World YMCA - Annual Report 2012

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Annual Report 2012

Annual Report 2012

World Alliance of YMCA’s Annual Report 2012 Text: Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Romulo Dantas & Selma Zaidi Collaboration: Carlos Sanvee, Mary-Anne Roche, Tom Valentine, Maurício Vandorsee, Juan Simoes Iglesias, Kohei Yamada Revision: Sarah-Jane Arnold and Suzanne Watson Photos: Claude-Alain Danthe, World YMCA Archives, YMCA of the USA, YMCA Canada, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs, YMCA Europe and Latin America and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs Published by: World YMCA 12 Clos Belmont - 1208 Geneva - Switzerland Tel: +41 22 8495100 World Alliance of YMCAs, Geneva, March 2013 Printed in France by naturaprint - Design by messaggio


Letter from the President and Secretary 04 The Story of Youth Empowerment: The YMCA Story! 06 We are the YMCA! 08 Youth 13 Movement 21 Resource 23 Image & 27 31 34 Financial 36 Our 42 Contact 45

Letter from the President and Secretary General

Dear YMCA leaders, friends and partners from outside the YMCA, First of all we want to thank you sincerely for all the great things you are doing in and for and through the YMCA. In the World Alliance of YMCAs we have dreamt big dreams – thank you for sharing them, thank you for listening and for all your feedback! Nothing of what we wanted to have been done without you, and therefore, where we are today, is because of you. We want to wake up the Sleeping Giant and give the YMCA a stronger collective presence. We want to Empower Young People. Thank you for joining us as we continue to sail under the flag of Youth Empowerment! Together with all of you we mobilized 85 countries and 432 000 people in the YMCA World Challenge. Our social media efforts have grown extensively with high level of interactivity with thousands of users. Together with you we are recruiting 200 Change Agents and 200 Mentors and together with you we are fundraising with local YMCAs to fund this great new resource of young global leaders for the YMCA.


Together with you we are in the process of starting up “ONE MILLION VOICES�, a great new research project where we are reaching out to 1 million young people aged 15-24. We continue to dream big dreams and we continue to invite you to dream with us and walk with us on the NEW WAY. As President and as Secretary General of this great movement we want to say thank you to the Executive Committee for great collaboration and friendship! We want to thank the Global Staff Team and the staff of the World Alliance for great friendship and progress. Last, but not least: A warm thank you to you, all our partners from organizations, institutions, donors and supporters from around the world.

Thank you!

Ken Colloton President

Johan Vilhelm Eltvik Secretary General


The story of youth empowerment The YMCA story! Imagine a space where you feel welcome, where you are inspired by creativity and where you have a say. In this space you can be who you want to be because it is safe. A space where you can realize your talents, unlock your potential as a human and give the best of you. Imagine now a transformation happening because of a whole new set of life skills you can learn, because of values that encourage your growth in faith and because you are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. Imagine the impact of a new mindset which integrates you into a global and interconnected community and invites you to play a leadership role in transforming the realities around you and in the world for the better.


On all continents of the world, the YMCA is working to empower young people and to transform communities with an embedded change model of


The YMCA Change Model for Youth Empowerment.

SPACE Refers to the enabling environment or platform whereby young people are able to act, decide and fulfill their potential facilitated or supported by the YMCA.

Inclusive, Creative and Self Determined.

TRANSFORMATION Refers to the unique transformational learning and personal development the young person experiences by interacting with the YMCA in the shape of opportunities for development.

Values, Skills Knowledge and Practice.

IMPACT Refers to the personal life changing experience and the community impact generated by young people on the individual and collective level inspired by a mindset of global citizenship and social responsibility.

Mindset Change, Leadership and Influencing Change.


We are the YMCA! The YMCA is a world-wide Christian, ecumenical, voluntary movement for women and men with special emphasis on the genuine involvement of young people and it seeks to share the Christian ideal of building a human community of justice with love, peace and reconciliation for the fullness of life for all creation.

The World YMCA The World YMCA (WAY) is a federation of national YMCA movements working in 119 countries on all continents and in thousands of local communities. This broad reach and robust grassroots network positions the YMCA as a relevant actor on youth empowerment in multiple cultures, contexts, and vastly different realities and circumstances. The World YMCA secretariat is based in Geneva, Switzerland. It works in the areas of Youth Empowerment, Movement Strengthening (Organisational Development), Resource Mobilisation, Image and Impact, Governance and supports the efforts of National and local YMCAs.


New Way Strategic Plan (2011-2014)

Youth Empowerment The mass mobilisation of interconnected young people will create energy to make a difference, contribute to a cause, and foster change on a scale of significance in the world.

