Y GIVES: YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City Annual Campaign 2022

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Case for Support: Together, we can make sure the Y is accessible for all. Not many gyms house communityfocused programs in each of their locations, but the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City does. For more than 130 years, the Y has been focused on improving the mental, physical and spiritual lives of those in our community. We continue to grow and evolve alongside the communities we serve, bringing people together from all walks of life. Your help is essential to helping us adapt to our community’s changing needs. While membership fees keep the lights on and the doors open, your donation gives us the opportunity to provide a better future for the families and individuals impacted by the Y every day.

The Y is more than just a gym. We’re a community organization, and we’re here for all. Please give:



AREAS OF IMPACT We believe that meaningful change in individuals and communities requires focus and accountability. To do that, we focus our work in three fundamental areas:

Youth Development The Y strives to help provide opportunities for youth to grow through our programs. We encourage and empower them to develop new skills, learn from positive adult role models, become leaders, establish friendships, discover healthy options and reach their full potential.

Healthy Living Supporting the balance between mind, body and spirit, we are a place that provides a builtin support system, helps families build stronger bonds and brings people together. We aid our members in their journey to prevent, delay and live better with chronic health conditions.

Social Responsibility We don’t stop at the front door. The Y is made up of people of all ages and from every walk of life, working side by side to strengthen communities. We work to establish partnerships to address needs, provide member-led volunteer projects and support Ys beyond our borders.






$10 per mo /$120 annually

Provides meals at the Military Welcome Center

Provides snacks for kids in after school programming

Covers registration for eSports

Sends student through our summer Y-Corps program

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$25 per mo /$300 annually

Provides financial assistance to an at-risk youth for membership

Sends one child to Summer Day Camp for a week

Provides financial assistance for a senior adult to take a water aerobics class

Provides scholarship to attend Youth & Government State Conference

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$50 per mo /$600 annually

Provides group exercise class for Silver Sneakers

Covers art supplies for summer day camp

Provides Safety Around Water lessons to kids

Covers the cost of transportation for college tours for Y Achievers

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$75 per mo /$900 annually

Covers personal training session for Exercise is Medicine participant

Provides traumainformed care training for childhood staff

Provides family swim lessons to a parent and their infant

Sends students to the Y-Corps service learning trip

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$100 per mo /$1,200 annually

Facilitates Livestrong for cancer survivors

Covers tuition for at-risk child at the Child Development Center

Pays for a pre-teen to participate in the developmental swim league

Covers the cost to attend the Conference on National Affairs

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$250 per mo /$3,000 annually

Provides access for non-profit partners to Y programs and services

Purchases equipment and supplies to provide free meals for kids

Funds a season of the Miracle Baseball League

Provides scholarships to Model Legislative Day

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$500 per mo /$6,000 annually

Provides meals for senior adults at our Lincoln Park Senior Center

Covers membership fees for foster families

Sponsors 3rd-4th grade teams from OKCPS schools to play league soccer

Covers supply costs for Y Achievers for school year

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YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City Locations YMCA Association Board

Guthrie (Pg. 16)

Campaign Chair: Steve Slawson

Campaign Chair: Doug Ogle

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Camp Classen (Pg. 6)

Midwest City (Pg. 18)

Campaign Chair: DJ Morgan

Campaign Chair: Jessie Peach

Chickasha (Pg. 8)

North Side District (Pg. 20)

Campaign Chair: Amanda Mullins

Campaign Chair: Shannon Washington

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Downtown District (Pg. 10)

Northwest District (Pg.22)

Campaign Chair: J.B. Schuelein

Campaign Chair:

Earlywine Park (Pg. 12)

Stillwater (Pg. 24)

Campaign Chair: Liz Gunter

Campaign Chair: Pat Kennedy

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Edmond District (Pg. 14) Campaign Chair: Donna Popp

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The Y gives confidence and safety to both the parent and the child.


