OUR OUR CAUSE CAUSE Changing Lives Changing Lives And Communities And Communities We are a cause-driven, community based, charitable organization that strengthens We are a cause-driven, community based, community through Youth Development, charitable organization strengthens Healthy Living and Socialthat Responsibility.
“We aremerely merely8 8days daysaway awayfrom fromthe theday daythat thatour ourdaughter, daughter, “We are Virginia, wasdiagnosed diagnosed with Type diabetes. One ourprimary primary “We are merely 8 days away from the day that our daughter, Virginia, was with Type 11diabetes. One ofofour goals has been to ensure that Virginia's life has remained as Virginia, diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. One of our primary goals haswas been to ensure that Virginia's lifehas has remained as "normal" as possible. "normalcy" been a challenge as goals has been to ensureEnsuring that Virginia's life has remained as "normal" as possible. Ensuring "normalcy" has been a challenge as we estimate that we have tested Virginia's blood sugar approxi"normal" as possible. Ensuring "normalcy" has been a challenge as wemately estimate thattimes we have have testedVirginia's Virginia's blood sugar approxi3,600 and tested provided her withblood around 2,200 doses of we estimate that we sugar approxiinsulin in that timeand frame. It is her anything but normal. It's beenofof mately 3,600 times and provided herwith witharound around 2,200 doses mately 3,600 times provided 2,200 doses far more than the finger sticks, juice boxes and doctor appointinsulin It's It's been insulin in in that that time time frame. frame. ItItisisanything anythingbut butnormal. normal. been ments, it's been how children -andboxes adults -- doctor have responded to far more than the finger sticks, juice and appointfarVirginia, more than the finger sticks, juice boxes and doctor appointboth positively and negatively. ments, it's been how children -- and adults -- have responded to ments, it's been how children -- and adults -- have responded to Virginia, both positively and negatively. Virginia, bothhow positively I recognize willing and you negatively. were to learn and work with me in support of Virginia. With the ofwork the school year, I recognize how willing you werecompletion to learn and with me in I wanted to reach out to you to say thank you. Thank you for support of Virginia. With thewere completion thework school year, I recognize how willing you to learnof and with me Iin allowing Virginia a to space to feel normal. To Thank be withyou herfor peers and wanted to reach out you to say thank you. support of Virginia. With the completion of the school year, I participate in games and and to be a child allowing Virginia a space toactivities feel normal. be treated with herlike peers wanted to reachto out to you to say thankTo you. Thank you for and (who happens have diabetes). participate in games and activities and to be treated like a child allowing Virginia a space to feel normal. To be with her peers and (who happens to have diabetes). It has been a year of learning, butand I don't think the completion participate in games and activities to be treated like a childof the first year means that the learning needs to end for eitherofof It hashappens been a year of learning, but I don't think the completion (who to have diabetes). Please therethe is learning anythingneeds I can do as a for Mom in support theus.first year know meansif that to end either of of your program and in support of the other T1 children who are us. Please if of there is anything Idon't can do as athe Mom in support It currently has beenknow a year learning, but Imay think completion of in your program or who join, that I am more than of your program and in support of the other T1 children who are the first year means that or thewho learning needs to Iend either available. currently in your program may join, that am for more thanof us. Please know if there is anything I can do as a Mom in support available. also program would likeand to give a special acknowledgement to Ms. ofI your in support of the other T1 children who are Cathy. I know she was nervous, but her care for my daughter Icurrently also would like toprogram give a special to more Ms. in your or whoacknowledgement may join, that I am than deserves to be recognized. Ms.but Cathy took the leaddaughter and would ask Cathy. I know she was nervous, her care for my available. either Virginia or I questions learntook more about 1. Asask the deserves to be recognized. Cathy the lead Type and would yearVirginia went on,orshe became more comfortable andType I knew was either I questions to learn more about 1. she As the thewent person that would therecomfortable for Virginia.and She is to theMs. employee I also would give abemore special acknowledgement year on,like shetobecame I knew she was who represents your program inbut the waycare that I is know you intend -the person that she would be there for Virginia. She thedaughter employee Cathy. I know was nervous, her for my with the focus on the interest and care of the child. For that, am who represents your programMs. in the waytook thatthe I know deserves to be recognized. Cathy lead you and intend would I-ask grateful and I want you to know. “ with focus on interest to andlearn caremore of theabout child.Type For 1. that, am eitherthe Virginia or the I questions AsI the grateful and I want you to know. “ year went on, she became more comfortable and I knew she was —Gretchen VanMater the person that would be there for Virginia. —Gretchen She is the employee VanMater who represents your program in the way that I know you intend --
1,015 1,015 1,015 School-age
School-age School-age children were children were children were enrolled in enrolled inin enrolled Before & After Before &&After Care. Before After Care.
School-Age School-Age School-Age Childcare Childcare Childcarein programs programs inin programs 15 schools 15inschools Freehold, 15 schools in Freehold, Manalapan & inMillstone. Freehold, Manalapan & Millstone. & Manalapan Millstone.