Movement Strengthening Strong National Movements are core to the health of the global YMCA movement worldwide. A unified focus on the three pillars of Mission Clarity, Program Relevance, and Institutional Viability provides the substance to the organisational identity and impact of the YMCA.

Resource Mobilisation A diverse, expanded resource base is essential to the long term sustainability of the YMCA movement globally. Increased resources will mean a broader reach in population, an expanded impact in positive life changing experiences, and a higher profile of the YMCA’s activity and image globally.

Image and Impact A common global message depicts the unified strength of the worldwide YMCA movement. Communications strategies are in place to advance and positively impact the image, reach, and common understanding of the YMCA as a global partner of choice.

Governance Improved structure and functioning of the governance of the worldwide movement. The YMCA will reflect and exemplify the ideals of good governance.

Global Citizenship: A crosscutting perspective We believe Global Citizenship to be an understanding of the local and global realities of an interconnected world and acting with the mindset of a global citizen. NEW WAY integrates the concept of Global Citizenship in all parts of the implementation of this strategy.


The World YMCA, in collaboration with 7 regional area level YMCA organisations (Africa, Asia and Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Canada, USA, and the Middle East) strengthens and expands the collective capacity, leadership, and learning of the YMCA organisation worldwide.

Albania Angola Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands (In development) Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic

East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala

Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel (Nazareth – West Jerusalem) Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya

YMCAs presence around the world

Korea Kosovo Latvia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Malta Mexico Moldova Montenegro Myanmar

NagornoKarabakh Republic YMCA Artsakh Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Pakistan Palestine (East Jerusalem) Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines

Poland Portugal Romania Russia Scotland Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia South Africa Spain Sri-Lanka St.Vincent Suriname Sweden

Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Ukraine Uruguay USA Venezuela Vietnam Wales Zambia Zimbabwe

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YMCA in numbers

Presence in

119 countries

58 million people reached 11.220 locations +96.000 employees +725.000 volunteers

13.400.000 participants in Health Programmes

1.029.587 participants in Civic Engagement Programmes

357.000 participants in Employment Programmes

206.000 participants in Youth Leadership Development Programmes

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Youth Empowerment World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 13

Advocating for Youth Empowerment International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations – ICMYO

As part of the ICMYO’s Task Force, the YMCA supported the preparations of the 2012 meeting in Cairo, Egypt. The Post 2015 Development Goals was one the major topics of discussion. Throughout the year, the ICMYO participating organisations cooperated in several advocacy initiatives and collective articulation for meetings on a global level.

International labor Conference 2012 – ILC

Ian Preston, YMCA England at the ILO Youth Forum The ILC 2012 had the Youth Employment Crisis as one of the agenda topics. The YMCA was lead advocacy initiatives around the meeting striving for advancement of cooperation between ILO and youth organisations, establishment of a network for decent jobs for young people and for the creation of a formal youth advisory structure within ILO. The ILC was preceded by a Youth Employment Forum with 200 young delegates in which YMCA supported in designing, as well as contributing to the opening speech and presentation of best practices. On June 6th, YMCA also addressed the International Labor Conference plenary session on youth employment topics advocating for youth employment.

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32 YMCA delegates from Kenya, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Angola, Korea, Argentina and Zambia participated at Rio+20, the UN conference on Sustainable Development from June 20-22. Organized as a camp, the event included a dialogue on the YMCA and its relationship with Sustainable Development as well as activities with the surrounding community. In total, about 600 people were mobilized in the community to clean up a mangrove area and visit various community projects, including a public school. During the Rio+20 Conference, the YMCA hosted the Ministers of Environment from Korea and Lebanon, the Swedish Ambassador for the Environment, and a specialist on Youth Participation from UN-HABITAT as panelists at their Rio+20 Conference for Youth.

Youth 21 To advance youth participation at the UN System as a whole, the YMCA was part of the Youth 21 meeting in Nairobi Kenya in order to discuss and advocate for new initiatives such as creation of the Permanent forum for Young People and the establishment of Special Advisory position to the UN Secretary General.

50th session of the Commission for Social Development – CsoD

Inés Barabar, Uruguay at the CSoD panel In February 2012, the YMCA addressed the CSD on “Youth: poverty and unemployment” by presenting an employment practice from the Uruguayan YMCA. Ines van de Kerchove, a young person and coordinator of the project “YMCA/ Uruguay Empresa” shared the podium with group of specialists from UN organisations mainstreaming the voices of world youth organisations.

UN and UNESCO offices Agreements for establishment of representation of the YMCA at the UN centers in New York and the UNESCO headquarters in Paris were signed during the year 2012.

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Change Agents

A new generation of young leaders is being prepared to lead the YMCA movement towards new levels of image and impact under the common umbrella of youth empowerment.

