ng Bob Nicholas Anthony Nicoletti Brian Noble Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Norkus Joseph Norton James Nosuchinsky Kevin O’Connor Virginia O’Connor Alexis O’Connor
Jaclyn Oddo Rogan O’Donnell Wyatt O’Donnell Lisa Okeefe Chiaki Okutomo Leona Olchaskey Tiffany Olivera Vanessa Olivera Mel ONeal Abraham Opatut Emma Orlick Maureen O’Rourke Daniel Orrichio Omar Ortiz Daniel Otten Pooja Pahlajani Jillian Palomo Katelyn Panagos Alyssa Panella Addison Paolella Aidan Paolella Maya Paolella Andreas Papadopoulos Morwenna Parchman Timothy Parrett Scot Pasquale Kevin Pasquince Rachna Pasricha Krish Patel Meera Patel Milan Patel Nayna Patel Parini Patel Rupa Patel Sahil Patel Priya Patel Mahek Patel Maya Patel Jay Patel Lisa Patterson Evan Paul Frances Pavelchak Kayla Pawlukanis Jodi Pelano John Pelano Julian Perez Jill Perez Joe Perez Eden Perez Sofina Perez Thea Perez Larry Perlberg Henry Perlman Alexandra Perrella Carol Perrotta Frank Pescatore TP Peter Isabella Peters Ryan Peters Dominick Petrosino Lenny Petrou Jennifer Philippi Janet Phillips Joan Phillips Jabet Phillips Susan Philpot Ron Piccillo Denise Pichl Carolyn Pikowski Kenneth Pikowski Ramesh Pimentel Scott Pinheiro Juliette Pinto Deana Pkhrikyan Kristina Pkhrikyan Michelle Poksay Aidan Polhamus Moukthika Polimera Kriti Polimera Cooper Pollack John Pomeroy Medha Ponnapalli
Lisa Posner Madison Posniak Joann Post Elena Potoupa Jeffrey & Robin Povell Jeffrey Povell Robin Povell Scott Prendergast Anne Preston Kylie Preston Lester Preston Patrick Preston James Pries Rosa Principe charlene Priolo Alexa Procaccio Ava Procaccio Jessica Procopio Anna Profera Rebecca Proske Erin Pucciarelli Alex Pugliese Esther Puglisi Monica Puglisi Maritsa Quijada Timothy Quintero Barbara Radosti Allison Rae Lisa Rahner Michael Rainsford Lily Ramos Vicki Randazzo Marianne Ranieri Loretta Ranieri Francine Rantinella Sofia Rashid Lianna Rasimowicz Mark Rasimowicz Francine Raskas Matias Reategui Letita Recarey Sara Recarey Donald Reid Abigail Reiff Patricia Reilly Abigail Reiner Daniela Reiner Sharon Reinking George Reklaitis Fei Ren Ryan Repka Adriana Restrepo Noel Reyes Alexander Rhine Ginnine Ribolow Jenna Ricciardi Mary Rice Georges Richa Stephanie Richmond Palma Ridgway Charlene Rieman Lorna Rifkin Klaus Rittenbach Katherine Rittenbach Julian Rivera Lilyana Rivera Sifiya Rivera Gail Rizick Michelle Rizzo June Rizzo Kathleen Robbiani Ken Rodwogin Marlene Rogala Stephen Rogala Christopher Rogers Judy Roland Geraldine Roldan Lainie Roldan Mario Romano Adriana Rosales Liza Rosario Andrea Rosen
Edward Rosen Michelle Rosen Barbara Rosenblatt Richard Rosenblum Michelle Roth Bridgid Rothenberg Karen Rousseau Jamie Rozakis Ellen Rubin John Rudder Marla Rudich Emily Rufino Samantha Russo Francine Russo Colleen Ryan Paul Sachkowsky Carol Sadlowski Alex Saengchailarpwattana Andrew Saengchailarpwattana Mark Saker, Esq. Sofia Salgado Kathleen Salmon Gail Salomon Leah Salto Esta Salzhauer Maria Samaras Scott San Filippo Tara San Filippo Ivelisse Sanabria Dr. Barry Sandor Dr. Louris Sandor Maria SanFilippo Susan Santoriello Robin Sarfati Amira Sayed Sabrina Sayed Christine Scaramuzzo Shari Scaramuzzo Brianna Scarcella Julie Scarpa George Scharpf Gina Schneller William Schnitzerling Allen Schoenhaus Lise Schpiro Michael Schrader Carrie Schultz Leah Schussler Sarah Schussler Lisette Schwalb Sophie Schwalb Adam Schwalb Ethan Schwalb Donald Schwartz Dina Schwartzberg Philip Schweitzer Mindy Scot Thomas Scott Walter Scott Howard Seasonwein Karen Seltzer Jason Serra Jade Serra Richard Sevrin Jeannette Sgroi Krina Shah Divia Shah Ankit Shah Reecha Shah Bonnie Shain Gregg Shapses Summer Sharaf Shyamala Sharma Meghna Shastri Siddharth Shastri Nicole Shelton Emlyn Shields Joe Shmoe Christopher Shoemaker Saker Shoprites, Inc.
