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Security Council Yale Model United Nations Korea May 17 - 19, 2013

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Table of Contents Establishing Peace in Syria 3 History 4

Previous Measures Taken by the U.N.

and International Organizations 7 Timeline 8

Recent Announcements from the

International Community 10 Questions to Consider 11 Suggestions for Further Reading


Glossary 13

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Establishing Peace in Syria

Bashar al-Assad has ruled Syria since 2000, after his father, Hafez al-Assad, had ruled for 30 years. Under the light of the events of the Arab Spring, Assad has been a target of complaints by his people concerning major human rights violations. A widely despised emergency law had been in place since the ruling Baath Party came to power in 1963, permitting the regime a free hand to arrest people without charge and forcing the state upon the people without any restrictions. Syrians have accused Assad of economic lapses and corruption; human rights groups such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have also accused him of torture, murder and imprisonment of his political opponents. The Syrians, inspired by the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, commenced peaceful protests demanding economic prosperity, political freedom and civil liberties; yet, similarly to the other Arab nations, Al-Assad has been accused of a violent crackdown on the protestors. The climax of the early conflict occurred in April 25, 2011 – four days after Al-Assad promised reforms and lifted the state of state-of-emergency

law – when the Ba’ath government sent troops into Daraa to carry out brutalities and extreme violence. The battle of Damascus in 2012 signified a major victory for the Free Syrian Army, but the Battle of Aleppo, beginning in 2012, is still ongoing in 2013 with casualties on both sides. Leaders around the world have been irate at the situation, and several of them have called for al-Assad to step down and have imposed economic sanctions on Syria. The dissidents have organized an opposition Syrian National Council to set up the new government for when, or if, Assad steps down. As of January of 2013, the United Nations has reported a death toll that exceeds 60,000 people. The situation in Syria has reached a critical point of nearly two years of an ongoing uprising, and it is now time for the international community to make decisions, evaluate the position of the government’s sovereignty, yet also taking into account the rights and liberties of the population. “I want the Syrian regime to take note of what happened in Libya,” said Syrian National Council member Security Council 3

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Louay Safi, “Those dictators who think that they are above people and above history, (think) they can maintain repression without being called to account. That time is over now. All nations have the right to live under the rule of law and to experience democracy and free speech and freedom.”

Topic History Although its roots dig deeper in time than any of the recent occurrences, the spark for the Arab Spring was ignited by Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire in protest of the Tunisian regime. Spiraling from that, a wave of protests hit the Arab world, demanding more just governments and, in most cases, ushering pleas for democracy. Syria, considered one of the most repressive countries in the Arab world, soon had its citizens join the protests in 2011, inspired by the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia. Bashar al-Assad has been Syria’s president since the year 2000, replacing his father, Hafez al-Assad, and giving continuity to the Ba’athist rule in Syria. Although he was initially hailed as a promise of reform to Syria, he soon revealed himself as a leader much like his father had been. Many previous clashes with Syria’s

government have occurred before the Arab Spring uprisings. To understand the complexity of the Syrian issue, one must observe the several different causes for the unrest. Debate has surged as to whether this is an economic conflict – a clash of classes – or whether the sectarian nature of Syria should be to blame. Economically, Syria had been under tension since before the protests began in March. Human rights abuses there have been committed repeatedly under the Baa’ath rule, and according to a 2010 Human Rights Watch report, Bashar al-Assad had not improved the human rights situations in the course of his 10 year-rule. A 2007 study by the Dubai School of Government’s Wolfensohn Center for Development, “Youth Exclusion in Syria: Social, Economic, and Institutional Dimensions,” found that although Syria’s overall unemployment rate was at about 25%, which is relatively common for the area, the youth jobless rate has been more than six times higher than the rate among older adults (only 4%); this constitutes, according the study, “the highest ratio (youth-adult imbalance) among the region’s countries outside the Gulf States.” Syria is a country of 21 million people a large Security Council 4