Change Agents Training Team Conference

In July 2012, a group of trainers was convened in Long Beach, USA to develop a curriculum and fine tune the training process for 200 Change Agents up to December 2014.

Selection and Training In partnership with the Area Organisations, the selection process was started and young leaders have been invited to join this initiative.

Fundrasing To support the Change Agents initiative, the “Waking the Giant Campaign� was launched to raise funds that will support Change Agents with training programmes and to participate at the YMCA World Council 2014 where they will play strong leadership role in the programme.

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Diamond Jubilee Young Leaders Forum

61 young leaders aged 19-30 came together at the Diamond Jubilee Young Leaders Forum in May in Toronto. This was the third opportunity for young leaders to be involved in the governance of the Canadian YMCA. In the Autumn, many of these young leaders delivered Youth Engagement Sessions to find out what changes youth want to see in their community.

Where West Meets East

“Where West Meets East� was the motto of the traditional Catch the Vision conference held in Istanbul, Turkey and organised by YMCA Europe. It enrolled 52 participants, facilitators and guest speakers from 24 countries.

Global Citizenship Education for Change Agents

In August 2012, Change Agents from the Asia and Pacific Area met on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the YMCA in Sri-Lanka. Based on the area signature programme on Global Citizenship Education of the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs, the change agents were exposed to the realities of citizenship participation in the context of a globalised world. Experiential learning was also provided with community engagement activities as well presentations around the Change Agents initiative led by the World YMCA.

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YGOR – Youth in Roles of Governance

The Latin American and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs organised training programmes for 30 young leaders in the year 2012. Inspired and designed by request of young leaders of the area, the programme brings a lot of innovation in the understanding of governance and uses modern technology to reach young people from many countries.

YMCA Global Service Learning

In 2012, YMCA of the USA developed YMCA Global Service Learning. A successful global service learning programme includes a local service component (“here”), an international service component (“there”) and an intentional reflection and learning process to connect local and global topics (global = here + there). YMCA of the USA also created a Resource Guide for team leaders to facilitate the renewed approach to service learning.

From Subject to Citizen - S2C In June, Africa Alliance of YMCAs graduated the first S2C young Ambassadors who had enrolled in the programme in 2009. These young men and women have undergone a remarkable leadership journey through S2C. They have used their voices and claimed spaces to influence for positive change from working with youth in the slums… to halting riots at universities… to ensuring youth participation in elections…

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Also in June we enrolled a new wave of Ambassadors into the S2C Ambassadorship programme. Representatives from both groups of Ambassadors are going forward to represent Africa as Change Agents. 30 young leaders are part of this process.

Engaging with the movement World YMCA representatives have been present in important activities and visits in all areas of the world to learn from those experiences, share about the strategic directions of the movement and engaging leaders for joint initiatives. YMCA Europe General Assembly

Prague, Czech Republic

LACA General Assembly

Viña del Mar, Chile

European Ten Sing Conference

Copenhagen Denmark

YMCA Germany International Conference

Kassel, Germany

European General Secretaries Conference

Brussels, Belgium

Australian YMCA General Assembly

Tasmania, Australia

Iceland National Youth Meeting

Reykjavik, Iceland

World Urban Network

Madrid, Spain


Pittsburgh, USA

Y’s Men International Convention

Stavanger, Norway

YMCA Denmark General Assembly

Anniversaries: Sri-Lanka YMCA Sierra Leone YMCA São Paulo YMCA Argentina YMCA Mexico

50 100 110 110 120

years years years years years World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 19

Research Agenda The research agenda in 2012 included compilation and announcement of results related to the status of the YMCA worldwide, membership and other relevant information on the areas of Employment, Health and Civic Engagement. Another major initiative is the One Million Voices Project that aims to consult young people’s perspectives on important global issues. The preparation phase has started and infra-structures are being put in place. The effort will continue throughout 2013 and 2014.

Facilitating Youth Participation UN Sports and Leadership Camp

Qatar and Switzerland

University of Citizenship and Development


Youth Employment Forum


UN Millennium Campaign Stakeholder’s Meeting


Global Release of Children’s Rights and Business Principles


Youth 21


Global Youth Week


Young Leaders from the YMCA, exhausted, attending the COP18 in Qatar

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YMCA World Challenge in France

Movement Strengthening World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 21

In 2012, a common Movement Strengthening focus continued worldwide with renewed investment in governance and leadership programmes and organisational capacity building in all regions of the world. This was achieved through country focus partner groups, sub-regional thematic seminars in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean on governance and resource mobilisation and on strengthening programmes in youth empowerment. At least 40 National Movements participated in Movement Strengthening actions during 2012 worldwide.

