Ymf zine #1issue

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#1 ISSUE September 2014

Dennis Erfmann (NED) Ondrej Trhon (CZE)

Katharina Bühler (GER) Davide Padovan (ITA) Lilla Szántói (HUN)

Bianka Schumann (HUN) Carolyn Drake (USA)

Vesselina Nikolaeva (BUL)

youaremyfavourite.blogspot.com facebook.com/youaremyfavourite youaremyfavouritezine.tumblr.com xyouaremyfavouritex@gmail.com cover: Dennis Erfmann

contents Dennis Erfmann(NED) Ondrej Trhon (CZE) Katharina Bühler (GER) Davide Padovan (ITA) Lilla Szántói (HUN) Bianka Schumann (HUN)

DENNIS ERFMANN “My name is Dennis Erfmann, I’m a 20 year old based in The Netherlands. I shoot pictures of dumb shit that interests me.”

www.facebook.com/dennis.erfmann http://instagram.com/denniserfmann http://denniserfmann.tumblr.com


“I’m twenty and I live in Czech republic.Despite my father being an amateur photographer, the craft didn’t intrigue me until last year. At the end of summer I found an old film camera at home, loaded it with Fuji Superia, and fell in love. From then on, I shoot a lot. A huge inspiration for me was Prague, to which I moved to study journalism, and impressive photographic heritage my country has. Alhought I shoot mostly film for its look and materiality, I don’t doom digital either: How you look is more important then through what camera. My main interest in photography are pictures of people, street photography (in the broadest sense) and nature. But I’m still in search for a theme that suits me best.”


“I’m 29 years old and currently living in Hamburg where I study design, with a focus on photography and drawing. My works mainly focus on themes of identity, gender and memory. I’m interested in telling stories and/ or transporting atmosphere. Initial points are always topics I’m curious about or interested in. Sometimes I also engage with conceptual approches in order to investigate the points of my interest. At the moment, in my photographic work an emphasis lies on portraiture and the exploration of the ambivalences of visibility.” Contact: mail@katharina-buehler.de Website: katharina-buehler.de Blog: katharina-buehler.tumblr.com/

“Even if I don’t agree on the binary constuct of gender, in the pragmatic political situation I still see the need to situate myself as a feminist. The fact of the sexist and ironic media coverage of the arrest Pussy Riot in July /August 2012 in Germany, made me once more think about the recent societal image of feminism.” Katharina Bühler

DAVIDE PADOVAN “Not too much to say. I’ve started to take pictures during the last year of high school. I’ m trying to split my work between portraits and street photography. But I’m still searching for my real way to express myself. I prefer that pictures speak for me. I keep trying to find something new. That’s all.” davidepadovanph.com davidepadovan.tumblr.com

LILLA SZÁNTÓI “SOMETHING ELSE According to the interpretation of the French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, the woman is seen as the „Absolute Different”. By András Forgách’s words femininity is explained: „I have every confidence that the woman has a far better intimate relationship with the universe, she is a more cosmic being than the man. Therefore, it is a vital need for me to share a common space with a woman. This may be considered the starting point. Oftentimes, I feel puzzled by the direct experience of femininity. There is no bound to time and space, yet it is the non-place to where I retreat. It is the most inner side of personality bearing witness to secrets. A world confined within the four walls, with full of silence which we share with only a few people. It is a place never mentioned, hardly known yet recognized by its existence. In this series the man is put into an invisible role, posed behind the camera, only his gaze is of importance. Through that glance I determine myself as woman, mostly a strange phenomenon from another universe. I examined the gaze through the past not the present, for recalling memories opens up a more subjective way by what and how it is preserved in our mind. Time overshadows reality, however emotions are finally put in their right place. I expanded and developed this train of thought through the language of photography, using the opportunities of the medium. The moments have been assigned to the specifically chosen techniques in a way they are preserved in our memories.” Email: szantoi.lilla@gmail.com Mobile: +36/30 7260405 Web: http://lillaszantoi.com


“Many of us got through this. We got line of sight for this period. We could be young or old people but who are already grown they are hankering. Hankering for the past. We look this ages and almost craving for their physichal and psychical chastity. We used to say that the adolescene is the „no-man’s land” between the childness and the maturity. This may be because this is the period when our relationship is changing with the outside world and the reality. There is a double feeling in us, we would be child and grown in the same time. It is hard to get close while we are brimming with secrets and hiding, and all of these are connected to the construction of MY. The secrets raise wall which is importent to strengthen us to have a separate existence. Writing a diary, locked memory books and group secrets are all things like that. There are secretbooks which if would be read by an outsider than it would come the question: why are these things are secrets? The power of MY is being trialled with these secrets. The big questions of the life are being dissected. Is it indeed real that I am alive? The world, the Earth, the other planets and the whole solar system are realy existing? And why got the chair the name of chair or the table the name of table? I deal with this transition state through the relationship of my brother and his best friend. They oten live for the nature and got away from the surrounding people to deal with their own small and secret businesses. I was striving to find and display these moments on my pictures, parallels in the continously changing and evolving nature. They exist the fragile, clean, unprotected and honest phenomena in their. They do not comperend the world like it could be certainly defined but like it could be uncertainly undefinable. This is an album about the intimate relationship of two child-grown, grown-child, a main secretbook which tells their ordinary and extraordinary world in pictures and I could be a little part of it. I dedicate this secretbook to V and M.” behance.net/schumannbia biankaschumann.wix.com

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