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Sunni majority (74%) and significant minorities (10% each) of Christians and Alawites - the Shia sect to which Mr. Assad belongs. Assad has concentrated power in the hands of his family and members of the Alawite community, who retain a disproportionate amount of power in the Syrian government, military and business elite. Claims of corruption and nepotism have been widespread among the excluded Sunni majority. This mirrors clearly when observing the areas of tension in the uprising – generally, protests have had greater repercussion in Sunni-dominated rural areas and towns and cities. For months, the protestors have been calling for freedom and democracy. Mr. Assad has made some concessions and promised further reform, but has not once mentioned the word “democracy” in his public statements. Activists say that as long as people continue to be killed in the streets, his promises count for very little. The protestors have now made it clear that they want the fall of Assad’s regime, yet the president has made it clear that he has no intention to step down. Meanwhile, some other pleas have been made – to end the 48-year-old emergency law, to cease the extrajudicial killings and torture, to have the

right for a free media, to transition to a democratic, free and pluralistic society, and to release political prisoners and detainees from the protests. So far, Assad has revoked the emergency law – although the crackdowns are still ongoing, given amnesty to some political prisoners, and has proposed for national dialogue to review new election law, allowing other political parties than the Baath Party, and pushing for constitutional reform. However, he has not ended the killings, and continuously sends troops into village – citing need for “security” – and holding hundreds in jail. The crackdowns have attracted world-wide attention, and the international platform has divided itself regarding the human rights violations in Syria. Some countries, notoriously Russia and China, claim that Syria has the right to its sovereignty and that other countries should not be meddling with the politics of an internal regime. Other countries, such as the United States, have been outspoken against the actions of Bashar al-Assad, pressuring the Security Council to issue sanctions on Syria. The Arab League became a major player when it decided to banish Syria from the Arab League while the crimes continue to be committed Security Council 5

MUN Korea inside of the country. Assad now faces heightened economic and political pressures, as Europe imposes a new round of financial sanctions and King Abdullah II of Jordan calls on the Mr. Assad to step down. However, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem says their country would take ‘tough measures’ against any country that recognizes the opposition Syrian National Council. The full-fledged protests began on March 25th, 2011, as rallies calling for freedom in the southern border town of Deraa. The crackdowns initiated when Syrian security forces opened fire on unarmed crowds, killing several people in the protests. The unrest in Deraa quickly spread to other towns and cities. President Bashar al-Assad sent in tanks and troops to restore order, blaming “armed gangs and terrorists” for the unrest. Towns like Deraa, Homs and Douma were attacked for days. Hundreds were killed when snipers and tanks fired on unarmed protesters.

As the unrest spread to the north of the country, troops attacked the town of Jisr al-Shughour, where the government said 120 security personnel were killed. Fearing a military onslaught, more than 10,000 people fled to Turkey, where they remain in refugee camps. Now, continuously, the Syrian army cracks down on protestors, and Syria has been a battleground ever since. The United Nations currently estimates the death toll at 5000 – a number that the Syrian government claims is too high, and that human rights group claim is too low. Avaaz, a human rights organization, estimates the number of deaths as well over 6000. A ccusations of human rights violations have been widespread, and the constant clash between government and civilians has created sweeping fear amongst Syrians. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay told the U.N. Security Council that Assad’s crackdowns against domestic protesters “constituted crimes against humanity,” and that Syria should be referred to the International Criminal Court. Pillay also revised the U.N. estimate for the death toll during the nine-month-old uprising, saying that more than 5,000 people had been

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killed, including 300 children. Another 14,000 people are believed to have been arrested, while 12,400 people had fled to other countries. Pillay urged the U.N. Security Council to take “urgent, effective measures” to protect Syrian civilians, warning that failure to act would only embolden Syrian authorities to continue the crackdown. The Security Council has yet to pass a resolution on the Syrian crisis, due to objections from Russia and China.