•Y MCA Europe movement strengthening focused on the NGS meeting – expanded discussions to bring youth empowerment in action and change agents together with planning for organisational development and resource mobilisation. This includes a Pan European focus and working to strengthen YMCAs in Spain, Malta, France, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic.

YMCA World Challenge in USA

•M ovement strengthening in Africa included capacity development, a multilateral approach, zonal peer review – 15 YMCAs were active in Movement Strengthening in Africa. A new Movement Strengthening country programme was launched with the YMCA in Liberia in November, 2012. This new movement strengthening country focus group benefitted from lessons learned from the past and from the newly established peer to peer leadership groups. •M ovement Strengthening in Asia and Pacific involved Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand (bilaterally), Bangladesh and Malaysia. •M ovement Strengthening in the Latin American and Caribbean area focused on Honduras and LACA regional approaches on governance, leadership, and resource mobilisation. LACA extended focus on governance, leadership and resource mobilisation to involve YMCAs of Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Minas Gerais –Brazilian Federation.

YMCA World Challenge in India

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YMCA World Challenge in Russia

Resource Mobilisation World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 23

YMCA participants at Rio+20 Summit

Resource mobilisation continues to be a critical priority for all the areas of the world. During 2012, all Areas made progress towards reaching their resource mobilisation goals. The Areas have implemented a range of successful workshops on fundraising and annual campaigns in the Asia and Pacific Area, Corporate Social Responsibility seminars in Latin America and the Caribbean, and governance and capacity building and knowledge sharing workshops on resource mobilisation in Africa, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Resource Mobilisation results included more than 2 milion in new funds raised, increased skills and knowledge for resource mobilisation in place and increasing in all Area organisations and in more than 41 national movements and new strategic alliances and collaborations developing with results in both financial and technical support.

1. New Funds Secured: The total amount of new raised in the Areas and World Alliance during the two-year period from January 2011 to December 2012 were USD 2,217,660. The Return on Investment (ROI) for the Investors Circle is 1:5. The amount of Investors Circle (IC) funds transferred to the Areas over the two-year period was USD 441,452. The new funds raised in 2012 alone were USD 676,836. Funds invested were USD 238,702. The ROI for the year 2012 was 1:2.8.

2. Training and Capacity Building: At least 41 National Movements benefited from training and capacity building for resource mobilization. New funds were secured by at least 13 National Movements (Ghana, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Madagascar, Kenya, Lithuania, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, and Philippines). The new funds raised and reported to the Areas by national movements in 2012 were: USD 1,859,295.

3. Strategic Alliances and Collaborations: Strategic alliances and collaborations with WUN, NAYDO, Y’s Men International, and YMCA Partners brought important leadership, technical skills and resources, additional funds, and increased overall capacity for Resource Mobilisation in the global YMCA movement. WAY, in collaboration with the Areas, designed and launched the Waking the Giant campaign to support the Youth Empowerment in Action vision to develop a cadre of young leaders 200 Change Agents worldwide. The total estimated funds contributed from strategic alliances and collaborations during the period were: USD 330,579.

The total amount of new funds raised from January to December 2012 was USD 676,836. New funds were secured by at least 13 National Movements (Ghana, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Madagascar, Kenya, Lithuania, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Russia, India, Sri Lanka, and Philippines).

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YMCA World Challenge in Czech Republic

Africa Alliance of YMCAs (AAY): The total of new funds secured by the Africa Alliance in 2012 was USD 255,500 Two national movements reported new funds secured.

Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY): The total of new funds secured by APAY in 2012 was

USD 78,531

YMCA Europe (YE): The total of new funds secured by YMCA Europe in 2012 was

USD 157,277

YMCA World Challenge in India

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YMCA Youth Employment in Madagascar

Latin America and the Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs (LACA): The total of new funds secured by LACA in 2012 was

USD 35,440

World Alliance of YMCAs (WAY): The total of new funds secured by WAY in 2012 was

USD 150,088

YMCA Youth Employment in Peru

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YMCA World Challenge in Nigeria

Image and Impact Communications strategies were put in place in the year 2012 to advance the YMCA global image and impact focusing on its common focus on youth empowerment. The efforts towards effective communication are based on research and consultation processes and our common course of action in local and national YMCA contexts.

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South Africa



YMCA World Challenge The YMCA World Challenge mobilised 85 countries on October 13, 2012. Almost 432.000 participants joined in the fun in local events all over the world to get to know the YMCA and its work in empowering young people. YMCAs worldwide have reported success in the day’s activities and increased visibility in local and national media. More than 4.000 pictures were sent live from the event sites and Social Media features have grown substantially helping to communicate the messages of joy, pride and impact of being part of the YMCA. On a global level, both the International Federation of Basketball and UNESCO have granted their institutional sponsorship and supported the communication efforts of the event.