"Mydaughter daughterwas wascoached coachedbybyBridgid BridgidRothenberg Rothenbergduring duringthe theFOBY FOBYSwim SwimSeason Seasonas aspart partof ofthe theRed Red "My Group.Emily EmilyADORES ADORESBridgid. Bridgid.Emily Emilysaid saidthat thatBridgid Bridgidmade madeFOBY FOBYswim swimpractice practice"fun" "fun"and andthat thatshe she Group. had the kids "doing the best drills". Bridgid focuses on technique and explains things so the kids can had the kids "doing the best drills". Bridgid focuses on technique and explains things so the kids can understand. They really "connect" with her and you can see that in the results. As an example, my understand. TheyBARELY really "connect" with her and you beginning can see that in the results. AsBridgid's an example, my daughter could swim breaststroke at the of the season. With coaching, daughter could BARELY breaststroke the100 beginning of thewithout season.being Withdisqualified. Bridgid's coaching, she successfully swam swim 25-50-100 Breastat and IM in meets I attribute she successfully swam 25-50-100 Breast and 100 IM in meets without being DQ'd. Emily's success to the excellent coaching she received from Bridgid on Tuesdays andI attribute Thursdays. I just enrolled Intro tocoaching Synchro she Swimming class because is teaching it. Emily is so Emily's successher to in thethe excellent received from BridgidBridgid on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I happy to be with Brigid. She is enjoying the class tremendously and can't wait to go each week. just enrolled her in the Intro to Synchro Swimming class because Bridgid is teaching it. Emily is so Emilyto started swim lessons with Bridgidthe when thetremendously Old Bridge Y and opened 2009 was week. 6 months happy be with Brigid. She is enjoying class can'tinwait to (she go each old). I think she has a special connection with her because of that. Bridgid is so patient with the Emily started swim lessons with Bridgid when the Old Bridge Y opened in 2009 (she was 6 months little kids and I am amazed how quickly they learn and improve under her guidance (lessons, comold). I think she or hassynchro a special connection with her because of that. is so patient petitive swim, - as we have experienced all three!) GreatBridgid job Bridgid! The kidswith (andthe Emily) little and I am amazed how quickly they learn and improve under her guidance (lessons, comlovekids you!" Black petitive swim, or synchro - as we have experienced all three!) Great job Bridgid! The kids —Amy (and Emily)
9,908 9,908 Youth Swim
Youth Swim Lessons given. Lessons given.
590 590swam Children
Children swam competitively. competitively.
Alaina Lardaro has a lot to be thankful for and she
Alaina Lardaro has a lot toFreehold be thankful for and counts everyone at the Y as a blessing. The directors, her trainer, members and she counts everyone at the staff, Freehold Y as a lifeguards have encouraged, acklowledged and blessing. The directors, her trainer, celebrated Alaina's achievments overstaff, the past three years she became a member. As a 19-yr. old members andsince lifeguards have encouraged, with Down's Syndrome, Alaina knows nutrition, acklowledged and celebrated Alaina's fitness and a positive body image are critical for a healthyover lifestyle. beenyears trainingsince at the Y achievments theAlaina pasthas three and swimming for the Monshe became member. As ayears. 19-yr. old with mouthaMarlins for three She has consistently medaled Down's Syndrome, Alaina knows nutrition, fitness and a positive at her regional and area bodyand image are critical for a healthy Alaina meets is a three-time gold medalist for 100mlifestyle. freestyle and 100m has been training backstroke at the Special Olympics Summer Games. This past summer, at the Y and swimming for the Monmouth Marlins for three years. She Alaina also swam the first leg for her 4 x 100 freestyle relay team and hasbrought consistently medaled at her regional and areafor meets and is a they home the gold! Everyone at the Y is beyond excited Alaina as she begins her new career with FFT Modeling Agency in New three-time gold medalist for 100m freestyle and 100m backstroke at York City! the Special Olympics Summer Games. This past summer, Alaina also swam the first leg for her 4 x 100 freestyle relay team and they brought home the gold! Everyone at the Y is beyond excited for
"Like most students, those within the Autism Program at Howell High School attend classes including math, reading and electives, such as art and electronics. Additionally, students have life skills, social skills and adaptive physical education as part of their daily schedule. As part of adaptive physical education, students attend a swimming class each month at the YMCA. Students enjoy working with teachers and instructors, and spending some time swimming with their friends! Besides swimming, older students within the program job sample at the YMCA, so they can gain vocational experience within the community. Currently, groups of students assist in cleaning and decorating for special events. As well, students fold the towels, stuff envelopes, and help the staff at the YMCA prepare for various events. This program is especially important in helping our students prepare to transition to their lives beyond high school. We value our community, and especially appreciate our relationship with the YMCA. Together we are able to give our students meaningful vocational experiences that benefit not only our students, but our community as well."