CAMP CLASSEN As a single mother, Tyler would do anything for her kids. After a series of traumatic events in her son’s life, she knew Aubrey needed a break to reset. The Y worked with his mom so that Aubrey could spend his entire summer at Camp Classen. For Aubrey, it was the best possible way to spend a summer: campfires, swimming, and all the usual camp classics. Annual Campaign allowed Tyler to send Aubrey to Camp Classen longer than most campers would, giving him more time to heal. Because Camp Classen could offer financial assistance, Aubrey spent his summer in a space where he could leave behind the stress at home and focus on being a kid. Tyler didn’t need to see her son every day to know that he was thriving. Aubrey was safe and happy at Camp Classen, nestled in the heart of the Arbuckle Mountains. The whole family benefited from that summer Aubrey spent at Camp Classen, including his two older sisters, who are Camp Classen alumni themselves. “The love, patience and support that he got there really helped Aubrey through his trauma,” Tyler says. “The Y gives confidence and safety to both the parent and the child.”


CHICKASHA When summertime rolls around, Jessica knows that her son, Spencer, will need someone to care for him while she’s at work. The Chickasha Area YMCA’s Summer Day Camp is the perfect fit: Spencer gets to laugh, grow, learn and explore while Jessica heads to work. In fact, it’s the perfect fit for 2,600 kids through our summer programs. Kicking the morning off with an opening ceremony centered around getting loud and active, campers across all 11 of our participating branches have a day filled with fun. From swimming to STEM, the programming is curated to help students gain a sense of belonging, celebrate achievements and establish relationships. The Annual Campaign allowed Jessica to send Spencer to the Y on a scholarship. “I have a demanding job with strict hours, so I know if I drop him off here, then I can go do my job without having to worry about Spencer,” Jessica says. “The Y gives reassurance that my child has a safe place to be when I am working.”


The Y gives reassurance that my child has a safe place to be when I am working.



DOWNTOWN DISTRICT When Justin contacted the CDC in 2020, he was in desperate need of childcare for his son, Landon. Landon’s family had struggled to find the right program for him. Landon began attending the Child Development Center in February.

The Y gives quality childcare.

The Child Development Center is an enriching environment founded on educational, social and emotional development. Not only are children given the opportunity to learn about various subjects, but healthy living is directly tied into the curriculum. Swim lessons are provided for children ages three to five, teaching them about basic water safety and beginner swimming skills. A weekly physical education class is part of the curriculum for children two and older, taught by a certified group exercise instructor. Landon’s family and teachers have experienced dramatic growth in him, for which Justin attributes to the team at the Child Development Center. The Annual Campaign allowed families like Justin’s to find high-quality childcare when the options seem to be dwindling. “The Y provides resources and opportunities for your child to have fun but also learn kindness and patience,” Justin says. “The Y gives quality childcare.”


The Y gives purpose in my retirement through the Silver Sneakers programs.


EARLYWINE PARK When Tom retired, his wife was already a regular at the Silver Sneakers classes offered at the Earlywine Park YMCA. Dana had been attending Silver Sneakers classes for a few years, so Tom slipped right into joining her. After going from working five days a week to retirement, Tom appreciated the Y’s consistent scheduling and variety of classes offered specifically for active adults and those needing a little more modification. Tom and Dana attend Silver Sneakers classes four to five times a week, driving more than half an hour round trip to spend a few hours at the Earlywine Park branch. During the pandemic, the Y’s dedication to sanitizing and social distancing provided an opportunity for them to find safety in meeting with others who were also concerned about the virus. For many active adults, it was the only way they were able to socialize safely. The Annual Campaign allowed the Y to provide Silver Sneakers group exercise classes to active adults like Tom and Dana. “The fitness classes help us remain active at a time when many people our age aren’t moving enough,” Tom says. “The Y gives purpose in my retirement through the Silver Sneakers programs.”


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The Y gives s memories.