Eli Shtindler Sharon Shutzer Joshua Silver Giovanni Silvestri Alyssa Simione Brenda Simmons Alexia Simon Jennifer Singer Irina Sivash Edmund Skalski Richard Slater Daniel Smith Gregory Smith Steven Smith Robert Snitkovsky Arthur Snyder Jake Sokolowski Kathy Sokolowsky Michelle Spargifiore Ronald Speirs Maree Spitaletto Michael Spitzer Shawn Squeo Arlene Stanton Karen Stark Alexis Stashkevetch Michael Steiger Michael Steinberg Kimberly Stewart Anita Stingo Randall Stitt Jennifer Stizza Nicolas Stofan Jennifer Stover Denice Stovich Andriana Stupak Cristina Stuto Maria Suarez Rahul Surana Travis Sutphin Hedy Swartz Cheryl Sykes James Szalozy Dianne Talbot George Tamakloe Wiwy Tanumihardja Derina Tanumihardja Addison Taranto Louise Terlato Rohan Thakur Sanjana Thakur Avijit Thapar Ruth Thomas Kenneth Thomson Elisa Thoresen Tracy Tice William Tinson Gina Tomkiewicz Brittany Torstrup Michael Trigili, CPA Charlene Trzaska Katarzyna Tucker Janet Tupper Sarah Turk Darryl Turkaly Kenneth Turner Brian Turtle Lillian Uhrig Brittany Ungano Michelle Ungano Diana Uveges Elissa Vaage Kaydence Valillo Amanda Vanemburgh William Vargas Zoraida Vega Kelly Veith Adriana Vendel Louis Ventorelli Daniel Verdun Michael Verrochi Anthony Vignola
Kathleen Vignola Sandra Villegas Pereco Vincinkin Patricia Virtue Pooja Vivek Thomas Volker Jarrod Von Schirach Tejas Vyas Nancy Wagner Maribel Sameh Wahba Alan Walker Caroline Walker Francis Walsh Stephanie Wan Wei Wang Jen Wang Richard Ward Patricia Ware Krista Warenkiewicz Subash Warrior Derrick Weader Giovanni Webb Barbara Webb Roy Webb Bill Weisman Lawrence Weiss Robert Weiss Jr. Carlene Weiss Arlene Weiss Robert Weiss III Sara Weissman Brenda Werneiwskei Michael Wertz, Jr. Anita Wesley Perry Weyser Diane White Jason Williams Kathleen Williams Kelly Williams Nancy Williams Joann Williams Neil Wissner Nannette Wolff Paul Wollman Patricia Woltz Jackie Wone Andy Wong Sheryl Wood Barbara Wright Christopher Wright Noreen Wright Pamela Wright Michael Wright William Wright Roland Wyatt Nannie Wyatt Elaine Wynn Laura Wysocki Samantha Wysocki Chung Yuk Xia Theodore Yasi, Jr. Elizabeth Yeakel Arnaz Yousafzai Jay Yucht Ashley Yurcisin Rosemary Zeliff John Zhang Lin Zhang Erica Ziegler
OUR CALL TO ACTION The YMCA of Western Monmouth County is a powerful organization of men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life, joined together by a shared passion: strengthening the foundations of community. Our members, donors, volunteers, staff and partners make it possible for the Y to carry out the vital work of nurturing the potential of kids, promoting healthy living and fostering a sense of social responsibility. Want to take a more active role in bringing about positive, meaningful and enduring change? Consider these opportunities:
DONATE. As our community grows, so does the need. Your contribution
makes it possible for kids to reach their full potential through youth sports, water safety instruction and programs to address the academic achievement gap. You’re helping prevent chronic health problems while giving people the tools to manage their own health. You’re providing a supportive environment for our neighbors in the community, and being a role model to our youth.
Whatever your talents, skills and interests, we can find a way to put them to use for the betterment of our community. You can serve on a board or committee, help with a fundraiser, coach a youth sports team, collect donated items, read to a child… the list goes on and on.
SHARE. Tell your story. Bring a friend to work out.
Give a membership as a gift. The more we promote our cause, the more powerful it becomes.