2016 Audited Financials The YMCA of Western Monmouth County is dedicated to the effective stewardship of resources entrusted to us by our donors. Our goal is to maximize benefits to our community as we meet expenses and use remaining funds to invest in our long-term sustainability.
Income Income 3.67% 3.67%
5.74% 5.74%
18.47% 18.47%
8.45% 8.45% 1.84% 1.84% 2.23% 2.23% 2.81% 2.81%
6.46% 6.46%
21.58% 21.58%
10.63% 10.63% 2.87% 2.87%
5.48% 1.91% 1.43% 1.91% 1.43% 1.64% 1.91% 1.43% 1.64% 1.64% 19.06% 19.06% 19.06%
0.64% 1.15% 0.64% 1.15% 0.64% 1.15%
11.19% 11.19% 11.19%
15.25% 15.25%
1.13% 1.45% 1.13%
1.45% 1.13% 5.48% 1.45%
Expenses Expenses Expenses 54.92% 54.92% 54.92%
Contributions & Fundraising $307,104 Contributions & Fundraising $307,104 Freehold Y Membership $2,359,726 Freehold Y Membership $2,359,726 Old Bridge Y Membership $1,668,645 Old Bridge Y Membership $1,668,645 Government Assistance $314,137 Government Assistance $314,137 Freehold Y Programs $1,163,030 Freehold Y Programs $1,163,030 Freehold Child Care $707,002 Freehold Child Care $707,002 Freehold SASC Child Care $2,020,539 Freehold SASC Child Care $2,020,539 HEW Y Programs $401,642 HEW Y Programs $401,642 Camp Topanemus Y Programs $627,743 Camp Topanemus Y Programs $627,743 Old Bridge Y Programs $924,486 Old Bridge Y Programs $924,486 Freehold Boro Y Programs $201,122 Freehold Boro Y Programs $201,122 Sales, Rentals & Miscellaneous $244,499 Sales, Rentals & Miscellaneous $244,499 Total ITot Total Income 10,939,675$ 10,939,675 Total ITot Total Income 10,939,675$ 10,939,675
$ $
$10,939,675 $10,939,675
Salaries, Wages & Benefits
Salaries, Supplies Wages & & Benefits Program Expenses Salaries, Wages & Benefits Program Supplies & Expenses Fundraising Expenses Program Supplies & Expenses Fundraising Promotion &Expenses Publicity Fundraising Promotion &Expenses Publicity Occupancy Promotion & Publicity Occupancy Financing Costs Occupancy Financing CostsSupport YMCA National Financing CostsSupport YMCA National Equipment Costs YMCA National Support Equipment Costs Depreciation/Amortization Equipment Costs Depreciation/Amortization Miscellaneous Depreciation/Amortization Miscellaneous YCares Financial Assistance Miscellaneous YCares Financial Assistance
$6,113,643 $1,245,515 $6,113,643 $1,245,515 $127,849 $1,245,515 $127,849 $71,394 $127,849 $71,394 $2,121,875 $71,394 $2,121,875 $182,086 $2,121,875 $182,086 $159,011 $182,086 $159,011 $212,240 $159,011 $212,240 $609,658 $212,240 $609,658 $125,453 $609,658 $125,453 $161,677 $125,453 $161,677
,130,401 Total Expenses YCares Financial Assistance ,130,401 Total Expenses ,130,401 Total Expenses
$11,130,401 $161,677 $11,130,401 $11,130,401
* In addition to the Financial Assistance of over $161,677 given in 2016 for our memberships and programs, the YMCA of Western Monmouth County subsidized $189,118 of the operations of the Freehold Borough Community Center YMCA for a grand total of $350,795. * In addition to the Financial Assistance of over $161,677 given in 2016 for our memberships and programs, the YMCA of Western Monmouth County subsidized $189,118 of the operations of the Freehold Borough Community Center YMCA for a grand total of $350,795. * In addition to the Financial Assistance of over $161,677 given in 2016 for our memberships and programs, the YMCA of Western Monmouth County subsidized $189,118 of the operations of the Freehold Borough Community Center YMCA for a grand total of $350,795.
We’re grateful for the generou corporate sponsors, which hel all have access to our-life cha We’re grateful for the generous support from foundations and We’re grateful for the generous foundations and corporate sponsors, which helpssupport sustainfrom programs and ensure We’re grateful for the generous support from foundations and corporate sponsors, which helps sustain programs and ensure allallhave access to our-life programs. corporate sponsors, whichchanging helps sustain programs and ensure have access to our-life changing programs.
all have access to our-life changing programs.
We’re grateful for the generous support from foundations and corporate sponsors, which helps sustain programs and Manning Caliendo & ensure Thomson all have access to our-life changing programs. Nova Services Group Manning ManningCaliendo Caliendo&&Thomson Thomson NovaServices ServicesGroup Group Nova M&M Realty Partners M&M Realty Partners Manning Caliendo & Thomson Hatch Matt MacDonald HatchServices Matt MacDonald Nova Group
M&M Realty Partners Hatch Matt MacDonald
M&M Realty Partners
EnconMechanical Mechanical Corp.MacDonald Encon Hatch Corp. Matt CentraState Healthcare CentraState HealthcareFoundation Foundation Davison, Eastman &&Munoz, PA Davison, Eastman Munoz, PA Encon Mechanical Corp.
CentraState Healthcare Foundation Davison, Eastman & Munoz, PA
Manning Caliendo & Thomson Nova Services Group M&M Realty Partners Hatch Matt MacDonald
Encon Mechanical Corp. CentraState Healthcare Foundation Davison, Eastman & Munoz, PA