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YMCA World Magazine The YMCA magazine was developed with a unified focus on youth empowerment and special interest in geographic perspectives and presence. Two issues were published in 2012, focusing on Europe and Latin American and the Caribbean regions.

Week of Prayer | YMCA Peace Day

The YMCA Peace Day has been celebrated on the last day of the Week of Prayer

Under the theme “Violence will not have the last word - Working for change that respects rights and dignity� YMCAs and YWCAs celebrated the Week of Prayer (November 11 to 17) 2012 organizing events all over the world. The YMCA also celebrated the YMCA Peace Day which took place on the last day of that week.

Social Media | Internet In 2012 the World YMCA experienced an unprecedented growth in its social media activities, strengthening the communications efforts with its constituency and communicating YMCA story of empowering the young people worldwide.

Facebook he number of fans grew in 2012 from 2.000 to 25.000, with an increased number of posts (3-5 per day) and more feedback from users.

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Y-PHOTO /Y-MIX Two platforms created to support communications efforts of the World Challenge allowed YMCA members from all over the world to interact with the world movement by sending pictures and suggesting songs to enhance the impact of the event. More than 4.000 pictures were sent in real time and hundreds of songs were suggested. All this rich material was used by the YMCAs to communicate the global impact of the organisation.

YMCA World Challenge in Geneva, Switzerland

Blue Music Blog The “Blue Music Blog” written by the World Alliance of YMCA’s secretary general continues to communicate the advancements on the implementation of NEW WAY strategic plan at

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YMCA World Challenge in Bangladesh

Governance World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 31

Executive Committee Meeting/Stakeholders Meeting The Executive Committee Meeting was held in Nairobi, Kenya, in conjunction with a Stakeholders meeting to advance and follow up the implementation of the NEW WAY strategy. The leaders of the YMCA Worldwide movement have confirmed the strategic directions by unanimously stating:

• The YMCA wants to achieve its

> full potential

• We therefore must be a

> stronger Movement

• We therefore must attract

> greater resources

• We therefore must have

> more visibility

• We therefore must demonstrate > greater impact • We therefore must have a

> shared focus

The focus must be:

• Relevant to the world • Grounded in our mission • Worthy of our aspiration • Connected to our current work We therefore choose to collectively stand for > Youth Empowerment

Leadership as from July 2010 Executive Committee and Officers


- President: Mr. Ken Colloton, USA

-M s. Evelyne Mame Sami Gueye, Senegal

- Deputy President: Mr. Fernando Ondarza, Mexico -T reasurer: Ms. Helen McEwan, New Zealand -S ecretary General*: Rev. Dr. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway

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-M r. Charles Habiah, Ghana -M s. Ethel Mashekwa, Zambia -M r. Vezinhlahla Mncwango, South Africa -M s. Lucy Wanjiru, Kenya

Asia and Pacific


- Mr. Edilberto Claravall, Philippines

-M s. Pamela Davies

- Mr. Babu Markus Gomes, Bangladesh

-M s. Courtney Lawrence, USA

- Mr. Oliver Jia Wen Loke, Singapore

Area Presidents

- Ms. Hiromi Nagao, Japan

-M r. James Ekow Rhule, Africa Alliance of YMCAs (Ghana)

Canada - Ms. Patricia Pelton, Canada

-M r. Yau Chung Wan, Asia and the Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (Hong Kong)


-M r. Ed Eggink, YMCA Europe (Netherlands)

- Mr. Ed Eggink, Netherlands

>M r. Peter Posner, UK, (Until May 2012)

- Ms. Nadine Jording, Germany - Mr. Uku Rasmus Lind, Estonia

-M r. Mauro Fonticiella, Latin American & Caribbean Alliance (Uruguay)

- Mr. Ian Pearson, England - Mr. Michael Will, Scotland Latin America and Caribbean

Past President

- Ms. Sofia Laborde Fernandez, Uruguay

-M r. Martin MeiĂ&#x;ner, Germany*

- Mr. Leopoldo Moacir Lima, Brazil


- Ms. Sandra Pyke-Anthony, Trinidad & Tobago

-M s Hiromi Nagao, Japan Y’s Men International Liaison to the World Alliance*

- Mr. Daniel Vives Rivero, Peru

* Non-Voting

Middle East - Mr. Simon Kouba, East Jerusalem - Mr. Ghassan Sayah, Lebanon

Mr. Ken Colloton President

Fernando Ondarza Deputy President

Ms. Helen McEwan Treasurer

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YMCA World Challenge on Senegal


United Nations The World YMCA has had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) since 1947. The World Alliance participates actively in the different UN Commissions and work with several UN agencies and departments. YMCA maintains representatives both in New York, USA and Geneva, Switzerland.

