University of the Highlands and Islands BA (Hons) Applied Music

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BA (Hons) Applied Music* Come and join an exciting and innovative new music degree that gives you the opportunity to study with top musicians, take control of your learning and develop yourself as a music professional. Designed to develop your music skills to the highest levels in performance, creativity and technology, the course will prepare you for work in the music industry, education, community and health. Your study can be rooted in your local community - wherever that may be. If

you want to stay in the Highlands and Islands, this is a unique way to reach your potential as an ‘Applied Musician’ in any major genre of music including folk, rock pop and classical. To join this exciting journey you will have to be ambitious, creative, independent and proactive. Auditions will begin in March 2012. Please contact Anna Wendy Stevenson programme leader for more information *subject to validation

BA (le Urram) Ceòl Gnìomhaichte* Bi nad phàirt de cheum ùr brosnachail agus ùr-ghnàthach ann an ceòl a bheir dhut cothrom ionnsachadh le ceòladairean soirbheachail, smachd a ghabhail air an ionnsachadh agad fhèin agus gad leasachadh fhèin mar phroifeiseantaich ciùil. Air a dhealbhachadh gus do sgilean ciùil a thoirt do na h-ìrean as àirde a thaobh taisbeanadh, cruthachaileachd agus teicneòlas, deasaichidh an cùrsa thu airson obair anns a’ ghnìomhachais chiùil, foghlam, coimhearsnachd agus slàinte. Faodaidh tu ionnsachadh sa choimhearsnachd ionadail agad - ge be càite a bheil sin. Ma tha thu airson

fuireach anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus nan h-Eileanan, ’s e seo dòigh gun choimeas do chomasan a thoirt gu buil mar ‘Cheoladair Gnìomhaichte’ ann an gnè mhòr sam bith de cheòl, a’ gabhail a-steach ceòl dùthchasach, ceòl rog pop agus ceòl clasaigeach. Gus pàirt a ghabhail anns a’ chuairt bhrosnachail seo, feumaidh tu bhith miannach air adhartas, cruthachail, neo-èisimileach agus làn spionnaidh. Tòisichidh deuchainnean cluiche sa Mhàrt 2012. Cuir fios chun Anna Wendy Stevenson stiùiriche a’ phrògraim airson barrachd fiosrachaidh * A rèir dearbhadh

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