“I'm an an avid avid 81-year 81-year old old runner runnerwho whohas hascompleted completedover over “I'm “I’m an avid 81-year old runner who has completed over “I'm avid 81-year runner who has completed over 270an races during theold past 5years. years. (50+ perear.) ear.) They They 270 races during the past 5 (50+ per 270 races during past 5 years. (50+ year.) 270 races during thethe past 5 years. (50+ perper ear.) They consist of ofrunner 5ks,10ks, milers, 10 milers, andhalf half “I'm an avid consist 81-year old who55has of of 5ks,10ks, milers, 10 milers, and They of consist of 5ks,10ks, 5completed milers, 10over milers, and consist of 5ks,10ks, 5 milers, 10 milers, and half marathons. 270 races during past 5 years. halfthe marathons. (50+ per ear.) They marathons. consist of of 5ks,10ks, 5 milers, 10 milers, and half both my longevity and performance to Joann's marathons. I credit I credit both longevity and performance Joann’s IIexercise credit both my longevity performance to Joann's credit both mymy longevity and performance toto Joann's techniques. Her and aerobic classes keep my body exercise techniques. Her aerobic classes keep my body exercise techniques. Her aerobic classes keep my body exercise techniques. Her aerobic classes keep my body very limber and have prevented leg injuries such as calf I credit both myvery longevity and performance to leg Joann's limber and have prevented injuries such as calf very limber and have prevented leg injuries such as calf strains, hamstring pulls, and keep foot injuries very limber and have prevented legmy injuries suchoccurring.“ as calf exercise techniques. Her aerobic classes bodyfrom strains, hamstring pulls, foot injuries from occurring.” strains, hamstring pulls, andand foot injuries from occurring.“ very limber and havehamstring preventedpulls, leg injuries such as calf strains, and foot injuries from occurring.“ strains, hamstring pulls, and foot injuries from occurring.“ —Olie Nelson —Olie —OlieNelson Nelson —Olie Nelson Jersey Shore Running Club Jersey Shore Running Club —Olie Nelson Jersey Shore Running Club Freehold Running Club Freehold Running Club Freehold Running Club Shore Jersey ShoreJersey Running ClubRunning Club Freehold Running ClubRunning Club Freehold
was wasinin inthe the thegym gym gymarea area areaand and andtrainer trainer trainerJackie Jackiecame cameover overto togive giveme mesome somepointers pointersand andassist assistme meand andwas was I"I "I"Iwas was in the gym area and trainer Jackie came over to give me some pointers and assist me and was very very pleasant pleasant and and helpful. helpful. I I now now look forward to my gym work outs knowing she is there for us to very to my my gym gym work work outs outs knowing knowing she she is is there there for for us us to to very pleasant pleasant and and helpful. helpful. II now now look look forward forward to was in themake gym sure area and trainer Jackie came over to give me some pointers and assist me and was make make sure sure we're we're using using the the equipment equipment correctly. She is always walking around the gym area assuring walking around around the the gym gym area area assuring assuring make sure we're we're using using the equipment correctly. She is always walking y pleasant and helpful. Iis look forward to my gym work outs knowing she is there for your us toname. It makes everyone. everyone. She Sheis isnow so sodiligent diligent diligent and andhelpful helpful and always always greets youby by remembering everyone. She is so and greets you remembering your name. ItIt makes everyone. She so and you by remembering your name. makes ke sure we're usingto Sheand is always walking around the gym area assuring me me want want tothe go goequipment to to the the the gym gym gymcorrectly. more more often often shemakes makes mygym gymexperience experience morepleasant." pleasant." me want to go to more and she my more meiswant to go toand thehelpful gym more often and she you makes my gym experience more Itpleasant. ryone. She so diligent and always greets by remembering your name. makes —RobertCastelli Castelli —Robert want to go to the gym more often and she makes my gym experience more pleasant." —Robert Castelli
look lookforward forward forwardto to tothe the theaqua aqua aquayoga yoga yoga "I"I "I"Ilook look forward to the aqua yoga class class each each week. week. The The exercises exercises are are class class each each week. week. The The exercises exercises are are terrific terrific which which makes makes one one feel feel so so look forward to the aqua yoga terrific terrific which which makes makes one feel so much much better better afterwards afterwards as well well as as ass each week. The exercises are as much better afterwards much better afterwards as well as rrific whichthe makes one feel so the meditative meditative section section that that really really the meditative meditative section section that that really really uch better the afterwards welllittle as stresses rids rids one one of of ofas life's life's little little stresses stresses for for rids one life's for rids one ofthat life's little stresses for e meditative section really aaa bit. bit. Lisa Lisa C. C. is is a a phenomenal phenomenal bit. Lisa C. is a phenomenal ainstructor bit.little Lisastresses C. is clearly aclearly phenomenal ds one of life's for and instructor who who clearly and and patiently patiently patiently instructor who bit. Lisa C. instructor is a phenomenal explains explains new new exercises exercises to to us us and and who clearly and patiently explains new exercises to us and structor who clearly and patiently makes makes sure sure we we are are doing doing them them explains new exercises to us and makes sure we are doing them plains newmakes exercises anddoing them correctly." correctly." correctly." suretoweusare akes sure we are doing them rrectly." correctly. “ —Judith —JudithMiller Miller Miller —Judith —Judith Miller
10,244 10,244 3,824 3,824 12,00010,244 Fitness 3,824 Fitness Personal Personal Fitness Personal 12,000 Fitness Members served. served. served. Classes Personal Classes TrainingSessions Sessions Training Members Classes Training sessions Over
Over Over
Members served.
Classes Training Sessions offered. offered. given. given. given. offered. given.
1,480 1,480 Children
Children attended attended summer camp.
$37,750 $37,750 Camp Camp scholarships scholarships awarded.