EDMOND DISTRICT Keaton’s battle with leukemia started when he was just two and a half. His parents, Holly and Luke, never wanted to let his cancer hold him back despite the limitations his body may face. The Rankin YMCA provided Holly and Luke with the opportunity to let their son play basketball in an environment that prioritized having fun and learning over winning. The Annual Campaign allowed Keaton to play basketball even when his family’s finances were tied up in treatment costs. In 2018, Keaton’s treatments called him away a lot more often, but the team never once forgot about their teammate or the battle he faced. Holly talks about the team like they are family, tenderly recalling the time that the players ordered a jersey with Keaton’s name on it, rotating it from player to player at each game. After he passed, Keaton’s teammates gifted the jersey to his parents. When Keaton lost his battle to cancer at the age of eight, Holly and Luke were determined to continue his legacy of kindness and compassion. Now, they are working to help fund the renovation of the Rankin YMCA gym, where Keaton’s memorial banner hangs on the wall. Their hope is that the Y provides families like theirs the chance to see their child enjoy being a kid, no matter how short their time may be. “I seriously doubt whoever donated so we were able to participate in these programs knew that they were impacting a family whose little boy was fighting cancer,” Holly says. “The Y gives us memories.”


GUTHRIE Melissa has been an active member of the YMCA for 9 years and knows the Y well. Her daughter, Naima, has enjoyed a variety of activities as a youth and teenager, from swimming lessons to basketball. Now, her son, Delton, is playing in the YMCA Thunder Basketball Developmental League for his second season. The Annual Campaign allowed Melissa to sign her children up for sports without fear of being turned away due to a lack of finances. She was able to receive assistance with her membership fees, too, and discovered her passion for living an active lifestyle. Melissa joined the Y Staff as a Front Desk Associate over the summer and makes it a point to establish relationships with the members coming through the front door. More importantly, Melissa loves the opportunity to help members understand the importance, both mentally and physically, of being active. “My membership at the Y has allowed me to stay active, and help my kids stay active,” Melissa says. “The Y gives opportunity.”


The Y gives opportunity.


The Y gives connection to the community.


MIDWEST CITY Teenagers in Midwest City have a unique opportunity to play basketball with local law enforcement through the YMCA’s Midwest City Hoops program. This unique opportunity gives teens a chance to establish a positive relationship with police officers, and for officers to help them discover resources they might not otherwise find. Military recruiters come in to provide information about joining the Armed Forces and college recruiters help students learn about scholarships available to them. Not only do these afternoon basketball sessions shed light on the potential for a future, but they also help create a sense of peace for the students. Many of the teens leave what they are dealing with at the door and let themselves enjoy the game. They learn to see police officers as human beings, ones they know by name, instead of through eyes of fear and mistrust. For the officers, the impact they bring to the lives of teens in their area renews their passion for their job. “It’s a good opportunity for those of us on the law enforcement side to build that positivity and really remember why we got into law enforcement,” Sgt. Samantha Wilson says. “The Y gives connection to the community.”




The Y gives me strength in my daily interactions with other people

NORTH SIDE DISTRICT When a cancer survivor enters remission, doors open. For many, their bodies have taken a beating during treatment, and they are at a loss for how to begin the physical recovery. The LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA program is a free, 12-week customized exercise regimen catered to their individual needs. Instructors for the program are trained in cancer survivorship, post-rehabilitation exercise and supportive cancer care. More importantly, the program connects survivors to one another to aid in mentally and physically improving. Suzen completed the LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA program in 2016 after beating cancer. For her, it wasn’t just a way to get fit. It was a way to take her life back into her own hands. The Annual Campaign allowed Suzen to find a community of fellow cancer survivors who were in the same boat as her. She’s became an advocate for the program, working alongside her North Side YMCA staff to promote it to anyone eligible. Suzen still comes to work out most days after work, continually putting in the effort to keep her body and mind healthy. When treatment ends, many cancer survivors are left with a new outlook on life, and with LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA, they can get themselves physically, emotionally and mentally ready to celebrate. “The Y gives me strength in my daily interactions with other people,” Suzen says. “The Y gave me a community to find that strength after surviving cancer.”