Y’s Men’s International The World YMCA has a special relationship with Y’s Men International, a service club supporting YMCAs. Y’s Men’s International is a world-wide fellowship of persons working constructively together to partner with and support the YMCA. Y’s Men Clubs raise funds to support the work of YMCAs as well as to carry out their own initiatives. Y’s Men International has observer status on the World Alliance of YMCA’s Executive Committee, and vice versa. The World YMCA signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Y’s Men International in 2011.

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International Coordination Meeting of Youth Organisations (ICMYO) ICMYO is an informal network of membership-based, democratic, representative and accountable International Youth NGOs (INGYOs) and Regional Youth Platforms (RYPs). There are 28 member organisations, who meet once a year to coordinate lobbying an international level in support of young people and issues that affect them. The World YMCA is a member of the Task Force which provides facilitation and support to the participating organisations. Some of the participating organisations in this network are: World Organisation of the Scout Movement, World YWCA, European Youth Forum, Pax Romana, World Students Christian Federation.

World YWCA The World YMCA has a strong and long-standing relationship with the World YWCA. Although the two organisations are independent at world level there is close cooperation between the two; for example the annual week of prayer is an initiative of the two Geneva based headquarters. In several countries, including Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, there are joint YMCA / YWCA national associations.

Alliance of Youth CEOs The Alliance of Youth CEOs is a network connecting the largest international youth organisations: World YWCA, World Organisation of the Scout Movement, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Award Association and the YMCA. The main goal is to work together on policy issues affecting young people.

YMCA World Urban Network The YMCA World Urban Network is a network of YMCA General Secretaries/ Chief Executive Officers dedicated to strengthening their leadership, to deal with the human consequences of urbanization, within the context of the YMCA Mission.

Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance The EAA is an international network of 100 churches and faith-related organisations committed to campaigning together on common concerns. The World YMCA is founding member of the EAA, and remains active in EAA’s work. The World YMCA co-chairs the Food Strategy Group.

YMCA North American Network (YNAN) The North American Urban Group Is an organisation that comprises the CEOs of the top 30 YMCAs in North America. NAUG creates spaces for cooperation and knowledge sharing among its participating organisations.

World Council of Churches The WCC brings together 349 churches, denominations and church fellowships in more than 110 countries and territories throughout the world, representing over 560 million Christians. The World YMCA is a related member of the WCC and represented at its Central Committee.

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YMCA World Challenge in Colombia

Financial Overview Auditor’s Report The financial statements of the Association are presented herein without their notes. For better understanding of the Association’s financial position and result of its activities for the year ended 31 December 2012, the auditor’s report and the financial statements should be read in conjunction with the notes that are available upon request at the Secretariat of the World Alliance of YMCAs or on the World Alliance Website

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The World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations Geneva

Balance sheet as at December 31







306 010

510 269

103 832

128 079

10 785

9 902

144 210

115 205

2 117

5 448

54 819



26 525

622 593

795 428

2 394

650 579

19 496 409

18 463 561

19 498 803

19 114 140



20 121 397

19 909 569

Current Assets Cash in hand and in banks Accounts receivable - miscellaneous - invoices receivable - contribution receivable - inter office receivable Projects defered expenses, net



Investments portfolio Cash and short term investment accounts Long term bonds and investments 7

Fixed assets Furniture and equipment

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Balance sheet as at December 31







25 416

832 245

Current Liabilities Banks overdraft Miscellaneous payables


220 617

169 109

Projects deferred income, net



198 994

246 033

1 200 348

Reserves and Funds Other reserves and funds


1 179 678

1 186 078

Refugees and Rehabilitation funds


1 131 179

1 131 179

Endowment funds


1 450 141

1 374 292

JRM MOTT endowment funds


16 072 186

15 017 066

42 180


19 875 364

18 709 221

20 121 397

19 909 569

Report of result of the year

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Statement of income and expenditure for the year ended December 31






1 512 257

1 481 841

National Movements Fair share Publications

17 888

32 947

1 530 145

1 514 788

50 852

27 491

4 380

4 128



- JR MOTT income recevied

216 003

223 992

- JR MOTT investments appreciation

891 409


- Other Reserves & Funds

119 365


75 849


1 358 242

256 579

230 515

198 114

Investments and other income Interests Refund/Administrative charges Donation Funds investments income:

- Endowment funds

World Alliance Project Income Funds Income Release from Caselli Fund Release of provisions