165 165 Summer jobs
Summer jobs for community for community young adults.
“As “Asaamother motherofoftwo twowho whohas hassigned signedher herdaughter daughterupupfor forseveral severaldifferent differentcamps campsininthe thepast pastthree three years, I am so very pleased with the Kiddie Camp program and camp counselors at the Freehold years, I am so very pleased with the Kiddie Camp program and camp counselors at the Freehold YMCA. My husband and I love how the program is filled with different activities for the kids each day, YMCA. My husband and I love how the program is filled with different activities for the kids each day, i.e. swimming, arts and crafts, dance, gym and so much more. My daughter is always on the go and i.e. program swimming, arts and crafts, dance, and so pleased much more. is camp always on the go Both and the is exceptional. We are alsogym extremely withMy ourdaughter daughters counselors. the program is exceptional. We are also with ourto daughters campThey counselors. girls always have big bright smiles and areextremely warm andpleased compassionate the campers. are an Both girls always haveofbig bright and are warm and compassionate an absolute breathe fresh air smiles when most young counselors just want totobethe in campers. and out ofThey theirare camp days and responsibilities. mom, most I can’tyoung express how much that little means to me. absolute breathe of freshAs aira when counselors just want to extra be in touch and out of their camp My daughter loves coming here it’sI can’t without a doubt to the of everyone puttingto me. days and responsibilities. As a and mom, express howdue much thatefforts little extra touch means together a phenomenal camp program. ” My daughter loves coming here and it’s without a doubt due to the efforts of everyone putting -–Jennifer & James Jaghab together a phenomenal camp program. ”
“What II love about SCAN@Y Program at at Freehold Borough “What Ilove love aboutSCAN@Y SCAN@YProgram Program at Freehold Freehold Borough “What about Borough “What I love about SCAN@Y Program at Freehold Borough YMCA Community Center “no promises made or or outcome YMCA Community Ceneris is “no promises made YMCA Community Center is “no promises made oroutcome outcome YMCA Community Cener promises outcome predicted.” When I Ijoined, itisit was based on on amade list oforof predicted.” When Ijoined, joined, it“no was based on predicted.” When was based aa list predicted.” When I joined, it was based on a list of activities. explained oror provided a “syllabus” of of activities. Nobody explained provided aa “syllabus” activities.Nobody Nobody explained or provided “syllabus” activities. Nobody explained or provided a “syllabus” what would be covered in art, Sit ‘n Bfit, Tai Chi, etc. I what whatwould wouldbe becovered coveredininart, art,Sit Sit ‘n ‘n Bfit, Bfit, Tai Tai Chi, etc.had Iofhad what would be Since covered in art, ‘nmet Bfit, Chi,ofetc. I had no joining, I have a Tai group folks I II nonoexpectations. expectations. Since joining, ISit met aa group of folks expectations. Since joining, I have have met group of folk like. socialize, compliment and encourage another, noWe expectations. Since joining, I have met one a group of folk I like. We socialize, compliment and encourage one another, like. We socialize, compliment and encourage one another, but do into one’s personal life. There are are NO butlike. do not intrude not intrude into one’s personal life. There NO We socialize, compliment and encourage one another, but do not intrude into one’s personal life. There are NO personal phone calls,FaceTime® FaceTime® social media. When personal calls, or or social media. When we but dophone not intrude into one’s personal life. There are NOwe personal phone calls, FaceTime® ordrink social media. When we begin on Tuesday, it is quiet as we a hot beverage, begin on Tuesday, it is quiet as we drink a hot beverage, personal phone calls, FaceTime® or social media. When we beginreminisce on Tuesday, it is quietThe as group wegroup drink a hot beverage, think, reminisce whatever. of over 50’s think, ororwhatever. of over 50’s begin on Tuesday, it is quiet The as we drink a hot beverage, think, reminisce or whatever. The group of over 50’sThere consist of ofsingles, singles,widows, widows,widowers, widowers, partnerships. consist think, reminisce or whatever. The partnerships. group of over There 50’s consist of singles, widows, widowers, partnerships. There isn’t anyjudging judging orcriticisms criticisms beyond the norm in group isn’t any or beyond the norm in group consist of singles, widows, widowers, partnerships. There interaction. I’velost lost about 12 pounds since inception of isn’t any judging orabout criticisms beyond the norm in group interaction. I’ve 12 pounds since inception of isn’t any judging or criticisms beyond the norm in Igroup the program and have sustained this weight lost. eat interaction. I’ve lostsustained about 12this pounds since inception of the program and have weight lost. I eat interaction. I’ve lost about 12 pounds since inception of better, drink more water and have eliminated soda and the program and have sustained this weight lost. I eat better, drink more water and have eliminated soda and the program and have sustained this weight lost. I eat sugary drinks. It is water wonderful to get up in thesoda morning better, drink It more andtohave eliminated sugary drinks. is wonderful get up in the morningand andbetter, have adrink placemore to go onceand a week. There is nothing water have eliminated soda andelse sugary It is to get up in morning and have drinks. a place to gowonderful once a