The Y gives inclusivity to all communities. They ensure their programs are accessible for all.


NORTHWEST DISTRICT When Ryleigh, a high school student in Piedmont, became a lifeguard, she thought she’d help kids learn to swim and keep people safe in the pool. What she didn’t realize was that she would soon be facing a unique challenge: a class filled with children who only spoke Spanish. Ryleigh didn’t speak very much Spanish herself, but she went into it with hope and determination. The first class didn’t go as well as Ryleigh had planned. She knew that there was a language barrier that couldn’t be broken instantly, but she wanted to connect with the students of the class and make it fun for them. In the next few sessions, Ryleigh led the class through a game of “Red Light, Green Light,” understanding that colors are often one of the first phrases a person learns in a second language. One of her students quickly connected with the game and took pride in knowing the words, an excitement that eased the tension brought on by the language barrier. According to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance, drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4. The Annual Campaign allows children to receive free swimming lessons through our Safety Around Water program to help them avoid becoming a statistic. Ryleigh’s determination allowed them to feel included in an environment where they otherwise would not have been. “It’s really important that everyone has access to life-saving opportunities like Safety Around Water classes,” Ryleigh says. “The Y gives inclusivity to all communities. They ensure their programs are accessible for all.”


The Y gives accessibility and healing to those in recovery


STILLWATER Just a few years ago, Seth was wheelchair-bound and struggling to understand why his body was in so much pain. After receiving a diagnosis of Perthes disease, Seth’s healing required him to spend seven weeks off his feet in a cast that kept his legs immobile. After the casts were removed, he was required to wear braces on both legs while he continued his recovery. Traditional physical therapy wasn’t going to be enough for Seth’s condition, so his mom decided to call the Y. Seth’s mom, Robin, applied for a scholarship for their household membership which allowed his entire family to use the Y facility. While Seth used the pool for swimming and water exercises, his parents can work out in the fitness center. Now, Seth is a thriving young man, running and jumping alongside the rest of his peers. Seth even started participating in the Y’s swim league where he’s made friends with other kids who enjoy swimming. “We come to the Y three to five times a week,” Robin says. “Being able to swim really saved Seth’s life. The Y gave us accessibility to get him the therapy he needed for a full recovery.”




The Y gives gives me passion

TEENS In many cases, the Y offers people exactly what they need when faced with an unexpected battle. When Sarah’s mom passed away, she was left to support herself financially. Sarah didn’t lose hope, though. The Annual Campaign allowed Sarah to participate in Teen Initiative programs that were close to her heart, giving her a chance to stay connected to a community of peers and mentors. She didn’t have to give up her passion, and that meant the world to Sarah. Through her involvement in the Y’s teen programs, Sarah was able to meet and learn from women in leadership positions. As a young woman herself, Sarah drew inspiration from these women and really focused on what it was that she wanted to do with her life. Now, she looks back and encourages other teens to get involved and seek out leadership opportunities, especially through the Y. The Y offers a variety of programs targeted at inspiring, encouraging and empowering teens. Teens can get connected to programs like the Teen Leadership Council, a program designed to challenge students to truly impact their communities on a longterm basis. Youth & Government connects thousands of teens nationwide in a governmentinspired setting where they can learn about our country’s democracy. Y-Corps provides students a chance to extend the Y’s mission into communities through service-learning trips. Y Achievers pairs students with local business leaders and mentors to help bridge the gaps. Whichever program they choose, teens come to the Y and find development and growth waiting for them. “When you’re active and passionate about what you’re doing, people notice that and it really will get you somewhere,” Sarah says. “The Y gives me passion.”


United Way of Central Oklahoma Community Partner


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