62 363

74 172


100 00

188 000


480 878

372 286

3 369 265

2 143 653

36 747

41 824



2 455

2 487

2 219


29 166

24 401

70 587

69 462

Projects expenses

335 781

197 408

Funds expenses

176 079

191 363

16 339

170 833


69 190

52 291

850 712

580 490

1 479 506

Total income EXPENDITURE

Programs Publications IT/Database and websites Translation Leadership development areas and Global Young professional programme

Projects and funds

Funds investments losses: - Other Reserves and funds - FX loss - Endowment funds - JR MOTT

40 . World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Statement of income and expenditure for the year ended December 31





1 063 035

1 028 427


137 035

138 871

Internal/external Consultants

134 569

96 335

1 334 639

1 263 633

54 856

59 727


6 573

Visit to national movements and areas

24 162

22 514

Standing Committees/GST meetings

14 670

2 154

Personnel Salaries and benefit

Governance Executive Committee meetings Officers meetings

Public Relation /Contingencies

39 197

2 403

147 413

93 371

58 149

52 922

Administration Communication

7 000

2 345

Equipment maintenance and supply


10 294

13 722

Audit fees

18 500

26 072

Financial charges

14 896

16 811

Building maintenance and running cost

64 459

74 986

173 298

186 858

5 644

2 725

5 644

2 725

Total expenditure

2 312 071

3 095 555

Excess of income over expenditures (expense over income)

1 057 194

-951 902

108 174

-70 629

7 781

327 227

-75 849

69 190

-1 055 120

626 720

-1 015 014

952 508

42 180


Others Miscellaneous

Attribution to Funds/Projects Project transfer from (to) Funds transfer from (to): - Other Reserves and funds - Endowment funds - JR MOTT

Final result of the year

World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 41

Thank you to our Supporters We are extremely grateful for the support we received in 2012. YMCAs and Individuals have contributed generously to strengthen the global YMCA movement. Your outstanding support has contributed to the YMCA worldwide in many ways: Youth Empowerment, Movement Strengthening (Organisational Development), and Resource Mobilisation (the Investors Circle).

Thank you for your support! YMCA’s contributions Africa Alliance YMCAs Argentina Brazil Bangladesh Canada (+ 3local Ys) YMCA of Calgary YMCAs of Quebec YMCAs of Toronto Denmark East Jerusalem YMCA England Germany Hong Kong SAR, China India Liberia Mexico

42 . World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Japan Norway Scotland-AberdeenY Singapore Spain Sweden USA (+26 local Ys) YMCA of Greater New York YMCA of the Greater Houston Area YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas YMCA of San Diego County YMCA of North West North Carolina YMCA of Silicon Valley YMCA of Greater Charlotte YMCA of Greater Indianapolis YMCA of Greater Richmond YMCA of Middle Tennessee YMCA of Orange County YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities YMCA of the Rockies Valley of the Sun YMCA Ann Arbor YMCA YMCA of Cincinnati YMCA of Greenville YMCA of Oklahoma City YMCA of the Brandywine Valley Austin Metropolitan YMCA YMCA Central Kentucky YMCA of Philadelphia YMCA of Greater Long Beach YMCA of Westfield (NJ) YMCA of Coastal Georgia YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth

Individual contributions Aisa Akapson Andrew Mackenzie Bill Stewart Brazilian Youth Carlos Sanvee Cathy Duchon Claude-Alain Danthe Courtney Lawrence Cynthia Flynn Ernesto Gaona Fernando Ondarza Gabriel Carrasco Gail Glasser Gerard Tosserams Ghassan Sayah Gustavo Andrade Helen McEwan Ian Green Jacqueline Rien James Ekow Rhule Janet Pate Johan Vilhelm and Ingunn Eltvik John Lilley Kamran Razvan Ken Colloton Kohei Yamada Lee Kernan

World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 43

Leopoldo Lima Manuel Camarena Mark Hills Mark Johnson Marty Reynolds Mary Tikalsky Michael Weil Michel Danthe Mike Will MikeVanHaelewyn Nick Zimmer Patricia Pelton Peter Burns Peter Posner Polly Dong Renata Ferrari Rocio Solis Russell Leech Sandy Berlin-Walker Sandy McIntyre Scott Haldane Selma Zaidi Silvio Krauss Susan Waterfield Suzanne Watson Terry Ratcliffe Tom Dana Tom Valentine Zolair Trinidade

Waking the Giant Campaign YMCA of Bombay YMCA of New Delhi YMCA of Ahmadabad YMCA Indian Student Hostel YMCA of Canada YMCA of the USA Ys Men Club Sweden Ys Men Club Geneva England YMCA