week. There is the nothing like SCAN@Y. The of activities have toelse do sugary drinks. It list is wonderful to get up nothing in the morning like SCAN@Y. The list of activities havegiving, nothing do and have a place to go once a week. There isorto nothing else with planning for the inevitable, care the and have a place to go once a week. There is nothing else with planning for the inevitable, care giving, or the like SCAN@Y. list of activities nothing do so-called pitfallsThe of aging. We walk have out the door to each like SCAN@Y. The list of activities have nothing to do so-called pitfalls of aging. We walk out the door each with planning for the inevitable, care giving, or the week with back straight, head up, care looking forward to next with planning for the inevitable, giving, or the week with back straight, head We up, walk looking to each next Tuesday.” so-called pitfalls of aging. outforward the door so-called pitfalls of aging. We walk out the door each Tuesday.” -–Anonymous week with back straight, head up, looking forward to next week with back straight, head up, looking forward to next – Anonymous Tuesday.” Tuesday.” -–Anonymous -–Anonymous
To Our Our To To Our Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers
We can do so We canmore do so so much We can do much more because of you. much more
338 338 338
4,025 4,025 4,025 Hours Hours Hours
2016 BOARD BOARDOF OFDIRECTORS DIRECTORS 2016 2016 BOARD OF DIRECTORS RobertV. V.Weiss, Weiss,Jr. Jr. Robert Chairman Robert V. Weiss, Jr. Chairman
RussellAzzarello Azzarello Russell Russell Azzarello Joseph Bellina Joseph Bellina Joseph Bellina Maureen Brown Maureen Brown Maureen Brown Selma Camacho Selma SelmaCamacho Camacho Stacey DeAlmeida StaceyDeAlmeida DeAlmeida Stacey Dan Fishman DanFishman Fishman Dan Barry Gordon BarryGordon Gordon Barry Raymond Leahy Raymond Leahy Raymond Leahy Richard Lomurro, Esq. Richard Lomurro, Esq. Richard Lomurro, Esq. CraigMcGraw McGraw Craig Craig McGraw Agnes McKim Edward Moran, CPA Edward Moran, CPA Edward Moran Agnes McKim Agnes McKim Rogan O’Donnell Rogan O’Donnell Rogan O’Donnell Janet Phillips JanetSaker, Phillips Janet Phillips Mark Esq. Mark Saker, Esq. ShariSaker, Scaramuzzo Mark Esq. Shari Scaramuzzo Dianne Talbot Shari Scaramuzzo Kenneth L. Thomson, Esq. Michael Trigili, CPA Michael Wright
FRIENDS OF THE Y John Abair Mr. & Mrs. Frank Abate John Acampora Aiden Acevedo Jack Acquaviva Diane Adams Braden Agugliaro Nancy Ahr Mikkai Alcide Francesca Aleman Michelle Ali Peter Aloi Cheryl Alston Emma Amirante Maria Ammiano Avani Anand Gillian Andrews Thomas Angelo John Antonides Jeffrey Appel Isiah Arafa Michael Arbolino Barbara Arcoleo Marina Ares Jamie Armstrong Gloria Aronson Rachel Arreza Ian Atanov Nancy Atkinson Beatrice Augello Halla Auyeung Sally Aversano Judy Azoulai Russell Azzarello Mariellen Baldwin Cathy Ball Betty Ballew + James Ballew Joanne Banek Angela Barbella Allison Barbera Margaret Barkan-Giudice Bruce Barenbarg + Bill Baroska Benjamin Bauman Alma Baumgaertner Danielle Belardo Diane Belforti Joseph Bellina Allen Bender Danielle Bennett Arthur Berkey, Jr. Roberta Bernstein E.J. Berzolla Brian Bevins Anthony Beyer Narendra Bhat Riza Bibiano Sharon Biles Lori Bindler Joesa Biswal Jenine Bivona Eileen Blackmore Charlie Blessing Linda Boccardo Eessha Boddu Tom Bonham Melissa Bonilla
Michele Born Warren Born Mr. & Mrs. John Borton Jennifer Botros Tyler Brancato Patricia Branch Sofia Bravo Lisa Brennan Jonathan Brito Lauren Broderson AnnaMarie Brodie Denise Brooker Maureen Brown Frances Brown Jim Brunette Denise Bucciero GraceAnn Burgess Lisa Caban Lisa Caccioppoli Fred Caicedo Selma Camacho Leonard Camacho Joad Camacho Krystal Canady Susan Caputo Ralph Carito Megan Carson Aiden Cashin Harmo Castaldi Jean Castaldi Monica Castellanos Juliana Castillo Carlo Castronovo Jenny Cerzon Bhavini Chandarana Mahi Chaubey Toufik Chebab Jim Chehanske Benjamin Chen Jimmy Chin Sholonda Chipepo Robert Cirafesi + Susan Cirafesi John Choi Tammi Christensen Gannon Christianson Marcie Chunko John Ciarcia Jason Cies Sofia Cipriati Helen Clark + Maryann Clark Susan Clifford Samuel Coburn Peter Colamartino James Collins + Susan Collins Ryan Collins Logan Compton Michael Connolly Lynn Conover Kim Conroy Thomas Cook Randall Coto Lydia Coulson Pat Coyne Charles Crocco Nyla Cruz Patricia Cundari Natalia Cunha James Cutrone Avery Cyr Christine Czyzewski Deanna Dale Frank Dalotto William Daly Anthony D’Amico Anne Danna
Carl Danziger, Esq. Christine Darcy Christopher Darling James J. Davison + Mrs. James J. Davison John Dawes, Esq. George De Frehn Stacey DeAlmeida Dan DeAlmeida Joseph DeBellis John P. DeCicco + John P. DeCicco Scholarship Fund + Jean DeCicco-Levine + Jean DeCicco-Levine Memorial Fund + Lynn Defreitas Ken Dein Keval Deliwala Dave Delmonaco Diane DeLongis Marilyn Demilta Luke DeRisi Barbara DeRosa Liz DeRuggiero Rhia Desai Marisa DeSanto Thomas Determann Michael Devaney Oscar Diaz Joseph Dibella Michael DiBenedetto Max DiGiovanni Madeline DiLeo Elsie E. Dittmar + Flora DiTuri Robin Doherty Mary Ellen Dolinick Loretta Donatiello Gene Dougherty Kevin Drake Alexander Drehwing Kristin Dufner Dianne Dugan Kathy Durante Alan Dworkin Daniel Eastmond Edward Eastman, Esq. Dennis Edelman Bruce Edmonds Rebekah Efraimovich Kamila Elias Vanessa Elliott Laura Elslager Anthony Emanuel, M.D. Bill Engelhardt William Englehardt Ryan Erdreich Marshall Errickson + Shari Errickson Richard Faden James Fahrion Dr. Michael Failla Melanie Falco Giovanni Falconi Angelo Famiglietti, CPA Sammy Farhood Mohammad Farooque Kaylee Farrell Nick Fasano Richard Favara Patrick Federici Daniel Fedyshyn Tyler Fennell Jose Ramon Fernandez Alaina Ferrara Thomas Field Lisa Figliolia