Previous Measures Taken by the U.N. and International Organiizations In October of 2011, Russia and China cast a rare double veto to block a U.S. and European-backed draft resolution condemning Syria for its brutal crackdown on protesters. This resolution would have been the first official international measure taken to stop the violence in Syria. The draft resolution had 9 votes in favor in the 15-member council, the bare minimum required for adoption of a resolution. Brazil, India, Lebanon, and South Africa expressed their unease with the Western press for sanctions by abstaining on the vote. The Russian and Chinese

actions marked the defeat of months of European-led diplomatic efforts to impose sanctions on Damascus for unleashing a violent response to the demonstrations. Syria’s U.N. ambassador, Bashar Al Jafaari, later thanked the “voices of the wise” on the council who confronted what he characterized as “the colonial and military aspirations of a bloc of Western powers that is doomed to failure.” Although some leaders predicted that NATO would interfere in Syria like it had in Libya, the tipping point for intervention actually came through the Arab League. On Dec.19th, 2011, a day when activists said more than 70 people were killed, Syria agreed to an Arab League initiative that would allow Arab observers into the country. By signing, the Syrian government attempted to show the international community that the months of bloody crackdowns were coming to an end with the monitored peace initiative. However, in January of 2012, an Arab League monitor, Anwar Malek, quit the observer mission, declaring it a “farce.” He claims that the human rights violations were blatant and revolting despite Arab League presence. He released a public statement declaring, “The regime is not just committing one war crime, but a series of crimes against its people.” Security Council 7

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Source: BBC News 2011 March “Day of Dignity” protest held in Damascus demanding release of political prisoners. Some 35 people are arrested. At a “Day of Rage” rally in the southern city of Deraa, security forces shoot a number of people dead, triggering days of violent unrest and more civilian deaths. The government announces some conciliatory measures and releases dozens of political prisoners in an attempt to damp down the unrest. President Assad dismisses government, accuses protesters of being Israeli agents. 2011 April State of emergency - in force since 1963 - is lifted. 2011 May Army tanks enter Deraa, Banyas, Homs and suburbs of Damascus in an effort to crush anti-regime protests. US tightens sanctions in response to bloody crackdown on protests. European Union follows suit days later. President Assad announces amnesty for political prisoners. 2011 June The government says that 120 members of the security forces have been killed by “armed gangs” in the northwestern town of Jisr al-Shughour. Troops besiege the town and more than 10,000 people flee to Turkey. President Assad pledges to start a “national dialogue” on reform. 2011 June The IAEA nuclear watchdog decides to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its alleged covert nuclear programme. The structure housing the alleged reactor was destroyed in an Israeli air raid in 2007.

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2011 July President Assad sacks the governor of the northern province of Hama after mass demonstration there, eventually sending in troops to restore order at the cost of scores of lives. Dozens of opposition activists meet in Istanbul to form a unified opposition. 2011 August US President Barack Obama and allies call on President Assad to step down. 2011 October Newly formed Syrian National Council says it has forged a common front of internal and exiled opposition activists. Russia and China veto UN resolution condemning Syria. 2011 November Arab League votes to suspend Syria, accusing it of failing to implement an Arab peace plan. Weeks later the League votes to impose sanctions. Army defectors target a military base near Damascus in the Free Syrian Army’s most high-profile attack since protests began. Government supporters attack foreign embassies. 2011 December Death toll in uprising exceeds 5,000, says UN. Syria agrees to an Arab League initiative allowing Arab observers into the country. Twin suicide bombs outside security buildings in Damascus kill 44. Opposition suspects government of attacks.Thousand of protesters gather in Homs to greet Arab League monitors. State TV says more than 700 detainees freed. 2012 January Suicide bomber kills 26 in Damascus. Government vows ‘’iron fist’’ response.