General Funding Ys Men International • Global Citizenship/ Change Agents Training • Russia Movement Strengthening • UN Rio+ Summit DSR Foundation • Leadership Development Equipment for Conference Room Lee Kernan Kevin Bingaman Annete Tang Peter Posner Craig Sheather Noreen Schumann Peter Burns Suzanne Watson Chris Asmus Yasuyuki Matsuda Nicholas Nightingale W K Montgomery Martin Vosjan

44 . World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Contact Us World YMCA

Middle East Committee

Rev. Dr. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Secretary General

Dr. Munah Geha, Interim Coordinator

12 Clos Belmont 1208 Geneva - Switzerland

Delta Center, 3rd Floor - Horsh Tabet – Sin El-Fil - Beirut – Lebanon Postal Code: 2706 5101 Sin El-Fil

Tel: +41 22 849 51 00 Fax: +41 22 849 51 10

Africa Alliance of YMCAs Carlos Madjri Sanvee, General Secretary State House Avenue, State House Crescent P.O. Box 60856, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 2714644/2724804 Fax: +254 20 2725909

Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs Kohei Yamada, General Secretary 23 Waterloo Road 6th Floor, Kowloon - Hong Kong SAR Tel: +852 2780 8347 / 2770 3168 Fax: +852 2385 4692

Latin America and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs Mauricio Diaz Vandorsee, General Secretary

Tel: +961-1-490640

YMCA Canada Scott Haldane, President and CEO 42 Charles Street East, 6th Floor Toronto, ON, M4Y 1T4 Tel: +1 416 967 9622 Fax: +1 416 967 9618

YMCA Europe (European Alliance of YMCAs) Juan Simoes Iglesias, General Secretary Na Porici 12 - CZ-110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Tel: +420 224 872 020 Fax: +420 224 872 025

YMCA of the USA Neil Nicoll, President and CEO 101 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Tel: +1 800 872 9622

Vicente Rocafuerte No. 1678 Montevideo, Uruguay 11.400 Tel: +598 2 600 99 40

World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 45

YMCA World Alliance Team Staff Rev. Dr. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik, Norway Secretary General

Selma A. Zaidi, USA Senior Executive Secretary for Movement Strengthening and Resource Mobilisation

Romulo Dantas, Brazil Executive Secretary for Youth Empowerment

Suzanne Watson, England Finances & Administration

Jacqueline Rien, France Accountant

Claude-Alain Danthe, Switzerland IT, Archivist and Webmaster

Samuel Diaz Fernandez Littauer, Colombia Young Professional

46 . World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012

Carlos Sanvee, Togo Advisor to the Secretary General, Branding & Communication

Jose Varghese, India Advisor to the Secretary General, Global Citizenship & Programmes

Youth Empowerment Advisory Group To enable the successful implementation of NEW WAY Strategic Plan, the World YMCA consults with young leaders to advance the different projects related to the strategy guaranteeing strong youth perspective on its work.


Peter Avong (Nigeria) Maryse Guinez Coly (Senegal) Thoumiyan Soundaram (Sri-Lanka) Ji Yoon Lee (Korea) Charlotte Humphries (Canada) Jenn Hazzard (Canada) Andre Kpodonu (England) Liga Efeja (Latvia) until March ‘12 Sarah Simmank (Germany) Fernando Traversa (Uruguay) Leidy Meneses Calderòn (Colombia) until May ‘12 - Rami Allaw (Lebanon) - Antonio Merino (USA) - Ashley Kolaya(USA)

UN Team Leaders - New York: Dio Gica and Rayda Marquez - Paris: Myriam Verger

Resource Groups Leaders

Volunteers 2012 The World Alliance of YMCA is thankful for having dedicated volunteers on board to support its efforts to empowering young people. To all of you that worked in 2012 on our offices in Switzerland, THANK YOU!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chris Brandt, USA Tsitsi Mupoperi, Zimbabwe Myla Inventor, Phillipines Sarah-Jane Arnold, UK Ladys Huber Amaya, Colombia Veronika Lavrenteva, Russia

Aleeza Mitha, Afghanistan (YCare International) 8. Filipe Gonzaga, Brazil 9. Hanna Maier, Germany (YCare International) 10. Dia Roth, USA 11. Ben Blumstein, USA

- Bob Cabeza, USA (Youth Empowerment) - Marcus Gustafson, Sweden (Environment) - Ghassan Sayah, Lebanon (Resource Mobilisation) - Peter Burns, Australia (Social Enterprise) - Dr. Jai Chang Park, South Korea (Global Citizenship) - Ashley Kolaya, USA (Student YMCAs)

World YMCA ANNUAL REPORT 2012 . 47

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