Ivette Figueroa Mr. & Mrs. Gustav Fingado Meryl Finkelstein Susan Finn Michele Fisher Dan Fishman Meredith Flanagan Caitlin Flanigan Joseph Fleischer Raquel Florio Elaine Flynn Josephine Foley Ashlee Forman John Foster William Fountain Elise Fowler Margaret Franco Lance Frank Robert Freeman Sara Friedman Shannon Fulminante Christina Furie Michael Galiatsatos Emily Gallardo Gabriella Garcia Michael Garguilo Elaine Geiger Gary Gellman Michelle Gendrano Frances Germann Ronnie Gerringer Sofia Ghviniashvili Delia Gibbs Dolores Gibson George Gillard Jr Joe Gilpin Mary Ginn Benjamin Girgis Mario Giudice John Giusti Howard Glauber Denis Glaude Annamarie Glavocich Guy Gloor Sheila Gold Samantha Goldner Mark Goldstein Barry Gordon Ellen Gorham Cole Gorney Tamer Gouda Mark Gould Avery Graham Joseph Greaney-Cheng Meghan Greco Carrie Greenberg Heather Grieb Yesenia Grillo Tatyana Grinberg Gabrielle Grosu Glen Grulke Pat Guadagno Dan Gugliotta Catherine Guler Peter Gulla Yifan Guo Julie Hafeez Brayden Halcomb Vince Halleran Sharon Halpin Thomas Halpin Jack Hardy Susan Harrison Seth Harter + Thomas Hartman Patricia Hartpence Regina Hayes Eric Hayter
Christopher Hebel Katherine Heidt Brian Henningsen Daniel Henry Kerry Herbert Mayra Hernandez Barbara Herochik Martha Hess Cayden Hickey Patricia Hicks Angela Higgins + Kerry Higgins, Esq. Erica Hogan Jake Horowitz Lisa Horvath Jerrod Hozendorf Charles Hurni Susan Hutchings Victor Ianelli David Indursky Martin Indursky Esteban Iriarte Paul Irwin + Lakshmi jadhav Lakshizi Jadhoun Bernie Jahn Annie Jones + Dr. & Mrs. Michael M. Jones Savannah Jordan Cynthia Joy Dylan Kagan Joel Kaliroff Charles Kaplan Tyler Kats Jane Kaye Heather Keefe James Keegan Joan Keeler Joseph Keller Rose Kelsey Charles Kenny Yanrajita Kersellius Debra Kessler Nahid Khatri Paul Kiefer Nicole King Linda Kinsey Harvey Kirschner Laura Kiselick Robert Klein Michael Konig William Kortland Virginia Kowalski Laura Krajewski Addison Krauss Francis Kreitler Miles Krokovic Kathleen Krug Dr. Marty Krupnick Judith Kulick Andrea Kyriacou Mary Anne La Cava Frank LaCava Alex Lago Lily Lam Gladys Lamberton + Mark Lamhut Jerome Lange Linda Larocca Carol Larres Amber Larrieux Delia Larson Warren LaValla Phyllis Lavelle Raymond Leahy Linda Lee Lisa Lefkowitz
Edith Legg Douglas Leib Lisa Lent-Miller Kristen Lerman Alexander Levchuk, Esq. + Julia Levchuk + Mason Levine Dr. Ronald M. Levine Keith Lewis Jessica Licata Herb Lichter Doug Liebb Cheryl Liebes Austin Lim Richard Lloyd Kathy Lo Bue Shelly LoCascio Sal Lombardi Donald M. Lomurro, Esq. Richard Lomurro, Esq. Gerald Lopez, Jr. Melissa Lorenz Anna Loza-Clavijo Veronika Lozhkin Ethan Lustig Donna Lutz Nicole Lvov Richard Lynch Victoria Lyons Alice MacCormack Debbie Macock Lauren Madden Natasha Madho Dr. & Mrs. Robert Maggs + Amy Magsajo Puskas Maja Cole Majka Benjamin Makarenko Azmy Malek Joyce Maltese Gemma Mandrik Patrick Mangini Luca Mannino Leo Mansdorf Allisyn Manzar Robert Marcik Anthony Marco Cherry Margot Karen Marov Daniel Marzuola Marion Masnick Bruce Van Mater David Mathew Nicholas Matos Douglas McAuliffe James McCartney Miles McCarvill Susan McClure Dennis McConville Roslyn McCrarey Craig McGraw Patrick McDermott, DDS Joanna McDonald Robert McGirr Dr. Eileen McGough Lisa McGovern Craig McGraw Quinn McKean Agnes McKim Kevin McMahon Barbara McMorrow Carol McMullen Mark McStay Megan McVay Christina Medina Austin Medley Karen Medlin
FRIENDS OF THE Y William Mehr, Esq. Suresh Mehra Zane Mehta Andrew Meluso Leslie Mendez Merck Merck Pat Mercurio Carolyn Messinger Myla Metellus Theresa Middlebrooks Joseph Mikucki Abigail Milano Marc Miller Daniella Mimer April Minucci Elaine Miraglia Lisa Mirrer Amiya Mitchell Madelyn Moalam Brian Moldenhauer Linda Moldenhauer Anthony Monica Edward Moore Gloria Morales Edward Moran Rorie Morris Ann Mount Michael Moussa Richard Mueller Melissa Mullin Dylan Mulvey Mary Munn Jeffrey Mychalchyk John Naimoli Joseph Napoli Alice Nelson Charles Nelson + Abhishek Neralla Glen Newman Yun Ng Anita Nguyen Bob Nicholas Joelle Nicodemo Anthony Nicoletti Eppy Nieves Sathish Ningaiah Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Norkus James Nosuchinsky Deborah Nugent Alexis O’Connor Isabella Odjourian Rogan O’Donnell Wyatt O’Donnell Makenna O’Grady Chiaki Okutomo Tiffany Olivera Sherry Olson Mel O’Neal Abraham Opatut Emma Orlick Omar Ortiz Veronica Overholser Madison Owen Christopher Page Pooja Pahlajani Ana Pairol Andreas Papadopoulos Jayne Pappalardo Timothy Parrett Chris Pasquince Michael Pasterchick Meera Patel Mr. & Mrs. George Paterson Betty Payne + Jennifer Pearson Jodi Pelano Charleen Penney
Kimberly Pereira Julian Perez Henry Perlman Carol Perrotta Frank Pescatore T.P. Peter Isabella Peters Mary Louise Petrosino Deborah Petruzzi In memory of James Phillips Janet Phillips Ron Piccillo Sharon Picco Joanne Picinic Carolyn Pikowski Scott Pinheiro Melissa Pinto Michele Piplos Gabriel Pires Madison Posniak Jacque Preston James Pries Rosa Principe Alexa Procaccio Anna Profera Rebecca Proske Kelly Proto Maja Puskas Jessica Ramos Marianne Ranieri John Ransom Brian Rappaport David Reich Carole Reiss Ryan Repka Alexander Rhine Melissa Riccio Sophia Rispoli Anita Ritchie Julian Rivera Gail Rizick Charles Robinson Olivia Rochon Anthony Rodak Carolina Rodrigues Ken Rodwogin Constance Roeder Marlene Rogala Jennifer Roldan Josephine Romano Mike Romanowski Elric Ropp Brenda Rosa Adriana Rosales Andrea Rosen Edward Rosen Barbara Rosen James Rosenberger Barbara Rosenblatt Richard Rosenblum Brooke Roth Bridgid Rothenberg Hristinka Rouleva Karen Rousseau Donna Rowe James Ruane Ellen Rubin Matt Ruggiero Colleen Ryan Thomas Sabella Arlene Sacerdote Paul Sachkowsky Alex Saengchailarpwattana Mr. & Mrs. Mark Saker Sofia Salgado Briant Salkin Kathleen Salmon