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Recent Announcements From the International Community John Kerry, US Secretary of State: “We need to address the question of President Assad’s calculation currently…I believe there are additional things that can be done to change his current perception….It may not be possible. I’m not going to stand here and tell you that’s automatic or easily achievable. There are a lot of forces that have been unleashed here over the course of the last months…But we owe it to ourselves, we owe it to the Syrian people and the region and the world to make every effort to explore ways to achieve that negotiated outcome, and we intend to do that.”

“This was a courageous offer by Mr. al-Khatib. I urge both the Syrian government and the Security Council to respond positively,” Ban said. “It is time for a clean break from Syria’s past, and for a decisive turn toward a future where Syrians are able to express their political views freely, without fear of arbitrary arrest or killing -- a Syria where the human rights of all are protected. The Security Council, currently divided over Syria, “must no longer stand on the sidelines, dead-locked, silently witnessing the slaughter,” said Ban. “It must be willing, at long last, to come together and establish the parameters for the democratic transition that could save Syria.”

Ban Ki-moon urged the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad to accept an offer by the head of the opposition coalition for peace talks. The offer by National Coalition leader Moaz al-Khatib to talk with “is an opportunity we should not miss -- a chance to switch from a devastating military logic to a promising political approach,” Ban said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations on Monday.

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Questions to Consider Keep in mind these questions: • Is Syria reaching the tipping point towards a civil war? • Should the Security Council intervene in the private matters of a State? (taking into account that China and Russia have previously, in October of 2011, vetoed a resolution claiming that any interference could be a violation of sovereignty) • How to halt the human rights violations? • Will sanctions be the only way to pressure the Syrian government to cease the crackdowns? • Where should the Syrian refugees go? • Should the Security Council encourage Assad to step down, and if so, what measures should be taken to ensure that peace and stability prevail as a new government leads Syria? • In the case of a civil war, should the UN intervene, and how?

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Suggestions for Further Research • Al Jazeera News o www.aljazeera.com/ • Al Jazeera Syria Live Blog o http://blogs.aljazeera.net/liveblog/Syria • BBC News o www.bbc.co.uk • Security Council News o http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/reference/timestopics/organizations/s/security_council/index.html?scp=1-spot&sq=UN%20Security%20Council&st=cse • Syrian uprising videos on YouTube (Use the search engine. There are multiple videos.) o www.youtube.com • Foreign Policy Magazine o www.foreignpolicy.com/ • Human Rights Watch o www.hrw.org • Global Policy Forum o www.globalpolicy.org/

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Glossary • Free Syrian Army - The FSA is a paramilitary that is composed of defected Syrian Armed Forces personnel, who have been active during the uprising. • Syria’s Ba’ath Party - Syria’s Ba’ath party is the successor of the original Ba’ath Party, now dissolved. The party’s ideology is Ba’athism, which means it supports Arab nationalism, Arab socialism, and Pan-Arabism. This party has been the led Syria’s government since 1970. • Syria’s Emergency Law - Granted the government authority to suspend constitutional rights. Bashar al-Assad lifted the emergency law as a concession to the opposition in 2011, after being in place since 1963. • Arab League - The Arab League is a regional organization of Arab states, currently comprised of 22 states (including Syria, whose participation was suspended in 2011). The league’s main goal is to “draw closer the relations between member States and co-ordinate collaboration between them, to safeguard their independence and sovereignty, and to consider in a general way the affairs and interests of the Arab countries.” • Syrian National Council - The SNC is a partially recognized government in exile of Syria based in Istanbul, Turkey started as a Syrian opposition coalition created during the 2011 Syrian uprising against the government of Bashar al-Assad. After the formation, the council itself asked for international recognition, but denied seeking to play the role of a government in exile, but this changed a few months later, when violence in Syria became increasingly intense. SNC runs the Free Syrian Army. • Alawites - The Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shiite Islam that comprises an estimated 6–12 percent of the Syrian population.

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