Leah Salto Maria Samaras Ivelisse Sanabria Louis Sandor Olivia Santarsiero Richard Santoriello Sankumani Sarma Julia Sasa Shari Scaramuzzo Brianna Scarcella Benzion Schachter Jim Schatzle Matthew Schiappa William Schnitzerling Lise Schpiro Michael Schrader Donald Schwartz Mindy Scot Walter Scott Pamela Segmond Karen Seltzer Richard Sevrin Jeannette Sgroi David Shafer Bonnie Shain Jeff Shapiro Charlotte Shaw Lorraine Shlosberg Helene Silverman Giovanni Silvestri Brenda Simmons Ali Simplot Jaye Sims Mildred Siver + Teresa Skelton Stamatina Skevakis Cary Skolnick, M.D. Abby Skurat Monika Skurzynski Gregory Smith Jodi Soares Eugene Soden + Gerald Sonnenblick, Esq. Michelle Spargifiore James Stanton, Jr. Karen Stark Alexis Stashkevetch Michael Steiger Bryan Stein Michael Steinberg Lia Steinhauser Randall Stitt Jan Stofan Michael Stoller Denice Stovich Dianne Talbot George Tamakloe Anjali Tampy Francine Tardo Brian Tarpey Joseph W. Taylor + George Tempel The DiBella Family Barry Thomson Kenneth Thomson, Esq. Rob Thompson Elisa Thoresen Joanne Thorne Diane Ticse Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward Tilton + William Tinson Andrew Todd Kirthna Todupunuri Chloe Tomei Gina Tomkiewicz Kenneth Tomkovich Wynne Topp
Francesca Torre Laela Treilman Madison Tress Staci Triandafellos Michel Trigili, CPA Charlene Trzaska Katarzyna Tucker Darryl Turkaly Brian Turtle Kristopher Urbano Peter Valesi Hannah Valville Alan Varady Kristina Veintimilla John Velmer Donna Vientos Kathleen Vignola Charles Villaluz Jose Villegas Matthew Vulpescu Maribel Sameh Wahba Cecil Wallace Denise Walsh Richard Ward Subash Warrior Ronald Weber Shay Weimann Carlene Weiss Robert V. Weiss, Jr. Ella Weisslitz Doris Cobb Wellemeyer + Harold Wells + Daniella Wehrle Sandy Werner Anita Wesley Craig Whittington Charles Wich Cynthia Wiggins Timothy Wilburn Kenneth Williams Neil Wissner Elizabeth Witbeck + Edward Wlazlowski Nannette Wolff Paul Wollman Jackie Wone Chia-Long Wong Barbara Wright Michael Wright William Wright, Esq. Duane Wurzbach Mr. & Mrs. Roland Wyatt Chung Yuk Xia Theodore Yasi, Jr. Mehmet Yigit Anthony Young Ashley Yurcisin Gianna Zaleski Annalaura Zanni John Zhang Catherine Zirrillo Robert Zybura AB Carpet Advanced Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute All Points Media Aloha Mind Math Amazon Smile Foundation Amboy Bank Antonio & Flynn, PC Apple Food Services New Jersey Atlas Gentle Effective Chiropractic, LLC B and E Locksmith, LLC Baku-Grill House Inc. Bank of America
Battleground Country Club LLC BNY Mellon Community Partnership Breaker Electric, Inc. Brian M. Furie, DMD, LLC Brown & Brown Metro Capital Realty & Investment Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. CPC Behavorial Healthcare The Merck Foundation Centrastate Healthcare Foundation Clayton & McGirr Funeral Home Clover Business Management, LLC Collier Youth Services Contec, Inc Crystal, Suskind & Dworkin, LLP CSL Water Quality, Inc. Courtyard on Main Daughters Of Penelope Chapter 34 Davison, Eastman, Munoz, Lederman & Paone, PA DCH Auto Group Del Sano Contracting Corporation Denholtz Management Corp. Denise Sweet & Associates East Coast Driving Encon Mechanical Corp. Engineered Design Group Enjay Physical Therapy, LLC ESF Agency, LLC Especially For You Florist Esposito Construction, LLC First Choice Bank Freehold Rotary Club Freehold Savings Bank Freehold Tire Pros & Automotive Center Gellman Images Guisseppe Pizza and Fine Italian Food GNC Live Well Harter Equipment, Inc. Harold Wien Real Estate, LLC Hatch Mott MacDonald, LLC Higgins Memorial Home Home Town Cleaners Investors Savings Joe’s Barbershop Karson Foods Service Inc. Kidsafe Youth Programs, Inc. Leonard S. Fiore, Inc. Lithia Motors Support Services Lomurro Law M & M Realty Partners Manning, Caliendo & Thomson PA Mary Owen Borden Foundation McLaughlin Stauffer & Shaklee McMaster-Carr Supply Company 2016 Freehold Township Committee Mehr, Lafrance & Williams Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Monmouth Network Exchange
Monmouth Park Charity Fund, Inc Morgan Printing Services Mutual of America Foundation New Jersey YMCA State Alliance, Inc. New Jersey Food Industry Lodge - 2558 B’nai B’rith New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co. NOVA Services Group, LLC New Jersey Natural Gas Co. NRG Curtailment Solutions, Inc. Ocean First Bank Ocean First Foundation Open Systems Integrators Par Realty, LLC Perritt Laboratories, Inc. Petersen Linen Company, Inc. Post Hill Press Power - Technique - Emotion ProFysio Physical Therpy Real Estate Management, LLC Rekall Technologies, LLC Ronstan Paper & Packaging Roof Deck, Inc. RWS Tax and Accounting, Inc. Saker ShopRites, Inc. Sandor Family Dentistry Sea View Jeep Shay Weimann Electrical Contracting, Inc. Shore Point Distributing Co, Inc. Spice Lounge Spire Group, PC Sunrise Optimist Club Tarpey Group TD Bank The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Brunetti Foundation The Churchin Group, Inc. The Hamilton Group The Merck Foundation The Sport Spot Thrill Hill Foundation TKM Enterprises, Inc. Tomar Industries, Inc. Triangle M&M Duplicating, Inc. T/A Triangle Copy Trigili CPAS & Consulting, LLC Two River Community Bank United Way of Central Jersey, Inc. United Way of Essex and West Hudson United Way of Hunterdon County United Way of Monmouth County Vincent Vitale General Contracting Wehrle Bus Service World Logistics USA, Inc. + In Memorium